Field Day 2015 Lunch Ticket Order Form The JLPA will again be offering hot lunch at Peckham Park on Field Day. Lunch will consist of a hotdog on a roll, chips, juice box, ketchup and watermelon. Snack will also be provided in the morning. The cost of lunch will be $3.00 If you are interested in ordering lunch for your student(s), yourself, or any others who will be attending Field Day with you, please return this form with payment no later than FRIDAY, MAY 15th. Note mandatory signature at bottom of page for ALL students. Please list the classroom teacher so that tickets may be distributed properly. One order form per family is sufficient. PLEASE NOTE IF YOUR CHILD WILL BE ORDERING MORE THAN ONE LUNCH. Checks should be made out to JLPA. Please direct questions to Nina Healy ([email protected]) or Jenna Driscoll ([email protected].) Thank you! Name of Each Person Ordering Classroom Teacher 1. 2. 3. 4. ***Parents, please indicate the TEACHER with whom you will be having lunch. Total lunches ordered:_________ @ $3.00 = __________________ enclosed. **MANDATORY PARENT SIGNATURE REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS** All students will receive watermelon, Skinny Pop and popsicles. The lunch/snack provided will consist of Hummel Bros. hotdogs, Freihofer’s hot dog buns, Lays potato chips, Minute Maid Juice box, Hunt’s ketchup, Skinny Pop Popcorn, and Popsicle Fire Cracker Jr. Ice pop. I am aware of the menu for field day. ______ I give permission for my child to consume this food ______ I DO NOT give permission for my child to consume this food ______ I am interested in a gluten-free Hot dog/bun option. Please contact me. Signature:__________________________________Phone # ____________ Date:_______________________________ JLPA FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Friday May 29st, 2015 Rain Date: Monday June 1st, 2015 We are looking for help in the following positions: Grillmasters: Need someone to cook the hot dogs. 2 people needed Snack Coordinator: Purchase A.M. Snack, separate by class and distribute to classes on field day. We will provide a wagon. 1 person needed Packers/Watermelon Prep: Arrive at Peckham Park at 9:00 A.M. to pack brown bags with chips, juice, and ketchup and cut up watermelon. 5 people needed Servers: Arrive at Peckham Park by 11:00 A.M. to assist with cooking. Cooked hot dogs will be kept warm and then servers will put dogs in buns wrapped in napkins and placed in pre-‐stuffed brown bags. You will need to collect lunch tickets and distribute lunches to students as they arrive at the pavilion by class. 7 people needed Clean Up: Begins at 12:30 pm takes about 1 hour. 5 people needed Afternoon Snack Distribution: You will need to go back to John Lyman after field day and hand out the snacks to the students. 2 people needed If you are interested in helping out , please call or email Nina Healy: [email protected] Jenna Driscoll: [email protected] THANK YOU!!
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