Principal`s Message Dates to Remember

Principal: Mr. Darryl Propp
Vice Principal: Mrs. Kerri Trombley
Phone: 780-923-2898
Fax: 780-923-3007
Dates to Remember
Principal’s Message
It’s almost May; Spring seems to be here and
for schools that means it’s the time of making
decisions. We have to do decide things like
staff assignments, set budgets, make
decisions around student programs and
placement, and a myriad of other things.
Budgets are very tight financially, as you know
from following the news. The current budget
definitely impacts schools, including ours. One
way that is playing out is with the number of
teachers we have been allotted for the coming
year. As a result of this, we are looking at
having one less classroom. One of the tough
decisions has been to have only three grade
four classes next year (2 regular and one
Logos) and this will mean large class sizes at
that level.
May 1
Soon teachers will begin the process of making
class lists for 2015/2016. If you have a special
request, please do this in a letter to myself
that outlines the educational reason(s) for
your choice. As much as possible, we try to
honour these requests, but there are
sometimes extenuating circumstances that
don’t always make it possible. If you could
have these in before June 5th, it would be
much appreciated. We will try to have, to the
best of our knowledge, the teaching
assignments posted before that time.
May 22 Grade 4 Track and Field
Darryl Propp
Hot Lunch-Ham and Cheese Bun/ Career Day-
“Dress as what you want to be when you grow up”
May 4
Mass Choir Rehearsal 1:00pm
May 5
Logos Meeting @ LS 3:45pm
May 6 Hats on for Mental Health/HS Screening/
Assembly-PM/Headstart FT-Prairie Gardens
May 7
Sturgeon Night of Music 7:00pm @ SCHS
May 8
Hot Lunch-Subway/ELKS Run for Children-PM
May 11
No Headstart Classes
May 12 Logos Grade 4 Orientation @ LS
May 14 School Council/PIA Meeting 6:30pm
May 14 Gibbons Town Cleanup
May 15 PD/Staff Meeting Day-No Classes
May 18 Victoria Day-No Classes
May 21 HS Screening
May 22 Hot Lunch– Chicken Ceasar Salad
May 26 Grade 4 Track and Field Rain out Day
May 28 KA/KC-Safety City
May 29 Hot Lunch-Hot Dog/Headstart In School
Field Trip/ Grade 3 Fieldtrip/KB/KL Safety City
Are you moving over the summer?
It is that time of year again when we start
planning for the upcoming school year.
If you are planning on moving over the
summer, please contact Mrs. Brezinski in
the office, to let us know.
Jersey Day-March 27th
Staff and Students wore
their favorite jerseys.
As you can see there
are many Oilers fans in
our school!
Earth Day-April 22,2015
Landing Trail School Students and Staff participated
by bringing litter less lunches on Earth Day. 3G also
made a earth day project using all natural materials
from the school grounds.
Hats on for Mental
May 6, 2015
Wear your hat to
raise awareness of
the importance of
good mental health.
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Cookbook Fundraiser
Hot Lunch Dates
May 1-Ham and Cheese Bun
May 8-Subway
May 22-Chicken Ceasar Salad
May 29-Hot Dog
If your child did not order lunch on these dates they
WILL need to bring a lunch. Also please remember to
send a healthy snack with all students daily.
*If buses do not run on the Friday of a Hot Lunch Day
there will be no hot lunch served . Please send a lunch
with your child on these occasions*
We still have a few cook
books left from our cook
book fundraiser. If you
would like to purchase one
please send in payment to
the office. The cost is
$20.00. There a limited
amount available so get
your orders in quickly!
Kayla Heinen-Winner
of the Easter Coloring
Contest sponsored by
Patrick and Rick
Milligan-Royal Lepage.
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank-You for making our
Scholastic Book Fair March 23-26
such a huge success. The Library will
receive $4309.00, raised from book
sales, to buy books and resources for
the school library.
Congratulations to Payton Michaluk
from 2C. Her name was chosen for
the Book Draw. She has won $25.00
in books for herself as well as $25.00
in books for her classroom!
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School Fees for the 2015-16 school year are as follows:
Kindergarten (ECS) $130 (Non Logos) $145 (Logos only)
Grade 1-2
$83 (Non Logos)
$98 (Logos only)
Grade 3
$93 (Non Logos)
$108 (Logos only)
Grade 4
$121(Non Logos)
$136 (Logos only)
Information on Transportation fees for the upcoming school year, will be available shortly.
Another successful book fair. The 2 For 1 Book Fair held April 20-24 raised
$ 3968 in sales. All proceeds will be donated on our behalf to The Stollery
Children's Hospital and the Boys and Girls Club. Thank-You for your support!
Headstart Screening Dates
Landing Trail School-May 6, 21 and June 10,16
If your child is between the ages of 3 and 5, requires developmental
support for speech, fine motor, and/or social skills and you are interested
in having him/her screened for the headstart program, please contact
Carla at 780-939-4341 for more information.
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Landing Trail School Safety Patrol Schedule
We are still in need of a parent volunteer for Safety Patrol on Monday mornings.
If you are willing to volunteer 20 minutes of your time, we would greatly appreciate it.
Please contact the Office or Mrs. Trombley at 780-923-2898.
8:15 –
Tambra Tarasiuk
Tammy Holm
Peggy Egeland
Shayne F.
Max Power
Brooklyn W.
Cassandra S.
Caleb T.
Nicholas H.
Whitlee B.
Elizabeth M.
Teaghan B.
Ty S.
Ty S.
Luke C.
Shayne F.
Riley J.
Emma L.
Jacob P.
Nolan S.
Emma L.
3:01 –
Alicia Landry
Angela Wiles
Deb Irvine
Elena Foote
Brooklyn W.
Emma L.
Brandon I.
Clayton D.
Zoe W.
Broc B.
Hannah D.
Kira F.
Kira F.
Hannah D.
Emma M.
Zoe W.
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A representative from the John Janzen Nature Centre came to the
school to help our Kindergarten students become nature detectives!.
The Kindergarten students were super sleuths for the day using their
senses and observational skills to search for clues of the season.
Volunteering is a Work of Heart!
On April 23 we celebrated our Volunteers. We truly
appreciate all that you do for our school. The
countless hours of your time that you give to us
from your busy schedules does not go unnoticed.
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For Safety and Insurance reasons, NO PETS are allowed in
the school.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Exceptions may be made for classroom visits. However, the
school does not have insurance coverage if an animal harms
a child or staff member. ALL arrangements must be made
through the office ahead of time.
Landing Trail School has gone Green! For students in Grades 1-4 paper report cards are out and on
line reporting is in! Parents are encouraged to visit the Parent Portal which is an online reporting
system that allows parents to view student grades, attendance, fee information and important
school bulletins in real time. If you are new to the school division you are asked to please contact
the school office to obtain a password which will allow you access to the Parent Portal. If your
child attended a school in Sturgeon last year, your password will still work. If you have forgotten
your password and require a replacement, or are having difficulty with the site, please contact the
school office and we would be happy to help you.
Bus Lane hours are posted in an effort to keep our children safe during the common times that students
are entering and exiting the school grounds and loading and unloading onto busses. We have recently
adjusted the signs to extend this period in the morning to allow for the unloading of the late bus. The
posted hours will now read: NO ENTRY BUSSES ONLY 8:15 – 9:00, 11:00 – 12:30 and 2:30 to 3:15.
Thank you to all school visitors who help us to keep all of our children safe by refraining from parking
in the bus lane during the posted hours.
Fieldtrip Policy
Student Safety
In the interest of student safety, all adults
accompanying or meeting fieldtrips are
required to have a Criminal Record Check on
file at the school prior to the scheduled
fieldtrip. Please keep in mind that if you
submitted a background check to the office
last year, you are NOT required to get a new
one at this time. If you require a background
check, please stop by the office to pick up the
needed documentation for the RCMP.
For the safety of our students, please ensure
when children arrive late that they sign in at
the office prior to going to the classroom. We
also ask that all guests and volunteers also sign
in at the office before heading to the
classroom. If you are picking your child up
early you too are asked to visit the office and a
staff member will call your child down. These
steps will help us ensure we are able to account
for everyone in our building. Thank you for
your cooperation.
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Nutrition Program
Our Nutrition Program
provides students with
healthy snacks and
lunches throughout the
year. This program is
mainly supported by donations. These
donations enable us to provide snacks,
as well as breakfast and lunch items for
students when needed. Tax receipts
will be issued for any donations of
$25.00 and over.
The Board of Trustees meets twice a month during the school year: Committee of the Whole on
the second Wednesday, beginning at 2:00pm, and
Public Board (open to the public) on the fourth
Wednesday, beginning at 4:30pm. The Committee
of the Whole Meetings are closed from 2:00pm3:30pm but then open to the public at 3:30pm.
They are held in the boardroom at the division
office in Morinville.
Listed below are the public board meeting
dates for the 2014/2015 school year:
June 10
June 24
THANK YOU for your continued
Due to the fact that we have a number of
children who suffer from peanut allergies,
we remind parents to PLEASE DO NOT
NUTS in snacks or lunches that are
being sent to school.
Landing Trail School is on
Student absentee checks are done daily.
If you need to report a child’s absence
please call 780-923-2898. If you are
calling after hours please be sure to leave
a message including your child’s name,
class and reason for the absence.
Landing Trail School is on Facebook. We
will be using Facebook as a
communication tool for Parents/
Guardians. Updated information,
pictures, and school activities will be
posted frequently. LIKE our Facebook
page to keep updated on daily school
activities. Search for us on Facebook or
use the link found on our Landing Trail
School Website.
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Sturgeon Valley Singers Present
Gibbons United Church
May 31/15
Art Show Debut:
Rozanna McConnell
 May 9, Saturday. 1PM-3PM
Mother’s Day Tea & Plant Sale – CUC
Ukrainian Dinner & Entertainment
Saturday, May 30, 2015
@ Landing Trail School
Supper 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Entertainment starts @ 7:00 pm
Adults: $14.00
Children (4-11) $6.00
3 & Under: FREE
For Tickets call
Lori @ 780-923-3242
Shelley @ 780-718-9040
Lisa @ 780-203-1982
Sponsored by the
Gibbons United Church
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2nd Annual
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Sunday, May 10, 2015
8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Landing Trail School
Adults: $14.00
Children 4-11: $6.00
3 & Under FREE
For Tickets call
Lori @ 780-923-3242
Shelley @ 780-718-9040
Lisa @ 780-203-1982
Sponsored by the
Gibbons United Church
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