k o o B s ’ n i a t p a C m a Te Table of Contents Fact Sheet .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Schedule at a Glance .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Schedule & Fee Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Player Eligibility .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Player Classifica on ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Minimum Game Requirements Determining Player‐Skill Ra ng Required Sta s cs Master‐Rated Criteria Accepted Sta s cs Official Tournament Entry Forms ......................................... ……………………………………………………………………………..10 Made possible by: 2 Fact Sheet DATES May 1‐9, 2015 LOCATION Bally’s Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada USA The hotel rate is $84/night in the North Tower + tax for up to four individuals. Be sure to men on you are with Team Dart to receive the group rate. Note: Resort fees are waived if you book in the NDA room block. Call 800.634.3434 for reserva ons prior to March 20, 2015 Make reserva ons early, as peak nights sell out quickly. PRIZES $500,000 in prizes based on full field. 100% payback of entry fees guaranteed. SKILL LEVELS Team Dart is for NDA‐sanc oned players of all skill levels. Each event is leveled based on player‐skill, allowing fun and friendly compe on for all. All open levels in an event have the same payout amount, so all levels of players have a chance to win! DART BOARDS Dart boards are provided by Arachnid, Inc., Cyberdine d.o.o., Gaelco S.L., and NSM‐Löwen Entertainment. SOCIAL The Team Dart Player Party, with entertainment, offers players fun along with the compe on. This year’s theme is 1985 in honor of the 30th Anniversary! Encourage your players to dress for the decade! EVENT FORMAT All singles, doubles and triples events will be double elimina on ‐ race to 2. All team events will be round robin format un l finals where it will be double elimina on ‐ race to 3. All Master events will diddle. All Open Masters ‘01 events will be split‐bull. Open Masters Team e‐breaker will be 701 DI/DO. Open Team e‐breaker will be 701. Mixed Triples will be 701, stacked score with no freeze rule. Mixed Triples Combo will be Cricket and 701. ENTRY No onsite player registra on is accepted due to the classifica on of events. Entries are only accepted from NDA Charter Holders in good standing. FEES Entry Fee (1) Admin Fee Prepaid Total per Player Fees(2) Cer ficate Singles $ 32 $ 9 $ 10 $ 51 Singles Masters $ 57 $ 9 $ 10 $ 76 Doubles $ 54 $ 18 $ 20 $92 Doubles Masters $108 $ 18 $ 20 $146 Triples $ 75 $ 27 $ 15 $117 Triples Masters $150 $ 27 $ 15 $192 Team $125 $ 36 $ 60 $221 Team Masters $300 $ 36 $ 60 $396 (1) 100% payback of Entry Fees for all events. (2) Quarters will no longer be required at the tournament. NDA OFFICE AMOA‐Na onal Dart Associa on 9100 Purdue Rd., Ste. 200 Indianapolis, IN 46268 800.808.9884 or 317.387.1299 Fax: 317.387.0999 www.NDAdarts.com [email protected] 3 Schedule at a Glance FRIDAY, MAY 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 3 p.m. ‐ 10 p.m. Onsite check‐in for players for all events Player orienta on mee ng 6 p.m. Singles 501 ‐ All Levels 7 p.m. 9 a.m. ‐ 9 p.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 2 7 a.m. ‐ 7 p.m. 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens Doubles 501 ‐ All Levels Singles Cricket ‐ All Levels THURSDAY, MAY 7 SUNDAY, MAY 3 9 a.m. ‐ 7 p.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 6 p.m. 8 a.m. ‐ 6 p.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens Doubles Cricket ‐ All Levels Blind Draws MONDAY, MAY 4 8 a.m. ‐ 7 p.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens 501 Team ‐ Round 1 ‐ All Levels Mixed Doubles 501 ‐ All Levels FRIDAY, MAY 8 Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens Cricket Team ‐ Round 1 ‐ All Levels Know the Rules Tes ng Senior Singles Combo (50+ years) ‐ Open ‐ NO MASTERS Mixed Triples Combo ‐ All Levels 8 a.m. 9 a.m.* 6 p.m. Tournament Hall opens 501 Team ‐ Round 2 ‐ All Levels with Masters play to comple on Mixed Triples 701 ‐ All Levels SATURDAY, MAY 9 7 a.m. 8 a.m. TUESDAY, MAY 5 7 a.m.‐ 6 p.m. 7 a.m. 9 a.m.* 5 p.m. Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens Cricket Team ‐ Finals Play ‐ All Open Parade of Na ons Interna onal Challenge Referee Cer fica on Course Interna onal Challenge Awards Team Dart Player Party Onsite check‐in for players Tournament Hall opens Cricket Team ‐ Round 2 ‐ All Levels with Masters play to comple on Mixed Doubles Cricket ‐ All Levels Tournament Hall opens 501 Team ‐ Finals ‐ All Levels *Team Cricket Round 2 and Team 501 Round 2 start mes are based on the size of round robin groups. Be sure to check onsite for the most up‐to‐date schedule. 4 Schedule & Fee Summary EVENT FEE* PLAYER(S) BEGINS ENDS Open Singles 501 $51 1 5/1/2015 7 p.m. 5/1/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Singles 501 DI/DO $76 1 5/1/2015 7 p.m. 5/1/2015 Play to comple on Ladies Masters Singles 501 DI/DO $76 1 5/1/2015 7 p.m. 5/1/2015 Play to comple on Open Doubles 501 $92 2 5/2/2015 8 a.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Doubles 501 DI/DO $146 2 5/2/2015 8 a.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Ladies Masters Doubles 501 DI/DO $146 2 5/2/2015 8 a.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Open Singles Cricket $51 1 5/2/2015 6 p.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Singles Cricket $76 1 5/2/2015 6 p.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Ladies Masters Singles Cricket $76 1 5/2/2015 6 p.m. 5/2/2015 Play to comple on Open Doubles Cricket $92 2 5/3/2015 10 a.m. 5/3/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Doubles Cricket $146 2 5/3/2015 10 a.m. 5/3/2015 Play to comple on Ladies Masters Doubles Cricket $146 2 5/3/2015 10 a.m. 5/3/2015 Play to comple on Open Team Cricket $221 4‐6 5/4/2015 5/6/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Team Cricket $396 4‐6 Senior Singles Combo (50+ years) $51 1 Mixed Triples Combo $117 Masters Mixed Triples Combo $192 Open Mixed Doubles Cricket $92 3 (Teams must have at least one female.) 3 (Team must have at least one female.) 2 (Team must have one female.) 5 9 a.m. 5/4/2015 9 a.m. 5/5/2015 Play to comple on 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 6 p.m. Play to comple on 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 6 p.m. Play to comple on 5/4/2015 5/4/2015 6 p.m. Play to comple on 5/5/2015 5 p.m. 5/5/2015 Play to comple on Schedule & Fee Summary EVENT FEE* PLAYER(S) BEGINS ENDS Masters Mixed Doubles Cricket $146 2 (Team must have one female.) 5/5/2015 5 p.m. 5/5/2015 Play to comple on Open Team 501 $221 4‐6 5/7/2015 9 a.m. 5/9/2015 Play to comple on Open Masters Team 501 DI/DO $396 4‐6 5/7/2015 9 a.m. 5/8/2015 Play to comple on Mixed Doubles 501 $92 2 5/7/2015 5 p.m. 5/7/2015 Play to comple on Masters Mixed Doubles 501 $146 2 5/7/2015 5 p.m. 5/7/2015 Play to comple on Mixed Triples 701 $117 (Team must have at least one female.) 3 5/8/2015 6 p.m. 5/8/2015 Play to comple on Masters Mixed Triples 701 $192 (Team must have at least one female.) 5/8/2015 6 p.m. 5/8/2015 Play to comple on 3 *All fees include an administra ve fee and prepaid player fees (quarters). See page 3 for more details. IMPORTANT NOTES Singles Players may not compete in more than one level (Open, Ladies and Masters) in any one event. Players may par cipate in both Cricket and 501 events. All events are open, with the excep on of the Ladies Masters events. There is no Master level for Senior Singles Combo. To qualify for Senior Singles Combo, individuals must be 50+ by event date. Doubles Players may not compete in more than one level (Open, Ladies and Masters) in any one event. Players may par cipate in both Cricket and 501 events. All events are open or mixed, with the excep on of the Ladies Masters events. Triples Players may not compete in more than one level (Open, Ladies and Masters) in any one event. Mixed Triples Combo will include both Cricket and 701 games. Team Players may not compete in more than one level (Open and Masters) in any one event. 6 Player Eligibility 1. All tournament players must: A. Be at least 18 years of age and comply with the regula ons of local, state and federal laws in which they compete in leagues. Prize vouchers may only be cashed onsite for those 21 years of age and over. B. Be sanc oned by the NDA for the 2014‐2015 membership year and play in leagues ran by a NDA Charter Holder in good standing and in compliance with all league‐sanc oning guidelines. (Only league systems that have every player sanc oned are considered sanc oned leagues.) Compete during regular league play on qualified machines owned and oper‐ ated by a NDA Charter Holder. C. Only league matches/games played on electronic dart machines that are owned by NDA Charter Holders and correctly calculate Points Per Dart (PPD) and Marks Per Round (MPR) as outlined below are eligible for tournament entry. Dart machines manufactured by the following companies are approved as qualifying equipment based on the specifica ons outlined above: Arachnid, Inc., Cyberdine d.o.o*., Gaelco Darts S.L., Medalist Corpora on**, Merit Industries***, NSM‐Löwen Entertainment and Shel ****. *Only the Cyberdine Turnier Darts / model: CYD‐03‐15,5” can be used to qualify for Team Dart. **Qualifying Medalist equipment must be on the Elite pla orm, which includes the following: Spectrum Avan Elite (T), Spectrum Avan Elite (M) and Spectrum Genesis Elite (which requires the Spectrum Avan Elite Conversion Kit). ***Merit equipment manufactured before February 28, 2001 can be used to qualify for Team Dart. ****Includes boards branded as Valley/Cougar. If a so ware or hardware kit from a non‐manufacturer sponsor is installed on a previously qualifying dart machine, the machine specifica ons of that equipment are no longer verifiable. Therefore, that equipment is can no longer be used in league play to qualify players for Team Dart. D. Have played a minimum of 96 league games between April 1, 2014 and March 20, 2015. Qualifying games must be obtained in no less than eight (8) separate weeks of league play. [League games can consist of ‘01 and/or Cricket with a minimum of 24 games in the format the player is entering (’01 or Cricket).] E. Be entered in the tournament by the NDA Charter Holder on whose machine(s) they have completed the minimum game requirements for tournament entry. F. Have a NDA player‐skill ra ng using the Points Per Dart (PPD) and/or Marks Per Round (MPR) performance ra ng system for the event in which they are entered, to be classified. These performance ra ngs require a player to compete in 24 games in a single season for that event. Minimum me to obtain a player‐skill ra ng is eight (8) separate league nights in eight (8) separate weeks in the same league season. Players who have played 96 league games but do not have a valid PPD or MPR will be classified as a Master‐rated player and the Charter Holder will be billed for a Master entry cer ficate. 2. All tournament teams must: A. Choose to compete in open or ladies masters but cannot compete in both for a single event. B. Declare a full team roster, including subs tutes, when entry cer ficates are completed. C. Must play for the same Charter Holder and form a tournament team mee ng the above criteria. Alternates for Doubles, Triples and Teams: Teams may use an alternate from the same Charter Holder as long as the alternate player has competed in the same league format as the regular players. Regular team alternate should be entered on the regular player cer ficate. Viola ons of the above will void entries and be nonrefundable. 7 Player Classification In addi on to mee ng the eligibility requirements listed previously, players and Charter Holders must also comply with the following: 1. All players must be entered with their highest known player‐skill ra ng, from league, for the qualifying period. This is the responsibility of the Charter Holder. Accuracy of player abili es are dependent upon proper submission and documenta on from the Charter Holder. All Charter Holders are bound by the Code of Ethics of the NDA. 2. The highest known player‐skill ra ng is determined by taking the highest player‐skill (PPD/MPR) ra ng from a league season for the qualifying period of April 1, 2014 ‐ March 20, 2015, including the current league season (remember this must be a minimum of 24 games in no less than eight (8) weeks of league play in the same league season). For example, Pete played in the following leagues for Acme Vending: Summer 2014 ending August 30 PPD 23.50 Fall 2014 ending December 15 PPD 25.50 Spring 2015 in play with 24 games over eight weeks at me of submission PPD 25.75 The highest know player‐skill ra ng for this player for tournament entry would be the 25.75 PPD from the spring 2015 season currently in session. When providing player skills, the figure should be carried out two digits past the decimal. Do not enter performance skills from a previous Team Dart. The system will automa cally review Team Dart 2014 skills and will use that skill if it is the highest. Only enter highest league‐ending sta s cs. 3. Player ability assessment may be determined by the tournament commi ee by any of the following criteria: A. Player‐skill ra ng (as described previously). B. Review of previous NDA tournament performance, specifically Team Dart 2014. C. Examina on of overall local league ra ngs. D. Known ability. All decisions by the Tournament Commi ee are final. Team 501 Champion Rematch All teams in Open and Masters Team 501 that advance to the finals at Team Dart 2015 will receive a cer ficate for a team entry in the Team Dart 2016 Team 501 compe on. Cer ficate valued at $125. Team is responsible for administra ve fees, prepaid player fees and Master upgrade. Cer ficates will be presented at Team Dart 2015. Teams must register for Open or Masters Team 501 with at least two (2) original team members at Team Dart 2016. Cer ficates may be redeemed for a cash voucher on the first day of Team 501 play at Team Dart 2016. 8 Player Classification 4. Master‐rated criteria: A. Players with the following player‐skill ra ngs or above will be considered Masters in their respec ve events: Event Team Maximum Doubles’ Maximum Singles’ Maximum Open ‘01 121 PPD 61 PPD 31 PPD Open Cricket 13.8 MPR 6.9 MPR 3.5 MPR Mixed Doubles Cricket 5.8 MPR 3.5 MPR Mixed Doubles 501 52 PPD 31 PPD Mixed Triples Combo 9.3 MPR 3.5 MPR and 31 PPD Mixed Triples 701 82 PPD 31 PPD B. Master ra ng may also be awarded to players who: 1. Are without a verifiable player‐skill ra ng (e.g. Double In/Double Out sta s cs). These players will play in Masters only. 2. Placed in the money in a NDA Master’s level event in the last year. 3. Show “known ability” by top placement in a NDA manufacturer sponsor’s major tournament. Pro lists will be reviewed but not automa cally forced into Masters. 4. Are “dominant players” in either so or steel‐ p dar ng. C. No Master‐rated player will be permi ed to par cipate below level one. D. Two Master‐rated players on ANY team must play at the Master’s level. E. For Mixed Triples Combo, both the Open Cricket and ‘01 player ra ng will be used to determine Master‐rated players. F. Ladies that choose to register for non‐“Ladies Masters” events (singles, doubles, mixed doubles and team) will be classified based on the Master criteria on page 11. 5. Standardized league results are the only accepted sta s cs. All recorded player‐skill ra ngs are achieved using the actual darts thrown. In addi on, the following are standard formats for game play to calculate a player‐skill ra ng: ‘01 Cricket Open In/Open Out format 8‐foot foul line 8‐foot foul line 15 1/2" target face 15 1/2" target face Split 50/25‐point bull’s‐eye Full 50‐point bull’s‐eye Consistent tracking of player‐skill ra ngs for each event is required. Submission of these ra ngs must show the cumula ve accomplishments of each player. Failure to properly track or use of non‐standard formats (e.g. Double In/Double Out) will force a player and team to be moved to a Masters event. $84/night+tax in the North Tower for up to four individuals Special Rate for NDA Guests Only Convenient to the tournament Located in the center of The Strip Guarantee a Room. Make Your Reserva on Today! Resort fees are waived for NDA guests booking under this deal. 9 Call 800.634.3434. Singles Event Sign Up Form Loca on: Bally’s Las Vegas. For reserva ons call 800.634.3434. Prizes: $500,000 in prizes based on full field. The NDA guarantees 100% return of entry fees in prizes. Entry Fees: $51 per player per event. Masters Singles: $76 per player per event. *All entry fees include an administra ve fee and prepaid player fees (quarters). For addi onal informa on on eligibility or entry contact your NDA operator or league coordinator. Entries and fees must be returned to your operator or league coordinator prior to their stated deadlines to ensure your entry into the tournament. Please return only ONE SINGLES FORM PER PLAYER to your operator. Please use the addi onal forms for all other events. Player Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________ Sanc on #_______________________________ Loca on Name: __________________________ SINGLES 501 Friday, May 1 ‐ Begins at 7 p.m. Open Singles 501 Masters Singles 501 Ladies Masters Singles 501 SINGLES CRICKET Saturday, May 2 ‐ Begins at 6 p.m. Open Singles Cricket Masters Singles Cricket Ladies Masters Singles Cricket SENIOR SINGLES COMBO Monday, May 4 ‐ Begins at 6 p.m. (50+ years old only — NO MASTERS) Open Senior Singles Combo (501 and Cricket) All events are classified for all skill levels from beginners to masters.* *Senior Singles will be classified; however, there are no Masters allowed. Players CANNOT compete in OPEN and MASTERS in the same event. Players CAN par cipate in 501 and Cricket WITHOUT scheduling interference. Senior Singles DOES conflict with the Mixed Triples Combo. Also, if you are registered for Senior Singles Combo and make it to the Finals of Open Team Cricket, there will be a conflict in play. Entry fees will be refunded in full for Senior Singles Combo if this occurs. 10 Doubles Event Sign Up Form Loca on: Bally’s Las Vegas. For reserva ons call 800.634.3434. Prizes: $500,000 in prizes based on full field. The NDA guarantees 100% return of entry fees in prizes. Entry Fees: $92 per Doubles team per event. Masters Doubles: $146 per Doubles team per event. *All entry fees include an administra ve fee and prepaid player fees (quarters). For addi onal informa on on eligibility or entry contact your NDA operator or league coordinator. Entries and fees must be returned to your operator or league coordinator prior to their stated deadlines to ensure your entry into the tournament. Please return only ONE FORM PER DOUBLES TEAM to your operator. Please use the addi onal forms for all other events. NOTE: Your team name will consist of the last names of each player. Names of Team Members 1)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 2)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 3)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ (ALTERNATE) Contact Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ DOUBLES 501 Saturday, May 2 ‐ Begins at 8 a.m. Open Doubles 501 Masters Doubles 501 Ladies Masters Doubles 501 DOUBLES CRICKET Sunday, May 3 ‐ Begins at 10 a.m. Open Doubles Cricket Masters Doubles Cricket Ladies Masters Doubles Cricket MIXED DOUBLES CRICKET Tuesday, May 5 ‐ Begins at 5 p.m. Mixed Doubles 501 Masters Mixed Doubles 501 MIXED DOUBLES 501 Thursday, May 7 ‐ Begins at 5 p.m. Mixed Doubles 501 Masters Mixed Doubles 501 All events are classified for all skill levels from beginners to masters. Players CANNOT compete in OPEN and MASTERS in the same event. Mixed Doubles Combo team must consist of one male and one female. Players CAN par cipate in both 501 and Cricket Doubles events WITHOUT scheduling interference. Players CAN par cipate in Mixed Doubles events WITHOUT scheduling interference with Team events. 11 Triples Event Sign Up Form Loca on: Bally’s Las Vegas. For reserva ons call 800.634.3434. Prizes: $500,000 in prizes based on full field. The NDA guarantees 100% return of entry fees in prizes. Entry Fees: $117 per Triples team per event. Masters Triples: $192 per Triples team per event. *All entry fees include an administra ve fee and prepaid player fees (quarters). For addi onal informa on on eligibility or entry contact your NDA operator or league coordinator. Entries and fees must be returned to your operator or league coordinator prior to their stated deadlines to ensure your entry into the tournament. Please return only ONE FORM PER TRIPLES TEAM to your operator. Please use the addi onal forms for all other events. Team Name: __________________________________________ Names of Team Members Loca on Name: __________________________ 1)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 2)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 3)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 4)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ (ALTERNATE) Contact Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ MIXED TRIPLES COMBO Monday, May 4 ‐ Begins at 6 p.m. Mixed Triples Combo Masters Mixed Triples Combo MIXED TRIPLES 701 Friday, May 8 ‐ Begins at 6 p.m. Mixed Triples 701 Masters Mixed Triples 701 All events are classified for all skill levels from beginners to masters. Players CANNOT compete in OPEN and MASTERS in the same event. Mixed Triples team must consist of at least one male and one female. Players CAN par cipate in Mixed Triples events WITHOUT scheduling interference with Team 501 or Team Cricket. However, Mixed Triples Combo does conflict with Senior Singles Combo. 12 Team Event Sign Up Form Loca on: Bally’s Las Vegas. For reserva ons call 800.634.3434. Prizes: $500,000 in prizes based on full field. The NDA guarantees 100% return of entry fees in prizes. Entry Fees: $221 per Team per event. Masters Team: $396 per Team per event. *All entry fees include an administra ve fee and prepaid player fees (quarters). For addi onal informa on on eligibility or entry contact your NDA operator or league coordinator. Entries and fees must be returned to your operator or league coordinator prior to their stated deadlines to ensure your entry into the tournament. Please return only ONE FORM PER TEAM to your operator. Please use the addi onal forms for all other events. Team Name: __________________________________________ Names of Team Members Loca on Name: __________________________ 1)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 2)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 3)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 4)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ 5)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ (ALTERNATE) 6)______________________________________ Sanc on #________________________________ (ALTERNATE) Contact Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ TEAM CRICKET Monday, May 4 ‐ Round 1 Begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday, May 5‐ Round 2 Begins at 8 a.m. Wednesday, May 6 ‐ Finals Begin at 10 a.m. Open Team Cricket Masters Team Cricket TEAM 501 Thursday, May 7 ‐ Round 1 Begins at 9 a.m. Friday, May 8 ‐ Round 2 Begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 9 ‐ Finals Begin at 8 a.m. Open Team 501 Masters Team 501 All events are classified for all skill levels from beginners to masters. Players CANNOT compete in OPEN and MASTERS in the same event. Players CAN par cipate in both Team 501 and Team Cricket events WITHOUT scheduling interference. 13 Notes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 Notes ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 ! s a g e V n i u o See y 16
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