Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural

Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural
Interview with “Jane”
Mark Conn
Caspar McCloud
Has the entire
world gone crazy?
Seeing From A
Heavenly Perspective
Natalina Henson
Richard Shaw
Depression and the
Believer: Can a Christian
Suffer from Depression?
As Things
Become Clearer
Aaron Judkins
S. Douglas Woodward
Pyramid of the Eye
The Debate on
the Fate of America
Tony Kail
Fritz Zimmerman
The Giant’s Burial Pit
Controversy in Kansas
The Revolution
is being Televised
Jane (not her real name) was abducted when
she was a teenager.
This is her story.
It’s real, burgeoning and not going away.
– L.A. Marzulli, CEO, Spiral of Life
May, 2015
Mark Conn
Has the entire
world gone crazy?
ike many of you, I have been watching and reading about
what’s taking place in Baltimore, Maryland. And my heart is
We’ve seen and admired
a scared, brave momma
grabbing her son and taking
him away from the riots and
back to his home.
But what is the problem?
What is happening to the
world where it seems rioting
and violence have become
commonplace things, and
police are more often feared
than they are appreciated and respected?
Why have the scenes of burning buildings, police in riot gear,
demonstrators throwing rocks and flaming bottles at authorities,
and groups of people running out of vandalized stores with their
arms loaded with stolen merchandise become commonplace?
The problem isn’t race.
The problem isn’t abusive police.
The problem isn’t inept politicians.
The problem isn’t poverty.
The problem isn’t any attitude held by any person or group of
This isn’t a liberal problem or a conservative problem.
We’ve watched scenes of vandalism and destruction and senseless
violence that’s done in the name of a young man who died while
in the custody – rightly or wrongly – of the Baltimore Police.
We’ve seen the anger and frankly just raw frustration and
hopelessness that’s apparent in the way many of the peaceful
protestors look and act, and it’s even more evident when those
who are not peaceful are thrown into the mix.
This isn’t a political problem, a legal problem, or an economic
More jobs aren’t going to “fix” it.
Dialog over ethnic differences isn’t going to stop it.
May, 2015
Has the entire world gone crazy? (continued)
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to
destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly.
Disarming the police isn’t the answer.
All of these things are just symptoms of the real problem.
The problem is sin. We live in a broken world. This isn’t the way
that God designed our world to operate. From the moment that
Adam sinned and chose to disbelieve the goodness and promise
of His Creator, our world has been broken. God intended that
there would be no abuse or prejudices based on the color of our
skin or the money in our bank account.
But sin came into our world because of disobedience, and now
we have prejudice and anger and abuse and malice and theft and
helplessness and hopelessness and anguish and death.
Jesus said:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to
That thief is Satan, the enemy of all mankind. His desire is
destruction. He relishes our pain and instigates acts of violence
and hatred, inciting savagery and cruelty among those who have
been created in the very image of God Himself. And when we hate
one another and knock down what others have built up, when we
abuse each other and excuse both the act and the retaliation, we
fulfill the desire and hopes of the one who is scheming for our
So what’s the answer? How do we go forward?
He’s not a good answer.
He’s not one of several answers.
He’s not even the best answer.
He is the only answer.
He is the Healer of the brokenhearted.
He is the Voice of the victim and abused.
He is the Judge requiring fairness and equity.
He is the Champion of the oppressed.
The answer won’t be found in more laws or greater awareness or
more accountability or increased racial understanding.
The problem won’t be solved by economic investment or urban
renewal or a change in leadership.
The problem is sin.
Jesus is the cure.
Is there hope?
Just as Jesus revealed that the enemy of all humanity steals, kills,
and destroys, He also revealed the answer to our hurt and despair:
The answer is Jesus.
Mark Conn is teaching pastor for Mark Conn Ministries. His passion is unleashing
ancient truths about a future promise found in God’s Word. A pastor for thirty
years, Mark has a unique ability to communicate truth and challenge people to
apply those truths to their daily lives as we prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.
May, 2015
hide and seek, but I perceived that the seeker stopped playing
the game. It was at once a self-effacing and selfish game I was
playing. “Stop looking at me!” and then... “Please notice me!”
Natalina Henson
Depression and the Believer:
Can a Christian Suffer
from Depression?
his evening, I was having a discussion with a friend about
We were sharing stories about our own
experiences, and lamenting the loss of those who had succumb
to that same awful pain that we’d experienced.
A lot of Christians have a hard time talking about depression. It’s
never a pleasant conversation, but it is necessary.
I’ve discussed my issues with anxiety in various venues, but I
haven’t really mentioned depression. I don’t know why. Maybe
there is a small part of me that is afraid that mentioning it will
conjure past demons that I’d rather not revisit. Maybe I’m afraid
that it will come across as self pity.
Depression is something I’ve struggled with for most of my life. I
never really felt like I fit in anywhere. Often, I’d resorted to silliness
and cheerfulness as a means to mask the darkness. Certain events
in my own life served to perpetuate the notion that I was worthless
or worse, that I was dangerous. As a result, I endeavored to be as
harmless as possible. This generally manifested in an attempt to
be invisible. The problem with actively making oneself invisible
is that it works. People have a hard time seeing you. And then
they stop seeing you. It’s very lonely being invisible. But at least
you can’t hurt anyone by your very existence. So it was the best
solution I could come up with.
Over time, as I tried to hide from the world, I began to resent
the world for not being able to find me. I felt like a child playing
I took things a step further and combined my depression with
anxiety. It was an awful menagerie of misery and it sent me
down the road of New Age philosophy which promised that if I
would just meditate and “center” myself... I could achieve peace.
Better yet, I could attain a state of bliss. I chased that bliss
for years, moving from one lie to another. The principle of self
affirmation told me that I could simply tell myself I wasn’t sad and
the sadness would go away. The Law of Attraction told me that I
could manifest my own happy reality on a quantum level. Eastern
mysticism told me that I could be at peace if I would simply align
myself with the universe, open my third eye, align my chakras,
and assume the lotus position whilst chanting various mantras.
Guess what?
None of it worked.
The deeper into the darkness of depression I spiraled, the deeper
into the darkness of the occult I was driven. And the further
into the occult realms I wandered, the more I found people who
seemed to understand me. Granted, they were all depressed and/
or suicidal, but as they say.. misery loves company.
You see... this is right where the enemy wants us. When you are
in a state of despair and self loathing... he’s got you right in his
crosshairs. He comes to kill and destroy, and few things are more
destructive than a person without hope.
Thankfully, it was at my lowest point that I came into the light of
Christ, and He pulled me out of that pit of despair.
In Jesus I found life and light and hope. My life was forever
changed. But, if I’m being honest... depression and anxiety still
visit themselves upon me on occasion. The extent to which they
affect me is greatly diminished, but they still crop up.
May, 2015
Depression and the Believer: Can a Christian Suffer from Depression? (continued)
Thank the Lord that I have a Savior to turn to and a Comforter to
rely upon.
Prayer changes things and earnestly seeking the Lord’s comfort
in times of depression is always the best medicine.
Because I experienced this terrible affliction of depression
in my life, I have so much compassion for those who are still
stuck in that trap. What’s even more troubling is when I meet
Christian brothers and sisters who struggle with depression. I
find that they tend to be very reluctant to be open about it.
They fear that it could mean that they are not “good enough”.
They struggle with guilt and shame which just makes their
depression worse. And because they don’t want to talk about
it, they compound the depression with isolation... a diabolic
There are lots of reasons why people, even Christians, suffer
from depression. There are biochemical reasons, there are
situational reasons, and yes... I believe there are supernatural
reasons. Depression can be and often is the result of demonic
When we encounter a brother or sister who is suffering from
depression, it is important that we don’t immediately jump to
Sometimes we can easily and unintentionally become like Job’s
counselors... offering over-zealously our diagnoses of the problem
and suggesting a quick cure, when in reality, we aren’t always
qualified to make those calls. Sometimes, the best thing we can
do is just sit with our friend or loved one and hear them out,
letting them tell us to the best of their ability what is troubling
them and why they are sad.
The best weapon in our arsenal is always the Word. We must stay
grounded always in the Word. This will help to guard ourselves
from spiritual attack and will also prepare us for those times when
our friends and family may need encouragement.
But what is really on my heart tonight as I write this essay is that
we must remove the false notion that Christians, if they are true
believers, will never suffer depression or anxiety.
Again, we mustn’t be like Job’s counselors who were quick to
say “You are suffering because you’ve displeased the Lord!”
This is not only presumptuous, but it drives sufferers further
into isolation and out of fellowship for fear of being judged as
somehow unworthy of God’s comfort and love.
Many well known Christians throughout history have revealed
their battles with depression.
C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon.... not to mention
Biblical figures like Elijah who was depressed and contemplated
suicide... all were known sufferers.
The good news is that whatever is the source of the depression,
as believers we are all in the care of the Great Physician.
It may be that one will suffer for a time until they are able to
overcome the source. For some people, melancholy is a long
battle to be waged, but if we turn to the Lord in these struggles
May, 2015
Depression and the Believer: Can a Christian Suffer from Depression? (continued)
He is faithful to apply salve to all of our wounds. He will work on
us and through us until we reach restoration. He is our hope.
If you or someone you know is a believer dealing with depression,
please be comforted in knowing that it is not a reflection of God’s
care for you. It does not mean you are being punished for not
being a “good enough” Christian. Your works cannot gain you
the grace and mercy that is freely given to all those who call
upon Him. Spend time in the Word and in prayer asking for the
Lord to guide you and deliver you. Ask Him to give you that
“peace that passes all understanding” and He will be faithful to
bring you to that place in His perfect time. And do not isolate
from fellowship. Try to be open about what you are feeling and
experiencing and let your brothers and sisters offer you comfort
and solidarity.
It is my prayer that by being open and honest about my struggles,
others might be encouraged to open up about the trials they are
facing. With the Lord you are never alone, and if you can stop
being afraid to tell people about your depression, our loving Lord
will bring people into your life who will join you in prayer and
God of All Comfort
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we ourselves are comforted by God.” - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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May, 2015
Eye on the One US Dollar! Not any of these artifacts do not fit
any known and existing South American pre-Columbian culture.
Aaron Judkins
Pyramid of the Eye
If you put this pyramid under black light, the eye is shining very
strongly and it looks really like an eye, but not really like a human
eye and takes on an interesting hue.
Here you have a close-up of the eye and you can see the colors
of the inlay.
recently interviewed Klaus Dona on my radio show EPIC Voyages
Radio on the Inception Radio Network. I’ve known about Klaus’s
work now for about 15 yrs now. We have similar interests in the
field of forbidden archaeology.
After a long 2 years, I was finally able to make contact with Klaus &
get him on my show. We discussed his work and a very intriguing
find in Ecuador.
One very interesting artifact found is the so-called Pyramid of the
Eye. This artifact along with 350 others were found in 1984 while
digging for gold in Ecuador in an underground tunnel system.
The eye is an inlay. The stone is grey and white and you have
thirteen steps. It looks exactly like the Pyramid with the Shining
On the bottom of this pyramid, you have the inlay in little gold
plates showing the Orion star constellation, and you have unknown
writing. You can see a star map of Orion’s Belt along with writing
that is older than any known writing on this planet.
The translation of Professor Kurt Schildmann, who was the
President of the German Linguistic Association and he was
perfect in more than forty languages… he was able to translate
this writing. He called it pre-Sanskrit because it is older than the
oldest writing and that it has similarity to the Indus writing and
also to the Easter Island writing.
May, 2015
Pyramid of the Eye (continued)
Malta in the Mediterranean; Turkmenistan,
Australia, and in Southern Calabria, and
Italy just a few years ago. There are stones
and ceramics – terracotta – with the same
Klaus believes this writing existed once
worldwide, and that means there must
have been a global civilization older than
Sanskrit- older than 6,000 years.
We are seeing a continuing theme
involving Orion’s Belt. The pyramids on the
Giza Plateau also reflect the exact same
alignment as the “3 Kings” of Orion’s Belt.
What is the significance of the Orion’s Belt
To understand this mystery is to understand
that God has placed constellations in the
heavens that reveal his plan & purpose- the
Gospel in the Stars.
The translation of these four letters you can see here, his translation
is: “The son of the creator comes.”
To briefly recap: There are twelve major
constellations along with their decans
(side constellations) in the form of a ThreeAct play.
Act One is presented through the first four constellations — Virgo,
Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. It begins in Bethlehem with the
According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has birth of the “Seed” of the woman, and establishes His conflict
been found all over the world, proving that there was a pre- with and victory over Scorpio — the “seed” of the serpent.
existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit
Act Two is presented through four constellations — Capricorn,
Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. They represent the Church Age and
Klaus informed me that similar writing has been found on stones New Testament Christianity, whose astronomical symbol is a fish.
in certain countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Illinois, Glozel, France;
May, 2015
Pyramid of the Eye (continued)
Act Three is the last four constellations, along with their decans,
representing the concluding act in the great drama of the ages —
The Tribulation Period followed by the Second Coming of Christ.
It is presented through the constellations Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
and Leo. For the purposes of this writing, we will skip all except
Taurus- for that is where the minor constellation of Orion comes
into play.
The sign of Taurus opens Act Three, and is the sign of coming
judgment. Taurus is pictured as a raging bull, coming furiously.
Taurus means “governer, captain, or leader.”
In the shoulder of Taurus is a group of stars known as the Pleiades,
meaning “congregation of the judge.”
Only the front half of the bull is depicted in the constellation.
Where the back end of the bull would normally be drawn stands
the constellation Aries, the Lamb — as if the bull is coming out of
It is a magnificent picture of Christ who came the first time as the
Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world, but will return one
day bringing judgment upon the wicked showing us the coming
of the Judge of all the earth.
Orion is the second of three deans of Taurus, which is said to be
the most spectacular in the night sky and helps to tell the story
of Taurus.
We will skip Auriga and Eridanus, Taurus’s other two decans.
skin of a lion that he has killed. Orion is mentioned twice in the
book of Job and once in the prophecy of Amos.
The brightest star in the constellation is Betelgeuse, meaning “the
coming of the branch.”
Another star in his foot is Rigel, meaning “the foot that crushes.” In
the shoulder of the constellation is a star called Bellatrix, meaning
“quickly coming.”
In his leg is a star called Saiph meaning, “bruised.” Again, as in
every other case, we are reminded of Christ crushing the head
of the seed of the serpent. Orion is obviously a picture of Christ
coming in power and great glory.
In short, the constellations were named by our great Creator to
tell the story of redemption for fallen humanity. The message was
given to Seth, the son of Adam.
For 2,500 years, before the writing of Genesis, those early
civilizations were able to study the message of God’s love and
redemption. That is the message of those mysterious signs in the
So does “the son of the creator comes” refer to Jesus Christ &
His return? According to the study we just learned about the
importance of Orion’s constellation, I think the answer is clear.
Jesus is the son of The Creator. He is also the Creator as part of
the Trinity. And He is “coming forth as light” in Orion & as “the
Judge” of Taurus.
Are you ready?
Orion means “coming forth as light.” Orion is pictured as a mighty
hunter with a club in his right hand. In his left hand, he holds the
May, 2015
Tony Kail
The Revolution
is being Televised
Whatever your perspective is on the shootings and the protests, it
should be recognized that these situations are being exploited as
open doors for domestic and international terrorist groups, street
gangs and violent racial extremists. Before the initial protests in
Ferguson Missouri, a number of groups and individuals identifying
themselves with racial extremists had begun rallying. Many of
their social media postings began rather benign but quickly
accelerated into violent rhetoric. Postings began speaking about
stocking up on weapons and tactics to combat law enforcement
An organization that I serve with that provides resources and
training for public safety agencies was involved in providing
information to various agencies on specific domestic terrorist
groups that we had received intel about. Not long after this
project, our web security team alerted us that our site was being
attacked. Analysts had discovered denial of service attacks from
Missouri to India. As we would soon find out, we had stepped on
some toes.
he recent events surrounding police related incidents in
Ferguson Mo. And Baltimore Maryland have brought an
eruption of social unrest and violence. Many protesters in these
cities have taken to the streets to speak out against what is
perceived as a corrupt and racist institution. While there are a
great majority of protesters who are law-abiding citizens that
hold signs, lead chants and boycott specific businesses or
agencies, there is a deadly rising fog that is blanketing these
Many of the groups that had come up on the radar of law
enforcement were hard at work. Members of the New Black
Panthers had a vested interest in the protests and used it to
gain new members and spread anti-police and anti-white and
May, 2015
The Revolution is being Televised (continued)
Jewish hate. Two members of the New Black Panther Party of St.
Louis attempted to buy bomb making materials and bombs in
an attempt to blow up the St. Louis Arch and to murder two law
enforcement officials.
The subsequent protests were used as a means of gaining
sympathy for pro-Palestinian organizations as well. Members of
these groups would post images of Ferguson protesters alongside
images of Palestinian protesters in an attempt to show empathy
from various anti-Jewish organizations. Communications from
members of the Islamic State shared their support for the
protesters while ‘fishing’ for new recruits during this pivotal time
in American history.
It seems that the same players have come out again. The tragedy
surrounding the case in Baltimore Maryland is yet another event
being prostituted by racial extremists and domestic terrorists.
Some of the groups include:
Black Guerilla Family: Members of this violent prison gang are
involved in drug trafficking, extortion and assaults. During the
initial protests in Baltimore, law enforcement agencies received
intelligence regarding threats toward police officers. Known as the
‘BGF’, members of the organization have been documented as
targeting law enforcement officers. In January of 2015 a member
of the BGF entered a Baltimore Police Department with a loaded
pistol in order to ‘test security’. The group has ties to the violent
Los Angeles based Crips street gang.
New Black Panthers: March 16, 2015 In Austin, Texas 40 New
Black Panther Party members protested the deaths of Michael
Brown and Eric Garner. The protest coincided with the SXSW
(South by Southwest) music and film festival. The New Black
Panther members were carrying Kalashnikov rifles and AR-15’s
during the demonstration and chanting anti-police slogans
including, “A pig is a pig that’s what I said, the only good pig is
a pig that’s dead” and “Oink! Oink! Bang! Bang!” while heading
towards the Texas Capitol. Another open carry gun march to
protest against police shootings was held in Dallas in Aug. 2014.
Anarchists: Members of anarchist protest cells known as Black
Bloc are very active. The group utilizes an anarchist protest tactic
where individuals wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski
masks, gas masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other
face-concealing and face protecting items to conceal their
identities, make it difficult to distinguish between participants
and protect their faces and eyes from pepper-spray. The tactic
allows the group to move as a unified mass. Black Bloc anarchists
have been active in Occupy Movement protests in Oakland and
other cities and have been referred to as the militant arm of the
Occupy Movement. They actively seek physical confrontations
with police and destroy property.
I fear that the next event that occurs will bring about major escalation
in violence. Groups that have a major axe to grind are becoming
bolder and with the growing anti-police and anti-law sentiment
May, 2015
The Revolution is being Televised (continued)
that is not only
being resonated
and presidential
politicians, the
rising tide may
overflow into our
city streets.
This is a time
for Christians to
remain vigilant
in prayer and
wisdom, discernment and courage. May Jesus come soon!
Thursday night on FRINGE!
6:00 pm (PST)
Bomb charges added against two men who allegedly wanted to blow up
the Gateway Arch:
Black Guerrilla Family gang sends armed man to ‘test security’ at Baltimore
police station:
Email L.A. with your questions for the show: [email protected]
You can call the show Toll Free (1-888-682-7688) international
callers (+1 (702) 508-4900)
Click Here to Listen Live Thursdays at 6:00 pm (PST)
You can also listen live by phone dial (832)280-0898
May, 2015
Caspar McCloud
Seeing From A
Heavenly Perspective
he Lord is still moving mightily in this fallen world, for
everyday there are amazing testimonies of healing
miracles and wonderful signs and wonders happening.
Let us prepare ourselves in the Lord for the great end time
harvest as well as the end time shaking’s. Seems too many
people I met are either focused on all the negative shaking’s
going on with ghoulish and barbaric terror reports intended
to purposely spread virally and invoke great fear worldwide.
Or they are way over on the other side of the road focused
only on the good things and believing for a great end time
harvest ignoring what is unfolding before this fallen world.
I believe we need to maintain a balance here to see things from a
Heavenly perspective and understand God’s plans and purposes.
That none of us would try and hide out and wait for the Rapture
but instead fulfill the great commission and help win some souls
for Christ.
We the church must also take a firm Scriptural stand and not
simply observe our society unraveling at the seams any longer.
For surely there are many more of us who still desire to uphold
Judeo-Christian values, than those who desire to destroy all sense
of moral decency. Historically the fall of Rome comes to mind as an
example of what happens when people adhere to such liberalized
toxic philosophies such as we find in modern times happened
with men like Aleister Crowley, who promulgated such ideas
based on false religious laws of the Thelema organisations such
as, “Do What Thou Wilt”. Keeping in mind that Aleister Crowley
has been called the “most evil man who ever lived”?
Evidence points that he was used by invisible sinister forces to
help set up the Globalist elite and help establish the New Word
Order’s blueprints for the numerous secret societies. By the way
Crowley gained as many demonic Masonic degrees as possible
along with men like Albert Pike. It has been said that Crowley was
to the AntiChrist what John the Baptist was to Lord Jesus Christ
of Nazareth.
Clearly the Holy Scriptures tell us judgment is indeed coming,
but let us also consider that the core message in the book of
Revelation is about restoration with a new heaven and new earth.
(Revelation 21:1) Without studying carefully to show yourself
approved of the Lord and looking at what is unfolding today
prophetically on the world stage, indeed it could appear quite
frightening. In fact we are forewarned in Luke 21:26,”Men’s hearts
failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
For daily our senses are being bombarded with what can only be
termed controlled negative and toxic news broadcast. Demons
have an assignment and are doing all they can to try an lure you
into entertaining the spirit of fear. An unclean spirit of fear that
God did not give you is opposite faith, so the demons can give
you a fearful vain imagination that tries to exalt itself against
the knowledge of God and cause a breakdown in your immune
system. This is one way demons can stand back and watch you self
destruct with a variety of sickness and diseases. For it is written 2 Corinthians 10:5,” Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of
This takes some effort to overcome every toxic thought and
replace them with faith filled words. This of course is where the
first battles are fought, as everything must start with a thought
first. Recent medical research shows that DNA actually changes
shape according to our thought life, how amazing is that to see
now according to 2 Corinthians 10:5 As people entertain negative
May, 2015
Seeing From A Heavenly Perspective (continued)
thoughts giving in to fear of tomorrow which hasn’t even happened
yet, (as the spirit of fear always projects into the future) that
negative toxic thinking actually changes the wiring in your brain
which compromises your immune system. That is what the spirit
of fear is trying to do, kill, steal, and destroy you. Knowing that 80
to 95% of all sickness and diseases start in your thought life. Fight
back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail and stay in faith
for whether we live or die we are the Lords. (Romans 14:8)
We also read of this marvelous promise of an incredible inheritance
for all true believer in Christ in Romans 8:17,” And if children,
then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that
we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.”
I am reminded of the account of Elisha and his helper who were
surrounded by the Syrian army who meant to do great harm and
kill them as the terrorist of today desire to do to anyone who
will not submit to their evil diabolical ways. Elisha prays for the
Lord to open the eyes of his companion so he was able to see
into the spiritual realm and understand the Lord had His angelic
army assembled there to defeat the enemy, and so there was no
need to entertain the spirit of fear. We read in 2 Kings 6: 15,” And
when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone
forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and
chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how
shall we do? 16 And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with
us are more than they that be with them. 17 And Elisha prayed,
and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.
And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw:
and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire
round about Elisha.”
This is so true for us today we need to see what the Lord is doing
and trust in the Lord for all things. It is rather easy to see what
the enemy is doing in many areas of the world today such as
in corrupted government leaders and financial schemes and
control issues with it’s plans against the church and all that is
good. Manipulating things to call good evil, and evil good with it’s
avoidance of truth by using political correctness techniques.
We however need to understands and see things from God’s
perspective as this is the key to freedom. 1 Corinthians 2:16,” For
who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him?
But we have the mind of Christ.”
Sometime after the supernatural healing of leprosy for Captain
Naaman of the Syrian army who was healed by the Lord’s
instructions through Elisha by having Naaman wash in the Jordan
river 7 times. The King of Syria must have had the devil directing
him because he still went and made war against Israel after
knowing of this magnificent healing miracle.
The King of Syria sent spies out to find out where Elisha was,
because the King of Syria was greatly troubled that somehow
all his plans were made known of how and where he wanted to
attack Israel. He thought at first there must be a double agent in
his mist of councilors and war advisers, and someone was even
hearing what he said in his bedchambers, I dare say. It was soon
discovered that all his plans were instead revealed supernaturally
to the prophet Elisha. So the King wanted Elisha stopped at all
cost. When he learned Elisha was 14 miles north of Samaria he
sent his army in at night to surround them. Sort of the way ISIS
-ISIL might do today.
In the morning Elisha’s companion sees the Syrian army has
surrounded and come to kill them and he was probably panicking
at this moment, until Elisha helps him understand there are
many more for us then against us. This is a tremendous insight
for us to see into the invisible spiritual realm not with natural
eyes but with divine adjustments as a work of the Holy Spirit.
In Zechariah 1 and 6 we have the recorded accounts of spiritual
riders and various coloured horses sent to learn about the
conditions on earth and report to the Lord and take action as
necessary. In Revelation 19:11, - 14, - 21 we learn of the armies in
May, 2015
Seeing From A Heavenly Perspective (continued)
Heaven riding on horses coming to earth. These spirit being are
as real as you and I, created thinking beings able to do all sorts of
things, only they are made of a different bodily substance.
Luke 9:23,” And he said to them all, If any man will come after
me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow
Elisha then prays in the power of the Holy Ghost that the Syrian
army be made blind and it was so. Elisha then leads that whole
Syrian army safely into the hands of the King of Israel. Perhaps like
some mythical Indiana Jones film type hero capturing an entire
army. After they were all taken into custody Elisha prayed again
so the eyes of the Syrian army were opened and they could all see
the two men they wanted most, Elisha and the King of Israel who
had revealed their secrets plans of war.
How did Jesus respond when he heard the terrible news of his
cousin John the Baptist gruesome beheading? John the Baptist
who proclaimed Jesus as the Lamb of God, who vigorously
preached to prepare this world for Jesus ministry. John taken
prisoner and then butchered in the prime of his earthly life, just
as so many thousands have recently fallen by the sword of Islam.
The King of Israel wanted to have them all put to death. But Elisha
persuades the King of Israel to feed them instead and let them
go back to Syria. This was to prove the King of Syria was the one
who instigated the war and was the one doing evil in the grand
scheme of things. The acts of kindness here caused the Syrians to
actually be ashamed of themselves and their plans of war against
Today we hear of testimonies of some individuals who were
programmed to be terrorists who were wounded in battles and
experienced the same sort of acts of kindness by Israelis and
Christians who then end up converting and leaving their evil ways
behind, as love still conquers all.
1 Peter 4:8,” And above all things have fervent charity among
yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.”
The enemy of our souls wants you to entertain the spirit of fear
which breaks down your immune system so you eventually self
destruct. The Lord however tells us over and over again do not
fear. Our example is to be lead of the Holy Spirit in all things. It is
not always easy but we must learn and practice to obey the Lord
to be blessed.
We read in places like Matthew 14:13,” When Jesus heard of it,
he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when
the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of
the cities. 14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude,
and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed
their sick.” (See also Mark 6 and Luke 9)
Sounds like Jesus went to grieve alone and also with his disciples,
then he responds by going out and doing good, performing
miracles by healing the sick and casting out demons. What has
he called us to John 14:12,” Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13
And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the
Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in
my name, I will do it. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another
Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 even the
Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth
him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth
with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless:
I will come to you. ”
Will evil triumphant? Has it ever before through history? Will there
be an economical collapse of nations? Are we reliant on worldly
governments or on the Word of God? Whose reports shall we believe?
May, 2015
Seeing From A Heavenly Perspective (continued)
Kingdoms come and kingdoms fall and still His mercy remains. Yes
there are wars and rumours of wars, famines and earthquakes in
various places, threats of demonic terrorist organisations invading
our lands, threats of an nuclear EMP weapons exploding and
sending us back into a world without easy access to electricity. So
there be no phones, no lights, no motor cars not a single luxury,
like Robinson Crusoe, it might seem as primitive as could be.
This along with threats of lying signs and wonders with the great
end time deceptions of UFO’s and demons masquerading as
extraterrestrials calming to be travelling millions of lights years
to earth simple to tell us Jesus Christ of Nazareth was wrong. Au
contraire mon ami.
I pray the Lord’s supernatural peace, healing, provision and
protection cover all those in agreement here always with oceans
of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Messiah Yeshua.
This is a all part of the New World Order agendas, wanting a one
world government and one world religion. Along with Nephilim
Stargates, and the Hadron Collider where scientist are trying to
open a portal into another dimension whilst unleashing unknown
amounts of paranormal activities.
Tune in for Spiritual Encounters 8pm EST Thursday Fringe Radio
Will America be saved or will she be fulfilling the role of the
modern day Babylon? There is always a choice my friends and it
starts with each individual.
Luke 21:28 “And when these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption
draweth nigh.”
Pastor Caspar
– Pastor, Author, Musician, Artist, Researcher, Lecturer,
2 Corinthians 5:10,”For we must all appear before the judgment
seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his
body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or
bad.” So be good for Heaven’s sake. This is a multidimensional
battle, we must all face now as in the days of Noah. Let us keep
calm therefore and carry on and help win some souls to Christ,
with signs and wonders following.
The Lord tells us in Luke 21:15, “For I will give you a mouth and
wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay
nor resist.’ I say hallelujah! Because “All”, things are possible with
May, 2015
Richard Shaw
As Things
Become Clearer
The “heart” of the film and the raw power that existed in the real
event was squandered by taking creative license with a story
that is already beyond anything mankind has ever experienced.
And, it was all for a few hundred thousand Jews that had been in
captivity for about 400 years — the mystery of which continues
to unfold today.
Don’t even begin to think that it’s over.
onight Mary and I watched another rather bizarre Ridley Scott I do believe we are about to see a few incredible things transpire
film, Exodus, Gods and Kings. My emotions are mixed on this that will shock the world, and it may even happen this year. God
film, because while many of the basic elements were in the story, isn’t finished yet with the Jews.
the real heart and soul of the Exodus was ripped right out from
under it. The image of God was reduced to a boy, arguing with As L.A. mentioned in one of his recent blogs, I had sent him a
Moses after Moses sees the burning bush after being hit by a rock link to a story about how human DNA is currently trying to be
improved by executing tests on how to switch-off the undesirable
and piled under a large black mud flow. Like, huh?
genes that shorten life or bring on diseases. He had already seen
Moses got caught in the end under a wall of water from the Red the article. But such breakthroughs in tests on simple earthworms
Sea, emerging from that experience beat up and bleeding, and have resulted in doubling their lifespan by switching off only one
there was no Cecil B. DeMille depiction of a wall of water on both offending gene.
sides as the children of Israel walked on dry land.
It would seem a simple thing to do the same for humans, and
The movie’s portrayal in so many areas was brilliant, but then fell one Australian magazine postulated that some people reading
flat on its face by ignoring key supernatural elements that included that article might be the first to live to be 1,000 years old with
Moses’ interaction with the Pharaoh, his staff, the arguments a only a few more years of research ahead. The science is rapidly
step at a time trying to convince the Pharaoh to let the people advancing now.
go. Even his receiving the ten commandments fell flat and did not
follow Jewish mystical texts that describe the tablets as being Genetic manipulation is now commonplace, but we have no
more like three-dimensional sapphire plates. Plagues just seemed paradigm of knowing what our experimentation will do to plants
to happen by themselves without much acknowledgment that and animals on a long-term basis. In that regard, all our GMO
there was a plan behind them. I get it that you have to keep the foods are using us as test subjects whether we like it or not. It
story moving, but when you leave out key elements, then the would seem that Yeshua needs to come soon, or the people he
came to save will no longer exist in the coming years — their DNA
viewer feels cheated.
will be altered, making them different from the ones that God
In short, the effects were fabulous, the scenic reconstructions designed with a long-range plan in mind.
of ancient Egypt breathtaking, and the storm sky scenes were
magnificent. But the real supernatural stuff was watered down, This gets back to the idea of alien implants and past discussions
re-written perhaps to please the studio brass’ lack of imagination, that L.A. and I have had about how these “devices” might be able
and because of that the film floundered and felt cold in my opinion. to change human DNA. The late Dr. Roger Leir believed it might
May, 2015
As Things Become Clearer (continued)
be so, but we had no physical proof that was happening. So far, I
know of no actual proof that has happened to anyone having had
an implant. Perhaps, changing DNA crosses a line somewhere,
but it may be a lot easier to change DNA than anyone might have
ever imagined.
The problem is that we don’t know the long-term affect of making
the slightest change. We could be making monsters out of people
that might not emerge until 20 or 30 years later — long after the
initial event took place.
also know that implants can be singular or multiple — an implant
in one’s leg is one thing, but implants in the middle of someone’s
brain or behind each ear is also not totally unheard of. Those
implants cannot be removed without causing damage. If you
don’t believe this is happening, metallic objects show up clearly
in X Rays.
We have seen that “real” implants often seem to be emitting a radio
signal, high enough to venture into the microwave band. We’ve
measured implants that tend to give off a magnetic signature. In
the case of our subject “Bill,” his implant which was only 6mm
The idea that an alien implant might be able to increase the in length was generating about 7 milli-gauss. At the same time,
lifespan of its human host seemed mere speculation — and it was Roger put the gauss meter on my camera running off a lithium
my opinion that L.A.’s comments from the book of Revelation was battery and it read 10 milli gauss — only 3 milli gauss more than
referring to a time where men will seek death and not find it — this battery-less device in Bill’s leg.
due to such a DNA “upgrade” of sorts. True, it was speculation,
and something we have to be careful of. We don’t want to present We also know that implants have a coating, a sometimes slick
it as fact… yet.
grayish substance that can either be difficult to cut with a scalpel,
or at other times it can appear almost like milky plastic, although
What do we really know about so-called alien implants anyway? it is not anything like plastic. It is some form of biological material.
We actually know quite a lot, but we still can’t reproduce one. In the case of “Bill,” our implant victim in WATCHERS 7 and 8,
Their physical characteristics are that they are typically metallic, the coating that came off his implant once it was removed was
a mixture of nickel and iron with other trace elements. They are later tested at a pathology lab. Roger told me that the results of
inserted under the skin without leaving any evidence of entry. This those tests of the coating showed “no evidence of infection or
combination of metals is at a percentage unlike anything found inflammation,” something that we are not able to do when we try
on earth and most common in meteoric particles. According to to implant an object under the skin of a human subject. Eventually,
Dr. Leir, they also sometimes found carbon nanotubes in some of the body tries to reject it — pushing it out, or creating redness,
the implants, although it is very difficult to detect them since an soreness and irritation.
electron microscope has to be in very high power, from 20,00040,000 times, to see anything like that. The difficulty at high Beyond these scientific facts that have been lab-tested over and
power levels is that you’re searching for a postage stamp in a over again, is the fact that these implants seem to be operative
football field, and once you find it, you still don’t know exactly and able to be externally controlled by outside sources — sources
that either are injecting complex signals into the hosts’ nervous
what it’s supposed to look like — let alone how it works.
system, or reading signals from them and transmitting them. We
We do know that these “devices” seem to act like miniature don’t know if this phenomena is bidirectional, but the location of
computers, can be controlled externally, and their results can the implant may dictate what is happening there.
sometimes be felt by whomever happens to be implanted. We
May, 2015
As Things Become Clearer (continued)
Implants located in the brain may be transmitting experiences that
the host encounters back to its “source,” of whatever entities are
monitoring it. While they are in the host’s body, they seem to be
active. Once they’re removed, they eventually stop functioning.
The idea has been postulated that such implants may allow “them”
to experience our lives, know who their host is talking to, and
possibly also injecting suggestions into his nervous system via
connection with nerve endings. We have seen fragments of human
nerve tissue hanging off these implants many times under the
electron microscope after they were removed. Using EDX analysis,
a factor of SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) examination, the
tissue proved to be 99% carbon — meaning it was human in origin.
Not the implant, but the tissues connecting it to the host, or as
Roger used to say, “the wire that is plugging it in.”
With this new information that scientists are working on extending
life, then L.A.’s comments from Revelation to me made more
sense. We were on a shoot together recently for WATCHERS 9,
and I told him that I now think that he was correct, that some sort
of implant would indeed extend someone’s life, making it difficult
for them to die, or at least more resistant to death and disease.
However, in my opinion I don’t think it will be an alien implant that
will do it.
The powers that be may have enough information to mimic what
an alien implant can do, but we don’t have enough information
to completely make one that complicated to the point where
we are using carbon nanotube computer systems on billions of
people that can monitor and upload information. I could imagine
that it wouldn’t take a huge technological leap to make implants
that could receive a signal from a computer to monitor or kill
a person who simply was deemed a dissenter. That part seems
The device could emit a type of poisonous chemical compound
that could kill an individual by remote control.
We do know that 2,000 year old scriptures tell us that the people
who took the mark ended up with grievous sores,
“So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth,
and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who
bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.” Rev.
Perhaps this means that the corp manufacturing these devices
didn’t have the tech to create the grayish coating we’ve seen and
tested on real alien implants, and so there was an adverse reaction
to them once left in the body for a period of time.
It does seem that the closer we get to the coming days that more
and more scientific and empirical evidence exists to support these
ancient texts. That they are more than iconic fables, or fanciful
hallucinatory visions from a crazy prophet locked up in a damp
In fact, if we try and test these writings using today’s technical
understanding, things are beginning to become clearer. By the
same measure, the resulting 1,000 years of peace prophesied to
occur after the apocalypse is a time when “men will live to be as
old as trees.” Perhaps then, DNA will be changed in a way that is
beneficial, now that the cat’s way out of the bag.
But for me, in this current world there is nothing that would cause
me to want to live 1,000 years. I’d rather be on the other side and
asking a lot more questions.
Weirdly, NDE experiencer Dannion Brinkley, once said he was
shown about “the mark” in one of his near death experiences.
May, 2015
S. Douglas Woodward
The Debate on
the Fate of America
The traditional end times scenario is overdue for re-examination
ecently, the revered author and friend Terry James, a long
time contributor to the subject of Bible prophecy, shared an
article on the website with which he is closely associated, Rapture
Ready (www.raptureready.com). Terry’s article assuredly stirred
the pot, so to speak (Terry confirmed to me personally that
it had caused more reaction than just about anything he had
previously written). After reading his excellent article, I shared
it with a number of writer/researcher colleagues adding my own
introduction to his remarks and making the point that if Terry
James is asking this vital question, then the book that my coauthors Douglas Krieger, Dean McGriff wrote, The Final Babylon,
deserves even more consideration than it is already getting
(which is considerable). My email to my colleagues received
both kudos and criticism.
But what was the vital question that Terry James raised? Terry
asserts it is time to rethink the traditional scenario (typically
associated with Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, and the late Grant
Jeffrey) regarding America NOT being mentioned in Bible
Prophecy. I couldn’t agree more.
Before I share my response to one particular criticism of a most
highly regarded colleague who has written some of the best
selling books on eschatology, allow me to highlight some of
Terry’s analysis. It is right on point and since it brought the issue
to light, sharing a good piece of Terry’s argument is necessary
and proper.
Terry begins by pointing out that all the players in the conventional
end-times scenario are standing at the starting line as if they tensely
await the gun that begins the race. And yet, the most diabolical
player seems to not to be in his starting block. Russia and her
partners are primed (comprising the so-called Gog and Magog
alliance of Ezekiel 38-39). The leader of the Kings of the East,
China, stands ready to engage as it has become an undisputed
financial, political, and military world power which occasionally
startles us when it rattles its sabre. Israel and the nations that
immediately surround it are literally in perpetual conflict, while
preparations seem complete for what likely will be an attack by
Israel on Iran, as Israel fears that Iran stands just moments away
from having a nuclear bomb. But where is Babylon? Where is
Rome? The nation or alliance of the power base of the Antichrist
seems to be missing in action. Could this be so? Or are we blind
to who the real culprit is?
Citing Terry’s words directly, please read carefully Terry’s
It could be, of course, that the fulfillment of the final
prophecies involving this region [the Middle East] is far off
yet. However, the Lord, I’m convinced, is telling those who
are paying attention that all of these things are on the very
cusp of fulfillment, not somewhere in the distant future.
There must be a land (nation) and a city of unprecedented
power, influence, and opulence on the scene by the end
of that prophesied seven years to wrap up history prior to
Christ’s Second Advent.
I’ve read Mark Hitchcock’s book on the topic, as well as a
number of other books on the subject of the city known as
Babylon the Great. Most have it that the city will be quickly
built with modern building methodologies and equipment.
This, to me, is becoming less likely every day.
Yet that nation and city must be there before Christ’s return,
as given in Revelation chapter 18 and other places. There is
May, 2015
The Debate on the Fate of America (continued)
nothing “spiritual” about the prophecy. The land and the
city will be “literally” destroyed in an hour, the prophecy
says. To me it is doubtful that building such a city of great
opulence and influence could be accomplished during the
Tribulation — as the tremendous geophysical destruction
from God’s judgment and wrath, it seems logical, will make
such construction prohibitive.
The one factor that is a big unknown is the amount of time
that will elapse between the Rapture of the church and the
signing of the covenant that will initiate the seven years
of Tribulation. If this is an extensive period of years, it is
possible, perhaps, for a city such as given in Revelation
chapter 18 to be constructed. Still, logic dictates that it
would take a very long period to have the merchants of the
earth grow rich from the delicacies that Babylon the great
will offer.
I think it is time to reconsider whether it has been America
the whole time that this prophecy references.
Despite every economic and other problem that has been
thrown at America — even with the most destructive
(purposefully, I’m convinced) president in its history —
America stands far above the rest, $18.5 trillion deficit and
all. Like the earlier prophecy says about that ancient city
and land (Jeremiah 51:7), America has been a “golden cup”
in the hand of God — i.e., this nation has seen to it that the
gospel has been disseminated to the world. It has served
as midwife in the rebirth of Israel into modernity, and has
acted as its earthly protector (realizing, of course, that God,
Himself, is its ultimate protector).
Sadly, however, America has also become — like that
doomed land and city — the most sinful in all of mankind’s
history. Like it or not, the United States fits the model, and
there seems no such other that has even the most remote
chance of one day fitting the model, if we are talking about
a relatively near-term fulfillment of the prophecy in which
Babylon the Great is involved.
Let us think a bit more about this nation that alone fits
the description of the region in which resides Babylon the
Great. The United States stands at the center of the world,
whether the other nation-states of the planet acknowledge
or deny the fact. America is the envy of the world community
for the materialistic good she possesses and produces,
thus giving her great wealth and great power. It seems the
globalist elitists of that world community are determined to
do incrementally what they can’t do any other way short of
all-out nuclear war, in which there can be no winners. They
want what America has. They want the wealth redistributed,
to create for themselves a power base of working class
to support their needs to establish a worldwide humanist
Does this sound like the ravings of a conspiracy nut? Maybe
so. But if it’s a conspiracy theory, my rave is biblically based.
[Emphasis added]
Rome Has Not Revived
As I’ve lectured and written on many occasions, unfortunately it
remains my contention that America wears the black hat in the
last days. In contrast, the traditional scenario argues for a revived
Roman Empire specifically restricted to European nations. But
as we said in the first line of The Final Babylon: “Rome has not
revived.” We would argue that instead we should be more specific
to say that the people of the prince who is to come is in fact
derived from Rome and its empire (especially Great Britain). BUT
this people (most notably its leadership in politics, economics, and
military) lives in the United States. It would be an overstatement
to say that the United States singularly and exclusively is the
power base of Antichrist. But we are arguing it is the undisputed
May, 2015
The Debate on the Fate of America (continued)
leader of this empire, an empire that now opposes the Kingdom
of God. As we depict in our book The Final Babylon, Babylon
comprises an empire that has existed since the time of Nimrod.
It was the capital of the Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon and likewise,
the Media-Persian Empire, and two hundred years later, the official
capital of Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire. It literally
and symbolically stands against the LORD of the Bible, His Christ,
and His coming Kingdom. Composed of many nations, it is the
ultimate fulfillment of biblical prophecies in Jeremiah, Isaiah, and
Ezekiel concerning the Daughter of Babylon, the Daughter of Tyre,
and the Daughter of Tarshish. Furthermore, the megalopolis that
exists today from New York City to Washington D.C. constitutes
the heart and soul of that empire.
Another friend and esteemed writer (who I mentioned at the outset
and who I won’t identify here) cautioned me in my exuberant
introduction to Terry’s article in which I emphasized how Terry was
suggesting we study carefully the same probable outcome that
my co-authors and I have been preaching for the past 18 months.
More specifically, my friend identified one primary problem that
he felt scripturally contradicts the notion that Mystery Babylon
could be anyone other than Rome (that is, spiritually the Catholic
Church but politically and militarily most likely today’s European
Union). Here was the argument in his email response:
Doug, I love you brother, but you might want to calm
down. Please put America in Revelation 18:20 for me. Why
would the holy apostles be vindicated by the destruction
of America? Your argument has a long way to go still until
many of us will be convinced.
I have an abundance (years) of research I’m combing
through from a credible source that is very problematic for
the America / Babylon theory. He [the credible source]
has gone through your book, R.A. Coombes’ book and all
the heavyweights that subscribe to the America / Babylon
Should the Lord tarry longer, I will probably be publishing
commentary on this topic and presently, it is not very
favorable for the America / Babylon scenario.
I said this in response, which will provide a quick synopsis of my
position and assert that Terry was right to question the traditional
scenario concerning the fate of America:
I truly appreciate your comments. I would say in response to
you to hear Terry James out carefully on this matter. Terry
has written extensively on the traditional scenario and done
years of research too on the same subjects. The fact that he
is drawing the same conclusion that I and many others have
drawn (including Noah Hutchings, J.R. Church, probably
Gary Stearman and Tom Horn — see Apollyon Rising 2012),
and a number of others (quite a few that communicate
with me), suggests that there are many scriptures that are
not well suited to a European ‘revival’ [as the traditional
scenario supposes] and Terry is saying that current events
are placing all the other players of the end time scenario at
the starting gate. But where is Babylon? Terry is saying,
well, The United States is the last man standing and it must
be Mystery, Babylon; that it was once a golden cup in the
Lord’s hand [Jeremiah 51:7] and it is full of abominations
and filthiness (Revelation 17:40), that it is the hammer of
the whole earth [Jeremiah 50:23], and many other points
drawn from Scripture.
[I would also call attention to] John Price’s book, The End of
America, [which] draws some different conclusions about
the timing of America’s judgment and destruction, [as] John
still believes that Antichrist is likely to find his powerbase in
Europe (and is probably a Muslim), but for this to happen,
America must first be destroyed as described in Jeremiah
50, 51, Isaiah 13, 47, and echoed in Revelation. John Price’s
position is that America is indeed in Scripture. It is more
than just “the merchants of Tarshish” (Ezekiel 38:13) and it
May, 2015
The Debate on the Fate of America (continued)
is not just casually mentioned as one of those that “dwell
safely in the coastlands” (Ezekiel 39:6] but is smack dab in
the middle of the fray, promoting the spirit of the beast (as
I have documented extensively in my Power Quest books,
not just in The Final Babylon), which includes spiritual
apostasy, financial exploitation, and reliance upon military
might whom the Antichrist honors (a God his fathers did
NOT honor) and this is, in my view, the meaning of him
being, like Nimrod, the advocate for “the god of forces”
(Daniel 11:38) or strongholds. Babylon is that great city
divided into three parts (Revelation 16:19). To fulfill the
prophecy, Babylon must be economically the leader of the
world, politically where the nations gather, and militarily
the hammer of the whole earth. Only America fills the bill
I think this is a healthy and necessary debate and whether
John Price is right; or Doug Krieger, Dean McGriff, and I
are right (which is where I believe Terry James is winding
up); or you (and the traditional scenario of Lindsey/
LaHaye/Jeffrey), none of us are saying America can keep
rocking along doing what it is doing and expect to be
spared. While you are not saying that, by indicating that
America is not really mentioned in Scripture you are, in
my opinion, not emphasizing appropriately the message
of the coming judgment of God upon America. Is [this
judgment destined to happen] before the Tribulation or
is it toward the conclusion of the Great Tribulation? I
believe THAT constitutes the main question — not whether
America is the Daughter of Babylon. I believe Hutchings,
Price, Coombs, and Frank Logsdon [the beloved longtime pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church]; have been
the voices in the wilderness for four decades warning
that America has become the empire that stands most
in defiance to the coming of the Kingdom of God. The
U.S. is the Daughter of Babylon. America is the enforcer
of the New World Order (NWO). Wall Street and The
City of London, together, comprise the financial colossus
of the Final Babylon. The only real alternative to the
USA being the power base of the Antichrist, is the longterm collusion of Anglo-Americanism… the Brits and the
Yanks… that together have been the driving force of the
NWO for over 100 years. It isn’t Turkey, Saudi Arabia,
Italy, or even the EU that has the wherewithal to drive
the NWO to its status as one-world empire of the last
days. Indeed, the EU continues to be on the edge of
oblivion. The Islamic world may have religious apostasy
down pat like the Catholic Church. But like the Catholics,
they don’t have the military or financial power to enforce
the Antichrist’s agenda. The only economic and military
powerhouse that can fill the bill is the U.S.A. Yes… I would readily acknowledge that if you are right (as
I understand your position) and we (may be) still 30 years
away from the Tribulation and Daniel’s 70th Week, then
perhaps the U.S.A. isn’t Mystery Babylon. But then, in my
view, imminency [that the LORD can rapture His saints at
any time] is somewhat lost in that scenario. Furthermore,
that is exactly what Terry James is pointing out: Everyone
else is dressed up for the party — only Mystery Babylon is
missing. Unless, that is, we have misidentified who Mystery
Babylon is. As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and it
is us!”
Yes, I still believe that the Rapture occurs before the Wrath of
God is poured out… which is a pre-wrath position. However,
I also believe in imminency and the “Restrainer” being taken
out of the way before the Day of Christ, which I believe makes
me Pre-Tribulation by just about anyone’s definition. Doug
Krieger and I strongly disagree on this point. But we all
are sounding the alarm that the U.S.A. is betraying Israel,
and as a result this action destines us for God’s judgment
(consider the warnings expressed in this regard within
the books authored by Bill Koenig, David Brennan, and
May, 2015
The Debate on the Fate of America (continued)
John McTernan).1 That cataclysmic judgment will possibly
happen AFTER the Rapture… but it may happen before (I
see Jonathan Cahn’s books2 in this same light by the way).
As to asking me to place America in Revelation
18:20, “Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles
and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.” Here are
my thoughts: Many scholars, both Christian and Jewish,
have regarded Babylon symbolically representing Rome
but more broadly, any empire which opposes the Kingdom
of God through the centuries. This would mean any empire
that has (and will have) been responsible for the deaths
of millions of saints not just in persecuting and killing the
apostles (and missionaries) but in oppressing destitute
peoples including Christians around the globe since time
immemorial. While America (and Britain) believe they
carry as Kipling said, “The White man’s burden” to civilize
the dark races, there are many that would point out these
wealthy nations have enriched themselves at the expense
of the poor. From the Opium Wars in China almost 200
years ago to the wars of the last 100 years that have
been fought principally for access to oil and energy, the
rich nations of the West (which I believe are derivative
of Rome, but stand spiritually aligned with other great
merchants like the Canaanites and the Carthaginians —
aka The Phoenicians) have done great harm to countless
millions employing ideology as an excuse for exploitation.
This may sound like a liberal position, but it is the point
of departure for most of the books I have studied on the
New World Order and the history of Britain and America
who have enriched themselves and the merchants of the
world that lusted after the fruits of ‘her’ trade (Revelation
When one places Revelation 18:20 into context, the question
becomes clear, “What city is like unto this great city?”
And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed
from thee, and all things which were dainty and
goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find
them no more at all.
The merchants of these things, which were made
rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her
torment, weeping and wailing,
And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was
clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and
decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.
And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships,
and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar
And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning,
saying, What city is like unto this great city!
18 And finally verse 24 makes it clear, it is not just the Apostles
that were persecuted or murdered, but all the people of the
earth that were slain by (‘spiritual’ and The Final Babylon):
And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of
saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Bill Koenig’s book is: Eye to Eye — The Consequences of Dividing
Israel. David Brennan’s books are entitled The Israel Omen I and The Israel
Omen II. John McTernan’s book is: As America Has Done to Israel. All books
make the case that God judges the U.S. immediately or simultaneously with
foreign policy actions that harm today’s nation of Israel.
Jonathan Cahn’s books are The Harbinger and The Mystery of the
The implication is that the apostate City of Babylon stands
opposed to holy Jerusalem, the City of God. The Daughter of
Babylon is the perennial opponent to the Daughter of Zion.
May, 2015
The Debate on the Fate of America (continued)
Washington D.C., an ode to pagan architecture (beautiful
though it be) and New York City the indisputable center of
the world economy and capital of the great merchants of
the world, are icons of Babylon. And as Scripture teaches,
they may be destroyed in one hour.
Terry James is hardly the only eschatology author and speaker that
has come to the same conclusion. I met evangelist Dan Goodwin
on April 28 (author of God’s Final Jubilee). He shared the same
opinion with me over lunch. While we were waiting to join others
for lunch, I picked up a new book on the table where we were
sitting and it was by an author with whom I wasn’t familiar, William
E. Males, entitled The Eight Beast: An Examination Of Modern
Tribulation Theology And America In Prophecy. I quickly turned
to his chapter on America and sure enough, he also echoed the
fact that he had believed in the traditional scenario but recently
had drawn the conclusion that America fulfills the prophecies of
the Daughter of Babylon.
The debate about the fate of America remains one of the most
important today and here’s why: We should not assume that
America is “taken out of the picture” by the rapture of the Church.
To reprise that traditional perspective: the theory that has been
propounded by the most popular prophecy teachers is that
Europe arises upon the heels of the decline of America and that
America declines because it is decimated after losing so much of
its population to the rapture of the Church! Would that America
had that many Christians! I teach that the rapture may happen
at anytime — but because America stands at the heart of Bible
prophecy (not as the good guy but the bad guy) Americans should
prepare for judgment. Only if there is a dramatic change of heart
can we hope to escape this judgment. God will protect what is
His, but it would be well for us to assume that the rapture is not the
appointed path for us to avoid the inevitable cataclysm that lies
ahead. “Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!” (Revelation 18:2)
As it was with Sodom and Gomorrah so shall it be for America. Be
mindful: When the historical Babylon fell, it was not devastated. It
was captured “without destruction.” It is rather the Final Babylon
that will be judged in such a way that no man can dwell there
• And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the
Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew
Sodom and Gomorrah. (Isaiah 13:19)
• As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and
the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD, no man
shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.
(Jeremiah 49:18)
• As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the
neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man
abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.
(Jeremiah 50:40)
• Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for
her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed
(Jeremiah 51:8)
S. Douglas Woodward is author of nine books including The Final
Babylon: America and the Coming of Antichrist and his latest,
Uncommon Sense: A Prophetic Manifesto for the Church in
He may be reached at [email protected]
His web site is www.faith-happens.com
May, 2015
of “known” tribes burials, which boils down to a tribe simply claiming
that “those burials,” are our forefathers and should be protected.
Fritz Zimmerman
The Giant’s Burial Pit
Controversy in Kansas
The Salina burials represented the western fringe of the Hopewell
mound builders, whose most fantastic works can be found in the
Ohio Valley. Despite the overwhelming evidence that the Hopewell
have their origins with the Maritime Archaic (7000 B.C. - 2000
B.C.) archaeologists have not recognized these facts, because the
historic tribes of the Dakota Sioux, Iroquois and Cherokee can be
tied to the burials. Remember, NAGPRA protects the burials of
“known” tribal burials; meaning all archaeological work in Ohio
would cease, and they would have to repatriate the thousands of
artifacts pillaged from burial mounds.
The Burial Pit
The burial pit is first reported in the Miami Daily News (Miami,
Oklahoma) October 11, 1936
The Giant’s Indian Burial Pit was also known as Salina’s Indian Burial Pit. Many
of the skeleton were reported to be six and seven feet tall. The skeletons were
a tourist attraction, located near Salina, Kansas from 1936 to 1989. The Indian
Burial Pit was covered and sealed with concrete by the State of Kansas at the
insistence of the Pawnee Indians of Oklahoma, in 1990.
he catalyst of the Native American Graves Protection Act
signed by congress in 1992 was the Salina, Kansas burial
pit. The Pawnee Indian tribe who had inhabited southern Nebraska
and northern Kansas in historic times claimed the remains as their
own, and the burial pit was forever sealed. This may seem reasonable, but when the facts are presented, there
is absolutely no evidence that the Pawnee Indians were ever mound
builders, used a charnel house for the dead, included grave goods
with their burials, made the type of pottery found in the burial pit, or
that they were very tall. NAGPRA protects the excavation of graves
“Salina, Kas., Oct – (AP) – Discovery of an Indian communal
burial ground believed to contain the remains of a tribe
that roamed the plains of central Kansas more than 5000
years ago, has been made five miles east of here by Guy
T. Whiteford, policeman-archaeologists. Whiteford said
he already has excavated 27 skulls and three complete
skeletons, one of which he asserted was seven feet tall. The
position of burial and ornaments found near the remains
indicated the body was that of a chief, he said.”
An update on the excavation of the burial mound describes the
artifacts that were found as burial inclusions along with the large
size of many of the skeletal remains.
The Brooklyn Eagle, Nov. 24, 1936
“Excavating an Indian burial mound on his grandmother’s
farm, Howard Kohr of Salina, Kas., unearthed 79
skeletons. With the bones were clay pots, grinding stones
and shell knives for the use by the spirits in the next world.”
May, 2015
The Giant’s Burial Pit Controversy in Kansas (continued)
The End of the Pit
The Salina Journal, June 24, 1956 “Big Fellows: The bones show the prehistoric Indians were
of remarkable size and strength. Many of the skeletons are
those of men who were well over six feet in height. Most of
the skeletons are doubled up in a flexed position resembling
that of a fetus. A great number of them lie with their heads
to the south and facing east. Price believes that possibly
the Indians were sun-worshippers who believed the dead
would be reborn again. Hence the bodies were buried so
that they would be ready for re-birth.”
Burials in a flexed position is more common in Hopewell burials in
the western states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Nebraska, opposed to
the extended burials found in the Ohio Valley. The most common
attribute of the Hopewell is that of sun-worshippers, which is
revealed in the Kansas burials. This type of burial is in contrast
to the Pawnee who buried their dead singularly in graves dug in
sandy soil encased in a buffalo robe.
The Salina Journal, June 11, 1972
Cemetery Draws Tourists, Protests
One of the large male skeletons from the burial pit with Archaic attributes
of the Maritime Archaic that include a protruding brow, sloping forehead
and and a massive jaw.
John Price and his brother Howard, 73 have operated the
graveyard as a public attraction since 1936, when the first
graves on their hog ranch five miles east of Salina was
May, 2015
The Giant’s Burial Pit Controversy in Kansas (continued)
Exhibited are the remains of giant Indians believed to
have lived in Kansas 800 years ago. “I can recall only two
or three people in the last 37 years who didn’t think it was
worth 50 cents.”
The hog farmer admitted, however, that he has had
complaints in recent months. “that bunch raisin hell in
Wounded Knee stopped by here last fall,” said Price. “They
claimed we’re violating the rights of Indians by displaying
the bones.”
“They said the skeletons were only 150 years old. They asked
how’d we like it if our relatives were dug up and Indians
charges admission for people to see them.”
The Price brothers said they presented the Indians with documents
from the Smithsonian Institution showing that carbon 14 tests
taken of the skeletons indicated the burials took place about 1200
Dr. W. R. Wedel, Assistant Curator of Archaeology of the
Smithsonian Institution, is convinced these burials are real Indians
of unknown origin, but with resemblances to others previously
found in Kansas and Nebraska.
The Hopewellian artifacts and burial types would cause me to
dispute the Smithsonian’s date of 1200 A.D. The Hopewell era
ended around 500 B.C. The Pawnee are believed to have traveled
north from their original homeland in Mexico to the Plains, when
they arrived it was inhabited by the Sioux. This was the importance
of the Pawnee’s claim that the remains were only 150 years old.
The fact that Pawnee were not mound builders, the skull types,
pottery, burial types, religion were all completely different,
became irrelevant.
In the end when it comes to NAPGRA, science and history, doesn’t
May, 2015
Well, I’m here with Jane… not her real name. We’ll just
jump right into it. Jane first off, thanks for coming
on the record with me. Something happened to you
years ago. Can you tell me what it was?
Jane: Well…. Do you want me to tell you about the first time
I saw a UFO, when I was young?
meet a lot of folks when I’m on the road speaking. Sometimes
people come up to me and tell me stories that they’ve never
shared with anyone else. It’s an honor to be trusted by these
people and in some cases they allow me to interview them and
come on the record.
This is the case with Jane, not her real name. She was abducted
when she was a teenager and this is her story.
I’ve heard many stories like this over the years but the reason I
continue to post them is because of the skepticism of many people
in the church. I recently spoke in Maine and as I was introduced
and made my way to the platform, one man got up and left. Of
course this is the height of arrogance and ignorance, which is a
very deadly combination. He has no idea of what is going on, but
he “knows” he doesn’t want to know.
The church can not continue to ignore the reality that something
is going on. Simply put the UFO phenomenon is real, burgeoning
and not going away.
Yes. All that is good. Sure, why don’t we start with
your first UFO.
Jane: Down in the Outer Banks my parents had an ocean
front house, and I shared a room with my little brother.
I remember looking out the window and seeing a
UFO. It was clearly not like a satellite or anything like
that. I shook my little brother and said, Get up! Get
up! You’ve got to look. He got up and he saw it with
me. This was in my early teens. Maybe 12.
Jane: Later on, in the town I grew up in, in my parents
house. I have my own bedroom, with a single bed.
I sleep on my back and I wasn’t moving and all of
a sudden I was going up. I think they change your
molecular structure or something, so you can go
through (the ceiling)
Let’s stop here. When you say go through… How old
are you first of all?
Here’s Jane’s story.
Jane: My later teens.
L. A. Marzulli writing this from 35,000 feet in the air flying home….!
18… 19?
Jane: 19. (pause) I didn’t have my dog. I got my dog when
I was 18, so maybe 17 or 18.
May, 2015
Let me ask you some questions. Were you dealing
with drugs during this time? Were you dabbling with
Jane: I wasn’t on anything at that time. (The time of the
abduction) But I did backslide and I liked to party.
So I did plenty of things in my day.
Okay. So prior to this incident your not high when
this happened.
Jane: Correct.
But you were partaking in drinking.
Jane: It wasn’t the morning it was the night. It was late at
What time did you go to bed? Did you remember
Jane: No. I always went to bed late when I was younger.
Drug taking?
Maybe 10… 11?
Okay. So without putting words in your mouth. Let’s
say a window between midnight and 4 in the morning.
Some where in there?
Jane: (pauses) Earlier than 4. Closer to midnight.
Jane: Oh yea. But I wasn’t taking anything that night.
Jane: Yes. I would say so.
Jane: Drinking.
So you’re in your “normal” head, let’s say and this
incident happens and your around 17. Your sleeping
alone in your room?
Did you have any recollection of let’s say laying down,
falling asleep, about to fall asleep, or were you asleep?
Jane: Correct.
Jane: That’s a good question. I wasn’t asleep when it
happened. So it might have been when I was falling
Okay. What happens next?
Jane: I remember laying on a table.
Jane: But I wasn’t asleep.
Stop right there, before we get to the table part. Your
laying in your bed.
Jane: Yes.
What time of the night is it? Roughly. Any idea?
Jane: It was dark.
Jane: Does that make sense?
Yes it does. And you’re laying on your back.
Jane: Correct.
May, 2015
You begin to what…. what happens next?
But it was metallic?
Jane: I wasn’t moving. I was perfectly still. I don’t know if
I was able to move. I wasn’t moving I was very, very
still. Very flat. And then. I was raised up.
Jane: Yes.
Jane: Like the kind you would use in a commercial kitchen.
When you say raised up, what do you mean by that?
Was it shiny, was it dull?
Jane: Like going up towards my ceiling.
Jane: It was not warm. There was no warmth. I felt the
presence of evil.
So you’re levitating and going up to the ceiling.
Jane: Yeah. Yeah.
Did you have any thoughts why you were doing that?
Jane: I don’t recall. But I did go through, (the ceiling) but I
don’t recall.
Jane: Do you know what I’m saying?
I know exactly what you’re saying. So you go through
the roof or the ceiling of the room.
Jane: We had an attic and I don’t recall seeing that or seeing
a roof. I don’t recall seeing around at the houses or
anything like that.
You’re just taken up through the roof
So what does that mean when you say, I wasn’t able
to move?
Jane: Paralyzed?
Jane: Yes. I guess that’s the only way but….
You could move your eyes?
Jane: I never thought about that….. yeah.
You were on the table.
Jane: It was like a stainless steel, but I don’t know if it was
stainless steel.
When you say the presence of evil, what do you mean
by that?
Jane: Those were the gray ones. You could feel, like I guess
you call it a charge? You can feel the presence of evil.
On the table I was laying just perfectly flat. I didn’t
even turn my head. I don’t recall being able to even
Jane: It was like, BOOM, and I’m on the table.
Was it cold? Was it warm?
And when you moved your eyes what did you see?
Jane: To my right was one of the gray ones.
May, 2015
When you say one of the gray ones, define that for me.
Are you happy that you’re there?
Jane: The alien, but.. what humans call aliens. It wasn’t of
this earth. It had that large head with those dark eyes
that… kind of oval, kind of pointy.
Jane: No. L.A.:
Jane: I don’t recall if I was scared…. I don’t recall. I didn’t
like it. I think I was more…. pissed.
Almond shaped eyes?
Jane: Yes. Yes. The little nose. The little chin. I didn’t
see any speaking but they communicated. I forget
what they said to me. It communicated to me, it said
something to me, telepathically.
So they’re communicating with you telepathically.
Jane: Correct.
Could they have told you they had a mission for you
a job for you?
Are you scared?
So you were angry?
Jane: Yeah.
Jane: I don’t remember what they said and I forgot that
even, huh?
That’s good.
Jane: That’s kind of how I am.
So you’re angry. You look over and see a gray. How
tall is this being?
Jane: It wasn’t that tall and it didn’t have any feminine
qualities at all so I took it as masculine. I think it had
like a white lab coat. It wasn’t naked I don’t think.
That’s all I remember.
Jane: I don’t recall. I felt like they were doing something
medical. It was definitely something medical.
Jane: It could have been.
Okay. Are your clothes on or are they off at this
Jane: I think I was fully naked.
Okay. Are you aware that I’ve heard this story many
times before from other people. So you’re on the
table and you have no clothes on.
Jane: Yes. It wasn’t freezing, but there was no warmth. No
Could it have been more like a jump suit rather than a
lab coat?
But you’re not sure?
Jane: No. It’s been twenty-something years.
Did the coat have an insignia on it, did you notice?
Jane: Not that I recall.
Did you notice its hands or its fingers.
May, 2015
Jane: Long….. thin…… gray…… I want to say is was without
the fifth digit. I just remember it just standing there.
Did any of these beings come close to your face or
make eye contact with you?
Jane: It didn’t get to close. I feel like something happened
but I didn’t see. I feel like something might have
happened. It was standing about two feet from me.
It communicated to me but I don’t remember what it
said. I tried to block it our. I was freaked out. Then
all of a sudden I’m back in bed.
Has he had any contact that you know of, or that
you’re aware of?
Jane: Don’t know, he’s with the Lord now…
So you find yourself back in the room, upon awakening
the next morning, did you fell sick. Did you feel okay?
Did you have any symptoms. What did you do? How
did you process what happened to you/
Jane: I don’t know. I was just happy to be in my brothers
room. I don’t recall how I felt. I was upset.
Did you write anything down like a journal?
Jane: I drew the gray alien in my book.
Do you still have that?
Jane: No.
Really. You gave it away?
Jane: I think I may have thrown it out. Maybe I did save it.
I could look around my house.
I would love to take a look at it if you could find it.
Jane: I thought I threw it out.
It would be great to see the drawing.
Jane: I had a lot of bad stuff happen to me, so I burned a lot
of stuff. After that though, it did happen again.
It did happen again?
Jane: Almost.
Jane: And that’s a good question.
I’m sorry to hear that.
What time of the year was this, do you remember?
Jane: No. I want to say the fall or winter. It think is was fall.
I wasn’t in school the next day.
So you’re back in your bed.
Jane: Back in my bed. I don’t know what happened, but
I was back in my bed, with my clothes on. I was all
freaked out. I was crying, I was praying. I went to my
little brothers room. He had a bunk bed and I was
closest with this brother, I told him I had bad dreams
and asked if I could sleep in the bunk. This was the
same brother that I saw the first UFO with.
Jane: And there was one other time, I was in upstate New
York living with my aunt, and I was outside and I felt
the presence of them. I didn’t see them. I don’t know
if I lost time.
May, 2015
Let me ask you this because there’s two other times
you mentioned and that’s why I’m here to try to reel
it in if I can. So the first time you’re taken, you come
back and you’re in your brothers room.
Jane: I woke up in my room.
You woke up in your room but then you went into
your brothers room. Did you notice the clock? Did
you look at the clock. Would you say you had missing
time? Was it much later than you thought it was?
Jane: There was something to do with the time but I can’t
remember. If it felt like a long time but it was a short
time. There was something messed up with the time.
Does that sound crazy?
No it doesn’t. So there was something wrong with
the time. It was confusing and still is 20 years later.
Jane: Yeah…
So the second time you’re taken. Travis Walton was
taken. He thought he was gone for a few hours. He
was gone for five days. So there’s a huge time dilation.
Jane: So they can manipulate time
Absolutely. It’s a different time/space continuum
than ours. So Travis is gone for five days, earth time
but to him it seems like he’s only been gone a couple
of hours. So for you we don’t know.
Jane: It could have been many hours. I don’t know but I
know it wasn’t more than a day because my parents
would have been looking for me.
Jane: Well. It was around the same time but I moved from
my moms and lived upstate for a few months and
they knew where I was. No matter what. That’s it.
They knew where I was.
So the second time you’re in upstate New York,
You said you could feel their presence, what did that
feel like?
Jane: You just know they’re there.
Did that make you feel happy?
Jane: No.
How did it make you feel.
Jane: I never thought about it. I didn’t like it. It annoyed
me. It pissed me off.
This is why my wifey is here as I’m going to ask you
a personal/female question. When you were taken
the first time did you notice any interruption in your
period? Any weird periods? Any excessive bleeding?
Jane: I actually never really had one because I had an
eating disorder when I was younger. If I ate a half
of banana in a day that was a lot, and that went
on for seven years. I was in a relationship with a
man who was supposed to be a Christian but was
very abusive. I really didn’t have much of a period.
I basically didn’t have one because of my eating
So you feel them coming to get you again, did they in
fact get you again?
Jane: Upstate New York? Not that I know. But they might
have done something because I was not compliant,
I was pissed off at them. I was outside by myself in
May, 2015
the woods. We lived with the state forest around us.
There’s no neighbors. I don’t know (if they got me)
What about the third time?
Jane: I came to realize that the name of Jesus had all power
and authority. It hit me one day. I was like, oh my
gosh. I was laying on my bed and I started going up
and I started singing a song that I sung in my church.
One that I learned in church. IN the name of Jesus.
That broke everything and I was never bothered
again. I was a senior at my parents house. I always
had Jesus as my savior, but I as in a bad way. (Drug
So you were back-sliding?
Jane: Yes, but it wasn’t that long though. It wasn’t that
long and God smacked me down. It was when I was
19. Alright. Yeah, I moved to Florida and rededicated
my life to Christ in church and I’ve been blessed
So they never came back?
How far away was it from you. If you take your thumb
and hold it in front of you, did it appear that size. Was
the craft as big as your thumb nail.
Jane: (Holds her hand out) About that size.
So you saw a metallic craft. So it was in the day time?
Jane: It was in the summer time I had this sighting?
What was the second time?
Jane: I want to say when they got me?
Can you describe the inside of the craft?
Jane: There were no decorations or anything. It was all
sterile. I want to say the gray was holding an instrument
and it was shiny. Long slender or something.
Anything else?
Jane: I don’t recall anything else.
Jane: No.
You sang the Jesus song and you stopped the
You’re a very brave woman and thanks for coming
on the record. And the take-away for me was that
when you called out to Jesus, a power greater than
those who were abducting you and it stopped the
Jane: Yes.
Jane: It not only stopped. It was BAM it was done!
I appreciate you coming on the record. Tell me about
the UFO you saw in the beginning before you were
Thank you! I appreciate you coming on the record.
Jane: You’re welcome.
Jane: I saw it a couple of times. Bright, shining, metallic,
moved slow.
May, 2015