Westport Voter April 2015 Visit our website: www.lwvwestportct.org The Problem with Money in Politics Wednesday, April 22 7:00 to 9:00 PM Westport Town Hall Auditorium Join us for a panel discussion on a topic that threatens our democracy, the influence of dark money in politics , the impact it is having on campaigns and candidates and what we can do about it. Learn more about what the League of Women Voters is doing, as well as groups like Common Cause and Free Speech for People. SIR 2015 - Climate Change: What impact can we have now? Friday, April 10, 2015, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Yale University, Luce Hall Auditorium/MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies 34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511 Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Program (begins promptly): 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Dan Esty, Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy, jointly with Yale Law School; Director of the Center for Environmental Law and Policy; Director, Center for Business & Environment at Yale Panelists: Scott R. Stephenson, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Connecticut Mark Fulford, Independent Farm Consultant and Educator; Owner, Teltane Farm in Maine Moderator: Nancy Ruther, Visiting Fellow, MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale For further information, contact the LWVCT office at 203-288-7996 or [email protected]. Save the Date - LWV Westport Annual Meeting Luncheon - June 3 at the Norwalk Inn The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, community-based political organization that encourages the informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. It was founded in 1920 as an outgrowth of the 72-year struggle to win voting rights for women. WE ST PO R T VO TER PAGE 2 From the President BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT CELESTE LACROIX 227-2980 TREASURER ELLIE LOWENSTEIN 255-5379 SECRETARY SHEILA WARD 710 –4763 PAST PRESIDENT LIZ - ANN KOOS 227-2024 VICE-PRESIDENTS Community Services Suzanne Adams 226-9716 Member Services, Administration Jackie Gordon , 803 3725 Member Services, Events Becky Ruthven 220 1206 Program/Advocacy Cheryl McKenna 221 8087 Cornelia Olsen 229 9137 Board of Directors Pat Porio 226-4194 Barbra Utting 221 7518 OFF BOARD Member Handbook - Celeste LaCroix Voter Editor -Jane Eyes 227 0782 Voter Services-Susan Iseman 646-483-7451 Publicity - Doris Skutch 227-6114 A P RI L 20 15 Dear Fellow League Member, You know that money in politics is a huge problem when even the Pope is talking about it as he did when he was explaining the situation to a group of teenagers last week. He was referencing his native Argentina and simply said that when people donate money to politicians they expect favors in return. The Pope gets it. It would seem that the Pope has more sense than our Supreme Court. Since the ruling on Citizens’ United, we have seen the birth of a monster, an amazing increase in the amount of money that is being spent on elections. The Connecticut Mirror reported that in our 2014 Governor’s race, in spite of the state’s campaign finance laws, there was $18.2 million spent in money from outside of the state. That is a fivefold increase over the race in 2010. The Federal Elections commission reports that the candidates in the 2012 presidential election, the first after the Citizen’s ruling, spent 2 Billion. If there is that kind of increase in the 2016 election – the thought is staggering. But, one of the good thing to happen from this terrible situation is the program that we are putting together for you in April. The Problem with Money in Politics will be a panel discussion at Westport Town Hall on the evening of April 22. Our panel includes Jeff Clemmens, author of “ Corporations are not people”, Cheri Quickmire, the Executive Director of Common Cause of Connecticut, our own Alison Rivard and a Connecticut favorite son. It will be an informative and thought provoking evening and I am looking forward to seeing every one of you there. Celeste LaCroix LWV Websites www.lwvwestportct.org www.lwvct.org (Connecticut) www.lwv.org (U.S.) In Memorium LWV Westport members note with sadness the recent death of four long term members. Micki Schwartz December 23, 2014 Susanne Kanner February 13, 2015 Fifty Year Members Sarah Hertz February 15, 2015 Nita Cohen March 10, 2015 New Members: Returning Members: Gail Smith 2 Deerwood Road Westport, CT 06880 203-557-0878(h) 203-224-8711(c) [email protected] Janis Collins 41 Compo Parkway Westport 222-9712 [email protected] Rachel Prior 597 Westport Ave. #B240 Norwalk, Ct 06851 [email protected] 203-210-7387 (h) 203-554-4531(c) Arthur Beckman and Nina Skaya 125A Weston Road Weston, CT 06883 [email protected] 917-575-1628(c) Catherine Walsh 6 Wilcox Lane Westport CT 06880 203 226 0081 cawalsh6@ optonline.net Changes: Dick and Paula Leonard: 50 Ledge Road, Darien, CT, 06820 203 655 0038. Staples Tuiton Grants Director of Communications The League has donated a named grant to a student at Staples for many years. The named grant, a minimum award of $2,000, is administered by Staples Tuition Grants and allows us to promote a candidate who has demonstrated financial need and shown an interest in civics projects, government or politics. We need your help. Your generous donation will be most appreciated and it will also be an indication of the membership's continuing commitment to the scholarship. Rest assured that the entire sum you choose to donate will be allocated to this worthwhile endeavor. Send your contribution to, LWV Ed Fund at LWV Westport, PO box 285, Westport, CT 06881 The Membership Committee has recommended that we would benefit from a new position , Director of Communications. This position would require IT skills and the ability to run a committee and the desire to bring us into the 21st century. Please call Nancy Hallas 203-226-7353 Voter Registration Just another reminder- we need some volunteers, please! Our friends at the Bridgeport Area LWV can use our help on Friday, April 17th for Naturalization ceremonies at the Bridgeport Federal Courthouse. There are two sessions, 9:30am and 1:30pm to chose from. Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer - it's best if two league members are there for each session. Susan Iseman 646 483 7451 or [email protected] Observer Corp The Eyes and Ears of the League The corps is currently observing the Selectman, Planning and Zoning, Board of Finance and Zoning Board of Appeals. We need some fresh recruits to observe both RTM and Board of Education. This important work can be done from the most comfortable chair in your living room as these meetings are all televised. Call Cheryl McKenna 203-722-8022 for more info. Book Group News All meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The group is open to all League members. For information, email Kitty Graves at [email protected]. April 27 - The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff @ Hope Hageman’s, 116 Greens Farms Road May 18—The House at Sugar Beach by Helene Cooper @ Leslie Feller’s, 113 Old Hyde Road, Weston Walk and Talk Politics Nice weather is just around the corner. Do you want to get out, get some exercise and talk about local politics and the shenanigans in Washington? Join other Leaguers to walk at Compo beach in the late afternoon. > Anyone who is interested should email Barbra Utting at [email protected] , or call 203-221-7518. LWV Advocacy and the 2015 Legislative Session Mental Health: The dr iving for ce behind mental health legislation continues to be the important link between gun violence and the need for early identification of mental health problems, intervention and access to services. The 2015 Legislative session reflects this continuing concern, with bills directed at: increasing coverage for long term hospitalization for mental health issues; increasing insurance coverage for behavioral health assessments; training EMS personnel in emergency mental health first aid; notifying parents about available mental health services; studying the availability of mental health services in group home settings; conducting annual pediatric mental health screening for children; increasing mental health services for Veterans and members of the Armed Forces, among other issues. Most significant was the completion of a Comprehensive Behavioral Health Plan by the Dept. of Children and Families in Oct. 2014, required as a part of Public Act 13178. In brief, the plan addresses the need for public financing, restructuring, decreasing fragmentation of services, developing a family support clearing house, expanding mental health screening for children and adolescents, training in infant mental health services, expansion of services to schools and communities, and structuring pediatric support services. The League will carefully monitor whether or not aspects of this plan are actually implemented in the state and in local communities. Carolyn Adkins, LWV Specialist, Mental Health All members are welcome to attend Board meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at Celeste LaCroix’s. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 110 WESTPORT, CT 06881 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF WESTPORT Westport Voter P.O. Box 285 Westport, CT 06881-0285 MARK YOUR CALENDAR JOIN THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Apr Name ____________________________________________ 10 SIR Conference - 8:30 a.m. - noon - New Haven Address __________________________________________ 16 Observer Corps/Action Team - Noon - At the home of Ann Gill, 53 High Point Road ___________________________________________________ 17 Voter Registration—Bridgeport Court House Phone ____________________________________________ 22 Money In Politics 6:30 p.m.– 8:30 p.m. McManus Room, Westport Library Email ____________________________________________ Individual Dues: $50 Household (limited to 2): $75. Please consider adding $25 to your membership fee to become a sustaining member. 1 Board Meeting - 9:00 a.m. At the home of Celeste LaCroix, 35 Arlen Road 27 Book Group - 1:30 p.m. At the home of Hope Hageman, 116 Greens Farms Road May Membership year: July 1 through June 30 6 Board Meeting - 9:00 a.m. At the home of Celeste LaCroix, 35 Arlen Road Send check made payable to: 18 Book Group Meeting - 1:30 p.m. At the home of Leslie Feller, 113 Old Hyde Rd. Weston LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF WESTPORT P.O. Box 285 Westport, CT 06881- 0285 21 Observer Corps/Action Team - Noon - At the home of Ann Gill, 53 High Point Road Contributions to LWV Education Fund are tax- deductible; LWV dues are not. All League meetings are open to all members. Jun 3 Annual Meeting - Norwalk Inn
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