J Neurosurg 117:324–333, 2012 Outcome after severe brain trauma due to acute subdural hematoma Clinical article Johannes Leitgeb, M.D.,1 Walter Mauritz, M.D., Ph.D., 2,3 Alexandra Brazinova, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., 4,5 Ivan Janciak, Ph.D., 6 Marek Majdan, Ph.D., 5,7 Ingrid Wilbacher, M.Sc., Ph.D., 8 and Martin Rusnak, C.Sc., M.D., Ph.D. 5,9 1 Department of Traumatology, Medical University of Vienna; 2Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Trauma Hospital “Lorenz Boehler”; 3Vice President, 4Executive Director, 6Information and Data Manager, 7Statistician, 8Senior Research Fellow, and 9President, International Neurotrauma Research Organization, Vienna, Austria; and 5Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Social Services, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia Object. In this paper, the authors’ goal was to identify factors contributing to outcomes after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to acute subdural hematoma (SDH). Methods. Between February 2002 and April 2010, 17 Austrian centers prospectively enrolled 863 patients with moderate and severe TBI into observational studies. Data regarding accident, treatment, and outcomes were collected. Data sets from patients who had severe TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale score < 9) and acute SDH were selected. Six-month outcomes were classified as “favorable” if the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) scores were 5 or 4, and they were classified as “unfavorable” if GOS scores were 3 or less. The Rotterdam score was used to classify CT findings, and the scores published by Hukkelhoven et al. were used to estimate the predicted rates of death and of unfavorable outcomes. Univariate (Fisher exact test, t-test, chi-square test) and multivariate (logistic regression) statistics were used to identify factors associated with hospital mortality and favorable outcome. Results. Of the 738 patients with severe TBI, 360 (49%) had acute SDH. Of these, 168 (46.7%) died in the hospital, 67 (18.6%) survived with unfavorable outcome, and 116 (32.2%) survived with favorable outcome. Long-term outcome was unknown in 9 survivors (2.5%). Mortality rates predicted by the Rotterdam CT score showed good correlation with observed mortality rates. According to the Hukkelhoven scores, observed/predicted ratios for mortality and unfavorable outcome were 1.09 and 1.02, respectively. Conclusions. Age, severity of TBI, and neurological status were the main factors influencing outcomes after severe TBI due to acute SDH. Nonoperative management was associated with significantly higher mortality. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2012.4.JNS111448) Key Words • traumatic brain injury • acute subdural hematoma • outcome • prognostic score T raumatic brain injuries represent a serious public health problem. This injury is the leading cause of death in people younger than 45 years old in the US, Europe,27 and most other countries.11 It has been estimated that each year 1 million admissions to European hospitals are caused by TBI.11 Incidence, mortality, and Abbreviations used in this paper: AIS = Abbreviated Injury Score; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; GOS = Glasgow Outcome Scale; ICP = intracranial pressure; INRO = International Neurotrauma Research Organization; ISS = Injury Severity Score; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; PD = probability of hospital death; PU = probability of unfavorable long-term outcome; SDH = subdural hematoma; TBI = traumatic brain injury. 324 morbidity of TBI are even higher in developing countries.11 Acute SDH has been recognized as a devastating injury. In patients with severe TBI due to acute SDH, mortality rates of 60% and more, depending on GCS scores, have been published.13 Some authors have developed algorithms to estimate the probability of functional recovery29 or poor outcome.22 However, most of the studies on acute SDH came from single centers, were performed more than 10 years ago, and enrolled comparatively few patients. In addition, most previous studies enrolled patients with mild, moderate, and severe TBI. The goal of this study was to identify factors influencing outcomes after severe TBI due to acute SDH using fairly recent J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 Outcome after severe TBI due to acute SDH data from a large sample of patients enrolled in Austrian trauma centers. Methods Between 2001 and 2010 the INRO (a nongovernmental research organization, founded in 1999 and based in Vienna, Austria) coordinated 2 projects that focused on Austrian patients with TBI. The first project analyzed epidemiology and hospital treatment of patients with severe TBI as well as the effects of guideline-based treatment.23 This project was begun in March 2002, and 5 centers enrolled 415 patients until June 2005. The second project focused on prehospital and early hospital management of patients with moderate and severe TBI. It started in March 2009, and 16 centers enrolled 448 patients until April 2010. Both projects were conducted after approval was obtained from the local ethics committees. Databases developed by INRO were used to collect data for these projects. Data from the 2 projects were compared by examination for significant differences in epidemiology, treatment, and outcomes. No relevant differences were found, and the 2 databases were merged. The merged database now holds data from 863 patients. Since both projects were purely observational, pediatric and geriatric patients, patients with TBI with multiple trauma, and patients with low GCS scores were enrolled; these patients are usually excluded from industry-sponsored studies. The data for this study were collected in 17 Austrian centers. All centers were of tertiary care level and were able to provide patient management according to the Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines for the management of patients with severe TBI.1 The number of patients enrolled by these centers (median 28 [IQR 21–65], range 3–150 patients) varied considerably, as 4 centers participated in both projects, and some centers joined the second project with just a few weeks remaining for patient inclusion. Treatment in the field was provided by emergency physicians. All patients underwent rapid examination, which included documentation of vital signs (GCS score, pupil status, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation). Rapid-sequence intubation facilitated by hypnotics and relaxants, ventilation, treatment of hemorrhage, and fluid resuscitation were done as appropriate. After admission, each patient was examined by a trauma team (anesthesiologists, trauma surgeons, and/or neurosurgeons, radiologists, and nurses), and a CT scan was obtained. The patients then underwent surgery as appropriate and/ or were admitted to the ICU. Neurosurgery was provided by neurosurgeons (6 centers) or by trauma surgeons (11 centers) who had the option of consulting neurosurgeons for more difficult cases. Intensive care was provided by anesthesiologists in cooperation with neurosurgeons or trauma surgeons. Basic patient demographic data, cause and location of trauma, prehospital status and treatment, mechanism and severity of trauma (AIS and ISS), CT scanning findings, laboratory test results, and data on surgical procedures and outcomes were recorded prospectively. Prehospital data were documented by the local paramedics, and these J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 data were then transferred into the databases. Computed tomography scans were interpreted by neurosurgeons, trauma surgeons, and radiologists, and the summarized findings were entered into a separate page in the databases. This page collected detailed data on the appearance of the basal cisterns (open, compressed, or absent), midline shift, and main findings (such as edema, hematoma, and contusions). No central review of CT scans was done in the first project, as no actual images were uploaded into the databases. Central review of the CT scans was done in the second project; CT scans were collected on compact discs, and a radiologist and a trauma surgeon checked the accuracy of the data entered into the database. Data regarding duration of various treatments, complications, and outcome were collected at discharge from the ICU and at hospital discharge. Information on status and location was recorded at 6 months after injury. This was done by phone calls to the patients and/or their relatives; in some cases the GOS score was recorded at the patients’ follow-up visits to the centers. In all centers, data were collected by local research fellows; the data quality was monitored by the INRO project manager (A.B.). Missing or implausible data were reported to local investigators who then submitted missing or corrected values. Personal data protection was observed, and the identifiers were kept separately from the data. All patients for whom an acute SDH was noted on their first CT scan were selected for this analysis. Only patients with severe TBI (defined as a GCS score of 8 or less in the field and/or following resuscitation) and who survived at least until admission to the ICU were included. Data on trauma mechanism, trauma severity, CT findings, treatment, and outcomes were retrieved for each patient. The 6-point Rotterdam CT score15 was used to classify CT findings, and the PD according to this score was calculated using the formula given in the paper. In addition, the Marshall classification19 was also used to classify CT findings. The prognostic scores developed by Hukkelhoven et al.9 were used to estimate the PD and the PU. To describe long-term outcomes, the GOS12 was used. “Favorable outcome” was defined as a GOS score of 5 or 4, and “unfavorable outcome” was defined as a GOS score of 3 or less at 6 months after trauma. According to their hospital outcomes, patients were assigned to the groups “alive” and “dead.” The differences between these 2 groups of patients were analyzed. The free software provided by P. Wessa (Free Statistics Software version 1.1.23-r6, http://www.wessa.net) was used for calculations. The 2-tailed t-test (for comparisons of mean values), Fisher exact test (for analysis of 2 × 2 tables), and chi-square test (for analysis of N × 2 contingency tables) were done as appropriate to identify differences between the groups. To check for associations with outcomes, 2 logistic regression models were constructed: 1 each for hospital survival and favorable long-term outcome. The parameters age, injury mechanism, sex, ISS, head AIS, direct transfer, prehospital hypotension, prehospital hypoxia, pupil reactivity, GCS score, presence of IVH, Rotterdam CT score, and treatment strategy (operative vs nonoperative treatment) were used as confounding variables, with backward exclusion of nonsignificant 325 J. Leitgeb et al. parameters. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results There were 863 data sets in the database. Of these, outcome was not recorded in 18 patients, 9 patients died prior to ICU admission, and 98 patients had only moderate TBI (GCS scores of 9–12 after admission); this left 738 patients for analysis. Of these, 360 (48.8%) had an acute SDH on their CT scan and were selected for this analysis. Demographic data for the 2 groups of patients are given in Table 1. About 70% of the patients were male, and there was no significant difference between the groups. Sex had no effect on outcome, although female patients were significantly older than males. There was a significant effect of age; patients who survived were significantly younger. Fifty-six percent of the patients who died (94 of 168 patients) were older than 60 years of age. There was a significant increase in mortality rates (from 25% to 63%) with increasing age. With regard to trauma mechanism, there were no significant differences, although the rate of low-level falls was higher in nonsurvivors. Type of trauma (blunt vs penetrating trauma) had no effect on mortality. Trauma severity was significantly lower in patients who survived (Table 2); mean ISS, head AIS, GCS score, the number of patients with unreactive pupils, and the number with hypotension and hypoxia in the field were TABLE 1: Age, sex, and trauma mechanism in 360 patients who suffered a TBI Value* Parameter patients female male total mean age (yrs) female male total age group (yrs) 1–15 16–30 31–45 46–60 61–75 >76 total trauma mechanism blunt assault gunshot fall <3 m fall >3 m traffic related bicycle sports related work related unknown other total type of trauma blunt penetrating total Alive Dead Total % Mortality p Value† 59 (30.7) 133 (69.3) 192 (100.0) 55 (32.7) 113 (67.3) 168 (100.0) 114 (31.7) 246 (68.3) 360 (100.0) 48.2 45.9 46.7 0.73 63.7 ± 18.6 49.0 ± 19.9 53.5 ± 20.6 68.5 ± 19.8 56.7 ± 21.4 60.6 ± 21.6 66.0 ± 19.3 52.6 ± 20.9 56.8 ± 21.3 3 (1.6) 34 (17.7) 33 (17.2) 36 (18.8) 53 (27.6) 33 (17.2) 192 (100.0) 1 (0.6) 20 (11.9) 21 (12.5) 32 (19.0) 39 (23.2) 55 (32.7) 168 (100.0) 4 (1.1) 54 (15.0) 54 (15.0) 68 (18.9) 92 (25.6) 88 (24.4) 360 (100.0) 25.0 37.0 38.9 47.1 42.4 62.5 46.7 4 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 69 (35.9) 23 (12.0) 46 (24.0) 12 (6.2) 12 (6.2) 8 (4.2) 6 (3.1) 12 (6.2) 192 (100.0) 1 (0.6) 4 (2.4) 79 (47.0) 16 (9.5) 34 (20.2) 11 (6.6) 4 (2.4) 5 (3.0) 2 (1.2) 12 (7.1) 168 (100.0) 5 (1.4) 4 (1.1) 148 (41.1) 39 (10.8) 80 (22.2) 23 (6.6) 16 (4.4) 13 (3.6) 8 (2.2) 24 (6.7) 360 (100.0) 20.0 100.0 53.4 41.0 42.5 25.0 38.5 25.0 50.0 46.7 0.065 177 (92.2) 15 (7.8) 192 (100.0) 156 (92.9) 12 (7.1) 168 (100.0) 333 (92.5) 27 (7.5) 360 (100.0) 46.8 44.4 46.7 0.84 <0.001 <0.001 0.018 * Mean values are presented as the mean ± SD. All other values are the number of patients (%). † The p values refer to differences between surviving versus nonsurviving patients. 326 J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 Outcome after severe TBI due to acute SDH TABLE 2: Parameters relevant to severity of brain injury and overall severity of injury, and incidence of field hypotension and hypoxia Value* Parameter additional regions w/ AIS >2 0 1 2 >2 total GCS score 3 4 5 6 7 8 total mean ISS mean head AIS mean enrollment GCS score pupils 0 reactive 1 reactive 2 reactive unknown total prehospital hypotension no yes total prehospital hypoxia no yes total Alive Dead Total % Mortality p Value† 119 (62.0) 41 (21.4) 24 (12.5) 8 (4.2) 192 (100.0) 113 (67.3) 32 (19.0) 16 (9.5) 7 (4.2) 168 (100.0) 232 (64.4) 73 (20.3) 40 (11.1) 15 (4.2) 360 (100.0) 48.7 43.8 40.0 46.7 46.7 0.72 70 (36.5) 11 (5.7) 23 (12.0) 34 (17.7) 25 (13.0) 29 (15.1) 192 (100.0) 24.1 ± 10.5 4.1 ± 0.5 5.1 ± 1.9 96 (57.1) 23 (13.7) 19 (11.3) 19 (11.3) 6 (3.6) 5 (3.0) 168 (100.0) 38.7 ± 23.3 4.8 ± 0.9 4.0 ± 1.4 166 (46.1) 34 (9.4) 42 (11.7) 53 (14.7) 31 (8.6) 34 (9.4) 360 (100.0) 31.0 ± 19.1 4.4 ± 0.8 4.6 ± 1.8 57.8 67.6 45.2 35.8 19.4 14.7 46.7 11 (5.7) 1 (0.5) 143 (74.5) 37 (19.3) 192 (100.0) 49 (29.2) 2 (1.2) 86 (51.2) 31 (18.5) 168 (100.0) 60 (16.7) 3 (0.8) 229 (63.6) 68 (18.9) 360 (100.0) 81.7 66.7 37.6 45.6 46.7 <0.001 183 (95.3) 9 (4.7) 192 (100.0) 147 (87.5) 21 (12.5) 168 (100.0) 330 (91.7) 30 (8.3) 360 (100.0) 44.5 70.0 46.7 0.012 174 (90.6) 18 (9.4) 192 (100.0) 140 (83.3) 28 (16.7) 168 (100.0) 314 (87.2) 46 (12.8) 360 (100.0) 44.6 60.9 46.7 0 .041 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 * Mean values are presented as the mean ± SD. All other values are the number of patients (%). † The p values refer to differences between surviving versus nonsurviving patients. significantly lower. Fifty-five percent of the patients had GCS scores of 3 or 4; more than 70% of the patients who died, but only 42% of those who survived, had GCS scores of 3 or 4. Nearly two-thirds of the patients from both groups had isolated TBI. Associated injuries with an AIS greater than 2 were seen more frequently in survivors, but this difference was not significant. The number of additionally injured regions had no effect on mortality. With regard to CT findings (Table 3), increasing values of the Rotterdam CT score were significantly associated with increasing mortality rates. No patient had the best score of 1. There was a significant correlation between the PD predicted by the score and the observed mortality rates (y = 1. 2281x + 6.11; R2 = 0.933; p = 0.007 J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 for scores 2–6). According to the Marshall classification, 198 patients (55%) had an evacuated mass lesion, and 162 (45%) had a nonevacuated mass lesion. Mortality was lower in the patients with evacuated mass lesions (42.9% vs 51.2%), but this difference was not significant (p = 0.14). With the exception of IVH, additional CT findings were not associated with significantly increased mortality. With regard to treatment, indirect transfer was associated with significantly lower mortality (Table 4). The mode of transport, rates of prehospital intubation, and timing of CT scanning and surgery were not significantly different. Conservative management without ICP monitoring was associated with the highest mortality (64.2%); 327 J. Leitgeb et al. TABLE 3: Rotterdam CT scores and various additional CT findings* No. of Patients (%) Parameter Rotterdam CT score 2 3 4 5 6 ND total additional EDH no yes total additional SAH no yes total additional IVH no yes total additional contusion no yes total Alive Dead Total % Mortality p Value† 42 (21.9) 91 (47.4) 42 (21.9) 14 (7.3) 2 (1.0) 1 (0.5) 192 (100.0) 22 (13.1) 55 (32.7) 44 (26.2) 35 (20.8) 8 (4.8) 4 (2.4) 168 (100.0) 64 (17.8) 146 (40.6) 86 (23.9) 49 (13.6) 10 (2.8) 5 (1.4) 360 (100.0) 34.4 37.7 51.2 71.4 80.0 80.0 46.7 <0.001 169 (88.0) 23 (12.0) 192 (100.0) 142 (84.5) 26 (15.5) 168 (100.0) 311 (86.4) 49 (13.6) 360 (100.0) 45.7 53.1 46.7 0.36 93 (48.4) 99 (51.6) 192 (100.0) 70 (41.7) 98 (58.3) 168 (100.0) 163 (45.3) 197 (54.7) 360 (100.0) 42.9 49.7 46.7 0.21 180 (93.8) 12 (6.3) 192 (100.0) 143 (85.1) 25 (14.9) 168 (10 0.0) 323 (89.7) 37 (10.3) 360 (100.0) 44.3 67.6 46.7 0.009 104 (54.2) 88 (45.8) 192 (100.0) 93 (55.4) 75 (44.6) 168 (100.0) 197 (54.7) 163 (45.3) 360 (100.0) 47.2 46.0 46.7 0.83 * EDH = epidural hematoma; ND = no data; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage. † The p values refer to differences between surviving versus nonsurviving patients. mortality rates were significantly lower (p = 0.01) with conservative management with ICP monitoring (38.3%) or with operative management (42.9%). Primary craniectomy was associated with lower mortality than craniotomy (39% vs 46%), but the difference was not significant (p = 0.32). The use of ICP monitoring was associated with significantly lower mortality (42% vs 54%, p = 0.037). The observed hospital mortality rate was 46.7% (168 of 360 patients), and the PD predicted by the Hukkelhoven score was 42.7% ± 22.3%. The observed versus predicted ratio for mortality was 1.09; this ratio equals 32 unexpected deaths but is within the predicted range. The PD predicted by the Rotterdam CT score was 52.6 ± 18; the observed versus predicted ratio for mortality for this score was 0.89; this equals 39 unexpected survivors and is also within the predicted range. Most of the nonsurvivors died in the ICU (146 [87%]), and 22 died on intermediate or regular wards. Most patients died of brain death (113 [67.3%] of 168), cardiovascular problems (24 [14.3%] of 168), hemorrhage (7 [4.2%] of 168), or multiple organ failure (6 [3.6%] of 168). Four patients (2.4%) died of other causes, and the cause of death was unknown in the remaining 14 patients (8.4%). Logistic regression re328 vealed that age, GCS score, pupil reactivity, head AIS, prehospital hypoxia, and nonoperative treatment were significantly associated with hospital mortality (Table 5). Sex, injury mechanism, ISS, indirect transfer, prehospital hypotension, Rotterdam CT score, and presence of IVH had no significant influence on hospital mortality. Of the 192 hospital survivors 116 (60.4%) had favorable outcomes, 67 (34.9%) had unfavorable outcomes, and long-term outcome was unknown in 9 patients (4.7%). Of all patients in this study, 116 (32.2%) had favorable outcomes, 235 (65.3%) had unfavorable outcomes (168 patients who died in the hospital plus 67 patients who survived with unfavorable outcomes), and long-term outcome was unknown in 9 patients (2.5% of all patients). The PU predicted by the Hukkelhoven score was 63.8% ± 21.9%; the observed/predicted ratio for unfavorable outcome was 1.02. This ratio equaled 7 patients with unexpected unfavorable outcome and was within the range of the predicted PU. If all patients with unknown long-term outcome were classified as “unfavorable” the observed/ predicted ratio for unfavorable outcome would be 1.06 and would still be within the predicted range. Logistic regression analysis revealed that age, GCS score, head AIS, J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 Outcome after severe TBI due to acute SDH TABLE 4: Selected parameters of prehospital and hospital treatment* No. of Patients (%) Parameter indirect transfer no yes total mode of transport air ground total prehospital intubation no yes total time btwn admission & CT scan (mins) 0–30 31–60 61–90 >90 unknown total time btwn CT scan & start of op (mins) 0–20 21–40 41–60 61–120 >120 total neurosurgery no surgery ICP monitoring ASDH evacuation ASDH + EDH evacuation ASDH + ICH evacuation ASDH + EDH + ICH evacuation decompressive total surgical technique craniectomy craniotomy decompressive total ICP monitoring no yes total Alive Dead Total % Mortality p Value† 147 (76.6) 45 (23.4) 192 (100.0) 148 (88.1) 20 (11.9) 168 (100.0) 295 (81.9) 65 (18.1) 360 (100.0) 50.2 30.8 46.7 0.006 70 (36.5) 122 (63.5) 192 (100.0) 54 (32.1) 114 (67.9) 168 (100.0) 124 (34.4) 236 (65.6) 360 (100.0) 43.5 48.3 46.7 0.44 67 (34.9) 125 (65.1) 192 (100.0) 50 (29.8) 118 (70.2) 168 (100.0) 117 (32.5) 243 (67.5) 360 (100.0) 42.7 48.6 46.7 0.31 116 (60.4) 48 (25.0) 13 (6.8) 14 (7.3) 1 (0.5) 192 (100.0) 97 (57.7) 44 (26.2) 7 (4.2) 14 (8.3) 6 (3.6) 168 (100.0) 213 (59.2) 92 (25.6) 20 (5.6) 28 (7.8) 7 (1.9) 360 (100.0) 45.5 47.8 35.0 50.0 85.7 46.7 0.73 31 (19.6) 45 (28.5) 16 (10.1) 28 (17.7) 38 (24.1) 158 (100.0) 25 (22.1) 32 (28.3) 18 (15.9) 23 (20.4) 15 (13.3) 113 (100.0) 56 (20.7) 77 (28.4) 34 (12.5) 51 (18.8) 53 (19.6) 271 (100.0) 44.6 41.6 52.9 45.1 28.3 41.7 0.19 29 (15.1) 50 (26.0) 93 (48.4) 16 (8.3) 4 (2.1) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 192 (100.0) 52 (31.0) 31 (18.5) 72 (42.9) 9 (5.4) 2 (1.2) 1 (0.6) 1 (0.6) 168 (100.0) 81 (22.5) 81 (22.5) 165 (45.8) 25 (6.9) 6 (1.7) 1 (0.3) 1 (0.3) 360 (100.0) 64.2 38.3 43.6 36.0 33.3 100.0 100.0 46.7 0.01 55 (48.7) 58 (51.3) 0 (0.0) 113 (100.0) 35 (41.2 49 (57.6) 1 (1.2) 85 (100.0) 90 (45.5) 107 (54.0) 1 (0.5) 198 (100.0) 38.9 45.8 100.0 42.9 0.32 61 (31.8) 131 (68.2) 192 (100.0) 72 (42.9) 96 (57.1) 168 (100.0) 133 (36.9) 227 (63.1) 360 (100.0) 54.1 42.3 46.7 0.037 * ASDH = acute SDH; ICH = intracerebral hematoma. † The p values refer to differences between surviving versus nonsurviving patients. J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 329 J. Leitgeb et al. TABLE 5: Coefficients of logistic regressions for hospital outcome and 6-month outcome* Variable hospital outcome† intercept age GCS score pupils head AIS score field hypoxia op treatment sex mechanism ISS field hypotension transfer IVH Rotterdam score 6-mo outcome‡ intercept age GCS score head AIS score Rotterdam score pupils field hypoxia op treatment sex mechanism ISS field hypotension transfer IVH Parameter Standard Error t Statistic 2-Sided p Value Significant 1.4391 −0.0304 0.3019 1.2261 −1.0352 1.1149 1.3882 −0.3046 −0.2381 −0.0221 −0.2802 0.3403 0.1991 0.2034 2.2788 0.0077 0.0815 0.4089 0.2730 0.3621 0.4023 0.2997 0.1771 0.0129 0.5455 0.2081 0.2816 0.2957 0.6315 −3.9777 3.7072 2.9985 −3.792 2.5499 3.4508 −1.0161 −1.3443 −1.7096 −0.5138 1.6348 0.7072 0.6881 0.5281 0.0008 0.0002 0.0029 0.0002 0.0032 0.0006 0.3102 0.1797 0.0882 0.6077 0.1029 0.4799 0.4918 yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no 2.7676 −0.0333 0.2049 −1.1776 0.9242 0.8248 0.1825 0.0203 −0.2438 −0.2298 −0.0069 −0.3723 0.4029 0.2480 2.3698 0.0075 0.0762 0.2803 0.4689 0.4088 0.4446 0.3020 0.3009 0.1716 0.01415 0.5868 0.3583 0.2817 1.1678 −4.3893 2.6893 −4.2019 1.9709 2.9714 0.4106 0.0673 −0.8102 −1.3389 −0.4939 −0.6344 1.1245 0.8805 0.2437 0.0002 0.0075 0.0003 0.0596 0.1665 0.6817 0.9463 0.4183 0.1815 0.6217 0.5262 0.2616 0.3792 yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no * All parameters that were included in the model are presented, including those that had no significant influence. † Survival = 1. ‡ Favorable = 1. and the Rotterdam CT score were significantly associated with long-term outcomes (Table 5). All other variables had no significant influence on long-term outcome. Discussion This study presents a large sample of patients from 17 Austrian centers who had severe TBI due to acute SDH. Our findings show that acute SDH is the mass lesion with the highest incidence (49%) in patients with severe TBI. They also show that acute SDH is associated with high mortality (47%) and a low rate of favorable long-term outcomes (32%) in this group of patients. These poor results, however, were well within the ranges predicted by the scores developed by Hukkelhoven et al.9 and by Maas et al.15 Our study also shows that age, neurological status, 330 and severity of trauma are the main factors determining outcomes after severe TBI due to acute SDH. The results presented here, however, are actually better than those published by some other authors. Koç et al.13 reported 60% mortality and 38% favorable outcome for patients with acute SDH who needed surgery; that study included patients with moderate TBI, whereas our study included only patients with severe TBI. Hospital mortality for patients who had acute SDH evacuation was 43% in our study. It seems that nearly all survivors in the study by Koç et al.13 had favorable outcomes, and more than one-third of the survivors had unfavorable outcomes in our study. Hatashita et al.5 found an overall mortality of 55% and favorable outcome of 30% in surgically treated patients with acute SDH; their study also included patients with moderate TBI. These results are somewhat closer to our own results than those of Koç et al.13 In J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 Outcome after severe TBI due to acute SDH another study, Servadei et al.25 reported a 35.4% favorable outcome in 65 patients with severe TBI due to acute SDH, and they managed 20% of the patients conservatively. These results are in accordance with our own experiences. According to Dent et al.2 only 24% of patients with severe TBI due to acute SDH who required urgent surgery had a favorable outcome, which is the worst result published so far. However, it has to be noted that none of the other authors provided data on the expected mortality of their patients, because no score had been available at the times of their studies. Trauma severity and, thus, expected mortality might have been different from that seen in our study. With regard to factors influencing outcomes, the impact of GCS scores has been studied most frequently. The most detailed analysis of the effects of GCS scores on outcomes after severe TBI was done in the IMPACT (International Mission for Prognosis and Analsysis of Clinical Trials in TBI) study.16 It was shown that the GCS score at hospital admission was strongly related to the GOS score at 6 months after trauma (OR 1.7–7.5). Hatashita et al.5 also found a strong correlation between GCS scores and mortality: nearly all patients with acute SDH and GCS scores of 3 died (93% mortality), patients with GCS scores of 4–6 had a mortality of 45%–67%, and all patients with GCS scores of 7 or higher survived. These results are confirmed by the study by Koç et al.13 Gennarelli et al.3 published mortality rates of 74% for patients with acute SDH and GCS scores of 3–5, and 36% for those with GCS scores of 6–8. This significant association between GCS scores and outcomes was also found in our study. Age is one of the most important factors influencing survival as well as recovery after severe TBI, as demonstrated in the large study done by Hukkelhoven et al.10 They estimated that the odds for poor outcome increased by 40%–50% per 10 years of age. With regard to patients with acute SDH, Howard et al.7 reported that overall mortality was more than 4 times higher in patients older than 65 years than in those 18–40 years. In the study by Koç et al.,13 age did not significantly influence outcome, although their findings demonstrated that an older age was associated with increased mortality. The significant influence of age on outcomes was also found in our study. Koç et al.13 reported that patients with acute SDH who presented with bilateral or unilateral unreactive pupils had mortality rates of 97% and 81%, respectively. In the study by Marmarou et al.,16 one or both unreactive pupils were significantly associated with poor outcome (OR 2.71–7.31). With regard to hospital outcome, this association was also observed in our study; however, pupil reactivity had no significant effect on long-term outcome. Lefering et al.14 analyzed data from patients with head injury from the German Trauma Registry and reported that patients with concomitant injuries with an AIS greater than 3 had a 5% higher mortality rate than patients without concomitant injuries. Heinzelmann et al.6 came to different conclusions. They found that extracranial injuries had no significant effect on outcomes of patients with epidural hematoma. In our study, additional injuries also had no effect on outcomes. J Neurosurg / Volume 117 / August 2012 With regard to CT findings, our study showed that the PD predicted by the Rotterdam CT score correlated significantly with the observed mortality rates. Unfortunately, this correlation could only be calculated for scores 2–6, as our study had no patient with a score of 1. The Rotterdam CT score was much better suited for our group of patients than the Marshall score, since our patients fell into 2 of the 6 possible groups. The Rotterdam CT score had significant effect on long-term outcome but not on hospital mortality. With regard to surgical management, Seelig et al.24 reported a mortality of 30% for comatose patients treated less than 4 hours after injury versus 90% mortality for those treated after 4 hours. Other authors, however, came to different conclusions. Wilberger et al.28 found that mortality in patients with admission GCS scores less than 8 who underwent surgery within 4 hours of injury was 59% versus 69% for those who underwent surgery after 4 hours. They were not able to confirm a significant influence of timing of surgery on outcome. These findings are supported by the studies done by Stone et al., 26 Hatashita et al., 5 and Koç et al.13 Timing of surgery also had no effect on outcome in our study. Craniotomy and craniectomy were associated with comparable mortality rates in our study. This confirms earlier results from Paci et al.21 However, these authors found higher mortality rates with craniectomy, which is in contrast to our findings. The multivariate analysis showed that conservative management of patients with acute SDH had significant effect on hospital mortality but not on long-term outcome. However, this might reflect a conscious decision by the medical team and the patients’ families not to treat the most severely injured patients. The conservatively managed patients had the highest PD (0.47) of all patients with acute SDH, while the PD of all surgically treated patients was 0.41. Another treatment aspect that may influence outcomes is direct transfer to a specialized neurosurgical center. Stone et al.26 found that in patients with acute SDH, mortality was significantly lower for those who had been transported directly to their center (50% vs 76%). More recently Härtl et al.4 reported that indirect transfer was associated with a 50% increase in mortality for patients who had suffered severe TBI. We were unable to demonstrate an effect of direct transfer on outcomes in our study; mortality was actually lower in the patients with indirect transfer. This, however, was not significant in the logistic regression analysis. There are 2 possible reasons for this surprising result. First, only patients who were admitted to the ICU were enrolled into the first study; patients who did not survive until ICU admission might have been lost. Second, there could be a “selection bias;” it might be that only patients who were considered to have a chance of survival were transferred to the study centers, and the patients in the worst condition might have died at the primary hospital. Limitations of the Study The scores used to estimate PD and PU have not been validated for our study population. These scores were created from the international and North American data 331 J. Leitgeb et al. from the tirilazad trial8,18 and were validated against the core data set of the EBIC (European Brain Injury Consortium) survey20 and data from the Traumatic Coma Data Bank.17 It is quite likely that our patients are comparable to those from the EBIC centers and the international arm of the tirilazad trial. There could, however, be subtle differences, and the observed/expected ratios for mortality and unfavorable outcome estimated for our groups of patients may be incorrect. The use of these scores seemed justified, however, because interpretation of our results would be difficult without comparison with the predictions. Conclusions Acute SDH was found in almost half of the patients with severe TBI. Forty-seven percent of the patients died in the hospital, 19% survived with unfavorable outcomes, and 32% had favorable outcomes. These results were within the predicted ranges. Age, severity of TBI, and neurological status were the main factors influencing morbidity and mortality. Nonoperative management was associated with significantly higher mortality. The mortality predictions made by the Rotterdam CT score correlated well with the observed mortality rates. Disclosure The data used for this study were collected for a project funded by the Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board (AUVA; FK 33/2003) and by the “Jubilee Fund” of the Austrian National Bank (Project 8987), and for a project funded by the Ministry of Health (Contract October 15, 2008) and the AUVA (FK 11/2008 and FK 11/2010). INRO is supported by an annual grant from Mrs. Ala Auersperg-Isham and Mr. Ralph Isham, and by small donations from various sources. Author contributions to the study and manuscript preparation include the following. Conception and design: Leitgeb, Mauritz. Acquisition of data: Leitgeb, Brazinova. Analysis and interpretation of data: Leitgeb, Janciak. Drafting the article: Leitgeb, Majdan. Critically revising the article: Leitgeb, Mauritz, Brazinova, Majdan, Wilbacher, Rusnak. Reviewed submitted version of manuscript: Leitgeb, Mauritz, Brazinova, Majdan, Wilbacher, Rusnak. Approved the final version of the manuscript on behalf of all authors: Leitgeb. Administrative/technical/material support: Wilbacher. Study supervision: Rusnak. Acknowledgments The authors are very grateful to the investigators from the participating centers: H. Artmann, M.D. (Schwarzach), N. Bauer, M.D. (Linz UKH), F. Botha, M.D. (Linz WJ), F. Chmeliczek, M.D. (Salzburg LKA), G. Clarici, M.D. (Graz Uni), D. Csomor, M.D. (Wr. Neustadt), R. Folie, M.D. (Feldkirch), R. Germann, M.D., Ph.D. (Feldkirch), F. Gruber, M.D. (Linz AKH), H.-D. Gulle, M.D. (Klagenfurt), T. Haidacher, M.D. (Graz UKH), G. Herzer, M.D. (Wr. Neustadt), P. Hohenauer, M.D. (Salzburg LKA), A. Hüblauer, M.D. (Horn), J. Lanner, M.D. (Salzburg UKH), V. Lorenz, M.D. (Wien UKH XII), C. Mirth, M.D. (St. Pölten), W. Mitterndorfer, M.D. (Linz AKH), W. Moser, M.D. (Klagenfurt), H. Schmied, M.D. (Amstetten), K.-H. Stadlbauer, M.D., Ph.D. (Innsbruck), H. Steltzer, M.D., Ph.D. (Wien UKH XII), Ernst Trampitsch, M.D. (Klagenfurt), A. Waltensdorfer, M.D. (Graz Uni), and A. 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