The National Organization for Rare Disorders Nord Guides for Physicians #10 Physician’s Guide Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) For information about NORD’s programs and services, contact: National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) PO Box 1968 Danbury, CT 06813-1968 Phone: (203) 744-0100 Tollfree: (800) 999-NORD Fax: (203) 798-2291 Website: Email: [email protected] NORD’s Rare Disease Database and Organizational Database may be accessed at Contents ©2010 National Organization for Rare Disorders® This booklet is the tenth in a series of free publications for physicians and other medical professionals. It is NORD’s hope that patients and their families will benefit from this and other efforts to enhance awareness of the almost 7,000 rare diseases affecting an estimated 30 million Americans. What is Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)? Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by painful, unpredictable, recurrent attacks of inflammation affecting the hands, feet, face, abdomen, urogenital tract, and the larynx. The inflammation can be disfiguring, debilitating, or in the case of laryngeal attacks, life-threatening1. Prevalence for HAE is uncertain but is estimated to be approximately 1 case per 50,000 persons without known differences among ethnic groups2 and is caused by deficient (Type I) or dysfunctional (Type II) levels of C1- Inhibitor (C1-INH), a naturally occurring molecule that is known to inhibit kallikrein, bradykinin, and other serine proteases in the blood1,3. If left untreated, HAE can result in a mortality rate as high as 40% primarily due to upper airway obstruction3. As with other autosomal dominant diseases, patients with HAE generally inherit one normal gene and one abnormal gene (heterozygous). Thus, the child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the abnormal gene. The genetic defect may also be caused by spontaneous mutations, and it is estimated that 20% to 25% of all HAE cases occur in patients with no family history of the disease1. 3 Figure 1: Autosomal Dominant Inheritance Pattern HAE is Autosomal Dominant Unaffected Parent Parent with HAE Normal Allele Dominant HAE Allele Offspring have 50% chance to inherit HAE Unaffected Offspring Unaffected Offspring Offspring with HAE Offspring with HAE What is the underlying cause of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)? The underlying cause of HAE is the depletion or consumption of C1-inhibitor (C1-INH), which can occur in two primary ways. Type 1 occurs in 80% to 85% of patients and is due to a decreased production of C1-INH. Type 2 occurs in 15% to 20% of patients and is due to the production of normal or elevated levels of functionally impaired C1-INH. Circulating C1-INH levels may be normal or elevated, but the protein remains dysfunctional. Type 1 and Type 2 HAE have been reported in all races with no sex predominance1. Both types of HAE are similar with regard to disease severity and manifestation4, and the underlying cause of the disease is a deficiency in C1 Inhibitor. C1-INH belongs to a class of protein enzyme inhibitors called serpins (serine protease inhibitors). Serpins are known as suicide substrates because they inactivate proteases 4 by forming an irreversible bond. C1-INH inhibits multiple processes including the complement, the fibrinolytic, and the contact systems4. Additionally, C1-INH inactivates several other proteases5. Once the complement, contact, and fibrinolytic systems are activated via triggers such as trauma, medical procedures, or infections, C1-INH is consumed through complex formation with several factors such as: C1r, C1s, factor XIIa, kallikrein, tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin. In most people, C1-INH regulates these systems by blocking pathways, preventing the systems from becoming overactive. In HAE patients, the reduced reserve of C1-INH becomes depleted, leaving the three systems unopposed resulting in an overproduction of bradykinin. It is believed that bradykinin mediates vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, constriction of uterine and gastrointestinal smooth muscle, constriction of coronary and pulmonary vasculature and bronchoconstriction5. If C1-INH levels were increased, bradykinin production would be controlled and balance could be restored. Figure 2: Pathophysiology of an HAE Attack Triggers Factor XIIa Contact System C1 C1-INH Prekallikrein -IN H C1rs C1 Plasminogen -IN -IN H C1 Kallikrein H Complement System HK C1 Factor XII Bradykinin Fibrinolytic System Plasmin Increased vascular permeability, leading to angioedema 5 C1-INH depletion C4 C2 Pathophysiology of an HAE attack: Triggers such as trauma and infection activate the complement system. Triggers also activate the contact and fibrinolytic systems. In a normal person, C1-INH regulates these systems by blocking pathways and thus preventing the systems from becoming overactive. Patients with HAE have low reserves of C1-INH. Once reserves are further depleted, the systems will be unopposed resulting in an over production of bradykinin, which is believed to be responsible for swelling symptoms. What is the typical symptomatic presentation of a Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) attack? Symptoms of an HAE attack generally present as edema of one or more organ systems, most commonly affecting the skin, gastrointestinal tract, or respiratory tract. During skin attacks, the edema is generally non-pitting with poorly defined margins and typically involves areas of the face such as the lips, eyelids, and tongue. Patients who experience gastrointestinal attacks typically present with significant abdominal pain and vomiting, usually resulting from intestinal obstruction1 caused by swelling in the gut. Gastrointestinal patients may also experience attacks of acute abdominal pain that can mimic other acute surgical conditions, leading to unnecessary abdominal surgeries6. More severe symptoms of HAE include laryngeal and upper respiratory edema that may lead to respiratory tract compromise and potential death from asphyxiation. Patients with no previous history of upper airway involvement are still at risk for asphyxiation as there is no correlation between anatomical location of previous attacks and likely location of future attacks. In acute laryngeal attacks, death may result in as quickly as 20 minutes. An additional morbidity associated with HAE is premature labor in pregnant women afflicted with the disease. In a study of one kindred, 60% more premature labor was reported among diagnosed mothers1. It is important that emergency room physicians become familiar with HAE symptoms as HAE patients account for about 15,000 to 30,000 Emergency Room visits annually7. Emergency departments should have a protocol for the management of patients with HAE, which should include seeking the advice of an allergist/immunologist on the plan of treatment. It is also important 6 that allergists work with their patients’ general physicians to ensure that general physicians are aware of all HAE patients within their practice and that appropriate treatment plans are in place6. What is the frequency for patients to experience Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) attacks? HAE is unpredictable in nature with substantial variation in the frequency and the age of onset of attacks. Attack patterns vary with age and may affect a single site or multiple sites7. Patients with symptomatic HAE generally experience at least one acute exacerbation per month. Most attacks of HAE last 2 to 5 days, resulting in 20 to 100 days of incapacitation per year. Acute episodes of HAE often occur without warning and often may be precipitated by a trigger. Common attack triggers include1: Trauma Surgery Anesthesia Dental procedures Emotional stress Menstruation Oral contraceptive use Infections There is little correlation between the symptoms of attack and the type of genetic defect present, even within the same family6. Furthermore, age and past attack patterns do not predict the site, severity, or speed of future attacks. What are the frequent causes for the misdiagnosis of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)? HAE is frequently misdiagnosed and the time lapse between onset of symptoms and the accurate diagnosis may be 20 years or longer8. In the US, approximately 68% of patients receive a misdiagnosis before receiving an accurate HAE diagnosis. Patients are commonly misdiagnosed with allergies, appendicitis, stress disorders, reactions to insect bites, gastroenteritis, and stomach ulcers before receiving the correct diagnosis of HAE9. Adding to the difficulty in accurately diagnosing HAE is the wide variety of presenting symptoms and variable age range. Approximately half of HAE patients are symptomatic by age 7 and two-thirds are symptomatic by age 13, but it is not uncommon to see patients present during their fourth or fifth decade of life5. The differential 7 diagnosis of angioedema includes acquired angioedema (AAE), a variety of allergic reactions, direct histamine release, and drug-induced angioedema. The acquired form of C1-INH deficiency may be due to a lymphoproliferative disorder such as lymphoma or autoimmune disease such as lupus, and is usually associated with an older age at onset with no family history9. In some patients, recurrent abdominal pain may be their only presenting symptom. When these HAE symptoms are missed or HAE is misdiagnosed, it can lead to several extensive evaluations and unnecessary abdominal surgeries for unexplained abdominal pain. This unexplained abdominal pain has been mistaken for acute abdomen and has led to narcotic dependence psychiatric diagnoses9. How can Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) be accurately diagnosed? The diagnosis of HAE requires a detailed personal and family history, and laboratory measure of C1-INH, C1-INH activity, and serum C4 levels. Serum C1q levels may be used to differentiate AAE from HAE. A diagnostic test panel is available through commercial laboratories and is a highly effective tool in accurately diagnosing HAE. The combination of low C4 and low C1-INH is 98% specific for C1-INH deficiency and has a 96% negative predictive value10. In instances of high clinical suspicion and recurrent episodic angioedema of uncertain etiology, genetic testing is indicated. Table 1: HAE Diagnosis Diagnostic Labs Type 1 C1-INH level Type 2 Normal or C1-INH activity Serum C4 level Serum C1q level decreased; Normal increased 8 Normal What is the prognosis for patients with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)? The mortality rate from undiagnosed HAE can be as high as 40% and is primarily attributed to upper airway obstruction3. Asphyxiation can occur in 20 minutes to 14 hours in patients of any age, and it has occurred in patients with no previous history of respiratory symptoms1. Therefore, an early and accurate diagnosis of HAE is crucial to minimize the morbidity and mortality associated with HAE. The goal for physicians treating HAE patients is to manage their disease proactively to maintain personal safety and achieve a normal quality of life. During every acute HAE attack, the patient is at risk of the vicious cycle of bradykinin and C1-INH mediated pathway activation until appropriate acute treatment (that raises C1-INH serum levels) is given, or until spontaneous remission occurs. A treatment that actually corrects the underlying cause of HAE would theoretically be more effective against rebound angioedema and be more effective at mitigating the severity and longevity of acute HAE attacks7. A treatment that restores physiological balance by increasing C1-INH levels has the potential to improve a patient’s quality of life with minimal disruption in daily activities4. What are the treatment options currently available to prevent Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) attacks? Cinryze is a C1-esterase inhibitor therapy and the first member in its class to have been approved by the FDA in the United States for routine prophylaxis of attacks of spontaneous swelling (angioedema) in adolescents and adults with hereditary angioedema (HAE). Cinryze is administered in a healthcare setting and could be selfadministered if the patient receives appropriate training from the healthcare provider. However, it is contraindicated in patients who have manifested life-threatening immediate hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis to the product. Since hypersensitivity reactions and HAE attacks may have similar symptoms, it is important but could be challenging to distinguish between the two. Monitoring patients with known risk factors for thrombotic events is recommended when administering Cinryze. As in products made with human plasma, Cinryze may contain infectious agents. During the trials, the commonest adverse effects were upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, rash and headaches11. 9 Another FDA-approved drug, Danazol, is also used for prophylaxis; however, its use is limited by its contraindications and major side effects. It is contraindicated in patients who are pregnant, lactating or with impaired hepatic, renal or cardiac functions. Major side effects include hepatic toxicity and androgenic effects, which are often irreversible. Other complications include myalgias, cramps, headaches, anxiety, cholesterol abnormalities, persistent hematuria and transaminase elevations12,13. Other approaches to prevent triggering HAE attacks include avoiding angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and estrogens, as these have been shown to worsen symptoms. Estrogens are thought to decrease expression of ACE, and ACE inhibition acts synergistically with C1-INH deficiency to increase plasma levels of bradykinin. What are the treatment options currently available to treat the symptoms of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) attacks? Proper acute treatment of HAE attacks can be potentially life-saving. The FDA recently approved Kalbitor, a plasma kallikrein inhibitor to be administered in a healthcare setting via subcutaneous injection to treat sudden attacks of HAE in patients 16 years and older. The medication has known side effects such as an allergic reaction usually within 1 hour after receiving Kalbitor with symptoms that can be similar to those of HAE. Other side effects include headache, nausea, diarrhea, swelling of the nose and throat, fever and skin irritations. Kalbitor should not be administered to any patient with known clinical hypersensitivity to it14. Berinert is another C1-esterase inhibitor approved by the FDA for use in the United States to treat acute abdominal attacks and facial swelling associated with HAE. Similar to Cinryze, it is also contraindicated in patients with history of life-threatening hypersensitivity to C1-esterase inhibitor and is delivered by a healthcare professional. The most serious adverse effect with Berinert is the increase in severity of pain associated with HAE. Subsequent HAE attacks, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, muscle spasms, pain, diarrhea and vomiting are other adverse effects commonly reported with Berinert15. Treatment with corticosteroids, antihistamines, and epinephrine has not been proven efficacious in aborting acute attacks16,17. Fresh frozen plasma containing the C1-esterase may help to abort episodes of acute HAE, but fresh frozen plasma can cause adverse events due to reactions to other plasma components. A significant aspect of therapy in acute attacks is supportive including pain 10 management and fluid replacement. Intubation or tracheotomy is frequently administered to provide adequate support for attacks associated with severe respiratory compromise1. In the future, however, patients may have more options for treating HAE attacks. To find clinical trials, go to What is the role for diagnostic testing? With HAE following an autosomal inheritance pattern, it is critically important to test immediate and extended family members of a newly diagnosed patient as early as possible. On average, two other immediate family members of an HAE patient will have HAE. The rate of testing immediate family members in the US is below the world average with only 37% of immediate family members being tested. Additionally, on average two members of the extended family of an HAE patient will have HAE, but only 23% of extended family members are tested for HAE10. The accurate diagnosis provided by thorough clinical and laboratory evaluation is essential for appropriate therapy of attacks and management during childhood and pregnancy. Laboratory confirmation provides the opportunity for family counseling18. Conclusion HAE is an autosomal dominant genetic disease whose underlying cause is due to a deficiency of C1-inhibitor. HAE attacks result in significant morbidity due to painful, recurrent attacks of inflammation that can be life-threatening when laryngeal involvement occurs. Since HAE is frequently misdiagnosed for extended amounts of time, it is critically important that clinicians be aware of the presenting signs and symptoms associated with the disease. It is equally important that patients with angioedema of unknown etiology, along with immediate and extended family members, be adequately tested for HAE. When treating HAE, it is essential that clinicians understand the underlying cause of HAE i.e. a patient’s deficiency of C1inhibitor. There are newer therapies now available for prophylaxis as well as for treating signs and symptoms at specific anatomical locations associated with HAE that can improve patient outcomes. Current clinical trials are listed on Information about investigational therapies is also available in NORD’s Rare Disease Database and on the web site of the US Hereditary Angioedema Association. 11 Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) study cases Case 1 Patient History A 27-year-old female who was previously diagnosed with HAE presents to the emergency room with a history of cramping lasting over an hour, severe abdominal pain, and vomiting. She has suffered from recurrent abdominal attacks since the age of 12 and has been taking Danazol for prophylaxis but recently discontinued due to adverse effects associated with therapy. Her recurrent attacks have been severe enough to require multiple hospital admissions for fluid replacement and pain control. She has also experienced laryngeal attacks in the past requiring emergency tracheotomy and extended hospitalizations. Outcome Patient was admitted to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for evaluation and treatment. She was treated with IV fluids and narcotics and her symptoms resolved over a period of 48 hours. The attending physician recommended the initiation of prophylactic therapy. Conclusion Although she has endured multiple hospitalizations, emergency respiratory interventions, extended periods of time away from work, and significant impact on her quality of life, only supportive care can be offered to this patient. She is at a high risk of symptom recurrence and repeated hospital admissions, and should benefit from being on a prophylactic treatment for HAE. Case 2 Patient History A 31-year-old male with previously diagnosed HAE and a history of facial & laryngeal attacks presents to the emergency room with labored breathing. The patient had been on prophylactic Danazol therapy for a number of years, but has since stopped treatment due to excessive toxicities and continual attacks of HAE. The patient has been experiencing similar attacks since the age of 10 and has had emergency intervention (i.e. intubation / tracheotomy) on numerous occasions requiring extended hospital stays and severely impacting quality of life. Although highly educated, this patient is unable to retain a job due to the extended periods of hospitalization that render him incapacitated and unable to perform any job-related functions. 12 Outcome The labored breathing the patient was experiencing continued to worsen upon his arrival at the hospital and an emergency tracheotomy was performed (intubation was attempted and failed due to massive airway swelling). The patient went into a drug-induced coma and remained in intensive care for a period of 8 days. On day 8, the airway swelling had rescinded, the tracheotomy was removed, and the patient was sent home. Conclusion The impact of disease on this patient’s life has been devastating. Due to the unpredictable nature of this disease and rapid onset of symptoms, the patient has been unable to travel or retain steady employment. Additionally, treatment with Danazol therapy has proven ineffective and highly toxic with the patient continuing to experience attacks while on therapy. As a result, this patient has continued to rely on emergency intervention when experiencing laryngeal attacks and could benefit from newer treatment options now available for managing certain symptoms and prevention of HAE. Patient Support and Resources National Organization for Rare Disorders 55 Kenosia Avenue PO Box 1968 Danbury, CT 06813-1968 (203) 744-0100 The US Hereditary Angioedema Association Seven Waterfront Plaza 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 400 Honolulu, HI 96813 (866) 798-5598 Immune Deficiency Foundation 40 West Chesapeake Avenue Towson, MD 21230 (800) 296-4433 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 611 East Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 272-6071 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 85 West Algonquin Road, Suite 550 Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (847) 427-1200 NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 31 Center Drive MSC 2480 Bethesda, MD 20892-2480 (866) 284-4107 14 References 1. Nzeako UC, Frigas E, Tremaine WJ. Hereditary angioedema. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:2417-2429. 2. Zuraw BL. Hereditary Angioedema. NEJM. 2008;359: 1027-36. 3 Bork K, Siedlecki K, Bosch S, et al. Asphyxiation by laryngeal edema in patients with hereditary angioedema. Mayo Clin Proc. 2000;75: 349-354. 4. Frank MM. Hereditary Angioedema: The Clinical Syndrome and its Management in the United States. Immunol Allergy Clin N Am 26 (2006) 653-658. 5. Davis AE. The pathophysiology of hereditary angioedema. Clin Immunol.2005;114:3-9. 6. Gompels MM, Lock RJ, Abinun M, et al. C1 inhibitor deficiency: consensus document. Clin Exp Immunol. 2005;139: 379-394. 7. Moore GP, Hurley WT, Pace SA. Hereditary angioedema. Ann Emerg Med. 1998;17: 1082-1086. 8. Jensen NF, Weiler JM. C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency, airway compromise, and anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 1998;87:480-488. 9. International survey of patient experience of HAE, Aug-Sept 2004, Double-Helix Development. [Data on file] Lev Pharmaceuticals. 10. Gompels MM, Lock RJ, Morgan JE, et al. A multicentre evaluation of the diagnostic efficiency of serological investigations for C1 inhibitor deficiency. J Clin Pathol. 2002;55:145-147. 11. C1-esterase inhibitor [Human] (Cinryze) [package insert]. New York, NY: Distributed by Lev Pharmaceuticals, Inc; May 2009. 12. Hosea SW, Frank MM. Danazol in the treatment of hereditary angioedema. Drugs.1980;19: 370-372. 13. Zurlo JJ, Frank MM. The long-tem safety of danazol in women with hereditary angioedema. Fertil Steril. 1990; 54: 64-72. 14. Ecallantide (KALBITOR) [medication guide]. Cambridge, MA: Manufactured for Dyax Corp. 15. C1-esterase inhibitor [Human] (Berinert) [package insert]. Kankakee, IL: Distributed by CSL Behring LLC; October 2009 16. Zuraw BL. Current and future therapy for hereditary angioedema. Clin Immunol. 2005;114: 10-16. 17. Danocrine (Danazol) [package insert]. New York, NY: Marketed by Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc; October 2006. 18. Weiler CR, Van Dellen RG. Genetic test indications and interpretations in patients with hereditary angioedema. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006;81(7): 958-972. NORD gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following physicians in the preparation of this publication: Sukirti Bagal, MD, MPH Medical Editor National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Danbury, CT James W. Baker, MD Baker Allergy Asthma and Dermatology Research Center Lake Oswego, Oregon Timothy Craig, DO, FAAAA, FACOI Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Pennsylvania State University, Hershey Medical Center Marc Riedl, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Medicine Section Head, Clinical Immunology and Allergy UCLA – David Geffen School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA Nord Guides for Physicians #10 #1 The Pediatrician’s Guide to Tyrosinemia Type I #2 The Pediatrician’s Guide to Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency…and other Urea Cycle Disorders #3 The Physician’s Guide to Primary Lateral Sclerosis #4 The Physician’s Guide to Pompe Disease #5 The Physician’s Guide to Multiple System Atrophy #6 The Physician’s Guide to Hereditary Ataxia #7 The Physician’s Guide to Giant Hypertrophic Gastritis and Menetrier’s Disease #8 The Physician’s Guide to Amyloidosis #9 The Physician’s Guide to Medullary Thyroid Cancer #10 The Physician’s Guide to Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) These booklets are available free of charge. To obtain copies, call or write to NORD or download the text from This booklet was made possible by a charitable contribution from ViroPharma Incorporated. The purpose of the NORD Physician Guides is to increase awareness of rare diseases to facilitate early diagnosis and, when it is available, treatment for patients. If you would like additional copies of this booklet, write to [email protected] or call NORD at (800) 999-NORD. For information on rare disorders and the voluntary health organizations that help people affected by them, visit NORD’s Web site at or call (800) 999-NORD or (203) 744-0100. NORD helps patients and families affected by rare disorders by providing: • Physician-reviewed information in understandable language • Referrals to support groups and other sources of help • Networking with other patients and families • Medication assistance programs • Grants and fellowships to encourage research on rare diseases • Advocacy for health-related causes that affect the raredisease community • Publications for physicians and other medical professionals Contact NORD at: [email protected]. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) PO Box 1968 Danbury, CT 06813-1968 Phone: (203) 744-0100 Tollfree: (800) 999-NORD Fax: (203) 798-2291
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