Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction – current update and implications for treating athletes Demitri Constantinou, MB BCh, BSc (Med) Hons, FFIMS Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine and FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa ABSTRACT Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is the occurence of transient airway narrowing that occurs during or after exercise. A number of pathophysiological theories exist for the condition, from physiological to inhaled air quality and nutrition, all with immune mediation. Detailed history and clinical evaluation are required to make the diagnosis, substantiated by investigations of lung function establishing minimum airway hyperresponsiveness or bronchodilator response. Chronic management involves the prevention of acute attacks, which includes inhaled glucocorticosteroids and either long- and/or shortacting bronchodilators (beta2-agonists), and the use of non-pharmacological agents and methods. Acute asthma can be life-threatening and there are established guidelines on how to manage this. Prescribing and treating should bear in mind the current anti-doping regulations of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is the occurence of transient airway narrowing that occurs during or after exercise, and which is reversible by inhalation of a beta2-agonist in an individual with asthma.1,2 Other reversible airway obstructive patterns relate to asthma in the traditional sense, and may or may not be brought on by exercise. A number of pathophysiological theories have prevailed in the mechanism of EIB, which include the direct effect of cold air causing bronchospasm, cooling and rewarming, mechanical stimulation of the airways due to the increased ventilation of exercise, evaporation of water and cooling in the airways, increased osmolality and degranulation of mast cells.1 More recently, it appears that other influences play a role, including the physical characteristics of inhaled air, the content of inhaled air, immune influences, neurohumoral influences and dietary influences.2,3 Regardless of the triggering event, mediators of EIB include histamine, acetylcholine, prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Thus the inflammatory markers exist in EIB as they do in asthma. These mediators form the milieu for hyperresponsive airways, which are triggered in EIB by one or more of the abovementioned influences.4 Further, a complex of immune conditions as they relate to exercise emerges, which includes the conditions that are recognised as exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, exercise-induced rhinitis, exercise-induced urticaria and exercise-induced anaphylaxis.5 These conditions are reviewed elsewhere in this edition of the journal. It has been estimated that asthma occurs in 10-50% of the athlete population. Among those athletes, around 90% will have EIB. Not only do athletes appear to have increased levels of allergic and atopic conditions, but when compared to athletes without atopic signs, they have a higher incidence of EIB.6,7 In the clinical approach to EIB a detailed history and clinical examination are required. Specific questionnaires have also been developed which may assist in focusing on the atopic aspect of the history.8 Symptoms of asthma and EIB commonly include cough and breathlessness, but may also include wheezing, tightness of the chest, excess mucus production, fatigue, poor performance, poor recovery from exercise, and chest pain during exercise. Specific investigations are important to confirm EIB, yet up to 44% of general practitioners would have erroneously selected peak expiratory flow rate as the investigation of choice to confirm the diagnosis, rather than FEV1.3,9 It is well recognised that objective testing with correct application of technique is required to diagnose EIB.10 MAKING THE DIAGNOSIS The symptoms reported by an athlete are the first point of reference from which an attending physician needs to work. Further questions and details should be ascertained to direct the way forward in either excluding or confirming the diagnosis. A diary of symptoms and peak flow recordings would provide additional helpful information, and may be requested by the attending physician. Previous investigations should also be included in the assessment, e.g. relevant skin tests (radioallergosorbent test (RAST)), serum IgE, total eosinophil count in peripheral blood, sputum eosinophils, spirometry reports and any previous bronchial provocation tests that may have been conducted at any age.11,12 Contributing factors must be evaluated and also managed, bearing in mind there may be co-pathologies present, e.g. sinusitis or gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder (GORD). Despite this, there is an element of error in laboratory testing. A study by Rundell and Slee13 studied laboratory versus field-based challenge tests in 23 cold-weather athletes. In the history 50% reported symptoms yet had normal airway function. Further, 50% of athletes with no symptoms had lung-function abnormalities. Therefore, if it is assumed that the testing is a reliable means of determining functional parameters of the airways and a possible diagnosis, self-reporting is not reliable. Also, such results will be inaccurate where there are inadequate testing conditions and sub-threshold exercise stress. Several flow charts have been developed and are useful to assist a clinician to constructively, and with a specific plan, approach an athlete who may have asthma or EIB (Figs 1 and 2). Bronchodilator test The accepted threshold to confirm a clinical suspicion of EIB is by demonstrating a 12% increase in FEV1 from Correspondence: Prof D Constantinou, Centre for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine and FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, School of Therapeutic Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits 2025. Tel +27-11-717-3372, fax +27-11-717-3379, e-mail: [email protected] 64 Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 Respiratory symptoms of recurrent breathlessness, cough, wheezing, chest tightness, phlegm production Normal expiratory flows Baseline airway obstruction FEV1 <80%, FEV1/FVC <0.7 Administer inhaled salbutamol 200-400 μg No significant change Look for another cause of symptoms Confirm variable airway hyperresponsiveness by either • ≥10% fall in FEV1 after exercise or eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH); OR • ≥15% fall in FEV1 after hyperosmolar (saline or mannitol) challenges; OR • ≥20% fall in FEV1 after methacholine test – PC20 <4 mg/mL (steroid-naive) Provocation test negative Post-BD FEV1 12% or more • • • • • • • Asthma confirmed Provocation test positive Identify potential triggers/inducers of asthma and comorbid conditions Initiate patient education (refer to an asthma educator whenever possible) Determine environmental control measures to be prioritised Assess current asthma medication needs (to achieve asthma control) Initiate treatment according to current guidelines Design and review an action plan for the management of exacerbations Inhibit exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (optimise asthma control, pre-exercise warm-up, preventive medication) For the elite athlete: consider WADA recommendations for the use of asthma medication (in order to provide TUEs required) Ensure regular follow-up and verify regularly asthma control, comorbidities, environmental exposures, inhaler technique, benefits and side-effects of therapies, educational needs Fig. 1. Flow chart for assessing asthma (Fitch et al.2). either baseline or from predicted value, in response to a short-acting bronchodilator.14 The predicted value is that which is standardised for an individual based on age, gender, weight, height and race. The baseline is for that individual, implying that medical records of adequately conducted tests need to be on record and available. All testing must be done with care, using the correct technique and reliable equipment that is clean and calibrated. The technician or physician must be familiar with its function and be able to coach the athlete in the correct technique and procedure to obtain optimum effort from the athlete. The inhaler use must also be correct, and if a metered dose inhaler (MDI) is used for the test, then a spacer device is advised to ensure adequate active ingredient deposition in the airways. A bronchodilator test may be negative in a number of circumstances, such as when the athlete is adequately treated and controlled at the time of testing, or there is no asthma or EIB. A washout period is required for those athletes on treatment, to negate the former reason. The recommended washout to accurately evaluate these tests is 8 hours for short-acting beta2-agonists and 24 hours prior to the testing for long-acting beta2agonists and inhaled glucocorticosteroids.12 Bronchial provocation tests (BPTs)9,15,16 Should a bronchodilator test not demonstrate the reversal of bronchoconstriction and the attending physician still suspects the presence of asthma or EIB, he/she may want to demonstrate that there is hyperresponsiveness in the athlete’s airways. This is done using a BPT. These are one of a number of tests performed to trigger bronchoconstriction in sensitive airways. The BPTs are either direct or indirect tests, aimed at provoking bronchoconstriction by the inhalation of cold, dry air, various aerosols or by doing exercise to provoke a bronchoconstriction response. Direct tests These include inhalation of metacholine as an aerosol challenge test. Histamine is the mediator with this test. With these challenge tests, there is direct stimulation of the smooth muscle in the airways, which leads to the bronchoconstriction. This process is therefore independent of inflammation. Indirect tests These tests include exercise challenge tests (performed either as field- or laboratory-based tests), eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH) (involving hyperventilation, and considered positive if there is a fall in FEV1 of at least 10%), and the inhalation of hyperosmolar aerosols (e.g. hypertonic saline aerosol challenge using 4.5%) and mannitol inhalation. The indirect aerosol challenge tests cause inflammatory cells to release mediators, and as compared with the direct tests are therefore based on inflammatory cell responses, which then stimulate bronchoconstriction. These tests are more effective as a stimulus, and are also useful for monitoring therapy. Conducting the tests Exercise test The workload in the test is important. In a randomised controlled clinical trial, Carlsen et al.17 in a study of asthmatic children concluded that exercise work load is essential for the interpretation of EIB and that standardisation of the test is required. Vilozni et al.18 also concluded that the time to maximal bronchoconstriction is age dependent in children and adolescents, and implied that the schedule of postexercise measurements should be appropriately interpreted. Standardisation of exercise testing Field-based tests are considered the best environments for testing, as they emulate the conditions that athletes are usually exposed to most accurately.3,15,16 Therefore laboratory-based tests are next best, but are often performed in clinical settings. Clinicians should consider repeating the test in the field if a lab-based test is inconclusive or produces borderline results. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 65 Athlete History Physical examination • General, BP, pulse, temperature • Respiratory system • ENT SUSPECT EIB or asthma Resting PFT FEV1 FEV1 normal FEV1 < 85% predicted No Hx of URTI Treat asthma First line Mx • β2 agonists • Glucocorticosteroids • Other agents Exercise challenge ? provocation test Recent URTI Short trial inhaled glucococorticosteroid FEV1 > 15% Re-evaluate PFT Improvement No improvement Re-evaluate PFT No improvement Step 2 treatment Increase drug dose Refer to pulmonologist Improvement EIB management •Non-pharmacological •Pharmacological •β2 agonists •cromolyn • leukotriene antagonists Monitoring Improvement FEV1 normal No improvement Monitoring: • Diary • FEV1 Consider vocal cord dysfunction, exercise hyperventilation, GO reflux Combination therapy Refer to pulmonologist EIB = exercise-induced bronchoconstriction; ENT = ear nose and throat; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; PFT = pulmonary function tests; Hx = history; Mx = management; URTI = upper respiratory tract infection; GO = gastro-oesophageal. Fig. 2. Flow chart for assessing exercise-induced bronchospasm (Constantinou & Derman11). Once the patient has been briefed on the process, and the equipment checked and calibrated, pre-spirometry measurements are conducted. The environmental temperature should be between 20°C and 25°C with a relative humidity of around 50%. An 8-minute exercise test (running or cycling) is conducted. The intensity of exercise should be such that 90% of predicted maximum heart rate (220 minus age) should be reached within 2 minutes of the start of exercise. Ideally the athlete should have a mask, mouthpiece and nose clip in situ. Postexercise spirometry tests are conducted at 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes. There should be at least 2 reproducible manoeuvres evident on the readings, within a 3% variation to be considered adequate. Postexercise challenge tests for EIB are considered positive if there is at least a 10% drop in FEV1 at any timepoint. The typical change seen in the FEV1 in response to an 8-minute exercise challenge test in EIB-positive individuals is shown in Figure 3. Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation test This test can be regarded as a surrogate for the exercise challenge test. It is usually conducted by academic 66 pulmonary function laboratories, and thus not commonly performed. The athlete must ventilate 22-30 times and the FEV1 is measured for 6 minutes while he/she is breathing dry air containing 5% carbon dioxide. The test duration, temperature and ventilation speeds are such that they simulate the conditions of the sport. This test can be unpleasant for the athlete, with side-effects of headache and nausea commonly occurring. A minimum 10% fall of FEV1 is considered a positive test.3,12 Mannitol inhalation test Mannitol powder is delivered by a dry powder inhaler into the airways. A 15% fall in FEV1 after challenge is considered a confirmatory test.3,12 Hypertonic saline A solution of 4.5% saline simulates water loss in the airways, delivered as a tidal volume as a wet aerosol which is generated by a large nebuliser. A minimum of 15% fall of FEV1 is considered confirmatory for asthma.3,12 Metacholine This test appears to be better for cold and dry environ- Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 Management of these conditions includes speech therapy, possibly psychological intervention and retraining of diaphragmatic breathing. This may require techniques such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, biofeedback techniques and pharmacology with proton pump inhibitors. Further, GORD can in itself cause symptoms similar to EIB in addition to contributing to vocal cord dysfunction and should be treated with appropriate medication and dietary intervention. 5 0 -5 Post-exercise -10 Exercise -15 MANAGEMENT OF EIB9,20 -20 -25 -30 -8 0 5 10 15 Time (min) 20 30 Fig. 3. Typical EIB response with exercise test (Rundell & Slee13) ments. A 20% fall of FEV1 with PC20<4 mg/ml in a steroid-naïve patient/athlete is considered a confirmatory test.3,12 Other Other agents including carbachol, histamine, and adenosine are not tests currently accepted by the International Olympic Committee and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS19 Any athlete who presents with symptoms of asthma or EIB should have the diagnosis confirmed, and other pathologies excluded. Some of the simulators of EIB include physiological limitation (normal VO2max or peak exercise variable), deconditioning (reduced VO2max or peak exercise variable), obesity (reduced expiratory reserve volume and total lung capacity), anxiety and hyperventilation syndrome (also known as panic attack – with supratentorial overinterpretation of receptor input, and might be associated with carpopedal spasm, tetany and seizures), cardiac abnormalities (mild pulmonary oedema, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular abnormalities of the thoracic aorta, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and other causes of hypoxia), pulmonary abnormalities and myopathy. Vocal cord abnormalities This is a specific condition that should be mentioned, as it is not unusually misdiagnosed as asthma and EIB. There is a higher incidence of this in young females as compared to males. It possibly occurs more frequently than thought, as a result of the diagnosis not being made, rather than its rarity. There is obstruction of upper airways producing shortness of breath, increased inspiratory effort, stridor and wheezing, which may be dynamic and present only during exercise. In this condition there is paradoxical movement of the vocal cords. It is estimated to occur in 5-15% of all athletes investigated for EIB. The clinical picture includes inspiratory wheezing and throat tightness. It is more common in people with GORD and those with ‘type A’ personalities. Special investigations that can assist in confirming the diagnosis of vocal cord dysfunction include lung function tests (which show variable blunting of the inspiratory loop of the flow volume), and fibreoptic rhinolaryngoscopy which reveals paradoxical movement of the vocal cords. The latter may have to be performed before and after exercise to confirm the condition. Inflammation is the underlying pathology, and should be managed with inhaled corticosteroids, which should adequately reverse the inflammation within 6-8 weeks. In addition allergic rhinitis should be addressed and most if not all these patients should use intranasal glucocorticosteroids. Education on the nature of the condition is a very important aspect of management, and should be directed not only at the patient, but also their parents, coaches and peers. The educational aspect should include an understanding of the condition, factors that may influence it (e.g. aeroallergens, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)), how to try to avoid acute attacks, management of attacks, how to use inhalers and spacer devices correctly and using the refractory period (see below). Pharmacological management9,11,12 The pharmacological management of asthma is twofold – to reduce and prevent the incidence of symptoms and bronchoconstriction, and to assist the reversal of bronchoconstriction should it occur. Inhalers Pre-exercise medication is used to prevent the induction of bronchospasm by the impending exercise bout (Table I). This includes inhaled glucocorticosteroids used daily to reduce inflammation; and inhaled beta2agonists. Airway inflammation can be present in athletes with EIB, who would be considered as patients with exercise-induced asthma. In these patients inhaled corticosteroids could be a treatment option, although the efficacy of these products has not yet been demonstrated in patients with EIB without underlying asthma.1 The beta-agonists are either short-acting (e.g. salbutamol) or long-acting (e.g. salmeterol). The long-acting type may have some anti-inflammatory effect and can be used on a daily basis for that reason and to maintain bronchodilation. Their onset of action is rapid, as for short-acting agonists, but duration can be up to 12 hours. In case of EIB without underlying inflammation (exercise-induced asthma), they can be used as monotherapy.21 Short-acting beta-agonists should not have to be used more than a few times a month for rescue, but can also be used pre-exercise (20 minutes). Mast-cell stabiliser inhalers include nedocromil sodium and sodium cromoglycate/cromolyn sodium. These appear to be less effective than beta-agonists. They are however useful where beta-agonist side-effects (palpitations, insomnia, tremors) are problematic. They may also be used in combination with beta-agonists when those are not as effective as desired. Unlike beta2agonists they can be used repeatedly and frequently in a day. Anticholinergic inhaler treatments, both short- and longacting, are not as effective in EIB as they are in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oral and intranasal medication Leukotriene modifiers are often used in chronic asthma sufferers, as leukotrienes can cause smooth-muscle Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 67 Table I. Pre-exercise medication for EIB (after Constantinou & Derman11) Medication Mode Recommended dose Onset of action Duration of effects (hours) Beta2-agonists Salbutamol Metered dose inhaler (MDI), dry powder device 2 puffs 15 minutes before exercise for adults and children ≥age 4 Within 5 minutes 3-6 hours Terbutaline sulfate MDI, dry powder device 2 puffs every 4-6 hours for adults and children ≥12 years 5-30 minutes 3-6 hours Salmeterol MDI, dry powder device 2 puffs ≥30-60 minutes before exercise or 12 hourly Within 20 minutes 12 hours Formoterol MDI, dry powder device 2 puffs ≥30-60 minutes before exercise or 12 hourly Within 15 minutes 12 hours 2 puffs within 60 minutes of exercise for adults and children ≥age 5 – 2 hours May take up to 1 week of use for full effect 2 hours Mast cell stabilisers Cromolyn sodium MDI Nedocromil sodium MDI 2 puffs qid for adults and children ≥ age 6 Long-term medication for EIB Inhaled corticosteroids Beclomethasone MDI diproprionate ≥age 12, 2 puffs (84 μg) tid or qid; age 6-12, 1 or 2 puffs (42- 84 μg) tid or qid -2 days – Budesonide MDI Adults 1-2 puffs bid, children ≥6 years 1 puff bid 24 hours – Fluticasone MDI propionate ≥12 yrs, 2 puffs bid (88 - 440 μg) 24 hours – Triamcinolone MDI acetonide Adults 2 puffs (200 μg) tid or qid; children age 6-12, 1 or 2 puffs (100 - 200 μg) tid or qid 1 week – Montelukast Tablet 10 mg daily for those ≥ age 15; 5 mg daily for children age 6-14 3 - 4 hours Up to 24 hours Zafirlukast Tablet 20 mg bid for adults and children ≥ age 12 30 minutes 12 hours Leukotriene modifiers contraction. They are convenient, being oral formulations, and have few side-effects. They are long-acting and may be useful in EIB when the symptoms are mild, but often need to be used as adjunct therapy to optimise control. There is a variable response, with a significant number of non-responders (up to 50%).22 In children leukotriene-modifying drugs may be useful as a long-term treatment option, but do not appear to reduce the protective effect on EIB over time.20 Theophylline is an oral treatment, and not very useful for EIB. Oral antihistamines are not specifically indicated for asthma, but may be useful as adjunct treatment in those 68 athletes who have atopic conditions. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in patients with exercise-induced bronchospam looked at FEV1 and treadmill exercise. Using 10 mg of oral loratidine once daily for 3 days the researchers showed that loratadine reduced but did not prevent EIB in children.23 Intranasal corticosteroids (and/or antihistamine) are also important adjunct treatments for those with asthma/ EIB as well as chronic or seasonal rhinitis. In relation to pharmacological treatment of EIB, it may be that a combination of therapies is required to achieve optimum control. Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 Table II. Non-pharmacological management of EIB Management Mode of action Maintaining aerobic fitnessCan exercise at lower ventilator rate for given workload Adequate warm-up / pre-competition exercise To induce refractory period Avoid exercise in excessively cold and /or dry air Reduced responsiveness of airways Avoid exercise/ intense exercise when related symptoms present Rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies indicate hyperresponsive state in airways Adequate warming down Avoids rebound warming and reduces airway oedema Change of exercise / sport With severe symptoms, changing activities to sports less likely to induce EIB Wearing of face mask Reduces inhalation of pollutants and irritants Avoiding known allergens or irritants Prevents allergic reactivity Non-pharmacological management of EIB A number of approaches can be tried to reduce the incidence of symptoms of EIB (Table II). One such useful modality is making use of the refractory period; some authors have demonstrated that individuals with asthma and EIB will be refractory to an exercise task performed within about 2 hours of an exercise warm-up. The refractory period could be induced by a release of prostaglandins and other mediators and mechanisms in this period. This is not consistent and some authors have not been able to demonstrate a refractory period in winter athletes with EIB.13 Nutritional factors are gaining more attention for their influence on EIB,24,25 and some that may be practically applied include a low-salt diet, supplementation with high-dose vitamin C, high-dose omega oils, caffeine (which is a methyl xanthine with bronchodilator properties), and some which may be less accessible such as qigong yangsheng. Experimental modalities include the use of inhaled heparin, inhaled furosemide and oral calcium channel blockers, which are currently not of practical clinical value. MONITORING ATHLETES After athletes have been on a trial of active medication, they should be reassessed for the efficacy of their management by means of symptom diary monitoring and home peak expiratory flow readings, repeat exercise testing and spirometry . If after a trial of management athletes show no or only a minor response to treatment, or when the diagnosis is in doubt, they should be evaluated for vocal cord dysfunction, exercise-induced hyperventilation, or chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux. ACUTE ASTHMA The differential diagnosis of acute asthma includes upper airway obstruction with glottic dysfunction, acute left ventricular failure with pulmonary oedema, pulmo- nary embolism, endobronchial disease, chronic bronchitis, eosinophilic pneumonia, carcinoid syndrome and vasculitis. Management of acute asthma26 At the field side most important is the use of a beta2agonist (e.g. salbutamol 5 mg) via a nebuliser if it is available. If no nebuliser is available, salbutamol inhalation of 10-20 puffs, using a spacer device is advised. A spacer device can be made by using a water or cooldrink plastic bottle if one is not available. The technique is to inhale one puff and allow for 4 breaths between puffs. Corticosteroids are given as tablets or injected intravenously, or even intramuscularly, for their action against the inflammation, which will be effective in the medium to longer term. It is advisable that all athletes with asthma carry shortacting beta-adrenergic inhalers with them at all times, irrespective of their regular management. Physicians should exercise caution with prescribing antiinflammatory medications and beta-adrenergic blockers, which can cause bronchoconstriction. Asthma and doping It is debatable whether beta2-agonists increase sports performance, but they are subject to certain anti-doping rules and regulations.17 WADA publishes a list annually of substances that are prohibited in all or specific sports, based on any two or all of three criteria.14 These are: (i) medical or scientific evidence, pharmacological effect or experience that the substance or method, alone or in combination with other substances/methods, has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance; (ii) medical or scientific evidence, pharmacological effect or experience that the use of the substance or method represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete; (iii) WADA’s determination that the use of the substance or method violates the spirit of sport (described in the introduction to the Code). The prohibited list is divided into different substance groups and includes prohibited methods (www.wadaama.org). Prohibition applies not only to finding these substances, their metabolites or markers in an athlete’s body fluid, but also a number of other violations. Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) WADA publishes an International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemption.27 This is a globally standardised policy and relates to the allowing of substances, for legitimate medical reasons that are otherwise prohibited in sport according to WADA. There is also a category of reporting certain substances via a Declaration of Use (DoU) to a sporting code’s relevant authority. The 2010 standard allows for a DoU to be lodged for 2 bronchodilators (salbutamol and salmeterol) and for all inhaled corticosteroids via non-systemic routes. All other bronchodilators and glucocorticosteroids that an athlete and his attending physician want to use must be subjected to a TUE process. For acute asthma attacks an athlete’s health should not be put at threat by withholding treatment in an emergency; corticosteroids, other drugs and intravenous infusions should be used. Retroactive TUEs can be approved for emergency treatment in such cases. The TUE process follows strict routes via international standards and a TUE committee (TUEC) that will use a number of criteria to determine whether the use of a prohibited substance can be approved for use with a TUE. To assist in the diagnosis of asthma and allow Current Allergy & Clinical Immunology, June 2010 Vol 23, No. 2 69 for granting a TUE, WADA has published a document entitled Medical Information to Support the Decisions of TUECs: Asthma.12 This guides the TUEC in medical best practice, making the diagnosis and the recommended management. 12.WADA. World Anti-Doping Program Version 1.4. (2009, June 14). Medical Information to Support the Decisions of TUECs: Asthma. Declaration of conflict of interest 15.Cockcroft D, Davis B. Direct and indirect challenges in the clinical assessment of asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2009; 103: 363-370. The author declares no conflict of interest. REFERENCES 1.Billen A, Dupont L. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction and sports. Postgrad Med J 2008; 84: 512-517. 2.Fitch K, Sue-Chu M, Anderson SD, et al. Asthma and the elite athlete: Summary of the IOC Consensus Conference. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008; 122 : 257. 3.Randolph C. An update on exercise-induced bronchoconstriction with and without asthma. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2009; 9: 433-438. 4.Langdeau JB, Turcotte H, Bowie DM, Jobin J, Desgagné P, Boulet LP. Airway hyperresponsiveness in elite athletes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 1479-1484. 5.Schwartz LB, Delgado L, Craig T, et al. Exercise-induced hypersensitivity syndromes in recreational and competitive athletes: a PRACTALL consensus report (what the general practitioner should know about sports and allergy). Allergy 2008; 63: 953-961. 6.Bougault V, Turmel J, Levesque B, Boulet LP. Sports Med 2009; 39: 295-312. 7.Sallaoui R, Chamari K, Mossa A, et al. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and atopy in Tunisian athletes. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009; 5: 8-15. 8.Bonini M, Braido F, Baiardini I, et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41: 1034-1041. 9.Hull JH, Hull PJ, Parsons JP, Dickinson JW, Ansley L. Approach to the diagnosis and management of suspected exercise-induced bronchoconstriction by primary care physicians. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2009; 9: 29-35. 10.Millward D, Paul S, Brown M, et al. The diagnosis of asthma and exercise-induced bronchospasm in division I athletes. Clin J Sport Med 2009; 19: 482-486. 11.Constantinou D, Derman EW. Exercise-induced asthma. CME 2004; 22 (3): 126-132. 13.Rundell KW, Slee JB. Exercise and other indirect challenges to demonstrate asthma or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in athletes. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008; 122: 238-246. 14.WADA. World Anti-Doping Code. Montreal: WADA, 2009. 16.Cockcroft DW, Davis BE. Diagnostic and therapeutic value of airway challenges in asthma. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2009; 9: 247-253. 17.Carlsen KH, Anderson SD, Bjermer L, et al. Treatment of exerciseinduced asthma, respiratory and allergic disorders in sports and the relationship to doping: Part II of the report from the Joint Task Force of European Respiratory Society (ERS) and European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. Allergy 2008; 63: 492-505. 18.Vilozni D, Szeinberg A, Barak A, Yahav Y, Augarten A, Efrati O. The relation between age and time to maximal bronchoconstriction following exercise in children. Respir Med 2009; 103: 1456-1460. 19.Weiss P, Rundell KW. Imitators of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology 2009; 5: 7. 20.Kemp JP. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction: The effects of montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2009; 5: 923-934. 21.Berger WE. The use of inhaled formoterol in the treatment of asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2006; 97: 24-33. 22.Grzelewski T, Stelmach I. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in asthmatic children. Drugs 2009; 69: 1533-1553. 23.Baki A, Orhan F. The effect of loratadine in exercise-induced asthma. Arch Dis Child 2002; 86: 38-39. 24.Mickleborough TD, Gotshall RW, Cordain L, Lindley M. Dietary salt alters pulmonary function during exercise in exercise-induced asthmatics. Journal of Sports Sciences 2001; 19: 865-873. 25.Mickleborough TD. A nutritional approach to managing exerciseinduced asthma. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 2008; 36: 135-144. 26.Constantinou D, Kramer E, Motaung CS. Football Emergency Medicine Manual. FIFA Publications 2010 (in press). 27.WADA. The World Anti-Doping Code International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions, 2009., Montreal: WADA, 2009. Product News The importance of LCPUFAs for brain function Breast milk is the ‘gold standard’ in infant feeding, both in composition and in the physiological effects closely tied to its composition. It is established as a perfect food for term infants and is confirmed as the best sole source of nutrition for the vast majority of infants for approximately the first 6 months of life. Breast milk contains the two most abundant longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA), which have a functional and structural role in infant development. LCPUFA levels vary widely depending on maternal diet, ranging from 0.05% to 1% DHA and from 0.1% to 0.9%ARA in women who consume western diets. These LCPUFAs are accreted mainly in the last trimester, when brain and visual maturation is at its peak, to about 2 years of age.1 The availability of LCPUFAs in the infant diet may have long-lasting effects on brain function. Numerous studies have found positive correlations between blood DHA levels and improvements in cognitive or visual function outcomes of breastfed and formulafed infants.2 The visual system (retina and brain) continues to mature throughout the first year of life and the importance of providing an appropriate supply of DHA and ARA is relevant throughout infancy, as both fatty acids continue to accumulate rapidly in brain grey matter through at least the first 2 years of life.1 The role of DHA in visual development is of key interest because of the uniquely high concentration of DHA in photoreceptor cell membranes of the retina. Since the retina and brain are both tissues derived embryologically from neuroectoderm, measuring functional out- comes in the visual system provides a readily accessible index to neurodevelopmental milestones.3 On January 22, 2009 the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that the scientific evidence they reviewed supported the claim that ‘DHA contributes to visual development of infants.’ They further specified that, in order to bear this claim, an infant formula should contain at least 0.3% fatty acids from DHA. On March 13, 2009, EFSA delivered an opinion on DHA and ARA and brain development in which DHA level and ARA: DHA ratios of 1:1, in formulas were linked to potential neurodevelopmental effects of supplementation.2 The Nestlé NAN range contains DHA and ARA. REFERENCES 1.Hoffman DR, Boettcher JA, Diersen-Schade DA. Toward optimizing vision and cognition in term infants by dietary docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acid supplementation: A review of randomized controlled trials. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2009, 81: 151–158. 2.Morale SE, Hoffman DR, Castaneda YS, et al. Duration of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids availability in the diet and visual acuity. Early Human Development 2005; 81: 197-203 3.Auestad N, Scott DT, Janowsky JS, et al. Visual, cognitive, and language assessments at 39 months: a follow-up study of children fed formulas containing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to 1 year of age. Pediatrics 2003; 112:e177-e183
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