Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 70 Diagnosis and Management of Epilepsy in Adults A national clinical guideline 1 Introduction 1 2 Diagnosis 3 3 Treatment 8 4 Contraception, pregnancy and HRT 21 5 Models of care 28 6 Information for discussion with patients and carers 31 7 Implementation and audit 34 8 Outcome measures 36 9 Development of the guideline 38 Abbreviations 44 References 45 April 2003 KEY TO EVIDENCE STATEMENTS AND GRADES OF RECOMMENDATIONS LEVELS OF EVIDENCE 1++ High quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs), or RCTs with a very low risk of bias 1+ Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a low risk of bias 1- Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias 2 High quality systematic reviews of case control or cohort studies High quality case control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding or bias and a high probability that the relationship is causal ++ 2+ Well conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a moderate probability that the relationship is causal 2- Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a significant risk that the relationship is not causal 3 Non-analytic studies, e.g. case reports, case series 4 Expert opinion GRADES OF RECOMMENDATION Note: The grade of recommendation relates to the strength of the evidence on which the recommendation is based. It does not reflect the clinical importance of the recommendation. A At least one meta-analysis, systematic review of RCTs, or RCT rated as 1++ and directly applicable to the target population; or A body of evidence consisting principally of studies rated as 1+, directly applicable to the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results B A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly applicable to the target population, and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+ C A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly applicable to the target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++ D Evidence level 3 or 4; or Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+ GOOD PRACTICE POINTS þ Recommended best practice based on the clinical experience of the guideline development group © Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network ISBN 1 899893 58 X First published 2003 SIGN consents to the photocopying of this guideline for the purpose of implementation in NHSScotland Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Royal College of Physicians 9 Queen Street Edinburgh EH2 1JQ 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction 1.1 THE NEED FOR A GUIDELINE In Scotland there are 20,000 - 40,000 people with active epilepsy and there will be between 2,000 and 3,500 new diagnoses each year.1 As it is a common condition, and the number of epilepsy specialists is very small, many people with epilepsy have been diagnosed and treated by non-specialists in both primary and secondary care. There is evidence that management can sometimes be sub-optimal.2,3 Areas of specific concern include initial diagnosis, drug treatment, management of pregnant women with epilepsy and the provision of patient information. Up to a quarter of patients referred for specialist management of apparent drug-resistant epilepsy do not have epilepsy at all. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are not always chosen and used appropriately by clinicians. It is likely that the incidence of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy could be reduced if antiepileptic treatment was always optimised. There is room for improvement in the management of status epilepticus and in the care and advice provided for women with epilepsy before and during pregnancy. People with epilepsy often report inadequate provision of information and advice. There remains considerable scope for the development of better epilepsy services in both primary and secondary care. Since publication of the previous SIGN guideline on epilepsy in 1997 there have been significant developments in the diagnosis and management of the condition. Three new AEDs have been licensed. The number of epilepsy specialist nurses has greatly increased. This guideline review will include new sections on the management of status epilepticus, non-pharmacological treatments and issues relating to contraception and pregnancy. It is hoped that this guideline will contribute to continued improvement in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy in Scotland. 1.2 REMIT OF THE GUIDELINE This guideline provides evidence based recommendations on the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. The section on treatment gives broad recommendations on initial AED treatment, management of drug-resistant epilepsy, management of status epilepticus, management of provoked seizures and the management of people with learning disability and epilepsy. The remaining sections deal with issues relating to contraception, pregnancy and the menopause, models of care for epilepsy, audit of epilepsy care and provision of information for patients and carers. It is beyond the remit of the guideline to provide a full detailed discussion of differential diagnosis. Epilepsy in the elderly is addressed only indirectly. Other text exists detailing the management of epilepsy in the elderly and after stroke.4 The guideline will be of interest to all health professionals in primary and secondary care involved in the management of people with epilepsy, including general practitioners, practice nurses, epilepsy specialist nurses, general physicians, A&E specialists, neurologists and obstetricians. It will also be of interest to those commissioning epilepsy services, public health physicians, pharmacists, social work staff, carers and relatives of people with epilepsy and to people with epilepsy themselves. 1.3 STATEMENT OF INTENT This guideline is not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of medical care. Standards of care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available for an individual case and are subject to change as scientific knowledge and technology advance and patterns of care evolve. These parameters of practice should be considered guidelines only. Adherence to them will not ensure a successful outcome in every case, nor should they be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding other acceptable methods of care aimed at the same results. The ultimate judgement regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by 1 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS the doctor, following discussion of the options with the patient, in light of the diagnostic and treatment choices available. However, it is advised that significant departures from the national guideline or any local guidelines derived from it should be fully documented in the patients case notes at the time the relevant decision is taken. 1.4 REVIEW AND UPDATING This guideline was issued in 2003 and will be considered for review as new evidence becomes available. Any updates to the guideline in the interim period will be noted on the SIGN website: 2 2 DIAGNOSIS 2 Diagnosis 2.1 WHO SHOULD MAKE THE DIAGNOSIS OF EPILEPSY? The diagnosis of epilepsy has important physical, psychosocial and economic implications for the patient. It is therefore important that the diagnosis is correct. It has been shown that a significant proportion of epilepsy diagnoses made by non specialists is incorrect. 2,3 Epilepsy may be difficult to diagnose in the early stages5 especially in the absence of a witnessed account. Differentiation of epileptic seizures and stereotyped behavioural phenomena can be difficult in people with a learning disability. C The diagnosis of epilepsy should be made by a neurologist or other epilepsy specialist. þ The diagnosis of epilepsy is most appropriately delivered in the setting of a dedicated first seizure clinic. Appropriate patient information should be given (see Section 6). An epilepsy specialist has been defined as a consultant with expertise in epilepsy as demonstrated by training and continuing education in epilepsy, peer review of practice and regular audit of diagnosis. Epilepsy must be a significant part of their clinical workload (equivalent to at least one session a week).6 2.2 2+ 4 CLASSIFICATION Classification of seizure types and epilepsy syndromes should always be attempted, as both may have implications for management and prognosis. 2.2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF EPILEPTIC SEIZURES International classification of epileptic seizures:7 I. Partial seizures A. simple partial seizures (no loss of consciousness) B. complex partial seizures 1. with impairment of consciousness at onset 2. simple partial onset followed by impairment of consciousness C. partial seizures evolving to generalised tonic-clonic (GTC) convulsions. II. Generalised seizures (convulsive or nonconvulsive with bilateral discharges involving subcortical structures) A. absence B. myoclonic C. clonic D. tonic E. tonic-clonic F. atonic. III. Unclassified epileptic seizures (usually used when an adequate description is not available). 2.2.2 CLASSIFICATION OF EPILEPSY SYNDROMES It is important to make the distinction between idiopathic generalised epilepsies (IGEs) and focal (localisation-related) epilepsies, as this affects treatment choices, investigation, prognosis and counselling. Identifying the aetiology is important in focal epilepsies. The onset of IGEs is unusual over the age of 25.8 The most common IGEs in adolescence are juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (generalised tonic-clonic seizures with myoclonic seizures on waking, sometimes with absence seizures, with photoparoxysmal response in 30% of cases), early morning tonic-clonic seizures in adolescence, and juvenile-absence epilepsy. These phenotypes may overlap.9-13 2+ 4 3 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS Features suggesting idiopathic generalised epilepsies: childhood or teenage onset triggered by sleep deprivation & alcohol early morning tonic-clonic seizures or myoclonic jerks short absence seizures photoparoxysmal response on electroencephalography (EEG) generalised 3 per second spike and wave or polyspike and wave on EEG. n n n n n n Features suggesting focal epilepsies: history of potential cause aura focal motor activity during seizure automatisms. n n n n C The seizure type(s) and epilepsy syndrome should be identified. C The distinction should be made between a focal epilepsy and an idiopathic generalised epilepsy. Tonic-clonic seizures without any focal features or any positive features of an idiopathic generalised epilepsy cannot be confidently classified. 2.3 CLINICAL FACTORS AND DIAGNOSIS Attack disorders such as faint and epilepsy produce their effects because some element of physiology becomes disordered, temporarily disturbing the function of the brain. For a test to positively identify the nature of an attack disorder, an attack must be recorded, and the disturbed physiology detected. As this is usually impractical, the routine diagnosis of attack disorders is largely clinical, based on history. The history should make clear what occurred before, during and after the attack, from both patient and eyewitness points of view. A number of clinical features are common to different types of attack, so diagnosis should be based on the ensemble of the clinical features, not on single features. A generalised tonic-clonic seizure may be the presenting symptom in people with previously unrecognised epilepsy and a detailed history should be taken to uncover previous myoclonic, absence or partial seizures.10,14-25 C A clear history from the patient and an eyewitness to the attack give the most important diagnostic information, and should be the mainstay of diagnosis. Table 1 is a guide to how history may assist in diagnosis. Syncope is the most common attack disorder presenting to hospital emergency departments.26 Non-epileptic attack disorder may be defined as attacks which clinically resemble or may be mistaken for epileptic seizures, but which are not accompanied by any pathological disturbance of brain function, and which have a presumed or known psychological cause. Other disorders may also have to be considered (see Annex 1). 4 2+ 3 4 3 2 DIAGNOSIS Table 1: Useful clinical features in differential diagnosis of epilepsy Epileptic seizure Syncope Non-epileptic attack disorder Cardiac arrhythmia Hyperventilation or panic attacks Female sex (3:1) Congenital heart disease Anxiety disorders Stress Social distress Exercise Social situations Sometimes have a variable prodrome Palpitations Fear Feeling of unreality Breathlessness Parasthesiae Pallor May have few brief jerks or stiffening Agitation Rapid breathing Stiffening of hands (carpopedal spasm) The background of the patient Previous: Head injury Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Prolonged febrile convulsion Meningitis Encephalitis Stroke Family history of epilepsy Antihypertensive drugs Antidepressant drugs (especially tricyclics) Sexual or physical abuse Provoking factors for attacks Sleep deprivation Alcohol withdrawal Flashing lights Postural change Medical procedures Micturition Heat Prolonged standing Neck movement (carotid baroreceptor hypersensitivity) Clinical characteristics of attack - prodrome or aura Stereotyped, brief (seconds) in localisation related epilepsy only Déjà vu Taste/smell Rising abdominal sensation Lightheadedness Visual symptoms Darkening Blurring Buzzing, echoing Clinical characteristics of attack - features of the attack itself Movements: Tonic (stiffening) followed by rhythmic jerking Complex automatic movements Cyanosis Timing: Relationship to waking and sleep, clustering with menses Pallor May have few brief jerks or stiffening May look similar to seizure but thrashing, side to side head or alternating limb movements, prolonged motionless collapse or pelvic thrusting suggest non-epileptic attack disorder Residual symptoms after attack Drowsiness Bitten tongue Limb aching Focal neurological deficit (Todds paresis) Lassitude Lassitude Note: injury, incontinence and pallor can occur in syncope, epilepsy and pseudoseizures and are poor discriminators for this differential diagnosis. 5 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 2.4 USE OF EEG IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF EPILEPSY 2.4.1 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY Electroencephalography (EEG) is often helpful in the diagnosis and classification of epilepsy.10,27 However, it is essential to understand the scope and limitations of the technique when requesting an EEG examination and subsequently evaluating an expert report on the recording.2 Non-specific EEG abnormalities are relatively common, especially in the elderly, patients with migraine, psychotic illness and psychotropic medication. Non-specific abnormalities should not be interpreted as supporting a diagnosis of epilepsy. A normal EEG does not exclude a diagnosis of epilepsy. A single routine EEG recording will show definite epileptiform abnormalities in 29-38% of adults who have epilepsy. With repeat recordings this rises to 69-77%.10,28-31 The sensitivity is improved by performing an EEG soon after a seizure, and by recordings with sleep or following sleep deprivation.10,32,33 Incidental epileptiform abnormalities are found in 0.5% of healthy young adults, but are more likely in people with learning disability and psychiatric disorders, patients with previous neurological insult (e.g. head injury, meningitis, stroke, cerebral palsy) and patients who have undergone neurosurgery.34-36 2+ In a patient in whom the clinical history suggests an epileptic seizure but is not conclusive, the prevalence of epilepsy will be high. The finding of epileptiform abnormalities is specific, and the diagnostic value of the test is good. In a patient in whom the history is typical of some other disorder, such as syncope, the prevalence of epilepsy will be low, and any epileptiform abnormalities are more likely to be incidental. The test should not be performed in this circumstance. EEG can aid classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsy syndromes. The finding or not of a photoparoxysmal response can allow appropriate advice to be given.37 If performed within the first few weeks after a first seizure, EEG has prognostic value; patients with epileptiform abnormalities are more likely to have a second attack.38 2.4.2 LONG TERM EEG MONITORING When clinical information and standard investigations do not allow a confident diagnosis, referral for the recording of attacks should be considered. The attacks should usually be occurring at least once a week. If non-epileptic attack disorder is a possibility, then monitoring in patients with less frequent attacks may be worthwhile, as they are often easily provoked.39-46 The best method is inpatient video EEG recording.47 Twenty four hour ambulatory EEG recording has the advantage of recording attacks in the patients usual setting, but does not usually allow correlation of EEG and video data. Home video recordings can be useful, but rarely capture the onset of attacks.47,48 These investigations should include single channel electrocardiography recording.49 2.4.3 OTHER INVESTIGATIONS Electrocardiography (ECG) should be performed in the assessment of all patients with altered consciousness, particularly those in older age-groups, when disorders of cardiac rhythm may simulate epilepsy. Twenty four hour ambulatory ECG and other cardiovascular tests may also be helpful.49 6 2+ 3 4 C Electroencephalography (EEG) is not routinely indicated and should not be performed to exclude a diagnosis of epilepsy. C EEG can be used to support the diagnosis in patients in whom the clinical history indicates a significant probability of an epileptic seizure or epilepsy. C EEG should be used to support the classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsy syndromes when there is clinical doubt. C EEG should be performed in young people with generalised seizures to aid classification and to detect a photoparoxysmal response. 3 2 DIAGNOSIS 2.5 C Video EEG and other specialist investigations should be available for patients who present diagnostic difficulties. þ Patients who have blackouts, strange feelings or funny turns should have a 12-lead electrocardiogram. BRAIN IMAGING Brain imaging detects lesions in 21-37% of patients presenting with epilepsy. Such lesions require treatment in only a small minority, but their detection may have implications for future management should the epilepsy become intractable. Idiopathic generalised epilepsies are not associated with an increased prevalence of brain lesions.10,50-53 2.5.1 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning is the current standard of reference in the investigation of patients with epilepsy. Routine MRI brain scanning using simple standard sequences will detect lesions (eg small tumours, vascular malformations and cortical dysplasia) that are not detected by computed tomography (CT) scanning. MRI carried out for the assessment of drugresistant epilepsy requires specialised protocols and expertise (eg to detect hippocampal sclerosis).53-61 2.5.2 2+ 2++ 2+ 4 COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY SCANNING CT scanning has a role in the urgent assessment of seizures, or when MRI is contraindicated (eg when patients have pacemakers or metallic implants). A non-contrast CT scan will fail to identify some vascular lesions and tumours. CT has only a limited role in the assessment of intractable epilepsy.54,61,62 C MRI is the modality of choice for brain imaging in patients with epilepsy. C Brain imaging is not routinely required when there is a confident diagnosis of an idiopathic generalised epilepsy and if there is rapid and complete response to the first line antiepileptic drug. D CT has a role in the urgent assessment of seizures, or when MRI is contraindicated. 2++ 2+ 7 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 3 Treatment 3.1 WHEN AND BY WHOM SHOULD ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG TREATMENT BE COMMENCED? The crucial decision whether or not to start antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment must take into account the relative risks of recurrent seizures (including the small but important risk of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy) and the commitment to long term medication with potential side effects. 3.1.1 EPILEPSY Antiepileptic drugs should not be given until the diagnosis of epilepsy has been confirmed (see Section 2). If there is uncertainty, a period of observation will usually clarify the epilepsy syndrome and confirm the need for treatment.5,6 3.1.2 SINGLE SEIZURES A detailed history should be taken to exclude previous myoclonic, absence or partial seizures as patients with undiagnosed epilepsy may present with a single generalised tonic-clonic seizure.10 Whether to treat a single seizure or not is largely decided by the risk of further seizures (see Annex 2). Estimates of recurrence risk vary. Highest recurrence rates (up to 90%) are seen in patients with epileptic discharges on EEG or congenital neurological deficits. Lowest rates (1340%) are associated with acute symptomatic seizures (provoked) or patients with a normal EEG and no identifiable cause for seizures.38,63-65 Overall the risk is 30-40%;66 this is greatest in the first twelve months and falls to <10% after two years.67 1+ 2++ 2+ 4 Treatment with AEDs reduces the risk of recurrence by half.68,69 Early treatment with AEDs does not appear to alter the prognosis of epilepsy which is best predicted by the number of seizures in the first six months after diagnosis and response to first AED.70-72 The patients view on medication should be considered. Women planning a pregnancy may choose to avoid AEDs in the short term, though they must be warned of the attendant risks (see Section 4.3). Individuals wishing to avoid recurrent seizures, eg for driving, should be offered immediate treatment. B B B B D 3.2 The decision to start antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) should be made by the patient and an epilepsy specialist. AEDs should be offered after a first tonic-clonic seizure if: n the patient has had previous myoclonic, absence or partial seizures n the EEG shows unequivocal epileptic discharges n the patient has a congenital neurological deficit n the patient considers the risk of recurrence unacceptable. ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG MONOTHERAPY Comparative, randomised, double-blind trials in patients with newly-diagnosed partial and generalised tonic-clonic seizures suggest similar efficacy for phenytoin, carbamazepine, sodium valproate, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine.73-81 The newer AEDs, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine seem to be better tolerated and may produce fewer long term side effects and adverse interactions.7678,80,82 Sodium valproate and lamotrigine also have efficacy for absence and myoclonic seizures but lamotrigine can worsen myoclonus in some cases.83,84 Ethosuximide has been used for absence seizures in children for many decades.83 Lamotrigine may have advantages for adolescents, young women and the elderly because it is well tolerated,76,80,85 has a favourable cognitive and behavioural profile,86 does not induce the metabolism of lipid-soluble drugs (such as the hormonal components of the oral contraceptive agent)82,87,88 and does not lead to weight gain.89 8 1++ 1+ 1- 3 TREATMENT Formulations of AEDs are not interchangeable and generic substitution should not be employed.90,91 A Carbamazepine, sodium valproate, lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine can all be regarded as first-line treatments for partial and secondary generalised seizures. A Sodium valproate and lamotrigine are drugs of choice for primary generalised seizures and should also be prescribed if there is any doubt about the seizure types and/or syndrome classification. All antiepileptic drugs licensed for monotherapy have similar efficacy in newly-diagnosed epilepsy.82,92,93 A 3.3 1++ 1+ The side effect and interaction profiles should direct the choice of drug for the individual patient. MANAGEMENT OF DRUG-RESISTANT EPILEPSY Drug-resistant epilepsy is defined as continuation of seizures despite optimal monotherapy with two successive first-line AEDs or with one monotherapy and one combination regimen. The majority of patients with newly-diagnosed epilepsy respond well to AEDs. Failure to do so may be due to: n n n n n an incorrect diagnosis of epilepsy2,93 an inappropriate choice of AED for the epilepsy syndrome93,94 failure to take the prescribed AED an underlying cerebral neoplasm covert drug or alcohol abuse. Given a correct diagnosis of epilepsy, failure to control seizures completely with the first welltolerated AED is a powerful predictor of drug-resistant epilepsy.72,95 When two AEDs have failed as monotherapy the chance of seizure-freedom with further monotherapy is very low.72 Improvement in seizure control may be obtained by combining AEDs.96,97 Choice of AED combinations should be guided by side effect profile and drug interactions. There is some evidence that combining AEDs which have different mechanisms of action may enhance effectiveness eg lamotrigine with sodium valproate98,99 but not with carbamazepine or phenytoin.98 3.3.1 DRUG-RESISTANT FOCAL EPILEPSY Seven AEDs have been licensed in the UK in the last decade. These are, in chronological order, vigabatrin, lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, tiagabine, oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam. Systematic reviews have confirmed the efficacy and tolerability of all these new agents as adjunctive therapy for patients with drug-resistant, focal epilepsy.100-108 The development of concentric visual field defects with vigabatrin has substantially limited its clinical use.109 3.3.2 1++ 1+ 12++ 2+ 1++ 1+ 12++ DRUG-RESISTANT IDIOPATHIC GENERALISED EPILEPSY Lamotrigine,110-112 topiramate,113,114 levetiracetam115 and sodium valproate83 have a wide spectrum of activity that includes most types of generalised seizures. Clonazepam may be used for refractory myoclonic seizures. The older agents clobazam116 and acetazolamide117 can be effective for both idiopathic generalised and focal epilepsy when other AEDs have failed. Once the decision has been made to use combination therapy, the patient should be established on the best monotherapy option at the optimal dose, ie one that does not produce side effects.84 A range of different AEDs appropriate to the epilepsy syndrome should be added as necessary in sequence, increasing the dose of each slowly to obtain the maximal response with minimal toxicity. The aim should be seizure-freedom. If an encouraging but sub-optimal effect is obtained with a particular combination, it may be worthwhile trying the addition of a small dose of a third AED. 1++ 1+ 12++ 9 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS The law of diminishing returns may require patient and doctor to accept the persistence of some seizures once a range of treatment options has been tried. Adequacy of seizure control must be balanced with optimal quality of life. Little can be lost by carefully reducing the drug burden in a patient with continuing seizure activity aiming for the most effective combination of two or at most three AEDs. Producing less intrusive episodes, abolishing tonic-clonic seizures, preventing falls and decreasing automatisms can be acceptable end points for some patients. 3.4 C Failure to respond to appropriate AEDs should prompt a review of the diagnosis of epilepsy and adherence to medication. A Combination therapy should be considered when treatment with two first line AEDs has failed or when the first well-tolerated drug substantially improves seizure control but fails to produce seizure-freedom at maximal dosage. B The choice of drugs in combination should be matched to the patients seizure type(s) and should be limited to two or at most three AEDs. þ Vigabatrin can be regarded as the drug of last choice because of its association with irreversible visual field defects. ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG BLOOD LEVELS There is no indication for routine monitoring of AED concentrations.118-120 Evidence supports clinically useful dose-response and dose-toxicity relationships for carbamazepine and phenytoin. These relationships do not occur with sodium valproate or any of the newer AEDs. Phenytoin also undergoes saturation kinetics which can make accurate dosage adjustment without concentration monitoring problematical. Even with these two drugs, however, the upper and lower borders of the target ranges are imprecise and are not applicable to all patients.118 1+ 4 Blood level monitoring should be undertaken to answer a specific clinical question; does imperfect adherence to the treatment schedule explain the poor seizure control? Specialist knowledge is required to interpret assay results as the pharmacokinetics of some AEDs are non-linear and because of the pharmacokinetic interactions that may take place. This is particularly important given the lack of a useful target range for the majority of AEDs. 3.5 D Routine monitoring of AED concentrations is not indicated. Measurement can sometimes be useful in the following circumstances: n adjustment of phenytoin dose n assessment of adherence and toxicity. D Assay of lamotrigine, vigabatrin, gabapentin, topiramate, tiagabine, oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam concentrations should not be undertaken routinely. þ AED blood level measurement is best supervised by an epilepsy specialist. MANAGEMENT OF PROVOKED SEIZURES Seizures can be provoked by acute metabolic disturbances, treatment with certain drugs (see Section 3.13) and drug withdrawal (eg alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates). Provoked seizures may occur in the context of drug abuse (heroin, cocaine, methadone, amphetamine, ecstasy). The risk of recurrence of such provoked seizures can be reduced by correction or withdrawal of the provocative factor. The risk of seizures related to acute alcohol withdrawal can be reduced by short term treatment with lorazepam.121 Commencement of longer term AED treatment is only indicated if unprovoked seizures occur. Provoked seizures can also occur with acute conditions such as encephalitis, head injury, cerebral infarction and cerebral haemorrhage, when they are defined as seizures occurring within seven days of an acute brain insult. There is evidence that treatment can reduce the risk of such provoked seizures in the context of traumatic brain injury (by phenytoin and carbamazepine), craniotomy 10 1+ 3 TREATMENT (by phenytoin) and cerebral malaria (by phenobarbital).121,122 There is no evidence however, that prophylactic treatment and prevention of provoked seizures influences the subsequent development of epilepsy with unprovoked seizures. For acute traumatic brain injury, there is no evidence that the prevention of early provoked seizures by AED treatment influences other outcomes such as death and neurological disability.122 There is no justification for the routine prophylactic use of AED treatment to prevent provoked seizures in the context of acute brain insults. If AED treatment is commenced following the occurrence of provoked seizures, it should be used only in the short term, unless unprovoked seizures occur later. Attacks occurring immediately after a concussive closed-head injury have been described as concussive convulsions. There is no evidence that these will recur and AED treatment is not indicated.123 3.6 þ When seizures are provoked by metabolic disturbances or drugs, attention should be directed to correction or withdrawal of the provocative factor. B Short term benzodiazepine treatment may be given to reduce the risk of seizures in the context of acute alcohol withdrawal and delirium tremens. B Following an acute brain insult or neurosurgery, prophylactic AED treatment is not indicated. C Following an acute brain insult, AEDs used to treat the provoked seizures should be withdrawn (unless unprovoked seizures occur later). D AED treatment is not indicated for concussive convulsions. ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG SIDE EFFECTS Antiepileptic drug side effects are common and a major cause of drug withdrawal. Most are mild but a minority can be life threatening.73,102,124 Accurate data on the prevalence of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) with long term AED treatment is scarce; almost all reports refer to short term clinical trials and, as experience with vigabatrin and visual field defects has shown, long term surveillance is needed to identify all ADRs.125 The elderly are more sensitive to AED side effects due to altered pharmacokinetics. 3.6.1 3 1++ 1+ 3 DOSE-RELATED ADVERSE REACTIONS Many AED side effects are dose-related and predictable. These can be minimised by gradual escalation of dose, with dose reduction if symptoms persist. Use of slow release carbamazepine can reduce peak dose-related side effects of dizziness and blurred vision.126 3.6.2 IDIOSYNCRATIC ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS Idiosyncratic drug reactions usually occur in the first weeks of treatment and are potentially serious. Rash is the most common, occurring in up to 10% of patients on carbamazepine, phenytoin or lamotrigine. Most rashes are mild and resolve promptly on discontinuation of the AED, but severe cutaneous reactions are seen in up to 1:1,000 patients. 127-129 This incidence is increased if the initial dose is increased rapidly.130 2+ 4 The life-threatening AED hypersensitivity syndrome of fever, rash, lymphadenopathy and multiorgan failure occurs in up to 4.5:10,000 patients, mostly with carbamazepine, lamotrigine or phenytoin.127 It is important to note that cross sensitivity occurs between these AEDs in up to 70% of patients. 2+ Minor blood dyscrasias are associated with many AEDs; the majority (mild leucopaenia with carbamazepine, thrombocytopaenia with valproate) require no action. Severe blood dyscrasia occurs in 6:10,000 patients but there is no evidence to suggest that routine monitoring can reduce this risk.131,132 2+ 4 11 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS Hyponatraemia (sodium <135 but usually >125mmol/L) is seen in about 20% of patients taking carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine; it is usually well tolerated and of no significance.133 Elevation of liver enzymes (δ-glutamyl transferase 90%, alkaline phosphatase 30%) is seen in people taking enzyme-inducing AEDs and is usually of no clinical significance.134 Clinical symptoms have been shown to be more useful than routine monitoring of liver function in identifying the onset of serious ADRs.132,135 4 Acute psychotic reactions are seen occasionally with newer AEDs, particularly in those patients with a previous history of psychiatric disease; withdrawal from the drug usually results in recovery.136 3.6.3 3.7 CHRONIC SIDE EFFECTS Weight gain is seen with many AEDs75 but significant (>10% body weight) weight gain is associated particularly with valproate.89 Topiramate can cause weight loss.137 1+ Sedation and dizziness are common complaints of patients starting AED therapy but usually resolve with time.102 Sedation may be less with the newer AEDs.86 Many patients on long term AED therapy report cognitive side effects but studies to confirm this have been contradictory and confounded by the effects of chronic epilepsy.138,139 Polytherapy is probably associated with more cognitive side effects than monotherapy.140 1++ 2+ 4 Osteopenia, osteomalacia and increased risk of hip fracture have been associated with AED use but their aetiology is likely to be multifactorial.141-144 2+ þ Antiepileptic drugs should be commenced in a dose no higher than recommended by the manufacturer. C Patients should be warned of potential side effects and given clear instructions to seek medical attention urgently for symptoms including rash, bruising or somnolence with vomiting especially in the first weeks of treatment. D Patients taking AEDs should receive dietary and other lifestyle advice to minimise the risk of osteoporosis. C Liver function and full blood count should not be monitored routinely. ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUG WITHDRAWAL Estimates of the risks of seizure recurrence after discontinuation of AEDs were provided by a large, multicentre, randomised, prospective trial of continued antiepileptic treatment versus slow withdrawal in adults and children with epilepsy, who had been seizure free for at least two years.145 AED withdrawal was associated with an increased risk of seizure recurrence, which was influenced by the duration of seizure freedom, the history of seizure types, the occurrence of one or more seizures after the start of treatment and whether one, or more than one, AED was being taken. The data from the study were used to develop a prognostic index for seizure recurrence. 146 This has been used to calculate the risks of seizure recurrence with continued treatment or with slow AED withdrawal (see Tables 2 and 3). An abnormal EEG at the time of entry into the study was associated with only a small increased risk of seizure recurrence. Since this is unlikely to influence a decision about whether to withdraw AED treatment or not in adults, EEG recording is not necessary for an informed decision to be made. The higher risks of seizure recurrence with a history of myoclonus reflect the high risk of seizure recurrence following AED withdrawal in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. The prognostic index has not been validated on an external population, and should be used with caution. No information is available on the risks of seizure recurrence following drug withdrawal in adults who have been less than two years seizure free, although for children the risks are higher after less than two years seizure freedom than for more than two years. 147 The effect of different rates of AED withdrawal on the risk of seizure recurrence has not been adequately studied. 12 1++ 3 TREATMENT Important factors influencing a decision about AED withdrawal in adults include driving, employment, fear of further seizures, risks of injury or death with further seizures and concerns about prolonged AED treatment. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency recommends that driving should cease during the period of AED withdrawal and for six months afterwards, and for many this factor alone may lead to a decision to continue treatment. A Prognostic index indicators can be used to give an estimate of the risks of seizure recurrence following AED withdrawal (see Tables 2 and 3). þ The question of continued treatment or AED withdrawal should be discussed with people with epilepsy, who are at least two years seizure free, so that they can make an informed choice. Factors to be discussed should include driving, employment, fear and risks of further seizures and concerns about prolonged AED treatment. þ n n The rate of withdrawal of AEDs should be slow, usually over a few months, and longer with barbiturates and benzodiazepines. One drug should be withdrawn at a time. 13 Table 2: Prognostic index for recurrence of seizures after remission of epilepsy for patients taking only one antiepileptic drug (AED) Risk of seizure recurrence by two years (%) Period free from seizures Seizure history* TC 2 years My Oth TC 4 years My Oth TC 6 years My Oth TC 8 years My Oth TC 10 years My Oth TC 15 years My Oth Current EEG unavailable 35 60 50 75 25 45 20 40 35 60 15 30 20 35 30 55 15 25 20 35 25 50 15 25 15 35 25 50 10 25 15 30 25 45 10 25 Current EEG abnormal 35 60 50 80 25 50 25 45 35 60 15 35 20 40 30 55 15 30 20 35 30 50 15 25 20 35 25 50 15 25 15 30 25 45 10 25 Current EEG normal 30 55 45 70 20 40 20 35 30 55 15 30 15 30 25 45 10 25 15 30 25 45 10 20 15 30 25 45 10 20 15 25 20 40 10 20 top figure=patient continues with AED bottom figure=slow withdrawal of AED No seizures after start of AED therapy Current EEG unavailable 25 45 40 65 20 35 15 30 25 45 10 25 15 25 20 40 10 20 15 25 20 40 10 20 10 25 20 35 10 20 10 20 20 35 10 15 Current EEG abnormal 25 50 40 65 20 35 15 35 25 50 10 25 15 30 25 40 10 20 15 25 20 40 10 20 15 25 20 40 10 20 10 25 20 35 10 20 Current EEG normal 20 40 35 60 15 30 15 30 20 40 10 20 10 25 20 35 10 20 10 20 20 35 10 15 10 20 15 35 10 15 10 20 15 30 10 20 *TC: history of idiopathic or secondary generalised tonic-clonic seizures My: history of myoclonic seizures with tonic-clonic seizures (myoclonic seizures rarely occur alone) Oth: history of seizures other than tonic-clonic or myoclonic 14 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS Seizures after start of AED therapy 15 3 TREATMENT Table 3: Prognostic index for recurrence of seizures after remission of epilepsy for patients taking more than one antiepileptic drug (AED) Risk of seizure recurrence by two years (%) Period free from seizures Seizure history* 2 years TC My Oth 4 years TC My Oth 6 years TC My Oth 8 years TC My Oth 10 years TC My Oth 15 years TC My Oth Seizures after start of AED therapy Current EEG unavailable 50 75 65 75 40 65 35 60 50 75 25 45 30 55 45 70 20 40 25 50 40 70 20 40 25 50 40 65 20 35 25 45 35 65 20 35 Current EEG abnormal 50 80 70 90 40 65 35 60 50 80 25 50 30 55 45 75 25 40 30 50 40 70 20 40 25 50 40 70 20 40 25 45 40 65 20 35 Current EEG normal 45 70 60 85 35 60 30 55 45 70 20 40 25 45 40 65 20 35 25 45 35 60 20 35 25 45 35 60 15 35 20 40 35 60 15 30 No seizures after start of AED therapy Current EEG unavailable 40 65 55 80 30 50 25 45 40 65 20 35 20 40 35 60 15 30 20 40 30 55 15 30 20 35 30 55 15 30 20 35 30 50 15 25 Current EEG abnormal 40 65 55 85 30 55 25 50 40 65 20 35 25 40 35 60 15 30 20 40 30 55 10 30 20 40 30 55 15 30 20 35 30 55 15 25 Current EEG normal 35 60 50 75 25 45 20 40 35 60 15 30 25 35 30 55 15 25 20 35 25 50 15 25 15 35 25 50 10 25 15 30 25 45 10 25 *TC: history of idiopathic or secondary generalised tonic-clonic seizures My: history of myoclonic seizures with tonic-clonic seizures (myoclonic seizures rarely occur alone) Oth: history of seizures other than tonic-clonic or myoclonic top figure=patient continues with AED bottom figure=slow withdrawal of AED DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 3.8 PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY A variety of treatment types has been used in the psychological management of epilepsy.148 There is evidence that seizures may respond to operant and/or classical conditioning and that seizure spread may be inhibited by the patients own intervention, either by interruption strategies or EEG biofeedback. Anxiety or stress may precipitate seizures, possibly through hyperventilation.149 Treatments aimed at reducing anxiety may reduce seizure frequency150-154 and are free of significant side effects. Psychological symptoms associated with epilepsy may merit treatment in their own right.155 B 3.9 1+ 2++ 2+ 3 Psychological treatments are not an alternative to pharmacological treatments, but their use can be considered in patients with poorly controlled seizures. COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY FOR EPILEPSY Complementary therapy is increasingly popular with patients, who may use this in addition to conventional medication.156,157 The term covers a wide variety of treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, osteopathy and yoga. There is no evidence that these improve seizure control.158,159 Patients should be asked if they are using any complementary medicines and warned about the possibility of adverse effects. Problems may arise with the use of some herbal medicines because of interaction with prescribed medication. The potential reduction of the plasma concentrations of carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin should be noted if St Johns Wort is used concomitantly.160 The British National Formulary advises against this. Caution is also advised in the use of evening primrose oil but the evidence for this is less robust. 4 Some aromatherapy preparations (eg hyssop, rosemary, sweet fennel, sage and wormwood) may have an alerting effect on the brain and so may exacerbate seizures.161,162 3.10 SURGICAL REFERRAL Neurosurgical procedures are an effective treatment for some patients with epilepsy resistant to drug treatment.163,164 Patients can be classified as probably having drug resistant epilepsy once they have failed to obtain seizure control with two appropriate AEDs given in adequate dosage (see Section 3.3).72 It is important that surgery be considered as soon as it is established that the epilepsy is drug resistant, as the benefits will be greater in younger patients. Some neurosurgical procedures involve resection of part of the brain, and the aim is to obtain complete seizure freedom. For the most commonly performed procedures, involving anterior and medial temporal lobe resection, about 70% of patients will become seizure free.165 Other procedures are palliative and include corpus callosotomy, subpial transection and vagus nerve stimulation.166 Assessment for suitability for surgery should be performed in a specialist unit. For each individual the potential benefits of improved seizure control, quality of life and possible reduction in antiepileptic medication need to balanced against the risks of the surgical procedure. 3.11 B Referral for assessment for neurosurgical treatment should be considered if the epilepsy is drug resistant. D Assessment as to suitability for a potentially curative resective procedure should be made before consideration of palliative procedures such as vagus nerve stimulation. 1+ MANAGEMENT OF STATUS EPILEPTICUS Status epilepticus has been defined as a condition in which epileptic activity persists for 30 minutes or more, causing a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, ....167 Emergency treatment should be sought or given by carers of people with epilepsy once a seizure has persisted, or there are serial seizures, for more than five minutes. Generalised tonic-clonic status epilepticus is a medical emergency with significant morbidity and mortality, which can 16 3 3 TREATMENT often be attributed to inadequate or delayed treatment.168-170 Other types of status epilepticus (including simple partial, complex partial and absence status epilepticus) are often associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment, but have a much lower risk of morbidity. Prompt and accurate differentiation of status epilepticus from pseudo-status epilepticus and other non-epileptic disorders is crucial if inappropriate treatment and iatrogenic morbidity are to be avoided.168,171 EEG recording may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and to assess control, when seizures are clinically subtle (eg in partial status, or following treatment of tonic-clonic status epilepticus).172 3.11.1 GENERALISED TONIC-CLONIC STATUS EPILEPTICUS Recommendations for treatment are based on two large prospective, randomised trials of the management of status epilepticus173,174 and on small or uncontrolled studies, physiological principles and pharmacokinetic considerations.167,175-180 Intravenous lorazepam and diazepam are both effective and safe in controlling tonic-clonic status epilepticus, when administered by paramedics, prior to transport to hospital, with a trend in favour of lorazepam. 173 Intravenous lorazepam, phenobarbital and diazepam plus phenytoin are all effective initial treatments on hospital admission, with a trend again in favour of lorazepam, which is significantly more effective than phenytoin alone.174 Lorazepam has the advantage over diazepam of a much longer duration of action, but its use in the community is limited by the need for refrigerated storage. There should be a high level of awareness of the risk of respiratory depression. Additional maintenance treatment is required following initial use of either benzodiazepine. Fosphenytoin is less irritant to veins than phenytoin and can be administered more rapidly (but still needs to be given slowly). 1++ 3 4 IMMEDIATE MEASURES D In the community or in hospital, patients with generalised tonic-clonic status epilepticus should be managed immediately as follows (with local protocols being in place): n secure airway n give oxygen n assess cardiac and respiratory function n secure IV access in large veins. A Give lorazepam 4mg IV or diazepam 10 mg IV if lorazepam is unavailable. This can be repeated in hospital after 10 minutes if there is no response. If there is a delay in gaining IV access in the community: give diazepam 10-20mg rectally (rectal solution or IV solution). D In hospital: n collect blood for full blood count, urea and electrolyte, liver function tests, calcium, glucose, clotting, AED levels and storage for later analyses n measure blood gases to assess extent of acidosis n establish aetiology. Give 50ml 50% glucose IV if there is any suggestion of hypoglycaemia and IV thiamine (given as Pabrinex two pairs of ampoules) if there is any suggestion of alcohol abuse or impaired nutritional status. WITHIN 30 MINUTES D For sustained control in patients with established epilepsy, within 30 minutes: give usual AED treatment orally or by nasogastric tube (or IV if necessary for phenytoin, sodium valproate and phenobarbital). n B For sustained control in other patients or if seizures continue, within 30 minutes: n give fosphenytoin in a dose of 18mg/kg phenytoin equivalent (PE) IV, up to 150mg/ min with ECG monitoring; or phenytoin 18mg/kg IV, 50mg/min with ECG monitoring or phenobarbital 15mg/kg IV, 100mg/min. Rates of infusion may need to be reduced if hypotension or arrythmia occur or in elderley or renal/ hepatic impairment. þ Clear policies should be in place to avoid confusion between doses, formulations, routes and rates of administration of fosphenytoin and phenytoin. 17 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES If status epilepticus persists the patient needs to be admitted to an intensive treatment unit (ITU) and anaesthetised with EEG monitoring. Midazolam, pentobarbital (unlicensed), propofol or thiopentone are most commonly used in these circumstances.180 D 3.11.2 If status persists, then within 60 minutes: n admit to ITU and administer general anaesthesia n monitor using EEG to assess seizure control n refer for specialist advice. NON-CONVULSIVE STATUS EPILEPTICUS D 3.11.3 Patients with non-convulsive status epilepticus should be managed as follows: n maintain or reinstate usual oral AED treatment n consider lorazepam 4mg IV or diazepam 10 mg IV n refer for specialist advice. PATIENTS WITH RECURRENT PROLONGED OR SERIAL SEIZURES IN THE COMMUNITY Carers of patients with recurrent episodes of serial seizures, or prolonged seizures may be able to terminate the episodes and perhaps prevent the development of status epilepticus by the administration of rectal diazepam 10-20mg.181,182 An administration protocol should be followed (see Section 3.13).183,184 Buccal or intranasal midazolam has also been used as a more convenient (but unlicensed) alternative, mainly in children, and needs further assessment.185,186 A 3.12 1+ 13 Patients with recurrent prolonged or serial seizures in the community should be initially managed by carers who should give diazepam 10-20mg rectally according to an agreed protocol (protocols must include advice on when to transfer to hospital). MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITY AND EPILEPSY People with learning disability and epilepsy should have access to the same range of investigations and treatment as the rest of the population.187,188 The high prevalence of epilepsy associated with learning disability is at its greatest (about 50%) in people with severe disability and cerebral palsy.189 Quality of life may be affected because of injuries sustained during seizures and because of the side effects of medication.190 An excess mortality has also been reported.191 In some adults who have learning disability it may be difficult to distinguish epilepsy from psychiatric illness, emotional and behavioural outbursts.188,192 Where doubts exist, video recording of the episode may help to secure diagnosis, with appropriate consent. Clinical guidelines exist for the management of epilepsy in adults with an intellectual disability.193 Treatment may need to be given under the provisions of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 if the person cannot give informed consent. Seizure freedom is an appropriate endpoint for many patients with learning disability and epilepsy. D 18 4 In the management of people with learning disability and epilepsy: n adequate time should be allowed for the consultation n the carer should know the patient and bring relevant information on seizure type, frequency, possible side effects of medication, general health and behaviour to the consultation n information in an accessible form should be available to clients and carers n there should be a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, delivered by professionals with an expertise in epilepsy, to improve quality of life. Community learning disability nurses have an important role in liaising between the specialist services and clients and carers. 4 3 TREATMENT 3.13 ADVICE ON RECTAL DIAZEPAM OR EQUIVALENT EMERGENCY MEDICATION Rectal diazepam is a relatively safe and effective medication for the control of serial and/or prolonged seizures in patients in the community. Parents and carers who have been trained in the procedure can administer the medication as a first aid measure by following clear written guidelines set by the prescribing doctor. 4 Recognised training should be given to carers and updated at regular intervals; a care plan should be used to ensure consistency of treatment.183,184,194 3.14 D All carers of patients with learning disability and epilepsy who may require rectal diazepam, should receive recognised training in its administration. Retraining should take place every two years. D A care plan should be drawn up in consultation with the GP and/or specialist service, used by everyone working with the individual client, and reviewed at regular intervals. D Adequate support and instruction should be given to families. DRUGS WHICH EXACERBATE EPILEPTIC SEIZURES Drugs may occasionally precipitate seizures particularly in patients with epilepsy or other risk factors.195 Commonly used drugs are listed in Table 4 (causality is not always certain and may be multifactorial).196-205 4 Table 4: Drugs which may precipitate epileptic seizures Aminophylline/theophylline Amphetamines Analgesics eg tramadol Antibiotics eg penicillins, cephalosporins, quinolones Antidepressants Anticholinergics eg benzatropine Anti-emetics eg prochlorperazine Antipsychotics eg chlorpromazine Baclofen Bupropion [Zyban ®] Cholinesterase inhibitors eg donepezil Ciclosporin Cocaine Isoniazid Ketamine Lidocaine (lignocaine) Lithium Mefloquine Methylene dioxymethamfetamine (ecstasy) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (especially in combination with quinolone antibiotics) Opioids eg diamorphine, pethidine Oral contraceptives Vincristine Mechanisms for triggering seizures may include: n n n n n lowering of seizure threshold - this is usually dose/plasma concentration dependent and factors such as renal impairment (eg pethidine) or coadministration of interacting drugs (eg ciprofloxacin/theophylline) may contribute decrease in AED levels via pharmacokinetic drug interactions (eg hepatic microsomal enzyme induction with rifampicin) effects secondary to other medical causes precipitated by drugs eg drug-induced hyponatraemia or serotonin syndrome individual AEDs which themselves may cause worsening of some types of seizures94 drug withdrawal eg from AEDs, alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and baclofen.206,207 þ 3 4 All healthcare professionals should be vigilant for prescription of drugs that may cause or exacerbate seizures in patients with epilepsy. 19 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS þ 3.15 A wide variety of drugs has been reported to precipitate or potentiate seizures in patients with or without a history of epilepsy. This does not preclude their use when indicated in patients with epilepsy and supported by a risk-benefit assessment. Common examples include: n antidepressants, when a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI, eg sertraline, citalopram) may be a reasonable choice n antipsychotics, when drugs with lower seizure risk such as haloperidol, risperidone, sulpiride should be used in preference to drugs thought to have higher risk such as clozapine and chlorpromazine n antimalarials, when chloroquine and mefloquine are unsuitable for malaria prophylaxis.The current guidelines from the Malaria Reference Laboratory (included in the British National Formulary) should be consulted to choose an appropriate alternative.208 MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY IN THE PERIOPERATIVE PERIOD Loss of seizure control due to missed oral medication can occur in the context of surgery, labour, and when there is difficulty in swallowing. Table 5 lists some alternative routes of AED administration. Sometimes changes in drug doses or frequency will be necessary due to pharmacokinetic differences between formulations. Table 5: Alternative methods of AED administration AED Carbamazepine Phenytoin Gabapentin Lamotrigine Valproate Topiramate Vigabatrin Phenobarbital Primidone Tiagabine Alternative administration Liquid or suppositories (dose/frequency amendment required) Intravenous or liquid phenytoin; intravenous or intramuscular fosphenytoin* Capsule contents can be administered via enteral feeding tube (unlicensed) Dispersible tablets can be administered via enteral feeding tube Intravenous, liquid, or suppositories (unlicensed) Sprinkle capsules ® Powder Liquid; intravenous or intra-muscular injection Liquid Crush tablets can be administered via enteral feeding tube (unlicensed) *safety advantage over intravenous route 20 þ Healthcare professionals should consider the possible consequences of missed AED doses when planning hospital admission. þ AEDs should be administered by alternative routes or by giving additional doses as appropriate. When patients have been designated nil by mouth prior to surgery, they should still be given their usual oral AED unless absorption is impaired. þ When a prolonged problem with administration of drugs not available parenterally is anticipated, and oral or enteral administration is not possible, consideration should be given to seizure prophylaxis with parenterally available agents. 4 CONTRACEPTION, PREGNANCY AND HRT 4 Contraception, pregnancy and HRT Women with epilepsy, who are of childbearing age, need additional advice about issues such as contraception and pregnancy. The choice of epilepsy medication for women may be influenced by factors that include potential teratogenicity of the AED, interactions with the oral contraceptive and cosmetic side effects. 4.1 CONTRACEPTION Many pregnancies in women with epilepsy are unplanned.209 þ 4.1.1 Advice on contraception should be given before young women are sexually active. Women with epilepsy should be advised to plan their pregnancies. COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVE (COC) Women taking AEDs which induce hepatic enzymes (see Table 6) are at increased risk of breakthrough bleeding and COC failure, estimated at up to 7 per 100 woman years, due to accelerated oestrogen metabolism.210-212 Current guidelines recommend a COC containing a minimum of 50micrograms oestrogen to reduce this risk, increasing to 80 or 100micrograms if breakthrough bleeding occurs.213,214 Even with these measures the risk of pregnancy remains high and expert opinion advises tricycling ie taking three packs of the high dose COC consecutively and reducing pill-free days to four.215 Enzyme induction persists up to four weeks after the AED is withdrawn.216 AEDs which do not induce hepatic enzymes do not alter the efficacy of the COC. þ If a patient is using oral contraception, an AED that does not induce hepatic enzymes is preferable. D When the combined oral contraceptive is given with an enzyme-inducing AED, one containing a minimum of 50micrograms of oestrogen should be used; women should be warned that its efficacy is reduced and barrier methods of contraception should also be used if maximal contraceptive effect is required. D If breakthrough bleeding occurs with 50micrograms of oestrogen the dose should be increased and tricycling of the combined oral contraceptive should be considered. 24 Table 6: Action of AEDs on hepatic enzymes AEDs which induce hepatic enzymes carbamazepine217 oxcarbazepine218 phenobarbital219 phenytoin217 primidone topiramate220 4.1.2 Non-enzyme inducing AEDs acetazolamide benzodiazepines ethosuximide gabapentin221 lamotrigine222 levetiracetam tiagabine223 valproate224 vigabatrin223 PROGESTERONE-ONLY CONTRACEPTION Progesterone metabolism is increased by enzyme-inducing AEDs and the efficacy of the progesterone-only oral contraceptive cannot be guaranteed with these. Medroxyprogesterone (DepoProvera) can be used with enzyme-inducing AEDs but the efficacy may be reduced after ten weeks. Implants of progesterone are not effective if given with enzyme-inducing AEDs.225 4 21 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 4.1.3 D The progesterone-only oral contraceptive is not recommended for women taking enzymeinducing AEDs. D Depot injections of progesterone may be used with enzyme-inducing AEDs but should be given every 10 weeks. D Progesterone implants are not suitable for women taking enzyme-inducing AEDs. EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION Levonorgestrel 750micrograms two tablets taken not more than 12 hours apart is probably inadequate emergency contraception for women taking enzyme-inducing AEDs.226,296 D 4.2 4 The dose of levonorgestrel for emergency contraception should be increased to 1.5mg and 750micrograms 12 hours apart in women taking enzyme-inducing AEDs. PRECONCEPTUAL COUNSELLING Epilepsy is common in women of child-bearing age and exposure to AEDs occurs in approximately 1 in 250 pregnancies.227 Complications of pregnancy, mean birth weight and perinatal mortality are similar to those in the general population.209,228 Many women with epilepsy are not given preconceptual counselling and those that are, often forget it.209 4.2.1 þ Women with epilepsy should be reassured that most will have a normal pregnancy and delivery. þ Information about the risk of epilepsy and AEDs in pregnancy and the need for folate and vitamin K should be given to all women of childbearing age and repeated at review appointments. RISKS TO THE FETUS FROM MATERNAL EPILEPSY Seizure frequency increases during pregnancy in between a quarter and a third of women247 due to a number of factors including changes in pharmacokinetics of AEDs and poor adherence to treatment because of concerns about adverse effects on the fetus.209 The long term effect of tonic-clonic seizures on the fetus is not well established although the associated hypoxia and acidosis may adversely affect the obstetric outcome, particularly if the seizures are prolonged. Risks to the woman of injury and, rarely, death in a seizure remain in pregnancy.229 D 4.2.2 Women should be made aware of the risks of uncontrolled seizures both to themselves and to the fetus. RISKS TO THE FETUS FROM ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS Major and minor fetal malformations occur more commonly in infants exposed to AEDs during pregnancy.209,230-232 The overall risk of major fetal malformation in any pregnancy is approximately 2%. This increases two to three fold in women taking a single AED. Current data suggest that the risk with valproate may be higher than with carbamazepine or lamotrigine.233 Polytherapy, particularly with certain combinations of drugs, carries a much higher risk (up to 24% in women taking four AEDs). The most common major malformations associated with established AEDs are: neural tube defects (valproate 3%, carbamazepine 1%), orofacial defects, congenital heart abnormalities and hypospadias.230,234 The risk of minor malformations including hypertelorism, epicanthic folds and digital hypoplasia is increased with AED therapy in pregnancy.231 22 3 2+ 2+ 4 4 CONTRACEPTION, PREGNANCY AND HRT Fetal anticonvulsant syndromes comprising typical dysmorphic craniofacial appearances and a variety of musculoskeletal abnormalities have been described in association with AED treatment in pregnancy.235,236 Although individual drugs have been associated with specific patterns, there is overlap between them and genetic factors may influence susceptibility.237 3 4 Whether AEDs taken during pregnancy can affect the childs intellectual development is uncertain but concern about the effects of valproate on infant development has recently been raised.238,239 3 At present there is insufficient evidence on which to base advice about the risks of most of the newer AEDs (gabapentin, levetiracetam, tiagabine, topiramate, vigabatrin) in pregnancy. Current data on lamotrigine show a malformation rate of 3% (95% confidence interval 1.5-5.7).233 4.2.3 þ Where possible women should have their epilepsy treatment reviewed before becoming pregnant. They should be advised about the risks of seizures and effects of AEDs on the fetus. þ If the womans epilepsy is in remission, the risk of recurrent seizures is low and the woman is aware of the consequences of recurrent seizures, consideration may be given to withdrawal of AEDs prior to conception. C If AEDs are to be used in pregnancy the relative risks of seizures and fetal malformation should be discussed with the woman. C Whenever possible, a woman should conceive on the lowest effective dose of one AED appropriate for her epilepsy syndrome. If she has good seizure control and presents already pregnant, there is probably little to be gained by altering her AEDs. D Any woman who has given birth to a child with a malformation while taking AEDs should be offered review by an epilepsy specialist before becoming pregnant again. þ All pregnant women with epilepsy, whether or not they are on medication, should be notified, with their consent, to the UK Pregnancy Register (Tel: 0800 389 1248). FOLIC ACID Many pregnancies in women with epilepsy are unplanned, very few women take folate in the correct dose at the appropriate time and advice given about malformation risk and folate is often forgotten.209 Women taking AEDs, particularly valproate, are at greater risk of having a child with neural tube defects (NTD) and other malformations which may be related to altered folate metabolism.240,241 It is recommended that all women should take daily folic acid from preconception and during the first trimester of pregnancy to reduce the incidence of NTD.242-244 While there is no evidence to show that folate can reduce the incidence of AED-associated malformations, current guidelines recommend that a high dose of folate, 5mg daily, be given from pre-conception to the end of the first trimester.213 D 4.2.4 2+ 4 All women with epilepsy should be prescribed a daily dose of 5mg folic acid from preconception until the end of the first trimester. VITAMIN K1 Current guidelines recommend maternal Vitamin K1 supplementation with phytomenadione 10mg daily from 36 weeks of pregnancy for all mothers taking enzyme-inducing AEDs (see Table 6).245 However, the small risk of haemorrhagic disease of the newborn is not increased in infants of mothers taking enzyme-inducing AEDs provided the infant receives 1mg Vitamin K1 intramuscularly at birth.246 2+ 3 23 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 4.3 C All infants born to mothers taking AEDs should be given Vitamin K1 1mg intramuscularly at birth. D If there are additional risk factors for haemorrhagic disease of the newborn (eg maternal liver disease, anticipated premature delivery) oral vitamin K 1 (phytomenadione 10mg daily) should also be given in the last month of pregnancy. PREGNANCY In a maternity unit with 5,000 births per year, there will be around 20 pregnancies in women with epilepsy.227 Pregnancy may be associated with changes in seizure frequency requiring alteration in AEDs.247 Infants exposed to AEDs in utero are at higher risk of major and minor abnormalities. Ultrasound scanning can detect most major structural abnormalities if performed at 18 weeks gestation by skilled sonographers.248 3 4 Enzyme-inducing AEDs (see Table 6) accelerate metabolism of steroids, including betamethasone, given to mothers to reduce the risk of neonatal respiratory distress in preterm infants.249 4.3.1 þ Pregnancies in women with epilepsy should be supervised in an obstetric clinic with access to a physician specialising in epilepsy. þ Seizure frequency should be monitored carefully during the pregnancy and adjustments made to AED doses to minimise the number of seizures, particularly generalised tonicclonic seizures. þ Detailed ultrasound scanning for detection of fetal abnormality should be done at 18 weeks. D If preterm labour is threatened in women taking enzyme-inducing AEDs, 48mg betamethasone (double the normal dose) should be given over 48 hours. AED DOSES AND BLOOD LEVEL MONITORING DURING PREGNANCY Pregnancy is associated with pharmacokinetic changes including: an increase in volume of distribution, an increase in drug metabolism through hepatic microsomal enzyme induction, a reduction in serum albumin concentration and an increase in renal clearance.250 There is a tendency for plasma levels of AEDs to fall during pregnancy251 but there is no evidence to support routine increase of AED doses. The value of plasma AED monitoring in pregnancy is questionable; AED levels correlate poorly with seizure control except in the case of phenytoin. Total plasma levels may be misleading and the relationship between free levels and seizure control is complex.252 Most published reviews and consensus guidelines recommend avoiding routine AED monitoring in pregnancy.245,253,254 Plasma level monitoring may occasionally be of use when there is concern about toxicity or adherence to therapy.255 24 D Dose of AEDs should not be increased routinely in pregnancy but should only be adjusted on clinical grounds. þ Other factors affecting AED levels in pregnancy, eg vomiting, should be considered if seizure control deteriorates. þ Routine monitoring of AED concentrations is not indicated. Measurement can be useful in the following circumstances: adjustment of phenytoin dose, assessment of adherence and toxicity. þ Interpretation of AED blood levels is best done by a doctor specialising in the management of epilepsy. 3 4 4 CONTRACEPTION, PREGNANCY AND HRT 4.4 LABOUR Most women with epilepsy will have a normal labour and vaginal delivery 209,228 but stress, pain, sleep deprivation, over-breathing and dehydration increase the risk of seizures during labour. 4.4.1 þ Women with epilepsy should be delivered in a consultant led maternity unit and one to one midwifery care given during labour. þ Factors predisposing to increased risk of seizures in labour should be reduced as much as possible and there should be a low threshold for epidural anaesthesia. D The usual oral AED medication should be continued during labour and postnatally. In women unable to tolerate oral medication, AEDs can be given by other routes. þ An elective Caesarean section should be considered if there have been frequent tonicclonic or prolonged complex partial seizures towards the end of pregnancy. 3 4 SEIZURES IN LABOUR Up to five percent of women with epilepsy will have a tonic-clonic seizure during labour or the puerperium.247 In women with no prior history of epilepsy, eclampsia is the most common cause of seizures in labour. If tonic-clonic seizures occur during labour, maternal hypoxia, fetal hypoxia and acidosis will result. Status epilepticus (see section 3.11) in labour is associated with maternal as well as fetal mortality. 3 There are no clinical trials to inform choice of emergency treatment of seizures in labour. 4.5 D Seizures in labour should be terminated as soon as possible using intravenous lorazepam or diazepam. If seizures persist, manage as for status epilepticus. þ Maternal airway and oxygenation should be maintained at all times. þ If there is doubt whether a seizure in labour is due to eclampsia or epilepsy, then, in addition to intravenous lorazepam or diazepam, a slow intravenous bolus of 4grams magnesium sulphate over 5-10 minutes followed by 1gram/hour for 24 hours is recommended. þ Delivery should be expedited following a seizure during labour, and neonatal expertise should be available. ADVICE FOR MOTHERS POSTPARTUM Following labour, physiological changes associated with pregnancy gradually remit and blood levels of AEDs may rise; if an increase in AED dose was made in pregnancy this may lead to toxicity postpartum and AED doses need to be adjusted accordingly. The postnatal check provides an opportunity to examine the infant for any abnormality and to discuss contraception and preconception advice for future pregnancies with the mother. Caring for a young baby is often associated with fatigue and sleep deprivation, both of which can provoke seizures. Although injuries to infants from maternal seizures are thought to be uncommon, babies of women with epilepsy, especially those with myoclonic epilepsies, are at risk. Bathing infants is potentially hazardous if the mother has seizures associated with loss of awareness. þ The pregnant woman who has epilepsy should be encouraged to plan ahead before the birth of her child, particularly in relation to breastfeeding and safe practice in caring for the child. The safety of the infant should be paramount. þ After the birth a review of the mothers AED therapy should be undertaken. 25 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 4.6 þ Advice regarding contraception, the need for planning future pregnancies, folate requirements and risks associated with AEDs in pregnancy should be offered at the postnatal visit. þ Extra support should be available to mothers who have a physical or learning disability. ADVICE ABOUT BREASTFEEDING Blood levels of AEDs in infants who are breastfed are probably lower than in utero provided the infant is healthy and born close to term. Accumulation of AEDs may occur in the neonate as mechanisms for drug elimination are not fully developed at birth. AEDs will pass into the breast milk at varying levels but breastfeeding and subsequent weaning usually allow for a gradual withdrawal.256-258 4.7 þ All mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed and receive support from their health visitor, midwife and GP. þ The possibility of sedation should be considered in infants of mothers taking phenobarbital. RISKS OF INHERITING EPILEPSY Chromosomal and single gene disorders causing epilepsy are rare, and the genetics of most epilepsies are complex with multiple genes involved and interaction with environmental factors. The risks of passing on epilepsy are higher for mothers with idiopathic than with symptomatic epilepsies. 4.7.1 IDIOPATHIC GENERALISED EPILEPSIES (IGE) Based on retrospective studies the risk of any type of seizure in a child of a mother with IGE is 48%; in a child of a father with IGE, the risk is only slightly higher than that of the general population.259 When more than one first degree relative is affected the risk of a child being affected will be higher, and may sometimes approach 30% or more. Multiple genes influence the phenotypes of idiopathic generalized epilepsy.260 The genetic susceptibility in IGE increases the risk of epilepsy associated with cerebral palsy as well as of IGE. The genetic contribution to epilepsy appears limited to epilepsy with onset aged under 35 years.261,262 Photosensitive epilepsy is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with agedependent penetrance of the photoparoxysmal response. During maximum penetrance between the ages of 5 and 15, 50% of children of a photosensitive parent, will be photosensitive. 263 4.7.2 FOCAL EPILEPSIES In relatives of patients with symptomatic focal epilepsy, there is no evidence for a significantly increased risk of epilepsy.261,262 In idiopathic focal epilepsies the risks are higher. For example in autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy the risk of a child developing this disorder may be up to 50% depending on penetrance.264 4.7.3 2+ 3 4 FEBRILE CONVULSIONS Susceptibility to febrile convulsions also follows a multifactorial polygenic mode of inheritance with a maternal preponderance in transmission. There is a 27% risk in a child with an affected mother and 6% with an affected father.265 Population based studies indicate that 2-7% of children with febrile seizures will go on to develop epilepsy with afebrile seizures, the risk being higher with complicated febrile convulsions.266 In general the risk of epilepsy developing in the children of parents with epilepsy is low. D 26 2+ 3 4 A comprehensive family history of epilepsy should be taken and expert advice on the genetics of epilepsy should be available as required. 3 4 4 CONTRACEPTION, PREGNANCY AND HRT 4.8 HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY (HRT) Information about the effects of the menopause on epilepsy is limited but there is evidence to suggest that some women experience an increase in seizure frequency at this time.267 HRT may improve seizure control in those who previously experienced catamenial epilepsy (seizures with menstruation) but others may experience an increase in their seizure frequency on HRT.268,269 The benefit of HRT (oestrogen with or without progesterone) in reducing the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture is well recognised.270 Women who have taken AEDs are known to be at increased risk of hip fractures.142 2+ 3 4 Enzyme-inducing AEDs (see Table 6) reduce the efficacy of standard doses of HRT. D Women should be aware that their seizure pattern may change at the time of the menopause. D HRT should be prescribed for the same indications as in women who do not have epilepsy. 27 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 5 Models of care 5.1 MODELS OF PRIMARY AND SHARED CARE FOR EPILEPSY There are few models of care for epilepsy in primary care described in the literature. These have been practice-based descriptions but there has been no general adoption of any particular model. Several descriptive studies have indicated the shortfalls of epilepsy management in primary care. Only 37% of epileptic patients have consulted their GP about their illness within the last year, with little evidence of any regular review being undertaken and counselling about non-clinical aspects... is ... inadequate.271 Such shortfalls are reflected in descriptive studies of patients views. Only around a fifth of patients felt that their care is being (properly) shared between hospital and general practice, and provision of information (about epilepsy) is perceived to be poor at all levels.272 In conclusion general practice care for epilepsy is still reactive.273 However, most people with epilepsy (67.6%) would prefer their care to be community based, especially older patients and patients with mild epilepsy.272 Also 61% of patients would prefer their care to be shared between primary and secondary services.273 The primary care needs of patients with epilepsy have been well stated in a UK epilepsy needs document.274 These include the suggestion of a structured annual review, as has now become common with other chronic diseases, such as asthma and diabetes. Suggested tasks for primary care are listed in the document. Implementation of such management in primary care would be facilitated by the deployment of specialist epilepsy nurses, who can liaise between primary care and hospital care, and promote a shared care model.272 28 D A structured management system for epilepsy should be established in primary care. As with other chronic diseases, an annual review is desirable. D The annual review would be facilitated and enhanced by the deployment of specialist epilepsy nurses, linking primary care to the hospital system (shared care). D The shared care management system adopted should seek to: n identify all patients with epilepsy, register/record basic demographic data, validate the classification of seizures and syndromes n make the provisional diagnosis in new patients, provide appropriate information and refer to a specialist centre n monitor seizures, aiming to improve control by adjustment of medication or rereferral to hospital services n minimise side effects of medications and their interactions n facilitate structured withdrawal from medication where appropriate, and if agreed by the patient n introduce non-clinical interventions, and disseminate information to help improve quality of life for patients with epilepsy n address specific womens issues and needs of patients with learning disabilities. þ Healthcare professionals, at all levels, should be aware of the valuable contribution which can be made by Voluntary Sector Field Workers. 3 5 MODELS OF CARE 5.2 MODELS OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY CARE FOR EPILEPSY 5.2.1 ROLE OF EPILEPSY CLINICS The need for clinical epilepsy services is outlined in Annex 3. A Cochrane review examined the evidence for the effectiveness of epilepsy clinics in comparison to medical clinics.275 Only one randomised trial was identified and this was excluded on methodological grounds. Therefore, relevant clinical studies have not yet been undertaken to establish the effectiveness of epilepsy clinics. Current preferred practice is for epilepsy clinics to be developed in hospitals. These clinics provide the expertise of epilepsy specialists, epilepsy specialist nurses, access to further specialised investigations and, when necessary, to inpatient facilities. Epilepsy clinics also have important roles in teaching and research in epilepsy. There are two broad roles for epilepsy clinics: n assessment and management of recent-onset epilepsy n care of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Some epilepsy centres have developed further specialisation of the epilepsy clinics such as fasttrack clinics for early diagnosis, clinics for epilepsy in children, in young people, in pregnancy, and in learning disability. 5.3 þ Services should be provided in acute hospitals (or the new Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic Centres (ACADs)) to enable patients with probable recent-onset seizures to be seen within two weeks of onset. þ Hospitals should provide services to review people with drug-resistant epilepsy. þ Subspecialty epilepsy clinics should also be available to meet the needs of specific groups of patients (epilepsy in learning disability, in pregnancy, in adolescence and in potential surgical candidates). ROLE OF EPILEPSY NURSE SPECIALISTS The Joint Epilepsy Council276 noted that epilepsy specialist nurses are cost effective, a point also highlighted by another study.277 Epilepsy nurses can also reduce the length of stay in hospital for people with epilepsy and increase patient satisfaction.277 A Cochrane review concluded that although the potential benefits of epilepsy nurses varied in all studies reviewed, there was a perceived higher quality of care, less time spent on travel, reduction of the waiting times, and better continuity of care noted by the patients who had contact with an epilepsy nurse specialist.278 High-quality studies have not yet been performed to identify the effectiveness of epilepsy specialist nurses. In the studies reviewed, no roles performed by epilepsy nurse specialist were shown to be detrimental. Consensus opinion agrees that they are a fundamental element of a multidisciplinary epilepsy team, working alongside consultants playing a part in the assessment and diagnostic process and alongside counsellors establishing the quality of life impact on the patient as well as giving advice and support.279 2++ 2+ 4 One study showed that patients seen by an epilepsy nurse specialist were more likely to have discussed general epilepsy topics and less likely to report missing taking their medication.280 Patients and carers are also reported to benefit from nurse specialists who were readily accessible and had time to discuss patients problems, and who could act as the patients advocates.281 Another study showed that 70% of patients with epilepsy attending clinics run by epilepsy nurse specialists had previously unidentified problems successfully resolved by the nurse including misdiagnosis, overmedication and lack of awareness of drug side effects.282 The role of epilepsy nurses generally follows the wider role of the specialist nurse and includes: support and information for the patient, carer and family; provision of up-to-date information 29 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS and advice; support and information for the multidisciplinary team involved in the patients care; education for statutory and voluntary organisations and a source of expert knowledge. More specific roles include adjusting medication, ordering relevant tests, and patient review on return clinic visits. Just as it is essential to have a clinician who is a specialist in epilepsy leading the epilepsy unit, having epilepsy nurse specialists can enhance the quality of life for patients and seems to give more of a patient-centred approach to their care. þ 30 Each epilepsy team should include epilepsy nurse specialists. 6 INFORMATION FOR DISCUSSION WITH PATIENTS AND CARERS 6 Information for discussion with patients and carers This section of the guideline is intended to highlight the main issues that healthcare professionals should discuss with patients and carers. It is based on the best available evidence of what is effective. 6.1 ADVICE AND INFORMATION ON EPILEPSY People with epilepsy and carers have a need for clear, accurate and appropriate information and advice. Surveys have reported that up to 90% of patients want more information and felt that they had received little advice about the cause of epilepsy, effects and interactions of drugs and the avoidance of potentially dangerous situations.283,284 Conversely, it is known that patients can forget or fail to take in much of what they are told during clinic visits so written information, helpline telephone numbers and contact details of voluntary organisations should be given to all patients. Almost as important as the quality of information is the manner in which it is given. Many patients prefer talking to an epilepsy nurse or someone from a voluntary organisation with whom they feel more at ease.285 Some information may have to be repeated on different occasions to ensure understanding. A general information leaflet should be given to all patients at the time of diagnosis. Checklists and tests of epilepsy knowledge are available from support organisations. A recent study concluded that information for patients should be suited to their understanding, making adjustments for different socio-cultural contexts.286 It should be noted that children are frequently carers of a parent with epilepsy, and need to be given proper support. Patients with epilepsy place great importance on having a doctor who is approachable, communicative and knowledgeable and on receiving adequate information on their condition.287 3 4 Guidelines for teachers have been produced by Epilepsy Scotland. A recent survey found that there had been little improvement in information provision despite the problem having been highlighted previously.288 It was concluded that reducing the information deficit would significantly reduce the morbidity associated with epilepsy. þ Information should be given in an appropriate manner with sufficient time to answer questions. The type of information given should be recorded in the patient notes. þ Information should be repeated over time and reinforced to ensure understanding. þ Patients should be given information to take home in the most suitable format eg leaflets, factsheets, video or specialised material for people with learning disability, making adjustments for different socio-cultural contexts. D A checklist should be used to help healthcare professionals to give patients and carers the information they need in an appropriate format. 31 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 6.1.1 EXAMPLE INFORMATION CHECKLIST Example checklist that can be used by healthcare professionals to identify what information to give patients and carers: q q q General epilepsy information explanation of what epilepsy is* probable cause explanation of investigative procedures classification of seizures* syndrome epidemiology prognosis* genetics Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)* Antiepileptic drugs choice of drug* efficacy* side effects* adherence* drug interactions* free prescriptions* Seizure triggers lack of sleep* alcohol and recreational drugs* stress* photosensitivity q First Aid general guidelines* status epilepticus q Format appropriate language appropriate size appropriate level of comprehension appropriate format q Issues for women contraception* pre-conception* pregnancy and breastfeeding* menopause q Lifestyle driving regulations* employment education (eg ES guidelines for teachers) leisure relationships safety in the home* q Possible psychosocial consequences perceived stigma* memory loss* depression anxiety maintaining mental well being self esteem* sexual difficulties q Support organisations addresses and telephone numbers of national and local epilepsy organisations* (see Section 6.2) * Items marked with an asterisk are considered essential information. The other material should be given when it is relevant. Patient information is readily available from the websites listed in Section 6.2. 32 6 INFORMATION FOR DISCUSSION WITH PATIENTS AND CARERS 6.2 LIST OF USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS INCLUDING WEB-BASED INFORMATION Epilepsy Scotland 48 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 1JL Helpline: 0808 800 2200 Fax: 0141 419 1709 E-mail: [email protected] Website: The National Society for Epilepsy Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks SL9 0RJ Helpline: 01494 601400 Tel: 01494 601300 Fax: 01494 871927 Website: Epilepsy Bereaved (for the relatives of people who have died from epilepsy) PO Box 112, Wantage, Oxon OX12 8XT Bereavement Support Contact Line -24 hour answering service: 01235 772852 Tel: 01235 772850 Email: [email protected] Website: Quarriers (residential epilepsy assessment centre and information on Quarriers Epilepsy Fieldwork Services) Hunter House, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire PA11 3SX Tel: 01505 616006 Email: [email protected] Website: Epilepsy Action New Anstey House, Gate Way Drive,Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7XY Helpline: 0808 800 5050 Free Fax: 0808 800 5555 Email: [email protected] Website: Enlighten - Action for Epilepsy 5 Coates Place, Edinburgh EH3 7AA Tel: 0131 226 5458 Fax: 0131 220 2855 Email: [email protected] Epilepsy Connections 100 Wellington Street, Glasgow G2 6DH Tel: 0141 248 4125 Fax: 0141 248 5887 Website: Joint Epilepsy Council of the UK and Ireland Tel: 01943 871 852 Website: Epilepsy Pregnancy Register Tel: 0800 3891248 NHS 24 Nurse-led helpline: 08454 24 24 24 33 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 7 Implementation and audit 7.1 LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of national clinical guidelines is the responsibility of local NHS organisations and is an essential part of clinical governance. It is acknowledged that not every guideline can be implemented immediately on publication, but mechanisms should be in place to ensure that the care provided is reviewed against the guideline recommendations and the reasons for any differences assessed and, where appropriate, addressed. These discussions should involve both clinical staff and management. Local arrangements may then be made to implement the national guideline in individual hospitals, units and practices, and to monitor adherence. This may be done by a variety of means including patient-specific reminders, continuing education and training, and clinical audit. Managed Clinical Networks for epilepsy are being developed. 7.2 KEY POINTS FOR AUDIT Diagnosis n n n n n n n n n time to specialist assessment following first seizure proportion of first seizure patients seeing an epilepsy specialist time to EEG time to brain imaging proportion of patients having MRI and CT proportion of patients seeing an epilepsy nurse specialist when diagnosis discussed proportion of patients and carers receiving written information when diagnosis discussed accuracy of diagnosis of epilepsy, seizure classification and epilepsy syndrome classification appropriateness of EEG requests. Treatment n n n n n n n n n proportion in which treatment recommended by a specialist with an interest in epilepsy proportion of patients seizure free number on monotherapy, two, three and four drugs drug appropriate for seizure type(s) information on adverse AED effects given and documented drugs levels only done for appropriate indications discussion of AED withdrawal or continuation in those seizure free more than 2 years surgery considered in those established to be drug resistant existence and use of local protocol for management of status epilepticus. Contraception, pregnancy and HRT n n n n 34 documentation of: - contraceptive advice - preconceptual counselling - risks of epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy - advice about care of baby and breastfeeding proportion of pregnant women taking folic acid appropriately proportion of infants given vitamin K1 at birth proportion of pregnant women receiving appropriate ultrasound scanning. 7 IMPLEMENTATION AND AUDIT Models of care n n n n extent to which data on measures above routinely shared between primary and secondary care proportion of patients in primary care - receiving structured annual review - with documentation within past year of: - seizure frequency - last seizure - drug adverse effects - review of medication access to epilepsy nurse specialist secondary care - availability and speed of access to specialist first seizure clinics - availability and speed of access to specialist epilepsy clinic - availability and speed of access to subspecialty joint clinics (teenage, pregnancy) - availability and speed of access to specialist investigations. 35 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 8 Outcome measures A recent systematic review of methodology and reporting standards for quality of life and behavioural outcome measures in epilepsy found that from 46 RCTs of AEDs, a total of 52 different measures were used. There was a failure to apply such measures in a consistent manner and due to the wide variety of measures used, it is not possible to make valid comparisons between studies and consequently to draw any meaningful conclusions about the effect of AEDs on behaviour or quality of life.289 3 4 The Commission on the Outcome Measurement in Epilepsy (COME report) highlighted that behavioural outcome measures have been used selectively for assessment of therapeutic approaches, assessment of impairments, disabilities and handicaps and assessment of ongoing treatment.290,291 8.1 SEIZURE FREQUENCY The COME report stated that When measured as a continuous variable, seizure frequency is by far the most sensitive measure of efficacy and should be used whenever possible. This information is most commonly gathered through patient diaries, which have been found to vary considerably in quality. Alternatives to the reporting of seizure frequency have included percentage reduction in seizures, the categorisation of seizure frequency into percentage groups or time to first seizure recurrence.290 D 8.2 Assessments should always include seizure frequency and date of last seizure. SEIZURE SEVERITY SCALES With regards to seizure severity, three frequently-used measurement scales were highlighted by COME: The Veterans Administration Seizure Frequency and Rating Scale, The Liverpool Seizure Severity Scale and the National Hospital Seizure Severity Scale. There was little evidence of sensitivity to change and until more data is available no seizure severity scale can be recommended as a standard outcome measure in clinical trials.290 8.3 ASSESSMENT OF THE INTERICTAL STATE- ADVERSE EVENTS A number of Adverse Events scales have been developed. COME highlighted the Veterans Administration Systemic and Neurotoxicity Scale to evaluate common problems caused by AEDs and the Veterans Administration Composite Rating Scale which provides a composite score that represents the patients overall status. The Liverpool Adverse Events Profile covers similar areas and has some evidence of sensitivity to change. COME recommended that further work is required in order to improve and expand the assessment of adverse events. 8.4 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT COME recognised the importance of determining the effects of AEDs on cognition, although clinical investigations to date have been limited due to failures to adhere to basic standards of method, design, analysis and neuropsychological evaluation. A systematic review of RCTs which evaluated neuropsychological outcome of AEDs found that 98 different tests had been used and only five were used in more than one study. Of these, only two test batteries were developed and standardised specifically for epilepsy (Dodrills Neuropsychological Battery and the FePsy system).138 36 4 8 OUTCOME MEASURES 8.5 QUALITY OF LIFE There are three main reasons for difficulty in drawing consistent conclusions from existing quality of life (QoL) research. Firstly, there is a lack of consistency regarding the implementation of QoL measures. A systematic review of methodology of quality of life and behavioural outcome measures in epilepsy, reported that often no reason was provided for test selection and when generic measures were used, there was little evidence of their reliability, validity or sensitivity in this population.289 Secondly, many domains in epilepsy-specific measures are important to people with epilepsy but are not amenable to change during a clinical trial eg driving. Finally, most of the available evidence on QoL measures relates to instrument validation rather than concerning their practical use. Consequently it is difficult to assess the level of change that would be clinically meaningful.289-291 8.6 CONCLUSIONS The COME report concluded that the International League Against Epilepsy should establish clear recommendations for minimum standards for the use of outcome measures in clinical trials and practice. There should be uniformity in the selection of measures with evidence of reliability, validity and sensitivity to change. Reporting of the outcomes should also be standardised. The aims of the measurements, the rationale for selecting a particular measure, the psychometric properties of the scale and its previous application to epilepsy should be considered. Caution should also be taken with regard to the use of outcome measures in routine clinical practice. Indeed, COME states that the assessment of seizure response in routine clinical practice, for the most part, still relies on clinical judgement, a nebulous but pragmatic reality of treating an individual patient.290 In conclusion, there is no single outcome scale that can be recommended for use in clinical practice. þ The assessment of seizure severity, adverse effects and the impact of epilepsy on the quality of life should be considered in assessing individuals in clinical practice. Care should be taken to use appropriate outcome measures. 37 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 9 Development of the guideline 9.1 INTRODUCTION SIGN is a collaborative network of clinicians, other healthcare professionals, and patient organisations, funded by NHS Quality Improvement Scotland. SIGN guidelines are developed by multidisciplinary groups of practising clinicians using a standard methodology based on a systematic review of the evidence. Further details about SIGN and the guideline development methodology are contained in SIGN 50: A Guideline Developers Handbook, available at 9.2 THE GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT GROUP Dr Richard Roberts Chairman Dr Maria Elena Farrugia Secretary Ms Sheena Bevan Professor Martin Brodie Ms Eleanor Caldwell Ms Francesca Chappell Dr Roger Cull Dr Duncan Davidson Dr Rod Duncan Dr Ali El-Ghorr Dr Janet Fitton Dr Linda Gerrie Dr Rod Gibson Dr Ruth Gillham Dr Margaret Jackson Dr Stewart Jarvie Ms Hilary Mounfield Ms Fiona Needleman Ms Angela Norman Dr Anne OHare Dr Mary ORegan Dr Andrew Orr Dr Pauline Robertson Dr Norman Smith Dr Linda Stephen Consultant Neurologist, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Specialist Registrar, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Quarriers Epilepsy Fieldworker, Aberdeen Director, Epilepsy Unit, Western Infirmary, Glasgow Patient Representative, Stirling Information Officer, SIGN Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Consultant Neurologist, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Lead Clinician, West of Scotland Regional Epilepsy Service Programme Manager, SIGN General Practitioner, Strathdon Medical Centre, Aberdeenshire Consultant Neurologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Consultant Neuroradiologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Neuropsychologist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow Consultant Neurologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Clinical Psychologist, Leverndale Hospital, Glasgow Chief Executive, Epilepsy Scotland Senior Pharmacist, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow Epilepsy Nurse Specialist, Ryehill Health Centre, Dundee Consultant Paediatrician, Community Child Health, Edinburgh Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, Glasgow General Practitioner, Montrose Consultant Psychiatrist, Eastern General Hospital, Edinburgh Consultant Obstetrician, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Deputy Director, Epilepsy Unit, Western Infirmary, Glasgow The membership of the guideline development group was confirmed following consultation with the member organisations of SIGN. Declarations of interests were made by all members of the guideline development group. Further details are available from the SIGN Executive. Guideline development and literature review expertise, support, and facilitation were provided by the SIGN Executive. 38 9 DEVELOPMENT OF THE GUIDELINE 9.3 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW The evidence base for this guideline was synthesised in accordance with SIGN methodology. A systematic review of the literature was carried out using an explicit search strategy devised by a SIGN Information Officer. Databases searched include Medline, Embase, Healthstar, Cinahl, PsychINFO, and the Cochrane Library. The year range covered was 1996-2001. Internet searches were carried out on various websites including the New Zealand Guidelines Programme, the UK Health Technology Assessment programme, and the US National Guidelines Clearinghouse. The Medline version of the main search strategies can be found on the SIGN Website, in the section covering supplementary guideline material. The main searches were supplemented by material identified by individual members of the development group. All selected papers were evaluated by two members of the group using standard SIGN methodological checklists before conclusions were considered as evidence. 9.4 CONSULTATION AND PEER REVIEW 9.4.1 NATIONAL OPEN MEETING A national open meeting is the main consultative phase of SIGN guideline development, at which the guideline development group present their draft recommendations for the first time. The national open meeting for this guideline was held on 23 November 2001 and was attended by around 150 representatives of all the key specialties relevant to the guideline. The draft guideline was also available on the SIGN Website for a limited period at this stage to allow those unable to attend the meeting to contribute to the development of the guideline. 9.4.2 SPECIALIST REVIEW The guideline was reviewed in draft form by a panel of independent expert referees, who were asked to comment primarily on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of interpretation of the evidence base supporting the recommendations in the guideline. SIGN is very grateful to all of these experts for their contribution to this guideline. Dr Alan Begg Professor David Chadwick Professor John Duncan Dr Morgan Feely Dr Bill Hall Ms Sharon Hems Dr Frank Johnstone Dr Mike Kerr Ms Jan Maxwell Ms Shirley Maxwell Dr Allan Merry Dr Grahame Mitchell Dr Jim Morrow Ms Alessia Radice Dr John Reid Dr Tim Shallcross Professor Simon Shorvon Dr Matthew Walker General Practitioner, Montrose Consultant in Neurology, Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosugery, Liverpool Consultant in Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London Physician/Clinical Pharmacologist, Leeds General Infirmary General Practitioner, Settle Pharmacy Department, St Johnss Hospital at Howden, Livingston Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Edinburgh Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Clinical Studies Unit, Cardiff Nurse Specialist, Yorkhill NHS Trust Project Coordinator, Epilepsy Connections, Glasgow General Practitioner, Ardrossan General Practitioner, Aultbea Consultant in Neurology, Belfast City Hospital Enlighten - Action for Epilepsy, Edinburgh General Practitioner, Alford Consultant in General Medicine, Caithness General Hospital, Wick Professor of Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London Lecturer in Neurology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, London 39 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS 9.4.3 SIGN EDITORIAL GROUP As a final quality control check, the guideline is reviewed by an Editorial Group comprising the relevant specialty representatives on SIGN Council to ensure that the peer reviewers comments have been addressed adequately and that any risk of bias in the guideline development process as a whole has been minimised. The Editorial Group for this guideline was as follows: Dr David Alexander Professor Gordon Lowe Dr Lesley Macdonald Mrs Fiona McMillan Dr Safia Qureshi Dr Sara Twaddle Professor Joanna Wardlaw Dr Peter Wimpenny British Medical Association Scottish General Practice Committee Chairman of SIGN; Co-Editor Faculty of Public Health Medicine Royal Pharmaceutical Society Programme Director, SIGN; Co-Editor Director of SIGN; Co-Editor Royal College of Radiologists School of Nursing and Midwifery, The Robert Gordon University Each member of the guideline development group then approved the final guideline for publication. 40 ANNEX 1 Annex 1 Differential diagnosis of epileptic seizures This includes: Awake episodes Normal phenomena Behavioural phenomena Paralytic syncope Cardiac arrhythmias Other cardiac disorders Panic attacks Concussive seizures Hypoglycaemia Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) Paroxysmal movement disorders Tonic spasm of multiple sclerosis (MS) Tics Idiopathic drop attacks Migrainous aura Transient global amnesia déjà vu may be normal particularly in people with a learning disability due to impaired autonomic function eg drug effects, autonomic neuropathy especially in middle and older age but can occur in the young, may have prodromal palpitations, pallor is common can sometimes produce focal neurological features from low output fear anxiety, light-headedness, peripheral paraesthesiae, often in anxiety inducing situations occurring immediately after a concussive closed head injury, no risk of recurrence almost always in diabetes or alcoholics after a binge, causing stupor, confusion, bizarre behaviour, tremulousness, occasionally seizures usually older patients, needs to be differentiated from simple partial seizures very rare, presents with sudden choreoathetosis or dystonia, may be triggered by movement, could be mistaken for partial motor seizures with intense focal spasm for less than a minute or longer, in patients with established MS multiple tics could be confused with myoclonic jerks, but in the most important disorder, Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, there is also an obsessive compulsive behaviour with accompanying vocalisations occurs in middle-aged females, with sudden devastating falls without loss of consciousness, and therefore differs from the presentation of atonic seizures in children and young adults a march of less than a minute suggests partial seizures; over several minutes suggests migraine usually >40 years of age, with amnesia lasting from 30 minutes to a few hours Sleep related episodes Hypnic jerks Sleep paralysis on falling asleep frightening episodes of paralysis of voluntary movement on awakening or falling asleep Exploding head syndrome sensation of exploding on falling asleep Periodic movements of sleep older patient, flexion of leg for a few seconds, at intervals of 1060 seconds occurring in clusters for several minutes Non REM parasomnias sleep walking, sleep talking REM parasomnias often violent behaviours, may be related to dream content Sleep apnoea snoring, apnoeic episodes, daytime drowsiness 41 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS Annex 2 Algorithm for treatment after first tonic-clonic seizure Secure diagnosis of first unprovoked tonic-clonic seizure Previous myoclonic / absence / partial/ complex partial seizures? NO YES Does patient consider risk of recurrence (and consequences), unacceptable and will s/he take AED therapy? * YES NO Defer treatment * Risk of recurrence 66 § overall risk 30-40% § risk highest soon after first seizure: up to 80% after one week § >80% risk if EEG shows epileptic discharges § >90% risk if patient has tumour/neurological deficit from birth § <40% risk if seizures are acute symptomatic Risk of recurrent epileptic seizures § sudden unexplained death § accidents § extended driving licence withdrawal Risk of AED therapy § side effects - minor 20-30%, life-threatening very rare § drug interactions eg oral contraceptive, with enzyme-inducing AEDs § teratogenesis (4-6% major malformation with one AED) 42 Treat after first tonic-clonic seizure ANNEX 3 Annex 3 Planning services for epilepsy Numbers requiring health services Incidence1 40-70 per 100,000 per annum 400-800 per 100,000 Prevalence of active epilepsy1 Referrals with possible seizures 52% of referred patients definitely have epilepsy 21% possible/probably epilepsy Mortality293-295 increased two to three-fold about 1,000 deaths in UK/year during or soon after a seizure, many due to sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) in young adults 292 Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG) report (2000)295 Services for Patients with Epilepsy: recommendations General practice n Hospital services n n n n n n Nurses Services roles identify lead GPs for epilepsy services establish more epilepsy centres, appoint extra neurologists and epilepsy specialist nurses, make epilepsy centres a focus for local care, training and support improve awareness of, and equity of access to epilepsy surgery improve standards of care for epilepsy in A&E Departments commission specialty services at supra-regional level (specialised investigations, surgery, neuropsychiatry, inpatient care) establish paediatric epilepsy clinics improve access to epilepsy services for people with learning disability n develop the role of the epilepsy nurse n appoint nurses with learning disability experience n clarify the roles of primary and secondary care n improve communications between primary, secondary and tertiary care 43 DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF EPILEPSY IN ADULTS Abbreviations A&E ACAD Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic Centre ADR Adverse drug reaction AED Antiepileptic drugs COC Combined oral contraceptive COME Commission on the Outcome Measurement in Epilepsy CSAG Clinical Standards Advisory Group CT Computed tomography ECG Electrocardiography EEG Electroencephalography GP General Practitioner GTC Generalised tonic-clonic HRT Hormone replacement therapy IGE Idiopathic generalised epilepsy ITU Intensive treatment unit IV Intravenous MRI Magnetic resonance imaging NTD Neural tube defects PE Phenytoin equivalent QoL Quality of life RCT Randomised controlled trial SIGN SSRI SUDEP 44 Accident and Emergency Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy REFERENCES References 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sander JW, Shorvon SD. 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