Liberty High School Cheer & Dance Clinic Saturday, April 11, 2015 All proceeds benefit the Liberty Cheer program Are you trying out for Liberty High School & want extra credit points to go towards your tryout? Want to see what cheer is all about? Are you thinking of trying out for a cheer team at school, youth or all star team? TH LIBERTY CHEERLEADERS WILL BE SPONSORING OUR 16 ANNUAL ONE-DAY CHEER & DANCE CAMP AT THE LIBERTY HIGH GYM IN BRENTWOOD. Date: Saturday, April 11th, 2015 Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm (Doors Open 8:30am) Location: Liberty High School – Old Gym LUNCH AT 11:00am, CAMP PERFORMANCES & AWARDS AT 1:30PM!! ION T A TR INE S I L G RE EAD rd!!! D il 3 r Ap Clinic Cost: $40 (Pre-Register) $45 (At Door) **Includes: T-shirt, pizza lunch & private coaching by the Liberty Cheerleaders (Bring your own water) • • Everyone over Age 5 welcome Participate will learn new chants, proper arm & cheer techniques, jumps, fun camp dances, partner stunts, group stunts and much, much more!!! Forms and Payment: Make check payable to “Liberty HS Cheer” and write your child’s name and phone number on the check. Completed forms with check can be mailed or dropped off at Liberty High School, 850 2nd St., Brentwood, 94513 - Attn: Koren Summers (Cheer Advisor) Registration Deadline: Friday, April 3rd, this is to ensure you get the correct size t-shirt. We will take registrations at the door on the day of clinic but T-shirt size will NOT be guaranteed. For more information, please feel free to contact Koren Summers at (925) 351-4531 or (925) 525-6071 or email at [email protected] Circle a t-shirt size: Youth S M L Adult S M L Name of Participant: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Parents Name: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________ School: ____________________________________ Age: ________ Grade: ________ I, parent or guardian of, _________________________, do hereby give my approval to participate in the LHS Cheer Clinic. I assume all risks and hazards while participating in this clinic. I waive and agree to hold Liberty Union High School District, Coaches and Advisors, any certified personnel and any volunteer or participating LHS Cheerleader harmless and not at fault in case of injury. Date: ____________ Parent or Guardian Signature_______________________________ Referred by (Liberty Cheerleader Only):__________________________________________
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