professional improvement should be on your 2015 list! Taken up jogging? Sworn off burgers? Committed to that tropical getaway? Considering our careers form such a large part of life for most of us, professional development doesn’t seem to make it onto many resolution lists. If you’re a teacher of languages, GEORGINA MA of International Languages Exchanges and Pathways (ILEP) has below just taken away your last excuse. A new year, and a new start. By now you’re probably well on your way to sticking faithfully to those New Year resolutions. If your list looks anything like mine, ‘get fit’ and ‘eat healthily’ feature at the top of the list of ‘to dos’. Yet perhaps many of us focus too much of our reformative zeal on the personal sphere, and forget about professional self-improvement. Developing yourself professionally ensures that you don't stagnate, and motivates you to stay interested in what you teach. You will be better equipped to plan and deliver more interesting and effective lessons, which may improve your students’ motivation and interest to learn. Professional development is of course also important for career advancement. Have you included at least one professional New Year’s resolution on your list? If not, it's not too late to do so. There are a variety of ways in which you can develop yourself professionally. Here is a list of professional development opportunities that are available to Learning Languages teachers. It’s a great idea to get involved with at least one in 2015. Join a professional association Joining a professional association is a fantastic way to allow you to continue your development. Your membership will ensure you are kept up-to-date with developments in the field and important events, such as conferences and workshops, and will provide access to a network of professionals and useful information. There are a number of language-related professional associations in New Zealand. Some local professional associations include: »» New Zealand Association for Language Teachers (NZALT) »» New Zealand Chinese Language Teachers Association (NZCLTA) »» New Zealand Association of Classical Teachers (NZACT) »» New Zealand Association of French Teachers (NZAFT) - »» German in Aotearoa New Zealand (GANZ) - »» New Zealand Association of Japanese Language Teachers (NZAJLT) »» Spanish Teachers’ Association New Zealand Aotearoa (STANZA) Join an electronic mailing list Language-specific email groups or ‘listservs’ are an excellent source of information and resources. Language-specific listservs are the primary medium through which organisations advertise opportunities, scholarships, grants and other important information for teachers and students. These are also great platforms for teachers to keep connected and share ideas and resources. Some language-specific organisations include: »» Chinese Listserv - to register, send an email to »» French Listserv - to register, send an email to [email protected] with ‘Subscribe NZAFT’ in the subject line. »» German Listserv - to register, contact GANZ »» Japanese Listserv - to register, send an email to [email protected] »» Spanish Listserv - to register, visit Keep up with current literature A range of newsletters, magazines, newspapers, academic journals and books are available for language teachers. The Internet is also an excellent resource to access a variety of resources for professional development, and there are some excellent websites available. Reading current language teaching literature helps to ensure you are aware of current issues and methods in the field and is also a ready supply of teaching tips and techniques that can be used in the classroom. The following could be useful to you at some point: »» TKI Learning Languages Community »» Learning Languages Newsletter »» Education Counts publications »» »» »» »» NZALT’s Polyglot - Language Magazine - The Modern Language Journal - Language Teaching Journal - Organise observations Another way to develop yourself is to get feedback on your teaching from your students, colleagues, mentor or supervisor. Invite your students to comment on activities and techniques used in lessons. Ask a colleague, mentor or supervisor to sit in on one of your lessons and give you feedback on pre-identified areas of your teaching or general aspects. It could also be useful to observe your colleagues’ lessons, to learn new tips and techniques that you could use in your own classroom. Attend a conference or seminar Conferences or seminars can make a valuable contribution to teachers’ professional development and work. By attending conferences or seminars, teachers can learn more about the field in which they work, network with other professionals in the industry and enhance knowledge and use of language teaching techniques which may lead to changes in professional practice. Teachers may also take the opportunity to present a paper at a conference or seminar as part of their professional development. Conferences and seminars taking place in 2015 include: »» LangSems - »» Language Education and Diversity Conference Continued on next page >> In New Zealand Improve Improvethe thedepth, depth,breadth breadthand andrigour rigourofofyour yourschool’s school’s thinking, learning and inquiry programs. thinking, learning and inquiry programs. Engage Engageyour yourlearners learnersininpowerful powerfulcurricula curriculathat thatdirectly directly connects connectstotoauthentic authenticreal-world real-worldcontexts. contexts. Design Designrigorous, rigorous,significant, significant,authentic authenticlearning learning experiences experiencesfor foryour yourstudents studentsthat thatpromote promotedeep deep knowledge knowledgeand anddeep deepunderstanding. understanding. It’s Bigger Than Inquiry AUCKLAND: 30th - 31st March, 2015 WELLINGTON: 4th - 5th May, 2015 CHRISTCHURCH: 13th - 14th May, 2015 $595 per person ($515 early bird before 19th Dec.) Principal FREE when joining four paying colleagues Email Email for for details details about about public public workshops workshops or or to to find find out out more more about about Lane Lane working working directly directly with with your yourschool school [email protected] [email protected] PROCESSES FOR LEARNING™ SITE LICENCE Email and ask about Lane Clark’s newest school resource The ‘Thinktank - Processes for Learning’ ™ digital site licence is a suite of EIGHT powerful learning processes accompanied by relevant planners, organisers and criteria (PLUS five explanatory powerpoints). $3 per student for an eternal licence - one time payment Views expressed in Gazette Focus are not necessarily those of the Ministry of Education. Gazette Focus professional development Language teachers: Languages 1 2 Languages Immersion and scholarship programmes Language Country Programme French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Cook Island Maori, Various – where the target language Language Immersion Awards Samoan, Korean, Gagana Tokelau, is spoken Tongan and Vagahau Niue German Germany Professional Learning Development Seminars Chinese China China Scholarship French New Caledonia Stage de Noumea Japan Kansai Two-Week Special Programme Australia The Japan Foundation Sydney Seminars Japan NZJEP Programme Spain Salamanca Scholarship Japanese Spanish German Language Courses Managing/Coordinating Organisation Website AFS Goethe-Institut in cooperation with National German Adviser ILEP << Continued from previous page. »» Community Languages and ESOL Conference - »» Australasian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association Conference - Programme Provider Website Introduction to Language Teaching Programme ILEP Participate in workshops Language Teaching Consolidation Programme ILEP Teacher Professional Development Languages Teacher Professional Development Languages Postgraduate Certificate University of Waikato AUT University Massey University University of Auckland University of Canterbury University of Otago University of Waikato Workshops are a powerful and effective form of teacher development. Workshops can provide an opportunity for experts in the field to share knowledge and experience with teachers in a comfortable learning environment. They provide teachers with an excellent opportunity to meet and interact with colleagues or teachers from other schools as well as to gain ideas, strategies, techniques and materials that can be used in their classroom. Workshops for Learning Languages teachers include: »» Workshops run by the National Language Advisers for Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish - »» Workshops run by Learning Languages National Coordinators »» Best practice workshops - Apply for an immersion or scholarship programme Research conducted by AUT on the impact of immersion programmes on teachers and language learning in 2011 shows that language immersion and scholarship programmes can have a positive effect on language teachers’ classroom practice and language proficiency as well as students’ language learning. A range of Ministry of Education-funded immersion and scholarship opportunities are available to teachers through organisations such as AFS and International Languages Exchanges and Pathways (ILEP). The following immersion or scholarship programmes are open to Learning Languages teachers: See table at top of page. Postgraduate Diploma Master’s Degree Doctor of Philosophy To develop your language skills, you might consider enrolling for a language course or work towards an internationally recognised examination. Language courses are offered by university or polytechnic language departments, organisations (Alliance Française, the Goethe-Institut, etc.), community colleges or private language schools. Internationally recognised examinations can be completed in New Zealand. Below is a list of some of the internationally recognised examinations available: Language Chinese (Mandarin) Continue your education There are a number of courses available that can assist you in developing your language skills as well as language teaching skills and knowledge. You might consider pursuing a short course or a postgraduate qualification, such as a postgraduate certificate or diploma, a master’s degree or doctor of philosophy. Some programmes are funded by the Ministry of Education. The following programmes are available in New Zealand: Master of Secondary School Leadership If your goal is to become a secondary school principal in 3- 5 years, the Master of Secondary School Leadership is the programme for you. • Taught jointly by the faculties of Education and Business at Victoria University, it focuses on the unique leadership and management skills needed to lead a secondary school. • The programme includes 4 week long placements in secondary schools under the mentorship of an experienced principal. • Designed to fit with students’ current work and to be completed in two years. For further information visit Or contact Dr Brenda Service [email protected] French German Examination Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF) Start Deutsch 1&2 Zertifikat Deutsch Provider Website Confucius Institute – The University of Auckland Confucius Institute – Victoria University of Wellington Confucius Institute – University of Canterbury Alliance Française Goethe-Institut http://bit. ly/1ypgEtK TestDaF Japanese Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Embassy of Japan Spanish Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) Instituto Cervantes http://diplomas. Maybe reading about all these benefits has made you wish you had included a professional New Year’s resolution on your list. Armed with a host of exciting professional development opportunities, you can reflect on the year that has been, select a professional resolution to focus on and take one step closer to having a rewarding and successful professional year in 2015. Happy teaching! ✷ Disclaimer: This article outlines some of the professional development opportunities that are available to Learning Languages teachers. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all opportunities that are available. This article is based on information which the author considers reliable, but the author cannot guarantee that such information is correct at time of publishing. Views expressed in Gazette Focus are not necessarily those of the Ministry of Education.
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