SUMMER 2015 COURSE SCHEDULE Registration Procedures, Course Listings, and Final Exam Schedule 6-22-2015 12 Table of Contents AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL DURING SUMMER SESSION......................................................................... 3 SUMMER 2015 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ....................................................................................................... 3 PRIORITY REGISTRATION DATES & TIMES ............................................................................................... 3 3Ls ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2Ls ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 1Ls ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Evening Classes (6:00pm or later) .............................................................................................................. 4 REGISTRATION PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................... 4 Adding and Dropping Classes ..................................................................................................................... 5 Limited Enrollment Classes & Waitlists ....................................................................................................... 5 Enrollment Limits and Enrollment Certification ............................................................................................ 5 Distance Education Learning (online) .......................................................................................................... 5 Changing Division (Day or Evening) or Status (Part-Time or Full Time) ..................................................... 6 Cancellation of Classes ............................................................................................................................... 6 Pass/Fail Election ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Attendance Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Tuition and Fee Refund Policy ..................................................................................................................... 7 REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Lockstep Classes ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Upper Level Requirements for Graduation .................................................................................................. 7 Important Note on Upper Level Required Courses: ................................................................................. 7 Oral Skills Requirement ............................................................................................................................... 8 Rigorous Writing Requirement ..................................................................................................................... 8 CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................... 8 NEW COURSES ............................................................................................................................................. 9 Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar ............................................................................................. 9 DISTANCE EDUCATION (ONLINE) COURSES ............................................................................................ 9 Evidence ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Intellectual Property ................................................................................................................................... 10 Marital Property ......................................................................................................................................... 10 Professional Responsibility ........................................................................................................................ 11 WEEKEND AND CONDENSED COURSES ................................................................................................. 11 Courthouse Perspectives ........................................................................................................................... 11 1 Death Penalty Seminar .............................................................................................................................. 12 Deposition Skills Workshop ....................................................................................................................... 12 Externship §1 (May 26-July 10) ............................................................................................................. 13 Externship §2 (June 29 – August 14) ...................................................................................................... 13 Family Mediation Clinic .............................................................................................................................. 14 Pretrial Motion Workshop .......................................................................................................................... 14 COURSE LISTINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Day Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Evening Courses ....................................................................................................................................... 17 COURSE GRIDS ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Day Course Grid ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Evening Course Grid ................................................................................................................................. 18 Weekend/Condensed Course Grid ............................................................................................................ 19 Distance Learning (Online) Course Grid .................................................................................................... 21 SUMMER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................... 23 2 AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL DURING SUMMER SESSION Students should consider their academic standing when enrolling for summer courses. Under Academic Standard 9.2.4, any student academically dismissed while enrolled in the summer term will be immediately withdrawn from classes (even if the student petitions for probation). Tuition is reimbursed in accordance with state regulations and dismissed students will receive no tuition refund for the summer session. If you have any questions please contact Ruth Smith, Associate Registrar at the Law School, 817-212-4046, or email [email protected]. SUMMER 2015 ACADEMIC CALENDAR First Day of Classes Last Day to Add a Class Last Day to Elect Pass/Fail Last Day to Drop a Course Without a Transcript Notation Last Day to Drop a Course With a Transcript Notation Holiday (No Classes) Last Day of Classes Exams Begin Exams End Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday May 26 May 28 May 29 June 2 Tuesday July 1 Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday July 4 July 13 July 14 July 16 (Independence Day) PRIORITY REGISTRATION DATES & TIMES Important: Student Services will send notices about registration matters to students by e-mail only— check your law school e-mail account frequently. Student Services will be open at 7:00 am on all designated priority registration days. If you have online registration issues, please contact Student Services at 817-212-4001. Monday Wednesday Friday 3L 2L 1L February 23 February 24 February 25 (56 or more earned hours by spring 2015) (30-55 earned hours by spring 2015) (20-29 earned hours by spring 2015) 3Ls Monday, February 23 – Students who have 56 or more earned hours by the end of spring 2015 Beginning at 7:00 am, Monday, February 23, students with 56 or more earned hours by the end of spring 2015 may register for summer classes. Registration for evening classes (6:00pm or later) will be limited to 3L part-time evening students from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on February 23 but will open to all 3L students at 5:00 pm. 3 2Ls Tuesday, February 24 – Students who have 30-55 earned hours by the end of spring 2015 Beginning at 7:00 am, Tuesday, February 24, students with 30–55 earned hours by the end of spring 2015 may register for summer classes. Registration for evening classes (6:00pm or later) will be limited to 2L part-time evening students from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on February 24 but will open to all 2L students at 5:00 pm. 1Ls Wednesday, February 25 – Students who have 20-29 earned hours by the end of spring 2015 Beginning at 7:00 am, Wednesday, February 25, students with 20–29 earned hours by the end of spring 2015 may register for summer classes. Registration for evening classes (6:00pm or later) will be limited to 1L part-time evening students from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on February 25 but will open to all 1L students at 5:00 pm. Evening Classes (6:00pm or later) Part-time evening students within each class will be given priority to register for evening classes on the first day of that group’s registration. As a result: 3L day students may enroll in evening classes beginning at 5:00 pm, Monday, February 23. 2L day students may enroll in evening classes beginning at 5:00 pm, Tuesday, February 24. 1L day students may enroll in evening classes beginning at 5:00 pm, Wednesday, February 25. Please note that the registration limitations above apply only for evening classes. REGISTRATION PROCEDURES There are several ways to register. (We cannot take telephone, e-mail, or faxed registration requests.) 1. Howdy (click for link) Available under the My Records tab. (This cannot be used for limited enrollment courses or courses requiring professor approval.) Registration Tutorials can be found there for your convenience. 2. Electronic Registration Form. (click for link) This form should be used primarily for limited enrollment courses or courses requiring professor approval. It is available through the law school website Student Services page. If you choose to submit an electronic registration form for non-limited enrollment courses, please be aware that it could take up to 24-hours to process these forms. 3. Paper Registration Form. (click for PDF) This form should be used primarily for limited enrollment courses or courses requiring professor approval. It is available through the law school website Student Services page and in the Student Services office. If you choose to submit a hard copy registration form for non-limited enrollment courses, please be aware that it could take up to 24-hours to process these forms. Other Important Registration Rules Do not submit registration forms before your assigned days. Student Services will not accept early requests and will not be responsible for forms submitted early. You must register for limited enrollment courses and courses requiring professor approval either electronically through the law school website Student Services page or by submitting a hard copy to Student Services. 4 Student Services will e-mail your account if your registration request cannot be processed for any reason. Adding and Dropping Classes Students may add classes from February 23 – May 28. After May 28, students may add classes only with the permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The last day to drop a class without a transcript notation is June 2. The last day to drop a class with a transcript notation is July 1. Limited Enrollment Classes & Waitlists You must submit an Electronic or Paper Course Registration form to Student Services to register for limited enrollment classes (identified as such in the schedule). Student Services will register students for these classes prioritized by each student’s earned hours. Students should submit the Course Registration form to Student Services on the day of their priority registration. Waitlisting for these classes will be prioritized by each student’s earned credits. Student Services will notify by e-mail all students who have requested registration in these classes to let them know whether they are registered or waitlisted. If you do not see your registration on Howdy, check your law school e-mail or contact Student Services to inquire about your waitlist status. Important message about waitlists: If you are waitlisted for a class, you must submit a course drop form to be removed from that waitlist. If a seat becomes available at any time and you have not submitted a course drop form, you will be registered for that class accordingly. If a seat becomes available and we cannot register you due to a time conflict or overload, and we cannot reach you, we will move to the next person on the waitlist. Please monitor your e-mail frequently if you are on a waitlist. Enrollment Limits and Enrollment Certification Full-time students may take up to 8 credit hours. Part-time students may take up to 6 credit hours. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs must approve requests for overloads. Such requests are granted only under exceptional circumstances. Students must enroll in a minimum of four credits to be eligible for financial aid. Students who work more than 20 hours a week may take no more than 6 credit hours, including non-classroom courses such as externship, moot court, and law review. Students enrolled in more than 6 credit hours must certify that they are not employed more than 20 hours per week. Students who increase employment hours during the term must decrease their academic load to part time. Distance Education Learning (online) A student may not earn more than a total of 15 credit hours toward the J.D. degree for approved distance education courses. All distance education courses have a prerequisite of 28 completed credit hours in addition to any other prerequisite. Students are expected to know how to manage computer issues and to have reliable technologies to fulfill course requirements. An up–to-date PC or Mac-based computer with access to high-speed internet is required. Courses delivered online may be either synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous online classes require students and instructors to be online at the same time. Lectures, discussions, chats, etc. occur at a specific time. All students must be online at that specific hour in order to participate. 5 With asynchronous online courses, lectures, assignments, and other materials are posted online and students may access the material at any time, although the instructor generally sets a definite time period in which students may participate in each online class. Hybrid courses (also known as blended courses) include both face-to-face classroom meetings and an online component. The online component may be either synchronous or asynchronous. Changing Division (Day or Evening) or Status (Part-Time or Full Time) Students who have not completed their lockstep courses may change division or status only under the conditions set out in Academic Standard 11.1. Students who have completed their lockstep classes may change status or division only with the approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Cancellation of Classes Classes may be cancelled for low enrollment. This decision is made by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Pass/Fail Election You must designate the election of the pass/fail option by submitting an Electronic or Paper Pass/Fail Request Form to Student Services no later than Friday, May 29, 2015. You will not be able to elect the pass/fail option when you register online. You must obtain the pass/fail election form from Student Services or the law school web site and submit the completed form to Student Services. To preserve anonymity, students must not communicate a pass/fail election to the professor. A student may not elect to take a lockstep course, a required course, a course taken to satisfy a rigorous writing requirement, a course taken to satisfy the upper-level oral skills requirement, or a course taken to satisfy the requirements for a certificate program on a Pass/Fail basis, unless the course is offered only on a Pass/Fail basis. Student Services must first verify your eligibility for pass/fail credit. Please review section 8.5 of the law school’s Academic Standards found in the Student Handbook for rules and limitations on pass/fail credits. No more than 12 credit hours earned in classes graded on a pass/fail basis may be counted toward the total number of hours required for graduation. Transfer credits are not included in this limit, nor are credits earned for retaking a failed course. Required courses are not eligible to be taken as pass/fail. Elective classes may comprise not more than 7 credit hours of the maximum 12 credit hours graded as pass/fail. Students may not earn more than 6 pass/fail credit hours in any one activity, such as law review, externship, law clinic, or moot court. Seminars, if taken to satisfy the rigorous writing requirement, may not be taken pass/fail. Attendance Policy Students on academic probation or academic warning who exceed 15% of the regularly scheduled class meetings (including make-ups) will be administratively withdrawn and receive no credit for the class. Students not currently on academic probation who exceed 25% of the regularly scheduled class meetings (including make-ups) will be administratively withdrawn and receive no credit for the class. Any student withdrawn from a lockstep course will also be withdrawn from law school, pursuant to Academic Standard 5.3. Attendance requirements in weekend and condensed format classes are explained in the description of the courses. Official days and times for make-ups for cancelled classes: 6 All day classes All evening classes Monday-Friday Friday evening 12:00 noon These are the official make-up times. An absence from a make-up scheduled during the official make-up time IS counted toward the maximum number of allowable absences for the class. An absence from a make-up scheduled at a time other than the official make-up time IS NOT counted. Tuition and Fee Refund Policy The tuition and refund policy can be found on the Current Students page of the law school website. Click here to view the policy. Please contact Student Business Services at 817-212-4081 with any additional questions. Warning: If you drop a summer session class you may no longer be eligible for financial aid. Contact the financial aid office at 817-212-4090 for more information. REQUIREMENTS No required courses may be elected as pass/fail. Lockstep Classes The lockstep courses are: Contracts; Torts; Criminal Law; LARW I & II; Civil Procedure; Property; Constitutional Law; and Legislation & Regulation. Please see the 2014-2015 Programs and Policies for a more detailed explanation of the sequence of the lockstep curriculum. Upper Level Requirements for Graduation Students must successfully complete these upper-level courses before graduation: Business Associations I Criminal Procedure Evidence LARW III Professional Responsibility Wills & Estates . Important Note on Upper Level Required Courses: 2014-2015 Academic Year For course rotations and to assist in your academic planning, please review “Planning Your Course of Study,” available on the law school website. The document includes a listing of when advanced required and core courses will generally be offered by semester and division. 7 Oral Skills Requirement Students matriculating in the fall of 2010 or later must also successfully complete three hours of oral skills coursework. (Note: This requirement was previously titled Upper Level Professional Skills Requirement.) The following summer classes count toward this requirement: Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Family Mediation Clinic (3) Law Clinic (3) Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Rigorous Writing Requirement Students must satisfy the rigorous writing requirement by completing a law journal comment; or by taking a seminar, completing the required paper, and earning a grade of at least a B- on the paper. The following summer classes satisfy this requirement: Death Penalty Seminar Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS A certificate program is a specialized course of study analogous, in part, to a major in college. Earning a certificate is an official acknowledgment, and a representation to employers, that a student has developed a certain expertise in a particular area of the law. Certificates will be available to students immediately once they have satisfied the requirements for either program. Generally, each program requires a particular grade point average in at least 16 hours of related, qualifying courses. In addition, there is a skills requirement, as well as a writing requirement for each of the certificates. Questions about the law school's certificate programs, including the course requirements for each, should be directed to the faculty supervisor for the particular certificate: Business Law Certificate Dispute Resolution Certificate Estate Planning Certificate Family Law Certificate Intellectual Property Certificate Prof. Gary Lucas Prof. Peter Reilly Prof. Terri Helge Prof. Charlotte Hughart Prof. Megan Carpenter Certificate requirements and applications can be found on the law school website. 8 NEW COURSES Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar LAW-7900-601 2 Credits Professor: Dennis Kelly CRN 19197 This seminar is for students who are interested in a careful study of selected topics in Texas legal history. The seminar consists of secondary course reading, class discussion based on reading assignments, and a paper that will satisfy the rigorous writing requirement. Discussion topics include subjects such as the development of the Texas court system and the development of various areas of state law. The focus will be on Texas legal history that will help a modern-day attorney practice law in Texas. Prerequisite: All lockstep courses except Constitutional Law. DISTANCE EDUCATION (ONLINE) COURSES Four online courses will be offered this summer: Evidence LAW-7080-601 4 Credits Professor: Arthur Best CRN 19208 This class will be delivered by live lecture synchronously over 8 weeks (the last day of class is July 20) and will include students from other law schools. Students must attend the online class at a specific time. Registered students will receive orientation and training in how to participate in this course. The course will be limited to 25 students. The final examination will be a proctored online examination. Students will be graded according to the School of Law Academic Standards. Students must have a webcam and microphone to participate in this course. Prerequisite: 28 completed hours, including Civil Procedure. Online Schedule: May 27 – July 20 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:00-5:00pm Attendance requirements: Students not on academic warning or probation may miss no more than 6 online classes. Students on academic probation or warning may miss no more than 3 online classes. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and receive no credit. 9 Intellectual Property LAW-7350-601 3 Credits Professor: Brian Holland CRN 19193 This is a hybrid online course. There will be an in-class meeting each Tuesday from 9:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. The other weekly class meeting will be held online in an asynchronous format. Prerequisite: 28 completed hours. Classroom Schedule: May 26 – July 7 Tuesday 9:15 am – 12:00 pm Attendance Requirements: Students who are not on academic probation or warning may miss no more than a total of 3 in-class or online sessions. Students on academic warning or probation may miss no more than a total of 2 online or in-class sessions. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and receive no credit. Marital Property LAW-7428-601 3 Credits Professor: Terri Helge CRN 19194 Classes In this course will be delivered completely online in an asynchronous format. The final exam will be in-class on July 14. A student may complete the online classes any time before the designated deadline set by the professor. Each online class will include one or more slideshow lectures on the assigned materials. In addition, each online class will include one or more written assignments or quizzes. Students must successfully complete all portions of the online class to receive attendance credit for that online class. Prerequisite: 28 completed hours. Attendance Requirements: Students who are not on academic probation or warning may miss no more than 3 online classes. Students on academic warning or probation may miss no more than 2 online classes. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and receive no credit. 10 Professional Responsibility LAW-7091-601 CRN 19195 3 Credits Professor: John Dzienkowski This class will be delivered by live lecture synchronously over 5 weeks and will include students from other law schools. Students must attend the online class at a specific time. Registered students will receive orientation and training in how to participate in this course. The course will be limited to 25 students. The final examination will be a proctored online examination. Students will be graded according to the School of Law Academic Standards. Students must have a webcam and microphone to participate in this course. Prerequisite: 28 completed hours. Online Schedule: May 26 – June 29 Monday – Thursday 7:00-8:45pm Attendance requirements: Students not on academic warning or probation may miss no more than 5 classes. Students on academic probation or warning may miss no more than 3 classes. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and receive no credit. WEEKEND AND CONDENSED COURSES Courthouse Perspectives LAW-7890-601 CRN 19167 1 Credit Professor: Judge John “Bob” McCoy This course does not count toward the oral skills requirement. This course will provide students with a practical, hands-on study of various courts in the Tarrant County area, including the Court of Appeals, District Courts (civil, criminal, and family), County Courts (civil, criminal, and probate), and Justice of the Peace courts. Students will learn about the function, jurisdiction, and personnel of each court. Each day will begin with a lecture at the Court of Appeals by Justice McCoy, which will be followed by visits to the various courts. During the various visits, students will be introduced to judges, court coordinators, and court reporters. If possible, students will be allowed to observe proceedings in each court they visit. This course will also stress proper courtroom etiquette and nuts-and-bolts procedural training on topics such as how to actually file a document with a court. This is a graded course. Prerequisite: One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. Schedule: Monday, August 3 Tuesday, August 4 Wednesday, August 5 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Thursday, August 6 Friday, August 7 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Attendance Requirements: Due to the condensed nature of this class, attendance is mandatory. An absence for any reason will result in administrative withdrawal from the course. 11 Death Penalty Seminar LAW-7615-601 CRN 19148 2 Credits Professor: Deni Garcia A study of the law of capital punishment in an effort to understand the guiding legal principles and parameters of this most severe form of criminal sanction. Specific issues addressed include, among others, narrowing capital punishment to certain crimes and particular types of defendants, the role of race in the death penalty, death qualified juries, and the function of "guided discretion" in the use of the sanction. Prerequisite: All lockstep courses except Constitutional Law. Schedule: Saturday, May 30 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, June 13 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Saturday, June 20 Saturday, June 27 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Attendance Requirements: A student may miss no more than 1 class. Students with excessive absences will be withdrawn from the course and receive no credit. Deposition Skills Workshop LAW-7887S-601 CRN 19160 1 Credit Professor: Christian Dennie This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Grading for this course will be on a Pass/Fail basis. This course gives students the opportunity to learn the art of deposition practice and the strategy behind taking depositions. Students will learn and practice fundamental depositions skills; rules pertaining to depositions in federal and state court; how to properly notice a deposition; and how to depose parties, fact witnesses, and experts. The course will conclude with a final deposition performance class in which each student will be provided the opportunity to take and defend a deposition. Prerequisite: (1) One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; (2) Civil Procedure Schedule: Monday, July 20 Tuesday, July 21 Wednesday, July 22 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Thursday, July 23 Friday, July 24 Saturday, July 25 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Attendance Requirements: Due to the condensed nature of this class, attendance is mandatory. An absence for any reason will result in administrative withdrawal from the course. 12 Externship §1 (May 26-July 10) LAW-7835-601 CRN 19168 LAW-7836-601 CRN 19169 LAW-7837-601 CRN 19170 LAW-7838-601 CRN 19171 Professor: Cecily Becker 1 Credit 2 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits This course is designed to provide students with learning opportunities, through placements in approved legal settings, in which students can apply what they learn in the classroom to real world settings. Placements can be in either courts, public interest organizations, corporate or government offices, or law firms. Students can earn 1, 2 or 3 pass/fail credit hours for every 60, 120 or 180 hours of fieldwork completed, respectively. Students keep timesheets and journals that are submitted throughout the semester as indicated on the course syllabus. In addition, students must complete a classroom component the first time they register for an externship. The classroom component consists of in-class meetings and online discussions. Online discussions consist of students responding to topics posted by the professor and responding to fellow student postings. Some minor outside reading and/or activity may be required. Grading for this course will be on a Pass/Fail basis. Professor approval is required before registering. Prerequisite: At least 29 completed hours; no honor code violations; 2.5 minimum GPA Professor approval required; no online registration. §1 Schedule: The classroom component will be comprised of both in-class meetings and online discussions. There will be 2 in-class meetings as follows: Tuesday, May 26 Friday, July 10 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (A four hour orientation) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (A two hour wrap up class discussing overall experiences and lessons learned) In addition, there will be 6 online class discussions, one each week during the semester. Externship §2 (June 29 – August 14) LAW-7835-602 CRN 19176 LAW-7836-602 CRN 19175 LAW-7837-602 CRN 19174 LAW-7838-602 CRN 19173 Professor: Cecily Becker 1 Credit 2 Credits 3 Credits 4 Credits §2 Schedule: The classroom component will be comprised of both in-class meetings and online discussions. There will be 2 in-class meetings as follows: Monday, June 29 Friday, August 14 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm (A four hour orientation) 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (A two hour wrap up class discussing overall experiences and lessons learned) In addition, there will be 6 online class discussions, one each week during the semester. 13 Family Mediation Clinic LAW-7850S-601 CRN 19147 3 Credits Professor: Kay Elliott This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Students learn mediation skills through lecture and role play, and attend some classes in the courtrooms of two family judges. Students observe and mediate real family disputes at local mediation centers. An exam and a mediation journal are used in grading. A Family Mediation Certificate is awarded upon completion of this course. Grading for this course will be on a Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. Attendance requirements: Must attend all classes to receive credit for the course. Schedule Friday, May 29 Saturday, May 30 Sunday, May 31 Saturday, July 18 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday, June 5 Saturday, June 6 Sunday, June 7 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (class held online) Pretrial Motion Workshop LAW-7892S-601 CRN 19207 1 Credit Professor: Joseph Spence This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Students will learn about and draft the following three pre-trial motions: 1) Motion to Transfer Venue 2) Motion to Compel Discovery 3) Special Appearance 120a. Students will then argue the motion in class. Grading for this course will be on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisite: One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; including Civil Procedure (which may be taken concurrently). Schedule Monday, July 20 Wednesday, July 22 Thursday, July 23 Monday, July 27 6:00 - 8:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm Wednesday, July 29 Thursday, July 30 Monday, August 3 6:00 - 8:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm 6:00 - 8:00 pm Attendance Requirements: Due to the condensed nature of this class, attendance is mandatory. An absence for any reason will result in administrative withdrawal from the course. 14 COURSE LISTINGS Day Courses TITLE Advanced Torts COURSE # and CRN LAW-7104-601 CRN 19198 Prerequisite: Business Fundamental For Lawyers LAW-7552-601 CRN 19196 Prerequisite: Courthouse Perspectives LAW-7890-601 CRN 19167 Prerequisite: Death Penalty Seminar LAW-7615-601 CRN 19148 Prerequisite: Deposition Skills Workshop LAW-7887S-601 CRN 19160 Prerequisite: Evidence (online) LAW-7080-601 CRN 19208 Prerequisite: Externship §1 (online with two in-class meetings) LAW-7835-601 CRN 19168 LAW-7836-601 CRN 19169 LAW-7837-601 CRN 19170 LAW-7838-601 CRN 19171 Prerequisite: HRS DAY 3 MW START TIME 1:00PM END TIME 3:45PM START DATE END DATE (1) One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. (2) Torts 1 R 9:15AM 11:05AM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. 1 M-F 9:00AM 12:00PM 8/3/15 8/7/15 One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. Final Exam August 7 at 11:00am 2 S 10:00AM 4:00PM 5/30/15 6/27/15 All lockstep courses except Constitutional Law. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid section for specific dates/times. 1 M-F 12:00PM 1:45PM 7/20/15 7/25/15 S 9:30AM 3:30PM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; including Civil Procedure. Pass/Fail course. This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. 4 MWR 3:00PM 5:00PM 5/27/15 7/20/15 28 completed hours, including Civil Procedure. Students must have a webcam and microphone to participate in this course. 1 T 12:00PM 4:00PM 5/26/15 F 1:00PM 3:00PM 7/10/15 2 FACULTY RM McGrath, James 201 Snyder, Frank 107 McCoy, Bob Off Site Garcia, Deni 207 Dennie, Christian 207 Best, Arthur Online Becker, Cecily 216 3 4 At least 29 completed hours; Pass/Fail course. Professor approval required. No online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. 15 TITLE Externship §2 (online with two in-class meetings Family Mediation Clinic COURSE # and CRN LAW-7835-602 CRN 19176 LAW-7836-602 CRN 19175 LAW-7837-602 CRN 19174 LAW-7838-602 CRN 19173 Prerequisite: LAW-7850S-601 CRN 19147 Prerequisite: Intellectual Property (online and in-class) LAW-7350-601 CRN 19193 Prerequisite: LARW III: Business Collections LAW-7791-601 CRN 19200 Prerequisite: Law Clinic LAW-7864S-601 CRN 19209 Prerequisite: Marital Property (online) LAW-7428-601 CRN 19194 Prerequisite: Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar Texas Pretrial Procedure LAW-7900-601 CRN 19197 Prerequisite: LAW-7540-601 CRN 19199 Prerequisite: HRS DAY 1 M F START TIME 12:00PM 1:00PM END TIME 4:00PM 3:00PM START DATE 6/29/15 8/14/15 END DATE FACULTY RM Becker, Cecily 216 Elliott, Kay 104 106 & 107 Holland, Brian 107 Johnson, James TCR Hughart, Charlotte 201 Helge, Terri Online Kelly, Dennis 216 Elliott, Frank 104 2 3 4 At least 29 completed hours; Pass/Fail course. Professor approval required. No online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. 3 F 12:00PM 6:00PM 5/29/15 6/7/15 S 9:00AM 6:00PM SU 9:00AM 6:00PM S 1:00PM 3:00PM 7/18/15 online One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. Pass/Fail course. This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. 3 T 9:15AM 12:00PM 28 completed credit hours. This class will be held online with one in-class meeting per week. 2 MW 4:00PM 5:50PM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; including Contracts. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. 2 T TH 4:30PM 6:00PM (1) All lockstep courses; (2) 45 Completed hours. Good academic standing. Pass/Fail course. This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Professor approval required; no online registration. 3 Online 28 completed credit hours. This class will be held online with an in-class final exam. 2 MW 10:00AM 11:50AM All lockstep courses except Constitutional Law. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. 3 TR 1:00PM 3:45PM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program, including Civil Procedure. 16 Evening Courses TITLE Children & the Law COURSE # and CRN LAW-7154-601 CRN 19205 Prerequisite: Elder Law CANCELLED 4-30-15 LAW-7588-601 CRN 19609 Prerequisite: Oil & Gas LAW-7144-601 CRN 19202 Prerequisite: Payment Systems Pretrial Motion Workshop LAW-7454-601 CRN 19204 Prerequisite: LAW-7892S-601 CRN 19207 Prerequisite: Professional Responsibility (online) LAW-7091-601 CRN 19195 Prerequisite: Texas Criminal Procedure LAW-7532-601 CRN 19203 Prerequisite: HRS DAY 3 TR START TIME 6:30PM END TIME 9:15PM START DATE END DATE FACULTY RM Spurlock, Joe 104 One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. 2 MW 6:30PM 8:20PM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. 3 MW 6:00PM 8:45PM Benson, Monica Blackwell, Ronnie 201 Meigs, Randyl 107 Spence, Joseph 104 Dzienkowski, John Online Mallin, Charles 104 One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program, including Property. 3 TR 6:30PM 9:15PM One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; including Torts and Contracts. 1 MWR 6:00PM 8:00PM 7/20/15 8/3/15 One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program; including Civil Procedure (which may be taken concurrently). Pass/Fail course. This course counts toward the oral skills requirement. Limited enrollment course; no online registration. See the Weekend/Condensed Course Grid for specific dates/times. 3 M - R 7:00PM 8:45PM 5/26/15 6/29/15 28 completed hours. Students must have a webcam and microphone to participate in this course. 3 MW 6:30PM 9:15PM (1) One year of law school in the full-time or part-time program. (2) Criminal Procedure 17 COURSE GRIDS Day Course Grid MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 9:15-11:05 9:15-11:05 9:15-11:05 9:15-11:05 Business Fundamentals for Lawyers (1) Snyder 9:15-11:05 9:15-12:00 9:15-12:00 Intellectual Property (3) Holland 9:15-12:00 9:15-12:00 9:15-12:00 10:00-11:50 Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar (2) Kelly 10:00-11:50 10:00-11:50 Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar (2) Kelly 10:00-11:50 10:00-11:50 1:00-3:45 Advanced Torts (3) McGrath 1:00-3:45 Texas Pretrial Procedure (3) Elliott 1:00-3:45 Advanced Torts (3) McGrath 1:00-3:45 Texas Pretrial Procedure (3) Elliott 1:00-3:45 4:00-5:50 LARW III: Business Collections (2) Johnson 4:30-6:00 4:00-5:50 4:00-5:50 LARW III: Business Collections (2) Johnson 4:30-6:00 4:00-5:50 4:00-5:50 4:30-6:00 Law Clinic (2) Hughart 4:30-6:00 4:30-6:00 Law Clinic (2) Hughart Evening Course Grid MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 6:00-8:45 Oil & Gas (3) Blackwell 6:00-8:45 6:00-8:45 6:00-8:45 6:30-9:15 Texas Criminal Procedure (3) Mallin 6:30-9:15 Children & the Law (3) Spurlock 6:00-8:45 Oil & Gas (3) Blackwell 6:30-9:15 Texas Criminal Procedure (3) Mallin 6:30-9:15 Children & the Law (3) Spurlock 6:30-9:15 Payment Systems (3) Meigs Payment Systems (3) Meigs 18 Weekend/Condensed Course Grid MONDAY TUESDAY May 25 Memorial Day Holiday May 26 12:00-4:00pm Externship §1 Orientation (1-4) Becker WEDNESDAY May 27 THURSDAY May 28 FRIDAY May 29 12:00-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott SATURDAY May 30 9:00am-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott SUNDAY May 31 9:00am-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott 10:00am-4:00pm Death Penalty Seminar (2) Garcia June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 12:00-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott June 6 9:00am-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott June 7 9:00am-6:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) K. Elliott 10:00am-4:00pm Death Penalty Seminar (2) Garcia June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 10:00am-4:00pm Death Penalty Seminar (2) Garcia June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 10:00am-4:00pm Death Penalty Seminar (2) Garcia June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 10:00am-4:00pm Death Penalty Seminar (2) Garcia June 28 June 29 12:00-4:00pm Externship §2 (1-4) Orientation Becker June 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 Independence Day Holiday July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 1:00-3:00pm Externship §1 Becker July 11 July 12 July 13 Classes End July 14 Final Exams July 15 Final Exams July 16 Final Exams July 17 July 18 1:00-3:00pm Family Mediation Clinic (3) (online class) K. Elliott July 19 19 MONDAY July 20 12:00-1:45pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY July 21 12:00-1:45pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie July 22 12:00-1:45pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie July 23 12:00-1:45pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY July 24 12:00-1:45pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie July 25 9:30-3:30pm Deposition Skills Workshop (1) Dennie July 26 July 27 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence July 28 July 29 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence July 30 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence July 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 9:00am-12:00pm Courthouse Perspectives (1) McCoy August 4 9:00am-12:00pm Courthouse Perspectives (1) McCoy August 5 9:00am-12:00pm Courthouse Perspectives (1) McCoy August 6 9:00am-12:00pm Courthouse Perspectives (1) McCoy August 7 9:00am-12:00pm Courthouse Perspectives (1) McCoy August 8 August 9 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 1:00-3:00pm Externship §2 Becker August 15 August 16 6:00-8:00pm Pretrial Motion Workshop (1) Spence August 10 20 Distance Learning (Online) Course Grid MONDAY May 25 Memorial Day Holiday TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY May 26 May 27 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best May 28 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski June 1 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 2 June 3 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 4 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski June 8 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 9 June 10 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 11 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski June 15 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 16 June 17 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 18 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski June 22 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 23 June 24 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best June 25 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski FRIDAY May 29 June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 21 MONDAY June 29 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best TUESDAY June 30 WEDNESDAY July 1 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best THURSDAY July 2 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best FRIDAY July 3 PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY FINAL EXAM TBA (JULY 2-3) 7:00-8:45 p.m. Professional Responsibility (3) Dzienkowski July 6 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 7 July 8 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 9 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 10 July 13 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 14 July 15 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 16 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 17 July 20 3:00-5:00 p.m. Evidence (4) Best July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24-26 EVIDENCE FINAL EXAM TBA 22 SUMMER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE These courses require a paper, project, or the equivalent instead of a final exam: Death Penalty Seminar Deposition Skills Workshop Externship Family Mediation Clinic LARW III: Business Collections Law Clinic Pretrial Motion Workshop Special Topics: Texas Legal History Seminar Take Home Final Exam Intellectual Property Marital Property Proctored Online Exam Evidence – July 24-26 (date and time TBA) Professional Responsibility – July 2-3 (date and time TBA) Wednesday, July 15 Thursday, July 16 10:00 am 10:00 am Business Fundamentals for Lawyers Snyder 2:00 pm Advanced Torts McGrath 2:00 pm Texas Pretrial Procedure Elliott 6:30 pm Oil & Gas Blackwell 6:30 pm Children & the Law Spurlock Texas Criminal Procedure Mallin Payment Systems Meigs Weekend/Condensed August 7 – 11:00 a.m. Courthouse Perspectives McCoy 23
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