First announcement – Save these Dates - LEAF

First announcement – Save these Dates
Tuesday 29 September 2015:
Final Conference of the European FP7 project “LEAF – Low Emission AntiFouling”
Wednesday 30 September 2015:
Meeting of the European Society for Marine Biotechnology – “Combatting Biofilms”
The venue will be at “Novotel Göteborg, Gothenburg - Sweden”
Join us and learn about the development of the groundbreaking LEAF concept in antifouling
for waterborne transportation, developed and demonstrated in full scale during the European
project LEAF. The Final Conference will be followed by the “ESMB Day”, on the topic
“Combatting Biofilms”. Both events are open and free for all. End-users, Stakeholder,
Scientist and PhD students are particularly encouraged to participate.
Check the website of LEAF and ESMB for more information
70 boats are testing LEAF final prototype by now around the world… if you want you can
follow the results from boat test on
2nd announcement and call for registration will be communicated in mid May 2015.