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The New Zealand
Infrastructure Contracting
Summit 2015
Unlocking Collaboration Between Principal and Contracting
Organisations in the Infrastructure Field to Advance Contract
Outcomes and Refine Project Delivery
Liquid Learning is delighted to present The New Zealand Infrastructure
Contracting Summit 2015, a key platform for Executives, Directors
and Managers in client and contracting organisations to participate
in knowledge sharing and dynamic discussion of strategies for
successful, profitable and long-term business relationships.
David Adamson Director Council Facilities and
Infrastructure Rebuild
Christchurch City Council
Ian Campbell Executive General Manager
Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team
Jim Harland Regional Director Southern
NZ Transport Agency
Stuart Tucker General Manager, Civil Infrastructure / New
Mike Howat Executive Manager, Major Projects
Fulton Hogan
Greg Wilson Deputy Director, Christchurch Central Project
Delivery - CCDU
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA)
Mark McKenzie SCIRT Manager
City Care
Grant Hodges Partner and Head of Infrastructure
Ernst & Young
Johnny McFarlane Project Director, Project Management NZ
Garth Gallaway Partner
Chapman Tripp
Brian Sharman Technical Director, Water and Infrastructure
Andrew McKenzie Christchurch Director
Arrow International Limited
Michael Bassett-Foss Project Director, Wairarapa Water
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Nick Meeten Buildings, Water and Sustainability Consultant
Smart Alliances
Dr Ian Greenwood Infrastructure Asset Management
Ian D Greenwood
Jennie Vickers Director, Australia and New Zealand
The International Association for Contract and
Commercial Management (IACCM)
Sarah Irwin Infrastructure Strategy Consultant
21 & 22 July 2015
Post-Summit Workshop
23 July 2015
Rydges Christchurch
Methods for successful
communication in partnerships and
Tools for finding the right contractor /
client fit
Innovative asset management and
procurement techniques
Strategies for effective contract
management and project delivery
Book & Pay by 30 April 2015 to receive an
additional Value Plus Discount!
Phone: +64 9 927 1500
Fax: +64 9 927 1525
Booking Code - I
Practical Strategies For Creating Mutually Beneficial Project Outcomes
Day One 21 July 2015
8.30 - 8.55
Registration and Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Official Welcome and Opening Remarks from
the Chair
9.00 - 9.45
has been contingent on this constructive collaboration. Ian
will discuss which conflict management approaches and
relationship building techniques saw SCIRT successfully bring
such different organisations together. Explore:
• How partnerships and alliances can reach a shared vision for a project
• Navigating toward a middle ground between a client’s objectives, stakeholder needs, design requirements and contractor’s resources and constructability recommendations
• The importance of clear communication
Successful strategies for contract management
In a country so prosperous in its infrastructure projects,
meticulous contracts are vital to ensuring both clients
and contractors uphold their responsibilities and meet
objectives. While different contract types are preferred by
every organisation, the most successful contracting
arrangements minimise any opportunity for interpretation,
but must also meet the clients’ needs. At the forefront
of the Christchurch rebuild, David has ensured rebuild
programmes, SCIRT projects, and horizontal infrastructure
are delivered in accordance with their contracts. Knowing
the importance of a contract model to a project’s
efficiency and the future relationship between principal and
contractor, David will discuss:
• Selecting the best procurement and contract model - alliancing, collaborative, or a best practice contract model
• Strategic sourcing and understanding the contract market
• Case Study: Procuring and contracting Christchurch rebuild programme/projects
Ian Campbell Executive General Manager
Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team
12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion
12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch
1.15 - 2.15
9.45 - 10.00 Questions and Discussion
10.00 - 10.45 CASE STUDY
Emerging integrated asset management
Stuart Tucker General Manager, Civil Infrastructure /
New Zealand
Jim Harland Regional Director Southern
NZ Transport Agency
Michael Bassett-Foss Project Director, Wairarapa
Water Project
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Grant Hodges Partner and Head of Infrastructure
Ernst & Young
2.15 - 3.00
Keeping everyone on the same page
Keeping clients and contractors on the same page is
difficult, particularly when the organisations are from polaropposite industries. Ensuring all parties progress in the same
direction and toward the same goal comes down to upfront,
consistent engagement and effective communication. The
often turbulent dynamic between principal and contracting
organisations has been largely attributed to gaps in
communication, and having worked in the infrastructure
field for more than 30 years, Nick will discuss practical
communication tools for overcoming these significant
engagement barriers. Explore:
• Bringing waste water, buildings and councils together
• Communicating shared expectation, performance and vision
• Understanding your development partner’s drivers and establishing a joint attitude
Brian Sharman Technical Director, Water and
Infrastructure Services
10.45 - 11.00 Questions and Discussion
11.00 - 11.15 Morning Tea
11.15 - 12.00 CASE STUDY
Intentional collaboration
As the General Manager of SCIRT, Ian is the middle-man
between a number of government agencies, contractors and
consultants, ensuring they operate seamlessly together to
rebuild horizontal infrastructure damaged by earthquakes.
Competing priorities and interests, pressing deadlines and
multiple funders and stakeholders can make it challenging
to agree and pursue common objectives. It is essential
that any tensions or rivalries are eased before a project is
compromised, and the large-scale rebuild in Christchurch
Developing a trusting relationship with clients and
Trust is the foundation for any successful relationship –
including professional partnerships. It is important for any
contracting organisation to understand how to put the client
at ease and convey their reliability and trustworthiness.
Likewise, principal organisations are increasingly losing
faith in contract partners and require effective methods for
finding the right organisational fit. The panel will discuss
practical techniques for identifying reliable contractors and
consultants, as well as methods for establishing credible,
long-term relationships with clients. Explore:
• The importance of trust to a partnership or alliance
• Successful relationship-building skills
• Comprehending the contract market and finding the right contract partner
David Adamson Director Council Facilities and
Infrastructure Rebuild
Christchurch City Council
When a project reaches its commissioning phase it is too
late to start thinking about how the asset created will be
operated, maintained and renewed, while simultaneously
delivering against the clients’ and stakeholders’ expectations
of levels of service, risk and ongoing affordability. The
application of industry-leading asset management
frameworks, including ISO 55000 standards, are designed to
ensure that the right project is delivered at the right time, with
the right equilibrium between whole-of-life cost, versus levels
of service versus risk. In this session, Brian will discuss the
latest approaches to integrated asset management. Explore:
• Reduced capital and operational costs
• Higher levels of service and customer satisfaction
• Best use of limited economic and human resources and affordable services
Nick Meeten Buildings, Water and Sustainability
Smart Alliances
3.00 - 3.15
Questions and Discussion
Plus One Separately Bookable
Full-Day Workshop on 23 July 2015
Receive up to $150 off registration if
you register and pay by 12 June 2015
3.15 - 3.30
3.30 - 4.15
Afternoon Tea
Day Two 22 July 2015
Effective and successful partnerships between
clients and construction contractors
Both sides to a construction contract will often enter into
negotiations or a contract with the clear intent of working
in partnership. However, often the outcomes fall short of
a true partnership, with one or both parties disappointed
by the end result. When a partnership in construction is
achieved successfully, the outcome is something all parties
in the project are truly satisfied with. Having worked on
projects from both a client and a contractor perspective
throughout his long career in infrastructure, Andrew has
experienced both successful and unsuccessful partnering
from both sides. He will use his experience to discuss:
• Examples of successful partnerships and what made them work
• Understanding your partner’s perspective and handling complications
• Constructive dialogue when there are issues to be addressed
Andrew McKenzie Christchurch Director
Arrow International Limited
4.15 - 4.30
Questions and Discussion
4.30 - 5.00
Relational contracting in strategic procurement
The impact of relationships on strategic procurement is
the focus of governmental contracting initiatives across
the world, to leverage the correlation shown in research
and evidence between good relationships and even better
contract outcomes. Understanding how to identify and
determine the impacts of contract relationships on projects
is a beneficial skill for effective procurement. Jennie will
share the results of IACCM’s research around relational
contracting, and offer practical advice from her own and
IACCM’s experience with this approach. Discuss:
• Implementing procurement policy
• Cultivating successful relationships to support procurement
• Smart procurement
Jennie Vickers Director, Australia and New Zealand
The International Association for Contract and
Commercial Management (IACCM)
5.00 - 5.15
Questions and Discussion
Concluding Remarks from the Chair
8.30 - 8.55
Morning Coffee
8.55 - 9.00
Opening Remarks from the Chair
9.00 - 9.45
Managing professional relationships through
As part of an alliance it is imperative all parties
uphold their end of the contract and deliver what was
agreed upon, on time, and within budget. After the
Christchurch earthquake of 2011 an alliance formed to
rebuild Canterbury from below ground, up. City Care
became one of a number of organisations to comprise
the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild
Team (SCIRT), and Mark was tasked with managing
professional relationships and contracts in some
uncertain times. Establishing these networks in the period
of industry distrust following the disaster was difficult,
and Mark will look at the SCIRT alliance to discuss key
learnings for both contractors and clients. Explore:
• Resource coordination
• Managing through chaos
• The power of alliancing and the value proposition
Mark McKenzie SCIRT Manager
City Care
9.45 - 10.00 Questions and Discussion
10.00 - 10.45 CASE STUDY
Project delivery and engagement in challenging
The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) was
established to lead the recovery following the Christchurch
earthquakes. Its Christchurch Central Development Unit
(CCDU) was launched in 2012 to develop and implement
a design plan for the CBD, with 70 per cent of buildings
demolished and widespread loss of infrastructure. To
develop a new CBD identity the Blueprint Plan was
launched, with Greg leading the team tasked with
coordinating land acquisitions, working alongside land and
property owners and overseeing the scheduling of new
Anchor Projects. Drawing on this process, Greg will discuss:
• Earthquake recovery and the thinking behind the central city Blueprint Plan
• Land acquisition – how has it worked?
• Communication and negotiation methods and lessons, and managing needs and expectations
Greg Wilson Deputy Director, Christchurch Central
Project Delivery - CCDU
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA)
5.15 - 6.15
Make the most of your Liquid Learning experience, join us to
network over complimentary canapés and drinks
10.45 - 11.00 Questions and Discussion
11.00 - 11.15 Morning Tea
11.15 - 12.00 CASE STUDY
Get everyone inside the tent and avoid the storm
The face of delivery models in infrastructure continues to
change as the market gets specific about its business
outcomes. Trends ranging from early contractor
involvement at the front end, through to operations
at the back end, require a greater understanding
of the business objectives and what is driving the
procurement approach. Johnny will discuss the power
of communicating clear objectives to the whole project
team - at every level - to deliver complex and high-risk
projects as smoothly as possible. Explore:
Receive up to $300 off registration if
you register and pay by 22 May 2015
Receive up to $400 off registration if
you register and pay by 30 April 2015
Essential Knowledge For Building Strong Business Relationships
• Thorough, early communication with all parties and a true understanding of the client’s objectives
• Why contractor models like early contractor involvement do not work without good design management
• The significance of engaging the often forgotten sub-
contractors and suppliers
Management Consultant and with an extensive background in
the field, Ian will discuss:
• The future direction of infrastructure and contracting
• Key take-away points from the Summit
• Discussion: What industry professionals would like to see happen in New Zealand/Australian infrastructure
Johnny McFarlane Project Director, Project
Management NZ
Dr Ian Greenwood Infrastructure Asset Management
Ian D Greenwood
12.00 - 12.15 Questions and Discussion
Concluding Remarks from the Chair
and Summit Close
12.15 - 1.15 Networking Lunch
1.15 - 2.00
Understanding work health safety changes
Having represented the Mines Rescue Service at the Royal
Commission into the Pike River tragedy of 2010, and acted
for employers in hundreds of serious harm accidents, Garth is
ideally placed to discuss the changes to safety legislation and
how it will impact on the industry. Recent Health and safety
changes to legislation addressed inadequate regulations and
poor inspection regimes, thus impacting significantly on clients
and presenting them with a host of challenges to overcome
and higher expectations to meet. Providing practical methods
to interpreting the new laws, Garth will discuss:
• A practical understanding of an organisation’s obligations
• New influences on contracts and compliance and what this means for client/contractor relationships
• Recent case law and understanding the application of the law to your organisation
Garth Gallaway Partner
Chapman Tripp
2.00 - 2.15
Questions and Discussion
2.15 - 3.00
Lessons to be learned from alliances
A number of major capital projects are being brought to
fruition by alliance groups across New Zealand. Throughout
12 years in alliance contracts, Mike has been involved
in numerous alliances of different natures and has taken
away valuable lessons from each. You learn something
new from working in any alliance group - from competitive
alliances, to pure, client-contractor alliances, design and
construct or hybrid alliances such as SCIRT - and Mike will
discuss techniques, strategies, and approaches which have
worked, and those that fell short. Explore:
• Case studies: The Causeway alliance, New Market Viaduct Replacement, Te Rapa Bypass, SCIRT, and the Northern Gateway alliance
• Working effectively with all parties to meet objectives
• Managing competing perspectives for the good of the whole
Mike Howat Executive Manager, Major Projects
Fulton Hogan
3.00 - 3.15
Questions and Discussion
3.15 - 3.30
Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 4.30
Where the industry has been and where to next
The knowledge and skills acquired from years in the
infrastructure field, delivering projects of varying magnitudes
and with new clients and contractors, must not be
undervalued. Managers and Executives in any principal,
contracting or consulting organisation recognise that
increased efficiency, profitability, strength of business
relationships and industry recognition stems from their
team’s ability to overcome challenges and deliver complex
projects according to contract. As an Infrastructure Asset
Phone: +64 9 927 1500
Fax: +64 9 927 1525
Organisations in the infrastructure field often face challenges when it
comes to the negotiation, implementation and management of contracts.
Meeting contract objectives, on time and according to budget can be
compromised if clients, contractors and consultants do not collaborate to
overcome difficult situations.
The New Zealand Infrastructure Contracting Summit 2015 will serve
as an open Summit for delivering successful case studies of contracting
arrangements, and as a platform for discussion of key topics and
challenges impacting on the client / contractor relationship. The Summit
will equip participants with innovative ideas on how to enhance their
organisations’ contracting and outsourced activities, with senior and
executive leaders at the forefront of infrastructure works presenting on
developments across New Zealand.
Contractors will gain insight into how other organisations are successfully
maintaining business relationships with government bodies and how they
can improve their client engagement, satisfy project requirements and
instill a sense of trust and reliability in the client. Governments rely heavily
on these contractors and consultants to develop significant projects
and must carefully analyse the contractor market to source the most
appropriate partner. At this Summit, clients will have access to successful
approaches to finding the right contractor fit and strategies for achieving
optimal performance, value for money and strong relationships.
This Summit is a unique opportunity to share experiences with likeminded individuals and discuss with counterparts in other organisations
successful contract arrangements that have led to profitability and
Follow this event on Twitter using the event hashtag
#NICS15 and @LiquidLearning for daily industry
Directors/Managers/Advisors from sectors including central and
local government, engineering, construction, manufacturing, utilities,
telecommunications, transport and energy and resources in:
Maintenance/Facilities Management
Asset Services/Management
Infrastructure Management
Major Projects
Stakeholder/Contractor Management
Commercial and Business Development Management
23 July 2015
9.00 - 4.30
Improving Asset Information Management Processes
Organisations require efficient and precise information systems to manage their assets in a cost effective manner and to meet agreed levels
of service. However, the level of detail required and the methods of data collection and recording are imperative to be able to monitor asset
Implementing the right support software and technology facilitates informed business decisions and long-term organisational benefits and are vital
for organisations to keep on top of the large volume of information an asset will generate over its lifetime. Managing risk, prioritising investment and
maintaining reliable and comprehensive data is an imperative part of the day-to-day tasks required to maintain a successful project.
Innovative asset management models are being sought to address inefficiency and enable comprehensive data management. This workshop will
look at the Asset Information Systems and processes required and how they fit into the wider asset management system and strategy. It will also
look at the direction asset management is taking and explore how organisations can receive the best possible return on the assets they invested
ample time and resources in. Explore:
Benefits of Asset Management:
• Embedding a new asset information strategy into your organisation
• Effective Information Management Systems for successful projects
• Condition assessment and analysis of data
• Strategies for adding value to your organisation and utilise the capacity of an effective asset information system
• The importance of risk assessment procedures - Balancing organisational need with organisational gain
The Role of Asset Information in the Management of Assets:
• Where information systems fit in the asset management framework
• Applying whole-of-life management strategies
• Methods to increase return on investment
• Extending the life of your asset through active maintenance plans
Acquiring Value from your Existing System to Maximise Asset Information Management:
• Quantifying the value of an asset management system
• Identifying the benefits of centralising information to align projects and long-term goals with the organisation
• Analysing current report data to improve asset maintenance schedules
Talking Strategy:
• Complex review of system requirements to establish applicability to your organisation
• Acquiring conviction of investment to achieve senior leadership buy-in
• Aligning information management systems to the strategic future of the business
Steps Toward Long-Term Asset Success:
• Future trends and advancements in technology
• Emerging software applications and cost efficiency
• The systems and processes reshaping asset information management as we know it
Expert Facilitator: Sarah Irwin Infrastructure Strategy Consultant
Sarah has over 20 years’ experience in the asset management sector. Her early career was with Wellington City Council working with Parks and
Facilities Asset Management Plans and information systems. As Manager, Asset Information she was responsible for implementing the enterprise
Asset Management System, GIS and Land Information Systems across Council.
Sarah has had specific experience in scoping and sourcing asset management Information Systems, establishing the metadata requirements for
effective and practical operations and working with the business end users creating the links between the finance, systems and business facets of
asset management.
As a consultant, Sarah has been involved in asset management system scoping, selection, setup and operation as well as developing of asset
management policies, strategies and plans. She has worked with local authority, central government and private clients assisting with a wide variety
of asset management initiatives.
Sarah has extensive speaking and facilitation skills running workshops and presenting at numerous conferences on asset and facility management.
Women in Finance and
Accounting Leadership
Summit 2015
12, 13 & 14 May 2015
Stamford Auckland
To request an electronic version
for easy circulation, email
[email protected]
The Safety Leadership
and Engagement
Conference 2015
17, 18 & 19 June 2015
Stamford Auckland
Integrated Talent
Masterclass 2015
5 & 6 August 2015
Limited sponsorship and exhibition opportunities
available. For your chance to brand yourself as a
market leader, please call: +64 9 927 1500 or email:
[email protected]
Booking Form
Rydges Christchurch
30 Latimer Square, Christchurch Central,
Christchurch 8011
Ph: +64 3 379 6760
The New Zealand Infrastructure
Contracting Summit 2015
21, 22 & 23 July 2015
Receive up to $400 off registration if
you register and pay by 30 April 2015
Receive up to $300 off registration if
you register and pay by 22 May 2015
Receive up to $150 off registration if
you register and pay by 12 June 2015
Organisation Name
Registration Information
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Full Name or TBA
c Summit
c Workshop
Full Name or TBA
c Summit
c Workshop
c Summit
c Workshop
* Please photocopy this form if more than three will attend
Please confirm my registration for The New Zealand Infrastructure Contracting Summit 2015
Your Investment
No. #
Standard Rate
Early Bird Rate*
Super Saver Rate**
Value Plus Rate***
Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (3 days)
Options (per person)
$3295 + GST = ($3789.25)
$3145 + GST = ($3616.75)
$2995 + GST = ($3444.25)
$2895 + GST = ($3329.25)
Summit Only (2 days)
$2295 + GST = ($2639.25)
$2145 + GST = ($2466.75)
$2095 + GST = ($2409.25)
$1995 + GST = ($2294.25)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
$1295 + GST = ($1489.25)
$1195 + GST = ($1374.75)
Group Discounts Available:
* Receive up to $150 off registration if you register and pay by 12 June 2015
** Receive up to $300 off registration if you register and pay by 22 May 2015
*** Receive up to $400 off registration if you register and pay by 30 April 2015
3 – 4 people: 10% off Standard Rate
5 – 7 people: 15% off Standard Rate
8 + people: 20% off Standard Rate
Local Councils, Industry Associations & Community groups^
No. #
Standard Rate
Early Bird Rate*
Super Saver Rate**
Value Plus Rate***
Summit + 1 Full-Day Workshop (3 days)
Options (per person)
$2995 + GST = ($3444.25)
$2845 + GST = ($3271.75)
$2695 + GST = ($3099.25)
$2595 + GST = ($2984.25)
Summit Only (2 days)
$2095 + GST = ($2409.25)
$1945 + GST = ($2236.75)
$1895 + GST = ($2179.25)
$1795 + GST = ($2064.25)
1 Full-Day Workshop (1 day)
$1095 + GST = ($1259.25)
$995 + GST = ($1144.25)
Group Discounts apply for bookings made simultaneously. Only one discount applies. Group discounts apply to standard rates only. Group discounts
are not applicable to Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird rates. Value Plus, Super Saver and Early Bird Discounts are not applicable to the individual
Workshop. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively and must be claimed at the time of booking. Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have
sole discretion on an organisation’s eligibility for discounts. ^Liquid Learning Group reserves the right to have sole discretion on an organisation’s
eligibility for discounts.
Note: Course materials, refreshments & lunches are included. Travel and accommodation are NOT included. Registration Options are per person only.
Email this form to:
[email protected]
All Prices listed in New Zealand Dollars
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Liquid Learning Limited
Level 18, BDO Tower
120 Albert Street
Auckland 1010 New Zealand
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If you are unable to attend this event, you may send a substitute delegate in your place at no additional cost. Please
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Learning Limited does not provide refunds for cancellation. The prices above are based on one person per registration. It
is not possible for multiple people to attend within any day of the event on a single registration. Split tickets, i.e. a different
person attending each day of the event, can be arranged. A fee will apply. Please call us for details.
Liquid Learning Limited takes all care to produce high quality events that deliver as promised. All advertised details are
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+64 9 927 1500
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