Low-dose Almitrine Bismesylate in the Treatment of Hypoxemia due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease* Bernhard Dieter R. Winkelmann, G. Hartmut Kneissi, M.D.; M.D.; Thomas Dietmar Kronenberger, H. Kullmer, and Trenk, M.D. Study objective: Assessment of acute and chronic effects of low-dose almitrine bismesylate (AB) in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Study design: Oral administration of AB, 25 mg three times a day, for 6 months in all patients. Pulmonary function, blood gases, and peripheral nerve conduction velocity were measured at baseline and after long-term administration of AB. In addition, oral pharmacokinetics and effects on pulmonary circulation at rest were studied in half of the patients. Intravenous pharmacokinetics were measured after a single intravenous dose of 60 mg of AB 3 months before the start of oral AB treatment in the other seven patients. Setting: Outpatient clinic of a community hospital in a coal mining district in southwest Germany. Patients: Fourteen patients with clinically stable COPD and hypoxemia. Results: Acute effects of AB were as follows: a significant increase in arterial oxygen tension (Pa02) from 61 ±7 mm Hg to 74±8 mm Hg (p<O.OO1), a decrease in arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO) from 41 ± 8 mm Hg to 38±7 mm Hg (p<O.Oi), a rise of pH from 7.45 ± 0.04 to 7.48 ± 0M4 (p<0.Oi), and a transient increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure from 26 ± 7 to 29 ± 6 mm Hg (not significant). After long-term treatment, once tissues were saturated with almitrine, improvement in gas exchange persisted with a Pa02 of P atients with ease arterial by an (PaCO2). The survival.2 that has ‘From and long-term prognosis especially after Long-term only pu!monary have treatment of patients the onset domiciliary that has been the Division of Cardiology Medicine (Drs. Kullmer and with therapy is a new drug chemorecep- Germany. study was Recherches Manuscript supported Internationales received July by a grant Servier, Paris. 21, i993; revision Reprint requests: Dr. Winkelmann, gang Goethe University, Theodor Germany from and Kneissi Kronenberger, the accepted Institut remained unchanged with long-term treatment de- spite persistent improvement of pulmonary gas exchange. Monitoring of AB plasma levels is advisable in select patients during long-term administration to avoid neuropathy, even with such a low daily dose. (Chest 1994; 105:1383-91) I Clconfldence ton interval; agonist of dose of 100 the mg.4 are common, of the drug. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Medical Center, Frankturt, Germany; and the Department of Clinical Pharmacology (Dr. Trenk), Benedikt Kreutz Rehabilitation Center, Bad Krozingen, This it ABalmitrine carotid and bimesylate aortic bodies.3 The In contrast to oxygen therapy, the drug also reduces hypercapnia.58 However, at doses of 100 to 200 mg/d for 6 to i2 months, side effects such as increased dyspnea and peripheral paresthesia to improve (Drs Winkelmann 70 ± iO mm Hg (p<O.OO1) and a PaCO2 of 39 ± 6 mm Hg (not significant) without elevation of pH (7.45 ± 0.04) or of pulmonary artery pressure (26 ± 8 mm Hg). The terminal half-life of AB was 56 ± 45 days after a single intravenous administration, and 55 ± 16 days after longterm oral dosing. None of the patients developed clinically manifest peripheral neuropathy. Impaired asymptomatic peripheral motor nerve function was prevalent in 4(29 percent) of the patients and remained unchanged during long-term AB administration. However, asymptomatic impairment of motor nerve conduction velocity developed in two patients with inadequate high AB plasma levels despite low-dose therapy. Both patients were known to have additional conditions predisposing for neuropathy. Conclusions: Low-dose AB therapy, 75 mg daily, resulted in sustained elevation of arterial oxygen tension in hypoxemic patients with COPD. Although pulmonary artery pressure increased transiently after the first dose, compound induces a significant and persistent increase in arterial oxygen tension of 5 to 10 mm Hg in most hypoxemic patients with COPD at a daily of severe oxygen shown Almitnine bismesylate (AB) been classified as a peripheral Pulmonary dis- a reduced tension (PaO2), often accompanied in arterial carbon dioxide tension is poor, hypoxemia.’ obstructive characteristically oxygen increase COPD is the chronic (COPD) M.D.; Ph.D.; almost Therefore, ate whether was tolerated effective certain Cardiology, Johann WolfStern-Kai 7, 60590 Frankfurt, to an accumulation the purpose of this study was to evalulow-dose AB, 25 mg three times a day, better and whether the agent was still in the treatment of hypoxemia. METHODS de November due Subjects Fourteen lung disease ten informed patients were with enrolled consent. hypoxemia in the The selection due study to chronic after criteria having for CHEST/105/5/MAY,1994 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 obstructive given entry into writthe 1383 study were the same as in the VIMS stud? and included the following: (1) no previous oxygen treatment; (2) PaOa 65 mm Hg with a variation 6 mm Hg in three measurements during the previous 3 weeks; (3) PaCO2>35 mm Hg; (4) age between 35 and using a blood gas analyzer (CORNING Medfield, Mass). The samples were of the radial artery. 75 administration years; (5) FEV170 variation FEV1/FVC percent in weight Exclusion ratio 25 and 65 percent and of the predicted value; and (6) less than within the previous 3 weeks. criteria chronic between were bronchitis and as follows: (1) clinically 2 kg unstable eg, occurrence of the past year or one ex- emphysema (CBE), of the disease within the previous 6 weeks; (2) clinically unstable right or left heart failure; (3) a history of pulmonary embolism; (4) unstable angina or myocardial infarction within the previous S months; (5) renal failure (creatinine>180 mol/L); and (6) abnormal results of liver function tests. Almitrine bismesylate was administered in addition to the usual long-term medication. The three acerbation exacerbations within concomitant drug regimen was kept constant, as much as possi- ble, throughout the study. The study was performed in the outclinic of the Department of Medicine, St. Elisabeth Clinic, Saarlouis (former affiliation of first author). The 500-bed clinic serves as a community hospital for the region, which has been patient dominated, untilnow, by the six of the patients active duty; the hairdresser (two), worker Study steeland coalmining industry. (one). Design samples-the latter catheterization-were syringes drawn maintained performed were obtained in duplicate 5 min temperature. at 37#{176}C.Blood n n - Single dose IV almitrine I into at room within = during I 25 period n =6 patients ‘I therapyOraI mg t.i.d. washouL period /7 I FIGURE travenous studied 1 80 I 360 0 i. Outline and oral of the study almitrine solely after oral almitrine. all patients were restudied Days plan. treatment. after elimination tiont0 Seven Seven patients With exception long-term received more patients inwere of one dropout, treatment. 1384 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 were in seven drawn during of the patients intravenous and during oral kinetics in seven patients after single (1 through intravenous 7) and after administra- multiple oral dos- ing in six of the seven other patients (one dropout). were monitored carefully for side effects throughOn entry, all patients were subjected to a thorough The patients out the study. clinical examination, including a neurologic evaluation of the sensory and motor nerve fibers, since relevant side effects of the drug had been reported earlier.”2 Electromyography with measurement of the median nerve sensory conduction velocity and the peroneal nerve motor conduction velocity was performed at baseline, before after AB administration in all 6 months of long-term presented as means patients, treatment and in ii it was patients. Statistics Results are and long-term Student’s paired er’s test. exact effects t All ± standard of almitrine test. Discrete p values were variables are were reported deviation. The using the tested with Fish- assessed for a two-tailed test. RESULTh Baseline summarized clinical characteristics in Table i. There was of the patients no difference tween the seven patients who were oral therapy and those who received and oral almitrine. In contrast treatment group, the combined cluded two female patients and weight was difference concomitant Function are be- treated only with both intravenous to the “oral treatment the group lower (not significant [NS]). in exposure to cigarette medication. Pulmonary only” group mean There smoking infor was no and Testing Short-term administration itnine in seven patients of not did intravenous almalter pu!monany function, despite high plasma levels of almitnine Repeated body plethysmography and spirometry after long-term oral treatment in all patients revealed no significant difference in pulmonary volumes with the exception of a slight increase in almitrine Study drug’s (Table Last oral dose 90 -90 heparinized 7 patients = 7 patients Chronic 2-ml samples heart Measurements were gases were determined First oral dose Iv washout right blood of the drug treatment in all patients for determination of almitrine plasma levels. The drug concentration was measured using high pressure liquid chromatography (detection limit, 5 ng/ml of AB).9 The rate of decline was fitted to a multiexponential model by weighted nonlinear regression analysis for determination of the short- Figure 1 depicts the study design. Short- and long-term effects of AB on arterial blood gases and pulmonary function (Bodytest plethysmograph, J#{228}ger, H#{246}chberg, Germany) were assessed before, 2 hours after the first dose, and after 6 months treatment in 14 patients. Patients 1 through 7 received a single intravenous infusion of 60 mg of AB 3 months before oral treatment to assess intravenous pharmacokinetics and its short-term effects on pulmonary function and on blood gas values. The other seven patients starteddirectly with oraltreatment. In six of thelatter, pulmonary hemodynamics were investigated after the first dose and, with the exception of one dropout, again 6 months later after the last dose. One patient was studied without right heart catheterization, because access from the brachial vein was impossible. In those patients, the total daily dose of 75 mg of AB was administered as a single oral dose in the morning of the first and last study day to maximize effects for measurements. Arterial and mixed venous blood venous repeated Thus, were coal miners with more than 30 years of occupation of the remaining patients was locksmith (two), floor tiler (one), white collar (two), and housewife Multiple 160, Corning Medical Inc. obtained by direct puncture 2). vita! capacity (p<O.O5). However, decrease in airway term AB treatment resistance was despite constant chodilator throughout therapy the a significant seen after continuous study. Even longbronwhile under medication, patients were still responsive to an inhaled f32-mimetic (two metered doses of fenoterol) as shown by a significant and constant decrease of the group lation means at any Blood Gas After of airways resistance time throughout the bronchodi(Table 1). Analyses infusion Low-dose after study AImitrke of 60 mg Bismesylate of almitnine for Hypoxemia over a period (Winke!mann etaO Table 1-Clinical Characteristics of Patients at Study Entry (Mean ± SD) Intravenous and Parameter Oral Treatment Patient, No. Age,yr Weight, kg Sex, M/F Historyof Oral Group Only Treatment Total Group Group 14 7 7 62±3 64 ± 14 5/2 62±8 72 ± 8 7/0 7±5 62±6 68 ± 12 12/2 11±4 9±5 respiratory complaints, History of yr 6 (86) 7 (100) 13 (93) 44±25 40±22 6 (86) 7 (100) 13 (93) 4 (57) 4 (57) 8 (57) 2 (29) 3 (43) 5 (36) 4 (57) 5 (71) 3 (43) 5 4 4 (71) (57) (57) 9 (64) 9 (64) 7 (50) cigarette smoking’ No. (%) Pack-years 36±19 of smoking, yr Concomitant medication Theophylline, No. (%) fi2-adrenergic agonist, No. (%) (oral + inhaled) Corticosteroid, No. (%) (oral + inhaled) Digitalis, No. (%) Diuretics, (%) No. Vasodilators, No. (%) (Ca-antagonists, nitrates, (Ca-antagonists, nitrates, ACE-inhibitors)f ‘Four patients were still active tACEangiotensin-converting of 2 h, the from mean 64.0±5.9 smokers despite knowledge and warnings arterial mm Hg oxygen tension to 76.7±3.7 increased mm Hg Hg (difference p<O.Oi). The values are illustrated -3.7 ± 2.5; individual in Figure 95 percent changes 2. Also response to long-term oral almitrine three times a day, starting 3 months seven values from patients. The was maintained 61.6±6.7 mm percent (p<O.OO1). in arterial 8.5 to 18.2) to A 9 percent decrease carbon dioxide tension ± 4.8 mm almitnine was not statistically to -7.5; p<O.ii). The mean Hg was treatment, CI, -1.3 to and mean shown is the therapy, 25 mg later in the same beneficial effect with an increase Hg by 13.4±5.3 CI, Hg to 35.2 months of (95 percent adverse effects of smoking (two in each group). blood gas of the PaO2 mm Hg (95 75.0±9.9 mm Hg by -3.3 ± 4.5 mm Hg from 38.5 ± 6.1 mm also recorded after but the difference significant (95 of arterial blood percent CI, gases CI, 4.7 to mm I P<0.001 I significant short- in PaO2 is reflected in hemoglobin oxpercent to 95.0 ± i.6 I P<0.001 - c,1 0 0 o_ 40 ‘4 cJ LP<o.oi 20 0 6 Co af- Oral Intravenous 0 Baseline +0.9 for all pa- Hg; p<0.OOi) This I E80 E FIGURE values administration. and long-term persistent increase by a corresponding improvement ygen saturation from 90.9 ± 3.9 6O on tients before and after almitnine treatment are summarized in Table 3. The mean increase in PaO2 was i3.2±4.0 mm Hg (95 percent CI, iO.9 to i5.5 mm Hg; (p<0.OOi) after the first dose and 9.3 ± 77 mm Hg the ten long-term (dif- ference, 12.7 ± 3.5 mm Hg; 95% confidence interval [CI], 9.4 to 15.9; p<O.OO1). Arterial carbon dioxide tension decreased from 37. i ± 4.5 mm Hg toSS.4 ± 3.7 mm -6.0, about enzyme. 2. Acute Individual changes Baseline of Pa02 Chronic (solid repeated, initiated, treatment mean oral almitrine and long-term (before ± SD for PaOa the therapy, effects morning (solid) 25 were mg dose). and three measured PaCO2 The times after crosses and a day 6 months indicate was of the (open). CHEST/105/5/MAY,1994 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 triangles) PaCO2 (open triangles) in seven patients with COPD after shortand long-term almitrine administration. Short-term effects were measured at the end of a single 2-h intravenous infusion of 60 mg of almitrine. Three months later, baseline measurements were 1385 Table 2-Pulmonary Function Data Short- BLQ Almitrine plasma FVC, L level, and Long-term Short Termf Intravenous (n7) Baseline (n7) ‘ Parameter After Therapy With Bismesylate BLQ* (Mean p Value Long Term ( Oral Administration (n13) Baselinet (n13) 632 ± 295 Almitrine ± SD) v s Baseline . ‘ Short 302 ± 137 Term Long Term <0.001 <0.001 ng/ml 2.9±0.6 2.8±0.6 2.8±0.6 3.2±0.7 (%pred) 80±10 76±12 80±10 82±19 FEy1, L (%FEV1/VC) TLC, L 1.4±0.5 49±7 7.4±2.0 1.3±0.5 45±8 7.0± 1.9 1.3±0.3 44±10 7.6±2.6 1.5±0.5 7.8±2.3 (%pred) 127±21 162±23 124±35 128±30 RV, L (%RV/TLC) FRC, L (%pred) Raw before 4.5±1.5 63±12 5.5±1.4 161±25 4.2±1.1 62±6 5.0±1.4 4.8±2.4 4.6±1.9 60±13 57±10 5.7±2.6 5.6±2.1 143±22 153±53 150±45 bronchodilator, cm H2O/L/s 11.1 (%pred) ± 6.4 <0.05 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS <0.05 NS <0.05 NS NS 47±11 10.7 ± 6.7 10.7 ± 6.4 357±243 357±218 428±262 NS 6.7 ± 3.1 235±94 Raw after bronchodilator, cm 8.1 ±4.0 H20/L/s (% prod) 8.1 ±4.3 307 ± 164 262± 2.9±3.8 (p<O.05) 2.6±2.7 (p<O.05) 8.3±4.5 147 5.0± 1.8 278 ± 150 167 ± 61 2.3±2.2 (p<O.O2) 1.7±2.0 (p<O.O2) Difference Raw before-after, (p value) ‘FVCforced vital capacity; fBefore cm H20/L/s capacity; Rawairways and FEV1forced resistance. directly after expiratory Pulmonary a single intravenous volume volumes 2-hr in 1 FVC, infusion effects measured in the morning before almitrine was taken in the evening before the measurements. BLQbelow percent highly limit of quantification short term, and significant degree (<5 TLC, of almitrine ILong-term dose TLCtotal 5; FEy1, intake (60 after 3-Arterial Gases, RVresidual and measured FRC are volume; after FRCfunctional Hemoglobin, mg). of almitrine body therapy, 25 mg three times a day; the last 25-mg weight remained unchanged (Table Short-term oral administration of the dose of almitrine resulted in a transient and Body Bismesylate (Mean Weight ± SD) at Baseline and After Almitrine plasma level, ng/ml PaO2, mm Hg PaCOt, mm Hg pH, -log[H+] SO2, % P(A-a)O, mm Hg Hb, g/dl Hematocrit, % Weight, kg ‘PaOaarterial oxygen tension; (PAO-PaO2); PAO2alveolar tTwo hours after administration fusion of 60 mg of almitrine) Long-term effects were Short termf (n14) (n14) BLQ 405 ±327 Long termj (n13) 302 ± 137 v s Baseline Short Long term term <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 60.8±7.2 74.0±7.3 70.0±9.7 <0.001 41.2±7.5 7.45±0.04 37.6±6.8 7.48±0.04 38.9±6.0 7.45±0.04 <0.01 <0.01 NS 90.9±3.9 95.0±1.6 93.6±2.6 <0.001 <0.001 40.8±2.1 14.6 ± 1.5 44.7 ±5.4 68.2 ± 12.5 31.8±6.6 33.8±5.0 <0.001 <0.002 PaCO2arterial ... ... ... carbon dioxide 44.2 ± 5.8 67.2 ± 13.1 tension; Hbhemoglobin; in the morning before the last dose was taken in the evening before BLQbelow limit of quantification (<5 mg/mI). . . . =not done; -not applicable. patients; 1386 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 almitrine intake after of almitrine NS NS NS - P(A-a)O2alveolar 6 months NS - 14.9 ± 2.0 oxygen tension. of the first dose of almitrine; either after intravenous administration or after oral administration of 75 mg of almitrine in the other seven measured first 75-mg increase in Administration p Value Baseline 3). Hemodynamics Hematocrit, of Almitrine Parameter’ residual bronchodilation. ng/ml). to a slightly lessen, but still of 93.6 ± 2.6 percent !ong Blood lung capacity; 6 months term (p<0.OOi). However, pH remained unchanged long term, despite the persistent increase in PaO2 and decrease in PaCO2. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and Table RV, arterial in seven patients. therapy, oxygen patients 25 mg tension (directly three difference after times a 2-h in- a day in 13 (Wnke!mann etaO the measurements. Low-dose Almitrine Bismesylate for Hypoxemia only spite during wakefulness continued increase It was postulated and not during in PaO2.16 that almitnine sleep, de- improves Pa02 even without increase in ventilation, especially when smaller doses are administered.’7 The most important mechanism seems to be an improvement of ventila- /Q) tion/perfusion ratio hypoxic vasoconstniction. (V explain the transient again this hypothesis rise in pulmonary does not explain effects ment on gas without after artery pressure percapnia.25 of also pressure. But why beneficial long-term treatartery pressure, as study, as well as by other authors.’8”9 are other mechanisms such as a direct effect regulating by enhancement mechanism would This exchange persist a rise in pulmonary found in this Possibly there vasoactive A the via the vascular pulmonary tone. endothelium Laboratory studies have shown that-depending on a number of pre-existing conditions before almitnine therapy, eg, the pulmonary vascular tone, hypoxia, on normoxia and a low or hight almitnine and induces either dosage-the vasocilation drug has a dual on vasoconstruction ten long-term treatment have been reported in two earlier trials.’8”9 An explanation for these contnadictony findings could be the fact that in studies with intravenous almitnine, a significant rise in pulmonary effect There are also plaints of weight treatment. reported like seen only conflicting loss during in our study. parameters during derivatives in the lung.2’ does not affect short- and long-term or spinometnic almitnine. the heart of the failure loss versa weight loss with respect a worsening weight loss was weight If vice for (FVC) which after long-term was not accompanied needs further Almitrine FEV, and total lung capacity. Interestingly, these authors6 also noted a small but significant improvement in small airways’ function in both the low- and high-dose group in comparison to the placebo group. This finding is supported by the results of this study showing an improvement in airways resistance (Tab!e 2). As stated by those an explanation for this Patients with stable pulmonary that the authors,6 we also do not observation. COPD usually exhibit seen with ions are correlated with the increase artery pressure and right ventricular in this disease.22’23 and of the concentration Our results imply that treatment with a low daily dose of 75 mg of AB does not induce unfavorable hemodynamic changes with respect to the pulmonary circulation during both shortand long-term administration of almitnine. While Macnee and colleagues24 found a slight, but significant five patients increase after 100 mg three times in pulmonary artery pressure in 3 months of oral almitnine therapy, a day, no significant changes af- receiving is taken as an of well might indicate the downhill course of survival. However, in 100 to 200 mg daily, in 43 almitnine-treated paplacebo-treated patients.31 being: studies. is extensively patients more of conclua stable loose weight active life with this phenomenon bound in peripheral sites, as demonstrated of more than a 1,000 bound terminal (>99 percent).32-34 In half-life of almitnine li- by a L, which after both long-term single oral respectively ranging intravenous treatment . Steady-state reached only after even with 75 mg several daily, from our study, the was prolonged concentrations 186 to 544 ng/ml, itnine that almitnine according to plasma doses current levels were of 100 and knowledge. double the 55 were months of treatment the almitnine trough a recommended upper therapeutic limit m135 in all but one patient. The results of the 2-year multicenter show high mean and administration with 56 and was and at 6 above of 200 ng/ trial also 200 mg are Mean too a!m- recommended therapeutic level of 200 to 300 ng/ml in this study. A high incidence of clinical peripheral neuropathy was reported, 14 percent in the a!mitnine-treated group, 4 percent in the placebo-treated group. It is common consent that almitnine-associated CHEST/105/5/MAY,1994 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 in- to prognosis,22 also seems to indicate that there exists an enterohepatic recirculation and the drug is highly protein months, in as a con- group just as well draw the opposite weight loss in patients with compartment of distribution days, of hypercapnia, failure pophilic volume mild hypoxemia, 49 in the almitnine they can lead a Thus, clarification identical and after of hydrogen pulmonary unchanged with is a sign because almitnine. have arterial hypertension at nest. It is known severity of COPD, as well as the degree of for this explained of right condition in be given isodes sequence tion. Nevertheless, we found, similarly to Bell and colleagues6 and Watanabe and coworkers4 a significant increase in forced inspinatony vital capacity almitnine administration, by significant changes can weight was in others’6 the volume overCOPD.3#{176} Actually, reduction of ep- But one might sion, such that administra- of body but not effect28’29 and might thus connect load seen in many patients with in the VIMS study,5 the significant survival was tientscompared of pnostacyclin substances almitnine hy- potential mechato have a diuretic to induce release with data concerning comlong-term almitnine No explanation that the agent could accelerate the disease and thus decrease a 2-year trial with almitnine, the patients phenomenon, but there are several nisms. Almitnine has been found the capillary level.2#{176}There is experimental evidence de-emphasizing the role of the carotid bodies in favor of a direct humora! mechanism. The drug seems other mediator In general, in A significant decrease in most studies,4’5’26’27 dicaton at was neuropa1389 condition had his underlying hi!! course worsened almitnine treatment second patient, nerve rapidly pulmonary accelerated and In this from patient, who old women weighing a!mitrine dose was already objective velocity only obviously complained about signs of impaired before inclusion sony findings persisted throughout the highest long-term maxima! drug between nerve impairment regression line the of the motor correlation patients levels deterioration showed the of all subjects A significant level and found the conduction the patients after come- degree This long-term a!m- 13 patients and of the sensory during low-dose trough the conof the were results of their nerve function a!mitnine them- effective study, placebo-controlled in improving arterial almitnine blood gas was values in to The gas trials, . mechanisms cally, acting carotid bodies, bodies. The however, patients’ long-term, beneficial changes were not or were found small, in the and, in patients, not signifi- poorly with understood. respect to Pharmacologi- and to a lesser increase in extend alveolar in the aortic ventilation is me- in PaCO2 and a concomitant rise in pH by 0.04 was seen in our the study only after first dose, increase in mean not any more after persistent reported treatment, elevation together (V with pulmonary long-term of Pa02. a artery therapy Other authors a significant increase in pH after long-term as well, but only after a high dose of 200 Several mechanisms are discussed to explain these discrepancies. poxemia. alveolar defects in lung unable to achieve volume, tidal volume, in the anatomy, normal or mean litema- patients increases inspiratory /T I ) in response to hypercapnia It was suggested that almitrine ventilation by a change in breathing and hyimproves pattern: T a slight increase in VT without rate coupled with an increased change in respiratory inspiratory flow mate (V T /t I ) and decreased inspiratory duty cycle.’3 There are conflicting data from several placebocontrolled studies concerning the clinical evidence. No alteration of ventilatory time constants were E 4 2 Change imal the flected by the decrease rise in pH. A significant flow FIGURE a almitnine is classified as a respiratory stimulant on peripheral chemomeceptors located in the in minute 00 show were found to a daily dose of improvement are Due to structural with COPD are A 0) that of 5 to 1 1 mm Hg a reduction in Pa- improved In other almitrine-treated exchange mg.6 tune 1,400 in- 4,6 despite low-dose studies period of the trial to some extent. contrast between mean of 100 mg and 200 mg concurrently.6 Since our study was done in an open, nonplacebo-contro!led manner, we cannot rule out that intensified clinical care taken velocity is signif- The The effects investigating on arterial oxygen tension group without active drug57 DISCUSSION present previous CO2 of 1 to 4 mm Hg.47 be dose related in a study slight transient pressure, but the hypoxemia. (Fig 4) . The slope almitnine plasma apy. In and confirms during the hypoxemia of COPD persistent rise in Pa02 in a range after doses of 100 to 200 mg and (least squares regression, p<O.O2). A similar sig- existed with crease in Pa02 after the first dose by 13 mm Hg was maintained after long-term treatment with a pemsistent rise in PaO2 by 9 mm Hg. A slight reduction of 2 mm Hg in PaCO2, which had decreased significantly by 4 mm Hg after the first dose, was noted long term. kg, the daily 75-mg a high dose. She had Both zero r0.7, by the other examination unchanged was 62-year- itnine trough levels or the difference between levels and the maximal concentration and duction velocity. Concerning the evaluation sensory nerve function, no new paraesthesias reported neurologic remained motor m/s a graci!e further was between nerve In the to 43.5 without plasma icant!y different from correlation coefficient nificant later. drop was 39 almitrine administration. motor of the and 1 year 49.5 of clinical downnot receiving paresthesias and had shown sensory nerve conduction into the study. These sen- study. lation level he died velocity to progression The was an asymptomatic conduction measured. due disease. once he 4. level Correlation measured 0 of Motor between -2 -4 Nerve -6 Conduction the 2 to 3 h after almitrine drug -8 -10 plasma 14 -12 Velocity (mis) level administration) (max- and the change of peroneal motor nerve conduction velocity after longterm almitrine treatment, 25 mg three times a day. The shaded area represents the normal range of variation ( ± 1 SD) of an age-matched control population with COPD (n78).3’ 1388 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 found term tients,4 in a crossover effects of a high neither did study investigating oral dose (3 mg/kg) external another placebo-controlled the same dose.’5 In two 1-year increase trials of 50 in minute Low-dose Almitrine mg the shortin ten pa- ventilation change parallel group study reports of placebo-controlled of almitrine ventilation Bismesylate was twice daily, described,4”6 for Hypoxemia (Winkelmann in with an but et a!) only spite during wakefulness continued increase It was postulated and not during in PaO2.16 that almitnine sleep, de- improves Pa02 even without increase in ventilation, especially when smaller doses are administered.’7 The most important mechanism seems to be an improvement of ventila- /Q) tion/perfusion ratio hypoxic vasoconstniction. (V explain the transient again this hypothesis rise in pulmonary does not explain effects ment on gas without after artery pressure percapnia.25 of also pressure. But why beneficial long-term treatartery pressure, as study, as well as by other authors.’8”9 are other mechanisms such as a direct effect regulating by enhancement mechanism would This exchange persist a rise in pulmonary found in this Possibly there vasoactive A the via the vascular pulmonary tone. endothelium Laboratory studies have shown that-depending on a number of pre-existing conditions before almitnine therapy, eg, the pulmonary vascular tone, hypoxia, on normoxia and a low or hight almitnine and induces either dosage-the vasocilation drug has a dual on vasoconstruction ten long-term treatment have been reported in two earlier trials.’8”9 An explanation for these contnadictony findings could be the fact that in studies with intravenous almitnine, a significant rise in pulmonary effect There are also plaints of weight treatment. reported like seen only conflicting loss during in our study. parameters during derivatives in the lung.2’ does not affect short- and long-term or spinometnic almitnine. the heart of the failure loss versa weight loss with respect a worsening weight loss was weight If vice for (FVC) which after long-term was not accompanied needs further Almitrine FEV, and total lung capacity. Interestingly, these authors6 also noted a small but significant improvement in small airways’ function in both the low- and high-dose group in comparison to the placebo group. This finding is supported by the results of this study showing an improvement in airways resistance (Tab!e 2). As stated by those an explanation for this Patients with stable pulmonary that the authors,6 we also do not observation. COPD usually exhibit seen with ions are correlated with the increase artery pressure and right ventricular in this disease.22’23 and of the concentration Our results imply that treatment with a low daily dose of 75 mg of AB does not induce unfavorable hemodynamic changes with respect to the pulmonary circulation during both shortand long-term administration of almitnine. While Macnee and colleagues24 found a slight, but significant five patients increase after 100 mg three times in pulmonary artery pressure in 3 months of oral almitnine therapy, a day, no significant changes af- receiving is taken as an of well might indicate the downhill course of survival. However, in 100 to 200 mg daily, in 43 almitnine-treated paplacebo-treated patients.31 being: studies. is extensively patients more of conclua stable loose weight active life with this phenomenon bound in peripheral sites, as demonstrated of more than a 1,000 bound terminal (>99 percent).32-34 In half-life of almitnine li- by a L, which after both long-term single oral respectively ranging intravenous treatment . Steady-state reached only after even with 75 mg several daily, from our study, the was prolonged concentrations 186 to 544 ng/ml, itnine that almitnine according to plasma doses current levels were of 100 and knowledge. double the 55 were months of treatment the almitnine trough a recommended upper therapeutic limit m135 in all but one patient. The results of the 2-year multicenter show high mean and administration with 56 and was and at 6 above of 200 ng/ trial also 200 mg are Mean too a!m- recommended therapeutic level of 200 to 300 ng/ml in this study. A high incidence of clinical peripheral neuropathy was reported, 14 percent in the a!mitnine-treated group, 4 percent in the placebo-treated group. It is common consent that almitnine-associated CHEST/105/5/MAY,1994 Downloaded From: http://journal.publications.chestnet.org/ on 09/09/2014 in- to prognosis,22 also seems to indicate that there exists an enterohepatic recirculation and the drug is highly protein months, in as a con- group just as well draw the opposite weight loss in patients with compartment of distribution days, of hypercapnia, failure pophilic volume mild hypoxemia, 49 in the almitnine they can lead a Thus, clarification identical and after of hydrogen pulmonary unchanged with is a sign because almitnine. have arterial hypertension at nest. It is known severity of COPD, as well as the degree of for this explained of right condition in be given isodes sequence tion. Nevertheless, we found, similarly to Bell and colleagues6 and Watanabe and coworkers4 a significant increase in forced inspinatony vital capacity almitnine administration, by significant changes can weight was in others’6 the volume overCOPD.3#{176} Actually, reduction of ep- But one might sion, such that administra- of body but not effect28’29 and might thus connect load seen in many patients with in the VIMS study,5 the significant survival was tientscompared of pnostacyclin substances almitnine hy- potential mechato have a diuretic to induce release with data concerning comlong-term almitnine No explanation that the agent could accelerate the disease and thus decrease a 2-year trial with almitnine, the patients phenomenon, but there are several nisms. Almitnine has been found the capillary level.2#{176}There is experimental evidence de-emphasizing the role of the carotid bodies in favor of a direct humora! mechanism. The drug seems other mediator In general, in A significant decrease in most studies,4’5’26’27 dicaton at was neuropa1389 thy is dose related. will take several drug’s long peripheral Since high who Nevertheless, causes never took agent clinical with reports on in plasma instances almost levels. always in Therefore, clinical neunopathy. Two patients with the highest plasma levels, however, showed asymptomatic impainment of motor nerve conduction velocity. One of those patients had a very low body weight (39 kg), remained high plasma of 10 kg COPD, previously unchanged; levels were within in the associated 6 months thus probably tissue-bound other with due to loss when administered intravenous 6-month or oral therapy. gas exchange, with daily could daily short dose, This which doses of but term also persistent using after of that doses, seems such as half warranted. the daily dose, I, Vrhovac et al. Double-blind bismesylate J a sample 371:1309-14 2 Timms Group. 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Jeanniot (Biologie Servier Orleans, France) for the measurement of the almitrine plasma levels and parts of the pharmacokinetic analysis. Finally, we are very grateful for the many valuable contributions of Dr. J. C. Ansquer, Servier Research, Paris, France, while performing the study and later during analysis of the results. 1 Burrows chronic 105:342-46 13 high lower 37.5 R. RL, Bachand of almitrine Dis 1989; Almitrine double-blind 1987; RC, Mullins RC, effect of almitrine Ciaudo-Lacroix dyspnea or paresthesia dose, but asymptomatic motor nerve function was current hypoxemic Multicenter Respir obstructive 12 in this study using a reduced of AB. No clinical overt adverse documented in two patients with inadequately plasma levels. Further research studying even E, VanMaele after bilateral carotid obstruction. 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