La Tene Maps THEMATIC MAP & POSTER MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER CONTRACT RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING SERVICES Office: Station House, Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland. International - Tel: + 353-1-2823688 Fax: + 353-1-2826311 E-mail: [email protected] Website: PROPOSED ENERGY, RENEWABLE ENERGY & ELECTRICITY MAPS SUMMARY PUBLICATION LIST 2015 This is a summary of the maps/publications we are planning for the next 12 months in the Energy, Electricity and Renewables sectors. We may add or delete projects based on interest. This list is amended on a quarterly basis. The Maps published by La Tene Maps are generally distributed free at relevant conferences and exhibitions by ourselves or Renewable Energy Associations that we are associated with. Map sponsorship by way of advertising pays for the map production and distribution. Advertising opportunities exist on all maps/publications and we have a range of advertising opportunities to allow both small and large companies participate (see page 6). Separate detailed information sheets on each of these projects will be available nearer their publication dates. CLOSING DATE JANUARY 23rd FEBRUARY 6th FEBRUARY 20th FEBRUARY 27th MARCH 6th APRIL 13th MAY 4th MAY 8th MAY 15th MAY 22nd MAY 29th JUNE 19th JUNE 30th AUGUST 20th APRIL 14th SEPTEMBER 1st SEPTEMBER 4th SEPTEMBER 11th SEPTEMBER 18th SEPTEMBER 25th OCTOBER 2nd OCTOBER 2nd OCTOBER 9th OCTOBER 23rd OCTOBER 30th NOVEMBER 6th NOVEMBER 6th NOVEMBER 12th NOVEMBER 20th NOVEMBER 27th NOVEMBER 30th PUBLICATION IRISH BIOENERGY MAP - 3rd Edition (Printed) EUROPE - OFFSHORE WIND PROJECTS MAP - 5th Edition (Printed) BRITAIN - ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION GRID MAP - 1st ed SCOTLAND ENERGY MAP - ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (INCL RENEWABLES) - 11th Edition (Printed) IRISH WIND FARM PROJECTS & RECOURCE MAP - 1st Edition (Printed) BRITAIN - BIOGAS (Anaerobic Digestion) - 3rd Edition - April 2014 THE NORTH SEA - OIL & GAS PRODUCTION/DECOMMISSIONING - 1st Edition WALES - RENEWABLE ENERGY - 1st Edition BRITAIN, IRELAND & NORTH SEA - WWT & CONSTRAINTS MAP - 4th Edition WORLD - OFFSHORE WIND PROJECTS - 4th Edition EUROPE - MAJOR WIND FARMS - 8th Edition BRITAIN - ONHORE HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION - 1st Edition EUROPE - MAJOR GEPTHERMAL PROJECTS - 1st Edition NORTH AMERICA - SOLAR PV - 1st Edition BRITAIN - ENERGY FROM WASTE MAP -1st Edition - April 2014 IRELAND- RENEWABLE ENERGY DIRECTORY AND GUIDE - 1st Edition BRITAIN MICRO HYDROPOWER INSTALLATIONS - 1st Edition BRITISH BIOENERGY MAP - 4th Edition BRITISH WIND FARM MAP - 11th Edition BRITAIN - SOLAR PV INSTALLATIONS AND RESOURCE- 3rd Edition EUROPE - OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS - 4th Edition IRELAND - OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION - 12th Edition AFRICA - RENEWABLE ENERGY 2nd Edition EUROPE CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER INSTALLATIONS MAP- 1st Edition FRANCE ENERGY MAP- 1st Edition EUROPE - NUCLEAR ENERGY MAP 1st Edition EUROPE - CARBON CAPTURE & STORAGE 1st Edition THE ATLANTIC FRINGE - OIL & GAS EXPLORATION - 3rd Edition CANADA - SOLAR PV INSTALLATIONS - 1st Edition NORTHERN IRELAND - RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATIONS - 1st Edition ONSHORE UK - HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION - 1st Edition See the following pages for more detailed information on these Maps. The proposed maps are timed to be published to coincide with major conferences and exhibitions to ensure a good distribution, The maps are distributed free Page 1 of 7 at relevant conferences and exhibitions. Proposed Renewable Energy/Utility Map Publications 2015 IRISH BIOENERGY MAP 3rd Edition JANUARY 2015 (PRINTED) Published in association with the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBea) La Tene Maps are compiling the 3rd edition of the Irish Bioenergy Map for free distribution to the industry in Ireland and abroad. First distribution occurs at IrBeaʼs annual event in Dublin on February 2nd 2015 with subsequent distribution at other Irish and International events during 2005. The map covers, biomass, anaerobic digestion, landfill gas, sewage gas. Print Run is 2500 copies, map size: B1 - 700 x 1000mm. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : 23rd January 2015 EUROPE - OFFSHORE WIND FARM PROJECTS - 6th Edition FEBRUARY 2015 (PRINTED) This map is produced in association with the European Wind Energy Association and this edition will be produced to coincide with the EWEA Offshore Wind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in March 2015. Subsequent distribution will be by EWEA and La Tene Maps at events they attend over the following year. This map shows all the different European Offshore Wind projects at their various stages of development from licence applications to generating projects. A smaller scale insert depicts the Mediterranean situation, Print Run for 2015 is 6,500 copies. Size: A0+ (1500 x 1000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING: FRIDAY 6th February 2015 BRITAIN -ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION AND DiSTRIBUTION GRID MAP - 1st Edition - MARCH 2015 A new map showing the British Transmission and Distribution Grid from 400kV down to the 33kv Distribution syssystem with all the sub-stations shown and named. The Electricity Company areas will also be shown. This has never been done before. The map will be launched at the Annual Scottish Renewables Conference in March 2015 and subsequently distributed free at all the renewable energy events the company is attending in the UK during 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 7,500 copies. map size: A0+ - 1600 X 1200mm CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : Friday 20th February 2015 (PRINTED) SCOTLAND ENERGY MAP, ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (INCL RENEWABLES) MAP - 11th Edition - FEBRUARY 2015 (PRINTED) The map is usually launched at the annual Scottish Renewables Conference in March 2015 and subsequently attended by La Tene Maps In 2015. The map shows the grid system in Scotland from 33kV to 400KV and shows all generators attached to it (Traditional Fossil Fuel, Co-firing, Wind, Wave, Tidal, Hydro, Landfill, Biomass, etc). Print Run for 2015 is 6000 copies. Size B1 (700 x 1000) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : 27th FEBRUARY 2015 IRISH WIND FARM PROJECTS & RESOURCE MAP - 1st Edition - MARCH 2014 (PRINTED) This map builds on Irish Electricity Generation and Transmission map and was first published in 2012. It is ususually launched at the Irish Wind Energy Conference organised by IWEA on 25-26th March. The map shows the grid system in Ireland (North and South) from 33/38kV to 400KV and shows all wind projects over 0.5M by location from built through to proposed together with operator/developer, generating capacity and number of turbines. An addition for 2015 will be the addition of the wind resource in the background. Print Run for 2015 is 5000 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 6th MARCH 2015 BRITAIN - BIOGAS & MAJOR BIOMASS - 3rd Edition APRIL 2015 The map shows all show all the Anaerobic Digestion sites in Britain and is produced in association with the REA and NNFCC. Sites are shown by location together with site name and operator. The Local Authority areas in the background will allow the user easily identify which area the site is in. The map is being published to coincide with Sustainability Live in the NEC Birmingham on April. 21st-23rd 2015. Print Run will be 5000 copies. Size: B1 (700 x 1000mm ) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : TUESDAY 14th APRIL 2015 NORTH SEA - OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION / DECOMMISSIONING - 1st Edition MAY 2015 This map focuses on the Oil and Gas Production Infrastructure in the North Sea. The map shows, fields, Platforms and pipelines. It shows facilities in place, under development, planned and significant discoveries. End of life data is included as well as closed facilities. First distribution is for the DEVEX Oil and Gas Developmet Conference and Exhibition in Aberdeen on May 20-21st Print Run for 2015 is 5000 copies. Size: (1500 x 1000mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : MONDAY 4th MAY 2015 Page 2 of 7 WALES - RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATION MAP - 1st Edition - MAY 2015 This new map is published in association with RenewableUK and the first edition is due to be launched to coincide with the RenewableUK Cymru conference which in 2015 will be held on 21st May in Cardiff, Wales. The map shows the grid system in Wales from 33kV to 400KV and shows all renewable energy projects over 1MW attached to it. This includes wind, wave, tidal, biomass, biogas, energy from waste, anaerobic digestion, hydro and solar projects. Print Run for 2015 is 4000 copies. Size B1 (700 x 1000) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 8th MAY 2015 BRITAIN, IRELAND & THE NORTH SEA - WIND, WAVE & TIDAL PROJECTS, 4th Edition MAY 2015 This map focuses on the North Sea and shows Offshore Wind, Wave and Tidal Projects in more detail than on the European Map. This is against a backdrop of constraint information eg: Natura 2000 sites, Oil and Gas filelds, Pipelines, Cables, Sand and Gravel Extraction areas, etc. This map is supported by the RenewableUK and is launched annually at the RenewableUK Global Offshore Wind Conference which in 2015 is in London Excel on 25-25th June 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 5000 copies. Size: (1500 x 1000mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 15th MAY 2015 WORLD - OFFSHORE WIND FARM PROJECTS - 4th Edition MAY 2015 This map is supported by the EWEA and this edition will be produced to coincide initially with the RenewableUK Global Offshore Wind Conference in London Excel on June 24-25th. Subsequent distribution will be at the Offshore Wind Conferences we attend during 2015. This map features the detail of the Europe, North America and S.E.Asia Offshore Wind Maps to show all the different projects at their various stages of development from licence applications to generating projects. The map will feature Insets of busy areas. Print Run for 2014 is 5000 copies. Size: (1500 x 1000mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 22nd MAY 2015 EUROPE - MAJOR WIND FARMS MAP. - 8th Edition JUNE 2015 In association with the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) La Tene Maps are compiling the 8th edition of a European Wind Farm map for free distribution at the European Wind Energy Conference organised by EWEA. Initial launch will be at the RenewableUK Global Offshore Wind in London during June 2015 and at the EWEA Annual Conference in Paris, France in November 2015. La Tene Maps will distribute at conferences and exhibitions it attends during the year This map at 1.4 x 1.0 metres is the largest map that the company publishes. The map details every wind farm in Europe over 5MW both onshore and offshore with name, operator and generating capacity. Print Run is 6,000 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 29th MAY 2015 UNITED KINGDOM - ONSHORE HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION - 1st EDITION JUNE 2015 This map is primarily a concession map which focuses on conventional oil and gas exploration and development onshore UK. It however also covers coalbed methane and shale gas exploration. The map shows both exploration and production areas together with with operator. Licence types are differentiated by colour. The map has the sedimentary basins outlined on the map background. Distribution will occur at all Oil & Gas Conferences and Exhibitions we attend in 2015 including PROSPEX and EIC Connect. Print Run for 2014 is 2500 copies. Size: (1000 x 700mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : Friday 19th JUNE 2015 EUROPE - MAJOR GEOTHERMAL PROJECTS - 1st Edition - JULY 2015 The map is being published to be distributed at various conferences during the latter half of 2015. The map is designed to show all European deep geothermal test sites and projects in Europe. The map will subsequently be available at all the renewable energy, electricity and oil and gas conferences and exhibitions the company attends. This will include NEXTGEN/EBEC, RWM, RenewableUK, EIC Connect and Prospex. Print Run for 2014 is 2000 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : THURSDAY 30th JUNE 2015 AMERICA- SOLAR PV PROJECTS - 1st Edition SEPTEMBER 2015 This map follows on the success of the British and European Maps. The map shows utility scale SolarPV installations in the USA by location together with generating capacity and operator/developer. Publication is designed to coincide with Solar Power International the trade show event to be held in Anaheim, California, USA from 14-17th September 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 4000 copies. Size: A0+ (1500 x 1000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : THURSDAY 20th August 2015 Page 3 of 7 Proposed Renewable Energy/Utility Map Publications 2015 BRITAIN - ENERGY FROM WASTE MAP -1st Edition - SEPTEMBER 2015 The map is being published to coincide with the RWM 2015 in the NEC Birmingham on September 15 - 17th 2015 The map will show all sites generating power from waste in Britain and will schemes generating from Advancd Thermal Treatment Technology, Gasification and Incineration. Print Run for 2014 is 3000 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : TUESDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 2015 IRELAND - RENEWABLE ENERGY DIRECTORY AND GUIDE - 1st Edition - SEPTEMBER 2015 Designed to be a who is who of the Irish Utility Scale Renewables Industry this handbook is packed with information on the renewables industry in Ireland. It has 3 broad sections, Government and Associations, developers and owners of Installations and thirdly companies suppliying goods and services to the industries. The directory will cover wind wave and tidal, biomass, biogas, solar, landfill and hydro. The directory and guide will be distributed at all the major conferences in Ireland during 2015. The directory is A5 format, 100 pages, perfect bound. Print Run for 2015 is 2,500 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : TUESDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 2015 BRITISH MICRO HYDROPOWER INSTALLATIONS, 1st Edition SEPTEMBER 2015 This map is published in alternate years to the map British Hydropower Installations Map in association with the British Hydropower Association (BHA). The map shows all Micro Hydropower installations below 100kw by location together with generating capacity and operator. The map is usually launched at the BHA annual conference (October 2015) and is distributed by the BHA and La Tene Maps. Run for 2015 is 4000 copies. Size: (1000 x 7000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING: FRIDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2015 BRITISH BIOENERGY MAP- BIOMASS, BIOGAS AND BIOFUELS -4th Edition, SEPTEMBER 2015 This map is produced every three years and is published in association with the Renewable Energy Association (REA). The map shows generating sets powered by Biomass, Anaerobic Digestion, Landfill Gas, Sewage Gas 0.25MW in size together with site name, generating capacity and site operator. Projects in operation, under construction and planned are shown. Launch and initial distribution is at the EBEC/NEXTGEN Conference & Exhibition held at Stonleigh Park, Nottinghamshire from October 7th-8th 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 5000 copies. Size: (1000 x 7000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING: FRIDAY 11th SEPTEMBER 2015 BRITISH WIND FARM MAP - 11th Edition OCTOBER 2015 Published annually and supported by RenewableUK. This map is published for the annual RenewableUK conference which in 2015 will be held in Liverpool, from October 6th - 8th 2015. This is the only map which shows the disposition of British Wind Farms, in place, under construction or fully planned. The map covers both the onshore and offshore and also shows the offshore wind licences and leases. The print run is 6,500 copies. Size: A0 (841 x 1189mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 2015 BRITAIN SOLAR PV - INSTALLATIONS AND RESOURCE - 3rd Edition OCTOBER 2015 This map is published annually to coincide with the SOLAR ENERGY UK Conference and Exhibition which is held every year at the NEC Birmingham. In 2015 this is from October 13th-15th 2015. This map shows all Solar PV Installations in Britain over 0.25MW in size together with site name, generating capacity and site operator. Projects in operation, under construction and planned are shown against a coloured background to show average insolation around Britain. Print Run for 2015 is 5000 copies. Size: (1000 x 7000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2015 EUROPE - OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS MAP - 4th Edition OCTOBER 2015 Published in association with the Ocean Energy Europe this is the only map available which shows the disposition of wave and tidal projects in Europe. The map shows the sites together with device name, operator, generating capacity and project status. In addition the map has a panel listing all European devices togeter with links to their website. The map will be launched at the Annual Ocean Energy Europe conference which in 2015 will be held in Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland in October 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 3000 copies. Size: (1000 x 700mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING FRIDAY 2nd OCTOBER 2015 Page 4 of 7 La Tene Maps THEMATIC MAP & POSTER MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER CONTRACT RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING SERVICES E-mail: [email protected] Website: Proposed Renewable Energy/Utility Map Publications 2015 IRELAND AND THE IRISH SEA Oil & GAS EXPLORATION - 12th Edition OCTOBER 2015 La Tene Maps has published every large scale colour concession map on the Irish sector since the mid 1980ʼs. This 1:1M scale map shows current acreage position with wells and result is usually distributed via the Atlantic Ireland Conference on October 27th and PESGB Irish Branch meetings. Additional distribution is at the PROSPEX Exhibition in London in December 2015 CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING FRIDAY 2nd OCTOBER 2015 AFRICA - ENERGY MAP (Electricity Generation and Transmission incuding Renewable Energy) 2nd Edition OCTOBER 2015 This revised map shows the renewables and power generation industries in Africa. The map shows show the grid system and all generators attached to it (Traditional Fossil Fuel, Co-firing, Wind, Solar PV and Solar CSP, Hydro, Landfill, Biomass, etc). Generally all generators over 1MW are shown. The map has a sizable inset for South Africa. The map is usually launched at WINDABA Energy Conference and Exhibition in November Print Run for 2015 is 3000 copies. Size: (1000 x 700mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 9th OCTOBER 2015 EUROPE- SOLAR CSP MAP - 1st Edition NOVEMBER 2015 La Tene Maps has a world database on Solar CSP Projects. The company plans on publishing a European CSP map to coinside with the CSP Today Conference held in Spain on the 10th and 11th November 2015. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING: FRIDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2015 FRANCE - ENERGY MAP, ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (INCL RENEWABLES) MAP - 1st Edition - NOVEMBER 2015 Another first for La Tene Maps. This new maps publication is designed to coincide with the European Wind Energy Associations (EWEA) annual conference which in 2015 is being held in Paris, France on the 20-27th November 2015. The map shows the grid system in France and shows all generators attached to it (Traditional Fossil Fuel, Co-firing, Wind, Wave, Tidal, Hydro, Landfill, Biomass, etc). Print Run for 2015 is 400 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 30th OCTOBER 2015 EUROPE- NUCLEAR POWER - 1st Edition NOVEMBER 2015 La Tene Maps has a world database on World Nuclear Projects. The company plans on publishing a European Map on the European Nuclear Industry to coincide initially with the Electricity Industries Council EIC Connect Conference in Manchester, UK on November 24/25th 2014. This map will show operating plant together with operator, generating capacity and proposed closing date. Closed plant, Fuel Reprocessing and Waste sites will also be shown. Print Run for 2015 is 3000 copies. Size: (1000 x 700mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2015 EUROPE - CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE PROJECTS - 1st Edition - NOVEMBER 2015 The map is being published to coincide with Electricity Industries Council EIC Connect Conference in Manchester, UK on November 24/25th 2014. The map is designed to show all European Carbon Capture and Storage test sites and projects in Europe. The map will subsequently be available at all the renewable energy conferences and exhibitions the company attends. Print Run for 2014 is 5000 copies. CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 6th NOVEMBER 2015 Page 5 of 7 La Tene Maps THEMATIC MAP & POSTER MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER CONTRACT RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING SERVICES E-mail: [email protected] Website: Proposed Renewable Energy/Utility Map Publications 2015 THE ATLANTIC FRINGE - OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION - 4th Edition NOVEMBER 2015 This map is an Oil and Gas Concession map at 1: 2m Scale covering the area west of Greenwich, UK. Thus it covers the Faroe Islands, West of Shetlands, West of Hebrides, The Irish Sector, West British and Atlantic Approaches. Launch is at EIC Connect in Manchester, UK on November 24/25th and with additional distribution at the PROSPEX exhibition to be held in London on the 10-11th December 2015. Print Run for 2015 is 3000 copies. Size: (1000 x 700mm) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : THURSDAY 12th NOVEMBER 2015 CANADA- SOLAR PV PROJECTS - 1st Edition NOVEMBER 2015 This map follows on the success of the British and European Solar PV Maps. The Canada Solar PV map shows utility scale SolarPV installations in Canada by location together with generating capacity and operator/developer. Publication is designed to coincide with the Canadian solar Industry association (CanSIA) annual conference and exhibition which is usually held in early December (7-8th December 2015) in Toronto. Print Run for 2015 is 4000 copies. Size: B1(700x 1000mm). CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING: FRIDAY 20th NOVEMBER 2015 NORTHERN IRELAND - RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATION MAP - 1st Edition - DECEMBER 2015 This new map is published in association with RenewableUK and the first edition is due to be launched to coincide with the the Northern Ireland Renewables Industry Group (NIRIG) ( voice of the Irish Wind Energy Association and RenewableUK in Northern Ireland) conference in Belfast in January 2016. The map shows the grid system in Northern Ireland from 33kV to 400KV and shows all renewable energy projects over 1MW attached to it. This includes wind, wave, tidal, biomass, biogas, energy from waste, anaerobic digestion, hydro and solar projects. Print Run for 2015/16 is 4000 copies. Size B1 (700 x 1000) CLOSING DATE FOR ADVERTISING : FRIDAY 27th NOVEMBER 2015 La Tene Maps reserves the right to amed the list of proposed publications throughout the year. The list is revised approximately every three months. This list refers only to map we intend publishing in the Energy sector. If you have a suggestion for a map that you would like to see out please let us know and we will look into the feasability of producing such a map. On the following page there is an expression of interest/advertisement booking form. for further information on these please contact John Coleman MAXIMUM ADVERTISING RATES AND SIZES 2015 MAPS (no increase since 2010) 16 x 12.5 Cms (Top Corners) Euro 2,500 16 x 12.5 Cms (Bottom Corners) Euro 2,250 16 x 12.5 Cms (Elsewhere) Euro 2,000 12.5 x 8.5 Cms Euro 1,400 10 x 10 Cms Euro 1,300 8 x 8 Cms Euro 1,000 6 x 6 Cms Euro 0,800 5 x 5 Cms Euro 0,600 5 x 4 Cms Euro 0,450 Discounts are available for companies booking two or more adverts at the same time. Page 6 of 7 La Tene Maps THEMATIC MAP & POSTER MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIER CONTRACT RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING SERVICES E-mail: [email protected] Website: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST/ADVERTISING BOOKING FORM 2015 PUBLICATIONS 16x12.5* 16x12.5** 12.5x8.5 10x10 IRISH BIOENERGY MAP EUROPE - OFFSHORE WIND PROJECTS MAP BRITAIN - ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION/DIST. GRID SCOTLAND ENERGY MAP - ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (incl Renewables)MAP IRISH WIND FARM PROJECTS & RESOURCE MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 8x8 ❏ ❏ ❏ 6x6 ❏ ❏ ❏ 5x5 5 x4 ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRITAIN - BIOGAS & MAJOR BIOMASS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ THE NORTH SEA OIL & GAS PRODUCTION/DECOMM ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ WALES - RENEWABLE ENERGY ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITAIN, IRELAND AND THE NORTH SEA WWT ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ WORLD - OFFSHORE WIND PROJECTS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - MAJOR WIND FARMS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITAIN - ONSHORE HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - MAJOR GEORTHERMAL PROJECTS ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ IRELAND - RENEWABLES DIRECTORY & GUIDE ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ AMERICA - SOLAR PV PROJECTS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITAIN - ENERGY FROM WASTE MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ IRELAND - RENEWABLES DIRECTORY & GUIDE ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITAIN - MICRO HYDROPOWER INSTALLATIONS ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITISH BIOENERGY MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITISH WIND FARM MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ BRITAIN - SOLAR PV INSTALLATIONS & RESOURCE ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ IRELAND - OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ AFRICA - RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATIONS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ FRANCE RENEWABLE ENERGY INSTALLATIONS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - NUCLEAR POWER MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ EUROPE - CAPTURE AND STOREAGE ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ THE ATLANTIC FRINGE - OIL & GAS EXPLORATION ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ CANADA SOLAR PV PROJECTS ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ NORTHERN IRELAND RE INSTALLATIONS MAP ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 16x12.5* = Corner Positions, 16x12.5** = Elsewhere. Ticking an expression of interest does not commit you to advertise: I am interested in booking advertising ❏ receiving further information ❏on the maps indicated above -Please tick one box Name of Advertiser................................................................................................................................................................... Address.................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Country.................................................................... VAT No: .................................................................................................. Contact.................................................................... Tel. No.................................................................................................... Fax No................................................ ............. E-mail........................................................................................... Please e-mail, post or fax completed order forms to: Fax: +353-12826311 E-mail: [email protected] Page 7 of 7
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