PRESS KIT Media Contact | Bolt PR | (949) 218-‐5454 | [email protected] Live Streaming Fitness (LSF) is an educa:onal, cause-‐based fitness company commiCed to educa:ng everyone, everywhere – excluding no one – to live their greatest life. LSF is a company with a mission to impact the lives of millions through its dedicaKon to providing healthy living resources in a way that is changing the fitness industry forever. UnKl now, fitness resources have been limited to K m e -‐ c o n s u m i n g a n d e x p e n s i v e g y m memberships or repeKKve at-‐home video programs. To make fitness resources more accessible and readily available, LSF has developed a model that eliminates the financial and Kme restricKons so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their health and fitness goals. LSF offers convenient and affordable fitness resources, healthy living Kps and nutriKonal tools to everyone, everywhere! LSF offers live streaming fitness classes led by cerKfied trainers, nutriKonal informaKon and recipes provided by an on-‐staff accredited nutriKonist, and live cooking classes led by professional chefs. All live classes are streamed from the home or studio of our trainers straight to members’ computers, tablets, smart phones, or Internet TVs with the convenience of never leaving their home. Every member will be able to choose from a variety of classes streamed live at various scheduled Kmes t h r o u g h o u t e a c h d a y a n d w e e k . L i v e S t r e a m i n g F i t n e s s . c o m e m p o w e r s members to enjoy the convenience of live, highly veZed, professional instructors working with them from the comfort and privacy of their homes, removing all inKmidaKon and ensuring workouts are done correctly and efficiently. Media Contact | Bolt PR | (949) 218-‐5454 | [email protected] Mission: Year Launched: Year Established: Leadership Team: Membership: Sample of Available Classes: Social Media: Website: To impact the lives of millions through our dedicaKon to provide healthy living resources and opportuniKes in a way that is changing the fitness and health industry forever. 2014 2012 Keith Kochner, Founder Edward Jones, Director of Sales and OperaKons Once LSF reaches 10,000 members, $1 of every membership payment per month will go to fighKng childhood obesity and providing clean drinking water to Third World countries. • One membership covers an enKre household • 30-‐day money back guarantee • Kickboxing • Body Sculpt • Kidfit, Pilates • Bootcamp • Power 40 • Crazy Circuits • Tibata • Intro to Cardio • Yoga • Intro to Strength • And much more! • Intro to PowerPlay Facebook: @LiveStreamingFitness Instagram: @LiveStreamingFitness TwiZer: @LiveStream_Fit Pinterest: @LiveStreamingFitness Media Contact | Bolt PR | (949) 218-‐5454 | [email protected] LIVE CLASSES LSF offers live classes streamed from the home or studio of our trainers straight to your computer, tablet, smart phone, or Internet TV with the convenience of never leaving your home! Every LSF member will be able to choose from a variety of classes streamed live at various scheduled Kmes throughout each day and week. Forget about stale, prerecorded one-‐size-‐ fits-‐all cookie cuZer workout DVDs. Don’t stress about drive Kme to the gym and siZers for the kids anymore. Instead enjoy the freshness and convenience of live instructors working with you from the comfort and privacy of your home. Miss your favorite live class? No worries, you can watch it in our On Demand archives at your convenience. NUTRITION LSF nutriKonal arKcles and forums will help end the confusion of what to do and not to do when it comes to nutriKon. As we know nutriKon is the most criKcal element (and most difficult) in achieving and maintaining your healthy lifestyle. With our nutriKonal arKcles and forums it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Let us help keep you on track in obtaining, and more importantly maintaining, a lifestyle of balance when it comes to your health. ArKcle and forums will include our staff nutriKonist and trainers along with our community members. LSF healthy recipes will help you find out healthy doesn’t have to mean “bland” and “difficult” to make. With our growing catalog of easy great tasKng recipes replace “fast” unhealthy processed meals with quick, easy, wonderful tasKng meals your body will actually thank you for. Our trainers, nutriKonists, and members will post recipes from all over. COOKING In addiKon to our extensive fitness library, LSF also offers mulKple outlets for nutriKonal informaKon and improvement. This is a great alternaKve for starKng healthy change if exercise is not where members like to begin their journey. Every week new cooking videos of various healthy dishes are posted with cost, Kme and taste all taken into consideraKon. Media Contact | Bolt PR | (949) 218-‐5454 | [email protected] Founder Keith Kochner, known by many as “The Mentor,” is an internaKonal keynote speaker, trainer, and author. Kochner is considered a leading authority in professional development and leadership training. Kochner’s ability to communicate and connect with audiences has made him one of the most effecKve catalysts of change for those looking to live their GREATEST life! Kochner has a proven track record of consistently helping businesses and individuals exponenKally accelerate their success. This ability has granted him unique access to mentor thousands from all walks of life. Kochner is one of today’s most “in demand” speakers, sharing his unique process for success all around the world. Kochner is the founder of Mentorship Mastery, creator of, and now founder of Live Streaming Fitness. Kochner is a father of three handsome boys and one beauKful daughter and husband to his wonderful wife Michelle. They reside predominantly in Tulsa, OK and spend several months a year in Lake of the Ozarks, MO. Media Contact | Bolt PR | (949) 218-‐5454 | [email protected]
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