No 6323lAfULablJl2A13 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY LABOUR DEPARTMENT *** Puducherry, ORDER the l+'Lh'2o ' { $ub : Application seeking permission for Lay-Off under section 25-M of the Industriaf Disputes Act, 1947 read with Rule 75-B of the Industrial Disputes (Central Rules), 1957 in respect of M/s. Anglo French Textiles, Puducherry - Ordors lssued. - Ref : Letter No. Pdl2Al2O15, dated 9.03.2015 enclosing applications in Form O-3 filed by the management of M/s. Anglo French Textiles Ltd., Puducherry seeking permission to continue Lay-Off in A,B,C Units. WHEREAS, the management of M/s Anglo French Textiles Ltd., Puducherry has submitted an application in Form O-3 dated 9.3.2015 in the O/o the Secretary to Government (Labour), Fuducherry seeking pernrission for a period of 6 months from 23.4.2015 to Lay-Off in A,B,C units under section 25-M of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 read with Rule 75(B) of the industriai Disputes (Central) Rules,1957 ; WHEREAS, the views/replies of the management, trade unions, $enior Government Pleader, High Gourt of Judicature at Madras and the relevant documents/issues were examined earlier; WHEREAS, on perusal of the Lay-Off application dated 9.3-2015 and the suppoding documents, it is observed that the management has stated various reasons for seeking permission for ihe extension of Lay-off such as :- ii) Incurring continuous loss and poor financial status; (ii) The Bank accounts with the Consortium Banks are'classified as Non-Performing A.csets (l.lPA) due to non-settlement of LC dues, over drawls etc., which resulted the ,.v9vr9 l temporary denial of any Financial Assistance by the Banks like Temporary over draft (oD); (iii) No raw materials like Cofton, Yarn, Furnace Oil, Chemicals, Stores and Spares to resume the production activities; tivi EPF authorities freezed the accounts of AFT under 8 F of the non-payment of EPF dues to a tune of RS.6.50 crores; (v) Non-payment of wages/S alary to the employees for the past 12 months to the tune of Rs.31.94 Crores for want of funds; and Ware House Departments in "A Unit to a "C" Unit, sufficient funds are required; new building !n the "B" ol (vii For slrifting of Weaving Preparatory (vi) Till such tin'ie, no other atternative other than to declare tenrporary Lay-Off. ..2t- :2: ANDWHEREAS,tremanagementhasa|sostatedthattheyhavemadetria|runfrom the production 2s.2.2o1.3 and thereafter started discontinrJJlrr;om was which zg.11.zo1z off ; M; izauand subsequenilv decrared ravprocess from 1 de|egated vide Go.Ms.No.177lE0-Lab NoW, THEREF.RE byvirtueof the authority conferred bythe ,Dery{.nenito uln the of 1gg0 dated 1* sepfember, "x"t"is?:B',ip"t"rs 14 of 1947) the i.r, Disputes A"t, 1g47',tc6ntral'Act tt 25-M,,of section (1) of sub-section Anglo "lt"ourt sought by, the 'manag€ment of M/s' grant:,permission to decides hereby undersigned the Industrial as deined lnder section 2(s) of puducherry, Lay€fr:workmen to French Textles, i;e,i,c units for a period of 3 months from the (Centrar i iii;;J;;;kil;; Disputes Act, 1947 Gazette. ^110"11r4n date of publication in the official {R. MIHIR VARDHAN, I.A.S.) sednernnY To GovERNMENT (LABOURI ze . KrAt."{ To 1 rhe Director of stationery and Printins, )H*Htrfl:fflt;3[:1$TJiliJry* Puducherry. 2. The Managing Director' ills, nngto Fiench Textilos, Puducherry' enclosed)' 3. miini ii"de Unions.(As per the llst c,gpv.fgr 1. The commissioner of Labour, Puducherry- Puduch€rry' ?. The Defrty Labour Commissioner, 3. The Labour officer (conciliation), Puducherry. Puducherry' 4, The Joint chief Inspector of Factories, Puducherry. The web Master, Labour Department, . G.O, File,7 - SPare'
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