INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY VERSION 1.1 Cutera CoolGlide® and ProWave 770™ Laser Reduction of Hair on the Face, Legs and Other Parts of the Body This Information Package has been designed by Dr. Searles to answer your questions on this service. Gordon E. Searles, OD, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS How do Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction work? The Cutera CoolGlide® laser and the ProWave™ 770 are noninvasive light therapy systems which have been custom designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body. The Cutera CoolGlide® laser and the ProWave™ 770 generate pulses of intense, concentrated light which a re d i re c t e d t h ro u g h s m a l l , cooled hand pieces which are gently applied to the treatment site. This energy passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the energy is absorbed by pigment in the hair and hair follicle, causing selective damage to the hair root while protecting delicate pores and structures of the skin. The energy is pulsed, or "turned on", for only a fraction of a second. The duration of the pulses is carefully determined so that energy will be absorbed by the hair follicle without transferring excessive heat to the surrounding skin. Some of the hair which was in the treated follicles is wiped off immediately after treatment, and the rest is shed over the next 2-3 weeks. The hair roots which have been destroyed are reabsorbed by the body. If you have ingrown hairs, they will be reabsorbed by the body and the appearance of the skin will improve greatly over the next few months. The surface of the skin is protected by built-in cooling systems which help to protect and soothe the skin during treatment of your unwanted hair. Unlike "hair-by-hair" treatments such as electrolysis, the CoolGlide® and in particular the ProWave™ 770 use wide beams which treats many hairs at once. Because the Cutera CoolGlide® laser and the ProWave™ 770 can treat dozens of hairs with each pulse, it is possible to treat larger areas -- for example the back, shoulders, arms, legs and face. The Cutera CoolGlide® laser can be used just about anywhere on the body, and usually requires no anesthesia. Even sensitive areas such as the nipples, upper lip and bikini line can be treated easily and with minimal discomfort. The ProWave™ 770 is customized for the treatment of large untanned areas like the back and legs. The unique design of these systems allows us to customize treatment, according to your hair and skin colour, hair texture, and location on the body. Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 treatments are a safe, fast, gentle and effective method for hair reduction. In just a few treatment sessions using the gentle power of one of these systems, you can greatly improve the appearance of skin where there is unwanted hair. What areas of the body can be treated? ALL parts of the body CAN be treated (and ARE treated) with the Cutera CoolGlide® hair reduction laser. In women, the most common areas for treatment are upper lip, chin, bikini line, arms and legs, and underarms. In men, the most common areas for treatment are shoulders and back, and the beard area. While it is technically possible to treat even the eyelashes and eye- GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 1 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY brows, we do not treat those areas at the present time. The top of the eyebrows can be treated when the forehead is treated. The ProWave™ 770 is customized for the treatment of large untanned areas like the legs and back. What are the benefits of CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction compared to alternative treatments? The primary benefits of CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction include: o o o Larger areas may be treated with less discomfort than with electrolysis, waxing or tweezing. The CoolGlide® and ProWa v e ™ c o m b i n e s p e e d , comfort and long lasting results. The CoolGlide® works on any area of the body where a hair-free appearance is desired. The ProWave™ is mainly used on large areas like the back and legs. be kept nice and smooth between treatments by shaving -you will never again have to grow your hair out long enough to be waxed or sugared. Occasional waxing can be useful to temporarily get rid of white hairs and fine peach fuzz hairs after you have completed a course of Cutera CoolGlide® laser or ProWave™ 770 treatment. Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal offer long lasting results, and even if hair does eventually grow back it is usually finer in texture and lighter in color than the original hair, and much less of a cosmetic problem. What are the advantages over electrolysis? With electrolysis, the operator inserts a needle into the hair follicle and tries to have the needle tip reach the hair root. The operator then triggers a small electrical charge to disable the hair root. The hair from that follicle is then removed with tweezers. Electrolysis can be an excellent technique for the removal of: The CoolGlide® and ProWave™ are safe for use on pregnant women -- who respond well because their hair is often thicker and darker during pregnancy. o small numbers of hairs o hairs from areas where it is difficult to use the laser (under the eyebrows, near the eyes, and in the ears and nose.) Shaving, waxing and depilatory creams remove the hair but leave the hair follicles intact, so the hair re-grows within one to four weeks in most cases. CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction offers you a long-term reduction in both the amount of hair, and also in many cases a reduction in thickness and color of hair shafts which do grow back. o white, red and blonde hair (which do not absorb laser light efficiently). o Hair removal methods like plucking, waxing or sugaring which cause irritation may actually stimulate hair growth. This happens because one way the body defends itself against having hair pulled out is to produce thicker, stronger hairs which are harder to pull out next time. Another advantage of CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 treatment is that your skin can Some people who have a mixture of dark and white hairs will have CoolGlide® laser or ProWave™ 770 treatment to remove as many of the dark hairs as possible, then have electrolysis to remove any leftover white hairs. Hair reduction is much faster with the CoolGlide® laser or ProWave™ 770 because each "pulse" of laser light disables a large numbers of hair follicles, and pulses can be delivered as often as twice every second. Electrolysis operators can only treat those hairs that they can see and which t h e y c a n re a c h t h e f o l l i c l e through the hair shaft. The Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ VERSION 1.1 770 treat all "active" follicles, even if the hair has not yet reached the surface of the skin, is "ingrown", or if the hair shaft is not straight. Many people want Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction, but everyone wonders: "How much does it cost?" You will find that the fees listed below for laser hair removal using the efficient, effective, fourthgeneration Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 are surprisingly affordable. Fees are per treatment session, plus GST, and can be paid at the time of treatment with Interac, Visa, MasterCard, or cash. No cheques please. Professional services provided by appointment only. Prices subject to change without notice. There is no fee for pre-laser consultation. Consultations about Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction can usually be arranged within a week or two simply by calling our receptionist at 780/424-4464 where our staff who have had Cutera CoolGlide® laser hair removal themselves can take the time to discuss your wishes and options, and answer your questions. No referral is required. Treatment may be scheduled for the same day as the consultation if there is a time slot is available, or may be scheduled for a later date. The most commonly treated body areas include (per treatment session): GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 2 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY Face Upper Lip $80 Chin & anterior neck $125 Upper Lip & Chin & ante- $175 rior neck Cheeks/Sideburns $150 Lower Half Face (upper lip,$250 chin & cheeks, anterior neck): Women Men Forehead & temples $175 (down to the top of the eyebrows) Outer surface of nose (this $125 may also eliminate some hair in the nose) Full Face (all of the above, $400 when done in one session) Head Entire neck and nape of $250 neck Back of neck and nape of $200 neck Removal of hair transplant plugs: depends on amount of work required. Torso: Upper Areola (nipple area) $80 Sternum (between breasts) Chest $150 Abdomen $300 Chest & Abdomen $500 $350 Shoulders (from clavicle $250 on front & back) Back upper (from level of $350 umbilicus) Back lower (from umbilicus $350 to start of gluteal cleft) Sacrum (from top of glu- $175 teal cleft, up 4 inches) Back: Full $500 Complete torso (all of the $800 above, when done in one session) Torso: Lower VERSION 1.1 Bikini line and inner thighs $200 (around pubic area, not including pubic or buttock hair) Linea (the line from the $125 start of pubic hair to bottom of the chest, up to 3 inches wide) Bikini line & Linea $250 Bikini line & some or all $300 pubic hair & linea Bikini area "Brazilian Style" $450 (bikini, pubic & perianal areas, gluteal cleft & buttocks) Bikini area & linea $500 Limbs Axillae (underarms) $175 Both arms including hands $375 and fingers Forearms, hands and fin- $250 gers Upper Arms $250 Hands and fingers $175 Upper Legs & bikini line (+ $400 $50 pubic hair & linea or + $225 Brazilian Style) Lower Legs (including feet $350 and toes to 2 inches above knees) Lower legs and bikini line $400 (+ $50 pubic hair & linea or + $225 Brazilian Style) Full Legs (including feet $500 and toes) Full Legs (including feet $625 and toes, and bikini line) (+ $50 pubic hair & linea or + $225 Brazilian Style) Feet and toes $175 Extras Test Spots $50 Additional "touch up $50treatments" on small, per- 250 sistent areas Is Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction covered by insurance or Alberta Health? Alberta Health will not pay for hair reduction. Most private insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for "cosmetic" procedures like hair reduction; however, consult your insurance carrier for more information. The reduction of unwanted terminal hair for the management of hirsutism, congenital or drugrelated hypertrichosis, pseudofolliculitis, trans-sexual states, and skin grafts may be covered by some private insurance plans. Is the cost of Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction a tax deductible medical expense? Recent changes introduced in the 2010 Federal Budget no longer allows a tax deduction for procedures performed to enhance appearance. What are the risks of hair reduction? Short-term side effects may include a slight reddening of the skin or local swelling which typically lasts less than an hour, although it may infrequently last a few days. Long wavelength Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 are less likely than older devices to cause prolonged irritation, pigment changes or blistering. Rarely (perhaps 2-4 cases out of a hundred) there can be increased or decreased pigment in the treated area. This is seldom a major cosmetic problem, and generally resolves after several months. Even a single blister (rather like a tiny sunburn) is very rare (less than one in a hundred). The light from the Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 is safe, simple infra-red light and does not cause skin cancer. Unlike plucking, waxing and sugaring, laser hair removal does not run the risk of making hair grow back thicker, darker or quicker. After Cutera CoolGlide® laser or ProWave™ 770 treatment hair growth will be delayed, AND when hair does grow back, it is often lighter, finer and less dense. Is laser hair reduction "perma- GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 3 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY nent"? "Permanent hair removal" means: "ALL the hair is gone, FOREVER!" There is NO hair reduction method (including laser) which can guarantee "ALL the hair will be gone, FOREVER!" The most realistic description of the results after laser treatment is: "long-term hair REDUCTION". This means: "After four to eight treatments most people will see that the total amount of hair is greatly reduced -- generally by 70% to 90% -- and hair which does grow is often much finer and lighter in color." It is important for you to realize that after having between four and eight treatment sessions it is VERY LIKELY that there WILL BE a very substantial reduction in both the amount of hair and also a reduction in the thickness and color of the hair in the treated areas. You should expect that this reduction in hair may last for many years. This long-term hair reduction is exactly what most people want, but could be an issue, for example, if you removed hair from an area and later decided that you wanted to have hair in that area. Lasers have been used for hair reduction since at least 1995, and we know that stable, long-term hair reduction commonly lasts for many years. In some cases, dormant follicles will start to produce new hair, or "peach fuzz" follicles may start to produce black or brown hair, and this new hair if it develops will respond well to treatment. How much hair will grow back, and how fast will it grow back? The Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 work by destroying hair roots which are active at the time of treatment, and which are dark enough to absorb sufficient laser energy. The hair shafts in the treated hair follicles will fall out, or be "shed" 1-3 weeks after treatment. After the first treatment, hair re- VERSION 1.1 growth may resume within a few weeks or it may be anywhere from 2-4 months before any true hair growth is observed, as previously dormant hair follicles become active, and hair follicles which were stunned but not killed recover and start to produce hair shafts again. Some people find that there is not much extra hair reduction after the second treatment, then they notice a substantial further reduction after the third or more commonly the fourth treatment. After four to six treatments there may be little or no regrowth for many years. In other cases you may wish to have additional treatment after a period of time. cessive hair, but the children must be old enough (for example, 12 years old) to understand and cooperate with treatment. Hair that regrows after laser treatment generally is finer and lighter in colour, and so is much less of a cosmetic problem. Reductions in coarseness and color can occur independently of each other. o How much are you bothered by your facial hair? Hair on other areas? o How much are you bothered by the time you spend removing, treating, or concealing your facial hair? Hair on other areas? o How uncomfortable does your facial or other unwanted hair make you feel in exchanges of affection (such as intimate exchanges with your partner)? o How uncomfortable does your unwanted hair make you feel when you meet new people? o How uncomfortable does your unwanted hair make you feel when you go to social gatherings, dine out in a public restaurant, go to a supermarket or other public place? o How uncomfortable does your unwanted hair make you feel when you go to work or class? New dark hair appearing in hormone-sensitive sites (mainly the face, axillae and genital area) after successful treatment with Cutera CoolGlide® laser or ProWave™ 770 could result from hormone-stimulated maturation of previously dormant hair folicles and "peach fuzz" follicles. Am I a good candidate for Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal? The unique design of the CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770, and the long wavelengths they use, allow treatment of people with all skin colors, and treatment of even light brown hair. Fewer treatments are needed when the hair is dark and the skin is light colored -- so to get maximum effect from each session avoid tanning, but even people who have black skin can be successfully treated with the Cutera CoolGlide® laser, and people with white to moderately dark, untanned skin are treated with the ProWave™ 770. Children can be treated, for example if they have a congenital nevus or other problem with ex- CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal are not just for "cosmetic" problems. Patients with excess hair because of medications (for example, organ transplant patients who are taking cyclosporine) can benefit from hair removal; as can patients who have problems with ingrown hair and folliculitis under prosthetic devices. Questions to ask yourself when considering Cutera CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal: How can I get the best value from each treatment? To get the best results with the smallest number of treatment sessions, please pay attention to the following guidelines as you work with us: A) Avoid waxing / sugaring / plucking / EpiLady and electroly- GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 4 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY sis Because the energy from the CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 seeks out and destroys ACTIVELY GROWING hair roots, it is important (if you want to get the best value from your treatment) NOT to wax / pluck / sugar / use EpiLady-type pluckers or have electrolysis for at least EIGHT WEEKS before treatment. B) Tanning should be avoided! CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 are the safest and most effective devices for ALL types of skin, even black people who cannot be safely treated with other hair removing lasers. BUT: the lighter your skin color at the time of treatment, the better the laser beam can get through the skin to the hair roots, where it is needed. SO: tanning is not a BIG deal, but if you avoid tanning and stop using artificial "tanning" creams for six weeks before treatment, you will get the maximum possible benefit from each treatment session. People with very dark skin (and people who are really into tanning) sometimes need one or two extra sessions to reach their desired degree of long-term hair reduction. It is also a good idea to minimize tanning for a few weeks after laser treatment, to reduce the chance that your tan will be somewhat uneven. C) Shaving or clipping the hair? Good idea! Shaving or clipping the area to be treated is not a problem. In fact, we like the areas to be shaved the day of treatment or the day before. Some people find that the skin is less sensitive if it is shaved at least a few hours before treatment. Another advantage of shaving the area to be treated BEFORE you come in is that YOU can shape the area to be treated exactly the way YOU want it to be. This is of particular importance in areas like the sideburns, temples, and bikini line / bikini area. D) Hair Dye and Bleaching? No problem! Because the beam only acts on the hair ROOTS, it is OK to dye and/or perm hair in the areas to be treated. Likewise, it is OK to bleach hair in the areas to be treated because bleaching will not affect the color of the roots. E) Timing It takes 8 to 12 weeks for the next crop of hair roots to become active and develop pigment which is the target. So, to get the best value, you should wait 6-12 weeks between treatments. F) Medications? We are not aware of any medications which should not be taken while you are getting CoolGlide™ laser or ProWave™ 770 treatment. Women to take injections of Climacteron (testosterone & estradiol) as part of therapy for menopause and to increase libido often experience unwanted hair growth, which can be treated with CoolGlide™ laser or ProWave™ 770 hair removal. Recent studies have confirmed our experience that treatment can safely be done for patients who are taking Accutane™ or using Retin-A™ and similar medications. Medicines which inhibit hair growth (for example, spironolactone, Diane-35™ birth control pills, Euflex™, Androcur™ and Vaniqa™ cream) might slightly reduce the pigment in hair roots and make laser treatment less efficient, but this seldom interferes with the effectiveness of treatment. Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 hair reduction can certainly be done WHILE you are on those medicines, if you wish. These "anti-androgenic" medicines produce gradual but temporary effects, and will not remove unwanted hair from areas that are independent of androgen regulation. Pre-treatment with medicines like Zovirax™, Valtrex™ or Famvir™ is NOT necessary, unless you tend to VERSION 1.1 get a lot of cold sores in the area to be treated. What is a "test area", and why is it sometimes performed? "Test areas" are small areas of skin that are treated at various energy levels prior to treatment of large surface areas on darker skin types. "Test areas" are done on darker skin types to determine the level of energy that is best for that individual, and checked up to one week later to make sure there was no burning or pigment change. Light skin types generally don't have to have test areas done. This may be done at the same time as your consultation, and a $50 fee is required for this test. Moles, freckles and tattoos in the area to be treated? Small moles and freckles do not require any special precautions. Large, dark moles and freckles which are to be treated may require a reduction in the intensity of treatment, the same way that the intensity would be reduced when treating a dark-skinned or tanned person. Tattoos will be avoided, because exposure to CoolGlide™ laser or ProWave™ 770 could cause fading of the tattoo, discomfort, or even a burn. Be sure to tell Dr. Searles and his staff if you have permanent lip liner or permanent eyebrow liner, because these are tattoos and special precautions may be needed if there will be laser treatment in those areas. What will happen on the treatment day? Other than your regular skin care routine, there is no standard "prep" for this procedure. It is important not to wear any makeup -- or at least wear simple water-based makeup that can be easily removed -- because makeup can sometimes absorb laser energy. This could interfere with treatment, or even cause overheating of the skin surface and burning. Makeup can be re-applied immediately after Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 treatment, if you wish. GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 5 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY Please shave or clip the areas to be treated before you come in for treatment. Freshly shaved skin is more sensitive, and there is less discomfort if you wait at least an hour between shaving and having laser treatment. Shaving also allows you to shape the exact area you want treated -- this is sometimes very useful in the bikini area. Excess hair above the surface of the skin absorbs and wastes laser energy, and reduces the amount of energy that reaches the hair root, where it is really needed. Excess hair above the surface of the skin also increases the chance of burning or irritating the skin. The length of the procedure itself can range from a few minutes for the upper lip to an hour or more (for example, a man’s chest and back). You may save considerable time, as you reduce or eliminate the need for shaving and other hair removal methods. If you decide before coming in that you would like to have additional areas treated, please call ahead so that we can schedule enough time to accommodate your needs. Does it hurt? The CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 use pure, simple light. You will feel a momentary "snapping" sensation like a rubber band. There is no bleeding and no open wound is created. Some people find the FIRST treatment more uncomfortable than subsequent treatments. Maybe this is because there are more hair roots which are destroyed during the first treatment; and perhaps also because some people are more apprehensive during the first treatment, because they are not sure of what to expect. Shaving before coming in for treatment also allows you to shape the area to be treated exactly the way YOU want it. This is of particular importance in areas like the forehead, sideburns and bikini/pubic hair areas. While some areas of the body like the upper lip and pubic hair area are more sensitive than others, many patients report little or no discomfort. If there is unusual discomfort, please let us know so that we can apply more cooling or adjust the settings. People who have had waxing, sugaring, and/or electrolysis (or treatment with other lasers) usually report that CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 cause less discomfort, and sometimes there is little discomfort. Another possible explanation for reduced discomfort with the Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 compared with other forms of treatment is that the long wavelength of this equipment delivers more energy into the deeper part of the skin where the hair roots are -- and wastes less energy in the top 2 millimeters of the skin where many of the nerve endings are. In addition, both the CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 have the ability to reduce the frequency of pulses and increase the cooling time in sensitive areas, to maximize your comfort. EMLA™ anesthetic cream is occasionally used in very sensitive areas or by those who think they have a very low pain threshold. EMLA™ can be purchased without a prescription, and a very thick layer should be applied an hour before the procedure. Most people do best with cooling gel pads and do not bother with EMLA anesthetic cream. Many people find it helpful to simply take two or three plain Tylenol and/or Advil a couple of hours before coming in for treatment. Some women who find that they are less sensitive after their menses prefer to schedule their treatment sessions to avoid the premenstrual and menstrual time. What will happen after treatment? Redness often has faded greatly by the time you get home. It would not be uncommon for the skin to be slightly drier that evening and to require more of your VERSION 1.1 favorite moisturizer, for example, Alyria Hydrating Complex™ Moisturizing Cream. The hair follicles may appear slightly more obvious or a bit pink for the next day or two, but this is seldom a cosmetic problem, and generally much less obvious than after waxing or sugaring. Why does the hair sometimes look like it's growing for 1-3 weeks after laser treatment? CoolGlide® laser and ProWave™ 770 destroy hair roots which are active at the time of treatment, but do not remove hair shafts instantly. Hair shafts in the treated hair follicles will fall out, or be "shed" mostly in the first week after treatment, with all of the treated hairs falling out within 2-3 weeks. It is normal that some hairs in the treated area may not fall out within 2-3 weeks. These will treated in the next session. These hairs which are being shed will come out on their own. It is best not to shave the treated area or to wash it with anything but mild soap like Alyria Gentle Cleanser™ and your bare hand (no Buf-Pufs, washcloths or Body Washes) for 3-4 days after treatment, because some people find that their skin is irritated by these things. Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment? Since the CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 do not burn or cut the skin in any way, no bandages are necessary. You can return to work the same day and resume all your regular activities. To reduce the chance of uneven tanning in the treated areas, you should minimize sun exposure and tanning for a week or two after treatment. It is OK to resume shaving or clipping hair in the treated area after 3-4 days. You should NOT have waxing / sugaring / plucking or electrolysis, because these things will temporarily remove pigmented hairs from the hair roots and reduce the effectiveness of GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 6 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY your next treatment. Sometimes after plucking, waxing or sugaring the hair will become thicker and darker, because one of the ways that the body defends itself from chronic irritation is to produce thicker, darker hairs. Wave™ 770 treatment, if you wish. o Shaving really is the BEST temporary way to remove unwanted hair before treatment, and between treatments. Shaving leaves the hair SHAFT in the hair follicle, so the hair shaft can be a target for laser energy, heat up and KILL the hair follicle. You can shave as often as you want. It has been shown in scientific studies that: ๏ Shaving does NOT make hair grow faster. ๏ Shaving does NOT make hair grow thicker. ๏ Shaving does NOT make hair grow darker. ๏ Shaving does NOT make hair grow more profusely. o Pre-treatment instructions: o o o Please do not do any waxing, plucking or sugaring for 6 weeks before treatment, because hair follicles which do not have hair shafts in them to absorb energy will not be killed by the treatment. Please try to minimize tanning for a week or two before treatment: a fresh tan can interfere a bit with the effectiveness of the treatment, though this is less of a problem than with older, short wavelength lasers and IPL devices. Please do not wear makeup on the areas to be treated, or at least wear makeup that is easy to remove. If makeup absorbs energy, less energy will reach your hair follicles and hair shafts, and if the makeup heats up it could irritate or burn your skin. Makeup can be re-applied immediately after Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and Pro- Please shave or clip the areas to be treated the day before treatment or on the morning of treatment. This way, the skin will be less sensitive. Shaving before you come in also allows you to shape the exact area you want treated -- this is sometimes very useful in areas like the hairline and sideburns, and in the bikini area. Excess hair above the surface of the skin absorbs and wastes energy, and reduces the amount of energy that reaches the hair root, where it is really needed. Excess hair above the surface of the skin also increases the chance of burning or irritating the skin. Many people find it helpful to simply take two or three plain Tylenol™ and/or Advil™ 2 hours before coming in for treatment. Some women who find that they are less sensitive after their menses prefer to schedule their treatment sessions to avoid the premenstrual and menstrual time. During the treatment, remember that: We want to be doing this FOR you, not doing it TO you. Unexpected discomfort is Nature’s way of telling us something is wrong, so please tell us and we will go slower, apply more cooling, or adjust the settings for you. Post-treatment instructions: o Redness often has faded greatly by the time you get home. It would not be uncommon for the skin to be slightly drier that evening and to require more of your favorite moisturizer, for example, Alyria Hydrating Complex™. The hair follicles may appear slightly more obvious or a bit pink for the next day or two, but this is seldom a cosmetic problem, and generally much less obvious than after waxing or sugaring. VERSION 1.1 o Try to avoid tanning for a week or two after treatment, because occasionally the tan could be somewhat irregular (lighter and/or darker in the treated areas.) Ombrelle-60™ and Anthelios-60™ are excellent sunscreens. o Hair shafts will be released from hair follicles in the treated area for a week or two after treatment. You do not need to do anything, but you may gently exfoliate or shave the areas if you wish. o Shaving, depilatory creams like Nair™ or Neet™, or bleaching are OK between laser treatments. Plucking, waxing and sugaring should be avoided because these things could reduce the effectiveness of your next treatment. o Blistering or scaling after Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal is very uncommon, but usually resolves over a few days or a week with a bit of Polysporin™ cream several times a day. Please call us if this happens, or if you have any other problems or questions. Consultations about Cutera CoolGlide™ laser and ProWave™ 770 hair removal can usually be arranged within a week or two simply by calling our receptionist at 780/424-4464. Treatment can sometimes be done the same day as the consultation, or within a couple of weeks after the consultation. Our staff, many of whom have had hair removal treatments themselves, can take the time to discuss your wishes and options, and answer your questions. No referral is required. GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 7 INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS ON AESTHETICS TECHNOLOGY Getting to Know your Options through the Consultation Process Aesthetic dermatology, laser services and healthy skincare are the most effective ways to enhance your natural beauty and to prevent further skin damage. Dr. Searles and his team of trained nursing staff offers consultations for all cosmetic and laser procedures and skincare offered at our office. A consultation includes a complete evaluation of your skin history, depicting your skin care concerns and goals, and a treatment and skincare regimen based on those areas evaluated. The treatment and skincare options will be described in-depth to you so that you understand all of the necessary information for beginning the recommended regimen. This information includes, but is not limited to, description of the treatment, pre- and post- treatment protocols, risks and side effects, costs, and before and after examples. If an area of concern is not treatable with the technology and therapies available at Keystone Dermatology, we will refer you to a qualified professional in that field. The consultation is designed to provide you with all of the information necessary for you to feel most comfortable in receiving the benefits of these treatments and skincare programs. VERSION 1.1 Member of the CDA About Dr. Searles… Dr. Searles is dually certified by the Royal College of Physicians of Canada in both Internal Medicine and Dermatology. He has been honoured to be elected as a Fellow of the prestigious American College of Physicians. He is a member of numerous National and International medical organizations devoted to the discovery and application of new ideas and techniques for treating medical and esthetic skin conditions. Dr. Searles is a Clinical Professor in Medicine at the University of Alberta. Dr. Gordon Searles’ primary mission is to deliver the best care possible through the use of the latest advances in medical research and new technologies. A Fellow of the ASLMS A Fellow of the ASDS This Information Package is prepared for you by: Suite 303, 2377 - 111 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6J 5E5 Canada Phone: 780-424-4464 Fax: 780-424-2534 E-Mail: [email protected] Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 11:30 am 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Friday 7:30 am - 11:30 am We’re on the Web! See us at: Peer-Elected to Best Doctors in Canada, 2008 A Fellow of the CDA GORDON SEARLES, OD, MD, MSC, FRCPC, FACP, FAAD, FASDS, FASLMS DERMATOLOGY AND INTERNAL MEDICINE PHONE: 780/424-4464 FAX: 780/424-2534 WWW.DRSEARLES.CA PAGE 8
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