Exploring care for human service professions

Follow and join the upcoming conference
Exploring care for human service professions
Caring Science
Nordic/European Conference
19th – 20th March, 2015
Diakonissestiftelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Caring science is focused on creating scientific knowledge about man in different life situations and in different cultural contexts, especially in case of illness and suffering. By developing philosophy for health and well-being respect for man´s dignity
and integrity are a focal point.
At the conference, we want to present and discuss caring science in different professional approaches and in different cultural settings.
In wonderful Copenhagen you have the opportunity to meet researchers interested in caring science from the Nordic countries and across Europe through an exciting conference.
The two groups, The European Academy of Caring Science (EACS) and Nordic College of Caring Science (NCCS), organize the
The conference takes place in Diakonissestiftelsen´s beautiful old rooms 19th – 20th March, 2015. Early registration is open
March 18 18:00, at a reception.
The theme is highlighted by following keynotes:
 Exploring Care: Directions for practice from the ‘head’, ‘hand’ and ‘heart’ of Dignity:
Kate Galvin, Professor of Nursing Practice, Associate Dean Research and Enterprise, University of Hull, UK and
Les Todres, Emeritus Professor of Health Philosophy, Bournemouth University, UK.
 Opinions of care in a multicultural perspective - Caring Science in multicultural Europe:
Maria Kristiansen, Associate Professor, Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health,
University of Copenhagen, DK.
 Lecture from NCCS’s newly elected honorary member.
It is possible to present your research on the theme “Caring Science: Exploring care for human service professions” by submitting an abstracts to workshop (60 min.), oral presentation (20 min.) or a poster.
Opening of submission of abstracts: 13th October - 23th November 2014
Opening of registration: 13th October - 7th December, 2014
Address: Peter Bangs Vej 1, Indgang 6,
2000 Frederiksberg, Danmark.
the european academy of caring science
 Exploring Care: Directions for practice from the ‘head’, ‘hand’ and ‘heart’ of Dignity:
Kate Galvin, Professor of Nursing Practice, Associate Dean Research and Enterprise, University of Hull, UK and
Les Todres, Emeritus Professor of Health Philosophy, Bournemouth University, UK.
“One of the themes of EACS refers to the need to develop forms of existential knowledge that is particularly relevant to caring. This is challenging as we believe that such complex knowledge addresses
the head, hand and the heart. As such, it necessarily cares for not just the content of the knowledge but
how it is presented and taken up in practice. This paper will try to illustrate these themes by concentrating one important existential theme: namely Dignity, and how this can be represented in ways that can
do justice to its ‘head, heart and hand’.”
 Opinions of care in a multicultural perspective - Caring Science in multicultural Europe:
Maria Kristiansen, Associate Professor, Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health,
University of Copenhagen, DK.
“Cultural diversity has become a key feature among citizens in Europe with implications for the provision of care within healthcare and social services. Culture interacts with socioeconomic factors in shaping
care needs including opinions of how and where care should be delivered and by whom. In this speech,
different perspectives on care needs and challenges in multicultural encounters will be presented
including opinions and perceptions among patients, relatives and professionals.Finally, suggestions for
future adaptation of care in a multicultural Europe will be presented.”
Clara Aarts, EACS
Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt, EACS
Lillemor Lindwall, NCCS
Edith Mark, NCCS. [email protected]
Reviewing and selecting abstracts:
Charlotte Delmar
Bente Martinsen
Annelise Norlyk
Sanne Angel
Edith Mark
Britta Hørdam
Charlotte Delmar
Bente Martinsen
Sanne Angel
Annelise Norlyk
We welcome you.
More information about the program,
fee and registration are coming soon.