REGISTRATION FORM OBJECT moving-in date (min. rental period 12 months) size of apartment 2.5 apartment no. address 3.5 4.5 number of people adults / children age(s) of children Do you intende to use the apartment as a family home? yes PERSONAL PARTICULARS Mrs. wife Mr. surname first name first name street street postcode / city postcode / city B identity document (enclose copy) C L place of birth identity document (enclose copy) occupation occupation employer employer annual gross income CHF annual gross income CHF type of musical instrument played type of musical instrument played type of pet type of vehicle required garage parking C motor cycle space Since when have you been living at the above address? (date) name telephone reason(s) for relocation (optional) reason(s) for relocation (optional) REFERENCES (EMPLOYER) name SIGNATURE place / date place / date signature signature name telephone telephone The registration process terminates automatically if no contract has been concluded within three months. Each adult must enclose an excerpt from the debt collection register and a copy of an official document (passport, identity document, identity document for foreign nationals). Before moving into the flat a security deposit of three months’ rent must be paid. You confirm your agreement that we may obtain information from your landlord and your employer. advertisement estate agent renting signboard internet radio spot tv spot L required details of landlord at current address details of landlord at current address name telephone HOW DID YOU HEAR OF US B type of pet garage parking motor cycle space Since when have you been living at the above address? (date) – – – – civil status date of birth civil status type of vehicle IMPORTANT business telephone e-mail address date of birth place of birth coapplicant registered partner private telephone business telephone e-mail address CURRENT RESIDENCE husband surname private telephone INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION no social network Mobimo Management AG • Seestrasse 59 • CH-8700 Küsnacht • T +41 44 397 11 02 • F +41 44 397 11 20 •
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