ACE Women`s Network Michigan

ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Session A
Primary Presenter Pamela S. Gates, CMU
Co-Presenters J. Cherie Strachan and Christina Eanes
Primary Presenter Joy Gianakura, EdD, GVSU
Primary Presenter Mary Gmiener, Delta College
Co-Presenters Dr. Amie Anderson and Dr. Reva Curry
Primary Presenter Trudy Hall, MPH, U of M
Primary Presenter Dr. Amy McGinnis, CMU
Co-Presenter Dr. Misty Bennett
Session Title and Description/Abstract
Why Can't We Close the Gender Gap in Political Ambition? Next Steps to
Enhance College Women's Leadership Experiences in Campus Life
This presentation is based on the inaugural project of the Inter-Campus
Consortium for SoTL Research, which is housed within Central Michigan
University's School of Public Service and Global Citizenship.
Leadership Strategies for
Overcoming Workplace Bullying
Management strategies will be provided during guided conversations and a
list of support resources will be given.
Onboarding at Delta College:
Lessons in Leadership Preparation and Support
The goals of this session are to explain the onboarding process, provide
insight form a successful candidate and share lessons learned from a senior
executive who has utilized onboarding in leadership development.
Empowerment: Building and Sustaining Leaders
This session will highlight strategies and provide hands-on activities taken
from a personal empowerment program specifically designed for women to
improve health.
Leadership at Varying Levels: How Emerging, Mid, and Senior-Level Female
Leaders Lead in Higher Education
This interactive workshop will explore recent findings regarding the
connection between leadership and conflict resolution behaviors of women
in varying levels of leadership inside the academy.
Session B
Primary Presenter Brynne Belinger, WMU
Being an Institutional Representative
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ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Co-Presenters Gail Nunamaker, Marlanna Landeros, Chris Benson, Momika Filev
and Betsy Diegel
Primary Presenter Dr Janisse L. Green, U of Phoenix-Detroit
Session Title and Description/Abstract
This session will offer ideas and experiences among current IRs and what the
position entails for those aspiring to become an IR. Steps to becoming an IR
and models of success will be shared.
The Leadership Practices of Executive Women in Local Government, Public,
and Not-for-Profit Organizations
Provides an informational guide, for local government, public, and not-forprofit organizations, to increase the hiring and retention of women in
executive positions.
Primary Presenter Sarah Marshall, CMU
Primary Presenter Janet Joiner, Baker College of Clinton
Primary Presenter Kathryn Stieler, GVST
The Myth of Work Life Balance
In this session participants will debunk the many myths associated with
work/life balance as well as explore effective strategies to live a blended life.
Digital Leadership: Making a Difference by Encouraging Responsible Use of
Mobile Technologies & Social Media on College Campuses
This session will explore the issues of increased student use of cell phones,
tablets/pads and smart devices during lectures that interferes with others
and creates stress for faculty. Incivility towards and cyberbullying of faculty
will also be addressed.
A Woman's Journey to Leadership in Higher Education
Introducing a series of professional development experiences we have
designed for female faculty at our university to create a community in which
participants felt safe to identify and cultivate their unique experience as a
leader. As a result, formal and informal networks have developed, resulting
in new leadership opportunities for participants
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ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Session C
Primary Presenter Cassandra Willis-Abner, Service Excellence Solutions, LLC
Primary Presenter Mamiko Reeves, Northwood University
Primary Presenter Glenna Frank Miller, MI ACE Network
Co Presenters, Members of MI-ACE Prof. Dev. Committee
Primary Presenter Diane L. Winder, DM, EMU
Co-Presenter Anne L. Balazs
Session Title and Description/Abstract
Making a Difference through Service Excellence
The importance of leader's participation and support in an organization's
Journey to Excellence will be emphasized. Attendees will have an
opportunity to take a self-assessment as we explore the significance of
modeling the behavioral expectations.
Leadership Journeys of Asian Women in US Higher Education
Comparing and contrasting different minority women's leadership
experience may create an interesting dialogue. Introductory activity and
small group discussion will be part of the presentation.
Professional Development Opportunities Make Your Plan
This session will build on the professional development session presented on
day one of the MI ACE conference for the Women of Color Collaborative
program. Participants will gain information of professional development
opportunities and begin to develop a plan for professional success.
Leading from the Inside Out:
A Department Head Perspective
This session is from an "inside" administrators viewpoint. Handouts and
discussion beginning with our own top-10 leadership ideas and soliciting
additional recommendations from the attendees will promote participant
Session A
Co-Presenter Deborah Z. Bloom, ret. Davenport University
Co-Presenter Glenna Frank Miller, ret. EMU
Make a Difference:
Plan for a happy, purposeful and engaged retirement
Whether retirement is 5 years away or just around the corner, this session
will help you to think about your game plan for retirement.
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ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Primary Presenter Sarah Marshall, CMU
Co-Presenter Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson
Session Title and Description/Abstract
Intentional Mentoring of Pre-tenure Women Faculty:
A comprehensive Approach
This session will overview the researching, planning, funding,
implementation and assessment of a successful pre-tenure faculty
mentoring program.
Session B
Primary Presenter Michelle Detering, LCC
Co-Presenter Ana Mari Woehr
Vision Boards for Professional Growth ~
Create, Connect and Empower
Creating a vision board is a process that makes you aware of the daily details
and inner strengths that help you achieve your goals. Materials and guidance
will be provided to complete a vision board during the workshop.
Session C
Primary Presenter Mary Lee Davis, ACE Conference
Co-Presenter Mi-ACE Women's Network Committee
Primary Presenter Jessica Jennrich, GVSU
Co-Presenter Members of the Michigan Women Center Consortium
Primary Presenter Dr. Connie Tingson-Gatuz, Madonna University
Co-Presenters Christine Benson and Tanisha McIntosh
Public Policy Priorities Session
MI-ACE Women's Network Public Policy Priorities: What do they mean and
how do they impact Michigan?
Creating a Michigan Women's Center Consortium
This session will update participants on the inaugural meeting that took
place in May, 2015 and will provide reflections of the project, projections for
the future, and call other institutions to become participants.
Can Two or Three Letters Make a Difference?
How Pursuing an Advanced Degree Leads to Access, Opportunity, and
This session will discuss the opportunities that result from graduate study. If
you've been wondering if the tassel is worth the hassle, attend this session
to decide and begin your own journey!
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ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Session A
Primary Presenter Brittany Dernberger, GVSU
Co-Presenter Allison Montaie
Primary Presenter Sandra M. Gonzales, Wayne State University
Co-Presenters Ethriam Brammer and Tamara Serrano Chandler
Primary Presenter Angela Hoffman, U of M
Co-Presenters Emily Hurtado-Arboleda
Session Title and Description/Abstract
Falling Through the Cracks: The Hidden Stories of Women of Color in
Higher Education
This session will share stories of women of color who have historically been
marginalized in higher education. Attendees will have the opportunity to
share their own experiences as well as discuss ways to address these gaps
through collective visioning.
Familismo in Latina/o Learning Communities:
A Study of College Retention and Success
A discussion for the role of "familismo" in the establishment of learning
communities at the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies at Wayne
State University. This topic relates in regards to inclusion, access and
opportunity as well as the impact of public policies on girls and women.
Foster Care to College:
Supporting Students wo Experienced Foster Care
Nationally, 2% of youth who experienced time in foster care graduate with a
bachelor's degree, despite 80% reporting that they have aspirations to
attend college. Participants will leave with an understanding of the unique
lived experiences of students from foster care, how to identify foster care
alumni on campus, and steps for building a campus support network for
students from foster care.
Session B
Primary Presenter Marlene Kowalski Braun, GVSU
Co-Presenter Jessica Jennrich
Identity Intersections:
How to Engage in Gender Justice work
in an Inclusive Way
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ACE Women's Network Michigan
Presenter Schedule
Presenter Information:
Primary Presenter Kristine Moore, MSU
Primary Presenter Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, CMU
Co-Presenters Elizabeth Ann Kirty (Betty) and Alison Arnold
Session Title and Description/Abstract
This session will discuss the effort of Grand Valley State University to
connect the work of our Women's Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and
LGBT Resource Center. We will tell the story of how GVSU is putting the
theory into practice.
Caregiver Discrimination
With more women in the workforce and in the sandwich generation (caring
for parents and children, sometimes at the same time), more women may be
faced with caregiver discrimination. It is important for all of us to know what
legal rights and responsibilities employees and employers have regarding
this topic.
Creating Partnerships for Career Readiness
and College Access
Hear about Camp Central for College Candidates' impact, community
partnerships, and cross-campus connections between faculty/staff/students
from teacher/leadership education, STEM, and diversity experiences who
partnered with charter schools.
Session C
Primary Presenter Sharon Abraham, EMU
Co-Presenters Gloria Hage, Ellen Collier, Paul Leighton and Anita Schnars
Primary Presenter Nichole Biber, Ph.D.
Bullying, Harassment, Stress and You
Four Panelists and a moderator bring vision, insights, and practical
intervention tactics to this session. Includes a discussion of the federal/state
laws surrounding harassment and bullying in the workplace, including the
most recent proposed developments.
Mission Statements and Motherhood:
Opportunities for Inclusion
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