CORRAL NEWS The Weekly Newsletter of the Lone Star Corral, Hondo, Texas March 20, 2015 Thanks to everyone for your contributions to the CORRAL NEWS, especially emailed items. Those make my job much easier. The email address is [email protected]. The deadline for submitted items is 4 PM on THURSDAYS!!! Dear readers, if you see a mistake in the CORRAL NEWS or in the Activity List, PLEASE bring it to my attention ASAP so that I might make the necessary correction ASAP!! Thank you. Due to popular demand, the CORRAL NEWS will be published through the month of April. Liz Pearce, Editor FROM THE OFFICE: PLEASE ASK a Manager or Assistant Manager Before you put anything on the burn pile. Absolutely NO building materials or pallets or Cactus are to be burned. PLEASE remember that the Speed Limit in the park is 10 mph. The Clubhouse is closed Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 AM to 9 AM for cleaning. Thanks, Dianna BLUEBONNET AUXILIARY ELECTION RESULTS: Congratulations to our Officers. They are: President – Sarah Baker Vice President – Elaine Loscher Secretary – Anna Hoppe Treasurer – John Arsenault TRASH RUN – SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 MEET AT THE TRAILER AT 8:30 AM. Volunteers needed to help pick-up trash from each lot and disperse at Dump in container. Bob Wheaton, Lot 123 Busy Needles meets every Saturday from 10:30 AM to Noon. So, if you knit,sew, embroider, crochet or just want to talk or listen, come join us in the Clubhouse. As well as our own projects, we knit, sew, etc. for the local school, the rehabilitation/nursing homes and the hospital nursery and are always open for other projects. See you Saturday! Ruth Postel, Lot 78 REMINDER: The Addendum to the LSC Directory is available in the manager's office. Please pick up your copy ASAP. Submitted by Margie Strickler, Lot 16 CORRAL NEWS THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! A big THANK YOU, to everyone who helped us with the St. Patrick’s Day meal. We could not have done it without you. Beverly McDowell and her crew for the Delish! Irish bread and Ruth Kieffer for the Yummy! dessert. The men Chuck Gregory, Jim Mossman, and Darrel Smith who helped John prepare and cook. And Linda Mossman who was my right hand. The folks setting up the tables, the servers and the clean up crew, all did a great job. And the dancers were an added treat. SKP hugs to all. John and Pat Swatloski Lot 65 IRISH POEMS Several people asked me to publish the little Irish poems that I read at the dinner. Since they are by "author unknown" I will be glad to share: Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day. May neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you. Enjoy and have a wonderful day. Ruth Kieffer, Lot 100 WIFI UPDATE!! FYI: We recently added an access point in the Clubhouse (AlamoAreaSKP) so reception there should be greatly improved. Also the noise you hear coming from the cabinet in the library is a fan for cooling. WiFi Committee Y’ALL ARE INVITED TO A WIENER ROAST!! WHEN? March 21, 2015 at 7:30 PM WHERE? Fire Ring, Front Of The Clubhouse Bring your own hot dogs, buns, chips, condiments, drinks, s'mores fixings, marshmallows, plates, forks, napkins, chairs AND YOURSELVES! SEE YOU THERE!! George and Sarah Baker, Lot 112 2 CORRAL NEWS COME AND CELEBRATE THE LIFE OF CHET LONGWELL PLACE: CLUBHOUSE DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 TIME: 2 – 4 PM If you would like to bring finger foods, they would be KITCHEN LEFTOVERS LUNCH THURSDAY, MARCH 26 AT NOON MYSTERY MENU ALL YOU CAN EAT – $2.00 Bring your own bowls, plates, etc Coffee, Tea provided. 3 appreciated. CORRAL NEWS LONG RANGE PLANNING MEETING, THURSDAY, MARCH 26 AT 1:30 PM All welcome, especially those who indicated interest in pool, hot tub, exercise equipment and wood hobby shop. Bev Pizzimenti, Chair Lot 77 CRAFT CORNER PURCHASES It has come to my attention that there are a lot of questions and confusion concerning the proper procedures to purchase something from the Craft Corner at the Clubhouse. It is also very important that the paperwork be filled out properly. Therefore, the following are the proper guidelines: 1. Once you’ve chosen the item(s) you wish to purchase, inspect the item(s) for any identification tags which may show price, numbers of any kind, perhaps the crafter’s name, or a price sticker itself. If possible, cut off the tag, carefully peel off the label, or remove the identification somehow. 2. There is a receipt book located on the craft table. Fill out the receipt book by placing the carbon paper between the white and yellow copies and then fold up the protective cardboard. Fill out the DATE, your NAME, the NAME or DESCRIPTION of the item(s) you are purchasing, and the PRICE for each item. If there is a crafter’s name on the identification tag(s), write that person’s name on the receipt as well. 3. Tear out both the white and the yellow copy of the receipt from the book. Now tape or staple or somehow attach any ID tags or labels to the yellow copy of the receipt and place the yellow copy in the money container along with your payment. The purchaser keeps the white copy of the receipt. 4. If the purchase is being made by a GUEST in the park, on the receipt where it says NAME, write GUEST. This is important! We must pay tax to the State of Texas on any items sold to a guest so the Crafts Chairman must know if items are being purchased by a park member or a guest. If everyone follows the above instructions when they purchase from the Craft Corner, hopefully the bookkeeping process will be much easier, the crafters will receive proper payment for their items being sold, and Bluebonnets will get the correct amount of money from the sale of crafts. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Patti Coble, Crafts Committee 4 CORRAL NEWS HAPPENINGS OUTSIDE THE CORRAL RAYE THEATER in Downtown Hondo For current movie information, call the Showtime line: 830-426-5757 (Friday morning is best) DINING OUT SPECIALS: In D’Hanis: In Hondo: Thursday: Bill & Rosa’s 6 PM - 10 PM $6.99 All you can eat, Spaghetti, Meatballs, salad & garlic toast. Friday: Bill & Rosa’s 6 PM - 10 PM All you can eat catfish and shrimp. $17.99. Tuesday: Pizza Hut starting at 5:30 PM. $7.00 includes all you can eat pizza and salad bowl. Tuesday: Azteca, $5.50 Enchilada plate, ALL DAY. Tuesday: Dairy Queen, ALL DAY Special – Taco Salad or Tacos. CLASSIFIED Please let me know if you sell your item(s) so that I can take your ad out. Ads limited to 6 weeks. Thank you. FREE: TOW BAR: Blue Ox Aventa BX-7330, self-adjusting and locking, 5,000 pound capacity, fits into 2 inch receiver. Free. Rich Peterson, Lot 87 VOLUNTEERS MAKE THIS PLACE WORK, LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY! The CORRAL NEWS is published each Friday and is available on the Lone Star Corral’s web site, The link to the issues, Newsletter, is on the main page of the web site. Printed copies are available at the Clubhouse and at the Park Office for members and guests to be informed of the weekly activities at the Lone Star Corral. Provide articles for the newsletter in written format, please, sign your name and place them in the red basket on the credenza (near the Treasure Table, in the Clubhouse) or e-mail them to Liz Pearce on Lot 125 by Thursday at 4 PM. The email address is [email protected]. 5
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