ltc issue 141 - Loftus Town Crier

Loftus Town Crier
We b s it e ; ht t p: / /l of t u st ow nc r ie r. c o . u k
Issue 141
E ma i l :
c on tac t @ l of t us t ow nc r i e r .c o. u k
Welcome to the Spring 2015 issue of the Town Crier. The team of volunteers who produce the paper
hope you find it a good read. If you'd like to join the team as a volunteer, please get in touch: contact
details are inside. The last few weeks have seen major changes at Redcar & Cleveland Borough
Council and there may be more to come after the elections on 7th May. Recent changes in leadership
saw two local councillors take on key roles: Councillor Mary Lanigan is now Leader of the council and
Councillor Barry Hunt has joined the Cabinet as member with responsibility for Environment and Rural
Affairs. Councillor Lanigan represents Loftus ward and Councillor Hunt represents Brotton ward,
which includes Carlin How and Skinningrove; Councillor Hunt is also the current Mayor of Loftus
Town Council. Both are members of the council's Independent Group and have been borough
councillors since 2003 and 2011 respectively. Thursday 7 May also sees a General Election so it's
going to be a busy day that will also see elections for parish councillors, provided there are more
candidates than seats in any ward. Please see the article inside if you'd like to know more about
elections for Loftus Town Council.
Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the coffee morning at the Loftus Community Centre
which raised £152.00 for the Town Crier funds.
Deadline for next issue May 5th
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Friends of Loftus Cemetery
Royal British Legion
Happy New Year for 2015.
Our Tombola, raffle and Tree
of life was successful, the final
total raised is £347.00. Can we
express our grateful thanks to
all of you who supported this
event, the young mums, and
other users of the Co-op
building. Thank you to Tony
Gatehouse and his staff for
their hospitality over the two
weeks. Our thanks go to Mrs
Woodrow for her donation.
To further enhance the
extension cemetery we plan to
place another planter, a
substantial one, this will be
secured at the entrance on the
right hand side, this section is
empty and will not suitable for
Currently we are in need of a
"push lawnmower", if you or
someone you know has a
surplus one, "free to a good
home" we will be very
Recently a large conifer tree
blew over in the high winds, a
concerned lady contacted us
on our Facebook page. It was
reported to R/C/B/C by
Marshall Best our secretary,
they responded quickly and we
appreciate that.
Hopefully the daffodils will
showing off their colour,
looking forward to this, last
year was spectacular.
We will soon be back to our
Monday morning cleaning,
litter picking and weeding. If
you would like to join us we
are there approx 10.00am .
Once again thank you all for
your support.
I read you booklet and thought it was marvellous however I would
like to tell you what has happened since it was published.
As Members of the British Legion we were asked to attend the
Poppy service at Handale Primary School. Obviously they had read
the booklet and some of the children had been nominated to
research some of the names off the War Memorial.
One little boy stood up and told the school all about this soldier
who had grown up in Loftus and went to war and lost his life on
some far off battlefield in France. His final words were "and he
lived in my house".
Another two pupils explained how this other soldier fought for his
country and died in some battle. Both little girls said in unison he
was our Great, Great Granddad. I was really touched by the
emotion and interest that had been inspired by what these children
and young people had read in your booklet.
The Royal British Legion was also asked to attend Warsett School
Remberance services. We said the dedication and unveiled a
permanent memorial to the fallen in the school foyer.
Some of Warsett students had been out to the battlefields in France
to see the sites of the War Graves and the Memorials to those who
fell in this "War to end all wars". The students at Warsett had read
the Booklet and looked for local soldiers
and wrote about a local man who lost his life in battle and laid a
wreath on behalf of Warsett School.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the editors who
produced the booklet, The Loftus History Group, all of all of the
people who bought the booklet and the Forum who made up the
money from the sale of the booklet to £500 which was donated to
the Royal British Legion.
We hold bingos every third Wednesday of each month at the Mars
Inn, eyes down at 6pm.
Future dates are March 18th, April 15th, May 20th,
Marjorie Magor
Kath Cornes Secretary of the Royal British Legion
Accord walking group
We continue to support the Friday Health walks which leave from
the surgery car park at 1.15pm and would welcome everyone to join
us. The walks usually last approximately 90 minutes, depending on
weather conditions.
We are planning to start our monthly Saturday walks on May 16th,
the first is to Handale Abbey. We will meet at the Market Place bus
stop at 10.30am and are hoping that the bluebells will be out then,
they are spectacular.
Please join us
Cover Picture. Easington.
Our picture shows an Easington of some time ago, early 50's I think, with 'Welford’s Bread Man'
making his rounds. Much earlier than that, according to the Anglo Saxon Chronicle, a family, the
Sons of Esa; who were descended from Ida the first King of Northumbria, settled here. Became the
Easings, Tun is the old name for a Farmstead, from there we get Easing's Tun, and in turn Easington.
At the eastern end of the village, the remains of a Manor house and its moat can still be traced.
Mentioned in the Doomsday Book, it had a Church but no priest, it was given by William 1 st to
Robert De Bruce of Skelton Castle, and seems to have missed for some reason Williams 'Harrowing
of the North. The Church, 'All Saints' has a history nearly as long as the place itself, there being a
Church at Easington since AnglothSaxon times, it had a rebuild in 1772 and in the 1888 rebuild, parts
of the old church including a 12 century chancel arch were used . The church has a list of rectors
from l200 AD
The School House, now made into two private houses, was built as a Public Elementary School for
boys and girls ,in 1868 by Sir Charles Mark Palmer. The said Charles Palmer of Ship Building fame,
who did a lot to improve Easington, also had a railway station built there, of course it was called
'Grinkle Station' as he had made Grinkle Park his country seat, the building which is now the 'Grinkle
Hotel' is mainly down to him. He bought the park and its land and became Lord of the Manor in 1865
from none other than the Middleton family. Now wouldn't it be nice if we had a local lass for our
Queen one of these days.
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Gwenda Wilson nee Robinson
We wish to pay tribute to a
caring, inspirational and
independent friend and
A vital local history
resource has been lost with
the death of Gwenda Wilson
aged 92. Gwenda was born
in Loftus and spent much of
her childhood in Boulby
before moving to East
Loftus. Although she spent
her married li fe in
Nottingham and Burniston
she returned to Loftus after
the death of her husband and
worked enthusiastically for
our local community. She
was involved with the Town
Crier from the beginning
and was a Countryside
warden in our local
woodland. She also started
the Neighbourhood Watch
scheme in Liverton Road. A
teacher all her life, starting
her career in Rosedale, she taught evacuee children during the
week and cycled home to Loftus at weekends. She later taught
in Guisborough and Carlin How. Gwenda enjoyed talking to
children in our schools about her wartime experiences in Loftus
and her school years in Saltburn. She was a fund of stories and
her memory never failed. The stories about her experiences as
an air raid warden in Loftus or the explosion that destroyed the
end of Saltburn pier during her A-level Maths exam will be
remembered by many. Perhaps her stories will be her lasting
Ann’s news
In December the Christmas
coffee morning raised £282
for the North East Air
ambulanceth and then on
January 30 we held a coffee
morning for the Town Crier
which raised £152.
Pat Barbara and I would like
to thank all our supporters,
some donate prizes, some
make wonderful cakes, others
come to the coffee mornings,
also some who are unable to
come send donations. Without
all this support we would not
be able to do so much, well
done everyone.
On May 8th Marie and her
friends will host a coffee
morning, in the community
centre, for Multiple Sclerosis
These ladies put a lot of work.
Into this event and have a
huge raffle and tombola,
please try and come.
Congratulations to the ladies
of St. Helen’s and St.
Leonard’s churches, they held
a soup lunch, with a
difference. There were 9
different tasters with a quiz
about soup ingredients,
followed by a bowl of your
favourite soup with a bread
roll and a cup of tea. I was
very impressed.
Ann Middlemas
Loftus Community Forum
Already we are 3 months
into 2015. We at Loftus Community Forum preparing the agenda for the
year. Saturday May 2nd we plan to hold a Craft fair jointly with a Fun day at L.Y.C.C. Craft tables will
be £5.00 each first come first served.
Contact me on 01287 641873 or email [email protected]. Watch for further advertising in
April. A spring clean of the planters will be taking place coming up to spring. If you can help for a
couple of hours with either of these events please contact myself as above or John Stockwell on
01287 642474 or email [email protected]
Our Christmas bingo held in December was lovely afternoon, I think everyone really enjoyed
themselves, they enjoyed pie and peas, dessert and lots of raffle prizes. Our thanks go to Councillor
Dave Fitzpatrick for his generous contribution to this event, of course the money raised in January
2014 by Joan Elliott’s family and friends also made this party a superb afternoon, it was great.
In 2014 Luke Senior over60’streat was Christmas dinner at Tockett’s Mill, in the summer went on a
couple of excursions
over the moors for cream teas and Fish and Chips, with transport laid on.
Saturday 24th January, this year, Joan:s family and friends once again proved their respect and
affection for Joan by holding a fund raising bingo, raffle, tombola and delicious baking. Again this
was a wonderful afternoon, old friends, family and neighbors.
All the prizes were of an exceptionally high standard, with an awful lot of hard work gone into
preparing them. Added to all this is that lots of different sections of the community are involved,
Skinningrove, Carlin How, Brotton as well as Loftus, all happy to share this bingo in memory of Joan,
her family should be so proud of her a respected and loved well known lady. "I wish she was there".
The total amount raised, which is shared between L.C.F and Luke Senior halls over 60s club is
£788.00. This will be put towards 2015 Christmas events and bingo. I can't think of anything else,
(still getting over Saturday).
Remember that you can also follow Loftus Community Forum on Facebook for photos and
information updates
Marjorie Magor
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Iron, Steel & Zeppelins: Skinningrove in WW1
Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum has published a booklet that adds significantly to our knowledge
and understanding of the impact of World War One in East Cleveland. As the introduction to the booklet states, Skinningrove valley and its neighbouring communities of Loftus and Carlin How played a big
part in the war effort. Its drift mine on one side of the valley supplied ore to the ironworks on the opposite side, which forged thousands of tons of steel for the millions of artillery shells used on the battlefields of Europe. Using a blend of newspaper articles, photographs and other documentation, this
booklet offers an informative picture of local life during the
so-called Great War, with young men signing up and being
conscripted for service as Zeppelin raids targeted the area,
causing residents to shelter in the mine. A key theme that
emerges is the strong co-operation that developed among
local people at this turbulent time: as the booklet states, The
East Cleveland Co-operative Society continued to pay one
third of the wages of any of their staff who signed up and
kept their jobs open for them on their return. Of course,
many servicemen did not return and the booklet lists the 23
men from Skinningrove who never came home. Those who
made it back to East Cleveland will have heard of the
resilient spirit of local people who faced their own battles
with food shortages and air raids while also welcoming
refugees and war workers from other countries.
Iron, Steel & Zeppelins was produced by volunteers and
staff at Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum under the
guidance of Project Manager David Walmsley and with
support from Skinningrove History Group and East
Cleveland Image Archive. Its publication - along with an
accompanying exhibition - was made possible with funding
from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The booklet is available free of charge from the museum where the
exhibition is being held during 2015; the museum is grateful for donations that help to keep it operating.
For information about the museum's opening times.
visit or phone 01287 642877.
New charity takes over management of a famous Loftus High Street building
A new local charity has been formed to take over the management of the “Old Co-op Building” located
on Loftus High Street. The new Charity called TOCCB (The Old Co-op Community Building) was
registered with the Charities Commission in May 2014 and formally took over the management of the
building from TVRCC on September 1st 2014.
The new charity and its Executive Board of Trustees have appointed Tony Gatehouse as their Chief
Executive, Tony's staff team also remain with the new charity. Our plan is to continue and develop the
work of the building and in particular, achieve financial sustainability, so as to secure the long term
future of this important community building.
TVRCC recruited Tony Gatehouse to manage the building at the end of 2009 and he was tasked with
reviving the potential of this important community asset for our rural community. TVRCC had actively
planned to hand over the running of the building to a professional local management team.
During the past 5 years plus, Tony and his team have steadily developed the building into a vibrant
community hub, providing important local access to a variety of practical services and facilities such as,
job clubs, free internet access for job search and general research, access to a variety of training classes
(often free), access to free professional information advice & guidance from both Tony and our partners
such as Lifeline, CAB, Coast & Country Housing, National Careers Service and our local Borough
Councilors plus a Foodbank to mention just a few...
Also the building has an array of large, medium and small rooms, for hire by the hour or by the day,
including IT suites, classrooms, meeting rooms, interview rooms and rooms for social purposes like
childrens parties, table tennis, indoor carpet bowls, music practice, hobby groups, table top sales,
dominoes etc. We also have office space for rent on “easy in easy out” terms, these are ideal for
fledgeling startups, however established business is very welcome too.
The building now regularly welcomes an average of 3000 visitors per month making use of the above
facilities plus our very popular and friendly cafe.
We are delighted to announce that as from Tuesday 3rd February 2015, we will have the Tees Valley &
North Yorkshire Credit Union service with us and it starts at 10.00am, so please come over and support
this important new service…. For more information please pop in and see Tony for details..
Our new Charity Shop is now open, offering second hand furniture and all proceeds go to help meet the
building running costs… We are happy to receive donations of usable furniture and can arrange to
collect. In addition we plan to offer clothing at a later date, so if you are sorting out your wardrobes,
please keep us in mind!
Our website will be going live by the end of this month, so keep an eye out for that as it will give more
details of what is going on at the building...
If you would like to know more about the work of the building, or if you would like to offer assistance
or maybe become a volunteer, please feel free to contact Tony Gatehouse on 01287 643019 or email
him on [email protected]
Loftus Town Crier
A new Saint Leonard's
Sunday School
The new Saint Leonard's Sunday
School will begin on Sunday 1st
February 2015 and will meet every
Sunday at 10:30 am in Loftus
Town Hall for one hour, after
which the Sunday School will
move to Saint Leonard's Parish
Church Loftus to receive a
blessing and to present their work
to Jesus. It is envisaged that the
Sunday School will conclude with
light refreshments in Saint
Leonard's Church at approximately
11:45 am.
The Sunday School is primarily
aimed at Primary School aged
children, however, the Sunday
School is open to children of all
If you are a parent/carer/
grandparent and want further
information about the new Saint
Leonard's Sunday School, then
please contact one of the
Churchwardens, the Rector
directly, or use the contact page on
this website.
Father Adam
issue 141
Celebrations as two become one
In 2006 Loftus Junior School and Harry Dack Infants amalgamated
to become Handale Primary School but they continued to occupy the
two school sites. Now a new school is being built on what was the
junior playing field and it should be ready this summer. The old
junior school will be sold and Harry Dack will be demolished.
To mark the passing of an era the governors of Handale Primary
plan to have an exhibition of old photographs and a series of coffee
afternoons so that former staff and members of the community can
take a trip down memory lane.
Dates for the coffee thafternoons:Thursday March 5 12th 19th 26th in the old junior school hall
Thursday April 16th 23rd 30th May 7th in Harry Dack hall
The two sites will also be open Saturday May 9 th 10:00-11:30am for
those who can’t come during the week.
We hope lots of you will join us to share your memories and
celebrate a new beginning for the children of Loftus.
Daren Fowler. Chair of Governors
Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club
Sports Hall & Flood lit Astro court available for hire
Licensed Bar ~ Sky Sports ~ BT Sport Pool Table ~ Dart Board
Why not come and watch Loftus Athletic play football on a Saturday afternoon
BINGO Every other Saturday afternoon
The summer will soon be here we need more cricketers,
what a great way to spend a summer’s afternoon game of cricket
followed by a few beers!
Quiz Night Every Monday 9.30pm
What about a game of Badminton? Monday nights from 8pm
Loftus Bowls Club Fancy a game of bowls? We need new players
Telephone 01287 640891
LoftusTown Council 2015 Elections
Your chance to make a difference
The next election of councillors to represent Loftus Civil Parish – which extends from Carlin How to
Cowbar and Skinningrove to Scaling – will take place on Thursday 7 May. There is no financial
remuneration for being a councillor but it gives you an opportunity to represent local people and
influence the quality of life in your area. There are four wards on Loftus Town Council (Skinningrove
& Carlin How, Loftus, Liverton Mines & Liverton and Easington) with a total of 14 councillors. If
you want to consider becoming a candidate, then read on.
A candidate must be nominated by a proposer and a seconder (who must both be electors in the ward
for which the candidate is standing) and will have to sign before witnesses that he or she is qualified to
stand. You are eligible to stand if you are aged 18 or more, live or work in – or within three miles of
– the parish boundary, are not subject to a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order or recently
convicted of an offence which has imposed a sentence of three months or more and not disqualified
due to electoral offences. If there are more candidates for a ward than there are seats, then elections
will be contested. If there is exactly the right number, then elections will be uncontested and all
candidates will be elected. If there are insufficient candidates, then they will be elected uncontested
and the Town Council will be expected to co-opt members to the vacant seats as soon as practicable
after the election.
Nomination papers and guidance for candidates can be obtained from the Electoral Commission
website ( and also from Loftus Town Hall (tel 01287 641000) and
the Electoral Office at Redcar & Cleveland Leisure and Community Heart, Ridley Street, Redcar,
TS10 1TD (tel 01642 444410). Notice of elections will be published on Friday 27 March; nomination
papers need to be returned between 30 March and 4pm on Thursday 9 April. They must be delivered
by hand to the Electoral Office at the above address; the office there is open from 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. You are advised to hand in your nomination well before the deadline so that initial
checks can be done by electoral staff while you are there. There will be an information session at
Redcar & Cleveland Leisure and Community Heart at 11am on Wednesday 11 March for anyone
interested in becoming a parish councillor. For any more information about arrangements for the
Loftus Town Council 2015 elections, phone 01287 641000 or email [email protected]
In addition to any contested parish elections, Thursday 7 May is also the date of the General Election
and elections for the 59 councillors on Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council.
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Apologies, error issue 140
Heritage walks and talks
At time of press, a few special heritage events are being finalised for
early spring.
Tuesday March 17, at 7.30pm in Loftus Town Hall, a talk by Mike
Windle on “Lewis Hunton, a short life worth Celebrating”, focusing
on the work that the North East Yorkshire Geology Trust has been
doing to recognise the contribution to science made by this unsung
local hero.
Tuesday March 24, at 7.30pm in Loftus Town Hall, Steve Sherlock
will be talking about some recently discovered Saxon archaeology,
with a local twist.
Saturday April 4 (Easter Saturday) Steve Sherlock will be leading a
walk from Loftus Market Place up to Street House archaeological
area - hopefully there will be a new Interpretation Board in place by
All these events are free of charge (although there might be a
donation jar for tea and biscuits). Posters will be up shortly, but for
any further details, please contact Loftus Town Council
01287 641000; [email protected]; or drop into the Town Hall
9 -12, 1 - 3, Monday to Thursday or by appointment)
Loftus Annual Assembly
I have just received a copy of
the above issue and on page 11
there is a photo of the Army
Cadets circa 1964 being
presented with a cup.
caption underneath shows the
cup being presented by a Mr and
Mrs Winter. In fact the
photograph is of my father and
mother - Mr William and Rose
Harker. At the time he was the
Chairman of Loftus Council.
Perhaps the mistake could be
rectified in a future edition of
the magazine.
Having been born and raised in
Skinningrove but having lived in
Hertfordshire for many years I
look forward to reading the
magazine. When I read some of
the articles and look at the
various photos it evokes happy
memories; long may the
magazine continue!
Best wishes
Every year, all civil parished areas in England have to hold an
Annual Assembly - this has to be held between 1 March and 1 June
each year, and in Loftus it is called by the Town Council. This
Assembly is open to all residents in the Loftus Parish Area (Carlin
Mrs Pam Wilson
How to Cowbar, and Skinningrove to Scaling).
To avoid electoral restrictions, the Loftus Annual Assembly this year Sorry, entirely my fault KB
will be held on Monday 23 March at 7pm in Loftus Town Hall.
As usual, there will be the report of the Town Council and of the
various committees, publication of the Councillors Attendance
Record, and an Open Forum. Once again, the Council is extending
the invitation to all community groups to use the Assembly to update
on their progress over the year.
There is generally a guest speaker, this year we have been fortunate
to secure Mike Windle, who will give a brief talk on Lewis Hunton,
and David Dance, who will update on developments at Cleveland
Ironstone Mining Museum. Both are well informed, engaging
speakers, the session should be both enjoyable and educational.
For any further details, please contact Loftus Town Council
(01287 641000; [email protected]
;or drop into the Town Hall 9 -12, 1 - 3, Monday to Thursday or by January snowdrops at Gaskell Bridge
Joan Roberts
Cllr Hunt with Y6 pupils at Handale School
Loftus Town Mayor, Cllr Barry Hunt, joined Y6 pupils at Handale Primary School for their
Rights, Responsibilities, Respect week in February, to explain about the role of a Town Council
and what is is like to be a Mayor. Later in the week, Cllr Hunt welcomed the pupils into Loftus
Town Hall for a debate in the Council Chamber. Cllr Hunt said "I was very pleased to be
involved with this special week
at Handale Primary School,
and hope that the children got a
better understanding not only
of the place of Loftus Town
Council within the community,
but also the importance of being involved and standing up
for what you believe to be
right. I was really impressed
by the attitude and behaviour
of the children both in the
classroom and in the Town
Hall - they and the Y6 staff
have to be congratulated".
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Handale News
As I look out of my Headteacher’s office window I cannot help but get excited with the progress of the
new build. Today the roof is going on, the porch is fitted and brick work has begun. We are only 25
weeks away from completion, and what a busy time it is going to
be. As you will see from another article which one of our
governors has written to the Town Crier, preparations are well
underway for celebrating the two sites which will become one. We
hope that many of you will pop in for a coffee and chat and enjoy
displays of old photographs, I look forward to hearing all
your tales about the two schools. The
children continue to enjoy
their weekly visits to the site and the contractors have been really
encouraging and explained things about the new build to the
children. We are really glad that so far we have had very little
disruption to the build because of snow and ice.
Preparations are also nearing completion for our annual Rights,
Respecting, Responsibilities (RRR)
week, which this year is to be
held in the week commencing 9th February. The theme this year is
‘Respecting our Community’. There are lots of activities around
Loftus and the surrounding areas that the children are getting
involved with so please watch out for them and watch this space for
our report!
Alongside the excellent results we have had in Key Stage One and
Two, including some excellent level 6 maths results, the Early Years Foundation stage at Handale
continues to go from strength to strength. The provision has been recognised by the Department of
Ed ucation as a centre of excellence and on Wednesday 14th January we had an HMI (Her Majesty's
Inspectorate) inspector visiting our Early Years Provision. The visit was not an inspection, but an
Ofsted survey on teaching and play in two year old and nursery provision. It was a very thorough visit
and will form part of a larger study, the results of which will be published in April. Whilst keen to
emphasise that the visit was not an inspection the inspector did give feedback to senior staff at the end
of the day and it was very favourable outlining that our provision in the Early Years is highly positive. I
would like to say a big thank you to our Early Years staff, children and parents.
When I next write to you I hope you have managed to visit the school for some of our exciting activities
and seen for yourselves the progress of the new building. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Helen Blakeley
Lewis Hunton: a short life worth celebrating
The last year has seen another small miracle for the Geology Trust in the form of a successful
application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant towards the cost of our latest project. More details
are available on the Trusts website The project aims to celebrate the life of Lewis Hunton, a very
special local person who made a huge but overlooked contribution to the modern world. This ties in
beautifully with the work of the Trust in protecting and sharing our wonderful local Geodiversity and
has allowed us to deliver special events linked to Lewis’ life and work. Two ‘blue plaques’ have been
created to commemorate Lewis and these, along with a special interpretation panel, will be installed
later this year, probably as part of Heritage Open Days so please keep an eye out for that event. In
addition we have been able to support numerous interns, giving them invaluable experience in
fieldwork, dealing with the public, making presentations and
generally helping with the work of the Trust. Two of our interns have
successfully moved onto study Geology at University.
The project has also supported the development of the our own
unique Geonaut idea, we now have two Geonaut Clubs running, one
at St Benedict’s Primary School in Ampleforth and the other at
Hummersea Primary School in Loftus. The idea behind Geonauts is
to provide a means for youngsters to understand and explore their
planet, to get them out of the classroom and get their hands dirty
exploring their local geology and landscapes for themselves.
Geonauts is a new idea and these two Geonaut Clubs are our guinea
pigs, so far the experiment has been an enormous success and we are
hoping to develop this idea much more in the coming year.
Geonauts is fundamental to the work and ethos of North East
Yorkshire Geology Trust, to enable
people to understand and
participate themselves. If we want conservation to improve and
flourish into the new century we need to engage and motivate the young to be part of this movement,
hopefully the work we are doing alongside organisations like those in the Loftus Accord will promote
that ideal.
I will be giving a talk on Lewis Hunton thand our project to celebrate his life at Loftus Town Hall,
7.30pm [doors open at 7pm], Tuesday 17 March 2015, so please com along and learn about one of
your local heroes.
Mike Windle, Director, North East Yorkshire Geology Trust, tel. 01947 881000 mob. 07717 538058
E-mail; [email protected]
Loftus Town Crier
Loftus town hall
This historic building is
ideal for
 Wedding receptions
 Parties
 Functions
 Conferences
 Meetings
 Displays
Contact Alison Atkinson
Tel: 01287 641000
email: [email protected]
issue 141
Animal Feeds
Pet Foods Horse & Pony Products
Poultry Feeds
Pigeon Corn Wild Bird Seeds
Plus Many More Products
Our Market Trailer
Buy direct Potatoes and
Fresh Seasonal Produce
If we have not got what you are looking for,
we’ll do our best to get it!
Delivery By Arrangement
Farm Direct, Dale’s Farm, Easington.
Tel: 01287 640209
North Road Loftus
TEL: 01287 640355
 Brough & Horner Ltd
Zetland Foundry Loftus
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Web site:
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40, West Road Loftus.
01287 641025
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Loftus Cricket
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(EST. 1906)
Joinery Manufactured
Glass, Timber & Hardware
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TEL: (01287) 640353
Mobile, 07961/ 961185
Chris Grey and Sons
Carpet Fitters
Please ring
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for quotes
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
79 High Street Loftus tel. 01287 640100
Handmade Pottery
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No job too big or small
Telephone 07583294433
TELEPHONE 01287 643375
1 &2 High Street, Loftus, Saltburn by the Sea,
Cleveland. TS13 4HW
Scouts & Guides*
Church Groups* Youth Clubs
Shopping Clubs *
Out of School Clubs *
Disabled Groups*
Wheelchair accessible
Vehicle with MIDAS
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Ring for a quote on one-off
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Kenny on 01287 644972
01287 640 989
TEL 07967 331479
Market Place, Loftus
For all your Stationery
Needs and High Class
Greeting Cards
For all Occasions
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Contact us
If you have any articles to share with our
please contact
Loftus Town Crier,
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K. BARBER 01287 640198
S WELFORD 01287 641878
OR email:
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necessarily those of the editor.
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Liverton Mines Nurseries
Your local supplier of
Bedding plants,
Shrubs, hanging baskets,
Christmas wreaths
Jean Hawkins
Lantsbery Drive
Liverton Mines
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Loftus & District Old Tyme Dance Club
Following an item in issue 140 about the Silver Jubilee of Loftus &
District Olde Tyme Dance Club, reader Mary Bielby sent us the
following reminiscences about the club.
Founded in 1949, the club met at Loftus Town Hall and the first
dance took place on 30th March that year. Anyone interested in
joining (you needed to be aged 15 or more) had to write a letter of
application and, if successful, would receive a set of regulations.
The annual subscription was 2/6 and each session cost 1/9. James
Winter was Chairman, with Jack Andrew as Vice-Chairman and
Walter Gorman as Treasurer. A number of local bands played at the
dances which became very popular: there were 140 members in
1954-55 alone.
The club held special events such as Fancy Dress, Easter Bonnets
and Flower Buttonhole competitions and there would usually be a
summer outing to a dance in places such as Danby and Sneaton.
Also, the club raised money for good causes: for example, in 1959
funds were raised for a 'Cobalt Bomb' machine for cancer treatment
and for Aged People's Welfare. In this year my mother and I
successfully applied to join; the band at my first dance was Allen &
I became Secretary in 1967 when the annual subscription was 4/(20p). Two years later the 500th dance was held but by then most
bands had retired so we usually danced to records. During the early
1970s an industrial dispute resulted in lack of heating in the Town
Hall so the club was closed for several months. The advent of
Langbaurgh Borough Council in 1974 meant I had to travel to
Redcar every few weeks to book the Town Hall. In that year the
club was saddened by the death of Mr Winter; Mr Andrew became
Chairman and remained so until the club closed.
In 1977 the two remaining bands retired, following which
membership decreased as people preferred to dance to live music
rather than to records. The club disbanded after the final dance on
9th July 1982, an event that featured a free supper. The club's
remaining funds were allocated equally to Brotton Cottage Hospital
and the Cheshire
Home at Marske,
each receiving
demise of the
club marked the
end of an era that
happy memories.
With thanks to
Mary for
providing this
brief history of
the club.
North York Moors
I wandered over the hills and dales
Of North Yorkshire’s moors and fells
And gazed up on the purple heather
Where the grouse and curlew dwells
Thoughts of those far off days
Breathing in the moorland air
When we sat in quiet contentment
Nature’s solitude to share
In the distance lies Roseberry Topping
A landmark that’s so unique
How many weary feet have trod
The pathway to its peak
The wispy threads of cotton grass
Swaying gently in summer’s breeze
The scent of heather in full bloom
And the humming of the busy bees
Overhead the lapwings twist and turn
Against the clear blue sky
While the kestrel hover patiently
Nothing escapes his eagle eye
The murmur of a moorland stream
Tumbling on its merry way
Along its banks the yellow gorse
Grows in colourful display
Bathed in mornings
Or evening’s fiery after glow
Yorkshire’s panoramic landscape
Puts on a wondrous show
Now as the years go swiftly by
From January to December
The wonders of these moorland
In my mind I will always remember
G W Skaife
1st Loftus Scouts
A big 'THANK YOU' from 1st
Loftus Scouts to everyone who
used the Christmas 2014 post
service provided by the Scouts.
Thanks also go to all the
volunteers who helped with
sorting and delivering cards.
There are vacancies at present for
new Scouts, Cubs and Beavers:
anyone interested should phone
Mr Silver on 01287 652115.
Alternatively, go along to the
Scout Hut (it's in the back street
behind Jackie's Hairdresser in
Zetland Road)
Monday 6.30-9.00pm (Scouts),
Tuesday 6.00-7.30pm (Beavers)
Photo from "the early 1970s".
Thursday 6.30-8.00pm (Cubs)
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Poultry Run 2014
The 31st Poultry Run was held on Sunday 21st December in conditions which were windy but with an
ideal temperature for running.
With over 500 entries the run is one of the top races in the area and attracts both top athletes and fun
runners many in fancy dress.
This year’s race was won by Morpeth Harrier Andy Wiles in a time of 42.11, he was followed by last
year’s winner Rus Best from New Marske Harriers in
42.31. Morpeth Harriers
were again prominent with
Andrew Lawrence in 3rd place in a time of 43.44. The host
club, Loftus and Whitby AC had the next 2 finishers in
Lewis Rodgers 43.45 and Jay Ferns 43.55. Both these
runners show great potential with Lewis being only 23
years old and Jay just turned 17.
The ladies race was won by Olympian Johanne Atkinson,
Middlesbrough and Cleveland in a time of 51.52, 2nd place
was Georgia Campbell, South Shield;,
52.28 and Nicola
Kent, Loftus and Whitby finishing in 3rd place in 53.19.
Since re-taking the race over the race organiser Andrew
Bostock has done a brilliant job with a prize list second to
none with over 50 items of poultry and hampers rewarding
the athletes for their efforts.
All the runners are given a long sleeved ‘T’ shirt and
numerous bottles of wine are given away to runners in
fancy dress.
This year Loftus Town Council helped out by providing
tables for the catering team made up of ladies from
Mulgrave Sports Community.
The next event Loftus and Whitbythwill organise is the Mulgrave Castle 10k which is held in the
Mulgrave Estate, Lythe on Sunday 7 June.
We will remember them
Remembrance Sunday on 9th November 2014 prompted reader Mary Bielby to send these thoughts to
the Town Crier.
As children we lived within yards of Loftus War Memorial so it has always been a part of our lives. It
evokes so many associations such as seeing an uncle's name on the memorial every day, listening to the
tinkle of water from the lion's mouth and being lulled to sleep by it on warm summer evenings. I can
also remember my friends and I going with our mothers to collect water in heavy zinc buckets when our
piped supply dried up during hot summers and drinking from the lion when out playing. Sadly, a later
generation decided the water was unfit to drink and the lion went dry, yet it had never harmed us or the
long-living adults we knew.
We must have seen most Remembrance Day services in 70 plus years. Some years ago (was it in the
1980s?) there was a lower attendance for a few years - not just in Loftus, but across the country - as
some people considered it was time to put the past behind us. Some of us silently raged as motorists on
Sunday outings drove through our silence, oblivious to the risk to the veterans, councillors and children
paying their respects.
In recent years attendance has greatly improved and commemoration of the start of the 'Great War' has
been fully supported across the
country. On 9th November 2014
hundreds of thousands of people
ignored the cold and went to
remembrance services. The new
lettering on Loftus War Memorial
glistened, our new lion looked
more ferocious and crowds
waited. Near me were people of
all ages, even a baby aged one
m ont h.
As t he pa ra de
approached, my first thought was
that it was a pity we had no band
but within seconds I realised I
was wrong. The total silence of
all except the marching feet was
more dramatic and moving than
any band, reminiscent of all those
who marched away to war in
1914. We will remember them.
With thanks to Mary for this
heartfelt contribution.
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Sword Dancers
Many of the readers may know of or perhaps actually learned Sword Dancing at school, East Cleveland
villages had many teams & there are dances named after them such as North Skelton, Boosbeck & of
course Loftus to name but a few. I belong to Goathland Plough Stots and our village still has a number
of teams that are extremely active including a ladies side. A recent photograph appeared in the Gazette
Remember When of a school team from Eston dated 1938 which we now have a copy of for our archives but in conversation with the paper I have been asked to produce an article on this dance form and
in particular East Cleveland hence this appeal. If anyone has any photographs I could scan or they no
longer want, information, recollections or memorabilia that they feel able to share would you please
contact me. Sadly there is no money in this only an attempt to draw together anything on what was a
much practiced and performed pastime or hobby. I know that teams from the area danced at the Albert
Hall were you part of it we would love to know. Our team is at the moment planning to build a new
Community Hub & Sports Pavilion in the village and our archives will be available on line along with
artefacts of teams long since ceased. Anything that people feel able to lend or give will be treat with the
utmost care & if you need a permanent home they will be looked
My phone number is 01947896311 or 07870738467 or you can post them to me at
Keith Thompson Heatherlands Darnholm Goathland Whitby YO225LA
Many thanks for your time
Woodside News
Arthur Ransome.
Hello. My name is Tracey Abbott and I am the Practice Manager
at Woodside Surgery. I have been in post since July 2014. I would
like to encourage our patients to contact me with any suggestions
or comments to improve services at the surgery. We have a productive patient group who already provide ideas and feedback.
All registered patients of the practice are welcome to join the
group. We meet on a regular basis to discuss issues and ways to
deliver the best services to our patients. If you are interested in
being a part of the patient group please contact me on 01287
We would like to inform our patients about a new way to collect
your prescriptions. You can now order your prescription and have
it sent straight to the pharmacy of your choice. This is called EPS
– Electronic Prescription Service. You will need to nominate your
chosen pharmacy, the best way to do this is at the pharmacy itself
but we can organise this at the practice. Please ask about this at
reception and we will give you an information leaflet.
If the surgery is closed
If you have a healthcare need and we are closed your first contact
should be with the 111 service. They will direct you to the most
appropriate service. Accident and Emergency departments should
not be used in place of our service and 111 will ensure you go to
the correct place for your need. If you have an emergency always
call 999 in or out of surgery hours.
We have the following clinical staff currently working at the practice:
Dr Glasby, Dr Dallara, Dr Cheema, Dr Sadiq and Caroline Petch
who is our Nurse Practitioner. We also have 3 practice nurses, a
healthcare assistant and a specialist mental healthcare worker.
MIND also provide services at our practice and self referrals can
be made. Please ask at reception for a leaflet or ask the GP for
more information.
We listened
We have had feedback regarding the issue of contacting the
surgery at particularly busy times. We have increased our staffing
levels for call answering at peak times to make it easier for
patients to get through on the telephones. Please can I ask patients
contacting the surgery on a non urgent basis to wait until after
10am. This is because before this time people have difficulty
getting through to make appointments during the period of 8am10am. Also we have the online patient services available where
you can book appointments and order repeat prescriptions –
Arthur, a Carlin How lad with a
keen interest in photography and
a dab hand with a computer,
used to be a member of the
Loftus Town Crier gang, and for
quite a while was the main stay
with our computer, and the only
one at that time who really understood it. Arthur worked for
ENRON at the ICI site at
Wilton, and ENRON were soon
to discover what a talent he was;
and sent him all over the world
to work for them, their gain and
our loss. He ended up in
Baltimore USA where he settled,
married and started a family.
He has not lost his interest in
photography though (you can
follow him on Facebook) and
has lectured to camera clubs in
America for some time now,
recently his lecture to the
Gaitherberg Camera Club,
e nt i t l e d 'S om e j our ne ys
begin behind the lens of a
camera' was reported in The
Washington Post no less. So
from 'the Loftus Town Crier' to
the Washington Post, not bad for
a local lad, a local boy
who certainly made good.
Back to Christmas
A big thank you to the Special
Events group for organising the
carol singing in Loftus Market
Even though it was bitterly cold
we all thoroughly enjoyed it, and
really appreciated the wonderful
hot chocolate in the Angel café
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
In the Footsteps of Miners
Feel like a morning’s stroll but not sure where to go? Perhaps you are recovering from an illness and
have been advised to exercise, or you just want to get out of the house for an hour or so. Whatever your
reason come and join the Iron Valley Heritage Health Walks and stroll through the Skinningrove Valley
in the company of other like-minded people and a knowledgeable guide.
Our walks start at 11pm from the Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum and last around an hour; finishing at the museum for tea, biscuits and a chat. All walks are free and suitable for people with health
The walks will have a heritage or wildlife theme and be led by knowledgeable guides. There will always
be someone with the group who has at least emergency first aid training and NHS Health Walk leader
“We at the museum hope these walks will become as popular as the Friday afternoon walks from Loftus
surgery, which they are intended to compliment.” Says Graham Banwell the museum’s health walks
organiser. “They are a great way to learn a little more about Skinningrove Valley area, a truly hidden
gem with ancient woodland, a river, sand dunes, beaches rockpools, magnificent cliffs and a rich
industrial heritage; all waiting to be explored on this series of walks”.
The series of walks are being supported by the East Cleveland NHS
4 March 11am Meet at Museum Skinningrove Through the Ages
Using 3 historical maps dating from the initial days of ironstone mining explore how the village has
changed. With Museum volunteer Ian Wilson.
11 March 11am Meet at Museum Flooding in the wooded valley
(Involves crossing the A174. Up to 1.5 hours)
Explore how flash floods are managed by the Environment Agency on this walk through Deepdale and
Whitecliffe woods with Museum Education Officer Jean Banwell.
14 March at 2pm: Presented by Steve Thompson
The Story of Steelmakers - Consett & Teesside
Explore the heritage of Teesside in images, archive film & sound as shaped by Steel Makers of bygone
18 March 11am Meet at Museum Rambling with an old miner
Join our only genuine ex ironstone miner, Alan Richardson, for a reminiscence walk around the village
of Skinningrove recalling life in the
195 0s
25 March 11am Meet at Museum
Skinningrove Past and Present
Discover how Skinningrove has
changed over the last 100 years using archive photographs; with
Museum volunteer John Moore.
31 March: 1-3pm: Easter crafts Make your own bird nest and
Use craft materials to create your
own birds nests in celebration of
1 April 11am Meet at Museum A
Valley Shaped by River, Sea and
A walk exploring the course of the river down to the contrasting cliffs; some made by people and others
shaped by the sea, with Museum volunteer David Dance
7 April: 1-3pm: Blooming marvellous
Join our Spring scavenger hunt and return to the Museum to make a flower model
15 April 11am Meet at Museum Flooding in Skinningrove
Discover how flash floods have affected the village and valley of Skinningrove and the measures put in
place to help people respond to future flood threats with Museum Volunteer Ian Wilson.
22 April 11am Meet at Museum Easter Traditions
Consider the strange things we do, and believed at Easter. Have you any memories of Easter customs?
With Graham Banwell
29 April 11am Meet at Museum Spring Wildlife
Explore wildlife along Skinningrove Valley with ecologist Graham Banwell.
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
Loftus Town Council would like to wish all residents a Happy New Year.
2014 ended with the judging of the Christmas Window competition. A big thank you to the judges,
those who voted in the people's choice and of course all businesses who entered, the windows bring festive cheer to the parish and hopefully attract residents and visitors to shop in Loftus.
The winners are:Twinkliest Window - Clarke Hardware (Homeware Shop)
Most Inspirational Window - Harrop's Pharmacy
Most Traditional - Anglo Castles
Most Creative - Willow Cake Shop
People's Choice - Joint Winners - Harrop's Pharmacy, Jackie's Hairdressers, Wold Pottery
The start of the year is a busy time for the Council. Allotment tenancies are renewed each January and
there are still garden plots available for rent at the small fee of £22.00 per year. If you are interested in
renting one of the plots on the Westfield site then please do not hesitate to contact the Town Council
Office. Our Allotments Warden would be delighted to take you up on site and show you around once
you have submitted an application.
The Town Council manages the public toilets at Water Lane and West Road. The Warden has been
busy giving the Water Lane toilets a new coat of paint so they will be ready for welcoming walkers this
spring. The toilets are open all year round (except Christmas Day and New Year's Day) but may be
closed or the water turned off in extreme weather.
The Town Hall is available to hire to groups and individuals. Members are delighted that since the
office relocation the Town Hall is being used much more frequently. Support from the community in
keeping the Town Hall in use is vital to ensuring this historic building is kept open and maintained by
Loftus Town Council. So thank you to all users, new and old for your support.
The Loftus Town Council Tea Dance takes place in the Town Hall 2-4pm on the first Tuesday of every
month. Entry is only £1 and this includes tea and biscuits and entry into the raffle. There is a live MC
and all who come have a great afternoon. Numbers have increased in recent months and we welcome all
new dancers. Please contact the office if you would like further details, or simply come along on the day
if you want to join in.
The Town Council Office is always busy preparing for meetings and assisting residents with queries.
There are 5 committees Allotments, Environment, Planning, Policy and Finance and Town Hall (inc
Entertainments) and these meetings are open to the public. If you have any issues you want raising then
please do not hesitate to come along to the relevant meeting, or submit a query to the office. The dates
and agendas of the meetings can be viewed on the Town Council Website at The
website is now being updated direct from the office and now contains lots of useful information and is
updated regularly - but please bear with us as we are still updating our technical skills! If there is any
information you think is missing from the website please let us know.
If you have any queries or wish to discuss a local issue then we look forward to hearing from you.
Senior citizen passes away
I’m sure a lot of readers will remember my mam Joyce Dobson ne Cooke, she was born at North Terrace
and lived most of her 89 years at Loftus working more than 20 of them on the United busses as a
conductress. She loved animals especially dogs and owned a dog most of her life so would be seen out
walking in the woods and lanes around Loftus Skinningrove Easington and Carling How. She easily
made new acquaintances - if someone had a dog mam could not resist going over to it to stroke it never
a thought to it possibly biting her.
Because she used to say “when I go I want a horse drawn hearse” my late brother and myself hired a
horse drawn carriage to take her for a ride “down memory lane” as her Christmas present. We always
joked that it was a trial run so she could sort out any thing she didn't like in advance.
I shall never forget her face when the two horses with an old fashioned carriage and two drivers wearing
clothes of the era drew up outside the bungalow where she had retired to at Easington, needless to say
mam headed straight for the horses to stroke them. Because the carriage could seat two and it would
have been a shame to waste the space her
friend Maud Tebble went along with her.
Starting from her home at Easington, down
to Loftus, up Micklow lane, down Spring
hill and along North terrace before returning
to the Tiger inn at Easington for a tipple
served by son in law Brian.
The driver told us they had giggled and
laughed like school children all the way.
We carried out her wish on 23rd Feb and
sent her in a horse drawn hearse to my dad
Bernard who she never got over loosing .
Will miss her.
Sandra Welford
Loftus Town Crier
issue 141
24 Zetland Road Loftus TS134PW