Panther Pride Newsletter LOMAX ELEMENTARY MAGNET 4207 N. 26th Street Tampa, FL 33610 813-276-5569 Connie Chisholm, Principal Kevin McDonald, Assistant Principal MARCH 2015 Home The Problem Solving MISSION Lomax will build a community of active thinking and learning citizens through exploration, enrichment, elective and expeditions. VISION The Lomax community will develop the individual talents and strengths of each child. Monday Early Release Days March 2 March 16 March 23 March 30 NO SCHOOL ON March 9-13! Early Release Dismissal Times 1:30 Car Riders 1:33 Bus Riders 1:35 HOST, Daycares, Walkers Don’tforget… Spring Break is March 9-13 School Board Susan L. Valdes, Chair Doretha W. Edgecomb, Vice Chair April Griffin Sally A. Harris Carol W.Kurdell Melissa Snively Cindy Stuart Investigators! ADMINISTRATION Acting Superintendent of Schools Jeff Eakins Hello families! It’s almost Spring Break! Please make sure you use that time to read with your child and maybe discover a new genre of books. Testing will be in full swing this month and we ask for your continued support in making sure your child gets to school on time. We encourage you to, if possible, schedule doctor’s and dentist’s appointments later in the afternoon to avoid interference with testing. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We have put up a new bulletin board feature for our families! Upon entering the main building, you’ll notice the PARENT CONNECTION board on the left. It’s loaded with resources available for you. Please take items as you need them! Finally, located in this newsletter is our testing schedule. Please make note of it, or place it on your refrigerator. Talk with your child about testing to determine how they’re feeling. Also in this newsletter, you’ll find some test-anxiety coping strategies in the Guidance Corner. Sincerely, Connie Chisholm Principal Daylight savings Time is on March 8!! Clocks SPRING forward! 2 Media Center News-March 2015 On February 25, 2015 we had our 11th annual “Fairy Tale Bowl”. Beginning in the fall, second grade students participated in a literature study of 10 classic fairy tales. A qualifying test was given to determine which students would represent their class in the Fairy Tale Bowl. Congratulations to the following students: Mrs. Beer Mrs. Martin Giovani Felix, Serenity Scarberry Aman Crockett, Aaron Green Amaya Nunez, Emma VanderLaat Andrea McElvaine, Jayla Pickett Mrs. Gordon Abraham Bruehl, Alondra Banuelas Ronde Boldin, Gabby Gibson Ms. Masters Kaitlyn Ganeshram, Mikaela Powell Mikaela Powell, Zane Watwood On February 26, 2015, we had our 8th Annual “Folktale Bowl”. Third grade students participated in a literature study of 10 different folktales from various countries. Congratulations to the following students for representing their class: Mrs. Cordoba Chase Miller, Justin Ortez Austin Rodrigo, Jordan Shellman Mrs. Thompson Spencer Brant, Hunter Caddy Chayanna Gaston, Adhi Srinivasan Ms. Murga Ms. Yates Roberto Jackson, Donovann Marshall Chandler Glover, Nico Ingles, Camila Perez, Tyshaun Tibbs Allie Iwansky, Lucas Senerchia Important Dates Friday, February 27th at 9:00- 3rd Annual “Sunshine State Bowl” for 5th grade students. Congratulations to the following students who will be representing their classes: Mrs. Ellinger: Aaron Hayes, Demetrius Marshall, Alainah Rahman, Mya Scott Ms. Kerney:Liyanna Postles, Medricka Reeves, Wesley Speights, Jaiden Sumner Ms. McDermott: Arjun Manohar, Markney Mathe, Shelby Pole, Melanie Schmidt Mrs. Ward: Somaiya Monowar, Lila Beer, Daniyah Fells, Marianna Watkins Wednesday, March 4th at 9:00- 6th Annual “Dr. Seuss Bowl” for kindergarten. Friday, March 6th at 9:00- 5th Annual “Nursery Rhyme Bowl” for 1st grade students. 3 Media Center Parent Survey Does your child enjoy visiting the media center? Yes No Does the Lomax Media Center have appropriate resources for your child? Yes No If not, what resources would you like to see added? ________________ __________________________________________________________ Are you familiar with the district’s online resources available to your child? Yes No PLEASE DETATCH & RETURN TO HOMEROOM P.e. NEWS TEST TIME TIPS The second half of the school year presents our students with numerous, mandatory tests. Children will be sitting at a desk for long periods of time with limited breaks. Also, many children (and teachers) feel great amounts of stress during this time. Below are some simple ways to help your children have a better opportunity for success: The night before their test have your evening meal a bit earlier than usual. This will get them to bed earlier and hopefully a good night’s sleep. The morning of the test try to serve a healthy breakfast and talk to them during the meal with words of encouragement. During the rest of the school year make sure kids have plenty of physical activity time. They will be more able to sit calmly for testing if their fitness levels are higher. 4 PTA AND SAC-WANT TO BE INVOLVED, BUT DON’T KNOW HOW?! Our next SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting is Thursday, March 5 at 7:15 a.m. in the Intermediate Computer Lab (upstairs in the main building) AND again at 3:00 in the Media Center. We are asking any parent who wants their voice heard to come out and see what SAC is all about. PTA NEEDSYOUR HELP & SUPPORT… Are you willing to serve on the PTA board during the 2015-16 school year? Our next Skate Night is taking place on March 6th at Skateland in Brandon. More info to come… We will be asking for volunteers for our Spring Fling. *If you would like to volunteer OR have questions, please contact our PTA President, Mrs. Simone Reddick at: [email protected] 5 GIFTED GRAPEVINE In gifted, we are not only practicing test taking strategies, but we are also busy with creative thinking and exploring neat topics in math and science. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade research groups have been hard at work during our Monday IIM block and will be ready to share their findings in a few weeks. Grade 1: In fir st gr ade we have been wor king on animal research projects. The students will create a website to display their research findings! Grade 2: The AMP (advancing Mathematical Pr actice) Gr ant project is in its 7 th week and the students are really enjoying it and learning a lot! We finished our first chapter on measuring length and have just started chapter two which is exploring the topic of area. In ELA, we have been researching the characteristics of meerkats and even learned how to write bibliographies for books and websites. Grade 3: Our thir d gr ader s have just finished up a book club project. We read and discussed “The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo” by Jean Craighead George. It was a great book that focused on Florida flora and fauna. The we spent a few days discussing a poem mentioned in the book, “Hyla Brook” by Robert Frost…We love the things we love for what they are (ask your child about what that means to them). We are currently working on a Fairytale project in which the students must take a fairytale and make it scientifically and mathematically possible. It will be interesting to see what they come up with. Grade 4: Groups have been lear ning how fractions are related to decimals and percent’s. Students also demonstrated how to determine tax of an item and then total cost of an item with tax included. Grade 5: Students being ser ved in ELA are well into the book, The Great Wide Sea and will be finishing before Spring Break. Afterwards, we will be doing some culminating enrichment projects on the book to share with others. In science, we are studying the human body. Each student was given an organ system to research with a rubric. They will share their research in a creative way utilizing multimedia. These projects will be displayed for an authentic audience somewhere in our school (possibly media center or main lobby). In math class we have been studying conversions of customary measure such as feet to miles and quarts to gallons. Some of the students have even written math problems for me to solve! 6 Istation’s 1,000-Minute Challenge! Win an iPad Air 2! January 19 — May 30 Contest Details: Istation is launching a new usage contest to boost reading at home. Your child will be eligible to receive prizes for using the Istation Reading curriculum at school and/or at home. We challenge your child to use Istation Reading for 1,000 minutes or more between January 19 and May 30, 2015. Weekly Prize: Every student who uses Istation Reading curriculum for 40 minutes or more each week at school or home will be entered into a drawing at the end of each week for $25 gift cards for both the student and his or her reading teacher. Monthly Prize: At the end of the month, every student who has more than 160 minutes of Istation Reading usage will be entered into a drawing to win a $200 gift card. The contest minutes reset at the start of each month, so jump right in and have fun using Istation Reading! Grand Prize: On June 1, all students who have used Istation Reading for at least one thousand minutes total between January 19 and May 30 will be entered into a drawing for an iPad Air 2. Required minutes are cumulative throughout the month. Students are eligible to win 1 weekly prize, 1 monthly prize, and the grand prize. January 2015_________________ Students can now access Istation from computers at the Public Library. This information has been shared with all public library staff at the various branches. Below are instructions that can use when trying to login at the library. These instructions were sent to the public library staff so that they can adequately assist their patrons. Log into Istation Step 1: Open the Istation Desktop App Step 2: Type “CONFIG” for username AND password, click OK. Step 3: Type your school name under “Domain” to find your school’s domain. (school.hillsborough.fl) Step 4: Log in with your user name and passwor d 7 GUIDANCE CORNER Is your child nervous about testing? This is a common occurrence, but can be overcome with some helpful strategies. The first strategy starts with YOU, the parent! 1. Don’t discuss testing as if it is a scary thing. Reassure your child to do the best they can, but not to fear testing. 2. Have your child wear clothing in layers; this can ensure they are comfortable in their testing environment. 3. Get enough sleep. It is recommended that children in elementary school receive about 10 hours of sleep each night. 4. Do NOT eat sugary foods or have caffeine prior to testing. It will make you feel more tired once you “come down” from the sugar rush. 5. Peppermint, lemon and cinnamon help your memory. 6. Take breaks when studying for any test. 7. Keep a positive attitude. 8 W H AT ’ S G O I N G O N A R O U N D LO M A X M AG N E T ? APRIL MARCH Monday , 2-6 FSA Writing Assessment Tuesday, 3 1st grade Nursery Rhyme Bowl Wednesday, 4 Wednesday, 1 FSA Makeups Thursday, 2 1st grade to Zoo Friday, 3 Non-Student Day-Good Friday Week of 13-17 FSA Reading (grade 5) Monday, 13 Report cards go home Tuesday/ Wednesday 14-15 Stanford 10 Reading (grade 3) Thursday, 16 Awards Celebration Week of 20-24 FSA Math (grade 5) Kindergarten Dr. Seuss Bowl Friday, 6 9:30 3rd grade Zoo School Skate Night MONDAY 9-13 SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL!!!! Thursday, 19 CONFERENCE NIGHT Friday, 20 Spring Pictures Monday 23-April 2 FSA Assessments Week of 27-30 FSA Science (grade 5) Friday, 27 End of 3rd Nine Weeks Wednesday, 22 Secretary Appreciation Day APRIL 3 Good Friday NO SCHOOL Wednesday, 29 4th grade to Florida Orchestra TESTING!!!! PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! March 23 & 24 -FSA ELA Testing, grades 3 & 4 March 23-27 -Stanford Testing, grades 1 & 2 March 25-27 - FSA Math Testing, grades 3 & 4 March 30-April 2 -FSA Makeups April 13-24 -FSA Reading/Math Testing , grade 5 April 27-30 -FSA Science Testing, grade 5 9 L O M A X F A C U LT Y E M A I L A D D R E S S E S Principal [email protected] Reading Coach [email protected] Assistant Principal [email protected] Music Specialist [email protected] Lead Teacher [email protected] Strings instructor [email protected] Guidance (on leave) [email protected] PSYCHOLOGIST [email protected] Academically Gifted Program [email protected] SOCIAL WORKER [email protected] Academically Gifted Program [email protected] Physical Education (PE) Specialist [email protected] Varied Exceptionalities (VE) [email protected] Kindergarten [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Media Specialist [email protected] English Language Learners (ELL) [email protected] First Grade [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Second Grade [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Third Grade [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fourth Grade [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fifth Grade [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We value open communication between parents and teachers at Lomax. Please feel free to contact, via email or phone, your child’s teacher to schedule a conference anytime throughout the year. However, the time between 7:45am and 2:30pm are dedicated to student learning. Please refrain from meeting with the teacher when dropping off students in the morning, as teachers are busy welcoming students and preparing for a day of learning. Guests picking up students in the car line need to remain in their vehicle. If a guest needs to come on campus, he/she must sign-in in the main office. Students are not to be dropped off prior to 7:45a.m. Lomax students are looking sharp! MANDATORY UNIFORM POLICY Purple, white or gold polo shirt Navy or khaki shorts, skirts, or pants Bottoms must be secured at the waist Shirts must be tucked in Closed toed shoes with a back (no lights, wheels or sounds) Mondays Students may wear a College Shirt with uniform bottoms. Fridays Students may wear a Lomax Spirit Shirt with jeans or regular uniform bottoms. If you have uniforms that your students have outgrown, please donate them to our uniform closet in the main office. Thank you to all the families that have already donated!
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