May 18 2015 LEC Horse Shows & Biosecurity Measures

Lancaster Event Center Horse Show Promoters
Amy Dickerson, Managing Director
May 18, 2015
Update on Lancaster Event Center Biosecurity Measures
In light of the recent equine herpesvirus strain 1 (EHV-1) outbreaks in the
Midwest, we wanted to provide an update to our equine community.
Update from Nebraska State Veterinarian
We talked with Dr. Dudley of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture’s State of
Nebraska Veterinarian office late last week and we have confirmed that, while
EHV-1 is present in other states as we are all hearing, no EHV-1 cases have been
diagnosed in Nebraska. Closest in proximity to us are confirmed cases in Iowa
where the affected facilities are all under quarantines. Dr. Dudley said the trail of
infection goes from Iowa back east towards Kentucky. Facilities and horse
owners that were potentially in contact with EHV-1 have all been notified.
Though it is important to use proper biosecurity measures as always, we were
assured by Dr. Dudley that an increased state of concern is not in order in
Nebraska at this point.
Upcom ing Horse Shows at the Lancaster Event Center
All future horse shows on the Lancaster Event Center schedule are still planned
to be held, we are aware of none even considering to change their schedule and
many in fact have more horse exhibitors than previous years. We are working
with each horse show to create a stalling plan that keeps different shows’ horses
as separate as possible as we continue to work with each show lead to ensure
the success of each equine show.
Lancaster Event Center Biosecurity Measures Continue
For a year now, we have been using the highly recommended, natural, safe &
effective disinfectant used in many horse facilities, called Nixall—folks have
comment that it even smells pleasant! You can find more information at
Attached are photos of our disinfection process currently finishing up before our
next round of equine shows. We spray everything that comes into contact with
horses (stalls, aisles, arenas, walkways, doorways). Disinfected stalls are zip-tied
shut with a Nixall tag and after the stall is used, or simply the zip-tie seal is
broken, we disinfect EVERY stall top to bottom (floor, walls, bars) before the
next use.
We have been making this investment in the disinfectant materials and labor
year-round for a year now. Upon arrival, horse owners will find that we are
continuing to offer ready-to-mix Nixall in small bottles and cleaning kits (bucket,
gloves, rags) for purchase at a reasonable price as a convenience for our horse
exhibitors, which we can deliver along with shavings.
W hat Horse O wners Can Do
We encourage horse owners to continue to keep vigilant, as is always
recommended when traveling especially, on your own horse’s health (working
with your own vet on vaccinations, monitoring temperature, etc.) and stay
informed about the EHV-1 virus. The Nebraska State Vet has just recently
updated their site with many helpful documents for your information: Please contact
your horse show lead if you have further questions, and we encourage horse
lead to contact us at the Lancaster Event Center or the Nebraska State Vet with
any further questions.
Statement from Nixall: Only EPA disinfectant that will kill all the CDC Super bugs that is NonToxic to animals and humans! The US Marines and the University of Oregon have shown that the
active ingredient in Nixall is 100 times more effective than bleach. See for more
information. DISCLAIMER This Lancaster Event Center Memo is for informational purposes only.
The document information was drawn from a variety of reputable sources and attention to detail
was taken in preparation, however, the Lancaster County Agricultural Society and the Lancaster
Event Center offer no guaranty of completeness or effectiveness of the recommendations and
protocols for achieving infection control at equine events.
Enclosure: two pictures of disinfecting in progress