League Lines - League of Women Voters St. Cloud Area

Visit our Websit e: www.lwvsca.org
May 2015
May Units –Gun Rights, Gun Restrictions, and Gun Violence
May 13, 2015, noon
Ace Bar and Grill,
423 East St. Germain, St. Cloud MN
Saturday, May 16, 2015, 9:30 am
Dunn Bro’s Coffee at Coborn's
900 Cooper Avenue S., St. Cloud MN
From Columbine to Ferguson and Baltimore to Lake George gun violence and gun related activity is
everywhere. Polarized political forces acting from pent up anger sometimes react with violent responses. Our
Committee will look at local headlines and examine state, and national conditions including views solicited
from area police chiefs. We will review a history of the Second Amendment and of the NRA. Finally we will
compare current laws with proposed legislation and contrast that with League positions and action items that
demand our attention. Background information for the units is on pages 3 through 5.
Summer Planning – July 16, 2015
Summer planning is when we decide what topics we will study during the year at our
unit meetings. This summer we will also be electing officers for the coming year. Full
details will be in the Summer League Lines.
Minnesota’s Clean Energy Path
Monday, May 18th from 7:00 to 8:30 PM, Climatologist J. Drake Hamilton will
speak at the Great River Regional Library in St. Cloud about Minnesota’s clean
energy path, adding cost-effective wind and solar energy, cutting dangerous carbon
pollution, and improving human health. The event is free and open to the public.
J. Drake Hamilton, science policy director at Fresh Energy, is an acclaimed public
speaker who was named as “one of 100 Minnesotans who make things happen.” She
will provide us with clean energy options that are achievable today. The League’s
position on clean energy and climate change can be found at:
May 2015
River Bluffs….Page 2
Board Opportunities…P. 2
Unit Info…Pages 3-5
Membership/Dues…Page 6
Standing Rules…Pages 7-8
Book Club … Pages 8
Calendar … Page 9
Page 1
Visit River Bluffs Regional Park on May 8
LWVSCA is a founding member of the Natural Parks and Trails
Coalition (NPTC) which formed about 18 years ago. In addition
to advocating for preservation of natural areas and working with
counties and cities to acquire and develop natural parks and trails,
NPTC also hosts events in natural parks. League members are
invited to the following NPTC event:
Friday, May 8 at 2:00pm at
St Cloud’s River Bluffs Regional Park
Join members of the Natural Parks and Trails Coalition
to experience St Cloud's newest park along the river. We’ll walk the trails, picking up litter along the way, and
explore the special natural features of this park including restored prairie, oak woods, and spectacular overlooks
of the Wild and Scenic Mississippi River. Meet at the parking lot next to the fire station. Call Charlotte
Stephens at 251-8677 or email at [email protected] if you plan to be there.
Directions to the park: From I-94, exit at Hwy 75. Proceed north 0.8 miles. Turn east on 38 th ST S, one block to
River Bluffs.
New LWVSCA Leadership Opportunities by Mary Kay Carle
It’s time to begin thinking forward to filling the new positions available on the LWVSCA board. At our Annual
Meeting I had the opportunity to share how being an active Leaguer is a very meaningful experience for me. I
was a newer member when I was invited to take on a leadership role and I remember appreciating learning
about League and being guided and mentored by experienced members and other team leaders. It’s the “League
Way” and it’s fun working with dedicated and talented women to get the work done and to make a difference in
our community. The women I’ve worked with through League are now my good friends. Please know that
when you get “invited” to participate it’s because someone has recognized your interests and talents. It’s an
honor to serve on our LWVSCA board.
We have four positions open on our LWVSCA Board of Directors for this coming year: (1) Communications –
(2) Program/Action – (3) Programing – (4) Voter Service. Specific job descriptions for these positions have
been developed and are included in the Standing Rules (Attachment A: Job Descriptions) as published in the
Annual Meeting Supplement sent to you March 17, 2015. If you would like to serve on the board or know
members who have interests or talents in any of these specific areas please call me or one of our Nominating
Committee members. We’ll be presenting a new Slate of Officers at our Summer Planning Meeting on July 16,
The Nominating Committee seeking to identify members to serve on our LWVSCA Board are: Gerri Gustafson,
Peg Obremski, Jan Stavros, Pat Riley and convener, Mary Kay Carle.
May 2015
Page 2
Thank You Board Members
Thank you Jerilyn Peterson, Judy Heeter, Linda Kotschevar, Mary Kay Carle, Jan Stavros, Diane Bublitz,
Ginny Clark, Kate Meyer, Peg Obremski and Marlene Haider for a memorable and exciting year. It makes me
proud when I compare our league to other leagues around the country.
Since I spend several months in Arizona I have contact with their leagues, and our league gets a gold star. It is
through the diligent work of our volunteer board members that much gets accomplished. LWVSCA has been
active on issues that count and contribute to a better life for all citizens. Thank you for your leadership on
timely efforts such as registering new citizens, sponsoring educational presentations, and collaborating with
other activist groups involved in public policy. Every leaguer has opportunity to make an impact, but it takes
strong leadership to make this happen. Because of the board's guidance and encouragement Leaguers have new
avenues for growth and involvement.
Best wishes for another remarkable year! Deanna Lederer
Unit information begins here.
LWVMN Position on Gun Control
Support restrictions on the sale, possession, and use of firearms by private parties in the State of Minnesota.
 Licensing of long guns, hand guns, and assault weapons
 Registration of long guns, hand guns, and assault weapons
 Background checks for purchase of long guns, handguns, and assault weapons
 Ban the manufacture, sale, and importation of assault weapons and assault weapon parts
 Mandatory firearm safety training before the purchase of a firearm
 Concept of Gun owner liability when others are harmed due to owner negligence
 Stiffer and/or mandatory penalties for people who commit crimes with firearms.
 The ability of local municipalities to regulate the ownership and possession of firearms and ammunition
more strictly than state law allows.
 An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution granting an individual the right to bear arms.
Minnesota Requirements for getting a permit to carry
Must be at least 21 years of age
Must complete an application form
Must not be prohibited from purchasing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714
Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system
Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit.
Non-residents may apply for a permit from any county sheriff.
Must provide a certificate of completed authorized firearms training. Training must be by a certified
instructor and completed within one year of an original or renewed application.
May 2015
Page 3
Non-residents with a valid permit from Alaska, Michigan, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee,
Kansas, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Ohio, and Wyoming are honored in Minnesota.
The permit application costs the applicant $100.00 and is valid for five years. County sheriffs have 30 days to
complete a background check at which time the permit must be issued or legitimately denied based on
Minnesota and federal statutes.
Places off limits even with a Permit License
Public and private elementary, middle, or secondary school buildings and its improved grounds whether
leased or owned by the school.
A child care center licensed under chapter 245A during the period when children are present and
participating in a child care program.
The area within a school bus when that bus is being used by a school to transport one or more
elementary, middle, or secondary school students to and from school-related activities
Private establishments if posted or if personally requested to leave by the operator because that
establishment bans guns on premises.
Places of employment, public or private, if the employer restricts the carry or possession of firearms by
its employees
A public postsecondary institution may establish policies that restrict the carry or possession of firearms
by its students while on the institution’s property. However, the employer may not restrict or prohibit
the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a parking facility or parking area.
State correctional facilities or state hospitals and grounds
Any jail or lockup facility
Courthouse complexes unless the sheriff is notified.
Offices and courtrooms of the Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals any state building in the
Capitol area described in Chapter 15B, other than the National Guard Armory, unless the Commissioner
of Public Safety is notified.
In federal court facilities and other federal buildings
Churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples may choose to ban firearms in Buildings and parking
areas as a result of Minnesota Court of Appeals decision
LWVUS Position on Gun Control
Statement of Position on Gun Control, as Adopted by 1990 Convention and amended by the 1994 and 1998
The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that the proliferation of handguns and
semiautomatic assault weapons in the United States is a major health and safety threat to its citizens. The
League supports strong federal measures to limit the accessibility and regulate the ownership of these weapons
by private citizens. The League supports regulating firearms for consumer safety.
The League supports licensing procedures for gun ownership by private citizens to include a waiting period for
background checks, personal identity verification, gun safety education and annual license renewal. The license
fee should be adequate to bear the cost of education and verification.
The League supports a ban on “Saturday night specials,” enforcement of strict penalties for the improper
possession of and crimes committed with handguns and assault weapons, and allocation of resources to better
regulate and monitor gun dealers
May 2015
Page 4
The Case for Gun Control
From Fareed Zakaria, Time Magazine, August 20, 2012
After the ghastly act of terrorism against a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on
Aug. 5, Americans are pondering how to stop gun violence. We have decided
that it is, in the words of New York Times columnist David Brooks, a problem of
psychology, not sociology. We are trying to fathom the evil ideology of Wade Michael Page.
Only several weeks ago, we were all trying to understand the twisted psychology of James Holmes, the man
who killed 12 innocents at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. Before that it was the mania of Jared Loughner,
who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords last year.
Certainly we should try to identify such people and help treat and track them. But aside from the immense
difficulty of such a task--there are millions of fanatical, crazy people, and very few turn into mass murderers--it
misses the real problem.
Gun violence in America is off the chart compared with every other country on the planet. The gun homicide
rate per capita in the U.S. is 30 times that of Britain and Australia, 10 times that of India and four times that of
Switzerland. When confronted with such a large deviation, a scholar would ask, Does America have some
potential cause for this that is also off the chart? I doubt that anyone seriously thinks we have 30 times as many
crazy people as Britain or Australia. But we do have many, many more guns.
There are 88.8 firearms per 100 people in the U.S. In second place is Yemen, with 54.8, then Switzerland with
45.7 and Finland with 45.3. No other country has a rate above 40. The U.S. handgun-ownership rate is 70%
higher than that of the country with the next highest rate.
The effect of the increasing ease with which Americans can buy ever more deadly weapons is also obvious.
Over the past few decades, crime has been declining, except in one category. In the decade since 2000, violentcrime rates have fallen by 20%, aggravated assault by 21%, motor-vehicle theft by 44.5% and nonfirearm
homicides by 22%. But the number of firearm homicides is essentially unchanged. What can explain this
anomaly except easier access to guns?
Confronted with this blindingly obvious causal connection, otherwise intelligent people close their eyes.
Denouncing any effort to control guns, George Will explained on ABC News that he had "a tragic view of life,
which is that ... however meticulously you draft whatever statute you wind up passing, the world is going to
remain a broken place, and things like this are going to happen." I don't recall Will responding to, say, the 9/11
attacks--or any other law-and-order issue for that matter--with a "things happen" sentiment.
The other argument against any serious gun control is that it's unconstitutional, an attempt to undo American
history. In fact, something close to the opposite is true.
May 2015
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As of April 1, 2015 the LWVSCA is a 501(c) 3 under the umbrella of LWVMN. This new tax status
means your dues are partially tax deductible as follows:
•$60 individual dues, $29 tax deductible - $31 not tax deductible,
•$95 household dues, $48.50 tax deductible - $46.50 is not tax deductible, and
•$35 student dues, $19.50 is tax deductible - $15.50 is not tax deductible.
The non-tax deductible amount for all membership types is the Per Member Payment made to
If you are unable to pay the entire $60, we have a scholarship fund to pay for up to 50% of
your dues. Please talk to a board member about the scholarship option.
Prompt payment of dues is very helpful to our cash flow and much appreciated. Anyone who has not
renewed their membership by the end of June 2015 will be removed from the membership roster until
they renew. Note: New members who joined between January – March 2015 do not have to renew
their membership until the next fiscal year which begins April 1, 2016.
Consider making an additional tax deductible contribution to LWVSCA. This helps keep our
dues at the current level, thereby encouraging a diverse membership. Many have been very
generous with your contributions in the past and we appreciate your continued support. There are
two ways to make additional contributions:
1. Include an additional amount in your membership check (tax deductible as of April 1, 2015).
2. Write a second check to LWVEF (National League Education Fund) and include it with your
renewal form. This option is a tax deductible contribution for you and we can pay up to
half our national PMPs with these checks. The checks will be mailed with our payment in
July 2015 so I recommend dating them for June 2015.
Payment can be made at the May Unit Meeting or by making a check out to LWVSCA and
mailing it to LWVSCA, Attention: Treasurer, PO Box 5084, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302-5084.
Please clip and include the Membership Renewal form with your payment.
Thank you for your continued involvement in League.
Membership Renewal – 2015-2016
League of Women Voters of the St. Cloud Area
Home/Cell Phone #
Work Phone #
Membership Payment (Please check all that apply):
Regular Membership: $60
Second Member of Household: $35
Student: $35
Additional Contribution:$
Enclose separate check payable to LWVEF: $
May 2015
Page 6
Annual Meeting: Adoption of “Standing Rules” as Amended
The document “Standing Rules,” submitted by the Board of Directors to the LWVSCA
membership on April 17 was approved, subject to an amendment pertaining to the
composition of the Board. The office of Vice President as initially proposed in the Standing
Rules was titled “Vice President of Programming.” As accepted in the amendment, the role of
Vice President will be held by a Team Leader proposed by the Nominating Committee and
presented to the membership for approval. “Programming” will be a regular Team Leader
position. Here follows the revised language in Section 1.0 of the final document.
1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors (Board) shall be comprised of
elected members who must include the Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and
Treasurer), Past President (ex officio), as well as the Team Leaders who coordinate the following
teams: Communication, Community Outreach, Membership, Program/Action, Programming, and Voter
Service. The office of Vice President will be filled by a Team Leader; such person will be indicated on
the proposed slate of officers presented to the members by the Nominating Committee.
Revised job descriptions have been added in Attachment A:
Vice President
In the event of the absence, disability or death of the President, the Vice President assumes all the
responsibilities and performs the duties of the President, until the next duly held election for President.
The office of Vice President is held by a Team Leader who has agreed to and is qualified to serve as
President on a temporary basis. The office of Vice President would have the same term length as the
respective Team Leader’s office.
Programming Team Leader
The Programming Team Leader oversees the implementation of monthly unit meetings, as well as the
activities of any Board-approved social planning teams. As such, this Team Leader organizes and
leads the Summer Planning meeting; ensures that the monthly calendar reflects all unit meetings and
social events; and arranges for the venues, conveners and teams required to conduct monthly unit
In Attachment B, the chart now illustrates election years as follows:
Communications Team Leader
Programming Team Leader
Voter Service Team Leader
May 2015
Community Outreach Team Leader
Membership Team Leader
Program and Action Team Leader
Page 7
Board Composition
Board Composition:
as Amended April 17, 2015
Community Outreach Team Leader
Program/Action Team Leader
Past President (ex officio)
Vice President (a Team Leader)
Communication Team Leader
Community Outreach Team Leader
Membership Team Leader
Program/Action Team Leader
Programming Team Leader
Voter Service Team Leader
LWVSCA Book Club is open to all members and friends who are welcome to attend at any time.
We usually meet at 6:30 P. M. the third Thursday of each month. For more information, please call Pat Fillmore
at 320-259-0542. Our current book title and meeting place schedule is as follows:
The Human Age: The World Shaped
by Us
by Diane Ackerman
The Bee Keeper's Apprentice
by Laurie R. King
The Greatest Knight: The Unsung
Story of the Queen's Champion by
Elizabeth Chadwick (NOT The Greatest
Knight by Thomas Asbridge)
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Hostess: Linda Kotschevar
109 – 3rd Ave. N,
Waite Park MN 56387
Thursday, June 21, 2015
Hostess: Pat Fillmore
16 Lindsay Court, St. Cloud
Thursday, July 23, 2015**
Hostess: Gerri Gustafson,
840 Marquette Dr., St. Cloud
**Fourth Thursday this month.
Upcoming books for August through October: Fractured Land: The Price of Inheriting Oil by Lisa Westberg
Peters; Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy: Four women in the Civil War by Karen Abbott; All the Light We
Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
May 2015
Page 8
May 2015
5/8 – River Bluffs Park, 2:00pm
5/10 - Mother’s Day
5/13 – Unit Meeting, Ace, noon
5/14 – Board Meeting, Dunn Bros, 1-3pm
5/16 – Unit Meeting, Dunn Bros, 9:30am
5/18 - J. Drake Hamilton, Fresh Energy, 7:00pm
5/21 – Book Club, 6:30pm
5/25 – Memorial Day
Summer 2015
6/11 - League Lines Deadline, noon
6/21 - Book Club, 6:30pm
7/16 - Summer Planning
7/23 - Book Club - 4th Monday this month
8/20 - Book Club – 6:30pm
8/26 - Women’s Equality Day
A publication of the League of Women Voters of the St. Cloud Area
PO BX 5084, St. Cloud MN 56302
Visit us at www.lwvsca.org and at
us at: [email protected]
Email usEmail
at: [email protected]
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active
participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. League of Women Voters
affirms its commitment to reflecting the diversity of the membership...and strives to overcome barriers of gender,
race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability in the activities of the organization.
Judy Heeter, Linda Kotschevar, Jerilyn Petersen
Ginny Clark
Diane Bublitz
Mary Kay Carle, Jan Stavros
Marlene Haider
Membership dues are $60.00. Of that, $29.00 is tax deductible. Make check payable to: LWVSCA.
May 2015
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