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Follow Us On Twitter As the light goes dim and the world goes silent let y our ey es and body take som e rest. Make sure to m ake it sweet and sound. Good Night. The whole day y ou struggle, You work study and juggle, Let this be the tim e to relax, Keep it calm and chillax, Do not forget to take y our blanket, And all the blessings with y ou, Before y ou sleep. Good Night and Sweetheart dream s. Twinkling stars are shining hard to wish another shining star a v ery Good Night. After a day so exhausting and life so rewarding let us take a break from all the business and hav e a sweet, sound y et tight sleep. Good Night and hav e sweet dream s. When the clock strikes nine, it winks at y ou and say s that it is the tim e, to m ake y ourself rest in y our fine, com fy bed and wish ev ery one, a v ery Good Night. Let m e sing y ou a sweet and lov ey -dov ey song. May y ou hav e a bonbon night and sugary dream s. Good Night. Since the owls hav e taken ov er the world to guard, and v am pires to look after all of us, take a break from worldly v entures and hit y our bed. Hav e a happy happy night and sweet sweet dream s. With this subtle breeze blowing through the woods, You too enter the world of dream s with a heart so cool and calm . Sleep tight. Hav e a Good Night and sweetheart dream s. Nights are the best tim e to lie down and let y our m ind weav e what y ou subconsciously aspire but consciously neglect. Sleep and let y our m ind m ake those beautiful castles for y ou. Hav e a Good Night and sweetest dream s Pray and thank God for all that happened during the day . Wish ev ery one a v ery Good Night, take a deep breath and sleep tight. Sugary dream s to y ou. with y our ey es going sleepy , close y our books, shut down y our com puter and walk towards y our bed. Wishing y ou a v ery Good Night and sugar coated dream s. The day m ight not hav e been the way y ou planned it to be, Things m ight not hav e gone y our way , Winds m ight not hav e blown in y our direction, Just take a deep breath and close y our ey es, Fill y ourself with optim ism for tom orrow and regards for the past. Wishing y ou a v ery good and calm night. Sleep tight. Ssshhhhh....ev ery one else has already slept, now it is tim e for y ou to take a break from the hectic schedule and hav e a sound cozy sleep. Wishing y ou a v ery Good Night. Nights, for a hard working person like y ou com e with a m essage of prosperity and a prom ise for a new bright sunny day for y ou to take benefit of it. For now just close y our ey es and sleep tight. Wishing y ou a v ery good and silent, sound night and beautiful dream s. Let not this darkness outside be of any effect to y our inner self, wait for the m orning and swallow the light and brightness. For now just close y our ey es and let y our m ind be at rest for som e tim e. Good Night and cherry dream s. Lets not regret what y ou could not do today , With lots of hopes and desires plan y our tom orrow, But for now just close y our ey es, rem em ber God, and hav e a Good Night. Sweet dream s Before y ou sleep do not forget to thank all those who m ade y ou learn som ething today . With a willing heart to face a new day hit y our bed and sleep tight. Hav e a v ery Good Night and sweet cute dream s. This is what has alway s been the essence of life - disappointm ent com es before hope, hurt com es before lov e and dark com es before brightness to m ake us realize how im portant their presence is. Hav e a v ery Good Night and sugary sweet dream s. Keep y our ey es on the goal but m ind at peace, y ou surely will achiev e any desired goal in life. Hav e a lov ely and sound sleep. Good Night and sweet dream s. More than luck what m atters is y our courage and y our will to work and achiev e any dam n thing in this world. Hav e a peaceful night and cherry dream s. Night is the best tim e for a lazy person like y ou. Enjoy sleeping and hav e a good sound sleep. Good Night and sweet dream s. Your bed just called m e up and asked m e to tell how eager it is to accom pany y ou on y our journey to the dream land. So com m on on y ou lazy bum , and step towards it. Good Night and sweet dream s. With all the Draculas and ghosts the night is again here. Wishing y ou a v ery Good Night full of peace. Hav e awesom e dream s with all the spirits protecting y ou. To a dream er like y ou, night is the best tim e to explore y our horizons to the zeniths. Hav e a Good Night and sweet dream s. Sleep tight. It is said a good night's sleep can bring a wonderful tom orrow. May y ou sleep with beautiful dream s. Good Night. All y ou need to succeed with excellence. All y ou need for a great day . All y ou need for a better tom m orrow, is a good sleep at night. A fresh m ind, can conquer the world. I wish y ou a good night. Sleep well. Each night I wish that y ou are safe at y our hom e. Each night I wish y ou are sound asleep. Because if I know that ghosts like y ou are wandering around, I can nev er sleep. So for the sake of hum anity , hav e a good night sleep. May the dark winds be the soothing breeze that pam pers y ou. May the shiny sky form a blanket of warm th on y ou. May y ou hav e the sweetest dream s, and all y our dream s com e true. Good night. It is said that if y ou guess all the following three words right, 1 . Gho_ts 2 . Ev _l 3 . De_th, y ou get to m eet the 1 st word soon. Any way s, Good Night. An end to a day , is only a beginning of a new one. And sim ilarly , ev ery success m arks a start of a new one. Keep y our spirits high for a tom orrow that shall alway s com e. Keep faith, courage and hope in life and nev er let y our dream s sleep. Good night. Nev er walk a lane, that has a foot m ark on it. Nev er work for a goal, that has an end. Nev er sleep, but dream . The sun has slept behind the sea, Giv e m e a kiss, And let's go to sleep. Good night sweetheart. God has put off the lights, So rest y ourself and relax tonight. Good night! After ev ery beautiful day com es a beautiful night. Hope y ou enjoy this one. Good night! The day is gone, But y ou hav e prom ises to keep. Walk a long way , Before y ou go to sleep. Good Night. Sleep well. Tim e is calling, Calling y ou to sleep, So get into y our bed, And drift into y our dream s. Good night! Night is that tim e of life which teaches y ou to dream better. Good Night darling. Hav e sweet dream s! Night is the only beautiful darkness which ev ery one lov es. Enjoy sleeping! Good night. The best part of sleeping is that it allows y ou to dream any thing. Sleep well dear. Good Night. Isn't it wonderful how dream s take y ou into the world of fantasy ? Good Night and soar into y our dream y world! Let this night take y ou on a ride of beautiful dream s. Wish y ou a Good Night. Like 83 Send 1 Twe e t Wishafriend.com (c) 2006-13 Internet Design Zone & its licensors. All Rights Reserved. Wishafriend.com or its owners/designers are not affiliated, connected or related to MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, or any such websites in any way. You are not allowed to copy any content for any commercial purposes. For image copyrights, click here. Terms of Use - Get Wishafriend Updates In Email - Subscribe To RSS Feed - Link To Us - C opyrights & C redits - Privacy Policy - C ontact Us
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