Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] Defending Against DDOS Flooding Attacks- A Data Streaming Approach Baldev Singh Research Scholar Punjab Technical University, India Abstract- Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks can easily exhaust the computing resources or bandwidth of the potential targets, by flooding massive packets, hence these are desirable to be detected and mitigated at the earliest before reaching the victim. Internet infrastructure and communication are under the threat of the DDOS attack. DDOS attacks is challenging and glaring day by day, due to Internet of Things, multifaceted properties of DDOS attacks like dynamic attack rates, various kinds of targets, a large scale of botnets, etc. This paper focuses on Stream-based DDOS defense framework for early detection of DDOS attacks, keeping in mind the network-performance-degradation of the whole system as little as possible. Keywords: DDOS attack, Intrusion Detection, Cloud Security, Flooding attacks, Data streaming. I. INTRODUCTION Cyber criminals acting are the underground criminals that work to achieve their private individual goals best known for their keen interest in spying or for competitive monetary gains or motives. They are using the disruptive technologies like DDOS attack. Thus making the science of DDOS attacks ever evolving and growing in current context in such a manner that a continuous monitoring with sophisticated watchdog capabilities is required as these attacks continues to create online outrages, customer inconvenience and reputation damages across all industries and geographies. The best known victims of recent moves of these DDOS attacks [24], [27] and those who have been successfully being able to mitigate such attacks [20] can never get a sound sleep as it is apparent from current incidences of this attack globally. II. DDOS ATTACK A DDOS attack is a malicious attempt to make the resources (a server or a network resource) © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved Dr. S. N. Panda Director (Research) Chitkara University Rajpura, India unavailable to the users usually by blocking or interrupting the services of a host machine to the Internet. DDOS attack took place by using many computers and many Internet connections often distributed globally. Following figure shows a simple DDOS attack scenario [17], [18] in which multiple attacking computers are sending streams of malicious packets to victim machine. DDOS attacks attempt to perform various malicious operations. The operations include: controlling legitimate network traffic by flooding the network with malicious traffic, denying access to a service by way of disrupting communication between legitimate sender and receiver and blocking the access of a particular service or an individual. These attacks lead to disruption of services in cloud and is considered as one of the important intrusions in cloud computing. Intrusion detection and prevention systems taxonomy attacks are classified as outside attacks and inside attacks [25],[26]. The attacks that come from external origins are called outsider attacks. Insider attacks, involve unauthorized internal users attempting to gain and misuse nonauthorized access privileges. Intrusion detection is the mechanism of monitoring computers or networks for unauthorized entry, activity or file modification [10],[11]. Attacks may be treated as incidents. Although many incidents are malicious in nature, many others are not; for example, a person might mistype the address of a computer and accidentally attempt to connect to a different system without authorization. III. CLASSIFICATION OF ATTACKS DDOS DDOS attack results to disruption of services in cloud and is considered as one of the important intrusions in cloud computing [7], [8]. The DDOS attacks [9] can be classified as under : Bandwidth Attacks: The common reason of bandwidth attacks is the aspiration to create a severe problem to someone else's infrastructure by way of generating a traffic overload. Bandwidth attacks do vary. These Attacks are anticipated to overflow and consume available resources of the P a g e | 38 Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] victim (for example: network bandwidth). Some examples of Bandwidth chocking in context of DDOS attacks are TCP SYN Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP Flood (Ning & Han, 2012), (Retrieved December 13, 2014, from system and application software) to gain unauthorized access of the system, attack other systems, and harm the system. There exists some software that are itself hostile and do damage. Without software vulnerabilities, it is very difficult that viruses would exist and may gain any unauthorized access to the resources and do any harm Protocol Attacks: Protocol Attacks exploit a specific feature or implementation bug of some protocol installed at the victim for the purpose of consuming maximum amount of its resources to take benefit of protocol intrinsic design. All these attacks require a lot of attackers (zombies) and are mitigated by changing the protocol features. Some examples of popular protocol attacks are as under: SYN Flood Attack: A SYN flood attack is a form of DOS attack [21],[22] which occurs when a host sends a flood of TCP/SYN packets, frequently with a fake sender address to target's system in an attempt to consume a huge amount of server resources to make the system unresponsive to legitimate traffic (Chuiyi,Yizhi, Yuan, Shuoshan & Qin, 2011). Each of these packets in TCP connection is handled like a connection request by sending a SYN (synchronize) message to the server , causing the server to spawn a half-open connection, by sending back a TCP/SYN-ACK packet (known as acknowledgement), and also waiting for a packet in response from the sender address ( as a response to the ACK Packet). However, the responses never come because the sender address is fake. Due to these half-open connections, network congestion occurs that saturate the number of available connections that the server is able to make to legitimate requests of the clients. Smurf Attack UDP Attack ICMP Attack SYN attack Attack using DNS systems. CGI request attack Attack using spoofed address in ping Authentication server attack etc. Software Vulnerability Attacks: Software Vulnerability Attacks allows an attacker to exploit a software program design flaw that may be a Land attack, Ping of Death or Fragmentation etc. Vulnerability in software means a weakness which permits an attacker to lessen a system's information assurance. Software vulnerabilities can be into design, implementation and configuration of the software. Vulnerability comprises of three elements that are: system susceptibility, attacker access to the flaw, and capability of attacker to make use of the flaw. To make use of vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that set up the connection to a system flaw. Software vulnerability is also considered as the attack surface. Software vulnerability control is must in computer and network security because of the following reasons: Virus programs are major organs to make the system vulnerable. These programs make use of vulnerabilities in software (operating system and application software) to gain unauthorized access, spread and then harm the system. Intruders also make use of vulnerabilities in software (operating © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved Fig 1.: DDOS Attack Network Smurf Attack: A smurf attack is a distributed denial-of-service attack in which a system is flooded with spoofed ping messages. These flooded spoofed ping messages create high computer network traffic on the victim’s network, which repeatedly make it unresponsive. In this type of attack, ICMP echo request (ping) packets addressed to an IP broadcast address that creates a large number of responses (Retrieved December 13, 2014 from Hence each host on the subnet P a g e | 39 Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] replies to the same ping request and the huge responses can consume all available network bandwidth, particularly if data is appended to the ping request. Large number of pings and the resulting echoes can make the network unresponsive for legitimate traffic and prevent legitimate traffic from being transmitted during the attack. ICMP Flood: An ICMP Flood is like the other flooding attack [23] that sends peculiarly large number of ICMP packets (Udhayan & Anitha 2009). This flood of packets can overwhelm a target server that attempts to process every incoming ICMP request, and can be the cause of denial-of-service condition for the target server. This attack is accomplished by broadcasting a lot of ICMP packets, usually the ping packets. The main aim to send large amount of data to the target server is to slow down it so much and get disconnected due to timeouts. Mainly, Ping flood attacks causes the saturation of a network by sending a continuous series of ICMP echo requests over a high-bandwidth connection to a target system on a lower bandwidth connection. Ping of death: A ping of death is a denial of service attack that sends a malformed or otherwise malicious ping to a computer. Normally a ping is of 32 bytes in size. This type of attack is caused by an attacker intentionally sending an IP packet larger than the 65,536 bytes allowed by the IP protocol. When such a packet is sent to a system with a vulnerable TCP/IP stack, it will cause the system to crash. Most modern day firewalls are capable of filtering such oversized packets. Now a different type of ping attack are prevailing like ping flooding that simply floods the victim with so much ping traffic that normal traffic fails to reach the system. LAND Attack: A LAND (Local Area Network Denial) attack is a kind of denial of service attack that consists of sending a special poison (spoofed packet) to a computer, causing it to lock up. A LAND attack consists of a stream of SYN attack with IP spoofing that occurs when an attacker sends spoofed SYN packets containing the IP address of the victim as both the destination and the source IP address. Therefore the receiving system responds by sending the SYN-ACK packet to itself, creating an empty connection that lasts until the idle timeout value is reached. If the system is flooded with such empty connections, it can overwhelm the system that may result a denial of service. Teardrop: Teardrop attack is an Operating System specific denial-of-service (DOS) attack [1], [3]. These attacks exploit the reassembly of fragmented © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved IP packets. The Teardrop, though, is an old attack that relies on poor TCP/IP implementation that is still around. This kind of attack involves sending fragmented packets to a target machine. Since the machine receiving such packets cannot reassemble them due to a bug in TCP/IP fragmentation reassembly, the packets overlap one another, crashing the target network device. In an IP header, one of the fields is the “fragment offset” field, specifying the starting position, or offset, of the data enclosed in a fragmented packet relative to the data in the original packet. In case the sum of the offset and size of one fragmented packet varies from that of the next fragmented packet, the packets overlap. If this occurs, a system vulnerable to teardrop attacks is unable to reassemble the packets and results in a denial-of-service. IV. DDOS ATTACKS AND CLOUD SECURITY Technology of cloud computing provides a way of using computing and storage resources by using Internet and remote servers. It presents a new way of using remote resources. The usage of computing resources is charged on usage basis where a user contracts services from a service provider by paying according to what it uses. Cloud computing makes it happen to use the applications without particular installation on personal computers, it is only by accessing and using the services by way of Internet. Cloud computing is an enabled service that may be used for various benefits to its like ease of deploying computer and information technology resources for fresh business, a lesser amount of system operating and maintenance costs and lessening of deployment time in any setup. The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) defines Cloud Computing as the model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., Networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction [16]. Cloud Computing is one of the fastest growing service models on the Internet. Various large scale IT service providers, like Amazon and IBM, share their data centers, by using virtualization concepts, for the public usage of their computational resources. By using cloud computing, the users of cloud can minimize many startup financial overheads as well as obtain an increase in the availability and scalability for their cloud-hosted applications. In addition, cloud users can avail on-demand service with the ease of PayAs-You-Go subscription. Security is one of important issues prevailing in the cloud environment. Cyber attacks P a g e | 40 Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] [2],[4] against large internet ventures keep on rising and they directly affect the cloud users[5]. Cloud customers (organizations) are questioning the security of moving their computational assets toward the cloud. These improper operations are generally conducted for a number of reasons. Financial gain can also be a motivation to steal valuable information from sensitive organizations such as those in the banking sector. Cyber surveillance operations typically conducted to gather information about financial or industrial adversaries are some of the new trends over the internet. Existing network security mechanisms face new challenges in the cloud such as DDOS attacks [14], virtual machine intrusion attacks and malicious user activities. Hence, new security methods [7],[9] are required to increase users' level of trust in clouds. Presently, cloud service providers implement data encryption for the data centers, virtual firewalls and access control lists. DDOS attack statistics: The following table shows a brief statistics of various attacks. Y ea r Attack Description 20 14 114 percent increase in average peak bandwidth of DDOS attacks in Q1 vs. Q4 2013. The Media and Entertainment industry was the target of the majority of malicious attacks. (Retrieved December 05, 2014 from releases/2014/press-041714.html) 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 DDOS attack on stock exchange websites in London. DDOS Attack on Canadian Political Party Elections and on US and UK Government Sites DDOS attack on Sony. DDOS—December 3-5, 2010 on PayPal. DDOS flooding attacks on South Korea and the United States in July 2009 against government news media and financial websites. DDOS Attack on BBC, and eBuy. Estonia Cyber Attack Target US Banks for financial gain. Attack on SCO Group website to make it © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 inaccessible to valid users. Attack on SCO and Microsoft. 20 00 One of the first major DDOS flooding on Yahoo DDOS flooding attack thru Domain Name System (DNS) service. DNS servers attack as reflectors. DOS attack on Irish Government’s Department of Finance server. The target was Table 1: DDOS attack statistics (Retrieved December 05, 2014 from athreats.v1.0.pdf), (Tripathi,Gupta, & Veluru, 2013) Since, the target of the any DDOS attackers is normally to block or oversubscribe a resources in such a way that it leads to degraded service performance time , long response time matching the demand of processing the incoming workload remains a constant headache. Many methods have been evolved over a considerable time now and all these methods or technologies that claim to safeguard us from DDOS attacks also consider the various possible correlations that might be working to advantage of the attackers. V. DETECTION OF DDOS FLOODING ATTACKS – A REVIEW (1) The research work of L. Jun-Ho has presented in the [12] is based on intrusion detection at multiple levels. As above research work has proposed intrusion detection on basis of fast attacks and slow attacks, the later is based on security implementation at multiple levels. [12] proposed different anomaly levels in cloud environment that are authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA). They also proposed three security levels for effective intrusion detection system that are High, Medium and Low. In case of High level of security requirement, they has suggested that- the patterns of all the known attacks are to be considered and the requisite rules for higher level security are to be implemented. They were of the opinion that when the user accesses the cloud environment first time, the multi level intrusion detection system (IDS) must judge the anomaly level of the user. For judgment of anomaly level, [12] suggested various parameters like vulnerable ports attack, IP address coverage of user, attack success possibilities, attack occurrence P a g e | 41 Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] possibilities etc. They suggested risk points for different security groups. If the risk points are greater than six, the anomaly level is of High level, risk points between 3-5 (both inclusive), the anomaly level is of medium level and for risk points 0-2, the anomaly level is of low level and accordingly IDS [29] is required to be imposed. (2) “Defending Web services against denial of service attacks using client puzzle” was suggested by [26]. The effectiveness of defending web services from DOS attacks using client puzzles a cryptographic counter measure which provides a form of gradual authentication by requiring the client to solve some computationally difficult problem before access is granted. Hash based puzzle is integrated into existing web service (i) framework. Client puzzles are an effective defense against flooding and DDOS attacks. (ii) (3) “A Detection scheme for flooding attack on application layer based on semantic concept” was propounded by [27]. Flooding attack on cloud application layer [19] does not cause complete denial of service to a Web server. In this paper semantic concept is used to identify malicious browsing behaviour to improve performance and cut down the cost. (4) Static threshold based intrusion detection system[6] was proposed by Kim et al. (2004), Gates and Damon (2005), Leckie et al (2002) and Faizal et al (2009). Network IDS technique proposed by (Abdollah, Masud, Shahrin & Robiah, 2009) has used the concept of static threshold [28] although dynamic threshold is better solution. The threshold is used to differentiate between normal traffic and abnormal traffic [17] in the network. This threshold value is acquired by using observation and experimental technique and the verified by using statistical process control approach [13]. As per our systematic review of related works in the field of DDOS attacks detection [], there are many techniques which can be used to detect intruders or malicious behavior in the network are reviewed. These techniques have their own negatives and positives. To comprehend this field of attacks detection, we must look at what each technique holds in its favour and what trade-offs it must make to achieve its goals particularly to make © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved out the abnormal behavior which seems to be flooding DDOS attack. VI. PROPOSED STREAM-BASED DDOS DEFENSE FRAMEWORK Data streaming queries are referred to as continuous as they are constantly “standing” over the streaming tuples and continuously producing output results. Data streaming is proposed for DDOS detection at high-speed network links [15] [16], where streams of packets are processed by continuous queries to find anomalous DDOSrelated traffic patterns in real time. Various challenges in employing streaming for DDOS detection and mitigation comprise: Identification of characteristics that signify attacks and that can be detected in a streaming manner Designing appropriate stream-based processing methods that can execute the above on large volumes of data given the time and other resources constraints. Motivated by the above challenges, we propose signature based and anomaly based DDOS detection mechanisms for monitoring traffic and detecting DDOS-anomalies from high-speed network links in an efficient data streaming fashion. Fig.2 shows the streambased DDOS defense framework. Fig.2: Stream-based DDOS defense framework Proposed stream-based framework provides: DDOS defense Protection against different types of DDOS attacks: a small set of traffic features are identified to capture the P a g e | 42 Baldev Singh et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] anomalies reflecting most of important types of DDOS attacks, including bandwidth flooding attacks and SYNflooding attacks. Joint process of profiling and monitoring: anomaly-based DDOS detections usually address online detection and referenced profile training separately. However, it is desirable to keep the referenced profile updating with the evolution of normal traffic. As a consequence, it can be employed to detect and mitigate DDOS attacks at high-speed network links making early DDOS detection possible. Although considerable effort has been made to understand, detect and prevent these attacks, since it is a continuously evolving as technology, new ways are found by anti development sources to compromise the Cloud based Systems, therefore methods that are based on single, multi range thresholds for detection, require constant upgradation as well refinement in terms of the algorithms for accuracy and robustness. The threshold based algorithms for detection of DDOS attack must always numerically stable as well as must not depend on predefined thresholds. VII. CONCLUSION There will be increase in the frequency of the DDOS attacks due to multifold increase in the online activities and wireless Internet of things. It is also apparent that the very idea of building defending lines of action against such act of destruction depends on computations coming out of the stream of the traffic at different ends of the network of networks. In our research work we intend to analyze methods that can deal with skewed datasets (the ratio of data-row of normal behaviour (benign traffic) to abnormal behaviour (malignant traffic) rows in the profiling session of virtual machines) (trace files or profile files) for detection of DDOS attacks, since the thresholds cannot be static in nature (the statistical behaviour) in any way in network (may be cloud environment) for parameters that are critical to analyze for identification of DDOS Attacks. The signature based and anomaly based DDOS detection mechanism is proposed which encompasses the use of dynamic and multi threshold based algorithmic approach. 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