Please send all submissions for The Voice to smays@longviewfumc

the Voice
April 1, 2015
The newsletter of Longview FUMC | 903-753-4463 |
400 N. Fredonia Street, Longview, Texas 75601
Please send all submissions for The Voice to [email protected]
The Voice (ISSN-USPS 662-420) is published bi-weekly by Longview’s First United Methodist Church, 400 North Fredonia Street,
Longview, TX 75601. Periodicals Postage paid at Longview, TX.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE VOICE, 400 North Fredonia St., Longview, TX 75601.
Helping our City
on April 11
As a response to our community’s recent
homicides, Mayor Jay Dean is asking
Partners in Prevention to work with
the Police Department and Police Area
Representatives to distribute packets to
200 households in the neighborhoods
where the violence has occurred.
Teams of police officers and volunteers,
particularly those who live in the
neighborhoods, will distribute the
packets door to door. However, all
volunteers are needed and will be
Holy Week Services
Longview FUMC volunteers will be
needed to help distribute the packets to
the volunteers. If you are able to help on
the morning of Saturday, April 11, please
contact Steffani Chapman at schapman@
Easter Sunday Services—April 5
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
You are invited to the annual city-wide
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on
Tuesday, April 14, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. at
the Maude Cobb Convention Center.
Please R.S.V.P. to Newgate Mission at
(903) 757-6146 no later than Wednesday,
March 25. See You There!
Nursery Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in helping out in the
nursery on Easter Sunday please contact
Sherel Conklin at (903) 753-3121.
Lenten Lunch | Wednesday, April 1 | Noon | Faith Center
Holy Thursday Service | Thursday, April 2 | 7 p.m. | Sanctuary
Good Friday Service | Friday, April 3 | Noon | Nicholson Chapel
Easter Sunrise Service | 6:30 a.m. | North Parking Lot
Traditional Easter Services | 8:30 & 10:50 a.m. | Sanctuary
Contemporary Easter Services | 8:50 & 11:00 a.m. | Faith Center
The Gathering | 7 p.m. | Nicholson Chapel
Threads of Love
Can you knit or crochet a baby cap, or perhaps sew a simple pattern? The Threads
of Love ministry needs help fulfilling requests from our local hospitals for infant
items. If you possess basic skills in any needle arts–sewing, knitting, crocheting–
please consider joining us.
For more information, contact Becky Wallace at (903)452-5924 or Mary Carol
Etheridge at (903)241-1247.
Dear Church Membership and Staff
Jerry and I would like to thank everyone involved in the sending home of my
mother, Vivian Frieda. Those include the pastors who came to visit for prayer,
support, comfort, and Communion. The Alpha Omega class for food at home
and the church, for prayers, cards, flowers, and the many donations to Newgate,
Highway 80 Rescue Mission, the various areas of the Church, and the United
Methodist Women in particular. Finally, thank you to the many who made time
in their day to come for the Memorial service.
A Heart Felt Thank-you,
Blood Drive
Mark your calendar now!
Sunday, April 19
8 a.m.–1 p.m.
Nan and Jerry Gardner
April 9 Pioneers, featuring Texas
Shakespeare Festival
Join us at 11 a.m. on Thursday, April 9, for our Pioneer Fellowship in the Longview
FUMC Faith Center. Texas Shakespeare Festival Artistic Associates Meaghan
Sullivan and Matthew Simpson will present an overview of the upcoming TSF 2015
summer season. They will also enlighten us as “Shakespeare Strippers,” showing
what goes into an authentic Shakespearean costume, layer by layer!
Bring a friend! Invite your neighbors! Pioneers welcomes anyone, especially those
who are retired or of retirement age. Please call the church office (903) 753-4463 to
make a reservation for the delicious $ 5 lunch.
Threads of Love
Can you knit or crochet a baby cap, or perhaps sew a simple pattern? The Threads
of Love ministry needs help fulfilling requests from our local hospitals for infant
items. If you possess basic skills in any needle arts–sewing, knitting, crocheting–
please consider joining us. Although we welcome everyone to attend our monthly
meetings on the third Wednesday of each month, it is not a requirement. For more
information, contact Becky Wallace at (903)452-5924 or Mary Carol Etheridge at
Laundry Day
Thank you to all of the Longview FUMC volunteers who helped to make Laundry
Day such a great success. The volunteers from New Gate Mission were terrific
as well! We washed over 150 loads of laundry. That kind of help makes a real
impact and allows families to stretch their dollar just a little further this month.
We were especially touched by a donation made by a woman there to do her own
laundry. She contributed so that we could provide more help for others. That is
a servant’s heart!
Do you or someone you know need a
helping hand? Carpenter’s Helpers are
ready and willing to help. Carpenter’s
Helpers provide small home repairs
and odd jobs around your home. If you
need help moving a piece of furniture,
trimming some shrubs, replacing light
bulbs, or replacing batteries in your
fire alarm, then this is the team to help.
Carpenter’s Helpers express their love
of Christ through their work. This team
may be contacted by calling the Church
Office at (903) 753-4463 or coming by in
person to request assistance. You are
part of a loving church family… let us
Youth Softball: THE FLOOD
Help Support our Youth in Mission!
We invite you to come support the
Longview FUMC youth softball team on
Tuesday nights at Hinsley Park, field 4.
SOS (Service Over Self) Stock is on sale in the Welcome Center and from youth
members. It is $10 per share. By partnering with our youth members you are
investing in our mission in Memphis, TN. Please help us make a difference.
Tuesday, March 31 at 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, April 7 at 6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, April 14 at 6:45 p.m.
SOS Mission Story
Upcoming Youth
Saturday, April 11:
Youth Bonfire/Hayride/Cookout at the
Clark’s Farm. Sign up in the youth room.
Sunday, May 3:
Texas Ranger Game/ Casting Crowns
concert. Cost is $42. We will head out
after Sunday school for the game. Sign
up in the youth room. Limited spots!
When asked to share one of his favorite SOS Summer Mission stories, Michael
Hanson always smiles and remembers Mama Ann. On his first SOS trip to
Memphis, Michael’s work team was assigned to shingle a roof at a home in the
Binghampton neighborhood. Upon meeting the team of youth the homeowner
insisted the youth call her “Mama Ann”. On our mission trips we eat brown bag
lunches that consist of sandwiches and chips, but Mama Ann would have none
of that. She prepared a hot, homemade lunch for the work crew of teens every
day. Michael’s favorite meal was Mama Ann’s barbequed meatballs, and Michael
loved those meatballs so much that he asked Mama Ann for the recipe. Several
years later, Michael still has that recipe card and his mom, Michelle, makes those
meatballs whenever we have a special Youth Ministry gathering.
Please be a part of this important mission trip by purchasing SOS stock in the
Welcome Center or from a youth member.
High School Senior Recognition
On Sunday, April 26, we will honor graduating high school seniors in the 10:50
Traditional service, followed by a luncheon in the Heritage Room, catered by
Perfect Catering. If you have a graduating high school senior and would like
them to participate, please contact Janice Crane, Youth Director, at (903) 753-4463
or [email protected].