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Do not abandon or forsake me, O God, my Savior! Psalm 27 (26):7, 9 Offertory Notes from Fr. Tom June 6 & 7, 2015 Offertory.............................................................$5438.88 Children’s Offertory............................................$30.69 Building Fund………………………………......$183.00 Fr. Brady Fund for the Poor……………………$84.00 LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE Father’s Day Saturday, June 20 5:00 pm Reader: Charles Leisring E.M.s: Ern Madison, Kathy Hudley, Terry Paige Altar Servers: Raquel Bishop, Walt Abegg Sunday, June 21 7:30 am Readers: Tony & Cindy Prado-Gutierrez E.M.s: Linda Murray, Tangie Daniels, Romaine Tacznosky Altar Servers: Al Rowley, Mary McEnany 10:00 am Readers: Carol Briggs, Margaret Wright E.Ms: Paul Appel, Geddes Shaw, DJ Lee Altar Server: David Flaig Dear Parishioners and Visitors, In December, the Archbishop directed all the parishes in the Archdiocese to prepare two reports: 1) Parish Statistical Report based on data gathered from parish registers by decades and current year information; and, 2) Parish Life and Vitality Report based on data gathered from parish meetings and parishioner participation. Discovering the Magis provided the information for this latter report. The below tables are from the first report: I. Sacramental Data Sacrament or Rite Baptisms 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000 -10 2011 -14 1127 664 215 176 163 250 154 Marriages 188 140 52 74 33 91 60 Funerals 212 209 171 187 131 107 39 Confirm. 507 411 148 24 60 58 62 680 546 108 67 153 127 73 st 1 Comm. II. Current Parish Population CALENDAR CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING: Today at 11:30 in the Family Center. KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER LADIES AUXILIARY: Meeting today at 11:30 in the Gesu Room. PAX CHRISTI: Meeting Tuesday, June 16, 7 pm in the Family Center. CASINO TRIP: Wednesday, June 17. See next page for details. YOUNG ADULTS GATHERING: This Thursday, June 18. Contact [email protected] for details. a. Number of registered households: 369 Registered parishioners: b. 947 Number of registered households within the parish boundaries: 55 c. Estimated number of Catholics within parish boundaries: 3,020 d. October Mass counts: 2010: 1901 2011: 1779 2012: 1577 2013: 1556 2014: 1889 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! John Henderson, the “tall usher,” is celebrating his 94th birthday on Monday, June 15. Thank you, Mr. Henderson, for all that you do for our parish. We wish you a very happy and blessed birthday! e. Median age of parishioners: 37.56 Loyola, I am really pumped that we are a young, vibrant, changing parish which offers us the opportunity to develop new ministries and programs, while strengthening those we already have. I am 100% convinced that forming multiple Magis teams to work on creating what team members desire in conjunction with the desires of others in the parish will make our community even better and serve the needs of our world, our parish, and our members seeking connections. Fr. Tom NEWS AND EVENTS CASINO TRIP This Wednesday, June 17 The Brady Hall Committee is sponsoring a trip to the Mardi Gras Casino in Blackhawk. The bus will leave the Loyola parking lot at 11 am and return at 6 pm. Cost is $10. Contact Bonnie at 303-355-8948 or Celestine at 303-333-8484 for more details or to reserve your seat on the bus. MISSION APPEAL FOR VINCENTIAN MISSIONS Second Collection Next Weekend Fr. Thomas George, V.C, a Vincentian Missionary priest from India, will be here at next weekend’s Masses. The Vincentian Congregation was founded in Kerala, India in 1904 and was modeled after the Congregation of the Mission founded by St. Vincent de Paul. Members are engaged in mission work in all parts of India and in East Africa. If you would like to make a donation next weekend, please make your check payable to the parish. SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR OUR YOUTH 7 to Attend Steubenville of the Rockies Next weekend, seven parishioners will join over 2000 high schoolers at the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference. With the theme “Limitless,” the attendees will be lead to discover the Limitless Love of Christ with the help of multiple presenters and musicians. Please keep these students, and their chaperones, in your prayers as they look forward to next weekend: Aaron Montoya, Abloi Ater, Achol Marial, Apiuock Ajing, Chibueze Agwu, Chidera Agwu, and Rial Majok. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY EOC Funds Available EOC funds are currently available for assistance with public service bills. The LEAP letter is not needed. For more information, call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 303-9552578. Save the Date! The 8th Annual Friends of the Poor Walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 26 at Our Lady of Loreto, 18000 E. Arapahoe Rd. in Aurora. More information to come. SVDP Thrift Store Our Loyola Conference is sorry to inform the community that the SVDP Thrift Store will be closing June 23, 2015. All employees will be gone on or before that date, so volunteers are needed to assist with the closing. If you are interested in helping, please call Charlotte at 303-861-7433. We would like to say a special ‘thank you’ to Lenore Fletcher who volunteered many hours working in the store. She earned several vouchers for our Loyola Conference which were given to the people we serve which includes our Women’s Homeless Initiative. CONFIRMATION PARENT MEETING TODAY If you have a child preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this fall, please attend this important information meeting today at 11:30 in the Family Center, 2244 Vine St. Children who will be in the seventh grade (or older) in the fall are invited to prepare for this Sacrament. SISTERS OF LORETTO GOLF TOURNAMENT Save the Date! This 20th annual tournament will benefit the Sisters of Loretto retirement fund. Register to play Saturday, August 22 at Arrowhead Gold Club. 7:30 am Shotgun Start, breakfast and lunch provided. For more information, contact Kelly Marie Darby at [email protected] or 303-783-0450 x 1712. MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, 06-14-15 7:30 am 10:00 am Monday, 06-15-15 Tuesday, 06-16-15 Wednesday, 06-17-15 Thursday, 06-18-15 Friday, 06-19-15 Saturday, 06-20-15 Marilyn Jones+, Family & Friends People of the Parish Judy Ganschaw+ Frank+ and Kay Reuter Intentions of the Celebrant Bob Magnie+ Susan & Olivia & Families Larry Murzyn+ PLEASE PRAY FOR... Angela Anderson, Lois Brown, Deborah Cottle, Jossy Eyre, Hein Family, Brian Ipsen, Cynthia Ipsen, Lynda Jones, Leo Keys, Linda Lauder, Markell Javay Lindsay, Marian McDowell, Oather Moore, Gail Pugh, Jennifer Roberts, Tonya Rufus-Jones, Carol Ryerson, Fil Sapienza, Katie Scott, Barb Sercely, Mary Sewing, Josiah Warren, Sandy Wright ETERNAL JOY FOR… Modester Taylor-Thomas (daughter of Fannie Taylor) Readings for the Week of June 14, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 2 Cor 6:1-10/Mt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9/Mt 5:43-48 2 Cor 9:6-11/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11/Mt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30/Mt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10/Mt 6:24-34 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 38:1, 8-11/2 Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41
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