Master iCFP Dominique Delande Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, UPMC-Paris 6, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75005 Paris Christophe Texier Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique et Mod`eles Statistiques, Universit´e Paris-Sud, Bˆat. 100, F-91405 Orsay Wave in disordered media and localisation phenomena 16 G. Bergmann, Weak localization in thin films 54.0 0.1 Au ~ 16%Au 8%Au Mg 14.0 °° -1.0 4%Au 7.1 2%Au ~ 0 0 3.8 1%Au R~91Q T’4.6K 0.5 -0.1 1.0 0.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 0%Au -0.2 0 H(T) 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 Fig. 2.10. The magneto-resistance of a thin Mg-film at 4.5 K for different coverages with Au. The Au thickness is given in % of an atomic layer on the right side of the curves. The superposition with Au increases the spin-orbit scattering. The points are measured. The full curves are obtained with the theory by Hikami et al. The ratio T 1/T5, on the left side gives the strength of the adjusted spin-orbit scattering. It is essentially proportional to the Au-thickness. because the quenched condensation yields homogeneous films with high resistances. The points are measured. The spin-orbit scattering of the pure Mg is determined as discussed above. The different experimental curves for different temperatures are theoretically distinguished by their different H, (i.e. the inelastic lifetime). This is the only adjustable parameter for a comparison with theory (after H,,~,is determined). The ordinate is completely fixed by the theory in the universal units of L00 (right scale). The full curves give the theoretical results with the best fit of H, which is essentially a measurement of H1. The agreement between the experimental points and the theory is very good. The experimental result proves the destructive influence of a magnetic field on QUIAD. It measures the area in which the coherent electronic state exists as a function of temperature and allows the quantitative determination 2 law for Mg as is shown 1 of scattering time T1. The temperature dependence is given by a T in the fig. coherent 2.12. For other metal films where the nuclear charge is higher than in Mg one finds even in the pure case the substructure caused by spin-orbit scattering. In fig. 2.13 the magneto-resistance curves for a thin May 3, 2015 Figures : Left : Weak localisation correction to resistance of thin metallic films (Mg dopped by Au). From Ref. [25]. Right : Speckle pattern for light scattered by a turbid granular medium. Time reversal symmetry is destroyed by using the Faraday effect. From Ref. [51]. 2 Contents I Introduction : Disorder is everywhere (Lecture 1, DD) I.A Disorder in condensed matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.B Importance of disorder : how would be the world without disorder ? . 1) Free electrons in a metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Fermions in a periodic potential : Bloch oscillations . . . . . . I.C The physics of the diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.D How to model disorder ? What is measured ? What should be studied 1) Electronic transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Scattering of light by disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.E Outline of the course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem : Bloch oscillations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 II Anderson localisation in one dimension (Lecture 2, CT) II.A How to model disorder ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Discrete models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Continuum models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.B Transfer matrix approach – The Furstenberg theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Preliminary : Furstenberg theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) A discrete model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) A continuum model : δ-impurities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) Preliminary conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.C Detailed study of a solvable continuum model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Definition of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Riccati analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Localisation – Weak disorder expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) Lifshits tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5) Conclusion : universal versus non universal regimes . . . . . . . . . . . . 6) Relation between spectral density & localisation : Thouless formula . . . II.D Self-averaging and non self-averaging quantities – Conductance distribution . . . II.E Experiment with cold atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.F Transfer matrix and scattering matrix : Anderson localisation versus Ohm’s law II.G The quasi-1D situation (multichannel case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix : Langevin equation and Fokker-Planck equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem : Weak disorder expansion in 1D lattice models and band center anomaly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 11 12 15 15 16 16 18 19 19 19 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 30 32 35 . . . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TD 2 : Thouless relation 37 TD 3 : Localisation for the random Kronig-Penney model – Concentration expansion and Lifshits tail 39 III Scaling theory : qualitative picture III.A Several types of insulators . . . . . III.B Models of disorder . . . . . . . . . III.C What is localisation ? . . . . . . . III.D Length scales . . . . . . . . . . . . III.E Scaling theory of localisation . . . (Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 41 41 42 43 44 IV Weak disorder : perturbative (diagrammatic) approach (Lectures 4-6, CT) IV.A Introduction : importance of the weak disorder regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Multiple scattering – Weak disorder regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Interference effects in multiple scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Phase coherence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) Motivation : why coherent experiments are interesting ? . . . . . . . . . . IV.B Kubo-Greenwood formula for the electric conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 46 46 46 49 51 51 3 3, DD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Linear response theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Conductivity in terms of Green’s function . . . . . . . . IV.C M´ethode des perturbations et choix d’un mod`ele de d´esordre . 1) D´eveloppements perturbatifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Vertex et r`egles de Feynman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Self ´energie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.D La conductivit´e ` a l’approximation de Drude . . . . . . . . . . . IV.E Corr´elations entre fonctions de Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.F Diagrammes en ´echelle – Diffuson (contribution non coh´erente) IV.G Quantum (coherent) correction : weak localisation . . . . . . . 1) Small scale cutoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Large scale cutoff (1) : the system size . . . . . . . . . . 3) Large scale cutoff (2) : the phase coherence length . . . 4) Magnetic field dependence – Path integral formulation . IV.H Scaling approach and localisation (from the metallic phase) . . 1) The β-function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Localisation length in 1D and 2D . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.I Conductance fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Disorder averaging in large samples . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Few experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3) Conductivity correlations/fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . 4) Averaging : AB versus AAS oscillations . . . . . . . . . IV.J Conclusion : a probe for quantum coherence . . . . . . . . . . Exercices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 51 54 54 55 56 57 59 62 63 66 67 68 69 72 75 75 76 77 77 78 79 80 82 83 TD 4 : Classical and anomalous magneto-conductance Problem 4.1 : Anomalous (positive) magneto-conductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem 4.2 : Green’s function and self energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) Propagator and Green’s functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) Green’s functions in momentum space and average Green’s function 3) Self energy : stacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 84 86 86 86 86 TD 5 : Magneto-conductance of thin metallic films and wires – Spin-orbit and weak anti-localisation Problem 5.1 : Magneto-conductivity in thin metallic films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem 5.2 : Magneto-conductance in narrow wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem 5.3 : Spin effects and weak antilocalisation in thin metallic films . . . . . . scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 87 89 91 TD 6 : Conductance fluctuations and correlations in narrow wires VI.K Preliminary : weak localisation correction and role of boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI.L Fluctuations and correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 93 93 VIIUniversal conductance fluctuations (Lecture 7, CT) 100 VIII Coherent back-scattering (Lecture 8, DD) 101 IX Toward strong disorder – Self consistent theory IX.A Self-consistent theory of localization . . . . . . . IX.B Importance of symmetry properties . . . . . . . . IX.C Transport by thermal hopping . . . . . . . . . . . X Dephasing and decoherence (Lecture 10, DD) (Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, DD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 102 102 102 103 XI Interaction effects (2014, CT) 104 XI.A Quantum (Altshuler-Aronov) correction to transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 XI.B Decoherence by electronic interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 XI.C More advanced topics (???) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4 TD 8 : Decoherence by electronic interactions – Influence functional approach Bibliography109 106 Bibliography Books On probability and random processes (useful tools) : Gardiner [59], Risken [96] and van Kampen [115]. Localisation in 1D : J.-M. Luck [80]. More complete but less pedagogical : Lifshits, Gredeskul & Pastur [79]. Presentation of mathematical aspects : Bougerol & Lacroix [30, 32]. Random matrix approach of quantum transport : the very well writtten review of Beenakker [20] and the book of Mello & Kumar [86]. Introductory text for mesoscopic physics : Datta [41] Advanced textbook (emphasize on weak disorder), both for photons and electrons : Akkermans & Montambaux [2, 3]. A pedagogical presentation of the field theoretical approach : the book of Altland & Simons [4] Quantum Hall effect : two books [94, 67] Review articles • Introductory texts : Altshuler and Lee [11] and Washburn and Webb [122]. Sanchez-Palencia and Lewenstein [97] (emphasize on cold atom physics). • Experiment oriented : The review on WL measurements in thin films of Bergmann [25]. A review article focused on conductance fluctuations and AB oscillations in normal metals : Washburn and Webb [121]. A review on quantum oscillations (AAS oscillations in metals and oscillations in superconductors) : Aronov and Sharvin [16]. • Theory oriented : A pedagogical presentation on weak localisation using path integral : Chakravarty and Schmid [33]. A nice overview with emphasize on scaling theory : Kramer and MacKinnon [74]. Interaction effects in weakly disordered metals : Lee and Ramakrishnan [77] ; more difficult (but more detailed) is the review article by Altshuler and Aronov [6] (part of a book edited by Efreos and Shklovskii on interaction with disorder [49]). A review (quite technical) on transmission correlations in optics : van Rossum and Nieuwenhuizen [116]. 5 I Introduction : Disorder is everywhere Aim : Illustrate the importance of disorder in practical situations. Introduce the notion of random potential (modelizing randomness). Discuss : averaged quantities vs fluctuations. Localisation : wave + disorder I.A Disorder in condensed matter Real crystals (give illustrations) • structural disorder • substitutional disorder I.B 1) Importance of disorder : how would be the world without disorder ? Free electrons in a metal Imagine that disorder is absent, hence motion of electrons is ballistic, i.e. momentum is conserved p~(t) → p~. Linear response gives the conductivity (response of current density to electric field) Z ∞ ine2 1 ne2 σ(ω) = dt eiωt h vˆx (t) , x (I.1) ˆ i= | {z } ~ −iω m 0 =ˆ px /m diverges as ω → 0! Classical theory – Drude conductivity.— rates at low frequency σ(ω) = Experiments show that the conductivity satu- ne2 1 ne2 τ −→ σDrude = m 1/τ − iω ω→0 m (I.2) The transport scattering time encodes the effect of collisions which limits the ballistic propagation of electrons in the metal. These collisions can be of different nature : collisions with phonons (lattice vibrations), collision with impurities (lattice defects), spin scattering, etc. 1 The different rates characterizing these scattering processes are simply added (Matthiesen law) : 1 1 1 = + + ··· τ (T ) τe τe−ph (T ) (I.3) Going to low temperature, degrees of freedom, like phonons, are frozen and the total rate (as the resistivity) saturates : lim 1/τ (T ) = 1/τe . (I.4) T →0 In general, electron-phonon scattering provides the dominant scattering mechanism [17]. This leads to the following resistivity (Bloch-Gr¨ uneisen formula) 1 ρ(T ) = +A σ0 T TD 5 Z TD /2T dx 0 1 x5 sinh2 x (I.5) Note that collisions among electrons themselves do not affect the conductivity because a collision between two electrons conserves the total current of electrons. 6 2 where TD is the Debye temperature and σ0 = nemτe is the residual conductivity). The power 5 comes from the temperature dependence of the electron-phonon scattering rate [17] τe−ph (T ) ∝ T −5 . Note that electron-phonon scattering is strongly anisotropic, being the reason why transport time 2 deviates from the total scattering rate τe−ph, tot (T ) ∝ T −3 (involved for example in phase coherence properties). Few order of magnitudes for Gold are given in the table. Gold m∗ /me = 1.1 k3 n = 3πF2 = 55 nm−3 kF−1 = 0.085 nm 6 F vF = ~k m∗ = 1.25 × 10 m/s (∗) εF = 5.5 eV Work function W = 5.1 eV ∗ kF = 1.07 × 1047 J−1 m−3 = 17 eV−1 nm−3 DoS ν0 = 2s m 2π 2 ~2 Resistivity ρ(T → 0) = 1/σ0 = 0.022 × 10−8 Ω.m [85] `e = 4 µm (in bulk) (∗∗) τe = 3.2 ps D = 13 vF `e = 1.7 m2 /s (from σ0 = e2 ν0 D) Debye temperature TD = 170 K [17] melting point 1338 K and boiling point 3135 K [85] ~2 k2 Table 1: Few orders of magnitude for Gold. (∗) Note that 2mF∗ = 4.9 eV. (∗∗) In thin films the mean free path is strongly reduced : e.g. for a gold wire of thickness, 50 nm it was observerd that `e ' 22 nm [31]. Electronic transport is dominated by disorder at low temperature (T . 1 K) and by inelastic scattering processes at high temperature. 2) Fermions in a periodic potential : Bloch oscillations • semiconducting superlattices • Experiments with cold atoms falling on a periodic potential ⇒ oscillations ! I.C The physics of the diffusion Disorder leads to multiple scattering and diffusion. Introduce few scales : τe , `e , D = vF `e /d,... Einstein relation σ = e2 ν0 D (I.6) where ν0 is the density of states. Using that the electronic density is n ∝ kFd , we have ν0 = nd/(2εF ). Diffusion equation (free) (∂t − D∆) Pt (r|r0 ) = δ(t)δ(r − r0 ) 2 Conductivity involves transport times. 7 (I.7) Propagator of the diffusion Pt (r|r0 ) = (r−r 0 )2 θH (t) − 4Dt e (4πDt)d/2 (I.8) or its (spatial) Fourier transform 2 Pb(q; t) = θH (t) e−Dt q or Pe(q; ω) = I.D 1) 1 −iω + Dq 2 (I.9) (I.10) How to model disorder ? What is measured ? What should be studied ? Electronic transport Hamiltonian for one electron H= p~ 2 + Vcrystal (~r) + Vdisorder (~r) | {z } 2me (I.11) fluctuates from sample to sample Any observable depends on the disorder configuration E.g. : conductance of a metallic wire G[Vdisorder ] • In practice, we observe that in a long wire the conductance is not fluctuating from sample to sample! It is given by the Ohm’s law G = σ Ls (usual feature of statistical physics : fluctuations are washed out at macroscopic scale). • Fluctuations may be observed by going to mesoscopic scale, L . few µm and T . few K Observe reproducible fluctuations (not experimental noise) as a function of an external parameter (here the magnetic field). These fluctuations are a signature of the presence of the disorder. Such a curve is called the magnetofingerprint of the mesoscopic sample. Manifestation of (quantum) interferences due to scattering of wave by disordered potential 2) Scattering of light by disorder Speckle pattern, etc 3) Calculations From the theoretical point of view : what can be computed ? We can only compute averaged quantities. Or study numerically some statistical properties of some observables. I.E Outline of the course Main purpose of the course : analyse the interplay between wave character and disorder. Where are we going ? Give an overview. Problem : Bloch oscillations 8 16.5 G G (( ee22/h /h )) 16.4 (a) 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 -4 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) 16.5 G G (( ee22/h /h )) 16.4 (b) 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10 Teslas ) -4 -4 var var (G) (G) (10 (10-3-3(( ee22/h /h ))22 )) 4.00 (c) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 200 600 1000 1400 1800 -4 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) Figure 1: Left : UCF : 46 MC curves obtained with a short (coherent) wire etched in a 2DEG (T = 45 mK). The different curves are obtained by modifying the disorder configuration. Right : Averaging the MC leads to the weak localisation. Figures of Ref. [83]. II Anderson localisation in one dimension The main object of this course is the study of the wave dynamics (optical wave, electronic wave, etc) in a disordered medium. For concreteness we can think at an electronic wave in a cristalline structure. In practice, crystals are not perfect but subject to randomness, i.e. some atoms might be replaced by atoms of other nature (random alloy), or the structure of the crystal can present some defects (structural disorder). We will first have to discuss how we can model the 9 presence of the disorder, i.e. a time independent potential describing sample to sample fluctuations. This will be achieved by assuming that the (static) potential is random in space. As a consequence of the presence of disorder, the translational symmetry is broken in a given sample (but restored after disorder averaging). Whereas eigenstates of a perfect crystal are extended Bloch waves forming energy bands (continuous spectrum), the presence of the disorder changes drastically the nature of the eigenstates, as we will see. Aim : Although the 1D situation is somehow particular (dimension is crucial in localisation problems), it allows to solve many problems, sometimes exactly, thanks to some powerful nonperturbative methods. The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate, in the frame of several particular models, that the presence of disorder leads to the localisation of all eigenstates, i.e. their exponential decay in space. Reminder (some useful notions of probability) : • Generating function, moments, cumulants • Central limit theorem versus large deviations • Stochastic calculus (SDE and FPE) (cf. appendix) I refer to the books of Gardiner [59] and van Kampen [115]. More advanced topics of probability theory can be found in the classical monograph of Feller [53]. II.A How to model disorder ? In this section we start by discussing in details how to model disorder. We introduce several models that will be used in the following. 1) Discrete models As localisation theory has arised in the context of condensed matter physics [14], a popular and widely studied model is the tight binding model (Anderson model) describing an electron moving on a lattice of atoms, each characterised by a single orbital. In 1D, after projection on the orbitals | n i at position x = na, where a is the lattice spacing, the Schr¨odinger equation H| ψ i = ε| ψ i takes the form : −t∗n ψn+1 + Vn ψn − tn−1 ψn−1 = ε ψn , (II.1) def where ψn = h n | ψ i is the component of the wave function on the site n, tn = −h n + 1 |H| n i def describes the coupling between nearest neighbour atoms and Vn = h n |H| n i a potential. At this level, two options are • Consider the case of random potentials Vn (“diagonal disorder”) describing a random alloy. • Consider the case of random couplings tn (“off-diagonal disorder”) corresponding to the case of structural disorder. In the following, we will focus on the first case for simplicity, and set the couplings to unity, t = 1. 10 Distribution of disordered potential Vn .– As mentioned, translation invariance is broken by the presence of disorder, i.e. for one configuration of the random potential. However, assuming homogeneity, translation invariance is restored after averaging over the disorder. As a consequence the distribution of the potential Vn on site n is independent on n : Pn (V ) = Proba[Vn = V ] transl. inv. −→ P (V ) (II.2) We can give few examples of distributions : 1. The binary alloy : consider a lattice of atoms of type A. With probability p, one atom A is replaced by an atom B with an energy Vn = W , i.e. P (V ) = (1 − p) δ(V ) + p δ(V − W ) 2. A widely used distribution is the box distribution P (V ) = 1 W θH (W/2 − |V |) 3. The choice of a more regular distribution will lead to more regular results (for the spectral 2 2 density, etc). Two convenient choices are : a Gaussian distribution P (V ) = √ 1 2 e−V /2W or P (V ) = 2πW 1 −|V |/W . 2W e 4. etc. Correlations.– The statistical properties of the set of potentials {Vn } is not only characterised by the marginal law P (V ), but in general depends on the correlations between potentials, partly encoded in the correlation function hVn Vm i = C(|n − m|). A natural assumption is that the correlations decay fast with the distance (exponentially fast). Studying the large scale properties, a simplification will be to assume that potentials are uncorrelated hVn Vm i ∝ δn,m . 2) Continuum models Helmholtz equation with random dielectric constant.– In some cases, it can be more natural to consider a continuum model for the propagation of a wave. For example, the analysis of the propagation of an optical wave in a medium with fluctuating dielectric constant (~r) = + δ(~r) leads to consider the Helmholtz equation −∆E(~r) − k 2 δ(~r) E(~r) = k 2 E(~r) (II.3) describing the eigenmodes of the system (in the weak disorder regime, it is justified to decouple the polarisation effect and thus treat in a first step the electric field as a scalar field [2]). Schr¨ odinger equation with a random potential.– In a condensed matter physics context, lattice models are more natural, however their large scale properties can be more conveniently described by continuum models. For example, if one considers the 1D Anderson model −t ψn+1 + Vn ψn − t ψn−1 = ε ψn (II.4) we encounter two interesting limits. In the absence of the random potential, the eigenstates are simple plane waves ψn = √12π eikn of energy εk = −2t cos k for k ∈ [−π, π] (II.5) In the band edge, |k| 1, the dispersion relation may be simplified as εk ' −2t + t k 2 . This quadratic behaviour corresponds to a non relativistic particle of mass m with ~2 /(2m) = ta2 , 11 where a is the lattice spacing. In other terms, we expect that the low energy properties of the model are conveniently described by the Schr¨odinger equation with a random potential H=− ~2 d2 + V (x) 2m dx2 (II.6) in the following we will set ~2 /2m = 1 (hence [E] = L−2 ). This discussion holds if the disorder is weak Vn t, so that it does only couple low energy states among themselves. Distribution of V (x) – Generating functionals.– The notion of a “random function” leads to a small technical complication : the distribution of the potential must be encoded in R a functional DV (x) P [V ] and averaging involves functional integrals DV (x) P [V ] (· · · ). This little difficulty can be circumvent by making use of the notion of generating functional. We define D R E def (II.7) G[b] = e dx V (x) b(x) V (x) which is usually more easy to handle. The correlation functions can be deduced by functional derivation : δ n G[b] hV (x1 ) · · · V (xn )i = (II.8) δb(x1 ) · · · δb(xn ) b=0 It is usually more convenient to consider the connected correlation functions (cumulants) δ n W [b] hV (x1 ) · · · V (xn )ic = where W [b] = ln G[b] (II.9) δb(x1 ) · · · δb(xn ) b=0 Two examples : • General Gaussian disorder 1 P [V ] = N exp − 2 Z dxdx V (x)A(x, x )V (x ) 0 0 0 (II.10) where If we introduce the inverse of the integral kernel, defined by R 0 N is 00a normalisation. dx A(x, x )C(x00 , x0 ) = δ(x − x0 ), we find the generating functional Z 1 0 0 0 G[b] = exp dxdx b(x)C(x, x )b(x ) . (II.11) 2 δ 2 G[b] δb(x)δb(x0 ) b=0 = C(x, x0 ) = hV (x)V (x0 )i is the two point correlation function.3 d2 Example : the Gaussian measure with A(x, x0 ) = σ1 δ(x − x0 ) 1 − `2c dx leads to correla2 σ −|x−x0 |/`c 0 tions exponentially suppressed with the distance C(x, x ) = 2`c e . • Random uncorrelated impurities. A natural model of disorder is the case of localised impurities at random positions xn : X V (x) = vn δ(x − xn ) . (II.12) n 3 If this looks too formal, think that it is just a generalisation of usual matrix manipulations (with discrete indices) indices. A general Gaussian measure would take the form P (· · · , Vx , · · · ) = Pto continuous N exp − 21 x,x0 Vx Ax,x0 Vx0 . The Generating function is then given by a simple Gaussian integration in P P RN : G(· · · , bx , · · · ) = he x Vx bx i = exp 12 x,x0 bx Cx,x0 bx0 . Functional derivation corresponds with partial 2 derivative ∂ G = Cx,x0 ∂bx ∂bx0 b=0 12 A natural assumption is that the positions xn ’s are independent random variables distributed with a uniform mean density ρ. Fixing the averaged density, the number N of N independent impurities in a volume V is given by the Poisson distribution PN = (ρVN )! e−ρV . The calculation of the generating functional follows straightforwardly : *N + Z N ∞ Y X dxn D vn b(xn ) E vn b(xn ) G[b] = e = PN e (II.13) vn V V n=1 N =0 N, {xn }, {vn } Z vn b(x) (II.14) = exp ρ dx he ivn − 1 or more conveniently Z W [b] = ρ dx hevn b(x) ivn − 1 . (II.15) Functional derivations lead straightforwardly to hV (x)i = ρ hvi i hV (x1 ) · · · V (xn )ic = ρ hvin i (II.16) δ(x1 − x2 ) · · · δ(x1 − xn ) (II.17) (note that the cumulants of the potential are controlled by the moments of weights vi ’s). Statistics of uncorrelated events - Poisson process.– In the calculation of the generating functional (II.13), we have taken the point of view that xn ’s are independent random variables distributed with a uniform mean density ρ. I.e., when dropped on the interval [0, L], their joint distribution is P (x1 , · · · , xN ) = L1N . Another point of view corresponds to order the random independent variable as 0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn < · · · . We now ask the question : what is the number N (x) of such impurities on the interval [0, x] ? The random non decreasing process N (x) ∈ N is called a “Poisson process”. Its distribution function, PN (x) = Proba{N (x) = N }, can be easily studied (be careful : N refers to the random variable whereas x is a parameter). We obtain PN (x) = (ρx)N −ρx e , N! (II.18) which is proved in the exercice below. - Exercice II.1 Distribution of the Poisson process : The occurence of “events” (impurity positions) are independent. On the infinitesimal interval of width dx, the probability to find one impurity is ρdx. a) Writing P0 (x + dx) in terms of P0 (x), deduce a differential equation for P0 (x) and solve it. b) Proceeding in a similar way for PN (x), show that these probabilities solve the infinite set of coupled differential equations d PN (x) = ρ PN −1 (x) − ρ PN (x) . dx (II.19) c) These equations can be solved by the generating function technics. Introduce ∞ N (x) X = sN PN (x) , G(s; x) = s def (II.20) N =0 where s is a complex number. Deduce a differential equation for G(s; x). What is G(s; 0) ? Deduce PN (x). d) Compute the mean hN (x)i and the variance Var(N (x)). 13 Band center – Disordered Dirac equation.– The Schr¨odinger equation with a random potential is not the only continuum limit of the lattice model. If, instead of studying the properties of the Anderson model at the band edge, one consider the low energy properties in the band center, since the spectrum εk = −2t cos k is linear for k ∼ ±π/2, the emerging theory is a relativistic wave equation. Wave vectors close to +π/2 are described by one field ϕ and wave vectors close to −π/2 by another field χ. If the random potential Vn presents a modulation on the scale of the lattice spacing, we write Vn = A0 (na) + (−1)n m(na), where A0 (x) and m(x) are two smooth functions. The function A0 (x) is related to small transfer of wave vector, i.e. does not couple the two fields ϕ and χ. On the other hand, the modulated part corresponds to large transfers of wavector δk ∼ ±π and describes the coupling between the two fields. The natural wave equation modelizing this situation is therefore the Dirac equation with a random scalar potential and a random mass for the bi-spinor Ψ = (ϕ, χ) for HD = −iv0 σ3 ∂x + σ1 m(x) + A0 (x) , HD Ψ(x) = ε Ψ(x) (II.21) where σi ’s are Pauli matrices. The mapping is discussed in details in the problem at the end of the chapter. II.B Transfer matrix approach – The Furstenberg theorem The concept of transfer matrix is a very important one in statistical physics [19]. We show in this section that the study of the models introduced previously within this formulation leads straightforwardly to the conclusion that the wave functions are exponentially localised, provided the knowledge of an important theorem of the theory of random matrix product. 1) Preliminary : Furstenberg theorem Let us consider a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random matrices Mn ’s, according to a suitable measure µ(dM ) defined over some group. 4 Then we form the product of such matrices Π N = MN · · · M 2 M1 (II.23) A natural question is : given µ(dM ) what is the distribution of ΠN ? This corresponds to look for some generalisation of the central limit theorem for non commuting objects. 5 The Furstenberg theorem states that the matrix elements of the product ΠN grow exponentially with N as N → ∞. Norm.– In order to measure the growth of the matrix elements, it is convenient to define the norm of the matrix. Several definitions are possible and the precise choice is not essential for the following. For example (for n × n matrices) : def ||M || = Sup{|M x| ; x ∈ Rn ; |x| = 1} (II.24) 4 If one considers a group elements can be labelled by some parameters depending on the choice of the group representation. Consider for example SL(2, R), a three-parameter-group ; it is well known that matrices of SL(2, R) can be decomposed thanks to the Gauss decomposition b 1 a e 0 1 0 M (a, b, c) = (II.22) 0 1 c 1 0 e−b The measure µ(dM ) over SL(2, R) corresponds to some joint distribution P (a, b, c). 5 Consider some i.i.d. random variables xn . The statistical properties of the P product of these random variables, pN = xN · · · x2 x1 are clearly given by the central limit theorem for ln pN = n ln xn . 14 where |x| is the usual norm in Rn . Another choice could be Z def dx |M x| . ||M || = (II.25) |x|=1 def Furstenberg theorem (1963).– Assuming that ln+ ||Mn || < ∞, where ln+ x = θH (x − 1) ln x, the Furstenberg theorem [57] states that def ln ||ΠN || >0 N →∞ N γ = lim (II.26) (note that averaging is not needed). γ is called the (maximum) “Lyapunov exponent” of the random matrix product. It depends on the group and on the probability measure. Given this information, it is however difficult to compute it in general. More information can be found in the monograph by Bougerol and Lacroix [30]. 2) A discrete model The study of the tight binding equation (II.4) for t = 1 can be reformulated in terms of transfer matrices as follows ψn ψn+1 Vn − ε −1 = . (II.27) ψn−1 ψn 1 0 {z } | =Mn ∈SL(2,R) The behaviour of the wave function is controlled by those of the product of transfer matrices ψn ∼ ||Πn || where Πn = Mn · · · M1 (II.28) The Furstenberg theorem immediatly tells us that, given some initial values (ψ1 , ψ0 ), the wave function 6 grows exponentially ln |ψn | ∼ γ n (II.29) n→∞ √ up to fluctuations of order n, where γ is the Lyapunov exponent of the transfer matrices. This furnishes a possible definition of the localisation length def ξ = 1/γ 3) (II.30) A continuum model : δ-impurities Another interesting model is the delta impurity model (random Kronig-Penney model) H=− X d2 + vn δ(x − xn ) dx2 n (II.31) We set ~2 /(2m) = 1 for convenience. Let us gather the wave function and its derivative in a vector 0 ψ (x) (II.32) k ψ(x) We may encode the evolution of the vector through the action of transfer matrices of two types (figure 2) : 6 We already stress that we consider here the solution of the initial value problem, and not the real normalised eigenstates solution of the spectral problem. 15 • Between impurity n and n + 1, the evolution is free, hence ψ(x) = An sin(kx + ϕn ), and − ψ 0 (x)/k = An cos(kx + ϕn ). This makes clear that the vectors at x+ n and xn+1 are related by a rotation of positive angle θn = k`n where `n = xn+1 − xn . • Evolution through the impurity n corresponds to ψ 0 (xn +) − ψ 0 (xn −) = vn ψ(xn ), with ψ(x) continuous. Therefore the evolution of the vector (II.32) involves a sequence of random matrices of the form cos θn − sin θn 1 un Mn = ∈ SL(2, R) (II.33) sin θn cos θn 0 1 with random positive angles θn = k`n > 0 and random coefficients un = vn /k. We have ψ 0 (x1 −) ψ 0 (xn+1 −) where Πn = Mn · · · M1 , (II.34) = Πn k ψ(x1 −) k ψ(xn+1 −) ψ(x) impurity free evolution ψ ’(x) Figure 2: Transformation of the vector (ψ 0 , kψ). 10 lnÈÈPnÈÈ 20 5 15 10 0 5 0 0 -5 -5 0 5 10 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 n 15 Figure 3: Evolution of the random matrix product. Left : Motion of the vector under the action of the 1000 random matrices of the form (II.33). the angle are exponentially distributed 1 −|u|/a with θ = 0.02 and the coefficients un under the symmetric PDF p(u) = 2a e with a = 0.1. Right : Evolution of the modulus of the vector with n for two realisations of the disorder : slope indicates the Lyapunov exponent. Note that the fact that the matrix Mn ∈ SL(2, R) follows from the conservation of probability current : denoting Ψ(x) the vector (II.32), the current density is expressed as Jψ = Im[ψ ∗ ψ 0 ] = 1 Ψ† σ2 Ψ. Hence current conservation between two points related by a transfer matrix M is − 2k ensured by the condition M † σ2 M = σ2 . This implies that M ∈ SL(2, R), up to a global phase. 16 Impurities may form a lattice (fixed distances `n = 1/ρ) or be randomly dropped; e.g. dropped independently and uniformly for a mean density ρ, i.e. p(`) = ρe−ρ` . Weights vn may be random or not. The Furstenberg theorem again immediaty shows that the wave function envelope increases exponentially ln |ψ(x)| lim (II.35) =γ x→∞ x where γ coincides with the Lyapunov exponent of matrices (II.33) (up to a factor ρ coming from def n ∼ ρx). This gives again a definition of the localisation length ξ = 1/γ in this continuum model. - Exercice II.2 : The study of the perfect lattice of impurities is instructive. We consider transfer matrices (II.33) for `n = a and vn = v, ∀ n. a) Show that Bloch theorem implies that the transfer matrix M has eigenvalue eiK . b) Deduce the quantization equation and show that spectrum of eigenstates forms energy bands (hint : use a graphical resolution). c) Wheck that the eigenvalues of M can be written as e+Ω and e−Ω . Show that for the perfect crystal we have either Ω ∈ R or Ω ∈ iR. Deduce the expression of the Lyapunov expression and of the integrated density of states. Solution : exercice 6.10 of [107]. The exercice illustrates that for a non disordered problem, the Lyapunov vanishes on the spectrum, i.e. states are extended. Is the Lyapunov exponent always a good measure of localisation ? Consider the initial value (Cauchy) problem : −ψ 00 (x; E) + V (x)ψ(x; E) = E ψ(x; E) 0 ψ(0; E) = 0 & ψ (0; E) = 1 (II.36) (II.37) that exists ∀ E. The transfer matrix approach permits to describe the evolution of ψ(x; E), hence the Lyapunov exponent γ of the random matrices characterizes the Cauchy problem. On the other hand, the real eigenstates, solution of a Sturm-Liouville problem, −ϕ00 (x) + V (x)ϕ(x) = E ϕ(x) with ϕ(0) = ϕ(L) = 0, exist for discrete values of the energy E ∈ {E0 , E1 , · · · } ; they are built from the solutions of the Cauchy problem, ϕn (E) = ψ(x; En ). Defining the localisation length as 1/ξ = γ, we have therefore assumed that the second boundary condition, which constraints the wavefunction to return to ψ(L) = 0, does not affect its statistical properties. This is not obvious. Although this is a reasonnable assumption for high energy wave functions rapidly oscillating, when oscillations and growth of the envelope decouple, it is more questionable for low energy states (see the discussion in the review [39] and references therein). 4) Preliminary conclusion The use of the Furstenberg theorem has immediatly provided the nature of the eigenstates, shown to be exponentially localised. The argument is very general because any (linear) wave equation can be formulated with the help of transfer matrices (even in the multi-channel case ; strictly 1D is not a restriction). However it does not give the quantitative information about the localisation length. In general, given the measure µ(dM ) characterizing the random matrices, finding the Lyapunov exponent is a very hard task. From the point of view of the disordered model (II.4), the question would be : given the distribution P (V ) of the random potentials Vn , 17 ψ(x) ψ(x) x x ξ Figure 4: Extended and localised states. Left : Typical shape of the extended states in a perfect 1D crystal. Right : In the presence of disorder, the eigenstates typically vanish exponentially over a typical distance ξ, called the localisation length. what is the Lyapunov exponent γ ? A review on how to answer to this precise question can be found in the first part of the book by Jean-Marc Luck [80]. We analyse below a continuum model where such an analysis will be facilitated. II.C 1) Detailed study of a solvable continuum model Definition of the model Let us consider the Schr¨ odinger Hamiltonian d2 + V (x) dx2 for the simplest model of random potential, namely the Gaussian white noise Z 1 P [V ] ∝ exp − dx V (x)2 ⇒ V (x)V (x0 ) = σ δ(x − x0 ) . 2σ H=− (II.38) (II.39) - Exercice II.3 Relation to other models : a) Relate σ to the strength of the disordered potentials of the lattice model hVn Vm i = W 2 δn,m . b) Show that the model with the Gaussian white noise potential may be obtained by considering the high density limit (ρ → ∞) with weak impurities (vn → 0) of the random impurity model introduced previously. What is the precise relation between the two models ? I.e. how can one relates σ to the parameters of the impurity model ? Hint : Find the proper non trivial limit of the characteristic functional (II.15). - Exercice II.4 Dimensional analysis : a) Check that the dimension of disorder strength is [σ] = L−3 . b) We consider the Lyapunov exponent γ(E) (inverse localisation length) and the integrated density of states per unit length N (E). Use dimensional analysis to express γ and N in terms of two scaling functions. c) Deduce how the zero energy localisation length behaves with the disorder strength ? What is the amount of states that have migrated from R+ to R− ? 2) Riccati analysis We now show that the localisation properties and the spectral properties of the Schr¨odinger equation with a disordered potential can be obtained by studying a random process related to the solution of the Cauchy problem (the wavefunction), denoted ψ(x) henceforth. The ideas will be applied to the case of the Gaussian white noise potential below. We introduce the Riccati variable 0 def ψ (x) z(x) = (II.40) ψ(x) 18 We will see that the study of this random process can be easily handled by standard technics (Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations). From −ψ 00 + V ψ = Eψ, we obtain that the Riccati variable obeys a first order non linear differential equation d z(x) = −E − z(x)2 + V (x) = F(z(x)) + V (x) dx (II.41) where we introduce the “force” F(z) = −E − z 2 and the related “potential” : Z 1 U(z) = − dz F(z) = Ez + z 3 . 3 (II.42) Equation (II.41) has the structure of the Langevin equation describing a fictitious Brownian particle of “position” z(x) at “time” x, in the overdamped regime where the speed is proportional to the force. + + U(z)=Ez+ z 3 U(z)=Ez+ z 3 3 z z E>0 − 3 z E=0 E<0 Figure 5: Dynamics of the Riccati variable under the action of the deterministic force. The introduction of the Riccati variable will be very useful in order to analyze the dynamics of the process. We can already make the following observations : • When E > 0, the “deterministic force” alone, i.e. the force F(z) = −E − z 2 induces a flow of the process from +∞ to −∞. In the absence of the potential, the Riccati variable takes a finite “time” to cross R. Let us start from z(x0 ) = +∞ (that corresponds to a node of the wave function, ψ(x0 ) = 0). Then the next divergence (i.e. the next node of ψ) occurs after a “time” ` given by Z x0 +` x0 dx = − Z −∞ +∞ dz E + z2 ⇒ π `= √ E (II.43) The distance between the nodes of the wave function is the inverse of the integrated density of states (IDoS) per unit length N0 (E) = 1/`. This is the result of a general theorem : the oscillation theorem (or Sturm-Liouville theorem, cf. 6). √ For E < 0, the potential traps the Riccati variable at z+ = −E. • The random potential plays the role of a random (Langevin) force. For E > 0, it induces fluctuations of the time needed to go from +∞ to −∞, what is √ 1 responsible for a deviation of the IDoS N (E) from the free IDoS N0 (E) = π E. For E < 0, a negative fluctuation of the potential may allow the process to escape the potential well and induces a finite flow of the Riccati. 19 Localisation length.— Our definition of the localisation length is the growth rate of the solution of the Cauchy problem Z x ln |ψ(x)| dt γ = lim = lim z(t) . (II.44) x→∞ x→∞ x 0 x Assuming some ergodic properties, we can express the Lyapunov exponent as an integral of the Riccati’s stationary distribution f (z) as Z γ = r dz z f (z) def ⇒ ξ = 1/γ . (II.45) We have introduced a principal part Z Z +∞ def r dx h(x) = lim −∞ +R R→+∞ −R Z +∞ dx h(x) = dx −∞ h(x) + h(−x) 2 in order to account for the possible slow power law decay of the Riccati distribution. Spectal properties.— In the absence of the random potential V (x), we have shown that the “time” needed by the process z(x) to go from +∞ to −∞ coincides with the IDoS per unit length. This property remains true in the presence of the disordered potential, provided we consider the average time, i.e. N (E) = 1/`. This relation may be proven as follows : The density 1/` is the average density of nodes of the wave function per unit length. From the oscillation (Sturm Liouville) theorem this coincides precisely with the IDoS per unit length. It will also be convenient for the following to notice that the density of the Riccati’s infinitudes can be interpreted as the stationary probability current −J : N (E) = J = 1/` (II.46) ... J = number of infinitudes of the Riccati process per unit length (“time”)= number of nodes of ψ per unit length= IDoS per unit length (oscillation theorem). 11 00 00 11 00 11 000 11 ϕ2( x) 11 00 00 11 00 11 000 11 ϕ1( x) ϕ0( x) 11 00 00 11 00 11 000 11 1 0 0 1 0 1 L1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 L1 1 0 0 1 0 1 L1 0 Figure 6: Oscillation (Sturm-Liouville) theorem. In 1D, the number of nodes of the wavefunction coincides with the excitation degree n, i.e. the IDoS. Application to the model with Gaussian white noise disorder.— If the disordered potential is a Gaussian white noise, Eq. (II.39), then (II.41) is the usual Langevin equation with 20 a force uncorrelated in “time” . Then we can directly relate this Langevin equation to a Fokkerdef Planck equation for the probability density of the Riccati variable f (z; x) = hδ(z − z(x))i (cf. appendix) : ∂ ∂ σ ∂2 − f (z; x) = F(z) f (z; x) . (II.47) ∂x 2 ∂z 2 ∂z It can be conveniently recast under the form of a conservation equation ∂ σ ∂ ∂ f (z; x) f (z; x) = − J (z; x) where J (z; x) = F(z) − ∂x ∂z 2 ∂z (II.48) is the probability current, given by the sum of a drift term and a diffusion current. The Fokker-Planck involves the (forward) generator G† = σ d2 d − F(z) , 2 dz 2 dz (II.49) 2 d d adjoint of the generator of the diffusion G = σ2 dz 2 + F(z) dz (i.e. the backward generator). We prove in the exercice below that it has a discrete spectrum of eigenvalues. From this observation, we deduce that the distribution of the Riccati variable converges to a limit distribution on a finite length scale `c (the correlation length of the Riccati process) f (z; x) −→ f (z) , x→∞ (II.50) where f (z) obeys σ d 2 + E + z f (z) = N (E) 2 dz (II.51) where we have used that the steady current J (z; x) −→ −N (II.52) x→∞ is the IDoS per unit length. - Exercice II.5 Spectrum of the generator : The aim of the exercice is to show that f (z; x) reachs a limit distribution f (z) over a characteristic scale `c (the correlation length). Assuming initial condition z(0) = z0 , we can write formally the propagator as 7 X † L −x En f (z; x) = h z |ex G | z0 i = ΦR (II.53) n (z) Φn (z0 ) e n R L L in terms of left/right eigenvectors, G † ΦR n (z) = −En Φn (z) and G Φn (z) = −En Φn (z). a) Consider the nonunitary transformation 1 1 H+ = e σ U (z) (−G † )e− σ U (z) This shows that G † and H+ are isospectral. Chek that σ d2 [F(z)]2 F 0 (z) σ d F(z) d F(z) H+ = − + + = + − + 2 dz 2 2σ 2 2 dz σ dz σ (II.54) (II.55) b) Analyse the shape of the effective potential for the Schr¨odinger operator H+ and deduce the nature of the spectrum of eigenvalues {En } (discrete/continuous). 7 Propagator : Consider a Schr¨ odinger operator H, the propagator is the evolution operator in imaginary time Kt (x|x0 ) = θH (t) h x |e−tH | x0 i, Green’s function of the time dependent Schr¨ odinger equation ∂t + H Kt (x|x0 ) = δ(t) δ(x − x0 ). 21 The Hamiltonian (II.55) is called a supersymmetric operator in reference with the particular structure (generalisation of the harmonic oscillator a† a) [69, 37]. - Exercice II.6 Stationary solution : a) Construct explicitly the solution of (II.51). b) Rice formula.– Show that the asymptotic behaviour of the distribution is f (z) N (E)/z 2 . ' z→±∞ c) Show that the normalisation provides an integral representation of the IDoS (one of the two integrals can be done). 3) Localisation – Weak disorder expansion It is possible to compute exactly the Lyapunov exponent (see exercice II.8 below), however we now only present a more simple perturbative analysis (in the disorder strength σ), valid in the high energy limit, E σ 2/3 . Let us assume that the stationary distribution and the IDoS have a perturbative expansion : f (z) = f (0) (z) + f (1) (z) + · · · N =N (0) +N (1) + ··· (II.56) (II.57) Inject this form in (II.51) leads to N (0) (II.58) z 2 + k2 N (n) σ d (n−1) f (n) (z) = 2 − f (z) (II.59) z + k 2 2(z 2 + k 2 ) dz √ all the normalisation, hence we recover the where we have introduced k = E. f (0) carries √ R E (0) well-known IDoS for the free case N = π . At first order we must have dz f (1) (z) = 0, d (0) hence N (1) = 0 and f (1) (z) = − 2(z 2σ+k2 ) dz f (z), etc. Finally we get f (0) (z) = f (z) = k/π σk z + + O(σ 2 ) 2 2 +k π (z + k 2 )3 z2 that can be introduced into (II.45) : Z σk z2 σ γ =0+ dz 2 + O(σ 2 ) = + O(σ 2 ) π (z + k 2 )3 8E (II.60) (II.61) The important conclusion of this calculation is the fact the the Lyapunov exponent is different from zero for any (positive) energy. Therefore all eigenstates get localised by the disorder, how weak it is. The localisation length however increases with energy as ξE ' Eσ 2/3 8E σ (II.62) We may interpret this important result as follows : • in the absence of disorder (σ = 0), the spectrum of eigenvalues √ is R+ . Negative energies correspond to evanescent (non normalisable solutions) exp(± −E x), hence the Lyapunov √ exponent is non zero outside of the spectrum, γ = −E for E < 0, and vanishes on the spectrum, γ = 0 for E > 0. • In the presence of disorder (σ 6= 0), the Lyapunov exponent becomes non zero on the spectrum. Correlatively, the disorder drags some states in the negative part of the spectrum (figure 7). 22 2.0 1.5 1.5 ΠNHEL & ΓHEL ΠNHEL & ΓHEL 2.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 E e-8 E 0.5 32 3 Σ ΣH8EL 0.0 0.0 -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 E -2 0 2 4 E Figure 7: Halperin model.– IDoS (black continuous line) and Lyapunov exponent (dashed red line) in the absence of disorder (left) and with Gaussian white noise potential (right). From Eq. (II.80) Generalisation : The perturbative formula for the Lyapunov exponent may be generalised to arbitrary random potentials with finite correlation function. It leads to [15, 79] Z 1 γ ' 2 dx hV (x)V (0)i cos 2kx as E = k 2 → ∞ . (II.63) 8k - Exercice II.7 : In the experiment with cold atoms, the disordered potential is realised with a speckle pattern (Fig. 10). The potential felt by the atoms is proportional to the light intensity V (x) ∝ |E(x)|2 , where the electric field presents correlations hE(x)E ∗ (x0 )i(speckle) = 0 |/` ) c I0 sin(|x−x |x−x0 |/`c . What are the potential correlations ? Deduce the Lyapunov exponent from the perturbative formula (II.63). What can you expect when this expression vanishes ? See Ref. [81] Remark : V (x) with infinite moments.– The formula (II.63) emphasizes that the high energy behaviour of the localisation length ξE ∝ E is pretty universal for random potentials uncorrelated in space. This behaviour however obviously requires that the second moment of the potential is finite, i.e. hV (x)V (0)i < ∞. If this is not the case, large fluctuations of the random potential can induce unusual localisation properties, like a non linear dependence of the localisation length with E or the phenomenon of superlocalisation [27] (a clear discussion on sublocalisation and superlocalisation and references can be found in Ref. [29]). 4) Lifshits tail Another feature common to disordered systems is the existence of the low energy non analytic density of states (non analytic in the disorder strength σ). The fraction of states with energy E < 0 may be estimated by a simple dimensional analysis as N (0) ∼ σ 1/3 (II.64) hence the DoS per unit length get finite at zero energy ρ(0) ∼ σ −1/3 (it diverges as disorder disappears, as it should). We may obtain the low energy behaviour of the IDoS by a very simple argument, remembering the interpretation of the IDoS as a current of the Riccati variable : for large E = −k 2 , the potential U(z) developes a local minimum at z = +k, with a potential barrier ∆U = U(−k) − U(k) = 4k 3 /3, that traps the process a very long time ∝ exp 2∆U σ (Arrhenius law). The current is expected to be diminished in inverse proportion, hence 8 3/2 N (E) ∼ exp − (−E) . (II.65) E→−∞ 3σ 23 This interpretation was first suggested by Jona-Lasinio [68]. Ordered spectral statistics and energy level correlations.– It allows to obtain not only the average density of states per unit length, but although the order statistics of eigenvalue (distribution of ground state energy, first excited state, etc) [106]. I have shown in this paper that this ordered statistics problem for a priori correlated variables (the eigenvalues of a r andom operator) coincides with Gumbel laws describing uncorrelated random variables. This shows that in the strongly localised phase, eigenvalues behave as independent random variables [89]. 5) Conclusion : universal versus non universal regimes We have encountered two regimes : • Universal results (high energy/weak disorder) do not depend on details of P (V ), but only on few properties, like hV 2 i. Anderson localisation takes place in this regime : although the energy of the particle is much higher than the potential, E σ 2/3 , eigenstates are localised (particle would be free classically). • Non universal results (low energy/strong disorder), such as Lifshits tails, depend on the full distribution P (V ), as usual for large deviations. 8 In the low energy limit, localisation of eigenstates is somehow obvious and corresponds to trapping of the particle by deep potential wells (what would also occur classically). 2 1 0 -1 -10 -5 0 5 10 x Figure 8: The ground state and some high energy states of the Anderson model with Gaussian random potentials for W/t = 0.79. Final remark : Although we have developed the Riccati analysis in the frame of a continuous model, these ideas can be formulated in the context of the discrete Anderson model (II.67). In def this case a natural definition for the Riccati variable is Rn = ψn+1 /ψn which obeys the recursion Rn = Vn − ε − 1 . Rn−1 A pedagogical description can be found in the book of J.-M. Luck [80]. 8 Cf. Refs. [38, 61] for reviews on low energy spectral singularities in 1D disordered systems. 24 (II.66) 6) Relation between spectral density & localisation : Thouless formula We show that the IDoS and the Lyapunov exponent are closely related. An elementary derivation for the discrete Anderson model.— Let us consider the tight-binding Hamiltonian (for hopping t = 1) −ψn+1 + Vn ψn − ψn−1 = ε ψn (II.67) on a finite interval n ∈ {1, · · · , N }. We consider the initial boundary conditions ψ0 = 0 (Dirichlet-like) and ψ1 = 1. Wave function on the next sites can be computed from ψn+1 = (Vn − ε) ψn − ψn−1 . It will be useful to remark for the following that ψn+1 ' (−ε) ψn for ε → ∞ (II.68) The spectrum of the finite system is obtained by imposing a second boundary condition, say ψN +1 = 0. This equation is nothing but the quantification equation, whose solutions are the eigenvalues {εα }α=1,··· ,N of the Schr¨ odinger Hamiltonian. We conclude that the solution ψn of the initial value problem ψ0 = 0 & ψ1 = 1 can be written as a function of the energy ψN +1 = N Y (εα − ε) , (II.69) α=1 where the prefactor has been fixed thanks to (II.68). Taking the logarithm of this equation, we obtain Z 1 ln |ψN +1 | = dε0 ρ(ε0 ) ln |ε0 − ε| (II.70) N P def where ρ(ε) = N1 N α=1 δ(ε − εα ) is the density of states per site. Note that this equation is general and has not required any assumption on the potential. Now considering a disordered potential, the left hand side can be identitified with the Lyapunov exponent in the limit N → ∞ when the spectrum becomes dense, thus Z γ(ε) = dε0 ρ(ε0 ) ln |ε0 − ε| (for Anderson model). (II.71) This formula is known as the Thouless formula [111]. Exactly the same idea can be performed for a continuum model by considering the wave function ψ(x; E) solution of the initial value problem ψ(0; E) = 0 and ψ 0 (0; E) = 1. The quantification equation now reads ψ(L; E) = 0 providing the spectrum on a finite interval of length L with Dirichlet boundary conditions. A little technical difficulty however arises due to the fact that the spectrum is not bounded from above and involves an infinite number of eigenvalues. One can however show that the wavefunction is proportional to the functional determinant 2ψ(L; E) = det(E +∂x2 −V (x)) (see [73] for a pedagogical introduction to functional determinants, or [64]). Analytical properties of the complex Lyapunov exponent (continuum model).— The IDoS and the Lyapunov exponent are the real and imaginary part of a single analytic function defined in the upper complex plane. It follows that it is possible to write a KramersKronig relation relating one to the other (the Thouless formula), as was well illustrated by the exercice below. 25 This might be understood in a simple way by considering the Fourier transform of the stationary distribution Z ˆ fE (q) = dz e−iqz fE (z) (II.72) For example, in the case of the Schr¨ odinger equation with Gaussian white noise potential V (x), ˆ it follows from (II.51) that fE (q) obeys the differential equation d2 iσ − 2 + E + q fˆE (q) = 2π N (E) δ(q) (II.73) dq 2 For other models of random potential, we obtain a different differential equation. We can see that fˆE0 (0+) = −π N (E) − i γ(E) (II.74) thus the integrated density of states and the Lyapunov exponent are real and imaginary part of an analytic function of the energy in the upper complex plane, denoted as the characteristic function, or the complex Lyapunov exponent Ω(E) = γ(E) − iπ N (E) . (II.75) Kramers-Kronig relation can be obtained by performing some soustraction in order to deal with an asymptotically decaying function : p def e Ω(E) = Ω(E) − Ω0 (E) where Ω0 (E) = −E − i0+ (II.76) is the complex Lyapunov exponent in the free case. Considering the appropriate closed contour in the complex half plane gives : Z e dω Ω(ω) e Ω(E) = −i r R π ω−E (II.77) i.e., taking the real part Z N (E 0 ) − N0 (E 0 ) γ(E) − γ0 (E) = − r dE 0 , (II.78) E0 − E √ √ where γ0 (E) = θH (−E) −E and πN0 (E) = θH (E) E. We can rewrite the relation in terms of the density of states ρ = N 0 as γ(E) − γ0 (E) = Z dE 0 ρ(E 0 ) − ρ0 (E 0 ) ln |E 0 − E| (for Schr¨odinger equation). (II.79) Up to the soustraction, required due to the fact that the spectrum is unbounded from above, this is the same relation as (II.71). Analyticity shows that real and imaginary parts of Ω(E) are related through a Hilbert transform. - Exercice II.8 Halperin’s result (1965) : In exercice II.6, we have obtained an integral representation of the IDoS, due to Frisch and Lloyd [55]. An integral representation of the Lyapunov exponent could be obtained similarly from the knowledge of the stationary distribution f (z). In this exercice we show that γ and N can be expressed in terms of Airy functions. This result is due to Halperin [63]. R a) Fourier transform the differential equation (II.51) : fˆ(q) = dz e−iqz f (z). 26 b) Solve the differential equation for fˆ(q) on R+ (find the solution decaying for q → +∞). Deduce that the complex Lyapunov exponent is σ 1/3 Ai0 (ξ) − i Bi0 (ξ) Ω(E) = γ(E) − iπ N (E) = 2 Ai(ξ) − i Bi(ξ) 2/3 2 where ξ = − E. σ (II.80) c) Recover the asymptotic behaviour for the Lyapunov exponent and the low energy density of states (use that the Wronskian of the two Airy functions is W [Ai, Bi] = 1/π). Appendix : Airy equation f 00 (z) = z f (z) admits independent real solutions Ai and Bi asymptotic 2 two 3/2 2 with3/2 1 π −1 behaviours Ai(z) ' √π (−z)1/4 cos 3 (−z) − 4 and Bi(z) ' √π (−z)1/4 sin 3 (−z) − π4 for z → −∞, and Ai(z) ' 2√π1z 1/4 exp − 23 z 3/2 and Bi(z) ' 2√π1z 1/4 exp 32 z 3/2 for z → +∞. II.D Self-averaging and non self-averaging quantities – Conductance distribution Importance of fluctuations.– Note that the Furstenberg theorem does not characterize the fluctuations of the wave function, but only the average growth rate. Generalised central limit theorems have been developed for products of random matrices [58, 70, 76] (see [30, chapter √ V]). Generalised central limit theorems state that fluctuations grow like x. Precisely, if one introduces a Wiener process 9 W (x), we can write “ ln |ψ(x)| = γ x + √ γ2 W (x) ” . (II.81) The presence of the “· · · ” is here to remind that this representation only holds over large scales x `c , where `c is the correlation length, and neglect the rapid oscillations of the wave function on short scale. 10 Relative fluctuations of ln |ψ(x)| are negligible, however, when considering the wave function ψ(x) itself, fluctuations appear in the exponential and can therefore have a very strong effect on physical quantities, like the local DoS [12]. For example they dominate the moments of the wave function 1 2 q h|ψ(x)| i = exp q γ2 + qγ x (II.82) 2 Single parameter scaling (SPS) hypothesis.– The analysis of the fluctuations have plaid a very important role in the theory of disordered systems since the early steps of the scaling theory. The most simple scaling hypothesis was assumed, i.e. a single parameter scaling theory [1, 13]. This was to assume that the full distribution of random quantities (like the conductance) is controlled by a single length scale, i.e. γ = γ2 (note that this property is only asymptotically for E → ∞). It was later realised that such an assumption only holds in the weak disorder regime/high energy, whereas the study of the strong disorder/low energy regime requires a two parameter scaling theory [34] (i.e. average and fluctuations are controlled by two different scales γ > γ2 ). 9 A Wiener process W (x) is a normalised Brownian motion, i.e. a Gaussian process characterised by hW (x)i = 0 and hW (x)W (x0 )i = min(x, x0 ). 10 More rigorously we can follow the phase formalism : we perform the change of variable (ψ, ψ 0 ) → (ξ, θ) p according to ψ = eξ sin θ and ψ 0 = keξ cos θ. Considering the envelope eξ = ψ 2 + (ψ 0 /k)2 is a natural way to √ eliminate the oscillations. We write more corretly ξ(x) = γ x + γ2 W (x) (although this relation is only true over scale larger than the correlation length). 27 2 1.2 1 1.5 and 1 2 0.8 2 / 1 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 E E Figure 9: The two cumulants of γ1 = limx→∞ x1 ln |ψ(x)| (red cross) and γ2 = d2 limx→∞ x1 Var ln |ψ(x)| (blue squares) for the model − dx 2 + V (x) as a function of the energy. 2/3 Whereas γ1 ' γ2 for E σ , they strongly deviates at low energy γ1 γ2 for −E σ 2/3 . From [95]. Distribution of the conductance/transmission probability.– If we consider the solution of the initial value problem ψ(x), say ψ(0) = 1 and ψ 0 (0) = 0 for example, we can express the dimensionless conductance (i.e. the transmission probability) of a long wire as g ≈ |ψ(L)|−2 (II.83) This relation is only true for long L ξE . In principle the conductance involves a property of the eigenstates (the scattering state) that is constructed by satisfying some appropriate matching at the boundaries [15, 105], however over large scales, the wave function behaves exponentially and loose the memory of its initial condition. We immediatly deduce that ln g is distributed according to a normal distribution. Moreover, assuming SPS, i.e. considering the weak disorder √ regime, energydisorder, we use ln |ψ(x)| = γx + γ W (x) (SPS) [15, 105] leading to PL (ln g) ' √ (ln g + 2γL)2 1 exp − . 8γL 8πγL (II.84) The distribution of the conductance itself is log-normal. The moments of the conductance are immediatly deduced from (II.82), which shows that they increase exponentially fast : hg n i ' e(2n−1)nγL . (II.85) In particular the relation hg n i1/n ' e(2n−1)γL shows that the moment of order n characterises fluctuations exponentially larger than the moment of order n − 1. Conclusion : • g is not self averaging. • II.E 1 L ln g is self averaging. Experiment with cold atoms Anderson localisation is an interference effect, and thus requires coherence on a large scale. In metals, Anderson localisation competes with interaction whose effect is twofold : first it breaks phase coherence in the weak disorder regime, second it can induce localisation (Mott transition) in the strong localisation regime. 28 In 1958, P.W. Anderson predicted the exponential wave functions in space has been reported in condensed localization1 of electronic wave functions in disordered matter. crystals and the resulting absence of diffusion. It has been realized later that Anderson localization (AL) is ubiquitous in wave physics2 as it originates from the interference between multiple scattering paths, and this has prompted an intense activity. Experimentally, In optics, Anderson localisation is difficult (but not impossible) to distinguish from absorplocalization has been reported in light waves3,4,5,6,7, tion. microwaves8,9, sound waves10, and electron11 gases but to1 our knowledge there is no direct observation of Recently, a spatial beautiful observation of (electrons localisation of matter waves has been achieved in a cold exponential localization of matter-waves n of Anderson atom localization ofHere, matter-waves in aiscontrolled or others). we report the observation of exponential experiment. An atomic gas trapped by a harmonic well (figure 10.a). A disordered polocalization of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) released tential into is superimposed, resulting a speckle pattern (blue) together with a one-dimensional a one-dimensional waveguide in from the presence of a 12 controlled disorderAt created by laser speckle . We the operate 1 1 1 1 confinment (pink). some initial time harmonic well is released (figure 10.b) : a fraction se1, Zhanchun Zuo1, Alain Bernard , Ben Hambrecht , Pierre Lugan , David Clément , in 1a regime allowing AL: i) weak disorder such that 1 , Philippe Bouyer1 & Alain Aspect of the gas remains the disordered localization resultslocalised from many by quantum reflections of potential (green profile on figure b), exhibiting small amplitude; ii) atomic density small enough that exponential tails. ThisCampus experiment is therefore ry de l'Institut d'Optique, CNRS and Univ. Paris-Sud, RD atomic 128, F- a rather direct observation of exponential localinteractions are negligible. We Polytechnique, image directly the rance profiles vs time, and Fig. find that weak (although disorder can what is observed is not a wave function but a isation density of wave functions, 10.d, lead to the stopping of the expansion and to the formation densityofwave profile). remarkable control on amicroscopic parameters in cold atom experiment n predicted the exponential functionsThe in space has localized been reported condensed a stationary exponentially wave infunction, wave functions in disordered matter. direct of AL. Fitting the exponential wings, we allows for asignature quantitative analysis. bsence of diffusion. It has been extract the localization length, and compare it to derson localization (AL) is theoretical calculations. Moreover we show that, in our cs2 as it originates from the one-dimensional speckle potentials whose noise spectrum iple scattering paths, and this has a high spatial frequency cut-off, exponential nse activity. Experimentally, localization occurs only when the de Broglie wavelengths ported in light waves3,4,5,6,7, of the atoms in the expanding BEC are larger than an s10, and electron11 gases but to effective mobility edge corresponding to that cut-off. In of exponential localization. a) A no direct observation of the opposite case, we find that the density profiles decay Figure 1. Observation 4 small BEC (1.7 x 10 atoms) is formed in a hybrid trap, which tion of matter-waves (electrons algebraically, as predicted in ref 13. The method is the combination of a horizontal optical waveguide ensuring the observation of exponential presented here can be extended to localization of atomic a strong transverse confinement, and a loose magnetic ein condensate (BEC) released quantum gases in higher dimensions, and with controlled longitudinal trap. A weak disordered optical potential, aveguide in the presence of a interactions. transversely invariant over the atomic cloud, is superimposed by laser speckle12. We operate (disorder amplitude VR small compared to the chemical i) weak disorder such that The transport of quantum particles in non ideal potential !in of the atoms in the initial BEC). b) When the many quantum reflections of material media (e.g. the conduction of electrons in an longitudinal trap is switched off, the BEC starts expanding and ic density small enough that imperfect crystal) is strongly affected by scattering from the then localises, as observed by direct imaging of the We image directly the atomic impurities of the medium. Even for weak disorder, semi- fluorescence of the atoms irradiated by a resonant probe. On a and b, false colour images and sketched profiles are for d find that weak disorder can classical theories, such as those based on the Boltzmann illustration purpose, they are not exactly on scale. c-d) expansion and to the formation equation for matter-waves scattering from the impurities, Density profile of the localised BEC, 1s after release, in linear lly localized wave function, a often fail to describe transport properties2, and fully quantum or semi-logarithmic coordinates. The inset of Fig d (rms width ting the exponential wings, we approaches are necessary. For instance, the celebrated ot the profile vs time t, with or without disordered potential) length, and compare it to Anderson localization1, which predicts metal-insulator shows that the stationary regime is reached after 0.5 s. The oreover we show that, in our transitions, is based on interference between multiple diamond at t=1s corresponds to the data shown in Fig c-d. otentials whose noise spectrum scattering paths, leading to localized wave functions with Blue solid lines in Fig c are exponential fits to the wings, equency cut-off, exponential exponentially decaying profiles. While Anderson's theory corresponding to the straight lines of Fig d. The narrow profile hen the de Broglie wavelengths applies to non-interacting particles in static (quenched) at the centre represents the trapped condensate before release (t=0). ding BEC are larger than an disordered potentials1, both thermal phonons and repulsive 14,15 rresponding to that cut-off. In inter-particle interactions significantly affect AL . To our Figure 1. Observation of exponential localization. a) A that the density profiles decay knowledge, 4 no direct of of exponentially localized Figure 10: Strong atoms localised by the random potential resulting from a small BEC (1.7 x localisation 10 observation atoms) is formed incold a hybrid trap, which ed in ref 13. The method is the combination of a horizontal optical waveguide ensuring 2008-04-14,09:04:00 ended to localization ofSpeckle atomic preprint.doc, pattern. From Ref. [28]. a strong transverse confinement, and a loose magnetic imensions, and with controlled longitudinal trap. A weak disordered optical potential, transversely invariant over the atomic cloud, is superimposed (disorder amplitude VR small compared to the chemical potential !in of the atoms in the initial BEC). b) When the longitudinal trap is switched off, the BEC starts expanding and then localises, as observed by direct imaging of the fluorescence of the atoms irradiated by a resonant probe. On a and b, false colour images and sketched profiles are for illustration purpose, they are not exactly on scale. c-d) Density profile of the localised BEC, 1s after release, in linear or semi-logarithmic coordinates. The inset of Fig d (rms width ot the profile vs time t, with or without disordered potential) shows that the stationary regime is reached after 0.5 s. The diamond at t=1s corresponds to the data shown in Fig c-d. Blue solid lines in Fig c are exponential fits to the wings, corresponding to the straight lines of Fig d. The narrow profile at the centre represents the trapped condensate before release (t=0). uantum particles in non ideal conduction of electrons in an y affected by scattering from the Even for weak disorder, semithose based on the Boltzmann Anderson localisation is an interference effect. scattering from the impurities, rt properties2, and fully quantum For instance, the celebrated Discuss paper by Berry & Klein [26] which predicts metal-insulator interference between multiple localized wave functions with files. While Anderson's theory particles in static (quenched) thermal phonons and repulsive In practice, the strictly one-dimensional description may not be relevant, in particular in the gnificantly affect AL14,15. To our context of electronic transport. Most of the experiments on quantum wires deal with wires vation of exponentially localized II.F Transfer matrix and scattering matrix : Anderson localisation versus Ohm’s law II.G The quasi-1D situation (multichannel case) with a large number of conducting channels Nc 1 (metallic wires are equivalent, for electronic waves, to optical waveguides for electromagnetic waves). Only few experimental setup correspond to the 1D situation : conducting carbon nanotubes are effectively 1D with 4 degenerate channels, the cleaved edge overgrowth technics also allows to realise 1D devices (spin degenerate) [42]. However, in these cases, the existence of interaction drastically affect the electronic properties and the 1D electron liquid cannot be described like a Fermi liquid. 29 Some of the ideas introduced for the strictly 1D case can be extended to the multichannel case : it is possible to develop a transfer matrix formalism, known as the DMPK formalism [44, 87, 45]. An excellent review article is the one written by Beenakker [20] (also see the book [86]). Assuming some maximal entropy principle (i.e. conducting channels are all mixed with equal probability after an elementary slice of disorder medium) it is possible to obtain a spectrum of Lyapunov exponents characterising the transfer matrix. One obtains a linear spectrum [20] γn = 1 1 + β (n − 1) αd `e 2 + β (Nc − 1) for n ∈ {1, · · · , Nc } (II.86) where β ∈ {1, 2, 4} is the Dyson index 11 and `e the elastic mean free path. αd = Vd /Vd−1 is a number of order 1 (Vd = π d/2 /Γ(d/2 + 1) being the volume of the unit sphere). The smallest Lyapunov exponent is interpreted as the inverse localisation length, which thus scales as ξ ∼ Nc `e (II.87) An interesting outcome of this analysis is the identification of a new regime that was not present in the strictly 1D situation. Considering a wire of finite length L with a large number of channels Nc 1, there exists a room between the localised regime (L ξ ∼ Nc `e ) and the ballistic regime (`e L) for a new regime : the diffusive regime (`e L ξ). This regime will be the main subject of investigation of the chapter IV. Further reading Localisation and spectral properties of 1D disordered discrete models are described in the pedagogical book of J.-M. Luck [80]. More diverse but less pedagogical reference is the book by Lifshits, Gredeskul & Pastur [79]. The reader interested in mathematical aspects can have a look on Bougerol, Carmona & Lacroix’ monographs [30, 32]. A recent review on Lyapunov exponent for 1D localisation is [39]. For the study of the multichannel disordered wires : the pedagogical review of Beenakker [20] or the more complete book of Mello & Kumar [86]. A nice little review article on multichannel disordered wires in the presence of interaction is [88]. 11 In random matrix theory, Dyson index corresponds to the symmetry of the problem : β = 1 corresponds to a problem with TRS (time reversal symmetry). β = 2 in the presence of a strong magnetic field breaking TRS. β = 4 when the disorder breaks the spin rotational symmetry (with TRS). 30 Appendix : Langevin equation and Fokker-Planck equation a) Preliminary : Gaussian white noise and Wiener process We introduce a normalised Gaussian white noise η(t), distributed according to the measure Z 1 (II.88) dt η(t)2 , P [η] = exp − 2 i.e. such that hη(t)i = 0 and hη(t)η(t0 )i = δ(t − t0 ). The solution of the differential equation dW (t) = η(t) dt (II.89) with initial condition W (0) = 0 is a Wiener process. It is obvious that W (t) = Gaussian process, characterised by the correlation function W (t) W (t0 ) = min t, t0 . Rt 0 dt0 η(t0 ) is a (II.90) Rescaling the time : let us consider the mapping t = f (u), where f is a function increasing monotenously. We have δ(u − u0 ) η(f (u)) η(f (u0 )) = (II.91) f 0 (u) what we rewrite under the form of an “equality in law ” η(u) (law) η(f (u)) = p f 0 (u) (II.92) meaning that the two sides of the equation have the same statistical properties (they are both Gaussian and have the same two point correlation function). As a trivial example we choose f (t) = α t, where α is a positive number 1 (law) η(α t) = √ η(t) α ⇒ (law) W (α t) = √ α W (t) , (II.93) which is the usual scaling property of the Brownian motion. b) Stochastic differential equation and Fokker-Planck equation We recall some basic tools for homogeneous random process (process with no jumps). Consider the stochastic differential equation (SDE) 12 d x(t) = F(x(t)) + B(x(t)) η(t) , dt (II.94) p interpreted within the Stratonovich convention. F(x) is a force (drift) and B(x) = 2D(x) describes an inhomogeneous diffusion constant. The SDE is related to the Fokker Planck equation ∂ 1 P (x; t) = G † P (x; t) where G = B(x)∂x B(x)∂x + F(x)∂x (II.95) ∂t 2 is the generator of the diffusion, i.e. the backward generator, adjoint of the forward generator G † = 12 ∂x B(x)∂x B(x) − ∂x F(x). The Fokker-Planck equation may be written under the form of a conservation equation ∂ ∂ 1 P (x; t) = − J(x; t) where J(x; t) = F(x) − B(x)∂x B(x) P (x; t) (II.96) ∂t ∂x 2 12 which Mathematicians prefer to write dx(t) = F(x(t)) dt + B(x(t)) dW (t). 31 is the current density (in 1D, current density is a current). Generalization to higher dimensions is rather natural ; it may be found in standard monographs like [59]. Consider the set of SDEs d xi (t) = Fi (~x(t)) + Bij (~x(t)) ηj (t) dt (II.97) with implicit summation over repeated indices. ηi ’s are identical and independent noises hηi (t)ηj (t0 )i = δij δ(t − t0 ). The generator of the diffusion is now 1 G = Bik ∂i Bjk ∂j + Fi ∂i , 2 (II.98) where ∂i ≡ ∂/∂xi . c) The case of a constant diffusion constant Let us focus on the simpler case where the diffusion constant is uniform in space : B(x)2 = 2D. In 1D, the drift (the force) can always be written as the derivative of a potential : F(x) = −U 0 (x). In this case it is useful to write G† = D 1 d 0 d d2 d 1 + U (x) = D e− D U (x) e D U (x) 2 dx dx dx dx (II.99) Stationary state.– This form of the generator immediatly allows to find the solution of G † P (x) = 0, i.e. the stationary state. Three possibilities : 1. The solution 1 Peq (x) = C e− D U (x) (II.100) is normalisatble. This describes an equilibrium state. 2. Peq (x) is non normalisable, however the solution with finite current Z J − 1 U (x) x 0 1 U (x0 ) D PJ (x) = − e dx e D D (II.101) is normalisable, now describing an out-of-equilibrium stationary state. 3. If none of the solutions is normalisable, the problem considered simply does not have a stationary state. Examples : k 1. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.– For F(x) = −2k x, the equilibrium solution Peq (x) = C e− D x is normalisable. 2 2. For F(x) = F0 − x2 , the potential is unbounded from below U(x) = −F0 x + 31 x3 , however the stationary distribution PJ (x) is normalisable. 3. Brownian motion.– For F(x) = 0, none of the two solutions Peq (x) and PJ (x) is normalisable and there exist no stationary state. 32 - Exercice II.9 Mapping between the Wiener and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes : d Consider a Wiener process, described by the SDE dt x(t) = η(t), where η(t) is a Gaussian white noise. Check that the transformation τ = ln t x(t) y(τ ) = √ t (II.102) (II.103) maps the Wiener process onto the Ornstein-Ulhenbeck process d 1 y(τ ) = − y(τ ) + η(τ ) . dτ 2 33 (II.104) Problem : Weak disorder expansion in 1D lattice models and band center anomaly Let us consider the 1D Anderson (tight binding) model −t ψn+1 + Vn ψn − t ψn−1 = ε ψn (II.105) where t is the coupling between nearest neighbouring sites and Vn a random potential. In the absence of potential, eigenstates are plane waves ψn = eikn of energy εk = −2t cos k, where the (dimensionless) wavevector belongs to the Brillouin zone k ∈ [−π, π]. Plane waves are characterised by the following density of states and Lyapunov exponent : 1 ρ0 (ε) = p π (2t)2 − ε2 ⇒ N0 (ε) = 1 1 − arccos(ε/2t) 2 π γ0 (ε) = argcosh|ε/2t| (II.106) (II.107) 1/ Recover rapidly these properties. Check that γ0 (ε) and N0 (ε) are real and imaginary part of an analytic function of ε. A natural question is the search for weak disorder expansions of the density of states and the Lyapunov exponent under the form of a weak disorder expansion (perturbative like). For 2 uncorrelated site potentials, hVn Vm i ∝ δn,m , with finite moments, hVn i = 0, Vn < ∞, etc, one finds [43, 80] 3 Vn + O(Vn5 ) (II.108) N (ε) = N0 (ε) − 3 3 3 2 24π t sin k V (II.109) γ(ε) = 2 n 2 + O(Vn4 ) 8t sin k where k parametrizes the energy ε = −2t cos k. 2/ Plot the qualitative ρ(ε) and γ(ε) expected from these formulae (with the one corresponding to Vn = 0). It was however observed, numerically by Czycholl, Kramer & MacKinnon [40], and by Kappus and Wegner [71], that these formulae fail to describe accuratly the band center properties (ε → 0, i.e. k → π/2). This is at first sight surprising : although it is clear that the expansion has some problem at the band egdes, k → 0 ou π, where disorder is non perturbative, this seems not to be the case in the band center. Inspection of the full series however shows that it breaks down at the band center. It was shown by Derrida and Gardner [43] that the correct weak disorder expansion is Γ(3/4) 2 Vn2 γ(ε) = + O(ε) (II.110) Γ(1/4) t2 showing a small difference with the previous expansion, 0.125 vs 0.114... This phenomenon, denoted the “band center anomaly” (or “Kappus Wegner anomaly”), is a lattice effect due to commensurability. In order to clarify this, we now develop a continuum model. This is conveniently done by Fourier transforming the difference equation (II.105). X ˜ ψ(k) = ψn e−ikn (II.111) n Z +π ψn = −π dk ˜ ψ(k) eikn 2π 34 (II.112) (we recall the Poisson formula ikn ne P = 2π P n δ(k − 2πn)). 3/ Rewrite the Schr¨ odinger equation in Fourier space. 4/ We write Vn = A0 (na) + (−1)n m(na) where a is the lattice spacing ; A0 (x) and m(x) are two smooth functions. Discuss the qualitative structure of the Fourier transform V˜ (k). The low energy properties of the model involves the Fourier components of the wave function at k ∼ ±π/2. Argue that only the potential’s Fourier components |q| 1 and |π ± q| 1 are of importance in this case. 5/ For |κ| 1, we introduce ˜ ψ(π/2 + κ) = ϕ(κ) ˜ (II.113) ˜ ψ(−π/2 + κ) = χ(κ) ˜ (II.114) Show that the ϕ(κ) ˜ and χ(κ) ˜ obeys two coupled equations. Going back to real space, deduce that the low energy properties of the Anderson model are described by the Dirac equation for HD = −iσ3 v0 ∂x + σ1 m(x) + A0 (x) HD Ψ(x) = ε Ψ(x) (II.115) where Ψ = (ϕ, χ). At the light of this result, can you explain the breakdown of the weak disorder expansion at the band center ? 6/ The large scale (low energy) properties of the model are conveniently described by considering white noises : A0 (x) A0 (x0 ) = g0 δ(x − x0 ) (II.116) 0 0 m(x) m(x ) = gπ δ(x − x ) (II.117) (II.118) The zero energy Lyapunov exponent has been computed exactly in this case [36, 95] and is given by elliptic integrals (now v0 = 1) 1 E(ξ) 1 γ(0) = gπ − 1 + 1 with ξ = p (II.119) 2 ξ K(ξ) 1 + g0 /gπ What is the value of g0 /gπ describing the case originally studied of uncorrelated site potentials hVn Vm i ∝ δn,m ? How can one makes the small anomaly large ? Appendix : we recall few properties of the Elliptic integrals Z π/2 dt p K(k) = 0 1 − k 2 sin2 t Z π/2 p E(k) = dt 1 − k 2 sin2 t For k → 1− we have (setting k 0 = √ (II.121) 0 1 − k2 ) 2 K(k) = ln(4/k 0 ) + O(k 0 ln k 0 ) 1 2 4 E(k) = 1 + k 0 ln(4/k 0 ) − 1/2 + O(k 0 ln(1/k 0 )) 2 We give (II.120) √ E(1/ 2) 2Γ(3/4) 2 √ −1= 2 Γ(1/4) K(1/ 2) 35 (II.122) (II.123) (II.124) Master iCFP - Wave in random media May 3, 2015 TD 2 : Thouless relation We demonstrate a relation between the Lyapunov exponent (i.e. the localisation) and the density of states. This relation relies on the existence of an analytic function encoding both informations. A. Discrete tight binding model.– We study the Sch¨odinger equation on a regular 1D lattice : −ψn+1 + Vn ψn − ψn−1 = ε ψn (II.125) We first consider the problem on N sites n ∈ {1, · · · , N } and impose the boundary conditions ψ0 = ψN +1 = 0 (the quantification equation) resulting in the spectrum of N eigenvalues {εα }. 1/ We denote by Ψn (ε) the solution of the initial value problem Eq. (II.125) with Ψ0 (ε) = 0 and Ψ1 (ε) = 1. Argue that ΨN +1 (ε) is the polynomial of degree N ΨN +1 (ε) = N Y (εα − ε) . (II.126) α=1 2/ Thouless relation.– We define the density of states per site, which is a continuous function in the limit N → ∞, and the Lyapunov exponent def N 1 X δ(ε − εα ) N →∞ N ρ(ε) = lim and def ln |ΨN +1 (ε)| . N →∞ N γ(ε) = lim (II.127) dε0 ρ(ε0 ) ln |ε0 − ε| (II.128) α=1 Deduce the relation Z γ(ε) = 3/ Complex Lyapunov exponent (characteristic function).– We consider the analytic function ln ΨN +1 (ε) def Ω(ε) = lim for ε ∈ C . (II.129) N →∞ N Discuss its analytic properties. Show that the Lyapunov exponent and the density of states are related to the real and imaginary parts of Ω(ε) on the real axis. What is the relation of this observation with the Thouless relation ? Hint : we recall limη→0± ln(x + iη) = ln |x| ± iπ θH (−x). 4/ As a first (trivial) application of the concept of complex Lyapunov exponent, we consider the free problem (Vn = 0). a) What is the spectrum of the Schr¨ odinger equation (II.125) in this case ? b) We consider an energy ε = −2 cosh q < −2. Find Ψn (ε) and deduce Ω(ε). c) By an analytic continuation, deduce the spectral density ρ(ε). Plot on the same graph the Lyapunov exponent γ(ε) and the spectral density ρ(ε). Hint : √ √ argcosh(x) = ln(x + x2 − 1) for x ∈ R+ and arcsin(x) = −i ln(ix + 1 − x2 ) for x ∈ [−1, +1]. d ) In the presence of a weak disordered potential, what behaviours do you expect for ρ(ε) and γ(ε) ? 36 B. Continuous model.– In this part we consider the continuous model d2 − 2 + V (x) ϕ(x) = E ϕ(x) dx (II.130) where V (x) is a Gaussian white noise of zero mean with hV (x)V (x0 )i = σ δ(x − x0 ). We denote by ψ(x; E) the solution of the Cauchy problem satisfying ψ(0; E) and ψ 0 (0; E) = 1, where 0 ≡ ∂ . We will make use of the concept of complex Lyapunov exponent in order to get analytic x expressions for the Lyapunov exponent and the spectral density. def Riccati analysis.– The Riccati variable z(x; E) = ψ 0 (x; E)/ψ(x; E) obeys the Langevin equation z 0 = −E − z 2 + V (x). The probability current of the Riccati variable through R coincides with the integrated density of states (IDoS) per unit length N (E). It solves σ d 2 (II.131) + E + z f (z; ) = N (E) 2 dz where f (z; E) is the (normalised) probability density for the stationary process z(x; E). 1/ Using only the definition of z(x; E), show that its average hzi coincides with the Lyapunov exponent ln |ψ(x; E)| γ(E) = lim . (II.132) x→∞ x 2/ We consider the Fourier transform of the distribution Z fˆ(q; E) = dz e−iqz f (z; E) (II.133) Argue that Im[fˆ0 (0+ ; E)] = −γ(E). Fourier transforming Eq. (II.131), show that Re[fˆ0 (0+ ; E)] = − Re[fˆ0 (0− ; E)] = π N (E). Deduce the relation between fˆ0 (0+ ; E) and the complex Lyapunov exponent Ω(E) = γ(E) − iπ N (E) . (II.134) ˆ 3/ Justify that fˆ(0; E) = 1 and that that the solution on R+∗ f (q; E) decays at infinity. Show vanishing at infinity is fˆ(q; E) = C Ai(−E − iq) − i Bi(−E − iq) (for σ/2 = 1). 4/ Recover the asymptotic behaviours for the Lyapunov exponent and the low energy density of states. Appendix : Airy equation f 00 (z) = z f (z) admits independent real solutions Ai and Bi asymptotic 2 two 3/2 2 with3/2 1 π −1 √ √ behaviours Ai(z) ' π (−z)1/4 cos 3 (−z) − 4 and Bi(z) ' π (−z)1/4 sin 3 (−z) − π4 for z → −∞, and Ai(z) ' 2√π1z 1/4 exp − 23 z 3/2 and Bi(z) ' 2√π1z 1/4 exp 32 z 3/2 for z → +∞. The Wronskian of the two Airy functions is W [Ai, Bi] = Ai Bi0 − Ai0 Bi = 1/π. Further reading : • J.-M. Luck, Syst`emes d´esordonn´es unidimensionnels, coll. Al´ea Saclay, (1992). • The Thouless relation was introduced in : D. J. Thouless, A relation between the density of states and range of localization for one-dimensional random systems, J. Phys. C: Solid St. Phys. 5, 77 (1972). • Exact calculation of N (E) for the continuous model has been performed in : B. I. Halperin, Green’s Functions for a Particle in a One-Dimensional Random Potential, Phys. Rev. 139(1A), A104–A117 (1965). • The interest of the method we have exposed here is to relate the determination of the complex Lyapunov exponent to the resolution of a differential equation. This has been recently exploited for a more general class of models in : A. Grabsch, C. Texier and Y. Tourigny, One-dimensional disordered quantum mechanics and Sinai diffusion with random absorbers, J. Stat. Phys. 155(2), 237–276 (2014). 37 Master iCFP - Wave in random media May 3, 2015 TD 3 : Localisation for the random Kronig-Penney model – Concentration expansion and Lifshits tail The aim of the problem is to study a 1D disordered model introduced by Frisch and Lloyd in Ref. [55]. This model is a random version of the Kronig-Penney model H=− X d2 + vn δ(x − xn ) . dx2 n (II.135) Impurity positions xn ’s are distributed identically and independently for a uniform mean density ρ. We consider the case where the weights vn ’s are also independent random variables. 13 We prove the Anderson localisation of eigenstates and analyse the low energy density of states. 1/ The positions are ordered as x0 = 0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn < · · · Denoting by `n = xn+1 − xn > 0 the distance between consecutive impurities, recall the distribution of these lengths. 2/ Riccati.– We denote by ψ(x; E) the solution of the initial value problem Hψ(x; E) = E ψ(x; E) with ψ(0; E) = 0 and ψ 0 (0; E) = 1. Derive the stochastic differential equation condef trolling the evolution of the Riccati variable z(x) = ψ 0 (x; E)/ψ(x; E). − 3/ Describe the effect of the random potential on its dynamics (i.e. relate z(x+ n ) to z(xn )). 4/ We denote by f (z; x) = hδ(z − z(x))i the probability distribution of the random process. Show that the distribution of the Riccati variable obeys the integro-differential equation ∂x f (z; x) = ∂z (E + z 2 )f (z; x) + ρ hf (z − v; x) − f (z; x)iv (II.136) where h· · ·iv denotes averaging over the random weights vn ’s. Hint : analyse the effects of the two terms of the SDE in order to relate f (z; x + dx) to f (z 0 ; x). 5/ Probability current and stationary distribution.– Rewrite (II.136) under the form of a conservation equation ∂x f (z; x) = −∂z J(z; x), where J(z; x) is the probability current density. We have seen that the disribution reaches a stationary distribution f (z; x) −→ f (z) for a x→∞ steady current J(z; x) −→ −N , related to the Integrated density of states per unit length of x→∞ the disordered Hamiltonian. Show that the stationary distribution obeys the integral equation Z z 2 0 0 N (E) = (E + z )f (z) − ρ dz f (z ) . (II.137) z−v v What is the condition on the weights vn for having a non vanishing density of states for E < 0 ? 6/ High density limit.– We consider the case hvn i = 0. Discuss the limit ρ → ∞ and vn → 0 with σ = ρ vn2 fixed (no calculation). 7/ Small concentration expansion.– We now discuss the opposite limit when ρ vn . We search for the solution of the integro-differential equation under the form of an expansion f (z) = 13 Note that Frisch and Lloyd considered the case of random positions and fixed weights. The case of non random positions (on a lattice) and fixed weights was considered earlier by Schmidt in [99]. The case of random positions and random weights was also considered in several papers, e.g. by Nieuwenhuizen [90]. 38 f (0) (z) + f (1) (z) + f (2) (z) + · · · where f (n) = O(ρn ). Accordingly the density of states presents a similar expansion N = N (0) + N (1) + · · · We recall that the Lyapunov exponent is given by Z γ = r dz z f (z) R where Z Z def r dz h(z) = lim R +R R→+∞ −R Z dz h(z) = dz R h(z) + h(−z) (II.138) 2 a) Compute f (1) and deduce that the Lyapunov exponent at lowest order in ρ is v 2 ρ n γ= ln 1 + + O(ρ2 ) 2 2k vn (II.139) Hint : We give the integral Z π t (arctan(t) − arctan(t − x)) = ln 1 + (x/2)2 , (II.140) dt 2 t +1 2 R i−t which could be computed by writing arctan(t) = 2i1 ln i+t and using the Residue’s theorem. b) Study the limiting cases, setting E = k 2 : (i) High energy limit k vn , ρ. (ii) Intermediate energy range, vn k ρ. (iii) The concentration expansion breaks down at k ∼ ρ. What is the estimate for the saturation value at E = 0 ? 8/ Lifshits tail.– For positive weights vn , the sectrum is in R+ . An approximation for the low energy IDoS can be obtained as follows. In the limit vnP→ ∞ the intervals between impurities ∞ 2 are disconnected. We introduce the IDoS N (E; `) = n=1 θH (E − (nπ/`) ) for the interval of length `. Shows that the IDoS per unit length of the disordered Hamiltonian is given by N (E) ' ρ hN (E; `)i` for ρ → 0. Deduce an explicit form for N (E) and analyse the low energy behaviour E ρ2 . Further reading : This analysis was performed in our article with Tom Bienaim´e, Ref. [27]. More information about the concentration expansion and be found in the book of Lishits, Gredeskul and Pastur [79]. 39 III Scaling theory : qualitative picture Aim : The analysis of the 1D situation (chapter II) is interesting because it can be performed with the help of powerful (non perturbative) methods. The drawback is that we completely miss the rich phenomenology of Anderson localisation because dimensionality plays a crucial role. We give a first presentation of the famous scaling theory developed by the “gang of four” [1] inspired by Thouless ideas [112, 13]. This will provide the useful concepts in order to have a general view on localisation effects. III.A Several types of insulators Several types of insulators in condensed matter : • Band insulator (Fermi energy in a gap) • Topological insulator (insulating phase in the presence of a topological constraint). An interesting aspect : existence of edge states between regions characterised by different topological properties. Example : quantum Hall state. • Mott insulator : transport is forbidden due to a strong Coulomb interaction (example : a lattice with one electron per site and interaction U → ∞) • Anderson insulator : eigenstates becomes localised due to disorder. III.B Models of disorder • Distribution of on site potential • Correlation functions Anderson model Lattice model : ~r ∈ Zd . Tight-binding Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour couplings pure crystal W < Wc localised E ρ(E) Es delocalised delocalised W =0 (III.1) µ=1 localised ρ(E) δ~r,~r 0 +~eµ + δ~r,~r 0 −~eµ + δ~r,~r 0 V~r E weakly disordered crystal ρ(E) W > Wc localised H~r,~r 0 = −t d X E strongly disordered crystal Figure 11: Sketch of the DoS for the 3D Anderson model. Left : In the absence of disorder. Center : With “weak” disorder, i.e. below the threshold for complete localisation W < Wc . Existence of a mobility edge at ES . Right : Above the threshold W > Wc (for the cubic lattice Wc = 16.3 ± 0.5 [74]). 40 Edwards model : imurities H = −∆ + III.C X n vn δ(~r − ~rn ) (III.2) What is localisation ? Transport properties Vanishing of the diffusion constant D = 0 ~r(t)2 =0 lim t→∞ t (III.3) Inverse partition ratio In a box of volume Ld , i.e. ~r ∈ Zd where xµ ∈ {1, · · · , L}. Study the behaviour IPR X I(L) = |ψ~r |4 (III.4) ~ r∈ box with L : • Delocalised : I(L) ∼ L−d • Localised : I(L) ∼ ξ −d = L0 Mathematicians The definition of the mathematicians : absolute continuous spectrum (delocalised) versus pure point spectrum (localised). Consider the problem in infinite volume, characterised by the local DoS X ρ(~r; ε) = |ϕn (~r)2 | δ(ε − εn ) . (III.5) n The total density of states is a continuous function, weakly sensitive to the nature of the eigenstates (localised/delocalised), apart on the spectral boundaries. We now integrate the LDoS in a finite volume v Z def ρv (ε) = d~r ρ(~r; ε) (III.6) v Two situations are encountered 1. The eigenstates are localised : ρv (ε) only receives the contributions of the eigenstates localised in the volume v and therefore is a sum of few delta functions. The spectrum is said to be “pure point”. 2. The eigenstates are delocalised : all eigenstates contribute to ρv (ε), which is a continuous function of energy. The spectrum is said to be “absolute continuous”. The point of view of a mathematician on localisation : the course by Werner Kirsch [72]. Let’s forget physics for the Anderson’s paper 50th birthday ! 41 III.D Length scales • λ : wavelength • `corr : correlation length • ` : mean free path • `∗ : transport mean free path • ξloc : localisation length • Lϕ : phase coherence length • L : size of the system L` ` L ξloc ξloc L Lϕ Lϕ L ballistic diffusive localised (by disorder) classical Table 2: Regimes Conductance Conductance of a metallic box of section W d−1 and length L GDrude = σ W d−1 L (III.7) Using Einstein’s relation σ = 2s e2 ρ0 D (III.8) where 2s is the spin degeneracy and ρ0 the density of states per unit volume at Fermi energy per spin channel. ρ0 ∼ n/εF ∼ d−2 m∗ kF , 2 ~ we obtain the dimensionless conductance : e2 G g= ∼ 2s e2 /h def d−2 m∗ kF vF `e d ~2 e2 /~ W d−1 (kF W )d−1 `e ∼ L L (III.9) Nc ∼ (kF W )d−1 is the number of conducting channels. More precisely, electon density is n = 2s Thus 2π~ρ0 D = g = cd (4π)1−d/2 d−1 k `e 2Γ( d2 +1) F (kF W )d−1 `e L Vd kFd kFd = 2 . s (2π)d (4π)d/2 Γ( d2 + 1) (III.10) and 2 where cd = = 1/2 2Γ( d2 + 1) 1/(3π) (4π)1−d/2 42 in d = 1 in d = 2 in d = 3 (III.11) Thouless energy The dimensionless conductance can be expressed in terms of the Thouless energy : DoS=1/δ z }| { W d−1 hD d−1 g = hρ0 D = 2 ρ0 W | {z L} L L (III.12) Vol The dimensionless conductance is given by the ratio of two energies : the Thouless energy, related to the Thouless time τD = L2 /D required to explore the system, and the mean level spacing δ (inverse of the DoS) : g = 2π EThouless δ def where EThouless = ~D L2 (III.13) Ioffe-Regel criterion localisation threshold (for d > 3) : k F `e ∼ 1 III.E (III.14) Scaling theory of localisation Generalities on scaling theories. Explicit calculation for 1D and quasi-1D systems. Scaling theory in arbitrary dimension and possible existence of a metal-insulator transition (Thouless criterion). Experimental results in 3D on light, microwave, acoustic waves, electrons, cold atoms. Large fluctuations in the vicinity of the transition, multifractality of the wavefunctions. Specific case of dimension 2. Importance of the symmetry class. Scaling properties of the plateaux of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (Chalker-Coddington model). Definition of the metallic and insulating phases within the scaling theory In a gedanken experiment, study how the conductance of a cube of size Ld behaves with system size. • L % ⇒ g % : metallic phase • L % ⇒ g & : insulating phase This can be conveniently described by considering the function def β(g) = d ln g d ln L (III.15) The non trivial assumption is that it depends only on one parameter (here chosen to be the conductance). Conclusion of the chapter : Determination of the β(g) function is extremely difficult task. A natural strategy is to consider (quantum) corrections to the classical (Drude) transport. This leads to the developement of the perturbative approach (chapter IV)... 43 Figure 12: Gauche : Allure sch´ematique de la fonction β(g) d’un conducteur d´esordonn´e en dimension d, propos´ee dans la R´ef. [1] (pour une potentiel d´esordonn´e scalaire). La transition d’Anderson ne se produit qu’en dimension strictement sup´erieure ` a 2. Droite : R´esultat obtenu num´eriquement dans la R´ef. [82] pour les dimensions d = 2 & 3 et β(g) = −(1 + g) ln(1 + 1/g) pour d = 1 [13]. W : disorder Wc /t=16.3 Insulator Metal E/t −5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ` gauche : Diagramme de phases pour le mod`ele d’Anderson 3d sur r´eseau cuFigure 13: A 1 bique avec ´energies sur sites distribu´ees selon p() = W θ( 12 W − ||) [en l’absence de d´esordre P ` droite : la bande d’´etats a pour largeur 12t, o` u t est le terme de saut (~k = −2t µ cos kµ )]. A 1 Diagrammes de phase obtenus num´eriquement pour les distributions p() = W θ( 12 W − ||), gaussienne et lorentzienne ; figure tir´ee de [74]. 44 IV Electronic transport in weakly disordered metals : perturbative (diagrammatic) approach Aim : In most of real situations, the disorder is weak compare to the energy of the diffusing particle : this is true for the electron dynamics in a metal or the diffusion of the light in a turbid medium. The aim of the chapter is to give the tools for a quantitative analysis of a weakly disordered medium. Although the presentation will mostly concern electronic transport, the basic concepts can be easily adapted to consider any other types of waves. IV.A 1) Introduction : importance of the weak disorder regime Multiple scattering – Weak disorder regime The aim of the course is to discuss the interaction of a wave with a static disordered potential, i.e. the regime of multiple scattering. The study of simple scattering (by a single scattering center) can be found in many textdσ books : scattering of a wave of wavelength λ is described by a differential cross-section dΩ (θ, ϕ) giving the probabilty the incident particle to be scattered in the direction (θ, ϕ). The total R for dσ cross-section σ = dΩ dΩ measures the probability for the incident particle to interact with the scatterer. In practice, a target is usually made of many equivalent scattering centers with whom the incident particle may interact. If the cross-section and/or the thickness of the sample is large enough, multiple scattering must be taken into account. The typical distance between two collisions by defects is the elastic mean free path `e (i.e. the incident particle interact with a scattering center with probability 1 on a distance & `e ). Let us consider a diffusing medium with a density ni of scattering centers. We expect simple behaviours with σ and ni , precisely `e ∝ 1/σ and `e ∝ 1/ni , thus `e = 1/(ni σ) . (IV.1) Multiple scattering is therefore characterised by two important length scales : the wave length λ (wave) and the m.f.p. `e (disorder). This allows to define the weak disorder regime as λ `e (IV.2) In this case, it is possible to treat each collision perturbatively (in the strength of the disordered potential), however we will have to account for multiple scattering events which will make most 2 results non perturbative. For example, the residual Drude conductivity (at T → 0) σ = nemτe , is inversely proportional to the rate 1/τe which is the perturbative quantity. Example : disordered metals.– Let us consider Gold, a good metal : Fermi wavelength is (bulk) kF−1 = 0.085 nm, which is much smaller than the elastic mean free path, `e ' 4 µm in bulk, (film) or `e ' 20 nm in thin metallic films (thickness . 50 nm). 2) Interference effects in multiple scattering If a wave interacts with many scattering centers, we expect that an extremely complex interference pattern is produced. Let us examine the typical situations where this occurs. First of all, interferences are not necessarily dominant in the situation where a wave diffuses in a turbid medium. For example, in a cloudy day, the light of the sun diffuses inside the clouds, what is the reason for the uniformly white sky. This is not an interference effect. 45 When discussing interference effects, it is always useful to come back to the simple Young double slit experiment. In this case, the two possible paths are each associated with an amplitude and the total intensity involves the sum of two amplitudes I = |A1 + A2 |2 . (IV.3) x B ’ S D I(x) S D I(B) Figure 14: Interference : Young experiment (two path interference) vs multiple path interference. In a disordered medium, the wave can be scattered by many centers, what defines an extremely large number of scattering paths X 2 X X I = AC = (IV.4) AC A∗C 0 |AC |2 + 0 C | C {z } C6|=C {z } incoherent interferences We now discuss few situations where the interference term manifests itself. Example 1 (light) : Speckle pattern (fluctuations).– If coherent light (from a laser) is sent on a disordered medium, the resulting interference pattern is extremely complicate, exhibiting intensity fluctuations of the same order than the mean intensity (right part of Fig. 15). The typical result of such an experiment is shown on Fig. 15 and is called a speckle pattern. In the Young experiment, the specific intensity profile is a signature of the double slit device. Similarly, the speckle pattern is the fingerprint of the disordered potential. Example 2 (light) : Albedo (average).– The speckle pattern is a manifestation of (sample to sample) fluctuations. The complex structure of the interference pattern is due to the rapidly varying phase of the amplitudes AC ' |AC |eik`C in Eq. (IV.4), where `C is the length of the path C. A naive guess could be that such interferences does not survive averaging. This is however not the case. If one considers the configuration represented on Fig. 16, the measurement of the scattered intensity in the direction θ shows some intensity profile almost flat, apart for an increase at back-scattering : I(θ) ' I0 + ICBS (θ) where ICBS (θ) is a very narrow function (we will show that the back-scattering cone has a typical width δθ ∼ 1/k`e ). The experimental data shows that the intensity is almost exactly doubled I(θ = 0) ' 2I0 (Fig. 16). This phenomenon is due to constructive interference of reversed trajectories, leading to an increase of the back-scattering (Fig. 17). Thus, this is an effect of localisation. This can be understood with the help of the qualitative representation (IV.4). Among all interference terms, one is related to the interference of the two paths corresponding to the e Exactly at back-scattering (θ = 0), time reversed sequences of scattering events (path C and C). 46 VOLUME PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 61, NUMBER 20 14 NOVEMBER 1988 I.O— / p 0.5 0 X (b) O ~ 0 0 4 ~ ~ ~ O. I 0' x O I (c) 005 I I 0 LLJ 20 IO S P I 50 cident, and the correlation function shown is that of the initial (reference) speckle pattern with itself. This function is computed in terms of the rightward shift in pixels of a replica of the pattern against the original. For zero shift, the pattern and its replica are, of course, totally correlated, but as the shift increases, correlation is rapidly lost because of the apparently random arrangement of the speckle spots. The 0. 12-mrad full width at half maximum of this autocorrelation function measures the mean angular diameter of a speckle spot, and is in closee agreement with the expected width, which is that of the diffraction pattern of the 6-mm circular aperture used to define the incident laser beam. Other interesting correlation effects can be studied by extending these methods. In Figs. 1(b) and l(c) the laser beam is successively rotated about the sample by a small amount b8. The transmitted speckle pattern may be observed to follow the incident beam direction while slowly changing. The cross correlation function (between the initial reference pattern and the new pattern) accurately tracks this motion, while its peak height decreases as correlation is lost. In Fig. 1(d), the cross-correlation function of two unrelated patterns is shown, and illustrates the expected small statistical fluctuations about zero. The ensemble-averaged correlation function, C(68), is shown for transmission in Fig. 2, and for reflection in Fig. 3. These data represent the recording, digitizing, and analysis of some 250 separate patterns, each containing several hundred speckle spots. As may be seen, in every instance the data are well approximated by a 25 PIXELS FIG. 1. Memory effect. The right-hand side shows images of a small portion of speckle patterns in transmission as the incident laser beam direction is varied. I 40 FIG. 2. Correlation function C(be) in transmission. 88 is the angle of rotation of either the laser beam direction or the sample. The solid lines are least-squares fits with an exponential function. Curve a, ground glass; curve b, 370-pm-thick opal glass; curve b', theory; curve c, 810-pm-thick opal glass; curve c', theory. C3 '0 l 50 Se( d. g) lK lK The arrow at the bottom each image calls attention to the semicircular arc Figure 15:ofa bright Speckle aLeft : Interference pattern resulting from the scattering of a laser spot (the "bulls eye") reference for tracking the of the patterns. The beam (633 nm) by a thin (370 µm) opal glass ; Estimated m.f.p. ` ∼ 100 µm. From Ref. [54]. reference pattern produced a incident laser beam rotated 10 (b) the laser (a), 20 The correlation function (c) mdeg. Right : Scattered light intensity (532 nm) by a powdered Ti:saphire sample. From Ref. [125]. to the left of each image corresponds to the cross-correlation visual initial is shown in mdeg, and in by enclosing convenient which serves motion normally by while in is by shown coefficients of the reference pattern with the corresponding image. This correlation is plotted as a function of pattern shift in pixels, and the peak represents the maximum degree of overlap of the two patterns. Note that the correlation function tracks the speckle patterns, which, in turn, "remember, and therefore dettrack, the incident laser beam direction. The pattern in ctorwhich is unrelated to the reference pattern in (a), (d) iseone and the correlation function shows the expected small statistical fluctuations about zero. " directly on the sample, together with careful system alignment, ensured that the laser beam did not walk across the sample face during rotation. The free-space speckle patterns were recorded with a sensitive chargedcoupled-device video camera, and digitized by an on-line The sample was a thin sheet (370-pm microcomputer. thickness) of opal glass supported on a clear glass substrate. In Fig. 1(a) the laser beam was normally in- θ 2329 source disordered medium Figure 16: Coherent back-scattering of light. Left : Principle of measurement. Right : Coherent back-scattering of light (wavelength 514 nm) by ZnO powder sample. Mean free path is `e = 1.9 µm. From Ref. [125]. The smooth background of the intensity profile originates from the diffusion of light in the disordered medium. The narrow peak, δθ ∼ 0.05 rad, is the CBS. reversed symmetry implies that AC = ACe, what explains the doubling of the intensity : I(θ = 0) = X C |AC |2 + X C | CBS AC A∗Ce + {z } X C, C 0 6=C | e (C 0 =C) and Ce {z '0 AC A∗C 0 ' 2 X C |AC |2 . (IV.5) } Although the effect is not small exactly at back-scattering, R it is globally a small effect : the contribution of interferences to the total scattered intensity dθ ICBS (θ) ∼ I0 /k`e is small. Example 3 (electrons) : Weak localisation correction (average).– The increase of back-scattering due to interferences of reversed diffusive trajectories can also be demonstrated in electronic transport. Quantum transport in metallic films and wires was investigated systematically in several experiments (cf. [25] for films). In this case, the interference pattern must be revealed by tuning some external parameter, like the chemical potential or the magnetic field. 47 ’= θ ’= ’= θ ~ ~ θ =0 θ Incoherent A coherent contribution Coherent back−scattering Figure 17: Coherent back-scattering. Left : The classical term can be understood as the pairing of two equal trajectories C 0 = C. Center and Right : The contribution of reversed trajectories C 0 = Ce to the interference term. The typical low temperature resistance of a long and narrow wire 14 as a function of the magnetic field presents the profile shown on Fig. 18, with a narrow peak around zero field. The experiment demonstrates a decrease of the resistance with the magnetic field, i.e. an opposite effect to the classical magneto-resistance (cf. problem page 84). For this reason, this phenomenon is called “anomalous magneto-resistance”. It is equivalent (but not exactly similar) to the CBS cone in optical experiments. Being an increase of the electric resistance, this is also a manifestation of localisation. Figure 18: Magneto-resistance ∆R(B) of thin metallic Lithium wires. Sample are made of 27 to 101 Lithium wires of length L = 1mm in parallel. Depending on sample, width W varies between 1 µm to 0.03 µm, and thickness is ∼ 25 nm. From Ref. [78]. 3) Phase coherence A crucial point of the above discussion is that all effects aforementioned are interference effects, requiring that the wave remains coherent in the diffusion process on the static potential. In practice the incoming wave may also interact with other degrees of freedom, what limits coherent 14 The effect is re-inforced in a narrow wire of sub-micron cross-section. The reason is related to the fact that localisation effects are stronger in low dimension. The precise criterion for the wire to be “narrow” will be made clear later. 48 properties. Two examples are • In optical experiments : the motion of scatterers. • In electronic transport : the electron-phonon interaction (lattice vibrations), or the electronelectron interaction. x x δφ source δφ δφ I(x) δφ I(x) δφ Figure 19: Decoherence. Decoherence may be viewed as contributions of random phases arising from the interaction with other degrees of freedom. In a metal, the increase of the temperature leads to the activation of all degrees of freedoms (thermal fluctuations above the Fermi sea, phonons, etc). Hence interferences of electronic waves progressively disappear, as illustrated by the experimental results shown on Fig. 20. The phase coherent electronic transport only manifests itself below few Kelvins. Figure 20: Magneto-resistance ∆R(B) of thin metallic Lithium wires. As temperature is increased, phase coherence is limited and magneto-resistance peak is suppressed. From Ref. [78]. The efficiency of decoherence is characterised by the phase coherence time τϕ . I.e. phase coherence is lost after a time t & τϕ . This allows to define several regimes for coherent physics. In general the problem is controlled by three time scales : the elastic mean free time τe = `e /vF , the phase coherent time τϕ and the Thouless time τTh , which is the time needed to explore the full system. • Coherent ballistic regime.– Coherent properties are maintained over distances such that the motion is ballistic min(τϕ , τTh ) < τe In this case τTh = L/vF , where L is the system size, and τϕ = Lϕ /vF , where Lϕ is the phase coherence length. • Coherent diffusive regime.– The particle is scattered many times by the disorder before loosing its coherence : τe < min(τϕ , τTh ) 49 The relation between length and time is characteristic of diffusive motion : τTh = L2 /D and τϕ = L2ϕ /D. 4) Motivation : why coherent experiments are interesting ? Looking at figures 16 and 18, one could legitimately ask the question : what is the interest for studying such tiny effects ? The CBS cone is extremely narrow. The weak localisation correction is less than ∆R/R . 1 %. The motivation for studying these small effects is both practical and fundamental. Being a manifestation of interference effects, the measurement of these quantities furnishes an experimental probe for coherent properties in diffusive systems. Moreover, the precise knowledge of how weak localisation depends on the phase coherence length Lϕ provides its possible definition. Weak localisation measurement is a common tool in condensed matter experiments for probing the fundamental question of phase coherent (quantum) properties of electrons. The precise question could be : how to extract the phase coherence length from the magnetoresistance curve ? The answer to this question obviously requires the knowledge of the Bdependence and Lϕ -dependence of the magneto-resistance : Q : ∆R(B, Lϕ ) =? IV.B Kubo-Greenwood formula for the electric conductivity The remaining of the chapter will focus on electronic transport properties. We first recall some basic formulae for the electrical conductivity of a metal. 1) Linear response theory The starting point is the linear response theory (see for instance [108]). We recall the main result. If one considers a time dependent perturbation involving an observable A of the system : ˆ ˆ 0 − f (t) Aˆ H(t) =H The “response” of any other observable B Z ˆ ˆ hB(t)if = hBi + dt0 χBA (t − t0 ) f (t0 ) + O(f 2 ) (IV.6) (IV.7) is controlled at lowest order in perturbation theory by an equilibrium correlation function χBA (t) = i ˆ ˆ θH (t)h[B(t), A]i ~ (IV.8) where h· · ·i is the quantum-statistical average related to H0 and h· · ·if the one related to H(t). 2) Conductivity The conductivity characterises the response of the current density to the electric field. In principle it probes local properties. However, usual transport experiments probe global properties of the system, and the measured quantity is usually the conductance. On the other hand, measurements of small contributions are facilitated by the introduction of a small modulation of the excitation, i.e. measuring a signal at small but finite frequency, what allows to distinguish more easily the signal from the noise (AC lock-in technic). For these reasons we have to consider the conductivity with the proper limits 15 limω→0 limq→0 σ(q, ω). We will thus consider a 15 Recall that these limits do not commute [108]. 50 ~ uniform perturbation, i.e. a time-dependent uniform electric field E(t). Due to gauge invariance, we still have some freedom on the choice of the perturbation R: we can consider a gauge ~ · ~r and A ~ ext = 0, or φext = 0 et A ~ ext (t) = − t dt0 E(t ~ 0 ). We prefer the φext (~r, t) = −E(t) second choice, that will lead more directly to a representation of the conductivity in terms of a current-current correlator, close in spirit to the classical definition of the diffusion constant R∞ D = 0 dt hvx (t)vx (0)i (recall that the diffusion constant and the conductivity are related by Einstein relation σ0 = e2 ν0 D). We consider the single electron Hamiltonian 2 ˆ tot (t) = 1 p~ˆ − eA( ~ ext (t) · ~vˆ + · · · ~ ~rˆ) − eA ~ ext (t) + U (~rˆ) = 1 ~vˆ 2 + U (~rˆ) −eA H | {z } 2m 2m | {z } ˆ H def ~ where ~v = (~ p − eA)/m is the speed. The spatially averaged current for one electron 16 (IV.9) ˆ pert (t) H is simply ~j = e ~v . Vol (IV.10) In the presence of the external vector potential, the speed also receives the contribution of the 1 ~ − eA ~ ext . Accordingly, the current of the electron gas external vector potential ~vtot = m p~ − eA is splitted in two terms hjitot (t)iA~ ext = hji (t)iA~ ext − N e2 ext A (t) , Vol i (IV.11) P where N = α fα is the number of electrons, expressed in terms of the Fermi function fα ≡ f (α ). The first term is given by the linear response theory Z e2 0 hji (t)iA~ ext = dt0 Kij (t − t0 ) Aexp (IV.12) i (t ) + · · · Vol and involves a velocity-velocity (i.e. current-current) correlator Kij (t) = iθ(t)h[vi (t), vj ]i (IV.13) (we now set ~ = 1). After Fourier transform, we express the current in terms of the electric field and obtain the conductivity Z ∞ 1 e2 N i e2 N (iω−0+ )t e − δij + i dt e h[vi (t), vj ]i = δij − Kij (ω) (IV.14) σ eij (ω) = iω Vol m ω Vol m 0 where we have introduced an infinitesimally small regulator 0+ . Using the spectral representation of the correlator X (vi )αβ (vj )βα e ij (ω) = − K (fα − fβ ) , (IV.15) ω + α − β + i0+ α,β def where (vi )αβ = h ϕα |ˆ vi | ϕβ i is a one-particle matrix element, we deduce the real (dissipative) part of the conductivity. For simplicity we restrict ourselves to the longitudinal resistivity (i = j) : Re σ exx (ω) = πe2 X f (α ) − f (α + ω) |(vx )αβ |2 δ(ω + α − β ) Vol ω (IV.16) α,β ˆ In a one-particle picture, the current density operator is ~j(~r) = e n ˆ (~r) ~vˆ + ~vˆ n ˆ (~r) where n ˆ (~r) = δ(~r − ~rˆ) = ˆ ˆ |~r ih~r | is the density operator, ~r the position operator and ~v the speed operator. 16 51 R Introducing d δ( − α ) = 1 in the expression, we can rewrite this expression as a trace over the one-particle Hilbert space : πe2 Re σ exx (ω) = Vol Z d n o f () − f ( + ω) ˆ vˆx δ( − H) ˆ Tr vˆx δ( + ω − H) ω (IV.17) def We can deduce the zero frequency conductivity σ = σ exx (ω = 0) : n Z o n o πe2 πe2 ∂f ˆ vˆx δ( − H) ˆ ˆ vˆx δ(F − H) ˆ Tr vˆx δ( − H) −→ σ= d − Tr vˆx δ(F − H) T →0 Vol Vol ∂ (IV.18) Because the function − ∂f is a narrow function of width k T much small that the Fermi energy, B ∂ this expression emphasises that only eigenstates in the close neighbourhood of the Fermi level, |α −F | . kB T , are involved in longitudinal transport properties. Longitudinal conductivity is a Fermi surface property (contrary to the transverse conductivity [103, 104]). Finally, let us remark that the Kubo-Greenwood formula, Eq. (IV.16) or Eq. (IV.17), presents the desired structure of a speed-speed correlator reminiscent of the diffusion constant. Remark : More on the correlator K.– The relation between σij and the correlator Kij can be improved by making use of the f -sum rule. P |(v )αβ |2 def 1 - Exercice IV.1 : f -sum rule.– Show that 2m + β αx− = 0, where (vx )αβ = h α |vx | β i. β Deduce X |(vx )αβ |2 1 X fα + (fα − fβ ) =0 (IV.19) m α α − β α,β - e ij (ω), analyse K e xx (ω = 0) Exercice IV.2 : Using the spectral representation for K Hint : note that when ω = 0, the 0+ becomes useless because the numerator vanishes when α = β . 17 ~k For free electrons, the matrix elements are : h ~k |~v | ~k 0 i = m δ~k,~k 0 , where | ~k i denotes a plane e xx (ω 6= 0) = 0. Deduce the conductivity for free electrons. wave. Show that K The f -sum rule expresses conservation of particle number. We have shown that σ eij (ω) = e xx (0) − K e ij (ω) ie2 δij K Vol ω (IV.20) This structure may also be understood as a consequence of gauge invariance, which is not a surprise since Gauge invariance and charge conservation are closely related by Nœther theorem. e xx (ω) The expression (IV.20) must be manipulated with caution. We have indeed seen that K is discontinuous at ω = 0 for free electrons. To close the remark, let us point out that, being the correlation function of the electron e xx (ω) can be related by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to the power spectrum of velocity, K R∞ the electron velocity [108], i.e. the diffusion constant D = 0 dt hvx (t)vx (0)i. Therefore, we can extract from Eq. (IV.20) the Einstein relation between conductivity and diffusion constant. 17 if f (0) = 0 and |f 0 (0)| < ∞ we have f (x) x+i0+ = f (x) x since f (x)δ(x) = 0 and P f (x) = x 52 f (x) . x 3) Conductivity in terms of Green’s function A question of methodology is : how to analyse the Kubo-Greenwood formula (IV.16), in particular with the aim of building a pertubative expansion in the disordered potential ? It is obviously excluded, because far too complicated, to use the well-known perturbative formulae for the spectrum of the Hamiltonian {α , | ϕα i} ; moreover the calculation requires the matrix elements (vx )αβ = h ϕα |vx | ϕβ i. It is therefore essential to introduce a compact object encoding all spectral information and allowing for a simple perturbative expansion. Such an object is the Green’s function, i.e. matrix elements of the resolvent operator, G(~r, ~r 0 ; z) = h~r | def X ϕα (~r)ϕ∗ (~r 0 ) 1 α , |~r 0 i = z−H z − α α (IV.21) whose poles are located on the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian with residues related to the eigenfunctions. The calculations will involve the retarded and advanced Green’s functions : GR,A (~r, ~r 0 ; E) = G(~r, ~r 0 ; E ± i0+ ) , def (IV.22) which can be related to the matrix elements appearing the Eq. (IV.17) by noticing that ∆G(~r, ~r 0 ; E) = GR (~r, ~r 0 ; E) − GA (~r, ~r 0 ; E) = −2iπh~r |δ(E − H)|~r 0 i . def (IV.23) Let us point out that the diagonal matrix elements of this latter function is the local density of P 1 states ρ(~r; E) = −2iπ ∆G(~r, ~r; E) = α |ϕα (~r)|2 δ(E − α ). Because the starting point of the perturbative expansion is the free particle problem, it will be quite natural to work in a momentum representation, i.e. in the basis of plane waves 1 i~k·~r ψ~k (~r) = h~r | ~k i = √ e Vol (IV.24) where we choose plane waves normalised in a box (i.e. with quantised wave vectors h ~k | ~k 0 i = δ~k,~k 0 ). Accordingly we introduce the Green’s function in momentum space (keeping the same notation as in real space) def GR,A (~k, ~k 0 ; E) = h ~k | 1 | ~k 0 i . E − H ± i0+ (IV.25) Kubo-Greenwood formula (IV.17) now reads Re σ e(ω) = − 2s e2 4πm2 Z d f () − f ( + ω) 1 X kx kx0 ∆G(~k, ~k 0 ; + ω) ∆G(~k 0 , ~k; ) ω Vol (IV.26) ~k, ~k 0 where we have taken into account the spin degeneracy 2s . It is useful to emphasize that the Fermi functions constraint the energy to be close to the Fermi energy F . IV.C M´ ethode des perturbations et choix d’un mod` ele de d´ esordre La m´ethode ? Maintenant que nous avons introduit le “bon” objet, reste `a savoir comment le manipuler, i.e. comment effectuer la moyenne sur le d´esordre de produits de fonctions de Green, supposant donn´ee la distribution DV P [V] du d´esordre. La difficult´e vient notamment 1 . Deux de la pr´esence du potentiel au d´enominateur dans la fonction de Green G(E) = E−H 53 m´ethodes utilisent un “truc” pour exponentier le d´enominateur et faire apparaˆıtre la fonctionnelle caract´eristique du potentiel : la m´ethode des r´epliques [65] 18 et la m´ethode supersym´etrique [124, 48]. La mise en œuvre de ces deux approches n´ecessite des techniques de th´eorie des champs assez sophistiqu´ees dans lesquelles nous ne souhaitons pas entrer ici. Une pr´esentation claire de l’utilisation de la m´ethode des r´epliques pour les syst`emes d´esordonn´es est propos´ee dans l’ouvrage de Altland et Simons [4]. La troisi`eme m´ethode, que nous suivrons, est l’approche perturbative o` u G(E) est d´evelopp´e en puissances du potentiel d´esordonn´e, puis le d´eveloppement moyenn´e. Les r´esultats que nous cherchons sont non perturbatifs dans le d´ esordre. Cette approche n’est int´eressante que si nous pouvons resommer les corrections perturbatives. 19 Le cas unidimensionnel permet une resommation compl`ete des corrections perturbatives dans le cas o` u le potentiel est un bruit blanc [22, 23]. En v´erit´e ces techniques assez lourdes ne sont pas indispensables et peuvent ˆetre ´evit´ees au profit de m´ethodes non perturbatives probabilistes plus ´el´egantes [79, 80] (au moins `a mon goˆ ut, par exemple cf. [35]). Dans les probl`emes `a plusieurs dimensions nous devrons nous contenter de resommations partielles qui ne seront valables que dans le domaine de faible d´esordre. Nous pr´eciserons cette remarque par la suite. 1) D´ eveloppements perturbatifs L’int´erˆet d’avoir introduit la fonction de Green est que cet objet est le plus appropri´e pour 1 d´evelopper une th´eorie de perturbation. Si l’on pose G = E−H avec H = H0 + V on a G = 1 G0 + G0 VG0 + G0 VG0 VG0 + · · · o` u G0 = E−H0 . La fonction de Green libre est diagonale dans l’espace de Fourier (je laisserai dor´enavant tomber les fl`eches des vecteurs pour all´eger, sauf ambigu¨ıt´e) 1 1 hk| | k 0 i = δk,k0 G0 (k) avec G0 (k) = (IV.27) E − H0 E − k def 2 k . (Tant que cela n’est pas n´ecessaire nous ne sp´ecifions pas s’il s’agit de la fonction de o` u k = 2m Green avanc´ee ou retard´ee). Pour aller plus loin il nous faut savoir comment mod´eliser les d´efauts (impuret´es, d´efauts structurels) et le choix du mod`ele a-t’il une influence sur la physique ? En g´en´eral la r´eponse est oui, ´evidemment, toutefois nous nous int´eresserons `a un r´egime de faible d´esordre et seul le second cumulant de V sera important. Pour cette raison nous pouvons nous limiter au choix d’une distribution gaussienne, enti`erement caract´eris´ee par la fonction de corr´elation V(r)V(r0 ). En pratique il est raisonnable de supposer que les corr´elations du potentiel d´esordonn´e sont ` a courte port´ee, nous les prendrons de port´ee nulle pour simplifier. En conclusion, pour l’´etude des propri´et´es de transport dans les m´etaux faiblement d´esordonn´es il est suffisant de choisir le mod` ele minimal : Z 1 DV P [V] = DV exp − dr V(r)2 . (IV.28) 2w R 1 ~ φ~2 e− 21 Aφ~2 , o` = limn→0 dφ La m´ ethode des r´ epliques [47, 50] repose sur le truc suivant. On ´ecrit : A u n 1 ~ est un “champ” a φ ` n composantes (les n r´epliques). On transforme le calcul de h A i (difficile) en he−kA i (facile). Le prix a ` payer est de faire tendre le nombre de composantes n vers 0 ! Appliquons le truc au calcul de la fonction R ~ ~ 0 ) −S φ(x ~ φ(x)· ~ de Green moyenne : h x |(H − E)−1 | x0 i = limn→0 Dφ e o` u φ(x) est un champ a ` n composantes. La nR R 2 1 moyenne sur un d´esordre gaussien, DV P [V] = DV exp − 2w dx V(x) , g´en`ere une action S = dxL pour une ~ 2 − Eφ ~2 − w φ ~ 4 (chapitre 9 du tome 2 de l’ouvrage d’Itzykson & th´eorie des champs en interaction L = 21 (∂x φ) 2 8 Drouffe [65]). Si l’on consid`ere un probl`eme invariant par translation (au moins apr`es moyenne sur le d´esordre) on R ∂ ~ e−S de laquelle on peut extraire peut encore simplifier le calcul en ´ecrivant h x |(H − E)−1 | x i = limn→0 n2 ∂E Dφ + la DoS en faisant E → E + i0 . 19 Si nous calculons la conductivit´e perturbativement dans l’intensit´e du d´esordre, contrˆ ol´e par le taux de 2 P∞ γe n collision γe = 1/τe , nous obtenons une s´erie σ(ω) = ine . Apr` e s resommation, la limite de fr´equence n=0 iω mω 18 nulle conduit au r´esultat σ(0) = ne2 mγe = ne2 τe m (ce calcul sera essentiellement effectu´e plus bas). 54 Afin de d´egager les r`egles permettant une construction syst´ematique du d´eveloppement perturbatif, analysons en d´etail les premiers termes correctifs du d´eveloppement de la fonction de Green moyenne G. 2) Vertex et r` egles de Feynman = w 0 = δ 0 Vol kg +kg ,kd +kd kg k d ’ −k g k’d kd’ − kg’ Vertex pour le d´ esordre.– Comme nous travaillons dans l’espace r´eciproque le calcul fera intervenir la moyenne des ´el´ements de matrice de V (le vertex ´el´ementaire d´ecrivant l’interaction entre un ´electron et le potentiel d´esordonn´e pour le calcul de quantit´es moyenn´ees) : Z Z dr i(kd −kg )·r dr0 i(k0 −kg0 )·r0 0 0 w δ(r − r0 ) (IV.29) h kg |V| kd ih kg |V| kd i = e e d Vol Vol (IV.30) k’g k’d o` u kd et kd0 sont des impulsions entrantes et kg et kg0 des impulsions sortantes. Cette expression, la TF de la fonction de corr´elation V(r)V(r0 ) = w δ(r − r0 ). On peut interpr´eter physiquement le corr´elateur comme une double interaction avec un d´efaut localis´e qui transfert une impulsion a un autre, i.e. d’une fonction de Green `a une autre. 20 kg − kd = kd0 − kg0 d’un point ` Nous commen¸cons par calculer le premier terme non nul en moyenne : G0 VG0 VG0 . Le terme d’ordre 2 de G(k, k 0 ) s’´ecrit : h k |G0 VG0 VG0 | k 0 i = G0 (k) X w w X δk,k0 G0 (k 00 ) G0 (k 0 ) = δk,k0 G0 (k)2 G0 (q) . Vol Vol q 00 (IV.31) k La pr´esence du Kronecker assure la conservation de l’impulsion, ce qui d´ecoule de mani`ere ´ (IV.29). Cette propri´et´e reste vraie `a tous les ordres et on a ´evidente de l’analyse du vertex, Eq. donc G(k, k 0 ) ≡ δk,k0 G(k), qui traduit le fait que l’invariance par translation est restaur´ee apr`es moyenne d´esordre. Le premier terme du calcul perturbatif de la fonction de Green moyenne est finalement w " # k!q k!q w X δ 2 G(k) = G0 (k) G0 (q) G0 (k) = (IV.32) Vol q q k k La petite repr´esentation graphique nous permet de d´eduire facilement les r`egles de Feynman permettant une construction syst´ematique des diagrammes. 20 Si nous avions choisi un mod`ele plus g´en´eral de d´esordre, le cumulant d’ordre p serait associ´e ` a p interactions P avec un d´efaut. Pour clarifier cette remarque, consid´erons le mod`ele de potentiel d´esordonn´e V(r) = v0 i δ(r−ri ) o` u les positions sont distribu´ees selon laP loi de Poisson (positions d´ecorr´el´eesPpour une densit´e moyenne ni ). Le calcul du second moment V(r)V(r0 ) = v02 i6=j δ(r − ri )δ(r0 − rj )+v02 δ(r−r0 ) i δ(r − ri ) = (ni v0 )2 +ni v02 δ(r−r0 ) montre que le second cumulant s’interpr`ete comme une double interaction avec une mˆeme impuret´e. Le cumulant C V(r1 ) · · · V(rn ) = ni v0n δ(r1 − r2 ) · · · δ(r1 − rn ) correspond a ` n interactions avec une impuret´e, ce que nous repr´esentons comme : ... r1 r2 r3 ... rn 55 R` egles de Feynman.– Les diagrammess sont construits en quatre ´etapes : ` l’ordre 2n des perturbations en V, on dessine les (2n − 1)!! diagrammes : une ligne 1. A continue repr´esente une fonction de Green libre G0 (k), une ligne pointill´ee une double interaction avec un d´efaut. 2. On associe des impulsions de fa¸con `a respecter la conservation de l’impulsion `a chaque vertex. w 3. Chaque double interaction est associ´ee `a un poids . Vol X 4. On somme sur toutes les impulsions libres selon . q Nous dessinons les trois diagrammes obtenus `a l’ordre suivant : δ 4 G(k) = 3) + + (IV.33) Self ´ energie q k− Σ2 = k− q Nous pouvons remarquer que le premier des diagrammes de (IV.33) correspond `a une r´ep´etition du bloc de la premi`ere correction (IV.32), que nous notons : q = w X G0 (q) Vol q (IV.34) a` chaque ordre, certaines des corrections contiendront ´egalement ce bloc et un des (2n − 1)!! termes sera n r´ep´etitions de ce bloc. Il y a un moyen tr`es simple de resommer tous ces termes (c’est une s´erie g´eom´etrique) : 1 G0 (k)−1 − Σ2 = + + + + ··· (IV.35) Nous pouvons donc regrouper dans un objet que nous appelons la self ´energie et notons Σ(E), tous les blocs insecables par un seul “coup de ciseau” dans une ligne de fonction de Green (les diagrammes dit irr´eductibles). Outre que cette remarque permet de resommer une infinit´e de diagrammes sans effort, l’int´erˆet d’introduire cet objet est de conduire `a une fonction de Green moyenne pr´esentant une structure similaire `a la fonction de Green libre : 21 G(k) = 1 G0 (k)−1 − Σ(E) = 1 E − k − Σ(E) (IV.37) 21 Dyson equation : The resummation of diagrams through the introduction of the self energy is particularly simple here because it is formulated in the basis that diagonalises the free Hamiltonian. In the more general case one should write a Dyson equation, G(E) = G0 (E) + G0 (E)Σ(E)G(E) which takes the form of an integral equation in real space, for example. 56 (IV.36) pour le mod`ele avec potentiel nous corr´el´e spatialement, V(r)V(r0 ) ∝ δ(r − r0 ), il est clair que la self ´energie est ind´ependante du vecteur d’onde. 22 Le calcul du terme d’ordre n de Σ(E) met en jeu bien moins de diagrammes que celui de G(E). Consid´erer le d´eveloppement perturbatif de Σ(E) est une mani`ere de prendre en compte des corrections d’ordre n de G(E) se d´eduisant de mani`ere ´evidente des ordres n0 < n. Par exemple, `a l’ordre w2 , Σ4 sera donn´e par le diagramme de Σ2 plus deux diagrammes d’ordre w2 correspondant aux deux derniers termes de (IV.33) : + Σ4 = + (IV.39) - Exercice IV.3 : Dessiner tous les diagrammes de Σ6 (la self-´energie `a l’ordre w3 ). Comparer avec δ 2 G(k) + δ 4 G(k) + δ 6 G(k). Les deux ´echelles du probl`eme sont l’´energie de Fermi F (rappelons-nous que la conductivit´e longitudinale fait intervenir les fonctions de Green `a E ' F ) et le d´esordre w. La self ´energie nous permet d’introduire une ´echelle plus pertinente que w : 1 def = − Im ΣR (E) 2τe (IV.40) o` u ΣR (E) est la self ´energie calcul´ee avec des fonctions de Green retard´ees. La fonction de Green moyenne pr´esente donc la structure 1 R G (k) = E − k + i 2τe (IV.41) La partie imaginaire est la plus importante car elle ´eloigne le pˆole de la fonction de Green de l’axe r´eel, alors que la partie r´eelle de la self ´energie peut en principe ˆetre absorb´ee dans une red´efinition de l’´energie. 23 La structure de la fonction de Green moyenne met en ´evidence le sens de τe , qui s’interpr`ete comme la dur´ee de vie de l’onde plane d’´energie E ∼ F , i.e. le temps pendant lequel la direction de l’impulsion est conserv´ee (le module de l’impulsion est conserv´e au cours des processus de collision sur le d´esordre statique). Il s’agit donc du temps de parcours moyen ´elastique. On peut lui associer le libre parcours moyen ´elastique `e = vF τe , o` u vF est la vitesse de Fermi. Dans le r´egime de faible d´esordre F τe 1 ou kF `e 1 (IV.42) 22 q q Σ2 (k; E) = k− k− q Let us consider the general case of a disordered potential with a finite correlation length : V(r)V(r0 ) = e C(r − r0 ) where C(r) decays on a microscopic scale `corr . If we introduce the Fourier transform C(Q) = R −iQ·r dr C(r) e , we see that the self energy now depends on the momentum = w Xe C(k − q) G0 (q) Vol q (IV.38) where the argument of the correlation function is the transfered momentum Q = k − q. 23 Nous jetons un voile pudique sur la partie r´eelle de la self ´energie. A priori celle-ci est une fonction r´eguli`ere de l’´energie et elle pourrait ˆetre ´elimin´ee par une reparam´etrisation du spectre des ´energies. En y regardant de plus pr`es nous constatons que Re Σ diverge en dimension d > 1. Ce probl`eme vient de la nature singuli`ere des corr´elations du potentiel en δ de Dirac. La mˆeme difficult´e apparaˆıt dans l’analyse de l’Hamiltonien −∆ + v δ(r) en dimension d > 1. Une mani`ere de donner un sens au probl`eme a ´et´e propos´ee dans l’article [66]. Pour une pr´esentation d´etaill´ee du probl`eme : probl`eme 10.3 de mon livre [107]. 57 l’´energie des ´electrons est bien sup´erieure au taux de probabilit´e pour quitter l’´etat quantique, i.e. la notion d’´etat libre (d’onde plane) reste pertinente pour des temps t . τe . Dans ce cas l’approximation de Born Σ(E) = Σ2 (E) + O(w2 ) est justifi´ee. Fixant dor´enavant E = F , nous ´ecrivons : 1 w X ' − Im ΣR Im GR 2 (F ) = − 0 (q) = πρ0 w ⇒ 2τe Vol q 1 = 2πρ0 w τe (IV.43) o` u ρ0 = − π1 Im GR e d’´etats au niveau de Fermi par unit´e de volume par canal 0 (r, r) est la densit´ de spin. - Exercice IV.4 : Montrer que, dans la limite de faible d´esordre, la fonction de Green dans l’espace r´eel pr´esente la structure R 0 −R/2`e G (r, r0 ) ' GR ∝ 0 (r, r ) e 1 R(d−1)/2 eikF R−R/2`e (IV.44) o` u R = ||r − r0 ||. (Le calcul est simple en d = 1 et d = 3 ; en d = 2 il n’est valable que pour kF R 1 et correspond au comportement asymptotique d’une fonction de Bessel). IV.D La conductivit´ e` a l’approximation de Drude Nous commen¸cons par plusieurs remarques permettant de simplifier (IV.26). (i) Dans la pratique les fr´equences correspondant `a une situation exp´erimentale sont toujours telles que ω T (rappelons que T = 1 K correspond `a une ´energie 86 µeV et `a une fr´equence 20.8 GHz). Nous proc´edons ` a la substitution f ()−fω(+ω) → − ∂f ∂ . (ii) D’autre part l’´elargissement thermique ne joue aucun rˆole dans la calcul de la conductivit´e moyenne (ceci ne serait pas vrai si nous ´etudiions les fluctuations de la conductivit´e). Nous fixons T = 0. (iii) Dans le produit ∆G∆G = (GR − GA )(GR − GA ), on peut montrer que seuls les termes GR GA et GA GR apportent des contributions importantes, apr`es moyenne. Finalement, notre point de d´epart est 24 : σ e(ω) = 2s e2 1 X kx kx0 GR (k, k 0 ; F + ω) GA (k 0 , k; F ) 2πm2 Vol 0 (IV.45) k, k La conductivit´e est donn´ee par un produit de fonctions de Green. La premi`ere chose la plus simple `a faire consiste ` a n´egliger les corr´elations entre les deux fonctions de Green : GR GA ' R A R R G G . En utilisant G (k, k 0 ) = δk,k0 G (k), nous obtenons σ e(ω) Drude = 2s e2 1 X 2 R A kx G (k; F + ω) G (k; F ) 2 2πm Vol (IV.46) k Le calcul de ce type de quantit´e est tout `a fait standard et des expressions similaires apparaˆıtront par la suite. Nous rempla¸cons kx2 par k 2 /d (isotropie de la relation de dispersion) puis k 2 par kF2 pour le sortir de la somme (ce qu’on peut justifier plus soigneusement en ´etudiant le calcul ci-dessous). P 0 R 0 A 0 Notons que ces trois hypoth`eses conduisent a ` Re σ e(ω) ∝ k,k0 kx kx Re[G (k, k ; F + ω) G (k , k; F )], ce qui est un petit peu plus faible que (IV.45), sauf dans le cas ω = 0. Dans la suite du chapitre, on pourra consid´erer que σ ∼ GR GA et oublier les termes GR GR et GA GA . Notons toutefois que ceci n’est plus vrai lorsque l’on consid`ere la correction venant des interactions ´electroniques (correction Altshuler-Aronov). 24 58 Calcul de P R k A G (k) G (k) : Nous d´etaillons le calcul de la quantit´e w X R A G (k; F + ω) G (k; F ) . Vol k Le principe du calcul et les approximations s’appliqueront `a d’autres quantit´es similaires. Dans la limite de faible d´esordre F τe 1, la somme est domin´ee par les ´energies voisines de F (rappelons que ω F ). Cette observation autorise deux approximations : R dd k 1 P (i ) On n´eglige la d´ependance (lente) de la densit´e d’´etats en ´energie Vol = k = (2π)d R∞ R∞ u ρ0 d´esigne la densit´e d’´etats au niveau de Fermi ρ0 = ρ(F ). 0 dk ρ(k ) −→ ρ0 0 dk o` (ii ) On ´etend l’int´egrale sur l’´energie `a tout R, ce qui permet une utilisation plus directe du th´eor`eme des r´esidus. On a donc Z w X R dk A G (k; F + ω) G (k; F ) ' wρ0 . i i Vol R (F + ω − k + 2τe )(F − k − 2τe ) k On referme le contour d’int´egration soit par le haut soit par le bas pour utiliser le th´eor`eme des r´esidus. On obtient : 2iπ wρ0 ω + i/τe i.e. w X R 1 A G (k; F + ω) G (k; F ) = Vol 1 − iωτe (IV.47) k Conclusion : Finalement nous aboutissons `a : Drude σ e(ω) = 2s e2 kF2 1 2s e2 τe 2F ρ0 1 2πρ τ = 0 e 2 2πm d 1 − iωτe m d 1 − iωτe (IV.48) Nous reconnaissons la densit´e ´electronique, n = 2s 2Fd ρ0 , et finalement σ e(ω) Drude = σ0 1 − iωτe o` u σ0 = ne2 τe m (IV.49) est la conductivit´e de Drude r´esiduelle (`a T → 0). Nous avons donc retrouv´e le r´esultat du mod`ele semi-classique de Drude-Sommerfeld. Alors que la conductivit´e du syst`eme balistique pr´esente une divergence ` a ω → 0, σ e(ω) ∝ i/ω, dont l’origine est le mouvement balistique des 25 ´electrons, les collisions sur les d´efauts sont responsables d’une conductivit´e finie `a fr´equence nulle. Remarque : le r´ esultat classique est non perturbatif.– Comme nous l’avions d´ej`a not´e dans l’introduction, la conductivit´e de Drude est non perturbative dans le d´esordre : σ0 ∝ τe ∝ 1/w . (IV.50) Partant d’un r´esultat divergent ` a basse fr´equence en l’absence de d´esordre, σ e(ω) ∝ i/ω, il ´etait clair que la coupure de la divergence pour ω → 0 ne pouvait venir d’un calcul perturbatif. 25 elle correspond a ` un comportement de la r´eponse impulsionnelle σ(t) ∝ θ(t), traduisant l’apparition d’un courant constant (i.e. la conservation de l’impulsion des ´electrons) suite a ` une impulsion de champ ´electrique. 59 - Exercice IV.5 : Montrer que la conductivit´e de Drude peut ´egalement se re´ecrire sous la forme σ0 = 2s e2 ρ0 D (relation d’Einstein) o` u D = `2e /(τe d) est la constante de diffusion. On −1 donne kF = 0.85 ˚ A(or), quelle est la distance parcourue par un ´electron balistique en 1 s ? On (bulk) (film) donne `e ' 4 µm et `e ' 20 nm. Calculer D. Quelle est la distance parcourue par un ´electron diffusif en 1 s ? Effet de la temp´erature : ` a T 6= 0, le r´esultat (IV.49) doit ˆetre convolu´e par la d´eriv´ee d’une fonction de Fermi −∂f /∂. Comme le r´esultat `a T = 0K d´epend faiblement de l’´energie (`a travers n et τe ), la convolution est sans effet. Toutefois la temp´erature n’est pas sans effet. En effet, nous venons de montrer que les collisions (´elastiques) sur le d´esordre, induisent une conductivit´e finie. Si les ´electrons sont soumis ` a d’autres processus de collission 26 (´electron-phonon,...) la self ´energie de la fonction de Green re¸coit les contributions des diff´erentes perturbations : d´esordre, interaction ´electron-phonon, etc. Cela correspond `a ajouter les taux de relaxation 27 selon la loi de Matthiesen 1 1 1 + = + ··· (IV.51) τ (T ) τe τe−ph (T ) Le calcul de la conductivit´e conduit ` a σDrude = ne2 τ m . Drude conductance.– We can relate the Drude conductivity to the conductance G = σ0 s/L where s is the cross section of the wire and L its length. It will be useful to introduce the dimensionless conductance g defined by G= 2s e2 g. h (IV.52) We first consider the 1D case (long narrow wire) : gDrude = ~kF kFd−1 s h σ0 s ∼ τe 2s e 2 L | m{z } L (IV.53) =`e where we have used n ∼ kFd where d is the real dimensionality of the system. We recognize Nc ∼ kFd−1 s, the number of conducting channels (i.e. number of open transverse modes of the wire with energy smaller than εF ). Finally the dimensionless conductance can be written as the ratio of two lengths Nc `e gDrude ∼ (quasi 1D) (IV.54) L 26 autres que ´electron-´electron qui conserve le courant total, Temps de vie et temps de transport.– Nous devons ici apporter une petite pr´ecision sur la nature du temps de relaxation intervenant dans la conductivit´e. Nous avons introduit le temps de vie des ´etats ´electroniques 0 def R comme : 1/τ = −2 Im ΣR = 2πρ0 hC(θ)iθ , o` u C(θ) = dr e−i(k −k)r V(r)V(0) o` u θ est l’angle entre les deux vecteurs k et k0 sur la surface de Fermi, ||k|| = ||k0 || = kF (` a l’approximation de Born, C(θ) est proportionnelle a ` la section efficace de diffusion dans la direction θ). Le temps qui intervient dans la conductivit´e n’est en g´en´eral 2 pas ce temps mais le temps de relaxation de la vitesse [93, 2, 3] : σ = nemτtr (ceci est li´e a ` la pr´esence de kx kx0 dans les relations (IV.26,IV.45)) ; ce temps est appel´e temps de transport 1/τtr = 2πρ0 hC(θ)(1 − cos θ)iθ . Dans le cas de la diffusion isotrope, C(θ) = w n’a pas de structure et les deux temps co¨ıncident. Dans le cas de diffusion anisotrope (lorsque la fonction de corr´elation de V pr´esente une structure), les deux temps peuvent toutefois diff´erer notablement τtr > τ . Cette discussion s’applique au cas de la diffusion ´electron-phonon (chap. 26 de [17]) : le temps de collision ´electron-phonon est τe−ph ∝ T −3 mais la diffusion est fortement anisotrope a ` basse temp´erature ( ωD , la coupure de Debye) et le temps de transport correspondant est τe−ph, tr ∝ T −5 ce qui conduit ` a la r´esistivit´e ρ(T ) = 1/σ(T ) ' 1/σ0 + C T 5 pour T ωD (loi de Bloch-Gr¨ uneisen). 27 60 The length at the numerator ξloc ∼ Nc `e is the localisation length in weakly disordered wire [20]. So the validity of the treatment is L ξloc i.e. gDrude 1 (IV.55) The 2D case (plane in a 2DEG or thin metallic film) can be analysed by setting s = bL in the previous expressions where b is the thickness (set b = 1 for the plane, in d = 2). We get gDrude ∼ kF `e kFd−2 b (2D) (IV.56) In d = 2 (in a DEG) we the Drude dimensionless conductance is simply proportional to the plane large parameter kF `e : gDrude ∼ k F `e . IV.E Corr´ elations entre fonctions de Green Nous avons retrouv´e le r´esultat semi-classique en n´egligeant les corr´elations entre les fonctions R A de Green dans l’´equation (IV.45), i.e. en ´ecrivant GR GA ' G G . Nous souhaitons maintenant ´etudier l’effet des corr´elations entre fonctions de Green sur la conductivit´e moyenne. Il convient ` cette fin nous commen¸cons par donner d’identifier quel type de corrections est dominant. A la repr´esentation diagrammatique de (IV.45), que nous dessinons comme une bulle (figure 21) constitu´ee par les deux fonctions de Green. Les lignes ondul´ees repr´esentent les ´el´ements de matrice de l’op´erateur courant moyen, ekx /m et ekx0 /m, et nous rappellent que la conductivit´e est une fonction de corr´elation courant-courant. k k !F + " k’ k’ !F Figure 21: Repr´esentation diagrammatique d’une correction perturbative pour la conductivit´e moyenne donn´ee par l’´equation (IV.45). Les lignes continues (tir´es) repr´esentent des fonctions R A de Green retard´ees G (avanc´ees G ). Les lignes ondul´ees repr´esentent l’op´erateur de courant (ekx /m et ekx0 /m). Les lignes pointill´ees reliant les lignes retard´ees et avanc´ees correspondent ` a corr´eler les fonctions de Green GR et GA dans l’´equation (IV.45). Dans le cas du terme de Drude les lignes de fonctions de Green sont les fonctions de Green R A moyennes G et G . Les corr´elations entre fonctions de Green sont repr´esent´ees par des diagrammes dans lesquels les lignes de fonctions de Green retard´ee et avanc´ee sont coupl´ees par des lignes d’impuret´e (figure 21). ii L´ eg` ere modification des r` egles de Feynman pour la conductivit´ e ii.– Dans les diagrammes, les lignes de fonctions de Green seront d´esormais des fonctions de Green moyennes, R A G et G (au lieu des fonctions de Green libres), ce qui est une mani`ere de resommer une partie des diagrammes ne couplant pas les fonctions retard´ees et avanc´ees. Transport classique et localisation faible : pr´ esentation heuristique Nous avons d´ej` a not´e au cours du calcul de la conductivit´e `a l’approximation de Drude que les r´esultats int´eressants sont non perturbatifs et correspondent `a resommer certaines classes de diagrammes d´ecrivant la physique de la diffusion. La question est donc d’identifier les classes de diagrammes qui apportent les corrections dominantes. Pour cela nous faisons une petite 61 digression et donnons une image plus qualitative de l’´etude du transport dans un m´etal diffusif. Lorsqu’on ´etudie la conductance d’un syst`eme reli´e `a deux contacts, on peut montrer que la conductance est reli´ee ` a la probabilit´e de traverser le syst`eme. Cette probabilit´e s’exprime comme le module carr´e d’une somme d’amplitudes de probabilit´e : G= 2s e2 2s e2 X 2 g∼ AC h h (IV.57) C o` u la somme porte sur tous les chemins C allant d’un contact `a l’autre, pour un ´electron d’´energie F . La conductance adimensionn´ee est not´ee g. Cette formulation des propri´et´es de transport peut ˆetre rendue rigoureuse, c’est l’approche de Landauer-B¨ uttiker. La relation avec la formule de Kubo se comprend en remarquant que l’amplitude AC est associ´ee `a la fonction de Green retard´ee, et l’amplitude conjugu´ee A∗CP`a la fonction de Green avanc´ee (formule de Fisher & Lee GR (contact 1 ←contact 2; F ) ∼ C AC ) : cette expression de la conductance poss`ede la structure g ∼ |GR (contact 1 ←contact 2; F )|2 ∼ GR GA . Dans le cas d’un m´etal faiblement d´esordonn´e (kF `e 1), la somme porte sur les chemins de collisions sur les impuret´es. La phase d’une amplitude associ´ee `a un de ces chemins de collision est proportionnelle ` a la longueur `C du chemin de diffusion : AC ∝ eikF `C . La conductance moyenne est donn´ee en moyennant l’expression : g∼ X C | |AC |2 + {z classique } X C6=C 0 | AC A∗C 0 {z quantique (IV.58) } Le premier terme, la somme des probabilit´es, doit correspondre au terme classique (Drude). C’est le terme dominant car donn´e par une somme de termes positifs. En revanche le terme d’interf´erences (quantique) est une somme de termes portant des phases AC A∗C 0 ∝ eikF (`C −`C0 ) . On comprend que ce type de contributions a d’autant plus de mal `a survivre `a la moyenne sur le d´esordre que la diff´erence `C −`C 0 est grande (le terme classique |AC |2 domine car les deux chemins correspondent ` a la mˆeme s´equence de collisions (figure 22)). Une fa¸con de minimiser la diff´erence des longueurs est de consid´erer une s´equence de collisions identiques au milieu de laquelle on introduit un croisement. 28 Cette construction fait apparaˆıtre une boucle `a l’int´erieur de laquelle une des trajectoires est renvers´ee (figure 22). Ce terme d´ecrit l’interf´erence entre deux trajectoires diffusives renvers´ees : dans la boucle, les deux trajectoires subissent les collisions dans l’ordre inverse, ce qui correspond aux diagrammes maximallement crois´es (figure 23) que ` cause du croisement les phases des deux amplitudes diff`erent l´eg`erement et nous analyserons. A cette contribution est petite (une bonne introduction est donn´ee au chapitre 1 de [2, 3]). IV.F Diagrammes en ´ echelle – Diffuson (contribution non coh´ erente) Nous venons de montrer par des arguments heuristiques que les s´equences de collisions identiques jouent un rˆole important. Si nous traduisons les diagrammes de la figure 22 pour des conductivit´e, le diagramme de gauche prend la forme des diagrammes en ´echelle (“ladder diagrams”) : σ(ω) 28 Diffuson = + + Rigoureusement, le croisement devrait ˆetre d´ecrit par une “boˆıte de Hikami”. 62 + ... (IV.59) C’ C C Contact 1 Contact 2 C R A Contact 1 R Contact 2 A ` gauche :contribution au terme classique P |AC |2 . A ` droite : contribution au Figure 22: A C P ∗ terme quantique C6=C 0 AC AC 0 qui minimise `C − `C 0 . La boucle d´ecrit l’interf´erence quantique de trajectoires renvers´ees. Chaque contribution peut ˆetre analys´ee facilement `a l’aide des r`egles de Feynman ´enonc´ees plus ` ce stade il est instructif d’analyser pr´ecis´ement le second diagramme : haut. A k1 k1−k k k’ k’−k1 k ∼ k’ X R A kx kx0 G (k) G (k) k, k0 k1 w X R w R 0 A 0 A G (k1 ) G (k1 ) G (k ) G (k ) Vol Vol k1 {z } | Λ(0,ω) o` u les fonctions retard´ees sont prises ` a ´energie F + ω et les avanc´ees `a F . La s´erie de diagrammes en ´echelles, i.e. le milieu de la bulle de conductivit´e (IV.59) k+ q k 1 +q k’+q = Γd (q, ω) = k + k’ k 1 +q k 2 +q + ... , + k1 k1 (IV.60) k2 est appel´e le Diffuson. Une impulsion suppl´ementaire q a ´et´e introduite dans les fonctions de Green retard´ees, ce qui sera utile pour la suite. Il est facile de voir que Γd ob´eit `a l’´ equation de Bethe-Salpether w + Λ(q, ω) Γd (q, ω) , (IV.61) Γd (q, ω) = Vol o` u Λ(q, ω) est le bloc ´el´ementaire k +q w X R A Λ(q, ω) = G (k + q; F + ω) G (k; F ) = Vol def k (IV.62) k Autrement dit, Γd correspond ` a une s´erie g´eom´etrique que nous resommons : Γd (q, ω) = w 1 Vol 1 − Λ(q, ω) - (IV.63) Exercice IV.6 Calcul de Λ(q, ω) : Nous calculons Λ(q, ω) dans la limite q → 0 et ω → 0. R R R R V´erifier que G (k + q; F + ω) = G (k) + (vk · q − ω)[G (k)]2 + (vk · q)2 [G (k)]3 + · · · o` u toutes les fonctions de Green du membre de droite sont prises `a ´energie de Fermi ; vk = k/m (on R admettra que le terme q [G (k)]2 d’ordre q 2 peut ˆetre n´eglig´e, ainsi que le terme ω 2 ). Comme 63 R A w P n m se calculent ais´ nousPl’avons Rsignal´e, les quantit´es Vol ement en faisant k [G (k)] [G (k)] 1 29 En d´ → ρ d puis en utilisant le th´ e or` e me des r´ e sidus. e duire que 0 k k Vol R Λ(q, ω) = 1 + iωτe − q 2 `2e /d + · · · (IV.65) Ce r´esultat sera utilis´e ` a plusieurs reprises. Validit´ e de l’approximation : ωτe 1 et q`e 1 Approximation de la diffusIon – Pˆ ole de diffusion.– D’apr`es (IV.65), nous voyons que, dans la limite ωτe 1 et q`e 1, le Diffuson co¨ıncide avec la fonction de Green de l’´equation de diffusion : w 1/τe 1 e def w Γd (q, ω) ' = Pd (q, ω) (IV.66) 2 Vol −iω + Dq Vol Dτe Nous comprenons qu’il n’est pas possible de tronquer la s´erie perturbative (IV.60) `a un ordre donn´e car la limite q → 0 et ω → 0 nous conduit au bord du domaine de convergence de la s´erie w P∞ n g´eom´etrique Γd = Vol n=0 Λ . Nous sommes en mesure de calculer la contribution des diagramnes en ´echelle `a la conductivit´e 2s e2 1 X Diffuson R R σ(ω) = kx kx0 |G (k)|2 Γd (0, ω) |G (k 0 )|2 (IV.67) 2 2πm Vol 0 k,k L’isotropie de la relation de dispersion conduit `a 1 Vol Diffuson σ(ω) P k R kx |G (k)|2 = 0 et donc =0 (IV.68) Ce r´esultat s’interpr`ete facilement : rappelons-nous que la conductivit´ Re ∞est reli´ee `a constante de diffusion, i.e. ` a la fonction de corr´elation de la vitesse σ ∼ D = 0 dt hvx (t) vx i (ce que nous rappelle la pr´esence de kx kx0 dans (IV.45)). Le Diffuson (IV.60) d´ecrit une s´equence de collisions arbitrairement grande, apr`es laquelle la m´emoire de la direction initiale de la vitesse est perdue. 30 Remarque : pˆ ole de diffusion et conservation du courant.– Le comportement de Γd est la signature de la nature diffusive des trajectoires ´electroniques dans le m´etal (on pourrait s’en convaincre en calculant la fonction de r´eponse densit´e-densit´e du m´etal qui est reli´ee au Dq 2 Diffuson χ0 (q, ω) ' −ρ0 −iω+Dq ole de diffusion `a la 2 [6] ; cette remarque permet de relier le pˆ conservation du nombre de particules [117]). - Exercice IV.7 Conductivit´ e non locale : Nous discutons l’importance de l’ordre des limites limq→0 et limω→0 . Si le syst`eme est soumis `a un inhomog`ene, la r´eponse sera R champ R caract´eris´ee par une conductivit´e non locale ja (r, t) = dt0 dr0 σab (r, t; r0 , t0 ) Eb (r0 , t0 ). Nous consid´erons sa transform´ee de Fourier σ(q, ω). On admet que la conductivit´e moyenne `a q 6= 0 2s e2 1 P 0 R 0 A 0 est donn´ee par : σxx (q, ω) = 2πm 2 Vol k,k0 kx kx G (k + q, k + q; F + ω) G (k , k; F ). Montrer Diffuson que la contribution des diagrammes en ´echelle (le Diffuson) est σxx (q, 0) 29 2 = −σ0 qqx2 (qui These useful integrals are given by def fn,m = (n + m − 2)! n+m−2 w X R A [G (k)]n [G (k)]m = i−n+m τe . Vol (n − 1)!(m − 1)! (IV.64) k 30 Notons que dans le cas o` u la diffusion est anisotrope, la contribution du Diffuson est non nulle. Elle fait apparaˆıtre le temps de transport τtr lorsqu’elle est ajout´ee a ` la contribution de Drude [2, 3]. 64 Diffuson diff`ere donc de σxx (0, ω) = 0). Indication : En utilisant les mˆemes approximations que dans l’exercice IV.6, montrer que R A kF `e w P k kx G (k + q)G (k) ' −i d qx . Vol IV.G Quantum (coherent) correction : weak localisation The discussion of the introduction, § IV.A, has underlined the importance of interferences between time reversed diffusive electronic trajectories. Starting from the Landauer picture of quantum transport, we have reformulated more precisely this idea in § IV.E. This discussion has emphasized the role of maximally crossed diagrams : 31 interference of reversed diffusive trajectories corresponds to follow the same sequence of scattering events in reversed order (figure 23) !c ≡ + ... = + Cooperon Figure 23: Contribution of maximally crossed diagrams (Cooperon) σ(ω) . After twisting the diagram of the left part of Fig. 23, the structure of the central bloc is very similar to the one involved in the Diffuson (right part of Fig. 23), up to a change in the relative directions of the two Green’s function lines. It is useful to study carefully the structure of the first diagram : k1+k+k’ k k’ k’ k −k1 k k’ ∼ X R A kx kx0 G (k) G (k) k, k0 w X R w R 0 A 0 A G (k1 + k + k 0 ) G (−k1 ) G (k ) G (k ) Vol Vol k1 | {z } Λ(k+k0 ,ω) where retarded and advanced lines carry energies F + ω and F , respectively. This analysis makes clear that the series of maximally crossed diagrams is also a geometric series involving the quantity Λ(k + k 0 , ω) computed above : k k’ Γc (Q = k + k 0 , ω) = k = k k’ k1 k’ = k k’ + + ... (IV.69) k+ k’−k1 (the single impurity line was already included in the Diffuson). As a consequence, the calculation is similar, and the resummation of the ladder diagrams is obtained by replacing the wave vector q in the Diffuson (IV.60) by k + k 0 . This new object is named the Cooperon. As for the Diffuson, the Cooperon presents a diffusion pole when Q = k + k 0 → 0 : Γc (Q, ω) = w Λ(Q, ω) w 1/τe 1 e def w ' = Pc (Q, ω) . Vol 1 − Λ(Q, ω) Vol −iω + DQ2 Vol Dτe (IV.70) 31 Much before the development of the theory of weakly disordered metals by Altshuler, Aronov, Khmelniskii, Lee, Stone, Anderson, etc in the early 1980’, the importance of maximally crossed diagrams was recognised by Langer & Neal [75] 65 Introducing the Cooperon in (IV.45) we obtain the structure Cooperon σ e(ω) = 2s e2 1 X R R kx kx0 |G (k)|2 Γc (k + k 0 , ω) |G (k 0 )|2 . 2πm2 Vol 0 (IV.71) k, k Contrary to the Diffuson contribution, where the sequence of scattering on disorder decouples the incoming wavevector k 0 to the outgoing one k, now the diffusion pole of the Cooperon constraints the two wave vectors to be opposite. The diffusion approximation requires a small momentum ||Q|| 1/`e ; because the two momenta are on the Fermi surface ||k|| ' ||k 0 || ' kF 1/`e , the sum over k and k 0 is dominated by k + k 0 ' 0 : X k, k0 R R kx kx0 |G (k)|2 Γc (k + k 0 , ω) |G (k 0 )|2 ' − X kF2 X R |G (k)|4 Γc (Q, ω) d (IV.72) Q k Cooperon The fact that σ e(ω) is dominated by the contribution of momenta such that k ' −k 0 is a manifestation of the enhancement of back-scattering of electrons, due to interferences of reversed diffusive trajectories. This is the origin of the minus sign of the Cooperon’s contribution to the conductivity, i.e. this is indeed a localisation effect. R w P 4 2 - Exercice IV.8 : Check that f2,2 = Vol k |G (k)| = 2τe . Using the result of exercice IV.8, and introducing the notation def Cooperon ∆σ(ω) = σ e(ω) 'σ e(ω) − σ e(ω) Drude (IV.73) (the Cooperon contribution is the dominant correction to the classical result). We find ∆σ(ω) = − 2s e2 1 X e Pc (Q, ω) π~ Vol where Q Pec (Q, ω) = 1 −iω/D + Q2 (IV.74) If we set the frequency to zero, the correction to the static conductivity seems at first sight to 2 1 P −2 . As usual, the occurence of a se involve a divergent quantity : ∆σ(ω = 0) = − 2π~ Q Q Vol divergence hides interesting physical phenomenon. Remark : Kubo vs Landauer and current conservation.– The comparison of the maximally crossed conductivity diagrams of Fig. 23 with the real space diagram of Fig. 22 leads to the question of the precise correspondence, since the latter diagrams present two additional Diffuson legs. The answer to this question lies in the connection between the Landauer picture (conductance) and the Kubo picture (local conductivity), with some interesting relation to the fundamental question of current conservation. This has been discussed in our paper [110] where the weak localisation correction to the non local conductivity was constructed (in real space). 1) Small scale cutoff The derivation of (IV.74) has involved several approximations : first of all, assuming weak disorder kF `e 1, we have argued that the quantum correction to the conductivity is dominated by the maximally crossed diagram (Ladder approximation). Then, the Diffuson and the Cooperon were computed in the diffusion approximation, i.e. for ||Q|| 1/`e . (IV.75) This provides a first ultraviolet cutoff in the calculation of (IV.74). There remains the problem 2 R 1/`e dd Q se of the infrared divergence ∆σ(ω = 0) = − 2π~ Q−2 , in low dimension d 6 2. (2π)d 66 2) Large scale cutoff (1) : the system size In a real situation, the transport is studied in finite size system. For example, if we consider a transport in the Ox direction through a rectangular piece of metal of size Lx × Ly × Lz (Fig. 24), when solving the diffusion equation, we must account for the geometry of the system ; as a consequence the wavevectors are quantized. In order to account for the electric contacts (transport experiment) we assume Dirichlet boundary condition in the Ox direction (absorbing boundary conditions for an electron touching one contact) and Neumann boundary conditions in the two other directions (reflexion boundary conditions) : πnx πny πnz Q= , , with nx ∈ N∗ , ny ∈ N, nz ∈ N (IV.76) Lx Ly Lz Lx Ly I I Lz Figure 24: A metallic wire. In the very asymmetric case Lx Ly , Lz (quasi-1D geometry) we can neglect the contributions of the transverse components of the wave vector : ∆σ(ω = 0) = − ∞ X 2s e2 1 2s e2 Lx 1 1 = − . π~ Lx Ly Lz (nx π/Lx )2 π~ Ly Lz 6 (IV.77) nx =1 We prefer to translate the result in terms of the dimensionless conductance g= σ Ly Lz , 2s e2 /h Lx (IV.78) from which we get the universal weak localisation correction ∆g = − 1 3 (IV.79) independent on the material properties. This universal contribution to the mean conductance must be compared to the large classical Drude conductance gD ∼ Nc `e /L 1 (where Nc is the number of conducting channels). In the quasi 2D geometry L = Lx = Ly Lz (thin film), the details of the wave vector quantization are inessential and we can write 2s e2 1 ∆σ(ω = 0) = − π~ Lz Z ~ 1/L<||Q||<1/` e ~ 1 d2 Q 2s e 2 1 1 = − ~2 (2π)2 Q π~ Lz 2π Z 1/`e 1/L dQ Q (IV.80) In the 2D case, the weak localisation is controlled both by the short scale cutoff, `e , and by the large scale cutoff, L. We get ∆σ(ω = 0) ' − 2s e2 1 1 ln(L/`e ) π~ Lz 2π 67 (IV.81) therefore 1 ∆g ' − ln(L/`e ) π (IV.82) In 3D, we consider a cubic box of size L = Lx = Ly = Lz 2s e2 ∆σ(ω = 0) = − π~ Z ~ 1/L<||Q||<1/` e ~ 1 d3 Q 2s e 2 1 = − ~2 (2π)3 Q π~ 2π 2 Z 1/`e 1/L 2s e2 1 dQ = − h π2 1 1 − . `e L (IV.83) Finally 1 ∆g ' − 2 π L −1 . `e (IV.84) Note that in this case, contrary to the 2D case, the prefactor depends on the detail of the regularization of the sum over Q. 3) Large scale cutoff (2) : the phase coherence length Weak localisation correction arises from the (quantum) interferences of reversed trajectories, i.e. is a coherent phenomenon. The results obtained in the previous paragraph hence describe systems (of size L) fully coherent. In practice, phase coherence is extremely fragile and is only preserved over lengths smaller than the phase coherence length Lϕ . This length is of fundamental importance since it set a frontier between the semi-classical transport regime, where quantum interferences are negligible, 32 and the quantum regime, where transport properties depend on the wave nature of the electrons. We can obtain a direct estimation of the phase coherence length with an experimental setup realizing the principle of the Young experiment : the Aharonov Bohm (AB) ring (Fig. 25). The geometry of the ring defines two paths and the interference fringes are revealed by changing the magnetic field. One observes regular oscillations of the conductance with a period in magnetic field corresponding to one quantum flux φ0 = h/e in the ring. The amplitude of the AB oscillations can be studied as a function of the temperature (Fig. 26) : the experimental result (for a ring of perimeter L ' 0.9 µm) shows that oscillations are only visible below few Kelvins. We can keep in mind the typical value for the phase coherence length Lϕ (T ∼ 1 K) ∼ 1 µm . As decoherence arises from interaction between a given electron (the interfering wave) and other degrees of freedom (phonons, other electrons, etc), it is rather complicate to modelize (see chapters X and XI). We will limit ourselves, in a first time, to introduce decoherence within a simple phenomenological description corresponding to the elimination of trajectories spreading over scale larger than the phase coherence length Lϕ . This can be most conveniently achieved by reformulating the calculation of the weak localisation correction in a time-space representation. The expression ∆σ = − 2s e2 D X 1 π~ Vol DQ2 (IV.85) Q 32 Eventhough the effect of quantum interferences has disappeared above few Kelvins, the electronic transport is not really classical : up to high temperatures, the dynamics of the electron liquid in a metal is completly dominated by the Pauli principle (the Fermi-Dirac distribution). 68 e− I (φ) φ φ0 ⇒ φ ’ φ Figure 25: Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a metallic ring. Aharonov-Bohm oscillations realises the Young experiment. Oscillating curve is the magnetoconductance. From [123]. Figure 26: Aharonov-Bohm amplitude. The study of AB amplitude as a function of temperature in a Gold ring (diameter 285 nm) with wire width 37 nm ; R ' 76 Ω. AB amplitude (right) is obtained by averaging over 45 h/e periods (i.e. B ∈ [−1.1 T, +1.1 T]). From [120]. can be understood as a trace of the diffusion propagator integrated over all time scale Z ∞ Z 2s e2 dr ∆σ = − D dt Pt (r|r) where Pt (r|r0 ) = h r |etD∆ | r0 i (IV.86) π~ Vol 0 | {z } def Pc (t) = solves (∂t − D∆)Pt (r|r0 ) = δ(t)δ(r − r0 ). The space averaged return probability Pc (t) counts the number of closed diffusive trajectories for a given time scale t. This representation makes clear how p the large scales can be eliminated : we simply cut the integral at the time τϕ , where Lϕ = Dτϕ . The most natural way is to introduce an exponential in the time integration 33 Z ∞ 2s e2 ∆σ = − D dt Pc (t) e−t/τϕ (IV.87) π~ 0 33 This is justified within microscopic models of decoherence or dephasing. See chapter 6 and 7 of [3]. 69 This is exactly equivalent to the introduction of a “mass” term in the diffusion propagator ∆σ = − 2s e2 1 X 1 . 2 π~ Vol 1/Lϕ + Q2 (IV.88) Q Meanwhile, we can also eliminate the shortest scale contributions (< `e ), where the diffusion approximation ceases to be valid, by introducing another exponential : ∆σ = − 2s e2 D π~ Z 0 ∞ dt Pc (t) e−t/τϕ − e−t/˜τe def with Pc (t) = Z dr Pt (r|r) , Vol (IV.89) where τ˜e = `2e /D = τe d (we have introduced this new scale to have an expression symmetric with τϕ = L2ϕ /D). This new representation (IV.89) will be very convenient for subsequent analysis. Remark : Real space derivation : A direct real space derivation of the result (IV.89) is possible. It can be found in chapters 4 and 7 of the book [2, 3]. Simple applications.– As an application we immediatly obtain the weak localisation in the 1D and 2D case by using that the return probability is simply 34 Pc (t) = 1 . (4πDt)d/2 (IV.90) Using the integral Z 0 ∞ i d e−at − e−bt d h d −1 −1 2 2 dt = Γ 1 − a − b 2 td/2 (IV.91) we deduce the weak localisation correction 2s e2 2 Γ 1 − d2 2−d 2−d ∆σ = − L − ` . ϕ e h (4π)d/2 (IV.92) We first consider the case of a long (quasi-1D) wire : ∆σ = − 2s e2 2s e2 (Lϕ − `e ) ' − Lϕ h h in d = 1 (IV.93) i.e. the WL correction to the dimensionless conductance ∆g = − Lϕ L (IV.94) For L ∼ Lϕ we recover the result of the coherent wire ∆g ∼ −1, Eq. (IV.79). The 2D case can be simply studied by dimensional regularization d = 2(1 − ) with → 0. Remembering that Γ() ' 1/, we find the logarithmic behaviour ∆σ = − 2s e2 1 ln(Lϕ /`e ) h π in d = 2 (IV.95) i.e. 1 ∆g = − ln(Lϕ /`e ) π 34 We omit the section of the film for d 6 2 ; in principle we should write Pc (t) = 2 the thickness of the film (d = 2) and W the cross-section of the wire (d = 1). 70 (IV.96) 1 (4πDt)d/2 W 3−d where W is We may again check that at the crossover L ∼ Lϕ we recover the result of the coherent plane Eq. (IV.82). Contrary to the 1D case, controlled by the large scale cutoff only, both short scale and large scale cutoffs appear in the 2D result. Finally, we mention the result in 3D for the sake of completeness 2s e 2 1 1 1 ∆σ = − − in d = 3 (IV.97) h 2π `e Lϕ However we recall that the typical order of magnitudes for the elastic mean free path in bulk (bulk) makes the coherent properties unlikely to be in the diffusive regime (recall that in Gold `e ' 4 µm most surely exceeds Lϕ in usual situations). The related correction to the dimensionless conductance is (square box) 1 L L ∆g = − − . (IV.98) 2π `e Lϕ Note that the prefactor 1/(2π) differs from the one found above for the coherent wire, Eq. (IV.84), the reason being that we used different regularizations in the two cases (the prefactor depends on regularisation in d = 3 but not in d 6 2). How to identify the WL ?– In d 6 2, the fact that (IV.74) exhibits an infrared (large scales) divergence has required a regularization of the sum, what makes the weak localisation ∆g strongly dependent on Lϕ (we mean that the dominant term of ∆g depends on Lϕ ). The measurement of the WL provides therefore a direct information on the phase coherence length. On the other hand, in d = 3, only the subdominant term of the WL depends in Lϕ ; the WL is therefore not a good tool to probe phase coherence in this case. The WL is a very small correction to the classical conductance. The question is : how can we identify the WL on the top of a large conductance G = GDrude + ∆Gquantum ? Obviously, one should vary some parameter on which the WL depends. Because decoherence is activated by increasing the temperature, a first natural suggestion would be to study the temperature-dependence of the conductance. This is however not a good idea for the reason that the WL is not the only temperature-dependent quantum correction to the conductivity. We will see (chapter XI) that the conductivity receives another correction from the electronic interactions, named the Altshuler-Aronov (AA) correction. This has led to some confusion in the analysis of the first measurements of temperature-dependent quantum corrections to transport (like in Ref. [60]). Another possibility is to vary the magnetic field, on which the WL depends, as we explain below, but not the AA correction ∆Gee . In summary, the low field and low temperature conductance may be written as G(B, T ) = GDrude + ∆GWL (B, Lϕ (T )) + ∆Gee (T ) (IV.99) The understanding of the WL’s magnetic-field dependence is thus a crucial issue in order to identify the WL correction and extract the phase coherence length. This has been used in many experiments in thin films [24] and narrow wires [98]. 4) Magnetic field dependence – Path integral formulation We have shown that the WL correction is related to the interference of time reversed trajectories, what we write schematically as X ∆σ ∼ − AC A∗Ce , (IV.100) C 71 where Ce is the reversed trajectory. In the presence of a weak magnetic field (recall that usual magnetic field are not able to bend significantly the electronic trajectories on the scale `e ), an amplitude receives an additional magnetic phase : ie AC = |AC | eikF `C e ~ R C ~ d~ r ·A . (IV.101) The magnetic phase remains unchanged under the combination of complex conjugation and time reversal, therefore the pair of amplitudes carries twice the magnetic phase I 2ie ∗ ∗ ~ d~r · A(~r) (IV.102) AC ACe = AC ACe exp ~ C This discussion, in the spirit of § IV.E, can be made precise by reformulating the analysis of the Cooperon in time representation, Eq. (IV.89), within the frame of path integration. The diffusion propagator has the path integral representation 0 Pt (~r|~r ) = ~ r(t)=~ r Z ~ r(0)=~ r0 D~r(τ ) e 1 − 4D Rt 0 dτ d~ r (τ ) dτ 2 (IV.103) where the integral corresponds to a summation over all diffusive paths ~r(τ ) going from ~r 0 to ~r Rt d~ r(τ ) 2 1 dτ with the Wiener measure D~r(τ ) exp − 4D . The form of the measure ensures dτ 0 that paths, which are Brownian motions, are continuous (i.e. the discontinuous functions in the integral have zero weight) but is not differentiable. The path integral (IV.103) corresponds to a summation over all diffusing electronic trajectories for a given time scale, i.e. for loops with a given number of collisions 35 t/τe . In Eq. (IV.89), the remaining integral over time realises the summation over the trajectories length : X C AC A∗Ce −→ Z ∞ Z ~ r(t)=~ r dt τ˜e ~ r(0)=~ r D~r(τ ) e− Rt 0 dτ 1 ˙ ~ r(τ )2 4D (IV.104) (the time integral is cut off at the time τ˜e = `2e /D below which the diffusion approximation breaks down). The path integral representation (IV.103) allows us to add in a natural way the contribution of the magnetic phase. We obtain the path integral representation of the Cooperon Pt (~r|~r) = Z ~ r(t)=~ r ~ r(0)=~ r Dr(τ ) e− Rt 0 dτ 1 ˙ ~ r)·~ ~ r(τ )2 + 2ie A(~ r˙ (τ ) 4D ~ . From this representation, we deduce that Pt (~r|~r 0 ) solves " 2 # ∂ 2ie ~ − ~ r) −D ∇ A(~ Pt (~r|~r 0 ) = δ(t) δ(~r − ~r 0 ) ∂t ~ (IV.105) (IV.106) The presence of the charge 2e reminds us that the Cooperon is a two particle propagator in the particle-particle channel, which is the reason for the terminology “Cooperon”. 35 In a time t, an electron experiences t/τe collisions, i.e. the time t corresponds to trajectories of length `C = `e (t/τe ) = dDt/`e . The Brownian motion is the continuum limit of the random walk on defects, `e → 0 ; in this limit the length of the Brownian curve is infinite `C ∝ t/`e → ∞. 72 Summary.– The weak localisation correction will be conveniently computed with the spacetime representation (IV.89) with (IV.106). The time integral can be performed to obtain the useful representation Z 2s e2 d~r ∆σ = − (IV.107) Pc (~r, ~r) π~ Vol where the Cooperon is the Green’s function of a diffusion-like operator Pc (~r, ~r 0 ) = h~r | 1 ~ − ∇− 1/L2ϕ 2 |~r 2ie ~ A(~ r ) ~ 0 i (IV.108) This last equation furnishes the pratical method to obtain Pc (~r, ~r 0 ). Magneto-conductance in a narrow wire.– A precise study of the magneto-conductance of a narrow wire will be done in the problem page 89. We only give here a first qualitative description of the magnetic-field dependence of the WL correction ∆g(B). We first notice that we expect a quadratic weak magnetic field dependence (this results from the fact that the WL involves a propagator at coinciding point, spatially integrated ; hence it must be a symmetric function of B) : ∆g(B) ' ∆g(0) + c B 2 B→0 (IV.109) with c > 0 (this is the positive – anomalous – magneto-conductance, cf. TD 4). The large field behaviour is obtained as follows : the presence of the B field adds the magnetic phase (IV.102) to the contributions of the reversed electronic trajectories. The presence of this phase is responsible for an effective B-dependent cutoff since it eliminates all trajectories encircling a magnetic flux larger that the quantum flux φ0√= h/e. For a given time scale t, a diffusive trajectory typically spreads over a distance Lt ∼ Dt along the wire. If the wire has a section W , the trajectory typical encloses a magnetic flux Φ ∼ BW Lt . Contributions of the trajectories such that Φ ∼ BW Lt & φ0 are eliminated, what gives the cutoff LB ∼ ~ e|B|W (narrow wire) . (IV.110) For LB < Lϕ , the dominant cutoff is the magnetic field, hence we should perform the substitution Lϕ → LB in Eq. (IV.94) : LB ∆g(B) ' − ∝ −1/|B| (IV.111) L at large field. The crossover between the low field and the high field behaviour occurs when LB ∼ Lϕ , thus the WL curve has a typical width in magnetic field ∆B = φ0 , W Lϕ (IV.112) corresponding to one quantum flux φ0 = h/e in the area W Lϕ . We will demonstrate later that the correct definition for the magnetic length of the narrow √ wire is LB = ~/( 3|B|W ) and will obtain the precise crossover function interpolating between (IV.109) and (IV.111), perfectly describing the experimental results like the one of Fig. 18 or Fig. 27. 73 D = 3500 cm 2/s w = 1500 nm 75 -15 0 B (G) 5 10 15 (b) 36 375 mK 270 mK 200 mK 140 mK 100 mK 76 mK 60 mK 40 mK 33 mK Lj L -0.2 34 ~Φ0Lj W 2 -0.4 G (e /h) DgHBL -5 -0.6 32 L (µm) 0.0 -10 -0.8 2 30 D = 3100 cm /s w = 1000 nm -1.0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 -30 6 -20 B -10 0 B (G) 10 20 (c) 30 600 mK L (µm) 2 G (e /h) 480 mK Figure 27: Weak localisation correction of a long wire. Left : Theoretical result, 375 mK 7 270 mK Eq. (IV.151). Right : Experimental MC of a long wire (L = 150 µm) etched in a 200 2DEG ; mK 140 mK 100 mK width W = 0.63 µm (lithographic width wlitho = 1 µm). From [91]. 76 mK 60 mK 6 Magneto-conductance in thin metallic film.– We can repeat the same exercice for a 2 D = 2400 /s metallic film. The low field dependence is again expected5 to be quadratic, The w = 600 nm high field dependence is obtained as follows : for a given time scale t, a diffusive trajectory -80 -40 0 40 80 √ (G) typically spreads over a distance Lt ∼ Dt in the plane, and typicalB encloses a magnetic flux Φ ∼ BL2t . Longest trajectories, such as Φ ∼ BL2t & φ0 , do not contribute to the WL, what gives FIG. 12. "Color online# WL curves of "a# 1500, "b# 1000, and "c# the cutoff s 600 nm wide wires at D = 3500 cm2 / s, 3100 cm2 / s, and ~ 2400 cm2 / s, respectively. The conductance is normalized by e2 / h. LB ∼ (thin film) . (IV.113) e|B| The broken lines are the best fits to Eq. "10#. 2 = 3500 / s is plotted as a function of T in Fig. 13. As in Replacing Lϕ by LB in Eq. (IV.96) gives the D large fieldcmbehaviour the diffusive regime, L! follows a T−1/3 law at low tempera1 tures and 1 varies linearly with T above !1 K. Such a tem∆g(B) ' − ln(LB /`e ) ' + ln |B| + cste . (IV.114) perature dependence is indeed expected in the semiballistic π 2π regime.54 As a consequence, the crossover between the low field and high field behaviours occurs on a scale 100 ∆B = 2 D = 3500 cm /s φ0 . L2ϕ (IV.115) IV.H 1) Lφ (µm) The precise magneto-conductance curve will be derived in the problem page 87. 10 Scaling approach and localisation (from the metallic phase) w = 1500 nm w = 1000 nm w = 600 nm experiment where The β-function The starting point of the scaling approach is the gedanken one analyses the 1 conductance of a cubic box of size Ld connected at two opoosite sides, of the 0.01 0.1as a function 1 10 size. T (K) The Drude conductance was analysed in the introductory chapter online# Phase coherence length of 1500, 1000, FIG. 13. "Color 2 in d = 1 1−d/2 and 600 nm wide wires as a function of T at D = 3500 cm2 / s. The (4π) (kF W )d−1 `e gD = cd where cd = solid lines (IV.116) 1/2fits with in =2 are = the best Eq.d"8#. L 2 Γ( d2 + 1) 1/(3π) in d = 3 FIG. 14. ferent wires cients. The o regime and t best fits to E V. DISO A In Secs. ture depend as the semi the disorde purpose, we dence of th wire widths Interestingly temperature semiballisti clear that th regime depe regime. Thi as a functio as shown in dependencie D2/3 law, w 245306-8 The WL correction for a coherent piece of metal is (see above) 1 in d = 1 − 3 1 in d = 2 ∆g = − π ln(L/` e ) 1 L − −1 in d = 3 2π `e 74 (IV.117) (note that, in d = 3, the subdominant term +1/2π is important : it will provide the asymptotic of the β-function). As noticed, being a negative correction to the conductance, the WL is a precursor of the localisation effect. We can now analyse the asymptotic behaviour of the scaling approach’s β-function (i.e. from the conducting phase). We compute the β-function β(g) = dln g . d ln L (IV.118) Note that in numerical calculations, scaling analysis is performed on the Lyapunov exponent, i.e. consider ln g [74]. In the conducting limit, we can write ln g ' ln(gD ) + ∆g gD . We deduce the expression of the β-function in the metallic limit g → ∞ 1 in d = 1 (multichannel) 3 ad 1 β(g) ' d − 2 − where ad = π (IV.119) in d = 2 g→∞ g 1 in d = 3 2π which suggests a monotonous behaviour, which is confirmed by numerical calculations (see Fig. 12) [74]. 2) Localisation length in 1D and 2D The weak localisation phenomenon is a precursor of the strong localisation, as suggested by the behaviour of the β-function. Since gD and ∆g have opposite signs, we can expect that the localisation length corresponds to the length at which the two quantities become comparable (although this is in principle out of the range of validity of the calculation of the WL) : gD ∼ |∆g| for L ∼ ξloc . (IV.120) Narrow wire.– The general expression of the Drude conductance in a wire is gD = kF W `e /2L = αd Nc `e /L where αd = Vd /Vd−1 (where Vd is the volume of the unit sphere) and Nc the number of conducting channels : Nc = kF W/π in d = 2, i.e. for a wire of width W etched in a two dimensional electron gas (2DEG). And Nc = (kF W )2 /4π in d = 3, i.e. in a thin and narrow metallic wire of section W 2 . This leads to (1D) ξloc ∼ Nc `e (IV.121) This expression of the localisation length has been confirmed by other approaches, like the random matrix approach of Dorokhov-Mello-Pereyra-Kumar (see the review by Beenakker [20]). Planes and thin films.– In d = 2, i.e. in a 2DEG, we have gD = kF `e /2, therefore the localisation length π (2D) ξloc ∼ `e e 2 kF `e (IV.122) is very large. In d = 3, i.e. in a thin film of thickness W , we have gD = kF2 W `e /3π, therefore we obtain 1 2 (2D) ξloc ∼ `e e 3 kF W `e . 75 (IV.123) IV.I Conductance fluctuations An important aspect on which we have been elusive up to now is the question of disorder averaging. As we have pointed out, the theoretical tools can only provide information on averaged quantities, like the mean conductivity σ. On the other hand, most of the experiments are performed on a given sample. Two questions immediatly arise : first, how can we understand that the weak localisation (an averaged quantity) describes well the magnetoconductance of a given sample, as it was illustrated by showing several experimental data ? Second, can we characterize the sample to sample fluctuations (or correlations) of the conductance ? 1) Disorder averaging in large samples We can answer to the first question by a simple qualitative argument. If a system is much larger than Lϕ , electronic wave in different parts separated by Lϕ do not interfere. When the system is splitted in pieces of size Lϕ , they can therefore be considered as statistically independent. As an illustration, we consider a long wire of size L Lϕ . We recall that the resistance has additive properties : we introduce ri , the resistance of a coherent piece, of size Lϕ . The different pieces being incoherent, the classical law of addition of resistances holds R' N X ri i=1 where N = L/Lϕ . (IV.124) Weak localisation.– The resistance of each coherent part can be written as ri = ricl + ∆ri where ricl is the classical resistance and ∆ri the quantum correction. The quantum correction to the total resistance ∆R = R − Rcl can be related to the conductance correction P ∆ri ∆R N ∆r 1 ∆G = − 2 = − Pi 2 ' − ∆Gϕ (IV.125) 2 = |{z} R N cl N rcl r one sample i i where we have introduced the weak localisation correction for the coherent piece ∆Gϕ = 2 −∆r/(rcl )2 . We have shown above that ∆Gϕ = 2she ∆g ϕ ∼ −e2 /h. We have thus recovered the behaviour of the weak localisation correction ∆g |{z} one sample ∼− Lϕ 1 ∆g ϕ ∼ − N L (IV.126) and shown how the measurement on a given sample, ∆g = g −g cl , can coincide with the averaged quantity, ∆g ' −Lϕ /L. Conductance fluctuations.– We can develope a similar argument in order to analyse the conductance fluctuations. We introduce the (sample to sample) fluctuation δri = ri − ri for the coherent piece of metal : P N δr2 1 i,j δri δrj 2 δG ' P 4 ' (IV.127) 4 = 3 δG2ϕ N N r i ri where δG2ϕ is the conductance fluctuation for a coherent metal. We deduce that the conductance fluctuations of the long wire behaves as 3 Lϕ δg 2 ' δgϕ2 . (IV.128) L 76 The conductance fluctuations of the coherent piece of metal δgϕ2 is controlled by two lengths : the phase coherence length Lϕ and also the thermal length def LT = p ~D/kB T . (IV.129) This second length scale has its origin in thermal fluctuations. We recall that the conductivity at finite temperature is a convolution of the zero temperature conductivity σ ˜ (F ) : Z ∂f σ = d − σ ˜ () . (IV.130) ∂ The average conductivity has no structure in energy, therefore the thermal smearing has no effect on averaged transport properties. On the other hand, the conductivity fluctuations δσ 2 involves correlations at different energies : δ˜ σ ()δ˜ σ (0 ). Correlations in energy decay over a characteristic energy scale which is the Thouless energy ETh ∼ D L2 (IV.131) (we will prove this below by a detailed analysis of the correlator). This has some consequence on the temperature dependence of the fluctuations δσ 2 as the two Fermi functions constraint the two energies to be close, | − 0 | . T . In a coherent system (Lϕ > L) and for T . ETh , the conductance fluctuations are of order 2 δg ∼ 1. On the other hand, when temperature is larger than the correlation energy, T & ETh , i.e. LT . L, different energy shells of width ETh can be considered as independent and the conductance fluctuations are reduced by a factor δg 2 ∼ ETh /T = (LT /L)2 . We can repeat the argument in the regime Lϕ < L. If LT Lϕ , the thermal smearing is negligible, hence δgϕ2 ∼ 1, however in the limit LT Lϕ , it leads to a reduction of the fluctuations, by a factor (LT /Lϕ )2 . In conclusion, the conductance fluctuations of the long wire are ( (Lϕ /L)3 for Lϕ LT L δg 2 ∼ (IV.132) 2 3 LT Lϕ /L for LT Lϕ L 2) Few experiments Figure 28: Magneto-conductance of a short (coherent) wire in a 2DEG for different gate voltage. From [102]. Magneto-conductance measurements in coherent wires have been realised by Skocpol et al [102]. The conductance g(B) of a given sample is shown on figure 28 for different gate voltages. 77 G ( e2/h ) It exhibits fluctuations of order g ∼ 1 (i.e. G ∼ e2 /h). The complicate erratic structure, perfectly reproducible (as soon as the disorder configuration is stable), represents the interference pattern characteristic of the disorder configuration : it is called the “magneto-fingerprint” of 16.5 the sample. (a) 16.4 Sanquer [83] who were able to produce A remarkable experience was realised by Mailly and a set of 46 magneto-conductance (MC) curves associated with different disorder configurations. 16.3 After having recorded a magneto-conductance curve, they changed the disorder configuration 16.2 by heating the sample and injecting a high current pulse. The 46 MC curves are plotted on 16.1 the figure. Then they perform some statistical analysis of the data by extracting the mean conductance and the variance. The mean conductance g(B) shows a deep around zero field 16.0 over a scale Bc , which we can identify with the weak localisation correction. Remarkably, the 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 variance drops by a factor 2 over the same correlation field. B ( 10-4 Teslas ) 16.5 G ( e2/h ) 16.4 (b) 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) 4.00 G ( e2/h ) 16.4 var (G) (10-3( e2/h )2 ) 16.5 (a) 16.3 16.2 16.1 (c) 3.00 2.00 1.00 16.0 15.9 0.00 200 600 1000 1400 200 1800 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10 Teslas ) -4 16.5 (b) G ( e2/h ) Figure 29: Left 16.4 : UCF : 46 MC curves obtained with a short (coherent) wire etched in a 2DEG (T = 45 mK). The different curves are obtained by modifying the disorder configuration. Right : 16.3 Averaging the MC leads to the weak localisation. Figures of Ref. [83]. 16.2 Not only16.1the variance of the conductance was extracted from experimental data but also the correlations C(∆B) = G(B0 )G(B0 + ∆B) (Fig. 30) : the correlation function was obtained 16.0 from a given MC curve by sweeping the magnetic field B0 . The authors have assumed the R B2 dB 15.9 0 200 600 1000 1400 1800 equivalence of the two correlation functions B1 B2 −B G(B0 )G(B0 + ∆B) and C(∆B) (the 1 -4 B ( 10 Teslas ) “ergodic hypothesis”). 3) var (G) (10-3( e2/h )2 ) 4.00 (c) Conductivity correlations/fluctuations 3.00 Identification of corrections.– 2.00 1.00 0.00 200 600 1000 1400 B ( 10 Teslas ) -4 1800 78 Figure 30: Correlations G(B0 )G(B0 + ∆B) from the MC of a short wire in a 2DEG. From [102]. Effect of magnetic field.– 1 δg(B)2 ' δg(0)2 2 for strong B (IV.133) as shown on Mailly and Sanquer’s experiment. Thermal smearing.– Reduction of fluctuations by a factor ETh /T where ETh = D/L is the Thouless energy (in a coherent sample ; when L Lϕ we should write ETh = D/L2ϕ ). 4) Averaging : AB versus AAS oscillations • Around zero field : h/2e oscillations dominate. These are AAS oscillations of the averaged conductance. • At large field (LB Lϕ ), h/e oscillations dominate. These are AB oscillations (fluctuations). Figure 31: Magneto-conductance of a single ring and a series of 30 rings. Fourier spectrum. From [114]. 79 P H Y S I C A L R E V I EFigure W L E T32: T E AB RS and AAS amplitudes as a function of the number of rings. From [114]. week ending 12 JANUARY 2007 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS PRL 98, 026807 (2007) which is the key relation fro results, bearing in mind that L# are fixed parameters. Let us first consider larg sions larger than the phase L# . Since interfering time re a typical size L# , they do n system and therefore !! is s AAS amplitude varies as ! ratio is constant, this amplit !gAA In this regime we also see fro FIG. 3 (color online). AAS amplitude !gAAS and AB ampliFIG. 2 (color online). Magnetoresistance of a square network h of several samples of which leads to as a function of the number N of plaquettes for 33: 3000 ABplaquettes: and AAS a data; functiontudeof"gthe number of plaquettes in large arrays. containing (a) lowamplitudes field data; (b) highas field ble for the small sample.Figure AB different networks of various sizes Lx $ Ly / N, for two top(c),(d) Fourier (FFT) amplitudes of (a),(b), respectively. Data are From [100]. "gAB / taken at 400 mK. ologies, square (squares) and T 3 (diamonds) [17]. performed at 400 mK; egime with a relatively zes the signal to noise At this temperature, the d from standard weak 0 nm wide wire fabri’ 6 "m, the diffusion thermal length LT # the magnetoresistance aquettes. At low field riod B # 50 G, correare identified as the y higher than the field we observe a different ns have a periodicity of these are AB oscillaifferent periodicity of ions, we display their field) and 2(d) (high he main peak clearly he low field regime, it ledge, this is the first ations are observed on ion of the amplitude of s versus the number of cillations we sweep the 00 G, whereas for the range of $1200 G. To he AB oscillations, we eriods after subtraction low frequency fluctuaund noise by repeating ame conditions but at gain the Fourier trans- form. The amplitude of the AB signal is then obtained from the Fourier spectrum after subtraction of the background spectrum integrated over the same frequency range, in a similar way used for persistent current measurements [11]. This procedure is only necessary for very large networks (typically larger than 105 plaquettes) since for smaller networks the noise is negligible. For the determination of the AAS amplitude such a procedure is not necessary, as the background noise is always negligible. However, the second harmonic (!0 =2) of the AB oscillations has the same frequency as the first harmonic (!0 =2) of the AAS oscillations. For small networks (typically N % 100) this contribution cannot be neglected. In order to extract the AAS signal, we therefore determine first the amplitude of the second harmonic of the AB oscillations at high field and then subtract this amplitude from the first harmonic of the oscillations measured at low field [12]. In Fig. 3 we display the amplitude of magnetoconductance oscillations (AAS and AB) extracted from the Fourier spectra as a function of the number N of plaquettes. For large networks (N * 300), the pamplitude of the AB !!!! oscillations clearly decreases as 1= N , whereas the amplitude of the AAS oscillations are independent of the number of plaquettes as naively expected. More surprising is the behavior observed for small networks: when they contain typically less than N ’ 300 plaquettes, pthe !!!! amplitude of the AB oscillations varies faster than 1= N . At the same time the AAS amplitude now depends on N (Fig. 3). In the following, we will show that this new behavior results from a dimensional crossover when the transverse size of the network becomes smaller than the phase coherence length: one then enters a new regime where the transport properties are effectively one dimensional on the two-dimensional network. Let us first recall general considerations on the magnetoconductivity oscillations: on one hand, the AAS oscillations are the Fourier harmonics of the weak localization correction h!!!B"i to the average conductivity [5]. On the other hand, the amplitude of the AB oscillations can be obtained from the correlation function of the conductivity h"!!B""!!B0 "i. The expressions of these two quantities are indeed related [13–16]. In the limit where the thermal length LT is smaller than L# , this yields "!2AB # 80 e2 4$L2T !!AAS ; h 3 Vol (1) where "!AB and !!AAS are, respectively, the first harmonics of the AB and AAS oscillations and Vol the volume of the sample. In this formula, the temperature dependence originates from the conductivity correlation function which probes a finite energy scale of width kB T [3,16]. The key feature is the proportionality between "!2AB and !!AAS . Indeed, both quantities can be written in terms of the coherent part of the return probability to the origin for a diffusive particle. Consequently, both must probe in the same way the influence of the geometry [16]. We consider a network of dimensions Lx $ Ly (see Fig. 1). It is important to keep in mind that experiments presented here are performed on several networks of different sizes, but of constant aspect ratio Lx =Ly # 10. The length and width of the networks thus p!!!! scale with the number of plaquettes N as Lx / Ly / N . The dimensionless conductance g # G=!2e2 =h" of the network is then related to the conductivity by Ohm’s law g / !Ly =Lx . Combined with Eq. (1) and given that Vol / Lx Ly , this yields for the amplitudes of the conductance oscillations !gAAS and "gAB : 2 This is exactly what is obse the number of plaquettes is diffuse on what they feel as For smaller networks, the tually becomes smaller than we enter a regime where th sally coherent whereas it re ent: Ly ' L# ' Lx . In this 1D scaling !!AAS / L# =Ly 1=Lx and "g2AB / 1=L3x , wh !gAAS "gAB / This is precisely what is ob Fig. 3. It remains now to check crossover observed on Fig. the phase coherence length. T N ’ 300 corresponding to Ly be compared with the coher sured at T # 400 mK. This more than qualitative, suppo To summarize, the dimen the scaling of the AB oscillat ent scaling Ly =L3x ! L# =L ductance fluctuations, with useful to compare these depe chain where the number N o length Lx of the chain, so t !gAAS / 1=N. Since the con yields for thep!!!!relative fluc "gAB =g / 1= N as was obs An interesting way of che Eq. (2): we can see that the r IV.J Conclusion : a probe for quantum coherence The main interest in WL analysis is to provide a practical probe of phase coherence properties. Moreover, the analysis of ∆σ(B, Lϕ ) defines 36 the phase coherence length Lϕ . We can show that this method is effective in practical situation : in typical WL measurements, the value of Lϕ can be obtained from the fit of the magneto-conductance curve at different temperatures, what provides the temperature dependence of the phase coherent length. The typical temperature dependence (for a narrow wire) is shown on Fig. 34. The analysis of the temperature dependence provides information on the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the decoherence. For example, the behaviour τϕ ∝ T −3 above T = 1 K is attributed to elctron-phonon interaction. Below T = 1 K, the dominant decoherence mechanism is provided by electronic interacions, −2/3 in 1D. characterised by the behaviour τϕ ∝OFT ELECTRONS DEPHASING IN MESOSCOPIC METAL WIRES PHYSICAL REVIEW B 68, 085413 $2003% cess. Nevertheless, if the exponent of T is left as a fit parameter, better fits are obtained with smaller exponents ranging from 0.59 for samples Ag$6N%d and Au$6N% up to 0.64 for sample Ag$6N%c. This issue will be discussed in Sec. V B. The dashed line in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 is the quantitative prediction of Eq. $3% for electron–electron interactions in sample Ag$6N%c. The dephasing times are close, though always slightly smaller, to the theoretical prediction of Eq. $3%. Table III lists the best fit parameters A, B, together with the prediction A thy of Eq. $3%. This data set casts doubt on the claim by Mohanty, Jariwala, and Webb7 $MJW% that saturation of " # is a universal phenomenon in mesoscopic wires. One can always argue that the saturation temperature for our silver samples is below 40 mK, hence unobservable in our experiments. However, the resistivity and dimensions of sample Ag$6N%a are similar to those of sample Au-3 in the MJW paper,7 which exhibits saturation of " # starting at about 100 mK, and has a maximum value of " #max"2 ns. In contrast, " # reaches 9 ns in Ag$6N%a. FIG. 4. Phase coherence time vs temperature in samples Ag$6N%a (!), Ag$6N%b ("), Ag$6N%c (#), Ag$6N%d ($), and Au$6N% $* %, all made of 6N sources. Continuous lines are fits of the data to Eq. $4%. For clarity, the graph has been split in two part, shifted vertically one with respect to the other. The quantitative prediction of Eq. $3% for electron–electron interactions in sample Ag$6N%c is shown as a dashed line. B. Silver 5N and copper samples In silver samples made from a 5N purity source, the phase coherence time is systematically shorter than predicted by Eq. $3% and displays an unexpectedly flat temperature dependence below 400 mK. The same is true for all the copper samples we measured, independently of source purity.18 where ! F is the density of states per unit volume at the Fermi These trends are illustrated for samples Ag$5N%b and Figure 34: Phase coherence length wires as a fonction of temperature. energy, and S is of the narrow cross sectionsilver of the wire. Cu$6N%b in Fig. 3. In order to test the theoretical predictions, the measured length ranging from 135 to 400 µm, thickness from 35 to 55 nm and with from 65responsible to 105 nm. What can be for this anomalous behavior? " # (T) curves were fit with the functional form, There have been several theoretical suggestions regarding From [92]. sources of extra dephasing. Some of these, such as the pres" #!1 "AT 2/3#BT 3 , $4% ence of a parasitic high frequency electromagnetic 19 can be ruled outofpurely In this chapter Lϕ waswhere introduced as a cutoff put by hand. It willradiation, be the purpose theon experimental grounds. the second term describes electron–phonon scattering, Indeed some samples do show a saturation of " # , while 2 shownmicroscopic as continudominant higher temperatures. chapter X to discuss the origin of atthis length scale Fits onare more grounds. Inresistance chapter others of similar andXI geometry, measured in the lines in Fig. 4 $the fit parameters minimize the distance same cryostat, do not. This indicates that, in our experiments we will analyse more deeplyous the particular role of electronic interaction. between the data points and the fit curve in a log–log plot%. at least, the observed excess dephasing is not an artifact of Equation $4% describes accurately the temperature depenthe measurement. The main suggestions to explain the dence of " # (T) for samples Ag$6N%a, b, c and, with a anomalous behavior of " # are dephasing by very dilute magslightly reduced fidelity, for samples Ag$6N%d and sample netic impurities,11,20 dephasing by two-level systems associAu$6N%. In all these samples, fabricated using 6N source ated with lattice defects,21,22 and dephasing by electron– materials of silver and gold, " # (T) follows very closely, beelectron interactions through high energy electromagnetic 2/3 low about 1 K, the 1/T dependence expected when the modes.23 electron–electron interaction is the dominant inelastic proThe correlation between source material purity and excess dephasing amongst silver samples fabricated using the exact same process but with either our 5N or 6N source material suggests that impurities are responsible for the anomalous temperature dependence of " # . The fact that, among all the 6N silver samples, " # (T) deviates the most from the predicSample A thy A B tion of electron–electron interactions in Ag$6N%d, fabricated (ns!1 K!2/3) (ns!1 K!2/3) (ns!1 K!3 ) 36 in MSU $see Fig.same 4% would Each phase coherent physical property, like AB amplitude, persistent current, etc, does the job. mean It isthat the 6N silver source Ag$6N%a 0.73 0.045 material used at MSU contains more ‘‘dangerous’’ impurities not obvious that they all give the same length 0.55 scale. than the one at Saclay. Ag$6N%b 0.51 0.59 0.05 The phase coherence time in the copper samples is always Ag$6N%c 0.31 0.37 0.047 almost independent of temperature below about 200 mK Ag$6N%d 0.47 0.044 81 0.56 down to our base temperature of 40 mK $see Refs. 11,24,25%. Au$6N% 0.40 0.67 0.069 However, as opposed to silver samples, this unexpected beTABLE III. Theoretical predictions of Eq. $3% and fit parameters for " # (T) in the purest silver and gold samples using the functional form given by Eq. $4%. Exercices - Exercice IV.9 : Magn´ etoconductance classique et magn´ etoconductance anormale (d’un fil).– On rappelle que la conductivit´e de Drude varie `a “bas” champ comme e ∆σclass (B)/σ0 ' −(Bµ)2 o` u µ = eτ e. On consid`ere de l’argent avec `e = 30 nm m est la mobilit´ −1 (on rappelle que kF = 0.83 ˚ A). V´erifier que ∆σclass (B)/σ0 ' −10−5 B 2 (B en Tesla). On consid`ere un fil d’argent de section S = W × a = 60 nm×50 nm soumis `a un champ magn´etique perpendiculaire. Calculer la longueur LB pour B = 1 T. V´erifier que la localisation faible d´ecroˆıt comme ∆σ/σ0 ' −10−5 /B (B en Tesla). B -t0 I 0 !0 y x FIG.I. I L Figure 35: Magnetoresistance of a hollow metallic cylinder in Oersted (1 Oersted= 1 Gauss= Thus,accordingto (3), rslrro= 5; the secondterm in (l) can thereforebe neglected and 10−4 Tesla). From [9]. the phaseof the oscillationscoincideswith the observedvalue. In order for the spin-orbiteffectsto be insigrrificant,lithium, for which e must be Exercice IV.10 : two ordersof magnitudesmallerthan for Mg, waschosenas the materialfor the speci1/ Ballistic ring – Aharonov-Bohm oscillations.– We consider a metallic ring of micromens. metric dimension such that the transport can be considered fully coherent low temperature). Theresultsof theex n t (at "A,lilhi-q1r.flm, similarto that described in Ref.4. withR = 2 kO and D= I cm was obtainedby condensation Discuss how the conductance depends on a magnetic field.'ls. - of lithium with an initial purity of 99.95%on a quartz filament. The helium temperature in the experiment was l.l K. Same current, to 40 ltA,heatedthe speci. The measuring 2/ Diffusive ring – Altshuler-Aronov-Sharvin oscillations.– question forequal a ring mens by an amount of the order of l0- l K. made of weakly disordered metal, in the diffusive regime [base your analysis on Eq. (IV.102)]. The dashedline in the figure showsthe resultsof a calculationusingEq. (1) with The first experiment was performed in a famous experiment by Sharvin and Sharvin [101, 9]. ?so= -, F = O,t= 0.72 pm, I, = 2.32prm,and a= 0.12pm. The quantity2r- a= 1.32 What is the diameter of the cylinder ? trlmis closeto the value of the diameterof the quartz filament 1.3 pm, determined Further reading : review by Aronov and Webb [121]. with the help of an electronmicroscope.Another checkof the theory is the agreementbetween the[16] monotonic decrease andone the damping of the oscillations, Sharvin and also the by Washburn and determinedby the samequantity a. Thus, theory and experimentapparentlyarein good quantitativeagreement, It should be noted that it waspossibleto observein theseexperimentsthe negative longitudinal magnetoresistanceof thin films. - Exercice IV.11 Complex geometry – Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations : DeConfirming the validity of the basicideasof the theory of weaklocalizationin quasitailed study twodimensional systems,experimentsof the type describedabovealsomake it possible to study electron scatteringmechanismsin thin films. • Weak localisation correction in a metallic ring. • Hollow cylinder. Theory by [8] ; experiment [101, 9] We are grateful to A. I. Larkin and D. E. KhmelhitskiYfor discussing the resultsto, A. V. Danilov for help in analyzing the experimental results,and to P. L. Kapitsa for his interestin this work and for making it possibleto carry out the experimentsat the Insti' tute of Physical Problemsof the Academy of Sciencesof the USSR. l)An "rro, in (6) in Ref.I shouldbecorrected. expression Thetotalcoefficient shouldbe 1/22', ratherthan1ln2, and2nZ. shouldbereplaced by I.. 590 JETPLett,Vol.35, No. 11, 5 June1982 A t ' t s h u l e re t a / ' =-._lL 82 590 Master iCFP - Wave in random media May 3, 2015 TD 4 : Classical and anomalous magneto-conductance 4.1 Anomalous (positive) magneto-conductance 1/ Classical magneto-conductivity.– We first analyse transport coefficients in the presence of a magnetic field within the semi-classical Drude-Sommerfeld theory of electronic transport. a) Show that the conductivity tensor in the presence of an external magnetic field is 1 1 + (ωc τ )2 ωc τ = σ0 1 + (ωc τ )2 σxx = σ0 (IV.134) σxy (IV.135) eB is the cyclotron pulsation and σ0 = where ωc = m ∗ resistivity tensor ρ = σ −1 . ne2 τ m∗ the Drude conductivity. Deduce the b) Justify physically the decrease of σxx (B) as B increases. c) At low temperature, the relaxation time saturates at the elastic mean free time τ → τe . What is the typical scale of magnetic field needed to decrease significantly σxx (B) ? We give the inverse A and the elastic mean free path `e = 4 µm in gold (bulk). of the Fermi wavevector kF−1 = 0.85 ˚ d) In thin metallic films with thickness 50 nm, the elastic mean free path is reduced by two order of magnitudes ! In thin silver wires, one measures `e ' 20 nm. How large must be the magnetic field to bend significantly the electronic trajectories between collisions on impurities ? 2/ Coherent enhancement of back-scattering.– In a weakly disordered metal, interferences of time reversed electronic trajectories enhance the back-scattering of electrons, and therefore diminishes the conductivity. In the absence of a magnetic field, the phase of probability amplitude is an orbital phase proportional to the length of the diffusive trajectory AC = |AC |eikF `C : ∆σ(B = 0) ∼ − X C AC A∗Ce = − X 2 AC < 0 (IV.136) C where the sum runs over all closed diffusive trajectories. ’= ~ Figure 36: Interference of reversed electronic trajectories C and Ce increases back-scattering (weak localisation). a) If a weak magnetic field is applied, what is the magnetic field dependence of the probability amplitudes AC ? b) How the right hand side of Eq. (IV.135) is modified ? c) We consider a thin metallic film, i.e. diffusive electronic motion is effectively two-dimensional. 83 Argue that the presence of the perpendicular magnetic flux introduces a cutoff in the summation over electronic trajectories (IV.135). d) Anomalous magneto-conductivity.– Deduce the qualitative behaviour of ∆σ(B) and discuss the experimental result (Fig. 37). ________________________________________________________ Mg L00 0~ 0 0 ~O.O5 0 O.5~ 0 0 0 o 17 0.11 ~ 6.4K 9.4K A 0.11 ~0 0.21 19.9 K 0.5T 1.01 H Fig. 2.11. The magneto-resistance of a thin Mg-film for different temperatures as a function of the applied field. The units of the field are given on the right of the curves. The points represent the experimental results. The full curves are calculated with the theory. The small spin-orbit scattering is taken into account. 2 ~ (T/K) 2.5 3 -24 Magnesium film (24 Mg). From Figure 37: Anomalous magneto-resistance of a thin 12 In(t1 is) Ref. [25]. 20 12s] t1[10 10 -25 Mg -26 5 R • 84.60 -27 2 1 5 10 T[K] 20 Fig. 2.12. The inelastic lifetime ~ of a Mg-film as a function of temperature. It obeys a r2-law. 84 4.2 Green’s function and self energy 1) Propagator and Green’s functions We introduce the propagator ˆ K(~r, t|~r 0 , 0) = −i θH (t) h~r |e−iHt |~r 0 i (IV.137) where H is the Hamiltonian operator. a) Check that K(~r, t|~r 0 , 0) is the Green’s function of the time dependent Schr¨odinger equation. R +∞ b) Compute the Fourier transform GR (~r, ~r 0 ; E) = −∞ dt eiEt K(~r, t|~r 0 , 0). Check that this is the Green’s function of the stationary Schr¨odinger equation. 2) Green’s functions in momentum space and average Green’s function 1/ Free Green’s function.– The free Green’s function in momentum space is G0R (~k, ~k 0 ) = h ~k | 1 ~ | ~k 0 i ≡ δ~k,~k 0 GR 0 (k) EF − H0 + i0+ (IV.138) 1 where | k i is a plane wave, eigenvector of H0 = − 2m ∆ (the dependence in Fermi energy is R 0 implicit). Compute explicitly G0 (~r, ~r ) in dimension d = 1 and d = 3. 2 k Hint : in d = 1, compute G0 (x, x0 ) for a negative energy E = − 2m and perform some analytic continuation. (3D) (1D) In d = 3, show that G0 (~r, ~r 0 ) can be related to a derivative of G0 (x, x0 ) (after integrations over angles). 2/ Average Green’s function in the presence of a weak disorder.– Assuming that the R self energy is purely imaginary ΣR = −i/2τe , compute explicitly G (~r, ~r 0 ) for d = 1, 3. p Hint : express 2m(EF + i/2τe ) in terms of kF and `e . 3) Self energy : stacking 1/ Recall the expression of the self energy at lowest order in the disorder, in terms of the free Green’s function. Express its imaginary part. 2/ We now consider a particular class of diagrams : ΣR stack = = + + + ··· (IV.139) Deduce an equation for ΣR stack and solve it. Analyse the weak disorder limit F 1/τe . 85 Master iCFP - Wave in random media May 3, 2015 TD 5 : Magneto-conductance of thin metallic films and wires – Spin-orbit scattering and weak anti-localisation 5.1 Magneto-conductivity in thin metallic films The fit of anomalous magneto-conductivity curves in thin 2D films and wires is a powerful tool which has been extensively used in order to extract the phase coherence length Lϕ of metallic devices at low T (. few K). The fit of ∆σ(B, Lϕ ) is performed at several temperatures what allows to extract the temperature dependence Lϕ (T ) and identify the microscopic mechanisms responsible for dephasing and/or decoherence. DIMENSIONAL¼ PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 115318 !2006" FIG. 2. !Color Weak as localization Figure 38: Magnetoresistance curves online" for a 2DEG a functionmagnetoresistance of the magnetic field in Gauss measurements at different temperatures. The temperature range is −4 (1 Gauss= 10 Tesla). From Ref. [52]. from 4.2 K !top" down to 130 mK !bottom". The black solid lines are the best fits to electron Eq. !3". gas (2DEG) submitted to a perpendicular magnetic We consider a two dimensional field B. In this case it will be convenient to write the Cooperon as an integral of the propagator 4.2 K and $130 mK.Z The solid lines are best fits using Eq. in time ∞ 2s e2 Dthere !3". In our samples are no magnetic impurities and the ∆σ = − dt Pt (~r|~r) e−t/τϕ − e−t/˜τe (IV.140) π~ Bso0, Bs $ B!, making #! the only fitting well is symmetric parameter. The values of the extracted dephasing where the second exponential cut off the contribution of small times, time that from are not described by 2 2 Eq. !3" are: plotted Fig. 3 as of temperature, andspin degeneracy. the diffusion approximation τϕ = Lϕin/D and τ˜e a=function `e /D. The factor 2s is the compared with the theoretical predictions given by Eqs. !1" The time propagator of the diffusion and we and !2". F0% is used as a restricted fittingparameter, 2 % ~ 2ie A ~ Dt ∇− 0 0 the calculations. This use the value ~ Pt (~r|~rF0)==−0.4 θH (t)throughout h~r |e |~r i (IV.141) value is comparable with the estimate given in Ref. 20, of solves the diffusion-like equation for GaAs samples at our electron concentration F0% = −0.28 " # is the theoretical value from rs % 1.05. Thegreen solid2line 2e ~ − i where ~ Eq. !1", the ∂t −applicable D ∇ A Pt (~rsmall-energy |~r 0 ) = δ(t)δ(~rtransfer − ~r 0 ) term ~ dominates, and the blue dashed line is the theoretical value (IV.142) from Eq. !2", applicable where the large-energy transfer term 1/ Using the mapping onto theThe Landau problem, Pt (~r|~r) in theof plane. dominates. red dotted linecompute is the combination the ~2 ~ theoretical value of from Eq. !2" and the2D linear term fromHEq. Hint : We recall that the spectrum eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian Landau = − 2m (∇ − !1", which represents the ballistic limit with some contribui ~process: 2 mperature calibration !a" ~ eA) for a homogeneous magnetic field is the Landau spectrum εn = ~ωc (n + 1/2) for n ∈ N, tion from the small-energy transfer linear term. The cyan he longitudinal resistance is predashed-dotted line presents the prediction for a28 2DEG igic field for several different tem86 he range 3.9– 5 T !1 ↓ −1 ↑ ". The !top" to around 75 mK !bottom", where ωc = eB/m and where each Landau level has a degeneracy proportional to the surface of the plane dLL = eBSurf h . The partition function of the Landau problem ZLandau = R − ~t HLandau |~r i can be easily calculated. d~r h~r |e 2/ a) Using the integral given in the appendix, deduce that ∆σ(B) = 1 L2B 1 L2B 2s e2 1 ψ + 2 −ψ + 2 h 2π 2 Lϕ 2 `e (IV.143) where LB will be related to the magnetic field. b) What is the magnetic field corresponding to LB = 1 µm ? And LB = 20 nm ? Looking at the range of magnetic field on the experimental curve, argue that it is justified to simplify the result as 2 LB 1 L2B 2s e2 1 (IV.144) ψ + 2 − ln ∆σ(B) = h 2π 2 Lϕ `2e c) Analyse the zero field value ∆σ(0). Discuss the limiting behaviours of ∆σ(B) − ∆σ(0). 3/ Discuss the experimental data of Fig. 38. Appendix : We give the integral (formula 3.541 of Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, Ref. [62]) Z ∞ 1 1 b 1 a e−ax − e−bx = ψ + −ψ + , (IV.145) dx sinh λx λ 2 2λ 2 2λ 0 d where ψ(z) = dz ln Γ(z) is the digamma function. We deduce the functional relation ψ(z + 1) = 1 ψ(z) + z . We give two values ψ(1) = −C ' −0.577215 (Euler-Mascheroni constant) and ψ(1/2) = −C − 2 ln 2, and the limiting behaviour ψ(x + 1/2) = ln x + x→∞ 87 1 + O(x−3 ) 24x2 (IV.146) 5.2 Magneto-conductance in narrow wires The aim of the exercice is to analyse the magneto-conductance of a long wire of section W submitted to a perpendicular homogeneous magnetic field. For simplicity we consider the twodimensional situation of a wire etched in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). We recall that the weak localisation correction to the conductivity is given by " 2 # 2s e2 2e ~ ~ −i A ∆σ = − Pc (~r, ~r) with γ− ∇ Pc (~r, ~r 0 ) = δ(~r − ~r 0 ) , (IV.147) π~ ~ where γ = 1/L2ϕ . We consider the geometry of a infinitly long quasi-1D wire, i.e. x ∈ R and y ∈ [0, W ]. 1/ Relate the conductivity σ of the wire to the conductance G = I/V . We choose the Landau gauge such that Ax is an antisymmetric function of the transverse coordinate. If y ∈ [0, W ] we choose Ax (W − y) = −Ax (y), i.e. Ax (y) = (W/2 − y) B and Ay = 0 . We assume that the confinment imposes Neumann boundary conditions ∂y Pc (~r, ~r 0 )y=0 & W = 0 . (IV.148) (IV.149) 2/ Zero field.– The aim is to construct the spectrum of the Laplace operator ∆ = ∂x2 + ∂y2 in the wire. a) Use the separability of the problem to find the spectrum of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Laplace operator in the infinitly long wire of width W . b) Green’s function.– Justify the following representation Pc (~r, ~r 0 ) = ∞ X 1 | x0 i χn (y 0 ) χn (y) h x | γ + εn − ∂x2 n=0 {z } | (IV.150) Pc (x,x0 ) for γ→γ+εn The functions χn (y) satisfy the differential equation −∂y2 χn (y) = εn χn (y) on [0, W ] with appropriate boundary conditions. Under what condition on W and Lϕ can the Cooperon be approximated by the 1D Cooperon Pc (x, x0 ) = h x | γ − ∂x2 )−1 | x0 i ? 3/ Weak magnetic field.– In the diffusion approximation, the Cooperon can be interpreted as the Green’s function of the operator −(∇ − ~i 2eA)2 , Eq. (IV.146). We recall that this treatment of the magnetic field in the diffusion approximation supposes that `e Rc , where Rc = vF /ωc is the cyclotron radius of electrons with energy εF (ωc = eB/m∗ is the cyclotron pulsation). Our aim is to compute the Cooperon in the weak magnetic field limit. RW a) Projecting the differential equation (IV.146) (i.e. 0 dy W × · · · ), show that the effect of the magnetic field can be absorbed by a transformation of the phase coherence length in the one-dimensional cooperon Z 1 1 1 4e2 W dy 1 def 1 −→ eff = 2 + 2 where 2 = 2 Ax (y)2 . (IV.151) L2ϕ Lϕ LB ~ W Lϕ (B)2 LB 0 b) Deduce explicitly LB and discuss the range of validity of this approximation, i.e. what is the 88 condition on B, W and Lϕ ? c) We recall the expression of the 1D Cooperon Pc (x, x) = h x | 1/L21−∂ 2 | x i = Lϕ /2. Deduce the ϕ x expression of the magneto-conductivity ∆σ(B) of the infinitly long wire and show that the WL correction to the dimensionless conductance can be written as ∆g(B) = p ∆g(0) 1 + (B/Bϕ )2 (IV.152) Give the expression of the scale Bϕ and interpret physically this expression. d ) Discuss the experimental data of Fig. 39 at the light of this calculation. In particular, how ENCE AT LOW TEMPERATURES IN… PHYSICAL REVIEW B 81, 245306 "2010# can one interpret the evolution of the curve when the sample is cooled down ? 600 mK 480 mK 375 mK 270 mK 200 mK 140 mK 100 mK 76 mK 60 mK 42 mK 36 mK 4 3.5 T = 140 mK 4 3 D = 290 cm2/s w = 1000 nm 2.5 -60 -30 G (e2/h) D = 290 cm2/s T = 36 mK G (e2/h) (a) w = 1000 nm w = 1500 nm -300 0 B (G) 0 300 B (G) 30 60 4.5 mK 0 1 2 (b) wire etched in a 2DEG as a function 600 480 Figure 39: Magnetoconductance curves for a long of mK the B (T) 375 mK magnetic field in Gauss (1 Gauss= 10−4 Tesla). Length of the wire is L = 150 µm, lithographic 270 mK 200 mK 4 −2 . width Wlitho = 1 µm and effective width W = 630 nm. Electronic density is ne = 1.5 × 1015140mmK nline# Magnetoresistance curves of 1000 and 100 mK Left : Resistance over a large window in B field, [−2 T, +2 T]. Right : Conductance over76small mK at T = 36 mK and D = 290 cm2 / s. 60 mK window around zero field, [−6 mT, +6 mT]. From3.5 Niimi et al. Phys. Rev. B 81, 245306 39 mK T = 140 mK 29 mK (2010) [91]. G (e2/h) 2 G (e /h) -1 1 "m. The suppression of the WL effect 3 4 2 D = 170 cm /s 2 fields are always much B # $ / 2ele . These = 1500 e) In the “high field” regime, LB < W , what expressionwdo you nm expect for-200 the MC ? 0 200 B (G) ally strong fields B! ! m! / "e%e#. 2.5 -30 -20 -10 0 10 B (G) 20 30 B. Experimental results FIG. 6. "Color online# WL curves of "a# 1000 and "b# 1500 nm wide wires at D = 290 cm2 / s and 170 cm2 / s, respectively. The conductance here is divided by e2 / h. The broken lines are the best mine the phase coherence Remarks : length L!, we fits of Eq. "6#. : The insets in and "a# Aronov, and "b# Sov. showPhys. the magnetoconduc• This analysis was performed in a well-known paper by Altshuler JETP andard magnetoresistance measurements tance at T = 140 mK in larger field ranges. (1981) (Ref. [5]). mperature. A typical example for such a 1. Quasi-1D wires • Semi-ballistic curve is displayed in Fig. 5.regime.– Let us Many first experiments are performed on long wires etched in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface semiconductors (GaAs/GaAl Asx ). In this case the elastic field range up to a magnetic field of 2 T. A of two a T−1/3 law down to the 1−x lowest temperatures for both the (2D) mean free path `e of the original 2DEG is usually larger than the section of the wire. The effective s due to WL is clearly seen at zero field. (1D) wires. Note the temperature 40 mKby hasthebeen corelastic mean free path in the wire is also larger thanthat the section `e > W . below The dephasing magnetic field the WL peak disappears bythemeasuring electronThis temperature magnetic field involves different length rected scale due phenomenoninofsitu flux the cancellation. has been of the f negative magnetoresistance is observed quasi-1D wire based on e-e interaction corrections described by semiclassical methods by Dugaev and Khmelnitskii [46] and Beenakker and van Houten, as demagnetic focusing. When going(Ref. to [21]). even Phys. Rev. B (1988) tailed in Sec. VI. The absolute values of L! at low temperaT# the well-known Shubnikov de Haas tures are different between the two wires, which is expected appear. in the AAK 89 theory in Eq. "3#. Similar temperature depenWL peak allows to obtain the phase coherdence of L! has also been observed in GaAs/GaAlAs 44 Fig. 6, we show magnetoconductance 5.3 Spin effects and weak antilocalisation in thin metallic films The magneto-resistance of films made of usual metals is not well described by the simple theory presented in the previous problem, i.e. by Eq. (IV.142). The reason for this is that electronic spin degree of freedom cannot be ignored. First, the presence of spin-orbit coupling HSO ∼ − 1 ~ )·S ~ (~ p × ∇V m2 c2 (IV.153) is responsible for an additional phase originating from the rotation of the electronic spin, while the electron is scattered on the disordered potential V . Spin-orbit coupling is weak in light metals, like Lithium of Magnesium, but strong in heavy metals like Silver or Gold. Second, the presence of residual magnetic impurities is another source of electronic spin rotation : X ~· Hmag = −S Ji ~si δ(~r − ~ri ) (IV.154) i where ~ri are the positions of the magnetic impurities and ~si their spins (considered frozen). The starting point of the study of quantum transport is the Kubo-Greenwood formula σ e(ω) = e2 1 2πm2 Vol X A 0 0 kx kx0 GR σ,σ 0 (k, k ; εF + ω) Gσ 0 ,σ (k , k; εF ) , (IV.155) k, k0 , σ, σ 0 where the Green’s function carry spin indices. Using that the average Green’s function is diagonal in spin indices, we finally obtain the expression of the weak localisation correction σ’ ∆σ = X r ,i σ σ σ, σ 0 r’, j =− σ’ Γc e2 X (c) Pσσ0 ,σ0 σ (~r, ~r) π 0 (IV.156) σ, σ where the Cooperon now propagates a pair of spins (Fig. 40). r ’, γ α,r (c) Γαβ,γδ (~r, ~r 0 ) = Γc β,r r ’, δ Figure 40: In the presence of spin flip and spin-orbit scattering, the Cooperon depends on four spin indices. (c) (c) w 1/ Argue that the Cooperon Γαβ,γδ (~r, ~r 0 ) = Dτ P (~r, ~r 0 ) can be written as the sum of two e αβ,γδ separate contributions associated with singlet and triplet channels. 2/ The efficiency of spin-orbit coupling and scattering by magnetic impurities are controlled by two lengths Lso and Lm . Introducing the projector in the singlet space, (Π0 )αβ,γδ = 12 (δαγ δβδ − δαδ δβγ ), we can write the Cooperon (in the space of the two spins) under the form P (c) (~r, ~r 0 ) = Pc (~r, ~r 0 ; 1/L2S ) Π0 + Pc (~r, ~r 0 ; 1/L2T ) (1 − Π0 ) , 90 (IV.157) 16 G. Bergmann, Weak localization in thin films 54.0 0.1 Au ~ 16%Au 8%Au Mg 14.0 °° -1.0 4%Au 7.1 2%Au ~ 0 0 3.8 1%Au R~91Q T’4.6K 0.5 -0.1 1.0 0.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 0%Au -0.2 0 H(T) 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 Fig. 2.10. The magneto-resistance of a thin Mg-film at 4.5 K for different coverages with Au. The Au thickness is given in % of an atomic layer on the right side of the curves. The superposition with Au increases the spin-orbit scattering. The points are measured. The full curves are obtained with the theory by Hikami et al. Thecurves ratio Figure 41: Magneto-resistance madescattering. of Itan alloy of Magnesium and on thefor left sidemetallic gives the strength of films the adjusted spin-orbit is essentially proportional to the Au-thickness. Gold for difference concentration of gold. From Ref. [25]. T 1/T5, because the quenched condensation yields homogeneous films with high resistances. The points are 1spin-orbit the pure Mg is determined as discussed above. The different where Pc (~r, ~r 0 ; γ)measured. = h~r The | curves |~ r 0 i scattering is theof Cooperon in the absence of spin scattering. The two experimental γ−∆ for different temperatures are theoretically distinguished by their different H, (i.e. the inelastic lifetime). This is the only adjustable parameter for amagnetic comparison withimpurities theory (after H,,~, lengths LS and LT combine the effect of spin-orbit and : is determined). The ordinate is completely fixed by the theory in the universal units of L00 (right scale). The full curves give the theoretical results with the best fit of H, which is essentially a measurement of 1 between 2 the experimental points and1the theory 2is very good.4The experimental H1. The agreement and + the2area. in which the (IV.158) = 2 influence = It 2measures result proves L the2destructive of a magnetic field L on2QUIAD. 3Lm 3Lso determination m as a function of temperature S stateLexists T and allows coherent electronic the quantitative 2 law for Mg as is shown of fig. the 2.12. coherent scattering time T1. The temperature dependence is given by a T in Explain why LS >For LTother . metal films where the nuclear charge is higher than in Mg one finds even in the pure case the substructure caused by spin-orbit scattering. In fig. 2.13 the magneto-resistance curves for a thin quench condensed Cu-film are shown. Again the points represent the experimental results whereas the 3/ Discuss the effect of time reversal in the singlet and triplet channel. Write ∆σ in terms of full curves show the theory. At low temperatures the inelastic lifetime is long and therefore the effect of 0 2 Pc (~r, ~r ; 1/LS, T ).the spin-orbit scattering dominates in small fields. At high temperatures the inelastic lifetime becomes smaller than the spin-orbit scattering time and the magneto-resistance becomes negative because of the minorspin role ofstructure the spin-orbitin scattering. For Au-filmsin the Eq. spin-orbit scattering is so strong that it Hint : examine the the diagram (IV.155). completely dominates the magneto-resistance. The natural question is, why does weak localization change to weak anti-localization in the presence 4/ Using the formula (IV.142) for the magneto-conductance of a thin film, deduce the expression of spin-orbit scattering? of the weak localisation in the presence of spin-orbit and spin flip scattering. Explains (at least qualitatively) the experimental data of Fig. 41. Further reading : A review article on weak localisation in thin metallic films is the famous article by Bergmann, Phys. Rep. 107 (1984) (Ref. [25]). A more intuitive description can be found in the review article of Chakravarty and Schmid, Phys. Rep. 140 (1986) (Ref. [33]). 91 Master iCFP - Wave in random media May 3, 2015 TD 6 : Conductance fluctuations and correlations in narrow wires The purpose of the exercice is to analyse precisely the correlation function δg(B)δg(B 0 ) for the dimensionless conductance of a narrow wire of length L. L I I W Figure 42: Transport through a metallic wire of length L. VI.K Preliminary : weak localisation correction and role of boundaries We recall that the weak localisation correction to the dimensionless conductance of a narrow wire is given by Z L 2 ∆g = − 2 dx Pc (x, x) (VI.159) L 0 where the Cooperon solves γ − ∂x2 Pc (x, x0 ) = δ(x − x0 ) where γ = 1/L2ϕ encodes dephasing. We account for the connections at the two boundaries by imposing some Dirichlet boundary conditions Pc (x, x0 )x=0, L = 0. 1/ Show that the weak localisation correction can be expressed in terms of the spectrum of eigenvalues {λn } of the Laplace operator in the wire (i.e. −∂x2 φn (x) = λn φn (x) for φn (0) = φn (L) = 0). 2/ Deduce that the weak localisation correction can be written as ∆g = −(2/L) G(γ). Analyse the limiting behaviours L Lϕ and L Lϕ . VI.L Fluctuations and correlations The correlation function for the narrow wire can be expressed as Z Z L 0 2 1 dxdx 4 0 0 2 Pd (x, x ; ω) + Re Pd (x, x ; ω) + ( Pd −→ Pc ) δg(B)δg(B 0 ) = 2 dω δT (ω) L L2 2 0 (VI.160) where δT (ω) is a normalised function of width T such that δT (0) = 1/(6T ). The diffuson and cooperon solve −iω/D + γd,c − ∂x2 Pd,c (x, x0 ; ω) = δ(x − x0 ) , (VI.161) where the expressions of the dephasing rates differ for diffuson and cooperon in the presence of a magnetic field : 1 1 1 1 γd = 2 + 2 and γc = 2 + 2 . (VI.162) Lϕ L B−B0 Lϕ L B+B0 √ 2 2 where LB = ~/( 3|B|W ). 92 1/ Compare the fluctuations at zero field B = B 0 = 0 to the one at large field (no calculation). 2/ Show that the two diffuson contributions can be written in terms of the spectrum {λn } under the form Z 4 (diffuson) 0 δg(B)δg(B ) = 4 dω δT (ω) F(γω ) (VI.163) L where γω = γd − iω/D. Express the function F(γω ) as a series. 3/ With the help of the representation obtained in the previous question, show that the expression p of the correlator involves a new cutoff at the length given by the thermal length def LT = D/T . Identify a “low temperature” regime and a “high temperature” regime by comparing the three lengths LT , Lϕ and L. a) “Low” temperature regime (LT = ∞) In this case we simplify the calculation by performing the substitution δT (ω) → δ(ω) which allows for a straightforward integration over frequency. (diffuson) 1/ Show that the correlator δg(B)δg(B 0 ) can be related to the weak localisation (i.e. that the two functions F(γ) and G(γ) are related). 2/ Analyse the limiting behaviours for L Lϕ and L Lϕ . Recall the physical origin of the decay of δg 2 with L/Lϕ when L Lϕ . 3/ Adding the cooperon contribution, analyse the structure of the correlator as a function of the magnetic fields in the limit Lϕ L. b) “High” temperature regime (small LT ) 1/ In the “high temperature” regime, justify the substitution δT (ω) → δT (0) (the value δT (0) (diffuson) was given above). Deduce that the correlator δg(B)δg(B 0 ) i.e. expressed in terms of G(γ). is simply related to the WL, 2/ Analyse the limiting behaviours for L Lϕ and L Lϕ . 3/ Analyse the magnetic field dependence of the full correlator (diffuson and cooperon) when Lϕ L. c) Experiment The weak localisation correction ∆g(B) and the conductance fluctuations δg(B)2 have been measured in a short wire etched in a 2DEG with a direct averaging procedure (Fig. 43). Discuss the experimental data at the light of your calculations. Appendix ∞ X n=1 1 (nπ)2 + y 2 coth x = = 1 2y 1 coth y − . y 1 1 1 2 5 + x − x3 + x + O(x7 ) . x 3 45 945 93 16.1 16.0 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) 16.5 G ( e2/h ) 16.4 (b) 16.3 16.2 16.1 16.0 15.9 200 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10-4 Teslas ) var (G) (10-3( e2/h )2 ) 4.00 (c) 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 200 600 1000 1400 1800 B ( 10 Teslas ) -4 Figure 43: WL and CF of a short wire (L ' 10 µm) etched in a 2DEG at T = 45 mK. Curves from Ref. [83]. Further reading : • The effect of boundary conditions in wires has been studied in : B. L. Al’tshuler, A. G. Aronov and A. Yu. Zyuzin, Size effects in disordered conductors, Sov. Phys. JETP 59, 415 (1984) ; [10]. • A measurement of conductance fluctuations with direct averaging over disorder configurations has been performed in : Dominique Mailly and Marc Sanquer, Sensitivity of quantum conductance fluctuations and 1/f noise to time reversal symmetry, J. Phys. I France 2, 357 (1992) ; [83] 94 References [1] E. Abrahams, P. W. 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Still, it is at least weakly disordered. • Quantization of conductance in nano-channels. • Mesoscopic rings: Aharonov-Bohm (Washburn, Webb, etc), Sharvin-Sharvin, persistent currents (L´evy, Bouchiat ; Bleszynski, Harris). • Weak localization, positive and negative magneto-resistance, including spin-orbit effects (Bergman) • Coherent back-scattering, both for light (Maynard,...) and for atomic matter waves. • Time reversal for acoustic waves (Fink). • 1D Anderson localization with cold atoms (Billy, Aspect). • Transport of microwaves in quasi-1D systems (Genack, Chabanov). • Conductance of 1D and quasi-1D wires (Khavin & Gershenson). • Universal conductance fluctuations (Mailly & Sanquer). • Fluctuations in 1D and quasi-1D systems (microwave). • 2D Anderson localization with light in waveguides, electrons (Kravchenko → controversial) and cold atoms. • 3D Anderson localization of light (Maret, Lagendijk). • 3D Anderson localization of electrons (Katsumoto). • 3D Anderson localization of cold atoms (de Marco, Aspect). • 3D Anderson localization of elastic waves (Page). • 3D Anderson localization of acoustic waves (Hu, Strybulevych, Page, Skipetrov, van Tiggelen, PRL, 2008). • Large fluctuations and multifractality in the vicinity of a metal-insulator transition. • Scaling properties of the Integer Quantum Hall effect. • Bloch oscillations for cold atoms and electrons in superlattices. • Dephasing and decoherence effects on electrons (weak localization, Aharonov-Bohm...). • Hopping transport a la Mott. • Decoherence effects for light transport in cold atomic gases (Labeyrie-Miniatura-Kaiser). • Dephasing effect for light transport (Diffusive Wave Spectroscopy). • Mott Insulator/Superfluid transition in cold atomic gases (Greiner, Bloch). • Bose glass in cold atomic gases (Inguscio). • Percolation vs. quantum effects for transport of cold atoms in nano-channels (Esslinger). 116
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