Pride Week Application

Long Beach Lesbian & Gay Pride, Inc.
2015 Pride Week Participation and Sponsorship Application
Mission Statement
“To engage in and support bridge building activities that educate,
encourage, and celebrate LGBT inclusion and pride.”
Annual Theme: “Color Our World with Pride”
Pride Week Organization Information:
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ______________________ Website: _________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________ Fax: __________________ Night Phone: _______________________
Contact Person: _____________________ Position in Organization: _______________________________
Best Time(s) to Be Reached by Phone: _______________________________________________________
Pride Week Event Information for Press Releases:
Title of Proposed Event: __________________________________________________________________
Date and Time of Proposed Event: __________________________________________________________
Location of Proposed Event: ______________________________________________________________
Info Line or Contact # for Event: ___________________________________________________________
Summary of Proposed Event: ______________________________________________________________
Please note: All organizations receiving a “Pride Week” sponsorship will be required to complete a “Sponsorship
Agreement”, whereby each organization agrees to include LBLGP, Inc. in it’s list of sponsors on the event
advertising, a banner or some sort of advertising to include “Pride Week” and, to submit a completed
memorandum describing and explanation of how funds will be spent and, to provide free entry to the event
for LBLGP, Inc. members.
Pride Week 2015 Sponsorship Information:
As an official participant of “Pride Week”, organizations will receive free publicity through a variety of media.
Such media may include press releases, 2015 Pride Guide, advertisements, editorials, webpage coverage,
Radio PSA’s, and promotional paraphernalia. All applicants must sign below and return completed
applications by April 15, 2015 to LBLGP, Inc., “Pride Week Committee”, at 1017 Obispo Ave., Long Beach, CA
90804 or fax it to 562-987-0752. If you want your event to be posted on LBLGP’s website and in our program
guide, your application must be received in the pride office by March 23, 2015 @ 5:00pm, and in order to
receive additional sponsorship benefits you must be a 501c3, and you must submit proof of your 501c3
Salaries / Honoraria
Occupancy (location rental)
Postage / Shipping
Copying / Printing
Equipment (specify)
Fundraising / Entry Fees
Promotion/ Publicity
Total Expenses:
Total Amount of Sponsorship
May LBLGP, Inc. be permitted to distribute promotional paraphernalia at your event? _ Yes
_ No
I, the undersigned, certify that the information contained on this application form and all
attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and, that I am authorized
to sign on behalf of the applying organization. I further agree to allow LBLGP, Inc. to use
the organization’s name, information and event in a variety of promotional media.
Sign: _____________________________________________ Date:
Print: _____________________________________ Title: ______________________________________