Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 系統生物學分析軟體暨資料庫 進階操作課程 Academia Sinica 2015 March Gene(陳冠文) Supervisor and IPA certified analyst 1 Sample & Assay Technologies Review for Introductory Training course 利用IPA進行搜尋 使用IPA進行分子模型建構 繪製訊息傳遞路徑 2 Sample & Assay Technologies Searching Searching Basics Gene/chemical search and results Function/Disease search and results Drug target search and results Advanced search: Limiting results to a molecule type, family or subcellular location 3 Sample & Assay Technologies Build Tools 的功能 Build Tools包含下列數個建構pathway圖型的工具: Grow: 依照使用者的篩選以及參數設定,找出與Pathway圖型目標分子下有關係的其他分 子 Path Explorer: 此工具可以找出兩群分子的最短關係途徑 Connect: 依照使用者的條件設定,迅速將Pathway圖型內的各分子關係找出並連結 Trim: 依照使用者的條件設定,移除Pathway圖型的分子 Keep: 依照使用者的條件設定,保留符合條件的Pathway圖型內的分子 Add Molecule/Relationship: 讓使用者加入自行訂定名稱以及相關註解的資訊到Pathway 圖型裡面,但此資訊只限定在使用者自己的帳號內可使用 4 Sample & Assay Technologies Build and Grow Networks of Molecules Grow Upstream from AKT1 to kinases and phosphatases 5 Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 6 Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 7 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA的資料上傳與分析功能介紹 Ingenuity Pathways Analysis的分析的結果回傳 與實驗資料相關的生物功能或是疾病分析 所影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway以及裡面的組成分子 受影響的Transcription regulator的種類以及相關基因與蛋白 實驗資料中的分子關係如何形成的網路 分析功能種類: IPA-Core Analysis 分析mRNA, miRNA或是protein的實驗資料 IPA-Tox Analysis: 分析後得到毒性學相關結果 IPA-Metabolomics Analysis: 主要用於分析代謝體(Metabolomics)實驗相關資料 8 Sample & Assay Technologies Workflow for Dataset Analysis IPA Genomic, exon, miRNA, SNP, protein arrays; Any molecule lists; Other proteomic & metabolomic assays Identify functions, diseases, and canonical pathways associated with your data 9 Sample & Assay Technologies Upload Data IPA Data Analysis Workflow Run Core Analysis Pathways (overlay) Functional Effects Save Export Experiment approval IPA Transcription Regulators Research Genes of Interest IPA User platform General Analysis Workflow in IPA 10 Sample & Assay Technologies Key Terminology Observation: An experimental condition such as a time point, disease subtype, or compound concentration Expression Value: Numerical value indicating level of expression, significance, or other assay result for a specific identifier (gene, RNA, protein, or chemical) Reference Set: The set of molecules used as the universe of molecules when calculating the statistical relevance of biological functions and pathways with respect to a dataset file. The set of molecules are the user's dataset or molecules in Ingenuity's Knowledge Base (genes, endogenous chemicals, or both). Focus Molecule: Molecules that are from uploaded list, pass filters are applied, and are available for generating networks 11 Sample & Assay Technologies 準備IPA分析用的Dataset 必須有一欄放入ID Replicates Average Other observations (Comparison) 12 Sample & Assay Technologies 準備IPA分析用的Dataset 重複性實驗的數值平均、p-vlaue或fold-change等統計計算,要先在 IPA分析之前完成。 將實驗資料用 Excel 表格檔案儲存,檔案裡面只能有一個Sheet存在。 Excel Sheet當中必須要有一欄是列出分子的ID (如Gene Symbol, Refseq number, Uniprot number, HMDB等常用命名皆支援) 每個Excel Sheet 最多可以放入 20個 observations (即20個實驗變因的資料欄的意思) 每個Observation可以有3個不同的表現值種類 (ex. p-Value,fold-change等) 表格欄位最上方只能有一個Head row (首行) 資料上傳到IPA後,可以在cut-off 值欄位進行設定,讓使用者決定門檻來決定表現顯著 有差異的生物分子。意味著原始實驗資料中有些分子的數值不夠顯著,可以用cut-off值 作為門檻排除於分析運算中。那些通過cut-off值的分子們在IPA中稱之為AnalysisReady Molecules。 13 Sample & Assay Technologies 分析用的Dataset的範例格式 這表格為標準IPA分析用資料表格範例,裡面的數值類型是 Log Ratio 這組實驗資料裡面有三個Observation : • Observation 1 : Smokers vs. NonSmokers • Observation 2 : Early COPD vs. NonSmokers • Observation 3 : COPD vs. NonSmokers * 不 同 observation 的 重複實驗數值已經在 先前經過平均才放入 此表格 14 Sample & Assay Technologies After Today, You Should Be Able To: Define the following IPA terms Reference Set Observation Expression Value Network Eligible Molecules Functions/Pathways/Lists Eligible Molecule Focus Molecule Upload a dataset Run an analysis using IPA Best Practices Access the Analysis Summary Page 15 Sample & Assay Technologies Live Demo 16 Sample & Assay Technologies 1. 自[NEW]選擇任一 項Analysis功能 進行分析的步驟 或是從 [Quick Start Menu]這邊開 始一項Analysis功能 2. 選擇要從桌面上傳一份新 資料進行分析或是選取已經 上傳到IPA的資料進行 17 Sample & Assay Technologies Data 上傳與執行IPA 分析設定 3. 定義 Platform type 以及資料中 Identifier type (ID)的命名種類 4. 指派observation, ID, Identifier type,或是 expression value 到各欄位屬性 5. Save & Create analysis 18 Sample & Assay Technologies 1. 設定分析過程的條件 分析前的相關設定 2. Cutoff 數值設定規範資料中那些 分子與數值會讓IPA分析 3. 設定好cutoff值,可以按 下[Recalculate]重新計算 Analysis-Ready的數量,大 約1000個左右比較顯著。 4. 開始分析 19 Sample & Assay Technologies 開啟分析結果 分析的摘要可在此輸出為PDF IPA的分析結果存放於使用者 預先指定的資料夾內,在日 後於計劃管理視窗點擊2次中 開啟。 20 Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 21 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 分析結果 Functions analysis: 呈現因為分子變化而受影響的生物功能、疾病與毒性學結果 Canonical Pathways : 列出受實驗影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway Upstream Analysis: 列出與資料中變動分子有關的Upstream molecules,以及根據研究 文獻預測它們是否是被啟動或是被抑制。 Networks : 呈現實驗資料中的分子間的網路關係 。並且可以利用Build Tool與Overlay Tool進行延伸與知識的拓展,以上各分析結果都是用來解釋實驗觀察到的現象的重要依據。 22 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 分析結果 Functions analysis: 呈現因為分子變化而受影響的生物功能、疾病與毒性學結果 Canonical Pathways : 列出受實驗影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway Upstream Analysis: 列出與資料中變動分子有關的Upstream molecules,以及根據研究 文獻預測它們是否是被啟動或是被抑制。 Networks : 呈現實驗資料中的分子間的網路關係 。並且可以利用Build Tool與Overlay Tool進行延伸與知識的拓展,以上各分析結果都是用來解釋實驗觀察到的現象的重要依據。 23 Sample & Assay Technologies Interpret Downstream Biological Functions Identify over-represented biological functions and predict how those functions are increased or decreased in the experiment 24 Sample & Assay Technologies Downstream Effects Analysis介紹 方塊代表受實驗影響的生物功能與疾病,顏色可 以用[Color by]指定是z-score, -log (p-value), 或是 # of genes上色。如果是用z-score上色的 話,藍色區塊是預測被減低的功能,橘色則是此 功能會增加。是根據實驗資料做出的演算。 每個矩形可以經由點擊進入下一層分區: Midlevel functional category (level 2) 與 Specific functions (level 3) Click to show bar chart 25 Sample & Assay Technologies Disease and Molecules relationships Powerful functionality enables you to understand causal connections between molecules and diseases. Interactive visual exploration of causality between molecules and disease, function, or phenotypes from a network or My Pathway Visualize the impact of genes on diseases or biological functions in Downstream Effects Analysis. 26 Sample & Assay Technologies Disease or Function View provides details associated with the disease or biological function such as molecules associated with that disease or function, known drug targets, drugs known to target those molecules, and more. 27 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 分析結果 Functions analysis: 呈現因為分子變化而受影響的生物功能、疾病與毒性學結果 Canonical Pathways : 列出受實驗影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway Upstream Analysis: 列出與資料中變動分子有關的Upstream molecules,以及根據研究 文獻預測它們是否是被啟動或是被抑制。 Networks : 呈現實驗資料中的分子間的網路關係 。並且可以利用Build Tool與Overlay Tool進行延伸與知識的拓展,以上各分析結果都是用來解釋實驗觀察到的現象的重要依據。 28 Sample & Assay Technologies Canonical Pathway Analysis Canonical Pathways結果標籤: 受影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway 依照顯著性用條狀圖排列 click 點擊特定Canonical Pathway 名稱上方的Bar條,下方視窗 會出現dataset 中有參與組成 該 pathway的分子 ID 點擊“Open Pathway” 則可以 展開那個Canonical Pathway, 實驗資料中的分子會用顏色提示。 29 Sample & Assay Technologies Canonical Pathways Understanding the biology of your data in an established signaling and metabolic context 30 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 分析結果 Functions analysis: 呈現因為分子變化而受影響的生物功能、疾病與毒性學結果 Canonical Pathways : 列出受實驗影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway Upstream Analysis: 列出與資料中變動分子有關的Upstream molecules,以及根據研究 文獻預測它們是否是被啟動或是被抑制。 Networks : 呈現實驗資料中的分子間的網路關係 。並且可以利用Build Tool與Overlay Tool進行延伸與知識的拓展,以上各分析結果都是用來解釋實驗觀察到的現象的重要依據。 31 Sample & Assay Technologies Upstream Regulator Analysis: How does it work? Use experimentally observed relationships (vs. Predicted event) between Upstream Regulators and genes to predict potential regulator and activation Predict activation or inhibition of regulator to explain the changes in gene expression in your dataset Calculates two complementary statistical measures: Activation z-score Overlap p-value 32 Sample & Assay Technologies Upstream Regulator Analysis: How does it work? Can we predict the activation state (activated/inhibited) of a potential regulator from expression data? Approach: Two complementary statistical measures: Activation z-score and Overlap p-value TR target edge types considered: - Expression - Transcription - Protein-DNA binding Upstream Regulatorregulated genes in Ingenuity Knowledge Base Evaluate the perturbed genes in the dataset that are known targets of a particular regulator Data set (differentiallyexpressed genes) 33 Sample & Assay Technologies P-value from Fisher’s Exact test Molecules both in the dataset AND the regulator neighborhood Genes in the dataset but not in the regulator neighborhood Genes in the regulator neighborhood but not dataset Genes in the reference “universe” but not in dataset or regulator neighborhood The statistical test looks for an unexpectedly large overlap given the number of genes in each category p-values should be insignificant (>0.05) for random datasets Gene direction is ignored in this calculation 34 Upstream Analysis Activation z–score Sample & Assay Technologies Statistical measure of correlation between the transcription regulator (TR) and resulting gene expression N = 8 genes TR TR effect on downstream genes (Literature) Differential gene expression (Uploaded Data) 1 1 1 -1 1 1 0 1 1 z-score > 2 or < -2 is considered significant Actual z-score can be weighted by relationship types, relationship bias, data bias 35 Sample & Assay Technologies Identify cross-talk between Upstream Regulators Automatically generate a directed TR-target network Add relationships to the regulatory network, e.g. upstream signaling molecules, or to disease, biological process associations See published evidence for the regulatory interactions 36 Sample & Assay Technologies Mechanistic Networks Upstream Regulator Results: ? ? ? Which predicted upstream regulators might work together to explain the expression changes in this dataset? 37 Sample & Assay Technologies Mechanistic Network Algorithm Algorithm seeks large overlaps between an upstream regulator’s targets and a more downstream regulator’s targets Upstream molecule likely to operate thru this more downstream regulator Upstream molecule less likely to operate thru this more downstream regulator A B Shares 6 of 7 of the more downstream regulator’s targets A B Shares 1 of 7 of the more downstream regulator’s targets 38 Sample & Assay Technologies Concept of “Regulator Effects” - Spring 2014 Hypotheses for how activated or inhibited upstream regulators cause downstream effects on biology Upstream Regulators Simplest Regulator Effects result A A Algorithm Molecules in the dataset First iteration Disease or Function Disease or Function Displays a relationship between the regulator and disease/function if it exists Downstream Effects Analysis Causally consistent networks score higher The algorithm runs iteratively to merge additional regulators with diseases and functions 39 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA 分析結果 Functions analysis: 呈現因為分子變化而受影響的生物功能、疾病與毒性學結果 Canonical Pathways : 列出受實驗影響的Signaling Pathway與Metabolic Pathway Upstream Analysis: 列出與資料中變動分子有關的Upstream molecules,以及根據研究 文獻預測它們是否是被啟動或是被抑制。 Networks : 呈現實驗資料中的分子間的網路關係 。並且可以利用Build Tool與Overlay Tool進行延伸與知識的拓展,以上各分析結果都是用來解釋實驗觀察到的現象的重要依據。 40 Sample & Assay Technologies Networks in IPA Purpose: To show as many interactions between user-specified molecules in a given dataset and how they might work together at the molecular level Why are Ingenuity networks biologically interesting? Highly-interconnected networks are likely to represent significant biological function Networks involve molecules you don’t see in your data set. This allows genes you have assayed to be linked to metabolites and chemicals that you couldn’t have assayed for, to imply a regulation network that is meaningful. 41 Sample & Assay Technologies How Networks Are Generated 1. Focus molecules are “seeds” 2. Focus molecules with the most interactions to other focus molecules are then connected together to form a network 3. Non-focus molecules from the dataset are then added 4. Molecules from the Ingenuity’s Knowledge Base are added 5. Resulting Networks are scored and then sorted based on the score 42 Sample & Assay Technologies Network types in IPA Upstream Regulator Mechanistic Network of Upstream Regulators Upstream Regulator Dataset Molecules Other upstream regulators Dataset Molecules Regulator Effect Network Causal Network Interaction Network Any Dataset Molecules Diseases / functions Sample & Assay Technologies After Today, You Should Be Able To: Define the terms: Focus Molecule, Functional Category, Function, and Effect on Function Access Functional Analysis for a dataset Customize the bar charts according to your preferences Describe Ingenuity’s Functional Categorization Describe the significance values calculated for Functions/ Pathways Access Canonical Pathways and Network for a dataset View the molecules involved in a Canonical Pathway and Network View the Canonical Pathway diagram with data overlaid Sample & Assay Technologies Live Demo 45 Sample & Assay Technologies 1. Hands-on Exercises I Upload a dataset into IPA. You may use your own or we can provide you with an example. 2. What is the top function associated with your dataset? 3. How can you find out what main functions a Canonical Pathway (or group of Canonical Pathways) is involved in? 4. What are the functions of the top network in this analysis? Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 47 Sample & Assay Technologies Bringing together multiple types of genomic data Research AIM: To attain a systems biology understanding of your research by bringing multiple types of genomic data together (SNP, CNA, mRNA, microRNA, proteomics, etc.). Challenge: Data types measured different molecular status in experiment Too much data, some data types may have extra ‘noise’(i.e. arrays) Venn Diagram-type comparison excludes ‘A affects B’ information Solution: Identify phenotypes, disease associations, and pathways that are common themes for multiple data types using Comparison Analysis Interactive pathways overlay multiple data types and find genes up or down-stream that change in the various data types. Pathway tools find regulatory connections between molecules of interest and the various data types microRNA Target Filter can link microRNAs and targets from miRNA and target data sets How do you integrate multiple data types now? 48 Sample & Assay Technologies Single Experiment • Time Course • Dose Response Multi Experiment • System biology • Combining SNP, CNA, mRNA, microRNA, proteomics, etc. Set Analysis • Exploring Common Molecules across one or more experiment (s) 49 Sample & Assay Technologies Core Comparison Analysis 50 Sample & Assay Technologies Single Experiment • Time Course • Dose Response Multi Experiment • System biology • Combining SNP, CNA, mRNA, microRNA, proteomics, etc Set Analysis • Exploring Common Molecules across one or more experiment (s) 51 Sample & Assay Technologies Mutations IPA: A Point of Data Integration mRNA Expression CNA /CNV Methylation ChIP-Seq Phosphorylation miRNA Expression IPA Protein Expression Biological Interpretation 52 Sample & Assay Technologies Mutations IPA: A Point of Data Integration mRNA Expression CNA /CNV Methylation ChIP-Seq Phosphorylation miRNA Expression IPA Protein Expression Biological Interpretation 53 Sample & Assay Technologies Example of Core Analysis with 3-Data Types Mutations CNAs mRNAs File Name GBM paper mutation GBM paper CNA data GBM vs Norm Expression ID Gene Symbol Gene Symbol Gene Symbol Observation 1 frequency of nonsilent mutation across samples Pct. Sample/Other frequency of CNA Log2 ratio across samples change, p-value [Pct/Other], increase or decrease in copy number [Amp/Other], and [qvalue/p-value] Core Analysis Frequency of mutation ≥ 2% Keep in mind p-value < 0.05 Log ratio ≥ |1.5| To set the same Reference Set across the 3 core analyses To check the Expression value type used for coloring the nodes Sample & Assay Technologies What do you want out of this comparison? Review your workflow – What are your goals? mRNA data Core Analysis CNA data Core Analysis mutation data Core Analysis Comparison Analysis ? Pathways? Export? References? Lists? 55 Sample & Assay Technologies Comparison of Functions for 3 data sets: 1. Sorted by 1st data type (mRNA); re-order or review whole table for Functions significant for other data types 2. Look for Functions common to mRNA, CNA, mutations from glioblastoma 3. Table may be customized or exported 56 Sample & Assay Technologies Single Experiment • Time Course • Dose Response Multi Experiment • System biology • Combining SNP, CNA, mRNA, microRNA, proteomics, etc Set Analysis • Exploring Common Molecules across one or more experiment (s) 57 Sample & Assay Technologies Genes Overlap Gene Exp CNA 2282 47 1 29 18 16 Mutated 58 Sample & Assay Technologies Compare Tool 59 Sample & Assay Technologies C C 60 Sample & Assay Technologies IPA Core Analysis: Upstream Analysis Functions Mechanistic Networks Canonical Pathways Regulator Effects Networks 61 Sample & Assay Technologies Live Demo 62 Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 63 Sample & Assay Technologies miRNA Data 88 data points miRNA Target Filter 13,690 targets Filter Datasets for Biomarkers or miRNA Targets Molecule Type Pathways 1,090 targets 333 targets (Cancer/ Growth) mRNA 39 targets ↑↓ ↓↑ ? 32 targets Use Pathway tools to build hypothesis for microRNA to mRNA target association Sample & Assay Technologies Using Biological Context in miRNA Target ID Goal: Utilize newly discovered microRNAs to better understand biology around potential mRNA targets/disease Challenge: New and rapidly evolving field with different measurement techniques and prediction algorithms leading to variability in data Need: Identify mRNA targets to microRNAs using biological and experimental information, correlate microRNA and mRNA target expression, specify easy to use confidence levels of interaction predictions, annotate mRNA targets with biological context, pathways, species, etc., all within a single workflow Outcome: Reduce time of identification of relevant mRNA targets from months to minutes Sample & Assay Technologies (1 Target Scan search) x (each microRNA in your data set) = A LOT of targets Sample & Assay Technologies Live Demo 67 Sample & Assay Technologies Hands-on Exercises II Overall Exercises: Use the COPD analytical results in exercises I. 1. What is the observed effect on the Xenobiotic Metabolism Signaling Canonical Pathway in the Early COPD group? 2. In the COPD group, focus on the function Cellular Movement. Select these genes and add them to a new My Pathway in your IPA account. How many of the proteins in this pathway are enzymes? 3. In Early COPD vs NonSmokers observation Upstream Regulators chapter, filter the Molecule Type to only Transcription Factors, which molecule is predicted to be Inhibited with the lowest z-score? Sample & Assay Technologies Hands-on Exercises II cont. Overall Exercises: 5. In studies of nicotine metabolism in smokers, it has been estimated that 70% of a nicotine dose is metabolized to cotinine. Which group express the highest effect on the Nicotine Degradation pathway? 6. In observation Upstream Regulators chapter. Which molecule is predicted to be activated in Both of early and late COPD groups? Sample & Assay Technologies A. 大綱 Data Upload and How to Run a Core Analysis 上傳實驗資料並使用IPA分析功能 B. Functional Interpretation in IPA IPA分析結果介紹 Hands-on Exercises C. Comparison Analyses 比較分析結果的差異 D. Using IPA to Explore microRNA Impacts on Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 快速篩選microRNA的潛在標的 E. Data Analysis & Interpretation in IPA F. High resolution analysis of copy number alternations and associated expression change in ovarian tumors Q&A 70 Sample & Assay Technologies Comparison of IPA and open-source data analysis workflows Conservative estimate of time for IPA data analysis is 20.87 h., including high value functional effects and transcription regulator prediction. Open-source workflow requires 3 tools to conduct a complete analysis including functions and pathways, view pathways with data overlay, and follow-up with manual gene research to interpret effects. RNA-Seq NGS Data, Analysis and Applications Sample & Assay Technologies Raw NGS Data Access NGS Data Generation Data Normalization, Mapping to Gene Models, Signal Calculation Biological Analysis And Interpretation • • • • • • • • Illumina Life Technologies Roche Helicos Ion Torrent • • Short Read Archive (SRA) Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) Proprietary data • • • • • • CLC bio Geospiza DNAnexus Genome Quest Spiral Genetics Partek • • • • • • Pathways Biological Functions Networks Toxicity Biomarkers Therapeutic targets Mechanistic hypotheses Drug repurposing Basic Research, Predictive and Diagnostic Biomarker Discovery, Mechanistic Studies, Drug Efficacy, Metabolism and Toxicity, Drug Target Discovery, Developmental Biology, Infectious Diseases…and many more applications Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritization of Candidate Ovarian Cancer Genes with IPA • Survey copy number alterations (CNAs) in ovarian tumors using Affymetrix 500K SNP Chip • Profile the expression patterns of these tumors and whole ovary normal samples with Affymetrix U133A and B chips Sample & Assay Technologies Goals of study initial study, extended analysis in IPA DNA copy number variations are frequently observed in ovarian cancer. What are the most relevant alterations (recurrent CNAs)? Causal genes in those regions? Which copy number variations are functionally relevant to oncogenesis? Identification of causal genes provides candidate therapeutic targets and biomarkers Help find genes with tumor-driving roles in ovarian cancer What functions are these genes associated with? Can we infer that modulation of those functions may be a major driving factor in the selection of CNAs? Prioritize those candidates based on biomarker, drug target, cellular and disease knowledge Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritize Candidate Genes from CNA Study Which are implicated in ovarian cancer? (search Ingenuity Knowledge Base) What molecular interactions exist – and do those interactions represent a collective biological function? Potential driver for carcinogenesis? (IPA Core Analysis) Does an assay exist to measure key, carcinogenesis-relevant gene products in a clinical setting? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers (Overlay Biomarkers) Narrow in on key genes, relationships that are relevant in multiple contexts, datasets MECOM/SMARCA2/CCNE1 Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritize Candidate Genes from CNA Study Which are implicated in ovarian cancer? (search Ingenuity Knowledge Base) What molecular interactions exist – and do those interactions represent a collective biological function? Potential driver for carcinogenesis? (IPA Core Analysis) Does an assay exist to measure key, carcinogenesis-relevant gene products in a clinical setting? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers (Overlay Biomarkers) Narrow in on key genes, relationships that are relevant in multiple contexts, datasets MECOM/SMARCA2/CCNE1 Sample & Assay Technologies Validation, Therapeutic Relevance in Ovarian Cancer • 13 of the genes identified in this study have been implicated in previous ovarian cancer gene expression studies – with similar up/down regulation patterns • Several are targets of ovarian cancer drugs: • SPINT2 • EPCAM • PTGER1 • PRKC1 • CKD4 • HDAC10 Sample & Assay Technologies Additional Evidence Linking CNA Genes to Ovarian Cancer Hint! Find the ovarian cancer genes in IPA and overlap with the CNA study Prepare datasets by using search box and up load dataset/my list tools in IPA Select interest genes by using highlight and select functions Overlay CNA expression dataset 78 Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritize Candidate Genes from CNA Study Which are implicated in ovarian cancer? (search Ingenuity Knowledge Base) What molecular interactions exist – and do those interactions represent a collective biological function? Potential driver for carcinogenesis? (IPA Core Analysis) Does an assay exist to measure key, carcinogenesis-relevant gene products in a clinical setting? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers (Overlay Biomarkers) Narrow in on key genes, relationships that are relevant in multiple contexts, datasets MECOM/SMARCA2/CCNE1 Sample & Assay Technologies Analyze CNA dataset on context of Networks, Pathways, Functions Hint! • Upload dataset into IPA • All CNA-specific gene expression changes were considered significant by authors (relative to normal ovarian tissue) • Focus analysis on genes that are known to be expressed either in ovarian tissue or ovarian cancer cell lines (according to IPA tissue and cell line body atlas data) Sample & Assay Technologies Pre-analysis settings Hint! How to focus on specific tissue/cell line? Stringent filter A Relaxed filter B A is approved that expressed in the selected tissue/cell line B is approved that expressed in the selected tissue/cell line A to B is approved that expressed in the selected tissue/cell line A B A is approved that expressed in the selected tissue/cell line B is approved that expressed in the selected tissue/cell line A to B is approved that expressed in other tissues/cell lines 81 Sample & Assay Technologies Analysis Summary Cell Death, Cell Cycle networks and Functional groups Carcinogenesis and Apoptosis pathways Sample & Assay Technologies Top scoring network for CNA-specific gene expression changes Points to key biological process that may be a driver of carcinogenesis in ovarian tissue. Provides a pool of candidate genes for further prioritization, validation (mRNA, protein levels, functional validation). Sample & Assay Technologies Summary Report for Apoptosis Network Highlights therapeutic relevance, expands biological understanding of network. Sample & Assay Technologies Apoptosis network: Relevance to exploratory ovarian cancer biomarkers Strong connections between ovarian cancer biomarkers and CNA apoptosis network. Many in ovarian cell line context: • IL8 – MAPK12 • IL8 – CASP8 • ERBB2 – MDM2 • P53 – MDM2 • EGFR – FOXO1 85 Sample & Assay Technologies Apoptosis network: Relevance to exploratory ovarian cancer biomarkers Hint! Find the relationship between two interest group Select Network Change to Path designer mode Load biomarker list and build relationship by Path explorer tool Sample & Assay Technologies Initial Conclusions from Pathway Analysis Collection of expression changes that are specific to ovarian cancer tumors and regions of high copy number alteration Strong association with apoptosis Biological process and genes may be potential drivers of carcinogenesis Contains known anti-neoplastic drug targets: TNFRSF10B, IGF1R, VEGF, MAPK11/12, CASP8 Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritize Candidate Genes from CNA Study Which are implicated in ovarian cancer? (search Ingenuity Knowledge Base) What molecular interactions exist – and do those interactions represent a collective biological function? Potential driver for carcinogenesis? (IPA Core Analysis) Does an assay exist to measure key, carcinogenesis-relevant gene products in a clinical setting? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers (Overlay Biomarkers) Narrow in on key genes, relationships that are relevant in multiple contexts, datasets MECOM/SMARCA2/CCNE1 Sample & Assay Technologies What methods, assays exist? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers Sample & Assay Technologies Understand method, application of exploratory biomarker ELISA exists to measure IGFR1 levels and activity in clinical samples. CASP8 is being used as a secondary outcome marker (impact on apoptosis and cell cycle arrest) for CDDO anti-tumor therapy. Sample & Assay Technologies Prioritize Candidate Genes from CNA Study Which are implicated in ovarian cancer? (search Ingenuity Knowledge Base) What molecular interactions exist – and do those interactions represent a collective biological function? Potential driver for carcinogenesis? (IPA Core Analysis) Does an assay exist to measure key, carcinogenesis-relevant gene products in a clinical setting? Identify exploratory clinical biomarkers (Overlay Biomarkers) Narrow in on key genes, relationships that are relevant in multiple contexts, datasets MECOM/SMARCA2/CCNE1 Sample & Assay Technologies Integration of multiple lines of evidence highlights MECOM • Upregulated in CNA-specific gene expression analysis of ovarian tumors • Upregulated in other ovarian cancer studies (Findings in Ingenuity Knowledge Base) • Target of miRNA upregulated in ovarian cancer (Dahiya et al, Johns Hopkins ) • Binds SMARCA2 downregulated in CNA-specific gene expression analysis target of miRNA downregulated in OC binds ovarian cancer markers Sample & Assay Technologies MECOM/SMARCA2 hypothesis CCNE1, SMARCA2, MECOM (EVI1), MBD3 relationship plays an important role in cell proliferation, growth arrest checkpoints. Deregulation of transcript levels and miRNA in ovarian tumors suggest important area for validation studies Validate mRNA, protein levels & role as drivers of carcinogenic processes Sample & Assay Technologies Conclusions Evaluation of Copy Number Alteration (CNA) – specific gene expression changes provide valuable insight into genes that are potential drivers of carcinogenesis Analysis of CNA-specific gene expression changes in IPA identified key processes, pathways that may be driven by these genes Apoptosis networks Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer, Death Receptor Signaling pathways Provides an initial pool of candidate genes that may be useful as markers of carcinogenesis in ovarian tissue Examination of candidate genes in the context of multiple lines of evidence narrows in on subset of genes for validation studies: validation of protein levels, functional validation Highlighting exploratory clinical biomarkers, therapeutic targets Overlaying additional mRNA, miRNA datasets Sample & Assay Technologies Q&A 95 Sample & Assay Technologies 歡迎與我們聯絡 Office: +886-2-2795-1777#1635 Fax: +886-2-2793-8009 EXT 1022 My E-mail: [email protected] MSC Support: [email protected]
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