1 Retired Members Section - Chairman email:- [email protected] - Secretary email:- [email protected] telephone:- 01257 271480 Newsletter Mrs Christine Shaw Buzon 02067, Camino Tossal 5, 03729, Lliber, Alicante, Spain. email:- casashaw@gmai l.com Find us at:- http://lancashireunison.org/category/branch-life/retired-members/ County Hall Branch AGM 13th March (12 noon) Guest Speaker - Rt Honourable Andy Burnham, Shadow Minister of Health Retired Members AGM Friday 24th April This is followed by the talk see below Talks-2:00pm Start Friday 27th March Dawn Robinson Trading Standards - Counterfeiting and Scams The County Hall talk on Friday 27th March will be by Dawn Robinson of the County Trading Standards, on spotting counterfeiting and scams and what to do about them. There is enough publicity about this sort of thing to suggest the talk would be not only interesting but illuminating. Friday 24th April Mr Steve Williams Prestons' favourite son Sir Tom Finney Northern Sub Group Talks Tuesday 17th March Jessie – Let’s Make Chocolate Walks Wednesday 11th March Taking in roads, fields and tracks to Over and Nether Kellet and back Photographic Society Please see Page 7 of this Newsletter Morecambe’s talk on Tuesday 17th March at the Headway Hotel is titled “Let’s make chocolate”. I suggest you go easy on any lunch you have first at one of Morecambe’s cafes. It seems members have spotted the advantages of a day out and lunches at Morecambe for our talks – we are getting nearly as many members attending as County Hall talks! Dave Sergeant” Chairman UNISON BRANCH OFFICE - Room A42, County Hall Preston Lancs PR1 OLD Tel. 01772 533072 or email:- [email protected] 2 I want to remind everyone that the Branch AGM will take place on 13 March at 12 noon in County Hall. The guest speaker will be the Rt Honourable Andy Burnham, Shadow Minister of Health. This is an important meeting for the branch and retired members are entitled and welcome to attend, particularly as this will assist in achieving a quorate meeting. The last AGM is ours which will take place on Friday 24 April prior to the last talk of the winter. The Social evening for St Georges Day is also on that Evening. A nomination form for the committee is in this edition of the newsletter and we would welcome new members to join us. The agenda will be sent with the April newsletter. Finally, have you voted for someone to represent us on the new Board for the Lancashire Local Government Pensions? Your committee nominated Robert (Bob) Harvey to represent us so if you have not already done so, please vote for Bob. Maureen Vass” Retired Members’ Secretary PS Don’t forget, if you change your email address please, please let the branch, the editor or myself know. Fears of being overcharged can also restrict older people’s ability to get essential electrical repairs carried out, and fuel poverty can result in the use of electric heaters which have a poor safety record. For more information visit:www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk. A Note from Roger Rymer’s family The Rymer family sincerely thank all Roger’s UNISON colleagues and friends who supported us with their thoughts and prayers throughout his very sudden and unexpected illness. Thank you to all who were able to join us at the celebration of his life. St Andrews Church in Longton was bursting at the seams which was very comforting. Afterwards, many people told us that it was a very fitting and final tribute to a well-respected, kind ‘gentle giant’ who in his quiet, unassuming way had touched the lives of so many different people at work, in his many voluntary roles and his many friends. Sadly his death seemed to be too early especially as he still had much more to offer the community. As a family, we are still struggling to come to terms with the untimely loss of ‘our family rock’ who was dearly loved and now greatly missed. Thank you for all who donated to St Catherine’s Hospice. We have received a very appreciative letter from St Catherine’s. Your donations in memory of Roger were in excess of £1000. A wonderful amount! Sylvia Rymer” A Shock to the System Older people are disproportionately at risk from electrical hazards, according to a new report from Electrical Safety Council. The report claims that 1 million over 75s live in nondecent homes, and whilst the majority of older people live in owner occupied properties, these were found least likely to contain features which protect against electrical hazards. Those in the private rented sector were also vulnerable to exploitation from landlords because at the moment there is no requirement for electrical safety checks to be carried out at fixed intervals. Northern Sub Group 2015 Talk Tuesday 17th February Peter Watson a Social Historian gave a superb talk about Lancashire Folklore (superstition, witchcraft, & old wives tales etc.) It was full of humour and made us wonder at the end if there was any truth in some of those beliefs which until now we may have dismissed as ridiculous! It is good to report that we had our second highest attendance of over 30 members and friends The contents of this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Retired Members Executive Committee. 3 Talk 2pm Headway Hotel Tuesday 17th March Our final talk of this season will be Jessie who will show us how to make chocolate and how to eat it Summer Lunch Thursday July 9th Headway Hotel Morecambe walk will be referred to as almost level. Undulating walks will involve a series of moderate inclines. Should the route include ascents or descents steeper than 1 in 5 for more than 100 metres reference will be made to steep banks. Walking sticks are very useful on slippery banks and for testing the depth of mud in heavily used gateways. As in previous years the menu includes a choice of 3 starters, 4 main courses and 4 sweets. Either Barbara or Ray Rudge will provide the entertainment after the meal. The attached application form is to be returned to Ron Clements at the address shown. This event, as all others organised by the Sub Group, is open to All retired Members', not just those living in Morecambe and Lancaster. Come along and enjoy a very good meal at the seaside at the very reasonable price of £13.95. To ensure everyone has an enjoyable day out please note the following recommendations: Ray Rudge” Height barriers at 2 metres elevation and Parking Charges are a regular feature of rural car parks, please assume they may be present at the meeting points as they have not been specially noted. Treasurer Leave your dog at home. Arrive in good time to lock up your car carefully. Listen to the weather forecast and bring suitable clothing, plus dry socks. Wear stout footwear, footpaths and bridleways can be muddy and eroded at any time of the year If there are any queries for a particular walk, please contact the person leading the group for that day. Group Correspondent is Don Windle, 25 The Howgills, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire. PR2 9LX. Telephone: (01772. 713820). Dear Member, January 2015 PROGRAMME BRIEFING WALK 2015 Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to lead the walks, which will be something for us all to look forward to. The next few paragraphs are mainly for the information of prospective members. All the walks are scheduled for Wednesdays to fit in with our other commitments. As the morning starts seemed to give a more relaxing day, the walks will commence at 11.00am with a stop to eat a picnic lunch and other breaks to look at points of interest. The pace is leisurely, routes are circular returning to the start point by mid to late afternoon, diversions may be necessary due to missing footbridges, broken stiles or similar problems and no definite finishing times can be given. The walks are planned to suit mature walkers. When a total ascent of less than 60 metres is required the Please note that Unison does not provide insurance for any members taking part in these walks. Each participant is responsible for their own safety and if you consider insurance to be necessary, please make your own arrangements. Looking forward to the pleasure of your company. GRID REFERENCES GIVE LOCATION OF MEETING POINTS If you are not familiar with grid references, the meeting points can be located from most regular 4 miles to 1 inch motoring maps. Next Season’s Dates 11th March, 15th April, 13th May, 10th June, 8th July, 5th August (long walk), 12th August, 9th September, 14th October, 4th November(2pm - programme meeting address as above) 2016 9th March The next walk is the 11th March Start at 11am with walk Leader David Cropper you can contact him on Tel: 01253 882654 or Mobile:07516145634 Meet at CARNFORTH RAILWAY STATION car UNISON RETIRED MEMBERS NORTHERN SUB GROUP SUMMER LUNCH THE HEADWAY HOTEL MARINE RD EAST PROMENADE MORECAMBE Thursday 9th July 2015 - 12.00 for 12.30 MENU STARTERS a. Chef’s Mushroom Soup Served with a fresh bread roll and butter b. Classic Prawn Cocktail Norwegian prawns with a “Marie Rose sauce” and Salad Garnish, brown bread & butter c. Chilled Fruit Juice Choice of Orange, Grapefruit or Tomato (please state what kind) MAIN COURSES 1. Roast Top-Side of Beef Served with Yorkshire pudding, gravy and horseradish sauce 2. Steamed Fillet of Pollock Served with White Wine, dill sauce and salad 3. Broccoli Pasta and Cream Cheese Bake Served with Tomato Sauce, Pasta Shells and salad 4. Roast Ham Salad Sliced Farmhouse Ham with salad Chef’s selection of Vegetables & Potatoes SWEETS A. Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble Served with Custard B. Passion Cake Sponge Containing, Carrot, Apple, Pineapple and Walnuts, with a Lemon Cream Cheese frosting and cream C. Ice Cream Trio Chocolate, Strawberry & Vanilla Ice Cream with whipped cream topping & wafer D. Cheese and Biscuits Selection of Cheeses, served with Celery and Grapes Followed by Freshly brewed Tea and Coffee Northern Sub Group Summer Lunch - Thursday 9th July 2015 I/We wish to attend the above I enclose my/our meal selections & cheque for £….……..(at £13.95 per meal) Please make cheques payable to:- ‘Lancashire Unison Retired Members Section’ Enter your Name & Address: Name Starter letter Main Meal number Sweet letter ……...……………………………… Address ……...……………………………… ……...……………………………… Signature ……...……………………… Please return bottom part of this sheet with meal requirement's to:R Clement, 2 Leycester Drive, Lancaster. LA1 5HP. (Contact Number :- 01524 35860) 4 Nomination Form Officers 2014/2015 Committee 2014/2015 Chairman D Sergeant L Carberry, T Carter, R Clement, Secretary M Vass S M Cunliffe, M Dixon, F Francis, Treasurer R Rudge E Haydock, A McHenry, T McLaughlan, Welfare Secretary K Montgomery I Parr, R Rymer, R Harvey (co-opted) Nominations for 2015/2016 I …………………………………. wish to nominate …………………………………….. For the *office of/Committee …………………………..... delete as appropriate) Seconded by ……………………………………………….. I ………………………………………..… accept the above nomination Date …………………… Closing date for nominations 31/3/2015 Return to Secretary:- M Vass, 62 Lighthurst Lane, Chorley, PR7 3EQ Nomination Form Officers 2014/2015 Committee 2014/2015 Chairman D Sergeant L Carberry, T Carter, R Clement, Secretary M Vass S M Cunliffe, M Dixon, F Francis, Treasurer R Rudge E Haydock, A McHenry, T McLaughlan, Welfare Secretary K Montgomery I Parr, R Rymer, R Harvey (co-opted) Nominations for 2015/2016 I …………………………………. wish to nominate …………………………………….. For the *office of/Committee …………………………..... delete as appropriate) Seconded by ……………………………………………….. I ………………………………………..… accept the above nomination Date …………………… Closing date for nominations 31/3/2015 Return to Secretary:- M Vass, 62 Lighthurst Lane, Chorley, PR7 3EQ 5 park (reasonable fee). Toilets and themed café from the film Brief Encounter available on the station. Situated on the A6 north of Lancaster or leave the M6 at junction 35. Explorer Map OL7 & OL41, Grid Reference 497 706 A Walk of approximately 7.5 miles The walk is reasonably easy to start our walking year, and would be suitable for new members. Taking in roads, fields and tracks to Over and Nether Kellet and back along the canal to Carnforth. The full Programme Briefing and Walks Itinerary for 2014/15 is on the LCC website at: http://lancashireunison.org/category/branch-life/ select - retired-members Flo & Don Windle” Walk Organisers I have had the dreadful bug that has been going around the area, and been out of action for a number of weeks. Therefore I did not get to hear the lady from the Alzheimer's Society I was very surprised only 16 people came to find out about this terrible disease that seems to be on the news quite a lot and is becoming a matter of national importance. It may have been the weather that put people off coming or perhaps they too have been unwell. I may in the future ask her to speak to us again as it is something that is affecting so many people young and old. It's a worrying illness that we haven't a lot of understanding about. Februarys talk by Mr Chris Robson went down extremely well with everyone, he was a very clear and very informative speaker. His knowledge of facts and figures was amazing. ‘Friday March 27th Dawn Robinson Trading Standards - Counterfeiting and Scams Friday April 24th Mr Steve Williams Prestons' favourite son - Sir Tom Finney I have included the application form for the St Georges Day Celebration at Penwortham Golf club, there are about 10 places left. The cheques will only be banked at the end of March 2015, so your cheque will be returned if your circumstances change, after that refunds will be given but five days’ notice is required THE USUAL REMINDERS FOR OUR NEW MEMBERS For new members and friends who have just joined us, here are a few details for your information. We have talks on the last Friday of the month during the winter, they start at 2:00pm until 3:00pm approx. Finishing with a discussion and a most welcome cup of free tea / coffee / biscuits and a catch up with friends. They are held in one of the cabinet rooms situated in County Hall, (unless directed elsewhere by the security people on the day). The entrance is from the Pitt Street main door. Please ensure you sign in and receive a visitor’s badge, state you are a retired member and ask where the talk is being held, the security person will direct you. Everyone is welcome to use the staff cafeteria situated near the main door before the talk begins for a coffee, snack or meal, again the security person will direct you. The parking situation around County Hall is dreadful, I would recommend that people coming into town from the South Ribble Area use the Park and Ride on Strand Road it's a brilliant service, also the Park and Ride at the Capital Centre Walton -Le-Dale has joined in on the same circular route as the Strand Road Park and Ride, it drops off and picks up around the city and at the Railway Station. It enables people to get to each end of the city easily not forgetting it is a Free Service for the Over 60's who possess a Now Card. Calling all new and old members from each end of town bring your friends everyone is welcome. Come along and join your social section we need your support we can't continue without you and it does help pass a few hours during the day. Spend the morning in town browsing the shops, have lunch in the staff restaurant, then join us in the afternoon listening to the talk to round off the day. Kind Regards Fran Francis” Talk Organiser 01772 742459 6 + Lancashire UNISON Photographic Society continues with its programme of events. For full details and up to the minute information about the current meeting please visit: http://lancashireunison.org/ category/branch-life/retired-members/ Starting at 7.00pm, why not come along to any of the following meetings: Tuesday, 10th March in Cabinet Room D - Members Practical Session. An evening based around a photographic tutorial which is then put it into practice. This will challenge our skills in operating our own cameras and image improvement using Adobe ‘PhotoShop’. Tuesday, 24th March in Cabinet Room D - The Audio Visual 4 Minutes ‘Image’ Challenge. Members’ sequences to be projected based on the portfolio of images previously put together by members. Tuesday, 7th April in Cabinet Room D - Members Travelogue Evening. An ever popular event where members can present individual images and commentary, or create a short audio-visual sequence of their travels. Tuesday, 21st April in J ohn O’Gaunt Room Members Evening + Picture Analysis. – The generic subject matter for print or projection is ‘Nature’s Wonders’, ‘New Beginnings’, ‘Graphic Shapes’, ‘Land, Sea and Sky’, ‘Transport Types’ and ‘Water’. Tuesday, 5th May in Cabinet Room D - Planning the Year Ahead. A member s meeting to plan the 2015/16 season’s programme starting in September. Graham Turner” Secretary to Lancashire Unison Photographic Society I must apologise for including Bill Kelly from Hoghton as a new member when I should have notified his death. I have written to his family to apologise. Maureen Vass” Secretary. Since last month, sadly we have been notified that nine of our members have died. Their names are given below. We offer our condolences to their family and friends. N Davidson Chorley R Smith Ingol Joyce Hoole Burnley James Heron Lostock Hall Mable Deakin Blackpool Geoffrey Martindale Lancaster Muriel Melia New Longton Jack Spencer Blackpool Pamela Newman Fulwood Since our last report we have gained three new members and one associate member. We offer them a warm welcome: Susan Leger Nelson Janina Makepeace Freckleton Mary Brown Colne Pamela Spencer (Associate) Our membership is now 1823 including 43 associate members. Liz Carberry” Membership Secretary hhhhhhh If you wish to receive this newsletter by email please send your Name and email address to [email protected] for future addition. 7 Lancashire County UNISON Retired Members’ Section 8 Penwortham Golf Club, Blundell Lane, Penwortham, Preston. PR1 0AX. Tel 01772 744630 Friday 24th April 2015 - 6 30pm for Buffet 7.00 - Late Bar The price is £15 00 per person for the following Menu MAIN Accompaniments A B C X Y Lancashire hotpot with red cabbage Fleetwood fish pie with creamy Lancashire mash topping Cumberland sausage served on a bed of creamy Lancashire mashed potatoes & chefs own rich onion gravy Red Cabbage Pickled Beetroot Mushy Peas Onion Gravy DESSERT Accompaniment Deep Filled Apple Pie Chocolate Fudge Cake Fresh Cream Fresh Cream Let’s celebrate Our Patron Saint of England’s Day, with food dancing and Entertainment, come along and enjoy the night Dress Code - Please wear something Red and White, (but it’s not compulsory) Members and Guests are all welcome to attend this event. Tables will consist of 10 or 12 persons, depending on numbers. The last function we had at the Golf Club was the Guild Dinner and it was a sell out. So please to avoid disappointment book early. Book with your friends on this form, if you wish to sit together. Please return the bottom part of this application form WITH cheque/s A S A P to Fran Francis, 38 Shaftesbury Avenue, Penwortham, Preston, Lancs. PR1 0EL Telephone 01772 742459 CHEQUES WILL ONLY BE BANKED AT THE END OF MARCH SO PLEASE BOOK EARLY. If Required Refunds will be given 5 Day’s before the event. Emergencies after that date will be considered I / We wish to attend the above function, please state your meal requirements below Please reserve ( ) place / s. For the St George’s Social Event. Price £15:00 per person Please find the enclosed cheques for the persons listed below. Please make cheques payable to - ‘Lancashire Unison Retired Members Section’ Please return this section with meal requirement's & payment to:Fran Francis, 38 Shaftesbury Avenue, Penwortham, Preston, Lancs. PR1 0EL Telephone 01772 742459 Please Print Name and telephone number of everyone on this table Extra Special Dietary Requirements PLEASE INDICATE YES / NO Main Meal Letter Desert letter
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