Parametric Verification of Weighted Systems April 11, 2015 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Department of Computer Science Aalborg University Denmark Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Motivation In recent time a lot of effort have been put into capturing important characteristics of real world systems in various modeling formalisms: I Time: timed automata, timed CCS. I Uncertainty: probabilistic systems based on markov chains. I Costs and resources: weighted systems. Each modeling formalism is associated with specification languages to verify requirements. 1 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Motivation Another important characteristic, usually neglected, is that of incomplete information: I Models containing guesses and estimations for time usage, cost and probabilistic behavior. I Difficult verification of properties as it depend on the inaccurate model. 2 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Related Work Our work is inspired by: I Parametric Kripke Structure and Parametric CTL by Sathawornwichit et al. I Symbolic Dependency Graphs by Jensen et al. 3 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Contribution Based on parametric extensions to weighted transition systems and weighted CTL we: I Define Parametric Dependency Graphs (PDGs) to structurally represent dependencies. I Show how to compute minimal fixed points of assignments to nodes in a PDG in a finite number of steps. I Prove that computing the fixed points solves the model checking problem. Finally, we have implemented a web-based prototype tool deriving parameter constraints ( 4 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parameters 5 We allow linear expressions over parameters to be used as transition weights and as upper bounds on path formulae. Model {b} Formula p + 2q m m’ {a} A>U≤p a Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parameters 5 We allow linear expressions over parameters to be used as transition weights and as upper bounds on path formulae. Model {b} Formula p + 2q m m’ {a} A>U≤p a This changes the model checking problem into a problem of finding good parameter values. Model checking m satisfies A>U≤p a if p + 2q ≤ p. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Interpretations 6 We assume a finite set of parameters P and linear expressions in parameters. Interpretations i : P −→ N Interpretations are extended to linear expressions in parameters i.e if i(p) = 5 and i(q) = 7 then i(2p + 5q + 1) = 46 The set of all linear expressions is denoted by E. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parametric Weighted Transition System 7 Definition A Parametric Weighted Transition System (PTS) M is a triple M = (M, → − , `), where I M is a finite non-empty set of states. I → − ⊆ M × E × M is the transition relation. I ` : M −→ 2AP is a labeling function mapping states in M to a set of atomic propositions room 1 p + 2q {ready,clean} {dirty} c1 charger 1 q 2 room 2 room 3 p 1 {dirty} {dirty} 1 {clean} 2 room 4 charger 2 q {dirty} {done} Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parametric Weighted CTL 8 We extend weighted CTL with upper bound parametric constraints: Definition The set of PTL state formulae are given by the abstract syntax: Φ, Ψ ::= > | ⊥ | a | Φ ∧ Ψ | Φ ∨ Ψ | Eϕ | Aϕ and the set of PTL path formulae are given by the abstract syntax: ϕ ::= X≤e Φ | ΦU≤e Ψ where a ∈ AP and e ∈ E. ρ = m0 e1 m1 · · · ej mj · · · Φ | Φ {z ≤e Ψ } Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Dependency Graphs 9 Intuition Dependency graphs are traditionally used to encode dependencies between properties, where the structure of the graph can be seen as a graphical representation of a formula’s semantics. Example {a, b} m0 2 {a, c} m1 hm0 , a ∨ bi 3 m2 {b, c} =⇒ hm0 , ai hm0 , bi M, m0 |= a ∨ b Either disjunct must be satisfied, represented by two hyper-edges: one for each disjunct. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Dependency Graphs 10 Intuition Dependency graphs are traditionally used to encode dependencies between properties, where the structure of the graph can be seen as a graphical representation of a formula’s semantics. Example {a, b} m0 2 {a, c} m1 hm0 , a ∧ bi 3 m2 {b, c} =⇒ hm0 , ai hm0 , bi M, m0 |= a ∧ b Both conjuncts must be satisfied, represented by a single hyper-edge going to both conjuncts. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Symbolic Dependency Graphs 11 Intuition Symbolic dependency graphs can be used as an abstraction of problems of problems with quantitative dependencies. Example hm0 , AX≤5 ci {a, b} m0 2 {a, c} m1 5 3 m2 M, m0 |= AX≤5 c {b, c} =⇒ hm0 , AXci 2 hm1 , ci 3 hm2 , ci The bound is abstracted away by the cover-edge. The minimal cost of satisfying the (unbounded) formula is accumulated at the node below the cover-edge and checked against the cover-edge weight. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parametric Dependency Graphs 12 Intuition We propose a parametric extension to symbolic dependency graphs called parametric dependency graphs that allows linear expressions involving parameters as weights. Example hm0 , AX≤r ci {a, b} m0 5+p {a, c} m1 r 2q m2 {b, c} =⇒ hm0 , AXci 5+p M, m0 |= AX≤r c hm1 , ci 2q hm2 , ci Besides allowing linear expressions involving parameters, parametric dependency graphs works just like symbolic dependency graphs. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Parametric Dependency Graphs 13 Definition Definition A Parametric Dependency Graph (PDG) is a tuple G = (N, H, C), where I N is a finite set of nodes, I H ⊆ N × 2E×N is a finite set of hyper-edges and I C ⊆ N × E × N is a finite set of cover-edges Example Whenever (n, T ) ∈ H we refer to n as the source node and T as the target-set. hm0 , AX≤5 ci 5 n0 For each ∈ T we refer to target-node, or simply target. n0 as a hm0 , AXci 5+p hm1 , ci 2q hm2 , ci Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Assignments 14 Definition We use assignments to encode the parametric cost of reaching a truth value in the PDG. Definition Given a PDG G = (N, H, C), an assignment A : N −→ (I −→ N ∪ {∞}) on G is a mapping from each node n ∈ N to a function that, given a parameter interpretation, yields a natural number or ∞. We denote the set of all assignments A. We use 0 to represent “good” values, i.e. satisfiable, and ∞ to represent “bad” values, i.e. non-satisfiable. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Assignments 15 Ordering Definition (A, v) is a poset such that for A1 , A2 ∈ A: A1 v A2 iff ∀n ∈ N ∀i ∈ I : A1 (n)(i) ≥ A2 (n)(i) A∞ denotes the assignment that maps to node a function that assigns the value ∞ regardless of parameter interpretations, i.e. ∀n ∈ N ∀i ∈ I : A∞ (n)(i) = ∞ Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Assignments 15 Ordering Definition (A, v) is a poset such that for A1 , A2 ∈ A: A1 v A2 iff ∀n ∈ N ∀i ∈ I : A1 (n)(i) ≥ A2 (n)(i) A∞ denotes the assignment that maps to node a function that assigns the value ∞ regardless of parameter interpretations, i.e. ∀n ∈ N ∀i ∈ I : A∞ (n)(i) = ∞ (A, v) constitutes a complete lattice with A∞ as bottom element. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Understanding Assignments 6 m00 m 16 hm, EX≤7 ai 4 m0 hm, AX≤7 ai 7 {a} 7 hm, EXai 6 4 hm0 , ai ∅ hm00 , ai hm, AXai 6 4 hm0 , ai ∅ hm00 , ai Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Understanding Assignments 6 m00 m 17 hm, EX≤7 ai 4 m0 hm, AX≤7 ai 7 {a} 7 hm, EXai 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai hm, AXai 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Understanding Assignments 6 m00 m 18 hm, EX≤7 ai 4 m0 hm, AX≤7 ai 7 {a} 7 hm, EXai min{4, 6 + ∞} 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai hm, AXai max{4, 6 + ∞} 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Understanding Assignments 6 m00 m 4 m0 19 hm, EX≤7 ai 0 hm, AX≤7 ai ∞ 7 7 {a} hm, EXai min{4, 6 + ∞} 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai hm, AXai max{4, 6 + ∞} 6 4 0 hm0 , ai ∅ ∞ hm00 , ai Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 20 Updating assignments A global update function iteratively updates the PDG node assignments. Let min{∅} = ∞ and max{∅} = 0. Definition Given a PDG G = (N, H, C), F : A −→ A is a function that given an assignment on G produces a new assignment on G, defined as follows: ( 0 if A(n0 )(i) ≤ i(e) e if n 99K n0 ∞ otherwise F (A)(n)(i) = {A(n0 )(i) + i(e)}} otherwise min { max 0 (n,T )∈H (e,n )∈T We let F i (A) denote i repeated applications of F on A. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 21 Example We encode the model checking problem, M, m0 |= AX≤r c in a PDG. Example 1 hm0 , AX≤r ci r {a, b} m0 5+p {a, c} m1 2 hm0 , AXci 2q m2 {b, c} =⇒ 5+p 3 hm1 , ci 2q hm2 , ci 4 M, m0 |= AX≤r c ∅ ∅ Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ 1 ∞ 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci 5+p 3 hm1 , ci ∅ 2q hm2 , ci 4 ∅ Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ F (A∞ ) 1 ∞ ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ ∞ 0 0 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci 5+p 3 hm1 , ci ∅ 2q hm2 , ci 4 ∅ In the first iteration, only nodes with a hyper edge going to an empty target-set gets updated (nodes 3 and 4). Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ F (A∞ ) F 2 (A∞ ) 1 ∞ ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ ∞ 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci 5+p 2q 3 hm1 , ci ∅ In the next iteration, node 2 is updated as it depends on nodes 3 and 4. hm2 , ci 4 ∅ Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ F (A∞ ) F 2 (A∞ ) F 3 (A∞ ) 1 ∞ ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r ∞ otherwise 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ ∞ 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 5+p 3 hm1 , ci ∅ 2q hm2 , ci 4 ∅ Now we have a weight to compare against the bound on the cover-edge, so node 1 gets updated. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ F (A∞ ) F 2 (A∞ ) F 3 (A∞ ) F 4 (A∞ ) 1 ∞ ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r ∞ otherwise 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ ∞ 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 5+p 3 hm1 , ci ∅ 2q hm2 , ci 4 ∅ We see that the assignment doesn’t change, and as such a fixed point has been reached. Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking 22 Example By iteratively applying F on A∞ we compute the fixed point assignment Amin . Example n A∞ F (A∞ ) F 2 (A∞ ) F 3 (A∞ ) F 4 (A∞ ) 1 ∞ ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if ∞ ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r ∞ otherwise ( 0 if max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r ∞ otherwise 2 ∞ 3 ∞ 4 ∞ ∞ 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 1 hm0 , AX≤5 ci r 2 hm0 , AXci max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 max{5 + p, 2q} 0 0 5+p 3 hm1 , ci ∅ max{5 + p, 2q} ≤ r =⇒ (5 + p ≤ r ) ∧ (2q ≤ r ) 2q hm2 , ci 4 ∅ Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Model Checking Fixed point assignments Lemma The update function F is monotone on the complete lattice (A, v). According to Tarski’s Fixed Point Theorem, F must have unique minimal fixed point which we denote Amin . Theorem There exists a natural number i such that Amin = F i (A∞ ). Termination is guaranteed by the fact that assignments consitute a well-quasi -ordering and therefore cannot exist infinite antichains. 23 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Prototype Tool PVTool As a proof of concept of the method for model checking of PTL on PTS presented in this work we have implemented a tool on 24 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Conclusion We have developed an algorithm for computing minimal fixed points on PDGs and show that our technique can be used to: I Solve model checking using parametric weighted CTL with upper-bound constraints. Tool support and preliminary experiments were made to asses the feasibility of our approach. 25 Peter Christoffersen, Mikkel Hansen, Anders Mariegaard, Julian T. Ringsmose, Kim G. Larsen & Radu Mardare Future Work I Local algorithm instead of global. I Other applications of our technique. I Minimization of constraints computed by our tool. I Proving (non)-existence of solution to parameter constraints. 26
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