League of Women Voters of Arlington, Virginia BULLETIN Volume LX – No.8 President: Kristin Goss Editor: Maggie Bush REGISTER NOW: ANNUAL MEETING & BREAKFAST Saturday, May 16, 2015 ~ Sheraton National Hotel 900 South Orme Street (near Washington Blvd. & Columbia Pike) Breakfast 9:30 AM – Followed by Meeting till 12 noon Featured Speaker Karen Marangi, The Raben Group & Everytown for Gun Safety Registration Form on page 5 League of Women Voters of Arlington 1 April 2015 Letter from the President Kristin Goss OFFICERS 2014-2015 Kristin Goss, President [email protected] As we head into our annual meeting, let me issue a challenge: Please recruit a friend and bring her or him along. We will cover the costs! VP, Administration: Kathy Matusiak Secretary: Madeline Jervis Treasurer: Rita McGovern The League has new energy and new ideas – and we need more help. Everyone has something to contribute: an idea, a dollar, or an hour. LWV of Arlington Bulletin is published approximately 7 times a year by the League of Women Voters of Arlington, VA Mail to P.O. Box 100577 Arlington, VA 22210 The annual meeting hotel will need a headcount the first week of May, so please send in your annual meeting registration as soon as possible. If you can bring a friend, email us at [email protected]. Editor: Maggie Bush [email protected] Visit us: www.LWV-ArlingtonVa.org “Like” us: facebook.com/LWVArlington Join us: Membership Chair Marion Moore 703-243-2434; [email protected] The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political membership organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase the understanding of major public policy issues through education and influences public policy through advocacy. We welcome both female and male members. We are part of the League of Women Voters of the US (www.lwv.org). Over the past month we have two successful public events to celebrate: “Border Crossings,” an NCA-sponsored forum on transportation in the DC region. Kathy Matusiak was our lead in helping organize the forum. Please see her report on page 4. “Who Can Afford to Live Here? Affordable Housing and Arlington’s Future,” sponsored by the Arlington League. After her especially timely forum on the future of Columbia Pike, Beth Cogswell jumped in to organize a terrific follow-up panel on this most central of issues in our community. We had eight speakers, including residents providing a ground-level view of how the housing crunch affects different demographic constituencies, County housing officials, advocacy group leaders, and a County Board member. Roughly 40 people attended – a rousing success. See photos on page 3. Besides extending gratitude to Beth – who spent countless hours on a thousand details that nobody could possibly appreciate – I would like to thank two new members who really stepped up to the plate to help us get the word out: Courtney Hill and Joan Porte. Thanks also to League member Pat McGrady for serving as a panelist speaking to the experience of retirees. (Continued next page) League of Women Voters of Arlington 2 April 2015 Anyone who has organized public events knows the challenges inherent in prying people away from their private commitments to learn and deliberate in face-to-face settings. People’s schedules are busy and complicated, and pulling off a successful forum is tough. However, as League members we know how very important these face-to-face meetings are to our community’s long term wellbeing. Huge congratulations go out to Beth and Kathy for their extraordinary work. As we end the “League year” and segue into summer, I’d like to issue a challenge: Let’s spend the next three months thinking about creative ways to recruit and quickly engage new members. To be honest, we have a lot of ideas and the resources to support our work – what we need are people to help us carry out the work. We can accommodate all kinds of people – those who can work a few hours every once in a while on a specific project all the way up to those who can help lead a portfolio of projects throughout the year. We can accommodate those who have free time during the day and those who can squeeze in a bit of work early in the morning or late at night. I would be grateful for – and will immediately follow up on – any ideas you have on how to recruit more people to help us carry out our work! Affordable Housing Forum Draws a Crowd Thanks to all who attended the League’s successful Affordable Housing Event on April 19. The event brought together a range of experts to discuss housing issues in the County. (Photo, Left): Senator Mary Margaret Whipple (moderator); Russell Danao-Schroeder, Arlington County Senior Housing Planner; Nina Janopaul, President, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing; Catherine Bucknam, Director of Community Relations, AHC Inc. (Photo, Right): Senator Mary Margaret Whipple (moderator), David Cristeal, Arlington County Housing Director, Walter Tejada, Vice Chair, Arlington County Board. League of Women Voters of Arlington 3 April 2015 Crossing Borders Transportation Forum Brings Together Experts, Concerned Citizens The Crossing Boundaries Forum was held March 28 at the Conference Center at NRECA National Rural Electric Cooperative Association in Arlington. A panel of experts in many different aspects of the field presented information about all kinds of transportation issues and concerns in the capital area. Guest speakers were: Shyam Kannan, WMATA Director of Planning; Dan Reed, a consultant with Nelson Nygaard; Garritt Knapp, University of Maryland, Center for Smart Growth; Tom Fairchild, a mobility and technology expert; Stewart Schwartz, Coalition for Smarter Growth; Ross Capon, railroads expert; Aldea Douglas, AARP; Rich Kuzmyak, Renaissance Planning Group. The Arlington League was well represented by Kathy Matusiak, Bonnie Franklin, Marion Moore (photo, below) and others who participated and asked great questions. League of Women Voters of Arlington 4 April 2015 REGISTRATION: ANNUAL MEETING & BREAKFAST Saturday, May 16, 2015 ~ Sheraton National Hotel 900 South Orme Street (near Washington Blvd. & Columbia Pike) Breakfast 9:30 AM – Followed by Meeting till 12 noon Featured Speaker Karen Marangi, The Raben Group & Everytown for Gun Safety Arlingtonian Karen Marangi has spent more than 20 years in Washington working both on and off Capitol Hill. She has particularly deep ties to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where she served as Counsel to Senator Patrick Leahy, and has since worked on a range of criminal justice, intellectual property and technology issues. In recent years, Karen has become one of the leading advocates for reducing gun violence in the U.S. through her strategic role with Everytown for Gun Safety, where she helped develop legislative proposals after the tragic shootings in Tucson, AZ, and Newtown, CT. Karen is a graduate of Stanford University and Stanford Law School. Her husband, Federico Cura, is a member of the Arlington League. Annual Meeting Registration & Dues Form Name(s)___________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ Email_________________________ Please reserve breakfast for ______ people @ $30 each $__________ (You do not need to pay if you come for only the meeting.) I would like to pay my dues at this time (For July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016) (1) Dues at $50 for Individual Membership $__________ (Please make your check payable to LWV of Arlington.) OR (2) Dues at $75 for Household Membership $__________ (Two members at same address get one Bulletin; make check payable to LWV of Arlington.) I would like to make an additional donation to LWV-Arlington $__________ (Make check payable to LWV of Arlington) I would like to make a tax-deductible donation to LWV-Arlington $__________ (Make a separate check payable to LWV-Education Fund) Total Included $__________ Please return this form by May 2 with check(s) to League of Women Voters of Arlington Attn: Annual Meeting P.O. Box 100577 Arlington, VA 22210 The League is an advocacy organization. Dues and contributions to the LWV are not deductible as a personal or business expense for tax purposes. For taxdeductible contributions, please make a separate check payable to the LWV Education Fund. League of Women Voters of Arlington 5 April 2015 2015 PROGRAM PLANNING REPORT AND RECOMMENDED ACTIONS At the local level, the Board recommends retention of all existing positions, and no new studies. The board is proposing two semantic updates to our education position. They remove antiquated language to better reflect today’s educational realities. The language we propose to delete is reflected in “strike through” font below; the addition is in all caps. SCHOOLS/EDUCATION The League of Women Voters of Arlington supports: Curriculum — 1. Curriculum that is designed to include: • programs that impart basic skills (reading, writing, and • computation MATHEMATICS); • Program Diversity — • • 1. Maintaining the present program diversity in the face of shifting enrollment patterns. Exploration of innovative means of providing education (such as interactive cable TV courses, experimental education in the community) with a consideration of their cost effectiveness. (1982) League of Women Voters of Arlington 6 April 2015 Report of the 2014-2015 Nominating Committee Changes in the bylaws voted on at the 2014 LWV of Arlington Annual Meeting directed that the terms of officers should be staggered so that two are elected at each annual meeting. Also, the number of elected directors was reduced from six to four and the number of nominating committee members was reduced from five to three. Under Article VII. Nominations and Elections Sec. 2. Report of the Nominating Committee The bylaws state, “The report of the nominating committee, containing its nominations for officers and directors and the chair and two members of the next nominating committee, shall be sent to the members one month before the annual meeting.” For clarity this could be changed to read that the report contains “nominations for officers and directors and the chair and one member of the next nominating committee.” Our committee thinks we are still fulfilling the requirements of the bylaws by reporting two members of the next nominating committee and designating one to be chair. The slate of candidates presented for consideration at the 2015 Annual Meeting is: Office Candidate Term Expires President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Kristin Goss Kathy Matusiak Rita McGovern Seema Kakad Jain 2016 2017 2016 2017 Director Director Maggie Bush Natalie Goldring 2017 2017 Nominating Committee Chair Madeline Jervis Nominating Committee Member Beth Cogswell 2016 2016 Continuing on the board as elected members are: Director, Membership Director, Voter Service Marion Moore Karen Kimball 2016 2016 Respectfully submitted by Nominating Committee Chair, Susan Trice; Elected Member, Mary Finger; and Appointed Member, Madeline Jervis League of Women Voters of Arlington 7 April 2015 Proposed Budget June 2015--2016 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF ARLINGTON ALL AMOUNTS IN EVEN $ Final 6/2015 Jun-14 BUDGET RECEIPTS CASH Dues Member Contributions Condo Elections Other Fund Raising Annual Meeting Interest TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS RESTRICTED FUNDS FROM EDUCATION FUND for Voters' Service & Comm.Ed. LWVUS Project Grant FROM HOLLY WILLIAMS BEQUEST FROM UNDESIGNATED RESERVES TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS RECEIPTS TOTAL CASH & RESTRICTED FUNDS DISBURSEMENTS ADMINISTRATION President/Board Bulletin Fees and Dues Finance Expense (Condo Elections) Fund Raising Liability Insurance Membership Telephone Website TOTAL ADMINISTRATION League of Women Voters of Arlington Proposed 6/2016 BUDGET 3,550 1,720 4,362 4000 750 2500 3125 500 2000 720 38 10,390 1000 40 8,290 1000 30 6,655 1,000 5,000 1,423 7,423 15,713 2000 273 5000 2332 9,605 16,260 1200 600 100 0 50 325 500 75 200 3050 1200 600 100 0 0 325 700 0 200 3125 600 2,000 849 3,449 13,839 969 541 75 662 325 247 260 3,079 8 April 2015 PROGRAM Voters' Service Community Education on Issues Annual Meeting Other Member Meetings Community Events Williams Fund Project TBA H Williams Environmental Project TOTAL PROGRAM 1,088 2500 200 1000 300 300 2000 2000 8300 2500 1000 1000 300 3,337 0 700 100 100 900 2700 0 120 200 3020 2,108 1,020 75 3,203 2,232 1,152 79 3463 2160 1080 75 3315 13,839 15713 16260 786 210 136 1,000 1,000 4,220 DELEGATES AND TRAVEL National Convention State Convention/Council NCA Convention Workshops TOTAL DELEGATES AND TRAVEL 3,257 40 40 AFFILIATIONS LWV-US LWV-VA LWV-NCA TOTAL AFFILIATIONS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1000 1000 6800 Welcome New Member! Please welcome Carla de la Pava to our membership ranks! Carla is the Arlington County Treasurer. Carla, welcome to the League of Women Voters. League of Women Voters of Arlington 9 April 2015
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