Rheumatology 2007; 1 of 17 doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kem056b Guideline British Society for Rheumatology and British Health Professionals in Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout Kelsey M. Jordan, J. Stewart Cameron1, Michael Snaith2, Weiya Zhang3, Michael Doherty3, Jonathan Seckl4, Aroon Hingorani5, Richard Jaques6, George Nuki7 on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology and British Health Professionals in Rheumatology Standards, Guidelines and Audit Working Group (SGAWG) KEY WORDS: Gout, Guidelines, Non-pharmacological treatment, Pharmacological treatment. Scope and purpose Background to the disease Gout is a common disease both in primary care and hospital practice. In UK general practices gout has an overall prevalence of 1.39%, with a male:female ratio of 3.6:1, but the disease remains rare in pre-menopausal women [1]. The incidence and prevalence of gout are both strongly age-related with a prevalence >7% in men, and > 4% in women, over the age of 75 years [1]. Clinical manifestations of gout are associated with monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposition in articular or peri-articular tissues and in the renal tract. It can present, and in some cases progress through four clinical stages if left untreated: asymptomatic hyperuricaemia, acute gout, intercritical or interval gout and chronic tophaceous gout. Classification criteria were proposed in 1977 and the presence of six or more of these criteria makes a diagnosis of gout highly likely [2] although the gold standard for diagnosis is the demonstration of urate crystals in synovial fluid or in a tophus by polarized light microscopy. Hyperuricaemia is the single most important risk factor for developing gout. This most often results from impaired fractional renal clearance of urate rather than from excessive production but there are a number of primary and secondary causes (Table 1). The 5-yr cumulative risk of developing gout was 30.5% in those with a serum uric acid (SUA) level 0.6 mmol/l (10 mg/dl) and only 0.6% in those with an SUA <0.42 mmol/l (<7.0 mg/dl) [3]. Rheumatology Department Princess Royal Hospital, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust, 1Renal Department, Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’ School of Medicine, London, 2Rheumatology Department, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary and Derbyshire County Primary Care Trust Hospitals, 3Academic Rheumatology Unit, University of Nottingham, 4The Queen’s Medical Research Institute & Endocrinology Unit, University of Edinburgh, 5Centre for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University College Hospital, London, 6UK Gout Society and 7The Queen’s Medical Research Institute & Rheumatic Diseases Unit, University of Edinburgh, UK. Submitted 13 October 2006; revised version accepted 8 February 2007. Correspondence to: Prof. George Nuki, Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology, University of Edinburgh Osteoarticular Research Group, The Queen’s Medical Research Institute, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4TJ, UK. E-mail: [email protected] The age of onset of gout is also inversely related to the SUA; mean age 55 years in men with an SUA <0.42 mmol/l (7 mg/dl) and 39 yrs in men with an SUA > 0.52 mmol/l (9 mg/dl)[4]. Other risk factors that predict the development of gout include hypertension, the use of loop and thiazide diuretics, obesity and high alcohol intake [3, 5, 6]. In the past, first attacks of acute gouty arthritis were monoarticular in as many as 90% of patients [7] and the metatarsophalangeal joint of the great toe was the first joint to be affected in more than 50% [8] but more recent studies have documented a greater frequency of atypical monoarthritis in other lower and upper limb peripheral joints, and polyarticular gout, particularly in older women [9]. Before uric acid lowering therapy became available chronic polyarthritis and/or tophi developed 3– 42 yrs after a first gouty attack, with an average of 11.6 yrs [10] and tophi were reported to occur in 12% of patients after 5 yrs, and 55% after 20 yrs of untreated disease [11]. Tophi can, however, develop very rapidly at the site of Heberden’s nodes after only one or two acute attacks of gout, particularly in women with renal insufficiency and heart failure receiving diuretic drugs [12, 13], or organ transplant patients receiving ciclosporin [14]. Other predisposing factors for the development of chronic tophaceous gout are early onset of disease, alcohol misuse, persistently high levels of SUA and poor compliance with hypouricaemic drug therapy [15]. TABLE 1. Causes of hyperuricaemia Urate underexcretion Primary hyperuricaemia Secondary hyperuricaemia Renal impairment Hypertension Drugs Low dose aspirin Diuretics Ciclosporin Ethanol Lead nephropathy Hypothyroidism Urate overproduction Primary hyperuricaemia (<10%) HPRT deficiency (Lesch–Nyhan syndrome) Increased PRPP synthetase Glycogen storage diseases Secondary hyperuricaemia Excessive dietary purine intake Lympho-/myeloproliferative disorders Severe exfoliative psoriasis Drugs Cytotoxics Ethanol Vitamin B12 1 of 17 ß The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] 2 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. Urolithiasis is relatively uncommon with annual incidence of 1% in patients with gout and 0.3% in those with asymptomatic hyperuricaemia compared with 0.2% in normouricaemic controls [16]. More recent prospective studies in 50 000 male health professionals have confirmed that a diagnosis of gout was associated with twice the risk of incident renal calculi [RR 2.12; (95% CI 1.22–3.68] [17]. Urine uric acid concentration and excretion are important risk factors. In a large series of patients with gout the prevalence of calculi was 23% in those with urinary UA excretion of <600 mg/day and 50% in those with levels >1000 mg/day [18]. Fifty years ago chronic renal disease with significant renal impairment was seen in up to 40% of patients with gout, and renal failure was the cause of death in 25% [19]. Progressive renal failure in patients with gout is now unusual, and mainly limited to inadequately treated patients with primary purine overproduction associated with purine enzyme defects, rare forms of inherited renal disease, chronic lead intoxication and other co-morbid renal disease. Although most clinical and epidemiological studies suggest that renal function in patients with gout is comparable with that in patients without gout, matched for age, weight, hypertension and other renal pathologies, recent studies have suggested, controversially, that urate could be an independent risk factor for progression of renal disease [20]. In practice, in both primary care [21] and in hospital settings [22] the clinical profile of patients with gout is frequently dominated by associated medical problems including obesity, hypertension, excessive alcohol consumption and the metabolic syndromes of insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia, impaired glucose intolerance and hypertiglyceridaemia, all of which are important risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and the major determinants of renal insufficiency in many patients with gout. Compared with patients with osteoarthritis, patients with gout are more likely to have coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes and chronic renal failure, and are prescribed a greater number of drugs [1]. Need for management guidelines There are a number of reasons to suggest that there is a need for the development of national evidence-based guidelines for the management of gout at the present time: Although drug therapy for gout has become a paradigm for the successful treatment and prevention of an acute and potentially chronic rheumatic disease, the evidence to show that treatment is effective, safe and cost-effective is remarkably inadequate. Practice in this area is mainly founded on small, short-term, comparative trials and observational studies conducted many years ago, rather than on large, long-term, prospective or randomized placebo controlled trials, which are now essential pre-requisites for the development, introduction and assessment of new therapies. Current recommendations for the treatment of gout are therefore, of necessity, frequently based on expert opinion, rather than on clinical evidence. There is a need to clarify the basis for current recommendations for the management of gout and to identify areas for new clinical research where evidence is lacking, but needed. Comprehensive evidence-based guidelines for the management of this common and potentially preventable disabling disease are currently lacking. Audit of practice in primary care suggests wide variations in the medical management and care provided for patients with gout [23]. In the light of frequently asked questions by patients (UK Gout Society Website www.ukgoutsociety.org) and important new epidemiological studies linking gout with alcohol intake [24], dietary protein intake [25], obesity, glucose intolerance and the metabolic syndrome, now approaching epidemic proportions [26]; there is a particular need for evidence-based guidelines relating to alcohol consumption, diet and lifestyle in patients with gout. A number of studies suggest an increasing prevalence of poorly managed atypical patients with gout, often associated with renal and cardiovascular co-morbidities in whom diagnosis and treatment have been delayed. Guidelines are also required for small subgroups of patients with severe recurrent gout that are frequently very difficult to manage (e.g. patients with renal insufficiency, organ transplants, allopurinol hypersensitivity or primary purine overproduction). There have been relatively few changes in therapeutic options available for the management of gout in the last 30 yrs. This situation may change if Coxibs [27], urate oxidases [28] and new xanthine oxidase inhibitors [29] now in clinical development become available. There is a need for baseline consensus best practice treatment guidelines at this time to act as a yardstick for assessing the role of these emerging new therapies. Other guidelines available Other guidance documents include the Prodigy Guidance on Gout [30], developed in 1999 and updated in 2004. This is targeted primarily for use in a primary care setting by primary care health professionals and patients. Other national guidelines exist in Japan, Holland and South Africa in their native languages [31–33]. European recommendations for the management of gout developed by a task force of the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies including Therapeutics (ESCISIT) have recently been published [34]. Objectives of the guideline These guidelines are intended to offer concise, patient-focussed, evidence-based recommendations for the management of gout. Common clinical questions, some current uncertainties, and questions frequently asked by patients are addressed. Where evidence is found to be lacking following objective and predetermined procedures for systematic search and assessment of the relevant scientific literature by a multidisciplinary guideline working group, recommendations are based on expert consensus and a common sense approach to best practice. Where important evidence is lacking, recommendations are made for further clinical research. The guidelines have been developed as a National Guideline, acceptable for use throughout the NHS in the United Kingdom. If followed and implemented, these guidelines will provide an opportunity to improve the quality of care for patients with gout in both hospital and community settings. Target audience These guidelines have been developed to provide assistance to doctors and allied health professionals who treat and manage patients with gout in primary care and hospital practice. The guidelines should also provide a helpful resource for individual patients with gout and for patient groups. Areas that the guideline does not cover The diagnosis and investigation of gout has not been addressed. Evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis of gout have recently been published by a multinational task force of experts from the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT) [35]. Stakeholder involvement These guidelines have been developed by a Multidisciplinary Working Group whose names, affiliations and roles appear on the Guideline for the management of gout title page. The consensus recommendations have been developed without any input from, or consultation with, any pharmaceutical company. Potential conflicts of interest of all members of the Working Group have been fully declared. 3 of 17 eligible. However, when effectiveness was measured as adverse effects avoided, all studies were included. Exclusion criteria Rigour of development Editorials, commentary and non-evidence based personal reviews were excluded. Studies of hyperuricaemia were included only if they related to management of gout. Scope of literature search and strategy Strength of recommendation Management questions addressed. The following steps generated brief statements of key questions and issues to be addressed in the management of gout: The strength of recommendation was graded A–C based on the level of the evidence (Table 2) [36]. The team was divided into three subgroups to generate a list of issues and questions relating to [1] acute gout, [2] recurrent, intercritical and chronic gout (pharmacological) and [3] alcohol consumption, diet, lifestyle modification, herbal remedies, non-pharmacological modalities of therapy. Questions generated by members of each subgroup were augmented by a list of frequently asked questions by patients, obtained from the UK Gout Society. The three lists of questions/issues were returned to the whole Working Group for examination and additional questions were added as appropriate at this stage. A final list was generated by group consensus. Systematic literature search Systematic literature searches were undertaken to identify research evidence for each question/issue, using MEDLINE (1966–), Old MEDLINE (1950–), EMBASE (1980–), CINAHL (1980–), Science Citation Index (1945–) and Cochrane Library (1998–). Three search strategies were included: (1) terms for gout and (2) terms for the specific treatment. The former included any possible terms for gout such as gout, gouty arthritis, podagra, tophus or tophi, monosodium urate (MSU) crystals, while the latter included both the generic name and brand name of drugs; e.g. allopurinol and Zyloric; (3) two searches were combined to generate citations. MeSH searches were supplemented with key word searches wherever applicable. All searches were exploded and all languages were included. Updating the guidelines The working group was aware that a number of clinical trials of potential new therapies for the management of gout are currently in progress. The working group therefore recommends that these guidelines should be reviewed in the light of new clinical evidence in the next 2–5 years depending on the progress and outcome of these studies. Guideline Management of acute gout Acute gout is intensely painful but is usually self-limiting, resolving spontaneously in 1–2 weeks. Recurrent acute attacks can be more prolonged, and may not resolve without treatment. Treatment goals in an acute attack are to: (1) Exclude a diagnosis of septic arthritis. (2) Terminate that attack as promptly as possible using nonpharmacological and pharmacological treatments. (3) Seek, assess and control associated diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and cardiovascular disease. If this is not immediately possible, plans should be made to assess them once the acute attack has settled. A simplified algorithm (Fig. 1) illustrates the suggested care pathway. Target population: All patients with acute gouty arthritis Inclusion criteria Studies in the format of systematic review/meta-analysis, randomized controlled trial (RCT)/controlled trial, uncontrolled trial/ quasi-experimental study, cohort study, case control study, crosssectional study or economic evaluation were included. For effectiveness, evidence was categorized according to the Evidence Hierarchy (Table 2) [36]. For cost-effectiveness, studies were selected according to which measurement of effectiveness was being considered. For example, when effectiveness was measured as reduction in serum uric acid or quality of life years (QALYs) gained, only studies for gout were TABLE 2. Level of evidence Level of evidence Ia Ib IIa IIb III IV Type of evidence Grade of recommendation Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) At least one RCT At least one well-designed controlled study, but without randomization At least one well-designed quasi-experimental design At least one non-experimental descriptive study (e.g. comparative, correlation or case study) Expert committee reports, opinions and/or experience of respected authorities A A B B B C Recommendations In an acute attack, the affected joint(s) should be rested. Grade C Drug therapy to relieve pain and inflammation should be commenced as soon as possible to ensure the most rapid and complete response. Grade A Commentary There is evidence, which is discussed in the relevant sections, for efficacy of the following treatments in acute gout: ice therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine and corticosteroids. Patient and physician clinical experience suggests that aspiration of the joint and anti-inflammatory drug treatment with NSAIDs or corticosteroids are more effective than simple and opiate analgesics. There are wide differences in the severity of attacks, ranging from mild petite attacks to major polyarticular episodes with systemic upset. Common sense would suggest therefore that treatment is tailored to the individual. Should an acute attack of gout be treated? If so, how soon and for how long? Recommendation All patients with acute gout should be offered treatment with an NSAID, colchicine or corticosteroid and non-pharmacological treatment as quickly as possible after onset of an acute attack. Treatment should be continued until the attack is terminated (1–2 weeks). Grade A K. M. Jordan et al. 4 of 17 Exclude septic arthritis & suppress pain and inflammation Treat as soon as possible NSAID (including coxibs) ± PPI or Colchicine or Corticosteroid (i.a., oral, i.m., i.v.) Further attacks (or risk factors +++) Treat acute attack, when resolved add Review at 4-6 weeks Assess lifestyle factors, blood pressure & perform serum urate, renal function & glucose in all patients Resolution All patients Allopurinol* + prophylactic cover with low Optimize weight Increase exercise Modify diet as needed Reduce alcohol intake Treat underlying cardiovascular risk factors dose NSAID ± PPI or colchicine (Risk of precipitating acute attacks for approx 12 months) *Titrate allopurinol dose dependent on SUA, may require doses upto 900 mg/day DO NOT STOP ALLOPURINOL DURING ACUTE ATTACKS Continuing acute attacks Treat acute attack and when resolved go to No renal impairment Change to Sulphinpyrazone Renal impairment Change to Benzbromarone or Benzbromarone or Probenecid Consider combination therapy with low dose allopurinol Consider combination therapy FIG. 1. Algorithm for the management of gout. Commentary Acute gout is an excruciating condition with severe pain, tenderness and swelling being the cardinal features. It is usually a monoarthritis, but oligoarticular and polyarticular disease associated with severe systemic symptoms can occur. Few studies have been performed to test whether there is indeed any need to treat an acute attack of gout. One study, however, examined the natural history of untreated gout in 11 subjects; two subjects withdrew at day 4 due to severe persisting pain, most noticed improvement in pain, tenderness and swelling by 7 days but only three subjects had complete resolution of their symptoms [37]. There have been no studies on radiological progression and joint destruction in patients with acute gout who are not treated. Intuitively, one might expect that repeated, untreated, acute inflammatory attacks occurring in the same joint would result in Guideline for the management of gout long-term damage, and there are reports of accelerated joint damage and the formation of tophi in elderly women with secondary gout after only one or two acute or subacute attacks [12, 13]. Uncontrolled observations by patients and physicians suggest that early commencement of anti-inflammatory drug therapy following the onset of acute gout is associated with more rapid resolution of symptoms but there is no evidence that joint damage is diminished by this strategy. What is the evidence for NSAIDs? Recommendation Fast-acting NSAIDs at maximum dose for short-term use are the oral drugs of choice for symptom relief in acute gouty arthritis provided that there are no contraindications to their use. Grade A All NSAIDs are equally effective when given in optimum doses Grade A Commentary There has only been one placebo-controlled NSAID study, which demonstrated that tenoxicam was significantly better than placebo [38]. In two well designed, adequately powered NSAID studies (n ¼ 189) comparing indometacin (150 mg) and etoricoxib (120 mg), both treatments demonstrated a similar 30% reduction in the patients’ assessment of pain 4 h after the first dose. Reduction in inflammation and erythema was also seen after 2 days; all patients were treated within 48 h of their attack [27, 39]. Marked improvement in symptoms were also demonstrated in a number of other comparative NSAID studies, although the numbers were often small: ketoprofen (100 mg), flurbiprofen (400 mg), indometacin (150 mg), rofecoxib (25 mg), diclofenac (150 mg), meclofenamate sodium, etodolac (600 mg), naproxen (1500 mg), i.m ketorolac (60 mg) [40–46]. Most of these studies were short-term, 7–14 day studies. This makes it difficult to recommend the use of NSAIDs for long periods in patients with gout. Azapropazone is now only licensed for treating patients with gout because it was found to be associated with significantly higher gastrointestinal toxicity than other NSAIDS in general practice [47]. It was, however, demonstrated that azapropazone 1200–1800 mg/day was both an effective anti-inflammatory drug in patients with acute attacks of gout and an effective uricosuric which decreased SUA in addition to increasing urinary UA [48– 51]. In addition, it appeared to reduce the frequency of attacks in the intercritical period, even when used with allopurinol [52]. Unfortunately, its use has been associated with a very high risk of upper gastrointestinal adverse effects with a relative risk of harm of 23.4 (6.9–79.5) compared with 7.0 (5.2–9.6) with high dose diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, indometacin and ketoprofen [47] and it has therefore largely been abandoned in clinical practice. There is no convincing basis for promoting any NSAID as ‘the best’ for the management of acute gout. Most of the studies performed have compared one or two NSAIDs, with numerous differences in trial design, patient numbers and outcome measures. In one study, diclofenac and rofecoxib were found to be comparable at full daily dose but both were significantly better than meloxicam [43]. The selective COX-2 inhibitor etoricoxib 120 mg od and indometacin 50 mg tid gave comparable, rapid relief of pain in a well-designed double blind RCT [27]. Most studies have used indometacin as the comparator drug and found equivalent results using full dose NSAID. Over the years indometacin has been widely considered as the NSAID of choice in acute gout. This is, however, largely because it was one of the earliest NSAIDS shown to be effective for the management of acute gout [53] and one of only a few available for a number of years. There has been no subsequent published evidence to suggest that this NSAID has superior efficacy or safety. In these circumstances it is recommended that doctors should prescribe any fast acting NSAID with a short half-life with which 5 of 17 they are familiar at the full licensed dosage, provided that there are no contraindications to the use of NSAIDs. Great care must be taken in patients with gout who have complex medical pathology. In particular NSAIDs should be avoided in patients with heart failure, renal insufficiency or a history of previous gastrointestinal ulcers, bleeds or perforations, and they should be used with great circumspection in frail elderly patients with multiple pathology. When they are used, the standard recommendations for gastro-protection should be followed. It has been estimated that as much as one-fifth of hospital admissions with heart failure may be due to the concomitant use of NSAIDs and that interactions with furosemide and ACE-inhibitors further inhibit their use in patients taking these drugs [54]. What is the toxicity of NSAID use in acute gout? Recommendation In patients with an increased risk of peptic ulcers, bleeds or perforations, co-prescription of gastro-protective agents should follow standard guidelines for the use of NSAIDs and coxibs. Grade A Commentary NSAIDs are traditionally used for a 1–2-week period in patients with gout. Few serious adverse upper gastrointestinal adverse events have been noted in the comparative NSAID studies in gout; though patient numbers are often small. One would expect the number of adverse events related to NSAID use in a population with gout to be similar or increased in comparison with other populations because of a high prevalence of associated co-morbidities and GI risk factors. A meta-analysis of NSAID studies for all conditions estimated the average risks for gastric ulcers were 3.6% and 6.8% with <2 weeks and >4 weeks use of NSAIDs, and for duodenal ulcers the average risks were 3.0% and 4.0% with <2 weeks and >4 weeks use, respectively [55]. It also demonstrated that misoprostol, not H2 antagonists, were beneficial in the prevention of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers. The number of patients to be treated to prevent one gastric ulcer with short- and long-term NSAID treatment is 11 and 15, respectively. Misoprostol and H2 blockers were beneficial in the long-term prevention of duodenal ulcers only. In addition, a recent Cochrane review with the objective of reviewing the effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of NSAID induced upper GI toxicity included 40 RCTs and concluded that all doses of misoprostol significantly reduced the risk of endoscopic ulcers. Double doses of H2RAs and PPIs were effective at reducing the risk of endoscopic duodenal and gastric ulcers, and were better tolerated than misoprostol [56]. In addition to the GI risk, NSAIDs can worsen renal insufficiency, and heart failure and interfere with blood pressure control in patients with hypertension. This also applies to the selective COX-2 inhibitor etoricoxib. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of placebocontrolled RCTs of etoricoxib showed weak evidence of increased risk of cardiovascular thromboembolic events OR 1.49 (95% CI 0.42–5.31) consistent with a class effect for COX-2 inhibitors [57]. Although there is currently no data comparing the cardiovascular safety of selective COX-2 inhibitors and non-selective NSAIDs in treating patients with acute gout it is probably advisable not to choose a COX-2 inhibitor in preference to a non-selective NSAID in patients with established ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease or peripheral vascular disease. What is the evidence for treating with colchicine? Recommendation Colchicine is effective at reducing the severity of an acute attack but is slower to work than NSAIDs. Grade A Colchicine should be used in doses of 500 g BD–QDS Grade C 6 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. Commentary Only one study has adequately assessed the efficacy of colchicine in the treatment of acute gout. A double blind, placebo-controlled study demonstrated significantly faster pain relief with colchicine than with placebo. Most patients responded within 18 h and joint inflammation subsided in 75–80% of patients [58]. Unfortunately, there are no comparison studies with NSAIDs. The experience of patients and physicians alike suggests that NSAIDs are more frequently and more rapidly effective than colchicine in patients with acute gout, but colchicine does have a useful place for the management of a minority of patients with acute gout, in whom NSAIDs are absolutely contraindicated. There is anecdotal, but no study evidence to suggest that colchicine is more likely to be effective if commenced early in an acute attack. There is some misunderstanding regarding the optimum dose of colchicine in acute gout. The BNF recommends a regimen of 1 mg initially, followed by 500 g every 2–3 h until relief of pain or until vomiting or diarrhoea occurs. There is some trial [58], as well as clinical practice evidence that this dosing regimen is almost always associated with diarrhoea and other toxic side effects, particularly in the elderly. It is therefore recommended that doses of 500 g BD–QDS should be used, even if this is associated with slower clinical response [59]. What is the toxicity of colchicine? Recommendation Colchicine has a high risk of toxicity, in particular diarrhoea. Grade A Colchicine can be effective in reducing the severity of an acute attack of gout with diminished risk of adverse effects in doses of 500 g bd-qid. Grade B More frequent (2 hourly) dosing should be avoided. Grade B Commentary The side effects of oral colchicine at prophylactic dosing include diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting and rarely bone marrow suppression, myopathy and neuropathy [60–62]. All of these side effects are more common in patients with impaired renal function or hepatic function. Colchicine also constricts blood vessels and has stimulating effects on central vasomotor centres. Care should therefore be exercised before commencing treatment in patients with chronic heart failure [63]. Intravenous colchicine is not recommended, as it has been associated with at least 20 deaths [64]. It should never be used in patients who have already been treated with oral colchicine because of potential serious toxicity. Should allopurinol be used in an acute attack of gout? Although there is no evidence-base for doing so, lower dose NSAIDs are widely co-prescribed by physicians when initiating allopurinol treatment with the aim of diminishing the likelihood of a flare of disease. Do opiate analgesics work in acute gout? Recommendation Simple and opiate analgesics can be used as clinical adjuncts in those whose pain is not entirely controlled with conventional therapy. Commentary There is no direct evidence for the use of opiate or simple analgesics in the treatment of acute gout, although this clearly has face validity and is good clinical practice in patients whose pain is not adequately controlled by usual treatment methods. Do corticosteroids have a place in the management of acute gout ? Recommendation Corticosteroids are an effective treatment in the management of acute gout in patients who cannot tolerate NSAIDs or are refractory to other treatments. They can be given orally, i.m., i.v. or intra-articularly. Grade A In those with a monoarthritis, an intra-articular corticosteroid injection is highly effective in terminating an attack. Grade B Commentary Corticosteroids are a useful alternative to conventional treatments in those who cannot tolerate either NSAIDs or colchicine, or who are refractory to these treatments. Intra-articular injections can be used for those patients with a monoarthritis or oligoarthritis, particularly when larger joints are involved, but in patients with polyarticular disease with small joints affected oral, i.m. or i.v. corticosteroids are a more practical approach. Intramuscular betamethasone 7 mg and i.v. methylprednisolone 125 mg were found to be as effective as diclofenac 150 mg and i.m. triamcinolone acetonide 60 mg was as effective as indometacin 150 mg in clinical trials [68, 69]. In a prospective study, 20 joints were injected in 19 patients with 10 mg triamcinolone acetonide; attacks resolved in 55% of patients at 24 h and in all patients at 48 h [70]. The use of oral steroid has also been investigated in a prospective study; 12 patients were treated with a starting dose of 20–50 mg prednisolone tapered over a mean of 14 days; 75% of patients had responded in 24 h and 92% by 48 h [71]. Another study, in 14 patients, investigated the use of low dose prednisolone 10 mg daily tapered over 2 weeks in patients who could not take colchicine or NSAIDs. Improvement was seen within 24 h [72]. No side-effects were seen in any of these patient groups. Recommendation Allopurinol should not be commenced during an acute attack of gout as it may prolong the attack or precipitate a further acute attack. Grade B In those patients who are established on allopurinol therapy, allopurinol should not be stopped and the acute attack should be treated conventionally. Should diuretics be discontinued in acute gout? Grade A Recommendation If diuretic drugs are being used to treat hypertension, an alternative antihypertensive agent should be considered, following national guidelines for the treatment of hypertension. In patients with heart failure, diuretic therapy should not be discontinued. Commentary Allopurinol is the urate-lowering drug of choice to treat chronic gout. Although the evidence base to answer this question is minimal, it is well-known that lowering SUA can precipitate an acute attack of gout [65, 66]. Common sense would therefore suggest that allopurinol should not be commenced in acute gout. In those subjects who experience acute attacks after initiation of treatment with allopurinol, or during established treatment, the drug should be continued and prophylactic cover added. In a study of patients being started on allopurinol, patients who had prophylactic cover with low dose colchicine had statistically fewer flares of disease [67]. Grade C Grade C Commentary Both loop and thiazide diuretics are risk factors for developing gout, particularly in elderly people. A pragmatic approach is required when treating patients who are on diuretics for heart failure and who cannot discontinue treatment. If NSAIDs are not contraindicated then indometacin may be the drug of choice as some studies have demonstrated an increase in UA excretion [49]. A study investigating the interaction between furosemide and azapropazone demonstrated that even though azapropazone Guideline for the management of gout decreased SUA and increased UA excretion, the diuretic effects of furosemide were still maintained [73]. Additional studies on NSAIDs are required to explore this area further. The role of dietary manipulation, alcohol restriction, lifestyle modification and other non-pharmacological approaches in the management of gout Patients with gout are often very interested in what they can do to help themselves as an alternative to, or in addition to, taking medication. Indeed enquiries about diet, alcohol consumption, lifestyle and alternative therapies are among the most frequently asked questions from the public received by the UK Gout Society (www.ukgoutsociety.org). Although the evidence-base for making recommendations for the management of gout by nonpharmacological approaches is even less established than that for drug therapy, doctors frequently ignore, or are ignorant of, such information as does exist. Body weight Target population: all patients with a diagnosis of gout Recommendation Aim at ideal body weight. Grade B Avoid ‘crash dieting’. Grade B Avoid high protein/low carbohydrate (Atkins-type) diets. Grade C Commentary Gout has traditionally been regarded as a disorder of the privileged and wealthy; and wealth and obesity have often been linked in cultural stereotypes. There are diverse genetic and dietary contributions to hyperuricaemia and to gouty arthritis. For example, urate levels are linked to overall body weight, but gout itself is linked to central obesity, independently of body mass index (body weight related to height) [74]. So, obesity per se may not predispose to gout. There are few studies that have investigated weight-reducing dietary management of gout without medication. Very rapid weight loss through dieting may cause ketosis with resultant hyperuricaemia, and precipitation of acute gout. However, in obese gouty patients, progressive, gradual weight reduction can reduce the SUA and, by implication, the frequency and severity of attacks of gout [75, 76]. Moreover, there are numerous health benefits to be gained by gradual weight reduction in obese patients [77] with gout, which are more important than the reduction of serum urate alone. Dietary management Target population: all patients with a diagnosis of gout Recommendation Include regular skimmed milk and/or low fat yoghurt. Grade B Favour soy beans and vegetable sources of protein. Grade B Favour cherries as fruit—fresh or preserved. Grade B Restrict intake of high purine foods (<200 mg/day). Grade B Avoid liver, kidneys, shellfish and yeast extracts. Grade B Restrict overall protein intake. Grade C Reduce intake of red meat. Grade B Commentary Attempts to control gout and hyperuricaemia by dietary restriction of purines was largely abandoned following the introduction 7 of 17 of effective uricosuric drugs in the 1950’s [78] and allopurinol in the 1960’s [79]. Allopurinol was shown to be more effective than dietary restriction of purines in lowering serum levels of urate [80] in one observational study and over years of subsequent clinical observation and practice it has been demonstrated that normal levels of SUA can be maintained by treatment with allopurinol in many patients with uncomplicated gout without any dietary modification. Nevertheless, expert opinion based on extensive clinical experience with patients with gout in tertiary care settings suggests that some restriction of purine intake is helpful in controlling gout and hyperuricaemia in many patients, and especially important in patients with renal insufficiency and in those with very high dietary purine intakes [81, 82]. A diet that is very low in purines can reduce blood urate by 10–15%, which would be helpful in reducing the risk of gouty attacks [83, 84]. Unfortunately this strict diet is unpalatable, is difficult to reconcile with a weight-reducing diet and in practice is rarely adhered to. The absolute purine content of a particular food is less important than the amount regularly consumed. Approximate purine contents of various foods are included in a fact sheet about gout and diet freely available for patients and practitioners (www.ukgoutsociety.org). In practice, a total daily purine intake of 200 mg can usually be achieved by avoiding foods with very high purine content such as shellfish, offal and sardines and moderating intake of other foods with relatively high purine content such as meat and game. Vegetables such as mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, lentils and soya beans are also rich in purines, but recent studies suggest that vegetarian diets high in purines are associated with lower levels of SUA [85] and are less likely to lead to gout than high purine diets containing shellfish, meat or offal [25]. This is probably because the availability of purines from different foods is variable and also dependent on their energy content and the extent to which the purine constituents of the food are hydrolysed in the gut [86]. Rates of endogenous purine production are also increased in patients consuming high protein diets [87] and it is generally recommended [81] that dietary protein intake should be restricted to about 70 g/day, although the benefits of dietary protein restriction are small compared with those of purine restriction. Paradoxically high protein diets can be associated with increased uric acid excretion and reduction in levels of SUA [88]. This is notably true of diets containing milk and soy bean proteins [89]. Recent epidemiological studies have confirmed that diets including as little as one yoghurt on alternate days are associated with significantly lower levels of SUA [90], and that consumption of low-fat yoghurt or two glasses (480 ml) of skimmed milk daily was associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of gout (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.40–0.73 , P for trend <0.001) [88]. Other foods that have been claimed to be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of gout include barley, cherries, cider vinegar, apple pectin and celery seeds. Research evidence in support is mostly lacking. However cherries, whether sweet or tart, juice or fruit, appear to have urate-lowering potential [91, 92]. The quantity is uncertain, but is probably about 250 g/day. There are strong links between hyperuricaemia, gout and Type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome [93]. This indicates the real importance for doctors and patients alike to think of gout as a red flag or proxy for increased cardiovascular risk [94–97]. In an observational study, South African workers found that a diet restricted in calories to 1600/ day, and relatively high in protein, lowered urate and reduced gout attack frequency. Refined carbohydrates were replaced by complex carbohydrates and saturated fats by mono- and polyunsaturated fats [98]. Other studies involving weight reduction and high fibre intake underline the potential for dietary manipulation to benefit both gout itself and the cardiovascular health of patients with gout [99]. 8 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. Fluid intake Target population: all patients with a diagnosis of gout and a history of urolithiasis (kidney or bladder stones) Recommendation Drink at least 2 Litres of water daily. Grade B Consider alkalinization of urine with potassium citrate (60 mEq/day) in recurrent stone formers. Grade B Avoid dehydration. Grade C Commentary No studies have been undertaken to establish whether a high fluid intake influences the development of gout itself. Patients with gout and a history of nephrolithiasis should be advised to drink sufficient fluid to ensure a urine output of at least 2 litres/day to reduce the risk of stone formation. There is evidence that the risk of recurrent lithiasis can be reduced by 50% over a 5-y period in a randomized, prospective observational study of patients presenting with a first episode of calcium lithiasis [100] but there are no similar data available in uric acid stone formers or patients with gout. Most calculi in patients with gout consist of uric acid alone but mixed uric acid/ calcium oxalate/calcium phosphate stones also occur and there is a significant increase in the frequency of calcium oxalate stones in patients with gout [101]. Water, fruit juice, skimmed or semiskimmed milk, sugar-free squashes, cordials, tea and coffee are all suitable. Despite the mild diuresis associated with caffeine and theobromine-containing beverages, dehydration is not a problem and drinking five or more cups of coffee daily has been shown to have a modest but significant uricosuric effect [102]. Alkalinization of the urine has been shown to result in dissolution of uric acid calculi in 4–6 weeks [103, 104]. Maintenance of urine pH between 6.0 and 6.5 can be achieved with sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate [81]. More recent observational studies [105] have reported better maintenance of urine pH and remission of stone formation in more than 90% of a small group of 18 patients with potassium citrate (30–80 mEq/ day). Experience from renal clinics, however, suggests that compliance with all alkalinization regimens is very poor because they are extremely unpalatable. It is therefore recommended that this approach should only be considered in recurrent stone formers where the risks of stone formation are particularly high. higher risk (RR 1.49, CI 1.32–1.70) than 1 shot (44 ml) of spirits (RR 1.15, CI 1.04–1.28) despite its lower alcohol content. Regular consumption of two glasses of wine was not associated with significant risk of gout. The risk with beer may be greater because some beers contain purines [106, 107]. However, beer-drinkers are also often overweight [108]. Alcohol can raise the serum urate both by enhancing urate production and by reducing renal clearance. Acetate conversion to acetyl CoA in the metabolism of ethanol [109] leads to degradation of adenine nucleotides and accelerated urate production while the lactic acid produced inhibits fractional urate clearance [110]. Any heavy drinking session results in dehydration and ketosis, which also causes a rise in serum urate by reducing its renal clearance [111]. Starvation also causes ketosis, which may be an additional reason for alcoholics, who often eat poorly, developing gout [112]. There are no published studies on low alcohol beers, but it seems reasonable to suppose that the risk for gout patients would be less than drinking full-strength beers. Alcohol may also influence drug treatment [113, 114]. Herbal remedies Target population: all patients prone to gout Recommendation Personal trials of herbal remedies should not be undertaken without medical consultation. Grade B Commentary Restrict alcohol consumption to less than 21 units/week (men); 14 units/week (women). Grade B Two 125 ml glasses of wine/day are usually safe. Grade B A number of remedies for gout have been repeatedly proposed in the lay literature. At the present time there is no acceptable clinical evidence to suggest that any of them are effective and safety has not been established. Those in the European literature include barley, celery seeds, red clover, nettle leaves and Hellebore (which is related to colchicum). There are also reports from the Far East suggesting efficacy of various Chinese herbs (Danggui-Nian-Tong-Tang, extracts of Lauraceae) and from North America regarding indigenous peoples’ remedies (quercetin and larix extracts). There is also a view that oxalic acid (e.g. in parsley) may exacerbate gout. Frequently promoted therapeutic herbal products include aged garlic, artichoke powder, turmeric, milk thistle and yucca saponins or combinations. Claims for the efficacy of these have largely been anecdotal, although some experimental work has been done: for example, certain plant extracts have been found to have xanthine oxidase inhibitory capability. Doctors should be aware that many patients undertake personal trials of herbal remedies. Patients should be encouraged to consult with their doctor before doing so to exclude the possibility of any known interactions with prescribed medicines that they may be taking (e.g. garlic potentiating the anticoagulant effect of warfarin [115] or quercetin increasing the bioavailability of ciclosporin [116]). Two pub-sized (25 ml) measures of spirits/day are safer than half a pint of many beers. Grade B Physical treatments for acute and chronic gout Better to avoid beer, stout, port and similar fortified wines. Grade C Target population: all patients with acute gout Have at least 3 alcohol-free days per week. Grade C Alcohol Target population: all patients with a diagnosis of gout and a regular alcohol intake Recommendation Commentary Recent epidemiological evidence [24], from a study of nearly 50 000 male heath professionals followed for 12 yrs, has confirmed the long-held perception that alcohol consumption is an important risk factor for the development of gout. Compared with men who were abstinent, the relative risk for developing gout rose from 1.32 (95% CI 0.99–1.75) for those consuming 10.0–14.9 g/day to 2.53 (CI 1.73–3.70) for those taking 50 g/day or more (P<0.0001). One 12 oz can of beer/day was associated with a Recommendation Rest and elevate the affected joint and leave it exposed in a cool environment. Grade C Hold bedclothes away from inflamed joint with ‘bed cage’. Grade C Apply ice pack or a packet of frozen vegetables and mould to shape with intervening cloth to avoid ice-burn. Grade B Commentary Ice therapy has been shown to be effective (ES 1.15, CI 0.15–2.12) in relieving pain in acute gout in a small RCT in which it was used Guideline for the management of gout as an adjunct to colchicine and prednisolone [114]. Nettles have been used as counter-irritants. Acupuncture has been reported to improve the SUA, renal function and 24-h urine protein in a RCT [117] but there are no published reports of trials of acupuncture in acute gout. Social and occupational factors Target population: asymptomatic patients with intercritical gout Recommendation Encourage moderate physical exercise. Grade B Avoid intense muscular exercise. Grade B Avoid trauma to joints. Grade B Commentary Gout and hyperuricaemia have been associated with certain occupations such as business executives [118] or naval marines [119]. Evidence for links with psychological stress, drive or personality have never been established and are difficult to separate from the influences of diet, alcohol intake and genetic predisposing factors. It has also been suggested that susceptibility to gout may be linked to the lunar cycle [120] and two retrospective studies have demonstrated a significantly higher frequency of attacks of acute gouty arthritis in the spring[121, 122]. However, the basis for this seasonal variation is not apparent and the observations have no obvious implications for changes in lifestyle or therapy. On the other hand, hyperuricaemia and acute gout can be induced by intense muscular exercise as a consequence of urate generation following depletion of ATP [123] as well as reduction in renal clearance of urate due to accumulation of lactate [124] and ketones [125]; while urate levels are lowered by moderate, non-ketogenic exercise [126, 127]. Management of recurrent, intercritical and chronic gout A long-term treatment plan is needed for each individual patient, taking into account the rather limited amount of good data available. In some patients, modification of an adverse lifestyle (see above) or removal of medicines provoking or worsening hyperuricaemia alone will result in no further attacks of gout, whilst others will need specific treatment to reduce plasma urate concentrations. The relative proportions of these two groups within gouty populations is not well documented but it has been suggested [128] that 40% will not have a further attack within a year, and 7% will have none within 10 yrs. What plasma urate concentration should one aim for? Target population: all treated patients with gouty arthritis and/or tophi Recommendation The plasma urate should be lowered to, and maintained below, 300 mol/l (using a uricase assay) by treatment. 9 of 17 to be associated with reduction or elimination of intra-articular microcrystals of monosodium urate that otherwise persist even in symptomless patients; suggesting some reduction of the total body burden of accumulated urate. Cohort studies [130, 131] have demonstrated a reduced frequency of subsequent attacks in those that achieved lower plasma uric acid concentrations (<360 mol/ l). However some patients, even with such low levels, suffer further attacks. Conversely, attacks may remit without reduction in uric acid concentration [132], and in some of those without attacks, uric acid crystals are still present within the joint [133]. Who should be treated and when? The decision to begin long-term specific treatment aimed at lowering the plasma urate concentration should be influenced by both an individual’s risk of suffering further gouty attacks and/or damage by tophi. This can be crudely assessed by success or failure of non-pharmacological approaches and changes in lifestyle, and the magnitude and persistence of hyperuricaemia, and (in some patients) urinary urate excretion on a low-purine diet. The patients’ preference and the relative risks of the various treatments available are other important factors to be considered. Uncomplicated patients Target population: uncomplicated patients who have suffered a single attack of gout Recommendation In uncomplicated gout, specific long-term treatment to reduce plasma urate concentrations should normally only be given if a second attack or further attacks of gout occur within 1 yr. Grade B Commentary Lifestyle modifications can be effective in preventing further attacks of gout [134]. Following a first attack, some 40% of patients will not experience any further attacks within a year. Thus, immediate, routine, specific long-term treatment of all patients suffering an acute attack of gout is not usually recommended. However, within 3 yrs some 80% of patients will have had a further attack [128]. Armed with this information, and with information about the risks and potential benefits of the drugs, many patients may wish to start uric acid-lowering drug therapy even after a single attack of acute gout, in order to try and minimize the chances of having any further episodes. If this is the case, the patient’s wishes must be respected, but the decision as to when to start therapy is usually best when taken jointly by the patient and family physician. All potential risks, costs and benefits need to be considered, and the importance of adherence to the agreed regimen needs to be emphasized. Complicated patients with co-morbidity Grade C In all population studies, the risk of an attack of gout increases with increments in the plasma concentration of urate [3]. However, the rather imprecise relationship between urate concentrations and clinical gout is illustrated by the fact that even at concentrations in excess of 600 mol/l, the 5 yr probability of an attack is only 30% [3]. A number of investigators have examined both threshold and target concentrations of plasma urate in the treatment of gout [129–131]. One rather strict goal has been to reduce plasma urate concentrations to, or below, the median concentration for men [32]. In the UK today this is <300 mol/l (using a specific uricase assay; non-specific colorimetric methods give higher values). The goal of this is to prevent acute gout, tophus formation and tissue damage. Reduction in plasma urate to this degree, has been shown Target population: patients with an attack of gouty arthritis and co-morbidity Recommendation Specific treatment should be considered, and then begun as soon as the acute attack of gout has settled in the following groups: Patients with visible gouty tophi Patients with renal insufficiency (raised plasma creatinine, Ccreat or GFR <80 ml/min) Patients with uric acid stones and gout Patients who need to continue to take diuretics Grade C Grade B Grade B Grade B Commentary The risks of further attacks are much higher in all these groups [18, 135–138] and end-organ damage in the kidney or joints may occur, or progress, without treatment. 10 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. How soon after an attack of gout should long-term treatment be started? Target population: all patients with acute or sub acute gout who require treatment with uric acid-lowering drugs Recommendation Delay commencement of uric acid-lowering drug therapy until 1–2 weeks after inflammation has settled. Grade C Because commencement of uric acid-lowering therapy can frequently be followed by precipitation of an attack of gout, unless prophylaxis with colchicine or an NSAID is given [66, 67, 139], it is customary to delay starting long-term uric acid lowering treatment for a week or two after the acute attack has resolved entirely. Clinical experience suggests that earlier commencement of uric acid-lowering drugs may prolong the acute attack, but no controlled studies are available to verify this. Which drug regimen is the best for preventing recurrent gouty arthritis? No randomized prospective placebo-controlled trials have been undertaken to establish the efficacy of any uric acid-lowering drug in preventing further attacks of gout, and the available data are of relatively poor quality [128, 140–142]. Nevertheless comparative and cohort data do suggest most strongly that current treatment is highly effective. For example, in one cohort study of 60 patients taking allopurinol, the attack rate was reduced from 4.4/yr to 0.06/yr, and hospitalization rates from 44 to 0.6 days/yr [143]. Controlled data also suggest that treatment should be continuous rather than intermittent [144]. The main choice for specific uric acid-lowering drugs lies between agents inhibiting urate production (uricostatic agents) and those promoting urate excretion (uricosuric agents). Continuous treatment with oral colchicine, which does not influence the SUA, also needs to be considered. Using allopurinol in the incremental dosage regimen described earlier, the plasma urate should reach target levels within 7 days in the majority of patients and in almost all within 4 weeks. It should then be maintained at that level. How long this takes will depend on the body burden of urate, and will be much longer in patients with tophi. In recent years, however, it has become apparent that <50% of patients receiving allopurinol 300 mg daily in comparative drug trials were achieving optimum reductions in plasma urate concentrations (153, 154). This suggests that many patients may need higher doses for optimal control of the SUA (154). Occasional patients have been shown to need doses up to 900 mg daily for optimum effect [145, 146]. Side-effects: possible side-effects include transient rashes (2%), which usually respond to reduction in dose, especially in those with impaired renal function such as the elderly (see subsequently) [155]. A much more serious allergic reaction may occur in 1:300 patients and can be augmented considerably by concomitant treatment with ampicillin. Patients may develop life-threatening fever, exfoliative dermatitis, mucositis, vasculitis, hepatitis and renal damage. Significant drug interactions are also not infrequent. The most potentially dangerous are with warfarin anticoagulation, and with azathioprine (see below). A new xanthine oxidase inhibitor, febuxostat [153], is currently undergoing clinical trials, but its potential role is not yet clear. Uricosuric agents Uricosuric agents are now little used and currently rather difficult to obtain in the UK. Target population: patients with recurrent attacks of gout, who are not over-producers of uric acid Recommendation Uricosuric agents should be used only as second-line drugs in the chronic treatment of gout, in those producing and under-excreting a normal or reduced amount of urate, and in those resistant to or intolerant of allopurinol. The preferred drugs are: Uricostatic agents Inhibitors of the enzyme xanthine oxidase inhibit production of urate from hypoxanthine and xanthine. Target population: uncomplicated gout patients who suffer more than one attack within a year; and gout patients with co-morbidity Recommendation Initial long-term treatment of recurrent uncomplicated gout normally should be with allopurinol, starting in a dose of 50–100 mg and increasing by 50–100mg increments every few weeks, adjusted if necessary for renal function (see further), until the therapeutic target (SUA<300 mol/l) is reached (maximum dose 900 mg). suphinpyrazone 200–800 mg/day in patients with normal renal function benzbromarone 50–200 mg/day in patients with mild or moderate renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance 30–60 ml/min) Grade B Grade B Grade B on a low purine diet, 24 h excretion of less than 3 mmol urate, or a Uurate/Ucreatinine ratio of <0.35 mmol/mmol in an untimed random urine. Commentary Grade B Commentary Most patients with gout are relative renal under-excretors of urate as a result of impaired capacity to excrete filtered urate. This would suggest that the use of inhibitors of tubular re-absorption would be the logical, physiological first approach to reducing plasma and tissue urate in the majority of patients, and uricostatic drugs would be reserved for those few patients (<3% in general practice) that are over producers of urate. In practice, however, allopurinol is recommended as the first line drug for lowering urate in all patients because of its efficacy, convenience and excellent benefit to risk ratio in both over producers and underexcretors of urate [143, 145–148]. Assessing urate ‘production’ in clinical practice is difficult and impractical [149–151] and neither uricosuric agents nor long-term prophylactic colchicine are much used by general practitioners or hospital physicians [152]. Uricosuric drugs are contraindicated in the minority of patients who are overproducing and over excreting uric acid. Grade B All uricosuric agents carry a small risk of uric acid stone formation, even in those producing normal quantities of urate. Grade B A recommendation to increase fluid intake and output is mandatory for patients taking uricosuric drugs, but poorly observed in practice. Grade B Sulphinpyrazone and probenecid are ineffective in patients with even mild renal insufficiency. Grade B Sulfinpyrazone (Anturan Õ , Novartis) is the only uricosuric drug that can be freely prescribed in the UK at the present time. It has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency of gout attacks, and in reducing tophi as well as in reducing plasma urate levels in observational studies when administered in doses of 200–800 mg/day [156–158]. Grade B Side-effects: gastrointestinal side-effects occur in 10–15% of patients. Inhibition of platelet function can lead to bleeding and gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Marrow failure is an uncommon but serious side-effect. Guideline for the management of gout 11 of 17 urate concentration rather than suppression of acute attacks of gout should be the priority. Probenecid (Benuryl, Benemid, Probecid) is no longer available for general prescription in the UK but can be obtained on a named patient basis through IDIS. In doses of 0.5–2.0 g/day it has been shown to be effective in increasing urate excretion and lowering plasma urate concentration in observational studies [159–161], providing renal function is relatively normal (plasma creatinine <200 mol/l). It was, however, less effective than sulphinpyrazone in reducing the plasma urate in one small crossover study [162]. Grade B Prevention of initial attacks of gout induced by starting allopurinol therapy Side-effects: dyspepsia and reflux oesophagitis can be troublesome in about 10% of patients and it can interact with all renally excreted anionic drugs Target population: patients with gout starting uric acid-lowering treatment Benzbromarone (Desuric) has never been licenced for use in the UK but can be obtained for use on a named patient basis through IDIS. It is the most potent of the uricosuric agents and was until recently very widely used, even as a first-line urate-lowering drug, in many countries in Europe, South Africa and Japan. It has been shown to be effective in lowering plasma urate levels in doses of 50–200 mg daily in a number of observational studies [163–166]. It was more recently shown in a comparative study to be as effective as allopurinol in reducing plasma urate concentrations in patients with renal impairment, with a plasma creatinine up to 500 mol/l [154]. Grade B Side-effects: diarrhoea can be troublesome in about 10% of patients. Rarely it is associated with hepatotoxicity, and even fatal hepatic necrosis. As a result its availability for general prescribing has been recently restricted in France, Germany and Spain. However, benzbromarone can be a very useful drug for patients who cannot tolerate allopurinol, for patients with mild or moderate renal insufficiency and for managing patients with renal transplants when allopurinol is contraindicated [154, 167]. Combination therapy Despite the fact that benzbromarone reduces plasma concentrations of oxipurinol (the active metabolite of allopurinol) [168], studies have demonstrated that combination therapy with benzbromarone and allopurinol together is more effective at reducing plasma urate concentrations than either drug alone [154, 169]. Grade B Colchicine has for a long time been popular with rheumatologists in low dosage (0.5 mg od to tds) as long-term prophylactic treatment [60, 63, 170] and was effective in suppressing attacks in over 80% of 554 subjects treated for 20 yrs [60]. However sideeffects are frequent, particularly diarrhoea [67] and this drug has not been widely prescribed in family practice [152]. The only good quality recent data to support the use of colchicine are the data showing its efficacy in preventing acute flares in patients with chronic gout commencing treatment with allopurinol (67). If used for prophylaxis, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) should be estimated as outlined in Table 3 and dosage modified as necessary, since the drug is renally excreted. Grade B In addition, if plasma urate represents an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and a toxic factor for endothelial cells, as much recent data suggest [171], then reduction of the plasma Patients frequently develop acute attacks of gout just after allopurinol or uricosuric treatment is started, and for some weeks afterwards [65, 139, 172, 173]. Recommendation Colchicine 0.5 mg bd should be given following initiation of long-term treatment with allopurinol or uricosuric drugs for up to 6 months. In patients who cannot tolerate colchicine an NSAID or Coxib can be substituted provided there are no contraindications, but the duration of NSAID or Coxib cover should be limited to 6 weeks. Grade A Grade C Commentary Colchicine (0.5 mg bd) has been shown to be remarkably effective (NNT2, CI 1–6) in preventing breakthrough attacks for 3 months after starting allopurinol therapy in a placebol-controlled RCT [67]. Diarrhoea was, however, frequent, 38% vs 4.5% on placebo RR 8.38 (1.14–61.38). It should be co-prescribed for at least the first six weeks of treatment with allopurinol or uricosuric agents provided that there are no adverse effects. Anecdotal data suggest that NSAIDs may be equally effective in this respect [174] but no formal comparisons have been made in this setting. There have been no long-term trials of NSAIDs or Coxibs in asymptomatic patients with intercritical gout, or in patients with chronic gout to demonstrate efficacy or safety. It is therefore recommended that NSAIDs or a Coxib should only be used for prophylaxis if colchicine is not effective, or not tolerated, and for a limited period—4–6 weeks in the first instance. Uricolytic agents Although initially effective on repeated injection [175, 176] neither form of urate oxidase (the purified enzyme from Aspergillus fumigatus (UricozymeÕ ), and cloned tetrameric Aspergillus uricase expressed in strep. Mitis (rasburicase, Fasturec Õ ) has been employed as a drug for long-term treatment, because of (i) the need for i.v. injection, (ii) the appearance of antibodies against the native protein sometimes with clinical reactions and (iii) cost. However, it has been useful in a few patients who cannot tolerate allopurinol, in some transplant recipients [177] or to cover courses of chemotherapy for malignant disease. Rasburicase can be used monthly for more than a year without inducing an immune reaction [28]. Grade B Trials are also in progress with a PEGylated urate oxidase that can be administered subcutaneously. Other drug interactions Potentially favourable TABLE 3. Modification of allopurinol dosage with reduced renal function from any cause Ccreatinine or GFR >80 ml/min 60–80 ml/min 30–60 ml/min 15–30 ml/min on dialysis usual dose of allopurinol 200–300 mg daily 100–200 mg daily 50–100 mg daily 50–100 mg alternate days 50–100 mg weekly Gout is associated with both hypertension and hyperlipidaemia. Losartan, an AT-1 receptor antagonist effective in hypertension is a uricosuric agent [178, 179] and so is the hypolipidaemic agent fenofibrate [179–181]. Thus, there is probably merit in using both [179, 182, 183] or either, in gouty patients who require such treatment (which will often be the case). A smaller effect has been reported also for atorvastatin [179, 182, 183] and therefore deserves consideration in this group of patients. Grade B 12 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. Potentially unfavourable Aspirin in the low doses (75–150 mg/day) used for cardiovascular prophylaxis has minimal effects on the SUA that are not clinically significant [184, 185] and should be commenced or continued as needed in gouty patients at cardiac risk. In moderate analgesic doses (600–2400 mg/day), however, it causes significant urate retention and patients with gout should be warned to avoid it. Only at high doses of 4–6 g daily does it become uricosuric [186]. Diuretics, particularly thiazides, induce a rise in plasma urate concentration through volume depletion and increased renal tubular re-absorption [187–189]. They should be avoided where possible, but in some patients, such as those in heart failure, continuation of diuretic treatment may be essential. Should plasma uric acid concentration be measured regularly, and if so by whom? Sustained lowering of the plasma urate concentration to <300 mol/l is the target. In the absence of good evidence for the optimum frequency for checking plasma urate and renal function levels we suggest: Three-monthly checks for the first year and then: Annual measurements of plasma urate and creatinine concentrations, with simultaneous re-inforcement of lifestyle advice Grade C Self-testing kits for measuring uric acid in saliva are now available. This allows patients to monitor this parameter themselves if they wish to do so. When—or can—treatment be stopped? Few data exist on this point [190, 191] but in one study half the patients were able to discontinue treatment for 3 yrs after 7 yrs’ treatment without recurrent attacks. This was generally in patients with milder gout [192]. The usual assumption has been that treatment will be life-long if gout recurs repeatedly after attempts to stop treatment. However, where inappropriate lifestyle has not been modified, this deserves the main attention. Allopurinol appears to remain effective for at least two decades in lowering uric acid concentrations, and longer term therapy has not been associated evident side-effects. Indeed there are theoretical grounds for believing that it could be of benefit in protecting against the risk of vascular disease; but clinical data to support this is lacking. Management of special groups of patients with chronic gout Several groups of patients with chronic or recurrent gout require special management. Such patients will normally require at least initial investigation and treatment in a rheumatology or other specialist medical clinic. Patients with renal insufficiency [including following (renal) transplantation] Attacks of gout are surprisingly rare (1–2% prevalence) in uncomplicated uraemic patients, despite gross elevations in plasma urate concentrations; perhaps because of immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory effects of uraemia [193]. Probenecid and sulfinpyrazone are ineffective in more than mild renal dysfunction, but benzbromarone can be used in patients with plasma creatinine up to 500 mol/l with good effect [154, 94, 195]. Allopurinol is usually effective despite impairment of renal function, but adverse events (particularly rashes) occur more frequently in patients with more severe renal insufficiency, probably because of accumulation of allopurinol and its metabolite oxypurinol which is excreted by the kidneys [155]. Measurement of plasma creatinine alone is an inadequate basis for assessing the appropriate dose, and the GFR should be estimated as outlined in Table 4 Recommendation Doses of allopurinol should be lowered according to renal function in all those with a reduction in estimated GFR; including normal elderly subjects Grade B There are some recent data to suggest that dose adjustment of allopurinol according to creatinine clearance results in inadequate control of hyperuricaemia in patients with gout [196]. Although these investigators were able to increase the dose of allopurinol gradually without any increase in adverse effects, the safety of such an approach has yet to be established. A further question is whether gout causes or aggravates renal dysfunction in gouty subjects. Renal failure in gout is rare today, except in inherited forms and in patients with lead toxicity (see subsequently). There is semi-controlled evidence that lowering urate with allopurinol or benzbromarone may be reno-protective in gout with renal impairment [147, 195] although the data for symptomless hyperuricaemia is equivocal [197] or lacking. Grade B However, in contrast to uraemia in native kidneys, gout may occur cumulatively in up to 25% of renal transplant recipients. Overall half or even two-thirds of all transplant recipients develop gout over 5 yrs, with the highest frequency following heart transplantation. This transplant gout may be atypical, and polyarticular, involving upper limb and even proximal joints. The cause is usually multifactorial, but depends principally upon the dose of the renal vasoconstrictor calcineurin antagonist cyclosporin, and to a much lesser extent, tacrolimus (FK-506). Diuretics, especially in combination with ciclosporin also contribute. The kidney excretes allopurinol and its metabolites including oxipurinol and dosage modification is needed for decrements in renal function (Table 3). Grade B Patients with organ transplants present additional pharmacological problems. Allopurinol should not be used in combination with azathioprine because of accumulation of the latter’s marrowdepressant metabolite 6-mercaptopurine [198], but allopurinol can been used successfully with the IMP dehydrogenase inhibitor mycophenolate mofetil, despite theoretical worries about availability of guanine nucleotides [199, 200]. Grade B There are no data yet available relating to the use of sirolimus or everolimus. Colchicine is also excreted by the kidney and, if used, requires dose reduction. However, this drug is better avoided altogether in renal failure, because of potential accumulation and toxicity. GI fluid losses from the frequently associated diarrhoea may compromise renal function further. Grade C All NSAIDs, and especially diclofenac impair renal blood flow. As a result they may precipitate acute-on-chronic renal failure, TABLE 4. Calculation of GFR GFR can be estimated using the formula of Cockroft and Gault from plasma creatinine, age, sex and weight: GFR ¼ [((140 age)(weight in kg))/Pcreat(mol/l) 0.81] 0.85 if female Others prefer the abbreviated form of the equation developed for the MDRD study in the United States, which gives equivalent results, although tending to underestimate GFRs within the normal range: GFR ¼ 186 (Creat/88.4) 1.154 (Age) 0.203 (0.742 if female) (1.210 if black) but this requires power functions. However, the eGFR can be obtained from this formula using the following website template, which requires only plasma creatinine, age, sex and ethnicity of the patient: http://www.renal.org Guideline for the management of gout especially in combination with ciclosporin. They should generally be avoided in all patients with renal insufficiency. Grade C Elderly patients (>75 yrs) Gout in elderly patients is becoming more common. It is often atypical with involvement of multiple joints in the hands especially in females. Early development of tophi, often at sites of nodal osteoarthritis can occur, even without preceding acute gouty arthritis. Diuretic use and poor renal perfusion are major factors in some patients. Treatment of gout in elderly patients is complicated by the fact that renal function declines with age. The GFR can be estimated using the Cockroft and Gault formula (Table 4) as in the previous section, but an even simpler method for elderly patients is to use the formula: 135 ageðyrÞ 20 ml= min ði:e: mean 2 S:D:Þ This decline in GFR is ‘concealed’ by a parallel reduction in muscle mass. Plasma creatinine concentrations normally do not rise with increasing age up to 100 yrs and are an inadequate measure of renal function in elderly subjects. As a consequence almost all apparently healthy 80-yr-olds have US National Kidney Foundation ‘stage 2 renal insufficiency’ (GFR <80 ml/min) and drug dosages need modification, as outlined for allopurinol in Table 3. As dehydration is common in the elderly because of blunting of thirst, colchicine with its relatively high risk of causing diarrhoea is usually best avoided. NSAIDs must also be used with great care in the elderly, especially if any degree of heart failure is present because of NSAID-induced sodium retention; and NSAIDs are contraindicated in patients with impaired renal function. Grade C Younger patients (<30 yrs) Gout in all infants and children and in Caucasian adolescents and young adults up to the age of 25, is almost always associated with underlying myeloproliferative disease or a group of relatively rare inherited disorders [201]: (i) Abnormalities of purine metabolism leading to purine overproduction. These lead to florid juvenile gout. They include sex-linked complete HPRT deficiency (the Lesch–Nyhan syndrome of dystonia and self-mutilation), or isolated gout associated with partial HPRT deficiency (the Kelley– Seegmiller syndrome) [202]. PRPP synthase over-activity, sometimes associated with deafness, is also associated with gout, mainly in males. All of these conditions need special investigation for full diagnosis but purine over-production can be detected by measuring 24-h urate excretion on a low purine diet (normal <3.0 mmol). All these groups of patients will respond to allopurinol, which is essential if attacks are to be avoided. Occasionally, when allopurinol is used in primary purine over-producers, xanthine toxicity with stones and renal failure can be a problem. Grade B Very rarely other inherited disorders causing gout, such as glycogen storage disease type 1 or inherited chloride diarrhoea, may be encountered. (ii) Familial hyperuricaemia with renal failure. [Familial juvenile hyperuricaemic nephropathy, (FJHN) or uromodulin-associated renal disease]. In this rare condition hyperuricaemia resulting from severely impaired fractional clearance of urate is for prominent but gout is less common. Girls and young women are as frequently affected as males. In one-third to one-half of patients there are associated 13 of 17 mutations in the uromodulin (Tamm–Horsfall urinary protein) gene, but how this might lead to the very low urate excretion and renal failure is not yet known. There is genetic heterogeneity in this disorder, with other genes involved. One group of patients shows associated cysts in the renal medulla (autosomal dominant medullary cystic kidney disease). Whether treatment with allopurinol or benzbromarone to lower plasma urate concentrations retards or prevents the renal failure is controversial, but probably worthwhile, if only to avoid acute gout Drug dosages may need to be altered in the frequent finding of associated renal impairment. Grade C Patients with overt or occult lead exposure (‘Saturnine’ gout) Gout associated with lead intoxication is now rarely encountered in Europe [203], but remains common in some areas of the world such as Taiwan [204]. A history of lead exposure is not always evident and diagnosis is often dependent on maintaining a high level of suspicion. However, renal impairment is a frequent clinical clue. Calcium versenate infusions can be used for both diagnosis and then treatment to reduce the burden of lead [205]. Grade B Patients with true allopurinol hypersensitivity Uricosuric agents should be tried in the first instance [206]. If they are ineffective then oxipurinol can be obtained for individual patients on a named patient basis [207, 208]. Some patients have cross reactions to this allopurinol metabolite. Thiopurinol may be preferable, if it can be sourced. Desensitization (either oral or i.v.) has been successful in a number of patients [209], but should not be attempted in patients who have had severe allopurinol hypersensitivity reactions. Repeated injections of (recombinant) urate oxidase can be considered as a last resort if gout is severe [28]. Grade C Pregnant patients As gout is very uncommon in pre-menopausal women (except those with FJHN), the management of gout in pregnancy is a problem that rarely arises. Nevertheless it is an important issue for the rare individuals concerned. Usually the plasma urate falls during pregnancy as a result of plasma volume expansion. Acute episodes of gout are very unusual and can be safely managed with NSAIDs in the mid trimester. Grade C Allopurinol has never been adequately tested during pregnancy, the manufacturers advise against its use, so those seeking to become pregnant probably should stop the drug. There is no record of any fetal toxicity from probenecid, which has been used extensively during pregnancy to treat infections (by raising plasma antibiotic concentrations) and if needed this drug should be preferred (Grade B). As there are no data for benzbromarone in pregnancy it should be avoided. Colchicine has been used during pregnancy in conditions other than gout, but despite some favourable reports on its safety [210], others have reported chromosomal damage. It is also best avoided during breast feeding as it is present in high concentrations in milk. Applicability and utility There should be no organizational barriers to introducing these guidelines into primary care and hospital practice throughout the NHS in the UK. In order to facilitate dissemination and implementation, the guideline working group were of the opinion that the BSR, through SGWAG, should seek to liaise with the Royal College of General Practitioners to audit and implement the guidelines in primary care; and with the Royal Colleges of Physicians to do the same in District General Hospitals. 14 of 17 K. M. Jordan et al. Recommendations for audit Assess the impact of the guideline on: (1) The frequency and duration of gout flares. (2) The achievement of target reduction in plasma urate levels. (3) Lifestyle modification (weight reduction, alcohol intake and dietary adjustment). (4) The assessment and treatment of co-morbid disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular risk factors). (5) The time to accurate diagnosis and treatment of gout in primary and hospital care settings. (6) Documentation of all of the above. In addition to publishing the guidelines in Rheumatology and on the BSR website, the working group recommends that SGWAG should promote their wider recognition and adoption in both hospitals and the community by sending them for comment and discussion to relevant professional organizations (e.g. care of the elderly, renal physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, etc.) and patient organizations (e.g. Arthritis Care and the UK Gout Society). Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) should be approached to develop standards of care for patients with gout based on these guidelines after audits of current management of gout have been undertaken in both primary care and in hospitals. The working group recommends that further, larger and more representative audits of the management of gout in primary care and in district hospital settings should be planned and undertaken at the same time as standards of care are formalized; and the audit cycles in primary and hospital care should be repeated 1–2 yrs after publication and dissemination of the guidelines. Financial implications No economic evaluation has been undertaken. Some funding will be required to set up and complete meaningful audits but it is not anticipated that implementation of these treatment guidelines will be associated with significant increases in the cost of medicines. It should be noted that the guidelines do not make any recommendation for major increases in the use of Coxibs or urate oxidase. Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr Mark Whitaker, Primary Care, Didsbury and Miss Sarah Schenker, British Nutrition Foundation, London for their comments and Mooka Siyomunji-Barker for her support in the BSR office. None of the working group has any actual or potential conflict of interest. Prof. Nuki has served on an advisory board for Savient Pharmaceuticals and received honoraria as an editor of the web journal rheuma21st.com, which was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Novartis. Prof. Doherty is member of advisory boards related to febuxostat and uricase (currently not available for the treatment of gout). Prof. Nuki, Dr Snaith and Mr Jaques are trustees of the UK Gout Society, which receives an unrestricted educational grant from Merck, Sharp and Dohme Ltd. Dr Weiya Zhang has received honoraria from Bristol Myers Squibb. References 1 Mikuls TR, Farrar JT, Bilker WB, Fernandes S, Schumacher HR Jr, Saag KG. 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