R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Register online at www.ldbmemorial.com or fill out this form and fax to 706.667.0059 or mail with check or credit card information to: Larry Bray Memorial Foundation, Inc. c/o University Health Care Foundation, Inc. 2100 Central Ave., Suite D-1, Augusta, GA 30904 RECEPTION | SUNDAY, JULY 26 All golfers are admitted free. Other guests are invited to attend at a cost. INDIVIDUAL TICKETS $50.00 PER PERSON ______ GUEST NAME(S) ______________________________________________________________ COUPLE TICKETS $75.00 PER COUPLE ______ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ________________________________________________________________________ TICKET TOTAL $______ SHIRT TOTAL $______ SPONSOR TOTAL $______ SHIRT ORDER FOR NON-GOLFERS: $30.00 each (CHECK SIZE) MENS GOLF SHIRTS: l M l L LADIES GOLF SHIRTS: l S l XL l M l L l 2XL l XL l 3XL TOURNAMENT | MONDAY, JULY 27 SPONSORSHIP LEVEL: l $5,000 Presenter Sponsor l $2,500 Title Sponsor l $1,200 Major Sponsor l $800 Hole-in-One Sponsor l $400 Long Drive Sponsor l $400 Closest-to-the-Pin Sponsor l $200 Hole Sponsor l $200 Individual Golfer COMPANY OR INDIVIDUAL _____________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME ______________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ______________________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________________________________________________________ FAX ______________________________ PLAYER 1 NAME _______________________________________________ SHIRT SIZE MENS: l M LADIES: l S l L l M l XL l 2XL l 3XL l L l XL PLAYER 1 NAME _______________________________________________ SHIRT SIZE MENS: l M LADIES: l S l L l M l XL l 2XL l 3XL l L l XL HANDICAP (REQUIRED) __________________ CLUB __________________ HANDICAP (REQUIRED) __________________ CLUB __________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ________________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE ________________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE ________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ PLAYER 3 NAME _______________________________________________ SHIRT SIZE MENS: l M LADIES: l S l L l M l XL l 2XL l 3XL l L l XL PLAYER 3 NAME _______________________________________________ SHIRT SIZE MENS: l M LADIES: l S l L l M l XL l 2XL l 3XL l L l XL HANDICAP (REQUIRED) __________________ CLUB __________________ HANDICAP (REQUIRED) __________________ CLUB __________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ________________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE ________________________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE ________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ PAYMENT l VISA l MASTERCARD l AMEX CARD NUMBER ________________________________________________________________ EXP DATE ________________ SECURITY CODE ____________ BILLING ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY / STATE / ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GRAND TOTAL SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ $______ BE SURE TO SIGN THIS FORM! EIGHTH ANNUAL LARRY BRAY MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT PRESENTED BY GERALD JONES AUTO GROUP FEATURING PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS, MARK LYE AND MICHELLE MCGANN J U LY 2 6 – 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 | W E S T L A K E C O U N T R Y C L U B | A U G U S TA , G A presented by SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES $5,000 PRESENTING SPONSOR *SOLD FOR 2015 • • • • • • • • Three teams – 12 golfers in the tournament 12 Reception and Lunch passes Presenting sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials Company logo in first position on sponsor banner displayed at lunch and in the tournament Company logo on player gifts Company logo on two hole sponsor signs displayed during tournament Opportunity to include promotional item in player bag Special recognition during lunch and at golf tournament awards banquet $2,500 TITLE SPONSOR • • • • Two teams – 8 golfers in the tournament 8 Reception and Lunch passes Title sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed during tournament $1,200 MAJOR SPONSOR • • • • One team – 4 golfers in the tournament 4 Reception and Lunch passes Prominent mention in all press releases and promotional materials Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed during tournament $800 HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR • 2 golfers in the tournament • 2 Reception and Lunch passes • Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed during tournament $400 LONG DRIVE SPONSOR • 1 golfer in the tournament • 1 Reception and Lunch pass • Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed at the long drive hole $400 CLOSEST-TO-THE-PIN SPONSOR • 1 golfer in the tournament • 1 Reception and Lunch pass • Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed during tournament $200 HOLE SPONSOR • 1 Reception and Lunch pass • Company logo on one hole sponsor sign displayed during tournament Become a sponsor of the eighth annual Larry Bray Memorial Tournament. For more information, visit our website at www.ldbmemorial.com or call Don Bray at 706.833.8485.
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