Release Notes and Installation Instructions Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates For Radiology (April 2014) These Release Notes contain important information for all Medtech32 users. Please ensure that they are circulated amongst all your staff. We suggest that these notes are filed safely for future reference. © Copyright Medtech Limited Page 1 of 6 ACC Subsidy Updates – April 2014 This update will install the following ACC subsidy amendments for Radiology Services effective from 1 April 2014 in Medtech32: Contract Class Service Item Code Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist RA01 RA02 RA03 RA04 RA05 RA06 RA07 RA08 RA09 RA10 RA11 RA15 RA21 RA22 RA25 RA26 RA27 RA28 RA29 RA30 RA32 RA35 RA40 RB01 RB02 RB03 RB08 RB10 RB12 RB13 RB14 © Copyright Medtech Limited Description Sternum Sterno-Clavicular Joints Clavicle Acromio-Clavicular Joints Scapula Shoulder Humerus Elbow Joint Forearm Hand And/Or Wrist Joint Wrist/hand for bone age Upper Limb Infant Sacro-Iliac Joints Pelvis And/Or Both Hip Joints Hip Joint (>1 Projectn) Femur Knee Joint Knee Joint (+ Intercondylar/Axial) Tibia And Fibula Ankle Joint Foot Long Legs (hips to ankles - measurement) Lower Limb (Infant) Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbarspine Incl. Lumbosacral Joint Spine - scoliosis views Skull Nasal Bones Facial Bones Optic Foramina Page 2 of 6 Flat Rate (GST inclusive) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 65.46 74.82 56.11 56.11 56.11 60.79 60.79 51.44 51.44 51.44 51.44 60.79 60.79 60.79 65.46 60.79 56.11 65.46 56.11 60.79 56.11 70.14 65.46 70.14 65.46 65.46 70.14 65.46 56.11 60.79 51.44 Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist © Copyright Medtech Limited RB16 RB21 RB22 RB23 RB24 RB31 RB32 RB33 RB34 RB35 RB37 RC05 RC06 RC07 RC08 RC08 RC09 RC31 RC32 RC35 RC36 RC40 RC41 RC45 RC46 RD01 RD02 RD07 RD08 RD10 RD11 RD13 RD14 RD15 RD20 RD30 RD40 RD44 RD45 RD46 RD47 Auditory Canals (plain films only) Nasal Sinuses Naso-Pharynx Mastoids (bilateral) Larynx And Or Trachea Upper Teeth Lower Teeth Mandible Or OPG Or Lateral Ceph Temporo-Mandibular Joints Salivary Gland Pharynx Thoracic Inlet Chest (Single View) Chest (> 1 View) Chest and Thoracic Cage Chest and Thoracic Cage Chest and Both Oblique Views Screening mammogram Recall mammogram Problem mammogram bilateral Problem mammogram unilateral Needle localisation Galactogram Breast aspiration biopsy Breast biopsy with stereotaxis Abdomen (Single Projection) Abdomen (2 Or More Projections) Pelvimetry (one view) Pelvimetry (two or more views) Contrast swallow (oesophagus only) Contrast study upper GI tract Small bowel meal Small bowel enema (enteroclysis) Contrast enema Dynamic proctogram ERCP Intravenous Pyelogram (incl plain film & tomos) Cystogram retrograde or antegrade Urethrogram Micturating Cysto-Urethrogram Ascending urethrogram Page 3 of 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 65.46 51.44 60.79 65.46 56.11 51.44 51.44 70.14 70.14 60.79 60.79 60.79 60.79 60.79 74.82 74.82 74.82 102.87 140.28 205.74 135.60 275.87 275.87 275.87 275.87 60.79 60.79 60.79 60.79 476.94 476.94 476.94 799.58 476.94 476.94 476.94 275.87 476.94 476.94 476.94 476.94 Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist © Copyright Medtech Limited RS42 RS43 RS44 RS46 RS61 RS62 RS63 RS70 RS71 RS73 RU01 RU02 RU03 RU04 RU06 RU10 RU11 RU12 RU13 RU19 RU20 RU21 RU22 RU23 RU24 RU25 RU27 RU28 RU29 RU30 RU31 RU32 RU39 RU40 RU41 RU42 RU43 RU44 RU49 RU51 RU56 Tube injection Dacrocystogram Sialogram Hysterosalpingogram Myelogram cervical Myelogram lumbar Myelogram multilevel Arthrogram Arthrogram – upper limb Arthrogram – lower limb US Abdomen US abdomen and pelvis US Renal Tracts US abdominal aorta (without Doppler) US pelvis (trans-abdominal only) US infant head US infant pylorus US infant heart US infant hips US infant miscellaneous US thyroid/neck US Scrotum & Testis US breast US veins US eye US chest US injection/aspiration US additional region US miscellaneous US shoulder US Musculo-Skeletal US Foreign Body Localisation US skeletal miscellaneous US prostate US anus/rectum US Female Pelvis Trans Vag. US trans-esophageal US intraoperative US intracavitary miscellaneous Duplex/Doppler of chest Duplex/Doppler: additional limb – arterial or venous Page 4 of 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 275.87 275.87 275.87 476.94 476.94 476.94 476.94 275.87 275.87 275.87 144.96 182.36 135.60 135.60 135.60 135.60 135.60 257.17 135.60 135.60 135.60 135.60 135.60 191.72 135.60 135.60 271.20 98.20 135.60 191.72 144.96 107.55 144.96 168.34 168.34 168.34 285.23 285.23 168.34 229.11 182.36 Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist Radiologist © Copyright Medtech Limited RU60 RU61 RU62 RU64 RU68 RX24 RX25 US routine pregnancy < 28 weeks US problem pregnancy US pregnancy > 28 weeks US with amniocentesis US pregnancy – per extra foetus > 1 Xray additional region Domicillary Xray (in addition) Page 5 of 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 144.96 182.36 182.36 271.20 70.14 51.44 98.20 Installation Prerequisites Checklist 1. Check the current Medtech32 installed version [HelpAbout Medtech32] before attempting this upgrade. The practice must be on the following Medtech32 version: Version 10 or later. 2. It is not required for users to be logged out of Medtech32 for this update to be run, because the main application is not affected. 3. This document has been reviewed and is understood. 4. Ensure you are logged onto Windows with Full Administrative rights when performing ANY installation, update, or maintenance tasks. 5. You are logged onto the Medtech32 Server. Installation Instructions 1. Visit our website at 2. Select “New Zealand” in the region drop down (top right hand side of the window). 3. Select menu, Medtech Online Medtech32 Downloads. The New Zealand Medtech32 Updates page will be displayed. 4. Click on the link ACC Subsidy Updates - Radiology (April 2014). 5. If any security warnings appear in your environment, select Run. 6. The installation process will begin. 7. Once the update is completed, the following message will be displayed. 8. Click on OK to close the installation screen. For further information on these new features, or any other queries regarding the changes in this release, please contact Medtech Support as follows: Via the Medtech32 application [Help ► Contact Support] By email to [email protected] By fax to 0800 MEDTECH (633 832) By phone on 0800 2 MEDTECH (633 832) © Copyright Medtech Limited Page 6 of 6
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