nl u{ 6\ ./ \d\ \ (<{'11'a{'qq{'{'<q'q^ *'^ 1. 1/ tq'1{r{'q140{ Long Life Prayer for Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche a\ s\ \/ c\\/ ^r' a('qg{6{'1gosnx{'('{n 1'{qa1 As the expanse of simplicity, the unchanging space of reality, MrN GyuR cnO yrxc rnO pe DREL \vE LoNG g1o( 6\ \r1:r c\ s'{e)'trIq'{i l'ri] Your enlightened vajra mind, embodiment ol the Heruka, TUK KYr DORJE HE RU tN r<B OeC mrr al8{fl 'alq^c\\1 1+1(l g'qarr,Al'('l Manifests in the lorm of the guru until the end of time. DU TAR qi1< IA ME, ZUK KYI NAM ROL PA 'a{<*'\i&'q{N'{r1'1&{1 Peerless guide, may your life be longl DRE,N PA TSUNG ME DE y<'a'&'ag<i1{B \/\dc\r/c\\/c\ fl 1fl {'6ol N'{a{N \V YIZHAP TEN SOL Q'gop'o g<'{ Q 1{ $'A(x'H'o t 1'o 8' tq' 11'{ q {'II eI <l' rs''r' g1'{ I'o.r N' {Ntflryntl \"0\ 1 )a To ensure that the aspirations of Kyabj6 Mingyur Rinpoche are fulfilled and that his life is stable, this aspiration was made on March 16th, 2012 by the Karmapa Orgyen Trinley in response to the requests of his students. May it be virtuous! I
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