WAYNE P. STEGER [email protected] Political Science Department DePaul University 990 W. Fullerton Ave., Suite 2200 Chicago, IL 60614 (773) 325-4240 Education Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Iowa, 1995 Dissertation: “Presidential Policy Initiation and Passing Legislation in the House and Senate” B.A. in Political Science and B.A. in History, Iowa State University, 1989 Phi Beta Kappa Academic Appointments Professor, Political Science, DePaul University, 2008Associate Professor, Political Science, DePaul University, 2001-2008 Assistant Professor, Political Science, DePaul University, 1996-2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, Marquette University, 1995-1996 Instructor, Political Science, Iowa State University, 1994-1995 Adjunct Instructor, Political Science, University of Iowa, 1994 Research and Teaching Assistant, Political Science, University of Iowa, 1989-1993 Administrative Appointments Chair, Department of Political Science, DePaul University, 2008- 2014 Department of 20 tenure track/ tenured faculty and as many as six full time and 14 part-time, non-tenure track faculty Program with as many as 684 undergraduate majors and double majors Courses offered in or cross-listed with 18 programs including: African-Black Diaspora, Catholic Studies, Comparative Literature, Geography, Global Asian Studies, International Studies, Latin & Latin America Studies, Peace, Justice & Conflict Studies, Public Policy, Sociology, Women & Gender Studies, World Islamic Studies, MA in Liberal Studies, MA in Journalism; and the university’s Honors Program, Multicultural Seminar, First Year and Quantitative Literacy programs Highlights include four tenure track hires, six promotion/tenure cases, Academic Program Review; revision of departmental governance and personnel promotion guidelines; restructured degree requirements; mentoring program for junior faculty, career development for non-tenure track faculty, and coordination with University Career Center to expand career advising, career building workshops, job fairs, and expanded career opportunities for PSC majors. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Courses Taught First year courses/seminars: American Political System, Representatives and Representation in Chicago (first year seminar), Politics in Film & Reality (first year seminar) Intermediate courses: American Presidency, Congress & the Legislative Process, Parties and Elections, States Markets and Society (Honors), American Foreign Policy, Campaigns and Elections (experiential learning) Advanced courses/seminars: Political Analysis & Research Methods, Statistics Lab, Economic Theory and Practice in Federal Budgeting, Economics, Ideology & Policy, Models of Individual & Public Choice, Agenda-Setting & Public Policy, Senior Capstone Special courses: supervised 122 internships, 70 independent studies, 14 senior theses Awards and Recognition Nominated six times for the Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2000 Honorary faculty inductee, Golden Key Honor Society, DePaul University, 1999 Laurence Fairall Scholarship, University of Iowa, 1990, 1991 Phi Beta Kappa, Iowa State University, 1990 Graduated with Distinction, Iowa State University, 1989 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Iowa State University, 1989 Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society, Iowa State University, 1988 Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Scholarship, Iowa State University, 1987 Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Leadership Award, Iowa State University, 1985 Books & Edited Volumes A Citizen’s Guide to Presidential Nominations: the Competition for Leadership, Routledge Press, 2015. American Review of Politics, Vol. 28. 2008. Guest co-editor with Andrew Dowdle, special edition on the 2008 presidential nominations. Campaigns and Political Marketing, 2006. Lead co-editor with Sean Q Kelly and Mark J. Wrighton, London: Haworth Press. Journal of Political Marketing, Assoc. Editor, 2001 – 2008 Managed review and editorial decisions for submissions in political communication, political psychology, and political science; editor on 42 published articles. Submissions from N. America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and S. America. Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals Two Paradigms of Presidential Nominations, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2013, 43 (2): 377387. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Playing Defense in the Illinois 10th: Surviving Obama-mania in the Shadow of Chicago, American Review of Politics, 2009, 30 (2): 137-154. The Viability Primary: Modeling Candidate Support Before the Primaries? (with Randall Adkins and Andrew Dowdle), Political Research Quarterly, 2009, 62 (1): 77-91. How did the Primary Vote Forecasts Fare in the 2008 Nominations? Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2009, 39 (1): 141-154. Inter-Party Differences in Elite Support for Presidential Nomination Candidates, American Politics Research, 2008, 36 (1): 724-49. Forecasting the presidential primary vote: viability, ideology and momentum, International Journal of Forecasting, 2008, 24 (2): 193-208. Who Wins Nominations and Why? An Updated Forecast of the Presidential Primary Vote, Political Research Quarterly, 2007, 60 (1): 91-99. Stepping Stone to the White House or Tombstone on Presidential Ambition? Why senators usually fail when they run for the White House, American Review of Politics. 2006, 27 (1): 45-70. The President’s Legislative Program: an Issue of Sincere vs. Strategic Behavior, Politics & Policy, 2005, 33 (2): 312-29. The New Hampshire Effect in Presidential Nominations (with Randall Adkins and Andrew Dowdle), Political Research Quarterly, 2004, 57 (3): 375-390. Presidential Renomination Challenges in the 20th Century. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2003, 33 (4): 827-852. A Quarter Century of Network News Coverage of Candidates in Presidential Nomination Campaigns, Journal of Political Marketing, 2002, 1 (1): 91-116 Candidate Competition and Attrition in Presidential Primaries, 1912-2000. (primary author with John Hickman and Ken Yohn), American Politics Research, 2002, 30 (5): 528-554. Campaign Momentum, Front-Loading, and Press Coverage of the 1996 Presidential Nominating Campaign, Illinois Political Science Review, 2001, 7 (1): 21-40. Do Primary Voters Draw From a Stacked Deck? Presidential Nominations in an Era of Candidate-Centered Campaigns, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2000, 30 (4): 727-753. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 The Occurrence and Consequences of Electoral Mandates in Historical Context, Congress & the Presidency, 2000, 27 (2): 121-147. Comparing News and Commentary Coverage of the 1996 Presidential Nominating Campaign, Presidential Studies Quarterly, 1999, 29 (2): 40-64. Presidential Policy Initiation and the Politics of Agenda Control, Congress & the Presidency, 1997, 24 (1): 17-36. The Two Presidencies Thesis: Directions for Future Research, (with James M. Lindsay), Congress & the Presidency, 1993, 20(2): 103-117. The Determinants of Presidential Foreign Policy Choice, (with James M. Lindsay and Lois W. Sayrs), American Political Quarterly, 1992, 20 (1): 3-25. Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes (invited / editor reviewed) A Transformational Presidential Campaign: Marketing and Candidate Messaging in 2012, Winning the Presidency, 2012, William Crotty (ed.), Routledge, 2013. pp. 74- 89. Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, Chronology of the U.S. Presidency, Matthew Manweller (ed.), Greenwood Press, 2012, pp. 1065-1116. Why are Presidential Nominations so Difficult to Forecast? (with Randy Adkins and Andrew Dowdle), The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2012, William G. Mayer and Jonathan Bernstein (eds.), Roman & Littlefield. 2011, pp. 1-22. Replacing a President: Scandal and Competition for Barak Obama’s Illinois Senate Seat, Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Riding the Wave 2010, David Dulio and Randall Adkins, (eds.), Routledge, 2011, pp. 117-138. Running Scared from the Hill and at Home, in Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Incumbents Playing Defense in 2008, Randall Adkins and Dave Dulio, (eds.), Roman & Littlefield, 2010, pp. 60-74. Following the Leader: the impact of endorsements on presidential nomination contests," Voting in America: What influences the American Voter: Interest Groups, Issues, and the Media. Morgan E. Felchner (ed.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008, Vol. 2, pp. 183-208. The 2008 Presidential Nominations, (with Andrew Dowdle), American Review of Politics, 2008, 28: 291-293. Party Elite Support for Candidates in the 2008 Presidential Nomination, American Review of Politics, 2008, 28: 293-318. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Campaigns and Political Marketing in Political Science Context, (with Sean Q. Kelly and Mark Wrighton), Journal of Political Marketing, 2006, 5 (1/2): 1-10. Reprinted in Campaigns and Political Marketing, Haworth Press. 2006. The Permanent Campaign: Marketing As a Governing Tool, Handbook of Political Marketing, Bruce I. Newman, (ed.), Sage Publications, 1999, pp. 661-684 Encyclopedia Entries and other Essays (editor reviewed) Fiscal Conservatism: Ideology or Pursuit of Power, Presidents & Executive Politics Report, 2014. 36 (2): 9-10 Asymmetric Party Governance in an Era of Polarized Parties, Presidents & Executive Politics Report, 2013. 35 (2): 15-16 Presidential Campaigns, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 1: 87-92 Presidential Nomination Process, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 2: 456-457 Endorsements in Campaigns, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 1: 217-218 Candidate Image, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 1: 108-110 Voter Expectations, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 2: 832-833 Party Image, in the Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior, Kenneth F. Warren (ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications, 2008, Vol. 2: 485-86 The Upside of an Unfair Presidential Primary Schedule, Presidency Research Group Report, 2007, 30 (1): 8-9 An Evolutionary Epistemological Perspective on Presidency Research, Presidency Research Group Report 1998. 21 (1): 13-18 Editorial essays in the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times Tax hike will bring spending cuts, Chicago Sun Times, February 8, 2011 The challenge of cleaning up Illinois politics, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 10, 2010 Fixing the Illinois government mess, Chicago Tribune, June 23, 2009 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Is a bailout a good idea? Chicago Tribune, October, 2008 Book Reviews Cohen, Marty, David Karol, Hans Noel, and John Zaller. 2008. The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, in Congress & the Presidency. 2009, 36 (2): 212-14. Thomas Gangale. 2008. From the Primaries to the Polls: How to Repair America's Broken Presidential Nomination Process, Praeger, in Presidential Studies Quarterly, 2009, 39 (4): 941-42. Emmett H. Buell, Jr. and William G. Mayer (eds.). 2004. Enduring Controversies in Presidential Nominating Politics. Pittsburgh University Press, in Presidential Studies Quarterly. 2006. 36 (3): 327-28. James P. Pfiffner. 2004. The Character Factor: How We Judge America’s Presidents. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, in Political Science Quarterly. 2005. 119 (3): 528-29 Mel Laracey. 2003. Presidents and the People: The Partisan Story of Going Public, College Station: Texas A & M University Press, in Congress and the Presidency. 2003. 30 (1): 105-107 James E. Campbell. 2000. The American Campaign: U.S. Presidential Campaigns and the National Vote. (Texas A&M University Press), in Presidential Studies Quarterly. 2001. 30 (4): 813-15 Dan Palazzolo. 1999. Done Deal: The Politics of the 1997 Budget Agreement. Chatham House Publishers, in Congress & the Presidency. 2000. 26 (2): 240-42 Manuscripts under review / revision Progressive Ambition, Opportunism, and the Presidency, 1972-2012, (with Randall Adkins Andrew Dowdle, and Greg Petrow), Journal of Politics Research in progress Hypocrisy and Fiscal Conservatism: the Pursuit of Ideology and Power in a Polarized Congress Shows that most legislators of both parties adopt fiscal conservative positions when they are in the minority, while supporting expanded deficits when they control government. The result is hypocrisy in position taking, which is driven by political party competition for institutional control more than ideology. Federal Revenues and Spending: From Balance to Deficits Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Demonstrates a fundamental shift in fiscal policy largely beginning with the Reagan years that has resulted in long-term structural deficits. I argue this results from: 1) the adoption of supply-side economic philosophy by Republicans, 2) cumulative changes in the tax code that shift revenues from a reliance on income and corporate taxes to payroll taxes, 3) growing economic inequality, and 4) a change in the effects of recessions on federal expenditures and revenues. Institutional Constraints and Opportunities for Political Marketing Institutional factors like collective decision-making, separated institutions sharing powers, the time lag between elections and policy implementation form constraints on the common theory of political marketing, but also create opportunities for legislators to market themselves through symbolic action and multi-level marketing approaches. When are spending cuts politically feasible? an individual level analysis of public attitudes toward government spending and taxes Assesses the thesis, derived from Niskanen’s equation of price theory with supply and demand for government services, that demand for government programs and services is inversely related to taxation. This allows for Buchanan’s recognition that deficit spending increases demand for government services while higher taxes reduce demand for government—opposite of the expectation of supply-side theory as articulated by Laffer, Mundel and others Conference Papers and Presentations C-span coverage of conference panels http://www.c-span.org/video/?316105-2/political-party-nominations-scandals http://www.c-span.org/video/?289480-1/2008-presidential-nomination-process 64. Ambition, Opportunism, and the Presidency, 1972-2012, with Randall Adkins, Gregory Petrow, and Andrew Dowdle, Midwest PSA, Chicago, 2015 63. Debt Ceiling Politics: Hypocrisy, Ideology, and Power, Southern PSA, New Orleans 2015. 62. Federal Revenues and Expenditures: Process, Politics and Economics, Southern PSA, New Orleans, Jan. 2014. 61. Ambition, Opportunism, and the Presidency, 1972-2012, (With Randall E. Adkins, Andrew J. Dowdle, Gregory A. Petrow), poster presented at the American PSA, Washington DC. Sept. 2014 60. Democracy or Hypocracy: Power, Ideology, and Politics, Southern PSA New Orleans, Jan. 2014. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 59. The Reagan Legacy: The Changing Relations between Taxes and Spending, Southern PSA, New Orleans, Jan. 2014. 58. The Parties Decide Among Candidates, State of the Parties Conference, Bliss Institute Akron, OH. Nov. 2013. Broadcast on C-SPAN Nov. 7, 2013 http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/PartiesandA 57. Changing Processes and Politics of Federal Fiscal Policy, American PSA, Chicago IL Sept. 2013 56. Democracy or Hypocracy: Power, Ideology, and Politics, (with Katherine Heinricher) American PSA, Chicago IL Sept. 2013 55. Two Fiscal Regimes in Federal Budgeting, Midwest PSA, Chicago IL, Apr. 2013 54. The Changing Relationship Between Revenues, Spending and Deficits: the Rise of Deficit Fueled Political Competition, Southern PSA, Orlando, FL, Jan. 2013 53. Comparing forecasts: the 2012 presidential nominations, Southern SPSA, Orlando, FL Jan. 2013. 52. Federal Tax Policy: 60 Years of Movement Mostly in a Conservative Direction, Southern SPA, New Orleans, Jan. 2012. 51. Analysis of Social Network and Traditional Political Participation in the 2008 Elections, (with Christine Williams) American PSA, Seattle, WA, Sept. 2011. 50. Ideology and Candidate Endorsements: Median Voter Logic or a Strategic Outcome in Presidential Nominations, Midwest PSA, Chicago, IL April 2011. 49 previous paper presentations: American Political Science Association: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 1998, 1995, 1990 Midwest Political Science Association: 2011, 2010, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992 Southern Political Science Association: 2006, 2005, 2002, 2001, 2001, 2000 State of the Parties Conference: 2009, 2005 International Forecasting Symposium: 2007 Western Political Science Association: 2002 Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research: 2001, 1999 International Studies Association: 1997 International Studies Association-Midwest: 1999, 1990 Illinois Political Science Association: 2007 Iowa Political Science Association: 1990 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Other Conference Participation & Public Presentations Section Head Presidency and Executive Politics, Midwest Political Science Association, 2016 Responsible for selecting papers, chairs and discussants for 15 panels. APSA Short Course: co-organizer and presenter (Presidency Research Group, 2011) Panel Chair: annual meetings of the American PSA 1998, 2003, Midwest PSA 1995, 1999, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2015 Southern PSA 2000, 2005, 2006, 2013, 2015 Panel Discussant: annual meetings of the American PSA 1998, 2003, 2007, 2009 Midwest PSA 1999, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 Southern PSA 2002, 2006, 2012, 2015 Panelist at public forums: Impact of Money in our Political Process, forum of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, 2014. The Role of the Press in Democracy, DePaul University, 2012. The Third Presidential Debate. Chicago Museum of History, 2008. Catholics and the 2008 Presidential Election. DePaul University, 2008. Catholic Church, Voters and Candidate positions, DePaul University, 2004 Invited lectures/presentations: “Presidential Nominations: Competition for Leadership,” Northwestern University, 2014 “Presidential Elections,” lecture for international students, academics, and government officials in the U.S. on Fulbright Fellowships, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, 2012 “Political Parties, Realignments & Presidential Nominations,” Berry College, GA, 2008. “Democratic and Republican Presidential Nominations: herding cats or sheep?” DePaul University, May 2005 “A Conceptual Framework for Agenda-Setting as a Source of Presidential Influence,” DePaul University, May, 1998 “Presidential Agenda Setting and Agenda Control During Unified and Divided Government,” Iowa State University, January, 1995 Other Professional Activities Manuscript reviewer for refereed journals: (at least one review per year listed) American Journal of Political Science 1995, 1996, 2005, 2009, 2014 American Politics Research (American Politics Quarterly) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 American Political Science Review 2009 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 American Review of Politics 2006, 2007, 2008 British Journal of Politics, 2008 Congress & the Presidency 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Electoral Studies, 2011 Politics and Gender, 2005 Illinois Political Science Review 2001, 2005 International Journal of Public Opinion Research 2010 International Journal of Press & Politics 2013 International Studies Quarterly 1995, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2010 Journal of Conflict Resolution 1994 Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 2009 Journal of Experimental Politics 2013 Journal of Illinois History 2009 Journal of Politics 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 Journal of Political Science, 2014 Journal of Political Marketing 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Policy Studies Journal 1996, 1998 Political Behavior 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 Political Communication 2005, 2006, 2010 Political Research Quarterly 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Presidential Studies Quarterly 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Public Choice 2013, 2014 Public Opinion Quarterly 2013 Social Science Quarterly 2008 Reviews of book manuscripts for publishers: Alliance Press 1999 CQ Press 2011 Harcourt Brace, 2000 Hayworth Press 2006 Longman 2001, 2002, 2003, Lynne Rienner, 2005 Oxford, 2013 Routledge, 2012, 2014 Rowman & Little, 2015 Stanford University Press, 2007 SUNY Press 2012 University Press of New England, Dartmouth, 2014 Wadsworth, 2008 Review of Book Prospectus Broadview Press 2007 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 McGraw Hill 2004, 2006 Oxford University Press 2011 Palgrave 2008, 2013 Prentice-Hall 2007 Routledge, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013 WW Norton 2009, 2013 Grant reviews: “Agenda Setting and Aging” Center for Border Health Research, 2002 Membership in Professional Organizations American PSA, since 1989 Presidency Research Group; Legislative Studies Section, Midwest PSA, since 1992 Southern PSA, since 1994 Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, 1999-2001 International Institute of Forecasters, 2007-2008 Presidency Research Group (section of APSA) Executive Board, 2008 Ad hoc committee on governance, 2010-11 Best Dissertation Committee, 2007-09 Political Forecasting Group (affiliated group of APSA, International Association of Forecasters) Board of Directors, 2008-2010 Grants & Awards Paid Faculty Leave, University Research Council, DePaul University, fall quarter 2014, for research on fiscal conservatism in congressional voting and rhetoric Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2014, for research on media commentary on fiscal conservatism, $1,500 (Zoey Krey) Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2012, for research on fiscal conservatism and hypocrisy, $1,500 (Kate Heinricher) Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2009, for research on congressional rhetoric of fiscal discipline, $750 (Worku Gouchu) Paid Faculty Leave, University Research Council, DePaul University, fall quarter 2007, for research on candidate endorsements in presidential nominating campaigns. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Faculty Research and Development Grant, DePaul University, summer 2004, for research on Presidential Nominations, $5,000 Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2003, for research on the diversionary theory of ‘use of force’ and media coverage of economics and conflict, $1,800 (Matt Wolski) Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2002, for research on candidate endorsements in presidential nomination campaigns, $1,600 (Jennifer White) Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2001, for research on candidate endorsements in presidential nomination campaigns, $1,600 (Phoebe Connelly) Faculty Research and Development Grant, DePaul University, summer 2002, for research on candidate competition in presidential nominating campaigns, $4,400 Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society, 2002, for candidate debate/speakers, and initiation banquet, $325. Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society, 2001, for “Best Student Paper” contest and initiation banquet, $225 Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2001, for research on media coverage of presidential nominations, $2400 (Monica Pirri) Paid Faculty Leave, University Research Council, DePaul University, winter quarter 2000, for research on candidate endorsements in presidential nominating campaigns. Faculty Research and Development Student Research Assistant Grant, DePaul University, 2000 for research on party elite endorsements in presidential nominating campaigns, $2,400 (Anne Davis) Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society, 2000, for “Best Student Paper” contest for Department of Political Science at DePaul University, $299 Faculty Research and Development Grant, DePaul University, summer 1999, for research on candidate competition in presidential nominating campaigns. $3,200 Faculty Research and Development Grant, DePaul University, summer 1997, for research on media coverage of presidential nominating campaigns. $3,200 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Service University: Intercollege Collaboration Working Group, 2015 Data Affinity Group Chicago Group Blue Club (Athletic Department working group of faculty and staff), 2014DePaul Athletic Board, 2008-2014 Chair, 2011-2014 Academic Subcommittee, 2011-2014 Compliance Subcommittee for NCAA external review, 2010-11 Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA) Advisory Board, 2003-2006 TLA sub-committee on best advising practices, 2005-2006 Helped conduct and analyze a college-wide survey. TLA Task Force on Teaching Evaluations 2003-2006 Co-authored proposal for university-wide, common questions for course evaluations Co-authored proposal for university guidelines on the use of teaching evaluations. Participated in creation of university-wide questions for inclusion on student evaluations, and movement of evaluations to an “on-line” format. Liberal Studies Council, 1998-2001 Participated in design, implementation and review of university liberal arts education requirements including first year seminars, multicultural seminars, experiential learning requirements, senior (capstone) seminars, and assessment. Liberal Studies Experiential Learning Subcommittee, 1998-1999 Active participant in design of university experiential learning guidelines for liberal arts education requirements. Faculty Representative Assembly, Iowa State University, spring 1995 College: LASAC (Liberal Arts and Science Academic Committee), 2009-2014 LAS College Ad Hoc Committee on Social Science degree program, 2012-2013 LA&S College Task Force on the Structure of the Curriculum 2009-10, 2012 LA&S Sophomore Retention Project, 2003-2005 Advise “at risk” students using holistic advising covering issues mental and physical health, lifestyle and family, financial, and academic matters. Monitoring and tracking student performance of prior peer groups through graduation. LA&S Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee, 2002-2005 Evaluate departmental teaching evaluation instruments, assessment programs, definition and measurement of learning objectives, grade inflation, pedagogies, and other topics relating to instruction and learning. Review and synthesize departmental assessment reports for college report. LA&S Summer Advising (new and transfer students), summer, 2000, 2001, 2003 Advised new and transfer students on opportunities, requirements, majors, etc. LA&S Faculty Research & Development--Student Research Grant Committee, 2001 and 2002 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Evaluate and award grants for undergraduate student summer research projects. LAS Faculty Senate, Iowa State University, 1995 Department: Chair, 2008-2014 Department of 20 tenure(d) faculty, up to six full time non-tenure track faculty, and variable numbers of adjunct faculty Personnel: six promotion and tenure cases including two women of color, one promotion case, three TT hires, and five full-time visiting hires Department with courses in or cross-listing courses with 17 interdisciplinary programs and departments Academic Program Review: worked with a departmental committee for extensive self-study (faculty, majors, mission, analysis of curriculum of comparator institutions, outcomes assessment), and external review Worked with faculty to revise department governance guidelines, personnel review procedures, and statements on teaching, scholarship, service and advising Worked with faculty to restructure major degree requirements Worked with faculty to revise procedures for faculty peer review of teaching Worked with faculty to institute a faculty mentoring program Provided orientation and monitoring of adjunct instructors and visiting professors to ensure that course content met department and learning domain learning objectives, and facilitating professional development in teaching and research. Initiative in conjunction with University Career Center to expand career advising, career building workshops and expanded job opportunities for PSC majors Helped institute partnerships for Washington D.C. Internship programs with Georgetown University and The Fund for American Studies (TFAS). Local Review Board (LRB), 2006-2008, 2010-2014 Chair, LRB 2006-2008 Internship Coordinator, 2000-03 Responsible for overseeing departmental internship program, and monitoring academic credit for approximately 30 students per year. Identified and communicated with internship supervisors in (city, state, and federal) government offices, political campaigns, and non-profit organizations. Advising Coordinator (majors and minors), 1999-2002 Responsible for initial advising of new majors and students of faculty on leave, when departmental majors increased from approximately 250 to 450 majors. Assessment Committee, 1999-2000; 2002-05, 2007-08 Participated in design and implementation of departmental assessment program. Chair in 2004-05. Personnel Committee, 1997-98, 2002-03, 2008-2014 Participated in review of files for contract renewal and promotion cases. Search Committee, 2001-02, 2002-03 Participated in reviewing applicant files and making recommendations to the departmental committee for positions in American Politics, Internship Coordinator position, and several one-year visiting positions. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Departmental Life Committee, 1999-2001, 2002-03 Coordinated student-faculty events. Pi Sigma Alpha (Faculty Advisor), 1998-2002 Organized annual induction ceremony, wrote and obtained grants from national office for chapter activities, created departmental awards for outstanding student civic involvement, and helped select students for group awards. Keynote speaker at induction ceremony, 1997 Political Science Students Association (Faculty Advisor) 1998-2007 Worked with students to plan student-faculty events, student forums on issues, movie nights and discussions, guest speakers, voter registration drives, and other activities. Worked with students to apply for grants, maintained financial records and monitored expenditures. Experiential Learning Committee, 1997-1999 Helped design departmental guidelines for experiential learning credit. Curriculum Committee, 1996-2000, 2003-04, 2014-15 Ad hoc committee on American politics AP & CLEP tests 2004 Ad hoc committee on course evaluations, 2001-2002 Ad hoc committee on research methods, 1997-1998, 1999-2000 Ad hoc committee on American politics, 1996-1997 Student Organizations (non-departmental) Faculty advisor, Cycle Collective, 2012-2014 Faculty advisor, DePaul Democrats, 1999-2008 Monitored student planning of events, student forums & debates on issues, political discussions, guest speakers, voter registration drives, and other activities. Worked with students to apply for grants, maintained financial records, monitored expenditures, and external fund-raising activities (1999-2003). Faculty advisor, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, 2002-2005 Faculty advisor, Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity, 1997-2001 Monitored progress on University disciplinary sanctions, and worked with leaders to meet terms of University probation. Greek Awards Selection Committee, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 Commuter Connection Program, DePaul University, 1996-1998 Faculty advisor, Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, Iowa State University, 1994-1995 Community Interviews with reporters for the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Boston Globe, Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, Time magazine, U.S. News & World Report, Business Week magazine, Crain’s Chicago Business magazine, Chicago Magazine, Time Out Chicago magazine), Chicago Daily Herald, Chicago Daily Southtown, Chicago Journal, Suburban Life, Joliet Crest Hill Star, Cox News Service, The Washington Independent, Salon.com, The Hill (congressional newspaper), Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Le Monde, La Orient (French-Lebanon newspaper), Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal, Muskegon Chronicle, Omaha World Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, and others. Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Radio interviews with National Public Radio (NPR), BBC radio, CBS radio (international), Chicago Public Radio (WBEZ), WGN, Wisconsin Public Radio, and other radio and web-based news programs. Political analysis on national news programs on FOX news, NBC’s Today Show, and local television affiliates of ABC, CBS, NBC, WGN, and FOX in Chicago, “News Views” on ABC local, “Chicago Tonight” on Chicago Public Television, CLTV (Chicago Land TV, cable), and repeatedly on First Business (a syndicated cable business news program), WDJT (ch. 23 cable news program), and Puntos de Vista con Rogelio Martinez. (ch. 25 cable program), local television affiliates of NBC, ABC, and FOX in Milwaukee, and Wisconsin Public Television. Conducted a workshop: “Interpreting Statistics, Analyses, & Expert Testimony” for Administrative Law Judges, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, March 2015 Invited participant in a forum on political and economic trends, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, for a delegation of Chinese diplomats and academics, January 2012 Meeting with a delegation from Russia, to discuss polling and elections, State Department’s International Visitor Center of Chicago, September 2008 Meeting with a representative from Australian government, to discuss political parties, campaigns and government, State Department’s International Visitor Center of Chicago, February 2008 Meeting with a delegation of academics and officials from Russia, to discuss public opinion polling and how opinion research is used to guide government and campaign decisions, for the State Department’s International Visitors Center of Chicago, May 2006. Invited speaker, “What are the boundaries? Ethics in Campaigns,” College of Lake County, 2004. Testimony on socio-economic effects of various property tax reform bills, Cook County Board of Supervisors. 2004, 2007 Invited speaker, “What is at stake in the 2004 elections,” Northside Chicago IPO, 2004 Invited speaker, “the 2000 elections and its aftermath,” Stage Left Theatre, 2001 Illinois Intern Selection Committee, NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials), Shell Legislative Internship Program (SLIP), 2000 Presentations on social security, congressional elections, and the 2000 presidential election at the Presbyterian Home (in Evanston, IL) Nov. 1998, Sept. 2000; Nov. 2000 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Consultation on campaign-finance reform, Polish Consular General, July, 1999 Consultation on 2000 presidential election, Japanese Consular General. June, Oct., 2000; Jan., Feb., 2004 Consultation with Library of Congress librarians on accuracy of historical records for presidential nomination conventions, 2004 Contract consulting for various campaigns & for Grainger-Terry Consulting, Chicago IL. Provide sampling frames and samples for surveys, statistical analyses, and develop and test questions; demographic and voter analysis Helped identify, recruit, and/or place interns and volunteers with Chicago aldermanic and mayoral campaigns, state legislative and gubernatorial campaigns, US congressional and Senate campaigns, Kerry (04), Bush (00), Gore (00), Nader (00), Clinton (96), Dole (96), Kerry (04), Obama (08) presidential campaigns; Illinois Democratic, Republican, and Reform Political Parties. Also monitored internships with various political consulting firms. Helped identify, recruit, and/or place interns and volunteers in government offices including: Cook County Circuit Court, Cook County State's Attorney, DuPage County State’s Attorney, Illinois State Attorney General, various City of Chicago agencies, DuPage County Investigations Office, Illinois State House of Representatives and State Senate, US congressional district offices, US Senate state offices, US congressional and senate offices in Washington DC, and various offices in the Executive Office of the President. Helped identify, recruit, and/or place interns and volunteers with non-profit political organizations including: Council of Great Lakes’ Governors, City Club of Chicago, Midwest Center for Democracy, Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, and Citizens Against Government Waste. Archdiocese of Chicago School District, Steering Committee for “Genesis” program, 2006-2007 Long range planning & implementation of ADC School district plan for curriculum, faculty development & assessment; Catholic identity & religious education; financial planning and management. Secretary for subcommittee on communication Queen of Angels Parish Men’s Club, 2006 Treasurer, 2011 President, 2009-2011 Provides volunteers for various school and parish fundraising and social events. Raises funds for scholarships, school and parish facilities, over $42,000 in 2012. Queen of Angels Elementary School Board, 2003-2006 President, 2003 - 2006 Wayne P. Steger April 22, 2015 Queen of Angels Elementary School Finance Committee Member, 2005-2007 Queen of Angels Elementary Parish & School Fundraising Christmas tree sales, 2012 Nicholas Feller Scholarship Golf Outing, Harvest Jam Committee (fundraising event for low income families), 2007 Angels’ Fest Committee (fundraising event for low income families), 2004, 2005 Queen of Angels Parish Co-Chair of Parish committee on Disaster Planning and Relief, 2005-2006
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