SOME EFFECTS OF LAKE RENEWAL ON PHYTOPLANKTON PRODUCTIVITY AND SPECIES COMPOSITION1 Mike Dickman Institute of Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver ABSTBACI’ Primary production in Marion Lake is inversely related to the rate at which water enters the lake when light intensity is corrected to a standard level. Increased flushing rates reduce the phytoplankton standing crop thereby lowering the total primary productivity in the lake. Thus seasonal variations in rainfall in southwestern British Columbia exert an appreciable influence on the annual productivity pattern of the lake’s phytoplankton. L‘ake water artificially enclosed within small areas of the lake produced algal blooms while phytoplankton standing crop in the rest of the lake remained low. Nannoplankton appear to have a selective advantage over larger, more slowly reproducing forms in Marion Lake. The production : biomass ratio for Hke phytoplankton was used as an indication of the general type of limiting factor affecting the instantaneous rate of productivity in the lake. INTRODUCITON A substantial literature has been gathered concerning nutrients, light, and temperature as limiting factors in phytoplankton production ( Hutchinson 1967). In the case of a small lake with high runoff, these factors may be of secondary importance if considerable plankton standing crop is being removed by flushing. Under these circumstances, primary production, as carbon fixed per individual, is high because nutrients would rarely seem to be limiting since few organisms are competing for them. Production per unit volume is, however, low due to the paucity of producers remaining in the water column. I am grateful for the assistance of K. Tsumura in preparing the figures and to B. IIargrave, T. G. Northcotc, G. Gecn, and I. E. Efford for encouragement and constructive criticism. I am also grateful to the Fisheries Research Board of Canada for financial assistance. lake is 800 m long and 200 m wide but has a drainage basin of only 6.5 km2. The annual rainfall recorded near the lake averaged 240 cm per year over a lO-year period frolm 1958 to 1968. Runoff is heavy owing to the shallow soil and the steepness of the drainage ‘Jasin. During heavy spates, the lake level may rise as much as 1 m in 24 hr. If heavy rain continues uninterrupted, the entire volume of the lake is replaced in less than 2.3 days (Efford 1967 ) , METHODS Large plywood enclosures, 3.05 m square, with sides measuring 1.84 m high were constructed and placed in Marion Lake at “X” and “Y” ( Fig. 1). The base of the enclosures extended 0.40 m into the lake sediment leaving 1.44 m exposed above the mud. The m.ean depth of water at these locations was approximately 1 m, so that 0.44 m of the enclosures extended above the surface o,f the lake. During periods of high inlet discharge, LAKE DESCRIPTION the lake level rose above the tops of the Marion Lake is situated in the coastal enclosures. By the time the lake level fell mountains of southwestern British C’olumbelow the enclosure tops, the water inside bia (49’91’ N lat and 123’33’ W long) at and outside the enclosures was nearly idenan altitude of 300 m above sea level. The tical in all respects. Immediately after the enclosures were flushed following an in1 This study is issued as Canadian International crease in lake height, the primary producBiological Program Contribution No. 15. tivity and species composition inside and 2 Present address: Department of Biology, Unioutside the enclosures were recorded. In versity of Ottawa, Ottawa 2, Ontario. 660 LAKE PREVAILING FIG, 1. RENEWAL ON profile of Marion Lake, British all cases, initial productivity and species composition values inside the enclosures were similar, that is, not significantly different from those taken at station “A” or “E” ( Dickman 1968). Two-liter water samples were removed from enclosures 4 and 4’ as well as from stations A and E ( Fig, 1) using a Meyer sampler. The six other enclosures depicted in Fig. 1 were also sampled. These results as well as a full description of the methods are given in Dickman ( 1968). Samples were taken at 0.5 m three tirncs a week from 27 April to 4 June 1967. After the addition of Lugol’s IKI preservative, the 2liter samples were left undisturbe,d for two days to allow adequate sedimentation time; all but the bottom fifth of the water column was then siphoned off. The remaining material was placed in a 500-ml jar and allowed to resedimcnt. This procedure was repeated until all the plankton contained in the original 2-liter sample was concentrated into a lo-ml vial. The height of the sedimcnted sample in the vial was used as an index of standing cro,p. Sample compaction did not vary greatly and co,nsequcntly the index proved fairly reliable. After the standing crop had been calculated, a l-ml subsample was removed from the vial to make a permanent quantitative slide mount ( Dickman 1968). A colTcction for the percentage detritus in the sample 661 PRODUCTIVITY SPRING I WIND Contour EFFECTS ‘N Columbia, with insets of the wooden enclosures. was also, made using these quantitative slide mounts. All the phytoplankton in 90 randomly selected microscope fields was counted for each slide: 30 under oil immcrsion, 30 under high dry, and 30 under medium power. Additional water samples were withdrawn from the same locations on these days and inoculated with 4 @i of carbon14 (Goldman 1963). The samples were incubated from 1000 to 1400 hours in the lake near station E at a depth of 0.51 m. After incubation, the samples were collected in a light-tight box, transported, and filtered through HA 0.45~p-pore-diameter Millipore membrane filters. The filters were then dried in a desiccator and sent to the International Agency for the Determination of 14C in Denmark. Inlet discharge was recorded on a continuous recorder operated by the Canadian Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. During December and January, the recorder at the inlet of Marion Lake broke down; therefolre, values for this period are from estimates based on discharge data from the nearby North Alouette River. Light duration and precipitation were measured at the University of British Columbia Department of Forestry Field Station which is located less than 1.5 km from Marion Lake. Light intensity measurements were made using a record- MIKE DICKMAN . FIG. 2. Primary productivity values from outside ( open circles ) and inside ( closed circles ) the enclosures over a six-week period. Arrows indicate dates on which high inlet discharge resulted in the kake level rising above the tops of the enclosures. ing pyrheliometer placed on a platform 1.5 m above the lake’s surface. FIG. 3. side ( open enclosures as in Fig. Standing crop measurements from outcircles > and inside ( closed circles ) the over a six-week period. Arrows, same 2. differed more than 1C from the water temperatures outside the enclosures. Since temperature was not consistently different, it is unlikely that it played a significant role in increasing primary production within the enclosures. RESULTS Primary productivity within the enclosures increased toi nearly four times the value found outside the enclosures (Fig, 2). Standing crop increased in a similar manner ( Fig. 3 ) . In four weeks, algal blooms were evident within both enclosures. These blooms (>100 cells/ml) were generally composed of small Chlorophyta such as Oolqstis sp. or Elukutothrix sp. In contrast, no blooms occurred in the lake itself and primary productivity in the lake outside the enclosures remained low. On 7 April, a persistent heavy rain resulted in the level of the lake rising above the tops of the enclosures. Fo,llowing this flushing of the enclosures (arrows, Figs. 2 and 3)) productivity and standing crop inside the enclosures declined sharply and then slowly began to increase again. Temperatures within the enclosures rarely 18 33 ,30 E” H 24 i >, 4 1 ‘* i lb ,* 9 6 J FIG. 4. Daily inlet discharge during 196&1967. into Marion Lake LAKE RElNEWAL S 0 I l- J J A EFFECTS I N ON I 0 I J I I F M I A M 1967 1966 FIG. 5. Mean daily primary productivity bars are from the 1963-1964 data of Efford 663 PRODUCTIVITY measured at E at 0.5 m during 1967-1968. ( 1967), recorded From station A at 1 m. A comparison of the annual pattern of light intensity ( g cal cm-2 day-’ ) with the annual primary productivity curves, was made by Efford ( 1967); the amount of light recorded during spring and fall was similar although primary productivity was low in spring and high in fall. The annual primary productivity pattern fro’m my 1966-1967 data is similar to the one described by Efford (see Fig. 5). Annual changes in light intensity, therefore, do not appear to be well correlated with primary productivity. The annual inlet discharge pattern (Fig. 4) was compared with the annual primary productivity pattern ( Fig. 5) and the two were inversely related. When inlet discharge was plotted against primary productivity on days having similar mean light intensities (only days having 0.50 4 0.05 g cal cm-2 hr-1 were used in these calculations) a significant correlation was found ( Fig. 6). As the inlet discharg,e and consequently the lake’s flushing rate increased, primary productivity ( mg C m-3 hr-1 ) Variegated decreased. Thus high inlet discharge was associated with low primary productivity (r = 0.57 with 66 df and “p = <O.Ol ). 250. PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY (mg C/m’ per hr) AT CONSTANT LIGHT FIG. 6. Primary productivity with light intensity corrected to a standard level against inlet discharge. A correlation coefficient of 0.57 with 66 df was found significant ( p = <O.Ol ). 664 MIKE DICKMAN DISCUSSION Marion Lake is similar to many other small lakes that act as temporary impediments to the flow of water from inlet to outlet ( Brook and Woodward 1956). Such lakes are unusual because of the major role that flushing plays in regulating their primary pro,ductivity. The high flushing rate of these lakes exerts its effect on both the type and the quantity of phytoplankton inhabiting their waters. Species which reproduce fast enough to offset their removal by flushing dominated the plankton of Marion Lake (95% of the phytoplankton are nannoplanktcrs, i.e., l-10 p long; Dickman 1968). These small, predominantly flagellated organisms have high reproductive rates (Findencgg 1965). The fact that desmids and large diatoms, both abundant in the periphyton of the lake where they are unaffected by flushing, are nearly absent from the lake’s plankton reinforces the hypothesis that the flushing rate may be a dominant selective pressure in determining the species composition of the phytoplankton of this lake, The relationship between phytoplankton productivity and the flushing rate in Marion Lake has provided the basis for a general model about types of limiting factors. Whether such a model is valid cannot be determined from the Marion Lake study alone but it is worth stating here, as it attempts to bring together a large number of related observations regarding limiting factors. Raymont (1963) stated that at one extreme a population’s size is determined almost exclusively by grazing intensity while at the other extreme it may be limited by nutrients. These extremes can be classified with respect to phytoplankton as : 1) factors which limit productivity by SU~~~VSSing the rate of reproduction of individual organisms (resource limitation such as nutrients, light, temperature), and 2) factors which limit productivity by removing individuals from the lake’s plankton (grazing, flushing, disease). The former will be referred to as “resource” factors and the latter as “cropping” factors. Populations limited by one factor behave quite differently from those limited by the other. Populations limited by cropping factors respond by increasing their productivity per individual (Slobodkin 1960) while those limited by resource factors have low productivity per individual but may have a relatively high productivity per unit volume because of the high standing crop often associated with resource-limited populations. Consequently, knowledge about a lake’s primary productivity alone or the standing crosp alone is insufficient to allow dctcrmination of which factor is limiting the primary productivity. Furthermore, it is important to determine which of these two general factors is limiting the productivity of the phytoplankton because this information is likely to explain a great deal about the kind of interaction occurring between the different trophic levels within the lake. The production to biomass ratio (mg C fixed m-3 hr-l)/(mg C m-3 of standing crop) can be used as an index in determining which limiting factor is most likely to be do,minating the productivity of the phytoplankton in a lake at any particular time. If the quotient (production per unit biomass) is low, it is probable that a resource factor is more important in limiting the primary productivity than a cropping factor and vice versa. It should be emphasized that this constitutes an instantaneous measure and care should bc taken not to, generalize about the type of limiting factor operating in a particular lake unless the production to biomass ratio is calculated with data taken throughout the year from representative stations and depths. The production to biomass ratio has also been used by Margalef (1963, p. 360) as an index of species and pigment diversity: “We get a bloom of plankton and the state of lower maturity is reflected both in a decreased diversity at all the [trophic] levels, and in an increased ratio-primary production/biomass.” High diversity is indicated by a low P : B quotient. It follows, therefore, that high diversity is more likely to bc cncountercd in resource-limited communities than in those limited by cro,pping LAKE RENEWAL EFFECTS ON PRODUCTIVITY 665 factors. This relationship was borne out in tributed most to the low rate of primary productivity recorded there. my study. 2. Wooden enclosures constructed in the As previously mentioned, the species composition of the phytoplankton can also lake prcvcnted water from leaving them. standbe used as an indication of the type of As a result, both the phytoplankton ing crop and primary productivity were factor limiting its productivity. In Marion significantly higher within the enclosures Lake, small plankton capable of passing than in the lake two weeks after the enclothrough a No. 25 net (0.064-mm-diameter mesh) contribute about 95% of the lake’s surcs had been flushed. 3. The ratio of standing crop (numbers total phytoplankton primary productivity ( carbon ( Effo’rd 1967). Thus the high rate of per liter ) to primary productivity water renewal observed in the lake ap- fixed per unit volume per hour ) expressed pears to have given smaller organisms as primary productivity per individual may be a reliable indication of the type of ( nannoplankton, capable of rapid rcproproductivity. duction) a selective advantage over spe- factor limiting phytoplankton A lake in which predation, flushing or cies reproducing at a slower rate. The latter are more likely to be discharged from other so-called cropping factors are importhe lake before they have attained a sig- tant may have low primary productivity nificant standing crop. When flushing was per unit volume while its primary proprevented in the wooden enclosures, larger ductivity per individual would generally species such as Oolcystis sp. and H&obe much higher than a lake in which the thrix sp. attained bloom concentrations al- phytoplankton was limited by a critical though their density in the lake itself resource such as a lack of phosphate or remained insignificant. Such observations light. Thus, information about both physupport the hypothesis of Margalef (19612) toplankton standing crop and productivity that cropping factors tend to retard the may be prerequisite to determining the rate at which a succession progresses most probable limiting factor operating toward maturity. The species composition within any given lake. of the phytoplankton in Marion Lake is 4. Although nannoplankton comprised indicative of what Margalef (1967) de- the dolminant algal type in the lake, the scribed as the first or least mature stage relative abundance of nannoplankton in in his successional series. the enclosures was much lower than it was Although a lake’s phytoplankton pro- in the lake itself. Algal blooms occurring ductivity may be extremely low, it would in the enclosures were dominated by relabe of little value to conduct tests of pos- tively large species such as Oocystis sp. sible limiting nutrients o,r other resources and Eluktothrix sp. This supported the when both the species composition and the hypothesis that flushing per se alters both P : B ratio for that lake give clear indicadensity and species composition of the tion that cropping factors rather than re- phytoplankton. source factors arc responsible for limiting 5. A continuum may exist bctwecn what its primary productivity, is defined as a stream or a lake (Brook and Woodward 1956). Marion Lake apSUMMARY pears in such a continuum more as a stream than as a lake. 1. The flushing rate in Marion Lake, British Columbia, is very high, At times REFERENCES the water within the lake flushes in less than 2% days. Such a high flushing rate BROOK, A. J., AND W. B. WOODWAIU>. 1956. Some observations on the effects of water greatly reduces the phytoplankton standinflow and outflow on the plankton of small ing crop by removing these organisms via lakes. J. Animal Ecol., 25: 22-35. the outlet, that is, “cro8pping” them. the DICKMAN, M. 1968. The relation of freshwater paucity of phytoplankton in the lake conplankton productivity to species composition 666 MIKE during induced successions. Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 11.5 p. EFFORD, I. E. 1967. 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