Lutheran Church By The Lake 100 Twelve Oaks Drive & Highway 378 Pastor James Kinsler McCormick, SC 29835 864-391-2110 864-391-3000 [email protected] [email protected] Sunday Schedule Worship Services: 8:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Beach Service: 9:15 a.m. June 2015 lcbtlpa [email protected] In the Good “Ole” Summer Time [email protected] - The third chapter of Ecclesiastes begins with the words, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” The writer then goes through a spectrum of events, from life to death, from weeping to laugher, and from silence to speaking. The list is quiet varied, covering many of the ups and downs we as people experience. As the season of summer is upon us, it is a traditional time of recreation and travel. I pray that each of you will experience the renewing presence of God in your time away and your opportunities to spend time with those you love. Lutheran Church By The Lake touches the world in many ways. One of the most direct is through the travel of our members. We would like to track how far the light of Christ is shining. Let us know when you’re traveling. Please bring home a bulletin when you worship on vacation. Also let us know your destinations and we will mark them on a map. Each of us is an ambassador for Christ in our daily life. May the light and love of God shine in you and through you in this season of travel. Pastor Jim Assisting in June: Flowers Lector Ushers Communion Assistants 8:15 6/7 Lake Service 10:15 Kline L. Shaw Shaw Phillips Westgate Irmis & Sautter 8:15 6/14 Lake Service 10:15 Raack 8:15 6/21 Lake Service 10:15 Wakefield 8:15 6/28 Lake Service 10:15 Wofford Service Date B. Hinkel M. Kenzie J. Beggs W. Cox A. Beggs W. Cox D. Irmis Younts Detrick Nelson Weiers Heffner Howe Cox Mavity Gresham Younts Rhodes Cox June 14: Eucharistic Minister: Mary and Bruce Smith Altar Guild: Donna Irmis Counters: Karen & Chuck Bell - June 7; Diane & Jim Nelson – June 14 Judy & Ron Younts – June 21; Joan & Brent Marston – June 28 Hugh Stewart Marilyn Greenfield Diane Nelson Walt Wist Warren Wolf Georgette Ruth Jerry Tracey Pam Turner Norma Kralik Don Mathews 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/5 6/7 6/10 6/12 6/12 6/17 6/16 Gloria Bramble Neil Reichard Phillip Hinkel Judy Lorier Mary Schuster Bill Edmondson Bob Broucksou Donna Irmis Pat Schroeder 6/18 6/19 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/28 Wednesday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m. Ladies Night Out Ladies will car pool to PaPa’s Pizza in Lincolnton for dinner. Lutheran Men in Mission Our Men will meet in the Pavilion for dinner and meeting to follow. ======================= Congratulations to Marlene and Bob Raack who will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday, June 11. ======================= CHURCH COUNCIL WILL MEET AT 7:00 P.M. On Thursday, June 11 FLAG DAY JUNE 14TH ======================= PRAYER SHAWL CIRCLE will meet Monday, June 15, at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Maryann Ayers, 108 Hickory Point (Magnolia). If you have any questions, please give Maryann a call at 391-2004 or Gail Oust at 391-5824. All are invited to be a part of this special ministry. We can even teach you how to knit, crochet or even loom — warm and pretty hats!! AUGUSTA GREENJACKETS BASEBALL GAME TUESDAY, JUNE 16 7:30 P.M. The cost is $12.00 per person which includes: admission, hot dog, chips and a drink. Please make your checks payable to: Augusta GreenJackets no later than Sunday, June 7th. Place your check or cash in an envelope with your name on it and put it in the box in the church office. We will meet at the church parking lot at 5:00 p.m. and will leave at 5:30 p.m. Car pooling will be available. If you have any questions, please give Christine Probert a call at 391-5051. Christine will be picking up the tickets and distributing them before you leave the church on Tuesday, June 16. ======================= The Quilt Circle is happy to report that 40 quilts have been completed for the 100 Quilt Challenge ending on August 1st. 55 kits are waiting to be sewn. They are in the fellowship hall on the Prayer Shawl table for those wanting to sew at home. Our Quilt Circle Workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 17th from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. We need your help. Come and help do a little cutting, create kits or prepare quilts for sewing. There is always something to do. If you are not on the current mailing list and wish to be or have any questions about the Quilt Circle feel free to contact Joyce Isaacson (391-2002) or Jean Randall (391-8022). JUNE 21 ======================= CAMP GRAND PRIX – ORIENTATION Grandparents with grandchildren coming for Camp Grand are reminded to arrive at the church at 5:30 p.m. for orientation on June 30. Schedules will be handed out and the Camp Grand staff will be introduced. We look forward to a wonderful week at Camp Grand. ======================= CONGREGATIONAL Ice Cream Social and Hot Dog Cook-Out June 30 Our Lutheran Men in Mission are hosting the annual congregational Hot Dog Cook-Out & Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, June 30th, at the church pavilion. The feast will begin at 6:00 p.m. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. Sun. June 7 Tues. Thur. Sun. June 9 June 11 June 14 Mon. Tues. June 15 June 16 Wed. June 17 Sun. June 21 Tues. Thur. Fri. Sun. June June June June 23 25 26 28 Mon. Tues. June 29 June 30 8:15 9:15 10:15 4:00 7:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. 8:15 9:15 10:15 1:30 4:00 7:30 10:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. 8:15 9:15 10:15 4:00 9:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 8:15 9:15 10:15 10:00 5:30 6:00 a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Worship Service Beach service Worship Service - Holy Communion GriefShare Church Council meeting FLAG DAY Worship Service – Holy Communion Beach service Worship Service Prayer Shawl Circle GriefShare GreenJackets Baseball Game Quilt Circle - Workshop Newsletter articles due today FATHER’S DAY Worship Service Beach service Worship Service - Holy Communion GriefShare Stephen Ministry Newsletter electronically sent out Worship Service – Holy Communion Beach Service Worship Service CAMP GRAND SET-UP Camp Grand Orientation AND Church Ice Cream Social WE COME TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS ORIENTATION IS TUESDAY, JUNE 30 5:30 pm WE COME TO HAVE FUN July 1-3 8:45 – 12:30 July 1 & 2 POOL PARTY FRIDAY JULY 3 2:00 – 4:00 FAMILIES PLEASE BRING A DISH TO PASS 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM WE COME TO LEARN GOD’S TEACHINGS WE ALL COME TO CAMP GRAND PRIX July 1 – 3, 2015 New at Camp Grand “Grandparenting” Workshop July 2 Camp Grand has proven to be a special time of blessing for the grandparents and grandchildren of Lutheran Church By The Lake over the last five years. The 2015 version, Camp Grand Prix, promises to do the same as we focus on Psalm 23. In addition to our regular classes for the young people a workshop for grandparents has been added. Pastor Jim will be sharing some of the ideas that came out of his Doctor of Ministry study, "Grandparenting the Next Generation: Fanning the Flame of Faith." The workshop will be offered on Thursday, July 2 at 9:30 a.m. It will be located at the model home before you turn into the parking lot at LCBTL. South Carolina Synod News Lutheran Church By The Lake (LCBTL) is a congregation of the South Carolina Synod which is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The South Carolina Synod is meeting in assembly on May 28 - 30 in Spartanburg, SC. Dick and Eileen Hurlbut, along with Pastor Jim are representing LCBTL. One of the major items of business was a resolution concerning public education in our state. ======================= MCCORMICK HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY 2015 FOOD DRIVE “BUDDY CAN YOU SPARE A CAN” As many of you know in January the Food Pantry began a new food drive campaign. They are asking members of LCBTL to participate in this program by bringing an item each month and place it in the cart in the Narthex. During the month of JUNE they are asking for: BOXED CEREAL Georgette Ruth, Food Pantry Coordinator ======================= We can always use more “Prayer Warriors” for our Prayer Chain. If you are interested in being a part of this very special ministry or have any questions please give Bev Sautter a call at 391-4314. Many thanks to all of the generous folks who provided beautiful "Pampering Bags" for MEGs House. They were delivered in time for Mothers Day and gratefully received by the staff. These bags are a touch of special caring to women who may presently be going through a very difficult time and are truly appreciative of our caring. Mary Westgate, WIN (Women In Need) Circle ANOTHER BIG Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! WELCA would like to thank everyone for all your help and support for this years’ Garage Sale. Because of all of you, we now have $2,215.00 to help us continue our ministries throughout the coming year. It helps us all to make a difference to those in need. We had over 30 volunteers that worked over 200 hours for this year's sale! That does not include all the time spent doing your spring cleaning and bringing treasures to the church! A huge thank you to all of you who did your spring cleaning and donated those items no longer needed. Thank you to all of you who came forward to help us sort and price all of your treasures. Thank you to those of you who helped out at the sale on Saturday. Thank you to those of you who shopped and took home new treasures of your own. And please help us thank all of our men who stepped forward to load trucks and deliver our treasures to the Recreation Center early Saturday morning at 5:45! Many of them came back after the sale to help clean up as well! WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT THEM!!! All of our leftover items were donated to McCormick Charities where your items will be sold later to help Habitat, Helping Hands and the Children’s Home. Please give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. We hope to see you all next year! WELCA LUTHERAN CHURCH BY THE LAKE YEAR TO DATE APRIL 2015 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Unrestricted - Income - Expense Net Income (Loss) Restricted - Offerings - Payments Cash - Total - Restricted - Unrestricted 2015 $92,588 80,086 $12,502 2014 $87,090 75,116 $11,974 $12,579 $7,649 $14,784 $4,689 $332,503 188,598 $143,905 $296,545 161,532 $135,013 Budget $85,700 84,649 $1,051 Note: 2014 Offerings do not include special water damage donations LUTHERAN CHURCH BY THE LAKE MISSION STATEMENT To worship, witness, and participate in God’s activity as we serve God’s community. President Vice President Financial Secretary Secretary Treasurer Discipleship of Education Discipleship of Evangelism Fellowship Leader Servant Leadership Stewardship of Finance Stewardship of Property Worship Leader Newly elected Council Members Wally Cox Neil Reichard Anna Carr Jan Garman Dick Hurlbut Rick Post Gloria Bramble Christine Probert Karen Bell Glenn Heffner Chuck Gresham Bev Sautter
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