London Big Local spring event Saturday 25 April 2015, 10.30am – 3.30pm 10.00 Arrival, hot drinks and breakfast 10.30 Welcome, get to know each other activity and update on Big Local Debbie Ladds, chief executive, Local Trust 11.20 Workshops – choose which workshops you want to attend 11.30 Problem solving What are the barriers to good problem solving? Join this workshop to learn some problem solving skills. Find out how to overcome the barriers and discover ways to bring creativity into finding the best solutions and making effective decisions. The Directory for Social Change is a training provider, delivering courses for Big Local areas. Mike Phillips, the Directory for Social Change Room 1 A locally-led response to employment and skills The Mill - a volunteer run community hub Social entrepreneurs and Star People Untold stories of volunteering David Hinton set up Hastings Works and has a shop on the high street to provide a range of services to help people to find and develop in work. The Mill, an ex-council library building in St James Street Big Local area involves 200 volunteers being supported by two members of paid staff to ensure it opens daily as a public building. Star People is an additional source of funding and support for Big Local. Star People know their area, the challenges and opportunities and have a great idea to benefit their community. We call these people social entrepreneurs. Find out how UnLtd support a culture of entrepreneurship within areas, as well as support links between Star People, Big Local partnerships and other local and regional partners. Untold stories of volunteering looked at why people volunteer and used ground breaking creative methods for gathering information. Discover how Hastings Works did it and what David learnt along the way. There will also be the opportunity to share and discuss how other Big Local areas are supporting people to find work and develop skills. David Hinton, Hastings Works Endsleigh suite This large group of volunteer support developed when local residents decided they wanted to keep The Mill as a community asset. Hear their story. Alison Griffin and Ingrid Abreu Scherer, The Mill and St James Big Local Elizabeth Fry suite Rebecca Luff, UnLtd The Light The findings are told as stories and help us think about volunteering by asking ‘when have we ourselves volunteered in our own lives and why?’ Mihaela Kelemen, Keele University William Penn suite 12.15 Lunch 1.15 Margolis wheel: the wisdom of groups Reviewing your Big Local plan Urban Wilderness - a volunteer run community garden Fun and active consultation Using creative activities to empower and get people involved Everyone has knowledge and experience worth sharing. The Margolis Wheel is a problemsolving technique where people can help each other to come up with solutions to the issues that they face. How do you know Big Local is working in your area? What do you need to know to plan what you are going to do next? Urban Wilderness is a community garden in Plaistow, Newham. It is a council owned piece of land which has been loaned to local residents for the next 10 years. Canvey’s Big Local has been speaking to lots of people in the area in all sorts of ways. Rather than hold another formal meeting, they organised a successful fitness day where they talked to people about Big Local and local issues. Sue Moffatt designed many of the methods used by the Untold stories of volunteering research project. You’ll also learn how to use this technique in your own groups. Leila Wong, Local Trust The Light An opportunity to look at what a plan review is and how you might go about reviewing your Big Local plan. Find out how Big Local areas have carried out their reviews, share your experiences and hear about the tools and help available. Bountagu Big Local and Jayne Humm, Local Trust Elizabeth Fry suite Five years ago it was overgrown and disused. It’s now a green space which benefits the whole community, bringing people together, promoting healthy living and organic food growing. Hear how they did it. Jacquie Parker, Urban Wilderness Endsleigh suite The day attracted up to 250 people of all ages and involved local partners including health services and clubs and organisations offering displays and demonstrations. Sue used creative techniques to help volunteers write short plays, films, poems and stories which helped those people to explain why they chose to volunteer and the difference volunteering made in their lives. Sue will lead us through some techniques - from exercises used in theatre and drama, to storytelling. Zoe Watson, Canvey Island Big Local Room 1 Sue Moffatt, New Vic Borderlines William Penn suite 2.15 Reviewing your Big Local plan How do you know Big Local is working in your area? What do you need to know to plan what you are going to do next? An opportunity to look at what a plan review is and how you might go about reviewing your Big Local plan. Find out how Big Local areas have carried out their reviews, share your experiences and hear about the tools and help available. Daniel Pearmain, Local Trust Elizabeth Fry suite 3.00 Afternoon tea and cakes 3.15 What next? Tell your story: recording change in Big Local areas An introduction to the multi-media evaluation of Big Local areas and an opportunity to: tell your Big Local stories be involved in making a short film and podcast see a film of Big Local media to date find out more about Our Bigger Story, which will be recording change in Big Local areas. Angus McCabe and Paul Morgans, Third Sector Research Centre led team: University of Birmingham Endsleigh suite Debbie Ladds, chief executive, Local Trust 3.30 Close Effective communication The community chef Additional funding Why is it our communication works very well with some people and not with others? Newington Big Local’s community chef is an exciting initiative for people in Newington to learn more about healthy eating, to develop new skills and even to get jobs… not to mention to make wonderful food. Ann and others in South Bermondsey Big Local are trying to bring in at least as much money as they are paid, to ensure that Big Local is sustainable and increase the resources available. In this skills workshop find out how our preferred communication styles influence the impact we have, as well as exploring some challenges in listening and getting our message across. The Directory for Social Change is a training provider, delivering courses for Big Local areas. Mike Phillips, the Directory for Social Change Room 1 But how did the idea come about, and what does a community chef do? In this session we’ll find out, as well as share our own experience of the role of food and cooking in Big Local. Steph Todd, Newington Big Local The Light Having been so successful in securing additional, match and in-kind support, South Bermondsey will share their tips for success and also how they’ve learnt from and used their disappointments positively. Ann Clayton and Christina Wheatley, South Bermondsey Big Local William Penn suite
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