Immanuel Lutheran Church Pastor Howard's home phone (319)333-7758 1226 East Washington St. - Washington, IA “ The Stone That The Builders Rejected Has Become The Chief Cornerstone ” April,2015 Service Times Maundy Thursday April 2 6:00PM Seder Good Friday April 3 Noon Downtown 8:00PM at ILC Easter Sunday April 5 Sonrise 6:30AM Breakfast Between & 9:30 AM Wed Night service Weekly at 6:00PM starting April 8 Inside this issue: Monthly Updates p2 Blessing of the Land p3 Worship Leaders p4 New Worship Opportunity p5 Milestones p5 School Supply Time p6 Schmidt Fundraiser at WHS p8 Apr Calendar p9 Apr Birthdays p10 319-653-3950 by Peter J Weller Christians associate Psalm 118 with Easter. It contains verses that are favorites to many. Most of us are familiar with the opening verse: “O give thanks to the LORD for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever.” (v. 1) And, there are others: “The LORD is my strength and my might; he has become my salvation.” (v.14) “The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” (vv. 2223) “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (v. 24) “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD.” (v. 26) The author of this psalm is unknown. It is likely not David. Verse 9 reads, “It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.” No king, nor any of his courtiers (the most likely authors of psalms), nor, very probably, any government official today, would write the second part of that verse. Verses in this psalm point to Jesus as the coming Messiah and to his ministry on earth. “Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me in a broad place With the LORD on my side I do not fear. What can mortals do to me? The LORD is on my side to help me; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.” (vv. 5-7) “I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD. The LORD punished me severely, but he did not give me over to death.” (vv. 17-18) “I thank you [LORD] that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.” (vv. 21-23) “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD. . . . Bind the festal procession with branches. . . .” (vv. 26-27) After telling the parable of the landowner whose son was killed by the tenants as he attempted to collect the rent from them, Jesus then quoted from Psalm 118, asking his listeners, “Have you never read in the scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is amazing in our eyes.’? Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who produces the fruits of the kingdom. The one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and it will break anyone on whom it falls.” (Matthew 21:28-42) There are references to Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. After castigating the scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites, Jesus said, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! . . . you will not see me again until you say,‘Blessed us the one who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ” (Matthew 23:37-39) Nancy Koester, Augsburg College Adjunct Professor wrote of this psalm, “Jesus Christ is risen. And in Christ, we too shall rise. God’s steadfast love endures forever! The words of Psalm 118 have long been used to herald Easter. ‘This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!’ (Psalm 118:24). In its ancient Jewish context, Psalm 118 was most likely an entrance liturgy to the Temple, used at the festival of Passover. It proclaimed God’s deliverance from Egypt and, later on, from the Exile. The Psalm was a liturgical script, complete with speaking parts for leaders and congregation. One can hear the jubilant call and response in 118:2-4: ‘Let Israel say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” Let those who fear the LORD say, “His steadfast love endures forever.” ’ ” Biblical scholar Richard Clifford said, “Christians will see in the movement from humiliation to exaltation a foreshadowing of Jesus… His rescue from death is a new exodus and a fresh sign that God’s steadfast love endures forever… His exaltation means [our] own. The Psalm is therefore a wonderful song for the Easter Season.” cont’d p.6 Feb. 22 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Monthly Updates 8:00 a.m. 46 10:30 a.m. 54 8:00a.m. 19 10:30a.m. 24 8:00 a.m. 47 10:30a.m. 54 8:00 a.m. 10:30a.m. The World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer service was held at Immanuel on March 6th. Six churches in Washington were represented in the program. From our church Linda Brown and Sandy Weller were readers, Pastor Howard gave thoughts about being a strong Christian, and Judy Venzke was the organizer. Baptist, Catholic, Mennonite, Methodist, and Presbyterian members helped with the program. The offering of $170 will be added to the other offerings from around the world to help underprivileged people. General Fund Gifts - February Feb. 1 $ 690.00 Feb. 8 3,115.37 Feb. 15 1,078.04 Feb 18 (Ash Wed) 243.00 Feb. 22 1,596.88 Simply Giving 1,890.00 Jan $ 9,554.47 Feb $ 8,613.29 Monthly expenses $ 12,000-15,000 Building Fund Gifts - February Feb. 1 $ 1,045.00 Feb. 8 300.00 Feb. 15 225.00 Feb. 22 230.00 Simply Giving 465.00 Jan $ 1,677.00 Feb $ 2,265.00 Monthly payment $1,500.00 Simply Giving monthly fee— Dec.$ 5.80 DEBT REDUCTION: The loan at Washington State Bank is: note 3/28/11-$249,000.00. Current balance $110,418.61 This is the balance after the January payment was made. Thrivent Leaders 2015 Chapter Board : Ray Poe, Judy Venzke Advocates: Oscar Hernandez, Al Olson, Carolyn Schmidt, BJ Wetherell Continuing Funds available for designated contributions : Luther League Endowment Fund Maintenance/Repair Fund Membership Assistance THANK YOU I would like to thank everyone for the overflowing of cards, prayers, food, and warm and comforting words on the death of my Mom, +Clara Mulcox, in February. You allowing me to fly to Florida to be with my Mom in her dying days was a true blessing to my parents and me. The time we spent together was holy and precious. Four days after my Mom’s death, I had surgery. Once again your love and comfort washed over me granting me peace and healing. I am truly blessed to have you as my extended family. Thank you. Your sister in Christ, Pastor Maureen In Christian sympathy we acknowledge the death of +Clara Mulcox, +Duane Hagensick, +Jim Edwards, +Sharon Schultz Gillis (cousin of Doris Moore), +Marie Hora. May God give their families the strength in the promise of everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Please make sure that you are aware of the location of the AED at the church. It is located above the mailboxes on the north wall in the hallway. First Aid kits are located in the kitchen, the nursery, the west bathroom and the kids’ Sunday School rooms. Please make a note of this information in case anyone needs any First Aid. Council Members for 2015: Debbie Jewell* 653-4775 (Ed/Youth) Carrie Lueck [Sect’y] 319-646-2573 (Ed/Youth); Amy Statler 653-1071 (Ed/Youth); Jon Runaas 319-404-9284(W/E); Tom Gaughan [Pres] 863-3885 (W/E); Karen Heineman *461-9767(W/E); Tom Lyons 653-6721(B/G); Nancy Baker 653-7309 (B/G); Aaron Six* 653– 7342 (B/G); Dale Scheibe 656-3396 (Stew/Fin); John Harris* [VP] 653-7511 (Stew/Fin); Ray Poe (Stew/Fin) 653-3582. * Chair Page 2 Immanuel Lutheran Church Wandering Worshipers Yaro and Mary Chmelar Lakeview Methodist Church Sun City, AZ March 1, 2015 ********************** Women's Circle will be meeting Tuesday, April 14th, at Halcyon House, beginning at 1:00 p. m. (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME AND PLACE). We will be continuing our study on Peace. All women are invited. We will meet in the Sitler Room at Halcyon House. Enter through the main entrance and make an immediate right. Follow the hallway a short distance and the room will be on your right. We will plan to alternate our meetings every other month between Halcyon House and the Church, so that two residents living at Halcyon can join us. If any questions, please call Kathy Vetter 6538669. Blessing of Land With the arrival of spring and with the fields beginning to be planted, Pastor Howard would like to offer a blessing over your land. Please contact Pastor Howard if you would like her to do such a blessing service for you. Confirmation Year End Celebration The year has gone fast! In celebration of a great year of confirmation, Pastor Howard will treat the confirmands to supper on Tuesday, April 28th at 5:30 p.m. The youth will determine the restaurant we attend. It’s been a great year! Page 3 Ladies’ Nights Out April Ladies NIGHT OUT – Will be held Tuesday April 21 at the Carolyn Schmidt Fundraiser. For the following month we will meet on Tuesday, May 19 at the Xtreme Grille at 6:00PM, Come and enjoy the fellowship. Caterpillar Children’s Sermons We are watching the caterpillars grow before our eyes. The children are surprised on how quickly they grow. The children will REALLY be surprised when they see what happens next! On Easter Sunday we will release the butterflies (if the butterflies are ready), into the Washington community. The children (and adults) LOVE releasing the butterflies on Easter Sunday! Don’t let your child miss out on witnessing one of God’s miracles. Thank You from the ELCA Thank you for your recent gift of $ 1225.59 to support the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) through ELCA Good Gifts. With your help, the ELCA is sharing the gospel, starting new congregations, preparing leaders, working to overcome malaria, fighting hunger and so much more. Your gifts are truly transforming lives. Together, we do more than we ever could do alone. With our hands, we do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities in Jesus Christ’s name throughout the world. Thank you for your partnership. And thanks, again, for your generous support. It is deeply appreciated. In Christ, Christina Jackson-Skelton Postcard from ELCA Thank you for your generous gift to the ELCA World Hunger. With this gift we seek to support sustainable solutions to care for those most affected by hunger and poverty. Thank you! Barbara Burswold Immanuel Lutheran Church Worship Leaders April Greeters 2015 Please arrive 15 min prior Sun April 5 6:30 am Please Sign up for Ushers Readers Communion Assistants Worship Leaders for Easter Services Communion Setup/ Cleanup Acolytes Mary Gail Lyons Ray/Alta Poe Sun April 5 Doris Moore 9:30 am Wed. April 8 6:00 pm Sun April 12 8:00 am Brad/Tricia Kroll Sun April 12 Jane Kruse 10:30 am Peg Harris Wed April 15 6:00 pm Sun April 19 Larry /Sara 8:00 am Bartlett Susan Baker Sun April 19 Barb Matheson/ Judy Venzke 10:30 am Wed April 22 6:00 pm Sun April 26 8:00 am Jane Kruse Sun April 26 Diane 10:30 am Tweeton Corrine Martin Wed April 29 6:00 pm Please trade if you can’t serve. ^ Hospice of Washington County is having a Trivia Extravaganza Fundraiser on Friday, April 24 at the Washington CO Fairgrounds in the lower level hall. They will have up to 20 teams of 4-10 players on each team. Cost is $10 per person. Please see the poster at church with more details or check out their Facebook page “Hospice of Washington County”. Immanuel Lutheran Church Page 4 New Worship Opportunity Beginning on Wednesday, April 8th and every Wednesday thereafter, Holy Communion worship will be offered at 6 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran recognizes that not everyone has the ability to worship on Sunday mornings. Desiring that all people: repent and receive God’s forgiveness, hear God’s Word, receive Christ through Holy Communion, and be sent into the world to serve God through serving our neighbor, Immanuel has added a Wednesday evening worship opportunity. The service liturgy will be “Now the Feast and Celebration” by Marty Haugen and new and exciting worship styles will be introduced. The scripture proclaimed during the Wednesday service would be what was proclaimed the previous Sunday as well as the sermon preached. Can’t make it to Sunday worship? Mark your calendars and join us beginning April 8th! Cont’d from p. 1 Psalm 118 is, indeed, beautifully written, and it provides us with much food for thought. It inspires us and causes us to rejoice, be glad, and give thanks that God is with us, that his steadfast love endures forever, and that through his son, Jesus Christ, he provides the pathway to eternal life. Please sign up to be a Worship Leader for Easter Sunday at Church on the table in the hallway. Know of a Graduation? If you are graduating this year, or know someone who is graduating, please let the church know ([email protected] or 653-3950). We will share in the May newsletter the graduate’s: name, high school, school/college (will be attending in fall), degree, major (or plan on majoring in), and any honors bestowed. We will honor our 2015 High School Graduates on Sunday, May 24th. Milestones Reached! CELEBRATE WITH US Join our family at Immanuel Lutheran in the ministry of recognizing the Milestones in our lives. These milestones are a way to recognize our journey with God both at church and at home. The idea of celebrating faith milestones is nothing new. God often directed the people to build up stones to remind them of God's place in their lives. Upon crossing into the Promised Land, God spoke to the people: "Take twelve smooth stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan...and lay them down in the place where you camp tonight. ....when your children ask in time to come, "What do those stones mean to you?" then you shall tell them..." Joshua 4 For the month of March these are our Milestones: Completed the “Y” Transformation Challenge. – Jane Kruse My friends are here from out of town! – Caitlin Kroll Taking care of my husband at home until Jesus called him home. -Sandy Edwards Write your milestone(s) on a paper rock and post it on MILESTONES board in the hallway. Take a colored rock as a tangible symbol of the occasion being marked, as well as a reminder of God’s presence in your daily life. Thrivent Fraternal So far this year, helping prepare for the Valentine Brunch was the only project for the new Thrivent Action Team concept. Please keep in mind that any of you with investments in Thrivent products may lead two action teams a year. Members of the team and the recipients don’t need to belong to our church. Thrivent provides a Visa Card that pays up to $250. You may do a work project or a fund raiser. Within two years, this will be the only way to obtain money for projects through Thrivent. We may still continue with Care in the Community money until that time comes. Our latest is for helping with Carolyn’s April 21st fundraiser. The $500 will go to Carolyn Schmidt’s Fund at the State Bank along with the other profits. Page 5 School Supply Time! The H.O.P.E workers are now gathering school supplies for our Spring Shipment to Lutheran World Relief. School supplies are much cheaper just before school starts in the fall, and our congregation is always generous in giving at that time. However, THE NEED STILL EXISTS IN THE SPRING. Our congregation has always given generously in the spring time as well. At this time there are school bags to fill, with directions inside, in the Narthex. Please take a bag and fill it for our Spring Shipment. EWALU Day Camp- Vacation Bible School 2015 “A Love That Never Ends” June 22-26, 2015 M-Th 9am-3pm Fri 9am-12pm Please join us for VBS this summer! We will be partnering with the staff of EWALU to put on a VBS day camp! The days will be filled with Bible study, indoor and outdoor recreation, crafts, worship, music, and field trips. Children who have completed grades K-5 can join us for this fun filled week! We are opening registration to the congregation and their families first. This exciting day camp will be open to the community as well so please get your registrations in ASAP, as spaces are limited. The cost is $30 for Immanuel Lutheran members and their families or $50 for visitors. Financial assistance is available for families that need it. We are looking for volunteers to help with this awesome experience! Please contact Amy Statler at 653-1071 if you are interested. We will need people to help supervise the day camp, provide snacks for campers, and to provide housing and meals for the EWALU staff. It is going to be a very exciting week! We hope to see you all there! Passover Seder Meal ~ Thursday, April 2nd (Maundy Thursday) 6:00 p.m. Join Immanuel as we celebrate the Passover Meal as Jesus would have celebrated with his disciples. This is a celebration meal of freedom: Israelites from slavery and our freedom from sin through Jesus. This meal is for the entire family as the children even participate in the service. A festive main course is included in the middle of the Seder; turkey is the main course meat. Four cups of wine are consumed, with proper blessings, in the course of the meal; bring your own bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice. The cost of the meal will be covered through a free will offering received that night. Sign up sheets are in the main hallway to volunteer to assist with the preparations, kitchen help, clean up, and to make your reservations. Mark your calendars, Thursday, April 2nd 6 p.m., to attend this celebration, which was LOVED by attendees in 2013. Page 6 Community Cross Walk Friday, April 3rd, Noon Help Immanuel carry the cross throughout the downtown of Washington. The Washington community will gather at noon on Good Friday at the Post Office. The area churches will take turns carrying the cross as we make our way to different locations around the square. We will read scripture, pray, and sing. Let us join together with our brothers and sisters in Christ and remember together the Passion of our Lord. Good Friday’s Tenebrae Service: Friday, April 3rd, 8:00 p.m. This service commemorates the suffering and death of Christ and dates from the eighth century. It represents the darkness that fell over the earth as the Son of God was crucified. Candles symbolize Christ, who is our Light and the Light of the world. The Christ or Paschal candle is also lit this evening. The tradition of the use of the Paschal candle dates back to the fourth century. We will rehear the seven last words of Christ spoken from the cross. After each reading of scripture a candle will be extinguished and sanctuary lights are turned off until we are in darkness. The extinguishing of candlelight, in a darkened church on Good Friday, portrays the fading light of the world as Christ was leaving it. The Paschal candle remains lit. The glow from the Paschal candle indicates that death only seems to triumph over Christ, and points toward the coming resurrection. After the altar candles have been extinguished and the Paschal candle is removed, the strepitus is heard. (The stepitus is a loud noise representing the earth shaking and the rocks splitting at Jesus' death; Matthew 27:51. The loud noise also foreshadows the "great earthquake" at the opening of Jesus' tomb on Easter morning; Matthew 28:2. This action also acknowledges that the meaning of the cross is fulfilled.) The Paschal candle is then returned to the chancel to portray the hope of the Resurrection. Following the Lord's Prayer, the service ends and we leave in silence. Page 7 Palm Sunday-March 29 Worship at 8:00 and 10:30AM Maundy Thursday-April 2 Seder Meal 6:00PM Good Friday-April 3 Community Cross Walk at noon Worship at Immanuel 8:00PM Easter Sunday-April 5 Son-rise Service/Communion 6:30AM Followed by Breakfast Worship/Communion 9:30AM Easter Worship; Sunday, April 5th Join Immanuel Lutheran as we proclaim the good news that Jesus is RISEN! That death could not hold Jesus in the tomb but God’s love raised him from the dead. This joyous news will be proclaimed at a “Son-Rise” Holy Communion service; 6:30 a.m. Following worship the youth will serve a delicious breakfast (sign up sheets are available in the hallway to assist with the purchase of the meal ingredients). The second Holy Communion celebration Easter worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. Invite your family and friends to join us for worship and breakfast or breakfast and worship! The day promises to be fabulous! Please don’t forget to get your photo taken if you signed up for a session for the new directory. Dates April 9-11 Please call Mary Gail Lyons for more information 653-6721 Newsletter Items If you are submitting an article for the newsletter in the coming months, please have it to the office by the 20th of the current month. The goal is the next month’s newsletter be out by the last Sunday of the month. A campaign that been started to pay off the mortgage on the building at Immanuel Lutheran. As of 1/31/2015 the balance on the loan is $110,418.61. To date $60,000 has been pledged to the “Burn the Mortgage” campaign. The challenge has been issued to the congregation to raise the matching $60,000 by June 30, 2015. We ask you to prayerfully consider your generous response to this wonderful opportunity to payoff the mortgage. We have to match the funds to be able to receive the $60,00.00 pledges. There are “Burn the Mortgage” envelopes in the pews for your convenience. So far we have raised $13,122.00. SCHMIDT FUNDRAISER AT WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, April 21 4:30pm - 7:00pm Carolyn and Richard Schmidt have served ice cream to the Washington, Iowa community for the past ten years as owners of the Korner Kreamery. On August 28th, 2014 Carolyn was in a one car accident that left her paralyzed from the chest down. She has been in ICU, Acute Care and Rehab since, only coming home for about 10 days last Christmas. A group of people who have known and worked with Richard and Carolyn over the last 38 years from Thrivent, Master Gardeners, WCDC, former Korner Kreamery employees and Immanuel Lutheran Church have banded together to organize a benefit dinner and auction to help fund their needs that haven’t been covered by insurance. This planned benefit will take place on April 21st at Washington High School from 4:30 pm – 7:00 pm. There will be a pork loin dinner that is a free will offering. A Live Auction will be at 6:30 pm and a Silent Auction will be ongoing during the meal. Also a raffle drawing for $500 set of tires, a large TV, a load of gravel, and a smoker grill. These tickets will go on sale March 20th at a cost of $5 each or 5 for $20. If anyone wants to bring items to be included in the auctions they can be brought to Immanuel Lutheran Church or if it is perishable to Washington High School by 2:00 pm on April 21st. If you would like to volunteer to help will this event or would like to make a donation, or have any inquires please contact Immanuel Lutheran Church at 319-653-3950. Page 8 Birthdays for April 2015 Birthdays 1 Luke Danielson 1 Noah Danielson 8 Jane Kruse 9 Anna Wiley 10 Jean Potratz 12 Debbie Jewell 13 Chelsey Danielson 15 Scott Danielson 17 Alexey England 18 Sam Fields 20 Kate Glinsmann 21 Larry Bartlett 21 Donovan Bailey 21 Matthew Pemberton 22 Jason Rausch 22 April Six 24 Kristin Scheibe 24 Drew Quinn 26 Grace Taylor 26 Kenzie Quigley 27 Sarah Hernandez 27 Kathy Fields 28 Debra Griffin 29 Mark Kendall 29 Gary Fischer 30 Christopher Jewell 30 Chloe Soper 30 Carolyn Schmidt ANNIVERSARIES 4 Randy Poos &Nancy Baker 4 Stan & Jean Potratz 8 Tom & Cris Gaughan 11 David & Deb Griffin 11 Lynn & Carol Woodruff 20 Cary & Dawn Brown 22 Marty & Joyce Westen 29 Bob & Betty Warren
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