Phase One The Narcissist Eraser Stepping Back Into the Real World and Recovering From the Nightmare of Loving a Narcissistic Man By Tigress Luv FOREWORD Chapter One: The Disorders HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER --What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Chapter Two: Living With, Loving and Leaving a Narcissistic Man NARCISSISTIC MEN IN RELATIONSHIPS THE THREE "A's" HOW HE WORKS LEAVING A NARCISSISTIC MAN --What to Expect ---ALSO, BE PREPARED FOR HIM TO 'PUNISH' YOU IN SOME WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. --THE MANY PAINFUL MOMENTS --THE CHEATING NARCISSIST ---Love, Attraction, and Mirrors --DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! --THE NARCISSIST AND LOVE --WHEN IT FINALLY ALL COMES TO AN END --NARCISSISTS AND CRITICISM --IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM --NARCISSISTS AND FRIENDSHIPS Chapter Three: Recognizing the Subtle Abuse By a Toxic Narcissistic Man --The Many Faces of Toxic Narcissists (Abusers) ---Abusive Narcissist 1 ---Abusive Narcissist 2 ---Abusive Narcissist 3 ---Abusive Narcissist 4 ---Abusive Narcissist 5 ---Abusive Narcissist 6 ---Abusive Narcissist 7 ---Abusive Narcissist 8 --Abusive Narcissist 9 ---The Toxic Narcissistic Man and Abuse --The Arguing Style of a Toxic Narcissistic Man --Silent Treatment and The Toxic Narcissistic Man ---The Silent Treatment: A Form of Abuse --PROJECTION --WHY IT HURTS TO BE RID OF THIS JERK --NARCISSIST'S CALLOUS DISREGARD Chapter Four: The Problem Chapter Five: The Cure --The Land of the Exes --I Release You BOOK II: BREAK FREE FROM THEIR SPELL --WHY WE BECOME ATTACHED --THE DISADVANTAGES TO BEING UNDER THEIR SPELL ---VACUUM BAG ---DEPRESSION ---LONELINESS ----WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE LONESOME BLUES! --THE ADVANTAGES TO BEING UNDER THEIR SPELL --WHAT IS THE SPELL? --WHAT ARE SOME OF THE REASONS WHY WE HANG ON ---REJECTION ---CAN I BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY REJECTION? --POWER --ADDICTION --INSTANT PEACE IN JUST ONE WORD --EMOTIONAL AVAILABILITY --LETTING GO --SO, HOW DOES ONE BREAK OUT FROM UNDER THE ENCHANTER'S SPELL? --BREAKUP GRIEF --CLOSURE --EMOTIONAL HEALTH --ANGER --ANXIETY --DEPRESSION --ACCEPTANCE -A NEW YOU --LOVE TERRORISTS -ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FOREWORD Breaking up with a histrionic or narcissist? Be prepared for the battle of your life! While you are an emotional basket case, he is as Cold as Ice! While you are left holding down the fort and dealing with the reallife responsibilities, he walks away from everything leaving you to mop off his stage and pay his bills. He will punish you in ways you couldn't possibly have ever imagined... .... and not even acknowledge it to himself! Why? Because he's off charming the socks off of new women as if your years together didn't even exist! And to him they didn't! The narcissist has a 'counterfeit heart'! Narcissists tend to make very good first impressions on others. They are excellent actors and can fool almost anybody, even trained individuals. However, they have counterfeit hearts. Underneath their brilliant exterior lies a man that is self-centered and self-focused, dishonest, irresponsible, disloyal, and lacking emotions, remorse, and a conscience. These men live with a false sense of grandiosity and specialness and are easily found to be arrogant and deceitful. Underneath their fake exterior is an empty fraud who seemingly is lacking a human soul. "Women know how to fake orgasm. Men know how to fake an entire relationship." ~ Sharon Stone Of course, you will never see this in the beginning of the relationship with a narcissistic man. Many women do not see any of these awful qualities until the relationship gets serious because both the narcissist and his prey tend to idolize people in the beginning of relationships. And being idolized feels good - so good that we often willingly overlook the red flags. Unfortunately, the narcissist is sociopathic in that they often see themselves as victims, and lack remorse or the ability to empathize with others (did you notice that [according to him] ALL his 'exes' were 'psycho bitches'? THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MAJOR RED FLAGS WAVING IN YOUR FACE FROM EVERYWHERE ON THAT ONE - BUT IT PROBABLY DIDN'T REALLY HIT YOU UNTIL 'YOUR' RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM WAS OVER!!). (More on this later...) See, narcissistic men haven't the ability to see their own negative actions or the detrimental roles they play in their relationships with others. The narcissist is a deceptive man and the most common form of his deception is his own self-deception. He truly believes he is perfectly innocent of having committed any wrongdoing - ever. He holds himself completely blameless for any part in the breakdown of your relationship (or ANY of his past relationships). Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology from this man, or even an admittance on his part of being partially to blame - for anything. He believes he has done nothing wrong, as he is just so wonderful! (At least, in his own mind.) The narcissist doesn't care about your problems or your feelings. He has absolutely no regard or respect for anyone's feelings; he is completely without empathy and is never above taking advantage of others for his own personal gain. He is constantly hungry for praise and he will go on a feeding frenzy for the adoration and admiration he desperately seeks with every individual he comes in contact with. He is a legend in his own mind, and deeply living in a fantasy world built on his own imagined self-importance. "The narcissist can neither give nor receive love. He cannot empathize with the pain and suffering of others. Although he is often incredibly charming and draws many people into his 'enchanted circle', the narcissist is incapable of true intimacy. At the core of his life experience, the narcissist has emotionally and often financially harmed so many. He has treated others with cruelty, ruthlessness and indifference too many times. Ultimately, in the depth of his unconscious, he knows he is an empty fraud" ~Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D. Nothing can be more painful than breaking up with a histrionic narcissistic man. He will not take it kindly - not because he will grieve the loss of you (you mean nothing to this man) but simply because you will have embarrassed him. And damaging his ego is a totally unforgivable sin to the narcissist! I'm afraid you're about to become his next victim, so be aware of his soon-to-come character assassin of you, your family, your friends, and even your children. (Narcissistic men [they all hold an actor's award] will say just about anything about another in order to protect their perfect 'image'.) Whether or not this has happened to you, it is still a very painful realization when you come to discover that you meant absolutely nothing to someone you loved very much. The realization that this man never loved you (don't delude yourself) hurts beyond compare. It is hard to understand that a histrionic narcissist loves only himself, and, if anything, considered you more a 'love-rival' than a 'lover'. He was with you for the 'benefits'. His benefits could have been something as simple as getting his needy ego stroked, or being taken care of financially, or maybe it was something more, like status or opportunity - but whatever his benefits, being loved by you or being in an intimate relationship with you was not one of them. What I mean to say is 'love' and 'relationship' is not considered benefits to him! You will find that you have changed during the course of the relationship with a narcissist. You will walk away completely far removed from the beautiful woman you were when you entered it. You may have gone from soft, sweet and feminine to hardened and bitter. From trusting, open and receptive to suspicious and untrusting. From self-assured and confident to being full of self-doubt and insecurities. It will take some hard work on your part to let this damaged part of you go and find your old self again. A NARCISSIST HAS A CALLOUS DISREGARD - FOR YOU For most of us breaking up with a narcissist can leave us feeling confused, devastated, and untrusting of all men in the future. Usually, when a relationship ends both parties grieve some, both parties have regrets and both parties have done things that they feel remorseful for. But not a narcissist! He walks away from you with a cold, callous disregard. He feels nothing. A narcissist will avoid looking at you - even if you are sitting right in front of him. This is his way of 'dismissing' and 'devaluing' you. All narcissists do this and, of course, there is nothing about these actions that are normal, but your mind can't conceive this and so it tries to understand. However, there is no making sense of the 'senseless'. A narcissist can turn from loving you to discarding you almost abruptly as it took for him to 'idolize' you after his first meeting you. Uh, what was that? About one date would you say? "Abuse is an integral, inseparable part of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The narcissist idealizes and then DEVALUES and discards the object of his initial idealization. This abrupt, heartless devaluation IS abuse. ALL narcissists idealize and then devalue. This is THE core of pathological narcissism. The narcissist exploits, lies, insults, demeans, ignores (the "silent treatment"), manipulates, controls. All these are forms of abuse. " ~ by Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. The narcissist has to be NUMBER ONE, the CENTER OF ATTENTION, THE BIG CHEESE, the MAIN ATTRACTION. If he is in a situation where he fears not getting the adulation that he feels he deserves, such as with your friends or co-workers, or even in a club that you frequent (translation: your territory), he will be extremely uncomfortable, either claiming a headache, feeling 'bad vibes' in the place, or simply getting angry. He may insult or dismiss everyone there as 'substandard human beings'. A narcissist cannot share his limelight with anyone, not even his spouse. It is especially hard to let go of a relationship breakdown when you can't find any rhyme or reason to the way it all unfolded. We think that all people are good people and can't understand how someone could so easily just dismiss us as if we never existed. Truth is, you didn't exist to the narcissist. He is so totally and completely self-centered to the point of his being the only person in his life - ever. You simply were a temporary ego-boost. A narcissist supplier (an enforcer and validator of his self-love). His mirror. You were taken in by his phony charm simply because you trusted men. And now you are left with doubts, insecurities, questions, and extreme hurt that one you cared for could so easily 'dismiss you' and then walk away completely unmoved and untouched by the experience. You want him to hurt, too. To show sorrow. To feel remorse. So that you can feel important again. Like you mattered. But you didn't. And it has nothing to do with you. He simply is unable to care for anyone other than himself, no matter whom they are. And deep inside you know that you have just wasted years of your life on someone who is an empty fraud. It's like you imagined everything; nothing was real. He was a masterful actor when he was getting his ego fed; but now that he is not getting his narcissistic supply from you anymore he simply - and completely - has totally erased you from his life. It is important to remember that narcissists are 'plotters' and he has been plotting the destruction of the relationship since the very first moment his charming, but fake persona met you. Expect your world to fall apart whereas his world will remain unscathed - as will his emotions. OOPS, pardon me, I made a mistake! Make that "his 'lack of' emotions". Narcissistic men haven't any empathy for others, and will never take any direct responsibility for any pain they may have caused. They will never acknowledge their wrongdoings, or apologize to you, because they truly believe themselves to be perfect. They project all their faults and flaws onto you, accusing you of the very things that they, themselves, are guilty of. In fact, throughout your entire relationship, you probably were lead to believe that you were the problem when in actuality it was their narcissism that was at fault. You have subconsciously learned to take his attacks personally, because he is so very good at manipulating the people around him. Narcissistic and histrionic men play on the fact that most of us are trusting and forgiving, and that we want to believe in them. Narcissists are all about their image, and they spend an inordinate amount of time perfecting their false front, or their 'image'. He's forever aware of his impression on people, and he knows exactly what 'face' to put on to draw people into his 'magical circle' of followers - all with the intent to enhance his own self-exaltation. Whatever his career, special talent, or gift may be he will spend days, weeks, months, YEARS perfecting it. If he is a lawyer there is no winning a legal argument against him. If he is a musician he will practice the same tune over and over again, each time trying to make it even more perfect than the time before. If he is a doctor he will try to out-diagnose all his colleagues. If he is a salesman, he will read every book on the market on the art of sales. Perfecting his persona for the sole purpose of gaining admiration is the only thing he holds important, and the only reward he needs. He is an expert at even fooling himself into thinking he is larger than life and, unfortunately, the more positive the feedback he receives, the more trapped in his mirror he becomes. He would rather have adoration from complete strangers than a deep meaningful relationship with a loving partner. His image is superficial and covers up his complete lack of inner awareness. He is, quite simply, an expert fake, forever on the search for a true acceptance, but never daring enough to show his 'real self' for fear of not receiving it. The sad thing is, because he feels he is loved for his fake front, he never truly feels loved for his real self, and this just further enables and encourages his narcissism. The narcissistic mate displays many typical psychopathic characteristics. He may have falsely displayed deep emotion toward you (when he was in your good graces). In reality, he was less concerned with you than with making himself look good. In the romance department, a narcissist or a histrionic man has an uncanny ability to gain your trust and affection quickly, disarming you with his charm (i.e., "What a beautiful necklace; you have such excellent taste in jewelry") and captivating you with his many grandiose plans (i.e., "I'm getting the old band together and we are going to tour Europe"). If he cheats on you you'll probably find forgiveness for him - maybe even blame yourself for his infidelities - but one day when you've had enough, he'll leave you with nothing but the breath-taking epiphany that your whole life with him has been a lie. He'll also, most likely, leave you with an empty pocketbook, too. Of course, by this time he'll already have a new 'sucker' under his wing, and could care less what he has done to you. Yes, living with, loving and leaving a narcissistic man is an experience unlike any other! You are left deeply confused and weakened by the abuse. *** "My narcissist was mad at me every single day. In fact, I can't remember even one day that he wasn't angry, grudgeful, judgmental, and insulting." *** He wants you to pay for his inner pain, and he will do everything in his power to punish you and push you over the brink. Your mind can't rationalize that these men are not 'normal', and so it tries to make sense of their behavior. Yet, the narcissistic ex continually acts in abusive, bewildering and confusing ways. He is not above committing destructive acts. When the breakup becomes a reality, it is likely that his 'false persona' will completely disappear all together and you will most likely experience the most hurtful of behavior from him. He is completely lacking in empathy, and - since he is not receiving any admiration from you anymore - he will dismiss you and discard you as worthless to him, consequently dropping any fake front that he use to put up in order to keep you in the relationship. "Narcissists become particularly shameless during a divorce. They accuse the other spouse of neglecting the children when the reverse is true. They hide their assets long before the formal divorce proceedings begin. They lie about their net worth so they don't have to part with alimony or child support. Some narcissists, both male and female, abandon their families all together and start new lives with more attractive, adoring and compliant partners. Leaving the previous spouse and children in a state of financial and psychological chaos is of no consequence to them. Many narcissists repeat these egregious patterns of behavior throughout their lives without shame or regret." ~ Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D. Purchase to read the rest of ‘The Two Phase Narcissist Eraser’ pdf reports at or follow the link below. Purchase Your Copies Now - At an Introductory Price of $29.97 Yes, I want to order securely and learn about living with, loving and leaving a narcissist or a histrionic in the fastest, most effective methods possible. Paypal and Most Credit Cards Accepted. (You will gain immediate access to the 'In Love With a Legend? Stepping Back Into the Real World: Recovering From the Nightmare of Loving a Narcissistic Man' and the 'How to Break Free From Their Spell' eBooks!) Isn't your sanity worth it? Get Your Copy Now! Return to Home Page
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