to Your Health Rest Your Way to Blood Sugar Balance

Lowering Cholesterol
May Be Dangerous
to Your Health
Rest Your Way
to Blood Sugar
What is Iron
Deficiency Anemia?
Is Your
“Get Up and Go”
FALL 2013
The GM’s Message
Fall is in full swing. Even though we are still enjoying mild weather,
the leaves are falling.
I love this time of year because we have a lot of local organic fresh foods
available to us. Eating in season means better nutritional content, fresh,
flavorful, less expensive.
Come in and explore all the fresh local 100% organic produce available
at our store – boost your immunity for the winter months.
There are a lot free seminars during the next months. Check our website
or call customer service for different topics, dates, and times.
Eat well, keep healthy this fall!
Yours in health,
Trashing Vitamins With
Garbage Articles
Is Your “Get Up and Go” GONE?
15 Sugar Named ‘Most Addictive
Rooibos - Nutritional
& Phytochemical Components
10 Lowering Cholesterol
May Be Dangerous to Your Health
10 The Common Cold
& Dangerous Substance’ of our Time
16 High Fiber for Fantastic Health this Fall!
17 The Beauty of Collagen
18 Coupons
20 Cancer – the Body/Mind Connection.
22 How to Stay Healthy in Autumn:
12 “Go Natural” to Protect Your Heart,
24 Naturopathic Treatment
13 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
14 Cheese
26 What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
27 Vitamin D
Vision & Immune System
Options for Schizophrenia
28 The Truth About Cancer
29 Tempeh
30 Start a Walking Group!
31 Garcinia Cambogia
32 Spice Up Your Love Life With Jasmine
33 Rest Your Way to Blood Sugar Balance
35 The Doctor Is In
• Homeopathy For Eye Troubles
• Are Heavy Metals Causing
My Health Concerns?
Professional Lines Available at Nature’s Emporium
Living Well Naturally Is published by ED MURPHY Sales In cooperation with Nature’s Emporium. This is a quarterly publication, distributed free to 100,000 select homes in York Region and environs by
Canada Post. All rights reserved. The information provided in this magazine is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for a professional health care provider’s advice or treatment for
specific conditions. Please consult your health care provider with any questions you may have about your condition. The publisher and its clients take no responsibility for statements or claims made by writers
or advertisers in the magazine. All material contained herein is protected under international law and may not be used whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. Although every effort is
made to ensure that the information contained is accurate, the publisher and its clients take no responsibility for any errors. The publisher may be contacted by email at [email protected]
Trashing Vitamins with Garbage Articles
Commentary by Travis V. Meyer
(OMNS Sept 3, 2013) Recently, while browsing the news, I found yet
another article trashing vitamins: “Stop swallowing vitamins and the
claims about their effects, doctors urge.” (
I found this article interesting due to some of the outrageous
statements made in the article by a Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Donald
Hensrud. I’m not in the health industry, nor do I have any advanced
degrees in health sciences (my masters is in business administration). Still, some of these claims are so outrageous you wonder how
they can print this stuff with a good conscience.
Here are just some quotes from the article that had me shaking
my head, along with my own layman’s opinion regarding such
“Vitamin pills are not merely of uncertain benefit. In some cases, and
especially in large doses, they are downright dangerous.”
This is a very charged statement, as it is asserting that you are
potentially risking your life by taking supplements in large doses.
However, where is the evidence supporting claims that vitamins in
large doses are “downright dangerous”? I have read articles that exalt the values of mega-dose vitamin therapy, and all of them have
had one thing in common: references to the scientific research
backing up their position. If the article is to be believed, it should
specify which vitamins are so “dangerous” and precisely what that
means, with abundant supporting citations.
Analysis of US poison control center annual report data indicates
that there have been no confirmed deaths from vitamins in the
28 years that such data has been available. (http://orthomolecular.
How about this statement:
“Megavitamins contain many times greater than the recommended
daily allowance. Five times, 10 times, sometimes 20 times more. And
I think therein danger lies. There are a number of studies showing
that you can actually get too much of a good thing, that this can
actually increase your risk of cancer and heart disease. I think most
people don’t know that.”
I have to admit that this was surprising to me. In fact, I’ve never
seen even one reliable study showing that taking vitamins in any
dose can increase my risk of cancer and heart disease. Again,
I’d love to see this great number of studies. Logic dictates that if
vitamins were really that dangerous, and had a number of studies
supporting this claim, this news would have been put out long ago,
especially since big pharma would be popping champagne and sending their propaganda officers into overtime if such news came out.
Not to mention the safety alerts and probable market withdrawals of
said vitamins. And that brings me to another point. Many prescription drugs can be hazardous to health, and several big money makers
have had to be withdrawn because of dangerous side effects. Compared to drugs, vitamins look pretty safe to me.
“Even a multivitamin might be a little bit too much. . . If you’re
taking just one nutrient, it may be throwing off the balance of the
overall milieu.”
Really? I’ll tell you what has thrown my milieu out of balance: taking
just one antibiotic. My milieu was so out of balance that I was stuck
in the bathroom every 30 minutes. If taking one vitamin, say extra
vitamin C, may be throwing off nutritional balance, I want proof,
not assumptions or speculation.
Antibiotics put over 142,000 into emergency rooms every year, just
in the USA. Common antibiotics, the ones most frequently pre-
4 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
scribed and regarded as safest, cause nearly half of these emergencies. (
That supposedly reliable news sources publish such throw-away
articles just blows my mind. How can you make such speculative claims without any facts to back up such statements? Which
brings us to the statements that rankles me the most about this
Offit argued in a recent opinion article in the New York Times that
“People need only the recommended daily allowance - the amount of
vitamins found in a routine diet.”
That depends on both how you quantify need, and how you quantify what makes up a routine diet. I suppose if you don’t want to
develop scurvy, all you need is the RDA. But is that really the
point? I don’t want to get sick, I don’t want to get cancer, and I don’t
want to need antibiotics, so perhaps I need a bit more than the RDA.
How do we know that the processed foods we’ve been purchasing
for the last 50 years are all that nutritious? In fact, hasn’t there been
much ado about how our routine diet of processed foods is making
us obese and ill?
You don’t need a medical degree to cock your head and say, “Wait
a minute, something smells fishy here, and it’s not my Omega 3
pills.” I’d like to close with this: my wife and son have significantly
reduced their terrible allergies by taking large doses of vitamin C
daily. Also, my son seems to have increased his focus after starting on niacin supplements. All this, and no sign of cancer or heart
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine. Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight
illness. For more information:
Is Your
Get Up and Go
By Lorna Vanderhaeghe
Fatigue, peeling fingernails, hair loss, poor
concentration, heart palpitations, pale skin,
restless legs and dark under-eye circles, poor
cognition and memory decline are just a
few of the symptoms of low iron or iron
deficiency anemia. So important is iron to
health that even a mild deficiency can affect your ability
to perform everyday mental and physical tasks. And you do not
have to be anemic to feel the effects of low iron.
Iron is needed for energy and to manufacture hormones like estrogen,
progesterone and serotonin your “happy” hormone. New research
has found that low iron levels in our younger years contribute to the
development of Alzheimer’s in old age. We used to think only women
needed iron because of their monthly cycles but dietary studies have
found that we should be getting 20mg of iron from our diet and most
of us are only getting 8mg due to the decline in meat consumption.
Children, athletes, men and the elderly are now found to be iron
deficient as a result.
What’s the right blood level of iron?
For hemoglobin, the normal test range is 117-160g/L for women and
131-180g/L for men but your hemoglobin should be around 140g/L
for optimal health. A normal range ferritin test will be 15 – 160ug/L
for women and 15-410ug/L
for men but ferritin should be
around 70ug/L or your hair
Losing Your Hair?
falls out. Remember, even a
One of the least known causes of
low-normal iron can cause the
symptoms mentioned above.
hair loss is low iron — and you do
not have to be anemic to lose your
hair. Simple low normal iron will
cause huge hair loss. Hair follicles
contain ferritin. When ferritin
stores decline in the hair follicle,
it affects the ability of the hair to
grow, it falls out, turns grey faster
and these hairs are often mistaken
for androgenic alopecia.
Liposomal iron
Not all iron supplements are
equal. Make sure the iron you
are taking states the “elemental iron” on the package — 10
to 30mg per day is the right
dose. Liposomal iron is the
best choice. Iron delivered in
a liposome (picture iron in a
protective bubble) improves iron
absorption because the iron is
able to travel through the acidic
stomach and is delivered to the iron receptor. As a result hemoglobin
and ferritin increase quickly and the iron does not cause the stomach
upset and constipation associated with iron tablets. Liposomal iron
is five times better absorbed than common doctor prescribed ferrous
There is no need to drag through your days feeling tired or suffering
from other iron deficiency symptoms. Reclaim your “get up and go.”
Ask for your FREE iron booklet at your health food store.
Lorna Vanderhaeghe, is a woman’s health expert who has been
researching nutritional medicine for over 25 years. With degrees
in nutrition and biochemistry, she is the author of eleven books including
A Smart Woman’s Guide to Weight Loss and A Smart Woman’s Guide
to Hormones. Visit
6 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
Rooibos - Nutritional & Phytochemical Components
by Willow Tohi
(NaturalNews) Rooibos tea has been enjoyed
for its taste and health benefits by generations of South Africans. A broom-like herb
from the diverse mountain area near Cape
Town; it is actually a legume rich in antioxidants and minerals. The international
popularity of rooibos tea has been growing
steadily since it was first exported a century
ago, especially among the health conscious.
These days, it’s not uncommon to see rooibos tea and rooibos-based coffee drinks at
your local coffee house or on the shelf at the
local health food store.
Rooibos, “red bush” tea has many
of the same benefits as other herbal teas:
It contains polyphenols shown to have
anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic, antiinflammatory, and anti-viral properties
It is naturally caffeine-free so you can
drink it before bedtime, which may
help with insomnia
It is low in tannins which allows easier
assimilation of its minerals
It has no oxalic acid, making it a great
choice for kidney stone sufferers
It has a variety of vitamins and minerals,
as well as other phytonutrients
Understanding the phytochemicals
of nutrient-rich rooibos
As the popularity of rooibos grows, more
and more people are taking note of its
medicinal properties, sparking researchers
to investigate its phytonutrients. Findings
indicate rooibos to have more than 50 times
more antioxidants than green tea as well as
anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, anti-fungal, and
anti-allergic properties.1
Rooibos is a good source of essential and
trace minerals as well, including: iron, magnesium, potassium, (organic) fluoride, copper, manganese, zinc, and vitamin C. However, it is the high antioxidant polyphenolic
content that has scientists’ attention, having
been found to help prevent diabetic vascular
complications and protect against cardiovascular disease, among other benefits.
Health benefits of rooibos phytonutrients
Like any superfood, the healthful biological effects of the phtyonutrients of rooibos
translate to a whole host of benefits. You get
the most benefit from drinking it. Studies
are ongoing to verify its traditional uses and
potential applications. One study of significance indicates that changes in production
seasons and the quality grade effects the
phenolic content and antioxidant activity.4
No effect was noted on total polyphenol
Rooibos is also said to ease nervous tension,
headaches, and digestive problems such as
heartburn, indigestion, nausea, and constipation. Initial studies showing inhibition of
xanthine oxidase suggests it could limit uric
acid production, aiding in gout treatments.5
Additional benefits include6:
And, like some herbal teas:
It can be given to infants, children, and
pregnant and lactating women. Rooibos
eases colic and stomach cramps as well as
helping with hyperactivity or insomnia/
promote sleep.
It is a good source of antioxidants
It is good for the skin due to its alpha
hydroxyl acid and zinc content, and can
be applied topically to ease acne, eczema,
sunburn, etc.
Rooibos (pronounced roy-boss) is a flowering bush with reddish-brown stems and
green, needle-shaped leaves. Two kinds
of tea are made from it: red and green.
Usually, the twigs are harvested, oxidized,
and sun-dried. This brews into a hearty
red color and has a naturally sweet taste,
sometimes described as fruity or nutty.
The green rooibos is more difficult to find.
The process of making it is more involved,
making it more expensive. It is not oxidized,
has a mild, malty and slightly grassy taste,
and twice the flavonoids.
Animal studies have shown that rooibos has
anti-mutagenic, immune-modulating, and
cancer protective activity due to its flavonoid
content. They protect against genetic damage
to cells and inhibit skin tumors. Two specific
flavonoids found in rooibos, quercetin and
luteolin, have known cancer fighting qualities. Scientists are evaluating the possibility
that rooibos can activate an enzyme that
gives protection against liver and colon
cancer. Rooibos flavonoids are also credited with its bronchodilator effects and
anti-inflammatory activity, explaining its
usefulness at treating respiratory disorders,
allergies, asthma, and other ailments.2
Rooibos contains aspalathin and nothofagin,
two antioxidants found in few other food
sources. Credited with reducing the aging
of the brain (it prevents age-related accumulation of lipid oxidation), and preventing
or inhibiting chronic and degenerative
diseases, the biological activity
of rooibos’ antioxidants is clear.3
8 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
It is good for the cardiovascular system.
It reduces heart disease through ACE inhibition, reduces lipid peroxidation, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. It also increases
HDL cholesterol levels, compared with
control groups, and lowers blood pressure.
It strengthens bones and teeth
It protects cell proteins, cell fats, and DNA
It suppresses fasting glucose levels, and
improves glucose uptake and insulin
secretions after eating
It aids in liver tissue regeneration
It inhibits rotavirus infection
It has no known side-effects
Many studies have been conducted on
rooibos over the last few decades. They
suggest that the potent antioxidant activity
coupled with the phenolic compounds gives
rooibos tea powerful phytochemical properties that are good for you and that show
potential in medicinal application. Though
scientists are still unlocking its potential, it
is clear that rooibos tea is an excellent
addition to any diet.
Lowering Cholesterol
May Be Dangerous to Your Health
Dr. Elie Klein ND
As shocking as it may sound to the many
readers, abundant research to date have
shown that high cholesterol is a weak
predictor CVD and is not the direct
cause of plaque in the arteries.
In a recent study involving over one
hundred thousand heart attack patients,
75% of the subjects had normal cholesterol levels. Many studies have demonstrated that mature adults with
low cholesterol experience greater premature mortality over those
with normal to high cholesterol numbers. For example, one recent
study showed that individuals over 60, with cholesterol levels of 4.4
or less (5.2 is considered normal) had 60% increased rate of death
over the course of the study period (12 years).
Regarding cholesterol lowering medications, not only they may
not be as helpful as they have been painted, they can be outright
dangerous. Two types of drugs are used to lower cholesterol. The
first is type belongs to a group of drugs called Statins (Lipitor,
Crestor, Zocor), which are some of the most commonly prescribed
drugs in the world. The other type constitutes the cholesterol
absorption blockers. In the Merck sponsored ENHANCE study,
the carotid artery thickness (plaque size) worsened the most in
those receiving the most aggressive anti-cholesterol therapy
(combination of Zocor & Zetia).
Each cell in the body has a membrane that surrounds its content.
Through it, nutrients enter the cells. Cholesterol accounts for 20%
of the cell membrane material and as such, influences its structure
and function. When cholesterol levels in the membrane fall, it
becomes more rigid and the ability to absorb nutrients such as
glucose is diminished. It is perhaps no surprise that the FDA (the
American Food and Drugs Administration) recently added diabetes
to the list of risks associated with taking Statin drugs. Another area
cholesterol is important for is healthy function of the nervous
system. In fact, the brain contains 25% of all the cholesterol
in the body. The FDA also recently added Alzheimer’s
to the list of risks associated with Statin drugs.
Other common complaints of patients on Statin drugs include
muscle and joint pain and weakness, general low energy levels
& fatigue with exertion. Doctors regularly check the function
of the kidneys and liver of patients who take cholesterol lowering
drugs because of the known potential for damage of these organs
by these drugs.
Common Cold
By Kate McDonald
Even though you might be the healthiest person you know, the
truth is that you aren’t invincible. The common cold is indeed all
too common because the bugs that cause them have a number of
factors on their side. Viruses aren’t just airborne. They can live for
up to 3 days on things like escalator handrails, door handles, coffee
cups, drinking glasses and plastic surfaces.(1) No wonder so many
of us get sick every year! Once in contact with a host, the virus will
lock onto epithelial cells in the nasal cavity and replicate, sparking
the unpleasant cold/flu symptoms we all know so well. Furthermore,
10% of colds are caused by bacteria(2), so even if we escape the
viral infection route, there are still bacteria out there seeking
to make a home in our delicate membranes.
Fortunately, there’s Echinaforce® to defend against cold and flu
infections and to help us recover when we do get sick.
Professor Jim Hudson, researcher at the University of British
Columbia, explains how Echinaforce can help us avoid
cold-related catastrophes:
“Our laboratory studies on Echinaforce revealed two interesting and
clinically relevant activities. Firstly, Echinaforce, even at high dilution,
has a potent virus-killing activity against human influenza virus, herpes
simplex virus (responsible for primary and recurrent cold sores), and
respiratory syncytial virus (responsible for many lower respiratory
infections, especially in children). Echinaforce can also kill several bacteria
associated with cold symptoms. Secondly, in response to the inflammatory
chemicals induced by many respiratory viruses and bacteria (resulting in
inflamed and stuffy mucous membranes), Echinaforce can reverse this
effect by alleviating the secretion of these inflammatory chemicals.” (3)
Simply put, Echinaforce® kills the viruses responsible for causing
cold and flu while at the same time easing the symptoms.
But you don’t have to wait until you get sick to take Echinaforce®!
Because of its unique ability to modulate the immune system and
keep it functioning at peak efficiency, Echinaforce® can also help
ensure that you don’t get sick in the first place. And during times
when the immune system is compromised or weakened- periods
of stress, inadequate sleep or even after the physical exertion of a
workout (which is otherwise good for you!) - the formula works
even harder, getting your immune response back to the levels where
it should be, so it gives you the exact level of protection you need.
And because Echinaforce® regulates the immune system rather than
simply boosting it and constantly making it work harder, it’s safe
to take daily for up to four months at a time.(4)
Interestingly, total cholesterol, or even “bad” LDL cholesterol,
aren’t good predictors of cardiovascular events. Research shows
that Triglycerides & HDL are far better at predicting the risk
of a cardiovascular event.
More on this in the next issue. Dr. Elie Klein ND is the Author of Read this
if you Have a Heart and the founder of Dr. Klein’s Healthy Heart Program.
Am Heart J. 157(1):111-117. Jan 2009
Circulation. 1995; 92: 2365-2366
NEJM. 358:14:April 3, 2008
JAMA Intern Med. Published online June 3, 2013
Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(15):1180-1182
Circulation 1997;96:2520-2525
10 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
Hendley JO, Gwaltney JM Jr. Mechanisms of transmission of rhinovirus
infections. Epidemiol Rev. 1988; 10: 243-258.
Johnston SL. Trends in Microbiology. 1997; 5 (2): 58–63. Mäkelä MJ et al.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 1998; 36 (2): 539–542. Hueston W, Mainous A. American Family Physician. 1995; 15: 1270–1276, 1281–1282.
Sharma M., Anderson S.A., Schoop R. and Hudson J.B. Induction of multiple
pro-inflammatory cytokines by respiratory viruses and reversal by standardized Echinacea, a potent antiviral herbal extract. Antiviral Research 83
(2009) 165-170. Sharma M., Schoop R. and Hudson J.B. Echinacea as an
Anti-inflammatory Agent : The Influence of Physiologically Relevant Parameters. Phytother. Res. 2008.
M. Jawad, R. Schoop, A. Suter, P. Klein, and R. Eccles, “Safety and Efficacy
Profile of Echinacea purpurea to Prevent Common Cold Episodes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2012, Article ID 841315, 7 pages, 2012.
“Go Natural”
to Protect Your Heart,
Vision & Immune System
W. Gifford-Jones, MD
Fourteen years ago following my own coronary attack doctors
recommended I take cholesterol lowering drugs (CLDs). Instead
I decided to follow the research of Dr. Linus Pauling, Professor
Williams Stehbens and Dr. Sydney Bush and take high doses
of vitamin C plus lysine.
Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Noble Prize winner, was ignored for
reporting that large amounts of vitamin C and lysine are needed to
prevent coronary attacks. Vitamin C is required to manufacture
healthy collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together.
Lysine, like steel rods in cement, makes collagen stronger. Pauling
claimed it takes a mere 10 milligrams of vitamin C to prevent
scurvy, but several thousand to prevent heart attack.
Williams Stehbens, Professor of Anatomy at Wellington University
in New Zealand, proved Pauling was right. Stebhens’ research
showed that coronary arteries closest to the heart are under
the greatest pressure. This causes collagen to fracture resulting
in the formation of a blood clot and death.
Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, has now proven that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis. Bush took retinal photographs,
then started his patients on high doses of vitamin C and lysine. One
year later additional pictures showed atherosclerosis had regressed
in retinal arteries. This was a huge discovery that has largely gone
unnoticed. His studies also show that high doses of vitamin C can
have a beneficial effect on the macula.
The results of Bush’s work show that not only can vitamin C help
with heart disease; it can help counteract the effect of aging on
the eyes. Vitamin C, along with other antioxidants including lutein,
beta-carotene and lycopene help protect ocular tissues from the
aging effects of free radicals. Infections are also something to look
out for as we age. Every year North Americans, on average, suffer
six common colds due to weakened immune systems. But infections
become more dangerous as we get older. For instance, during early
life influenza is rarely fatal. But later, when it strikes an exhausted
immune system, it results in the deaths of thousands of seniors
every year.
So what are sterols and how do they help to strengthen the immune system? Sterols are plant fats found in all plant-based foods.
Studies show that most North Americans are deficient in sterols due
to the way foods are processed today. For instance, unprocessed
plant foods have sizeable amounts of sterols. 3 ounces of whole
wheat berries contain 4,200 milligrams (mg) of sterols. But convert
this same amount into flour and 90 percent of the sterol is lost! Even
some vegetarians consume only 100 mg. Moreover, slimming diets,
ill health and aging also significantly reduce the intake of sterols.
The University of Guelph carried out a randomized, double-blind,
placebo controlled study on plant sterols and concluded they have a
positive effect on the immune system. For instance, the clinical study
showed a decrease in basophil blood cells. These release histamine
that is normally responsible for allergic reactions. There’s also a
reduction of interleukin-6, the cause of inflammation and pain.
An added benefit of plant sterols is that when taken before a meal
they block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol resulting in a
decrease in bad cholesterol and an increase in good cholesterol.
Growing older is inevitable, but many of the adverse effects of aging
are preventable with natural support from vitamins and nutrients.
12 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
Enjoy the Many
Health Benefits of Using
Apple Cider Vinegar
by Talya Dagan
(NaturalNews) Apple cider vinegar has been used in folk medicine
for hundreds of years. Apple cider vinegar has also been utilized to
treat allergies, acne, flu, pets, and dermatitis. Apple cider elevates pH
levels, increasing alkalinity in the body. It is anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Hippocrates recommended apple cider
vinegar over 400 years ago, and the Bible advises the use of vinegar
to treat infections and wounds. It’s easy to come by, and inexpensive
to use. Apple cider vinegar treats a wide variety of health problems
It’s an aid to the digestive system and cleanses skin and hair. It’s best
to purchase apple cider vinegar from organic apples. Vinegars that
have been processed are stripped of the health-giving nutrients, so
look for a natural unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar.
Nutrients in apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains over 90 different nutrients, including
potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, copper, iron, fluorine and
sodium. Apple cider vinegar also contains two ketones, 13 types of
carbolic acids, various trace minerals, amino acids, and fiber from
apple pectin. Apple cider vinegar has a lot of vitamin C and some
amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. Acetic acid is one of the
main ingredients in apple cider vinegar. This compound causes a
release of energy from fat and carbohydrates, making apple cider
vinegar an aid to weight loss.
Reduce stomach acidity with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as an aid for digestion. It
increases the acidity of the stomach, which helps digest protein, and
other foods that need an acid environment. For low stomach acid
or sluggish digestion, apple cider vinegar is an easy to use digestive
aid. Simply add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to one glass of
water (warm or cold) and sip with each meal. Alternatively, you can
add one teaspoon to a large container of water and drink throughout
the day. Drinking this throughout the day keeps the body’s pH in an
alkaline state but only drink before or after a meal.
Grow hair and cleanse the scalp with apple cider vinegar
For treating sinus infections or allergies, sip a small amount of apple
cider vinegar to break up the mucus and clears the sinuses. Apple
cider vinegar can also be used as a hair rinse, providing a balanced
pH to promote hair growth and scalp health. Vinegar is high in
alpha-hydroxy acids, which causes the removal of skin cells from the
hair follicles and the scalp. The pH of the apple cider neutralizes the
scalp’s pH and removes residue left from shampoos and conditioners.
Hair will be less tangled and have less frizz. Apple cider vinegar will
also help heal scalp conditions such as dandruff, by correcting the
scalp’s pH.
An apple a day...
Apple cider vinegar is inexpensive, easy to obtain, easy to use, and
has no side effects. You can even make apple cider vinegar at home.
Add a “mother of vinegar” to apple cider and leave it to ferment. The
“mother” is a form of bacteria that turns into acetic acid. Apple cider
vinegar has many healing abilities. It’s an old-fashioned remedy from
grandmother’s kitchen that brings its folk tradition of healing to
modern times.
About the author: Talya Dagan is a health advocate and health coach,
trained in nutrition and gourmet health food cuisine, writing about natural remedies for disease and nutrition and herbal medicine.
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 13
John Orlandi, Deli Manager
Always a Different Cheese to Sample.
Champayeur is an organic, soft
cheese with a bloomy rind
produced according to artisanal
processes and similar to certain other
goat cheeses such as lactic curd. It has a smooth texture and
is mild tasting but little chalky Although this cheese is soft it is not
runny. Typical of cow’s milk, its flavour is refined as a result of a rind
comprised of a soft blend of cream, fresh butter and mushrooms.
Savour it with a cider or a cremant on ice. Champayer is an old
French word that means a herd in the pasture.
Rang Des Isles, The Rang
Des Iles is a farm cheese
made from the whole milk of Brown
Swiss cows. This square-shaped, soft cheese has a pleasing
tenderness and a mixed shiny rind. It is mild tasting and preserves
a hint of sugar. The cheese is named for the road that borders
the cheese dairy.
Fleuron, This semi-firm veined farm cheese
is made from organic cow’s milk, created
in 2007. Its flavour is more intense
than Rassembleu, evoking plants,
mushrooms, wet wood, freshly cut
grass, and a hint of the country. The
natural crust is marbled with white and grey mold, giving it a most
rustic appearance. Its cylindrical shape hides a soft veined surface
with a slightly granular texture that melts in your mouth.
Its logo confirms its origin: a real Quebec Bleu Cheese!
Tomme des demoiselles is a
pressed storage cheese is aged
for more than 6 months. It is
made from raw whole milk from
a single herd of Canadian cows.
Their feed comes entirely from the Magdalen Islands
region. Two beautiful small hills on the Havre Aubert landscape
inspired the cheese dairy in christening this cheese.
Petits Vieux is a firm cheese aged
naturally in a cellar. This farmstead
cheese is made from the whole
milk of Swiss brown cows that are
put out in the pasture to feed in the summer and are fed dry
hay in the winter. Both the name and image of this cheese are
representative of the grandparents of the cheese dairy’s
owners Emilie Claveau and Eugene Cote.
Zacherie Cloutieris a raw sheep’s
milk cheese ripened from 4 to 6
months. It’s firm paste is
semi-cooked and exhales sweet
aromas of butter and caramel. It’s orange
coloured washed rind shows a zigzag design and the
presence of small buds. The name, Zacherie Cloutier,
is a tribute to the Cloutier-Houde family.
Sugar Named ‘Most Addictive & Dangerous Substance’
by Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) While the rest of the world is busy obsessing over the
dangers of cigarettes and alcohol, the head of Amsterdam’s health
service in the Netherlands is trying to raise awareness about a much
bigger and more pervasive health threat: sugar. According to Paul
Van der Velpen, sugar is the most dangerous and addictive substance
of modern times, and more needs to be done in the interests of public health to make people aware of the many harms caused by this
ubiquitous drug.
In a recent letter posted by GGD Nederland, an association of the
country’s community health services, Van der Velpen discusses the
issue of obesity, rates of which have risen dramatically in the Netherlands in recent years. Pointing out that obesity, which is linked to
metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and a host of other
chronic ailments, saps the healthcare system of tens of millions
of dollars annually, Van der Velpen emphasizes that exercise is
simply not enough to reverse this growing trend.
Bravely defying processed food industry claims, which insist that
sugar consumed “in moderation” is just fine, Van der Velpen delves
into the actual science behind how the body responds to sugar as
opposed to protein and fat. In his letter, Van der Velpen explains that
sugar intensifies food cravings, for instance, and causes people to
eat far more than they otherwise would without it. Additionally,
he points out that sugar also disrupts normal food metabolism,
eventually leading to addiction.
“Just like alcohol and tobacco, sugar is actually a drug,” writes Van
der Velpen, in an English translation from the original Dutch. “This
may seem exaggerated and far-fetched, but sugar is the most dangerous drug of the times and can still be easily acquired everywhere ...
The use of sugar should be discouraged. And users should be made
aware of the dangers.”
Europeans consume far less sugar than Americans, and yet
health officials there recognize a growing health epidemic.
If you have ever visited Europe, then you may recall that most of the
foods produced and sold there are generally far less sweet than foods
produced and sold in the U.S. And yet, despite this difference, Van
der Velpen still sees a major public health epidemic brewing in his
country as a result of sugar consumption -- how much worse must
the situation be here in the U.S., where public health officials generally avoid tagging sugar as a major factor in declining public health?
“Sugar is actually a form of addiction,” adds Van der Velpen. “It’s
just as hard to get rid of the urge for sweet foods as of smoking.
Thereby diets only work temporarily. Addiction therapy is better ...
Health insurers should have to finance addiction therapy for their
obese clients.”
It is important to note that Amsterdam has long tolerated the presence and use of other typically restricted substances such as cannabis, a plant that government authorities the world over have long
referred to as a “drug,” within its borders. Cannabis, of course, does
not harm the body and is not a public health threat, thus Amsterdam’s relaxed approach to its availability within the city. Sugar, on
the other hand, is an actual threat, and Van der Velpen hopes others
will learn this truth and take action.
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 15
High Fiber for Fantastic Health this Fall!
Sherri Doak BA, RHN
Registered Holistic
We’ve all heard it before “eat a fiber rich
diet”, but we don’t
give it the attention
it deserves when
we are looking at improving and maintaining
health. The typical North American diet is
dramatically lacking in fiber. Fiber is a vital
part of a healthy diet, but most of us are getting less than half the recommended amount!
A healthy adult needs 25 to 35 grams a day,
but surveys show that the average daily Canadian intake is about 14 grams. That needs
to change.
With the rates of cancer and heart disease
being what they are, everyone needs to give
fiber the respect it deserves. A high fiber diet
has been shown to reduce the risk of colon
cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Research has shown over and over again that
people who eat higher fiber diets tend to
weigh less and are less prone to weight gain
as they age. Less fat means less risk of disease.
Whether you are looking to prevent heart
disease, diabetes or cancer, or you just want
to lose weight and improve digestion,
fiber is essential.
remove it from the body through regular
bowel movements. Wheat bran and psyllium
have been shown to decrease levels of harmful estrogens circulating in the blood when
used daily. Soluble fiber is found in psyllium
seeds, apples, bananas, carrots, cabbage,
potatoes, oatmeal, oat bran, sesame seeds and
Insoluble fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, and
lignin) also known as roughage does not dissolve in water or breakdown in your digestive
tract but passes through almost intact. Think
of insoluble fiber as a broom that sweeps
debris through the GI tract. It moves through
the intestines and controls and balances pH
in the intestines. It promotes regular bowel
movements, removes toxic waste from the
colon and helps prevent colon cancer by
keeping an optimal pH in the intestines to
prevent pathogenic bacteria from producing
cancerous substances. Insoluble fiber is found
in wheat bran, unpeeled apples and pears,
strawberries, tomatoes, peas, beets, root
vegetable skins, whole grain breads and
cereals, flaxseeds and popcorn.
It’s important to get both types of fiber in the
diet for optimal health. Focus on fiber rich,
whole foods and eliminate refined low fiber
processed foods. Plan to consume fiber at
every meal and snack; whole grains, nuts,
seeds, vegetables, fruits, beans etc. If this
proves difficult then find an organic fiber
supplement that contains good sources of
fiber, and fiber up for better health.
What are you waiting for?
Sherri Doak has a BA in Psychology, and is a graduate
of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (Registered Holistic Nutritionist, RHN). Sherri works at Nature’s Emporium and enjoys helping customers develop
a focus on whole food nutrition and food preparation
which is essential for success when adopting a natural
diet. Sherri is passionate about cooking and attended
The Holistic Cooking Academy of Canada where she
expanded her knowledge and skills. You can book a
complimentary 60 minute store tour with Sherri by
emailing [email protected] or calling
905 898-1844 ext 131.
There are two types of fiber:
soluble and insoluble. We need both.
Soluble fiber (pectin, gum or mucilage) dissolves in water and forms into a thick gel.
Soluble fiber absorbs water and improves
motility of the bowel. Think of it as a sponge
that soaks up toxins in the GI tract. It also
makes you feel fuller as it expands; great
for weight loss! It prolongs digestion so that
sugar is released and absorbed more slowly
and prevents spiking of blood sugars. This is
an important factor not only for diabetics or
those with blood sugar imbalances (almost
everyone!) but also for prevention of cancer.
Soluble fiber can also lower total cholesterol
and LDL cholesterol which reduces the risk of
heart disease. Soluble fiber lowers estrogen levels which is especially important in
preventing specific cancers like breast cancer.
Researchers believe that prolonged exposure
to estrogen can increase cancer risk. Tumor
growth in breast cancer can be stimulated by
estrogen. Fiber can bind to estrogen and
Specifically designed for the most ingredient conscious
consumer, VegEssential™ is dairy, trans fat and cholesterol
free, has no added sugars and contains no artificial
ingredients of any kind. It makes an ideal breakfast or
high protein smoothie and can be enjoyed any time
of day including before or after exercise.
Maintaining your health has
never been so easy.
16 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
The Beauty of Collagen
By Bahar Mahmoudi
Collagen is the most abundant protein found
in mammals, making up about 25-35 percent
of the total proteins in the human body. It is
part of the connective tissue framework and
is sometimes referred to as the “glue” that
holds the body together.
The name collagen is derived from Greek
and means healing and bonding. Its highest
quantities occur in the skeletal system, the
skin, the eyes, the kidneys, liver and alimentary tract.
Almost all tissues inside the human body receive support from
bundles of collagen fibers. These fibers give structure to human cells,
both externally and internally.
What does collagen do in our body?
Skin: Makes up 75 percent of skin. As we grow older, levels of collagen decrease and by the late 20’s most people are not producing
enough of it to properly maintain skin cells.
Hair: Collagen constitutes the supporting material of hair follicles.
Collagen pigment is identical with hair pigment.
Bones: Collagen with calcium and phosphorus salts constitutes the
bone building material. It forms 95% of bone matrix.
Muscles: Each muscle fiber is covered with three layers of collagen.
The collagen in the muscle helps it contract and stretch to transmit
Tendons, Ligaments and Cartilage: Tendons link muscles to bones
while ligaments link bones to other bones in the body. Cartilage is
found at joints and in structures like the ears. The tendons, ligaments and cartilage are all made up of collagen. Collagen gives the
tendons and ligaments the ability to transmit force from the muscles.
Collagen digestion in our body
For the collagen protein found in foods and most supplements to be
utilized by the body, it must first be broken down many times by the
digestive system, and then absorbed through the intestine into the
blood in the precise form needed. It is then reassembled into your
collagen at the proper site. Protein digestion of dietary collagen is
often incomplete, resulting in some very large peptide chains. These
long molecules are not used well in the body’s efforts to keep up with
the declining production.
What is hydrolyzed collagen?
Hydrolyzed collagen is produced from collagen found in the
bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals. The process of hydrolysis involves breaking down the molecular bonds between individual collagen strands using heat and either acid or alkali solutions.
The hydrolysis process results in reducing the collagen proteins into
small peptides.
The amino acid content of hydrolyzed collagen is the same as collagen. Hydrolyzed collagen contains 20 amino acids, which together
represent around 50% of the total amino acid content.
What are the benefits of taking hydrolyzed collagen?
Hydrolyzed collagen will help in achieving gains in lean muscle
mass, improve the symptoms of arthritis, and promote weight
loss through the burning of fat rather than carbohydrates and
proteins. Other potential benefits of hydrolyzed collagen include
improvements in skin toning and thickening, joint rebuilding,
arterial strengthening, increased energy, and organ rebuilding. Some suggest that hydrolyzed collagen may resolve chronic
problems such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, arthritis
in joints, bladder weakness, chronic fatigue, shallow breathing,
autoimmune, skin problems and splitting nails.
Bahar Mahmoudi is an International Pharmacy Graduate & Natural
Health Practitioner. Contact her at Nature’s Emporium.
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 17
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Cancer – the Body/Mind Connection
Positive Mind, Nutrition & How the Right Supplements Can Help
By Alicia Gonzalez
Part 2 of 4
The latest discoveries by Dr. Augusto
Ochoa and his colleagues at the National Cancer Institute show that some
cancer cells are able
to protect themselves
against immune surveillance. The next question is “Can the mind trigger the immune
system to find and remove the cells that
turn off the immune system?”...
Natural Killer Cells,
Stress and Depression
The mind/body connection is amazingly
powerful. An ever-increasing number of
studies is showing that stress and depression
suppress NK cell activity. The studies
examined so far clearly demonstrate that
our emotions and moods can affect the
immune system. We also know that a
healthy immune system is essential to
disease prevention. But does the state of
the immune system extend to preventing
and controlling cancer?...
In summary, we found that most cancer
patients exhibited most or all of the
following behaviors:
They did not express emotion and were
often unaware of any feelings of anger,
past or present.
They tended to not allow themselves
experience or express any other negative emotions such as fear, anxiety or
They were patient, unassertive, cooperative and appeasing with work,
social and family relationships and also
compliant with external authority.
They were overly concerned with
meeting others’ needs and insufficiently
engaged in meeting their own needs.
They were often self-sacrificing to an
Patients also showed self-blame and
guilt for bringing on their cancers.
We also know that:
Patients who are more emotionally
expressive had thinner tumors and
more slowly dividing cancer cells and
a much higher number of lymphocytes
(immune cells) invading the tumor.
Patients who are less emotionally expressive had thicker tumors and more
rapidly dividing cancer cells, with far
fewer lymphocytes invading the tumor.
How you can help transform
yourself and begin to Heal
Develop awareness of your emotions
Discover your inner guide
Reframe your ideas about your feelings
Learn the skills of emotional expression
with professionals, friends and family
Take charge of your medical care
Get the social support you need
Work through hopelessness
Cultivate fighting spirit
Cultivate Hope by opening yourself to the
reality of Faith; God’s presence in your life
and discover the positive message behind it,
or the positive intention behind it so you can
start Loving yourself.
Find out what is your mission on Earth,
sense of purpose, being able to see the
bigger picture.
Nutrition and Supplements that can help
Arginine in the Treatment of Cancerous
Considering the relationship between cancer
and impaired immune function, the need to
support, build, and stimulate the immune
system of those with the disease is obvious.
The amino acid L-arginine has been proven
to be helpful in enabling the immune system
to be more proficient in fighting cancer in
the body and has shown promise in its
What is Arginine?
Arginine is a complex amino acid and is
considered to be conditionally essential. It
does not fall perfectly into the essential or
non-essential categories, due to the fact that
arginine can be synthesized in the body at
adequate levels for maintenance in normal
adults. The body needs higher levels of
arginine when it is under conditions of
stress, illness, malnutrition or injury.
When these conditions are present arginine
is essential. There are also some rare genetic
disorders in which the synthesis of arginine
is impaired; in these conditions supplemental arginine is necessary. It is interesting that
even in those not deficient in arginine, beneficial effects were realized by supplementation. In the human body arginine is most
concentrated in skin and connective tissue.
The benefits of Arginine:
Aids in liver detoxification
Detoxifies ammonia
Increases sperm count in males
Aids in kidney disorders and trauma
Maximizes protein synthesis
20 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
Helps lower cholesterol
Stimulates blood flow
Stimulates cerebral circulation
Helps to reduce body fat and increase
lean muscle mass
Assists the body in collagen production
Assists in the release of growth
Enhances immune system function
Causes retardation of tumor growth
The actions of L-arginine that are
related to its use in cancer treatment:
Inhibits cellular replication of tumors
Assists in the release of growth
Enhances immune response
Improves rate of wound healing (in
cases of surgical intervention)
Arginine slows the growth of tumors and
cancer by enhancing immune function.
Supplements of free-form arginine, acting
as the precursor of growth hormone, have
shown the ability to increase the size and
health of the thymus gland. The thymus
gland is the “director” of the immune system
and plays a key role in determining the
effectiveness of the immune response to
cancer. When the body is under attack from
cancer, protein loss causes the thymus to
shrink, drastically reducing the strength of
the body’s immune response. The immune
response becomes more vigorous as the
thymus gland produces more of its enzyme,
thymosin, which in turn stimulates the
spleen and lymph nodes to manufacture
higher levels of T lymphocytes (T-cells). The
T-cells are not only increased in number,
but also become more active and effective.
T-cells aid in the destruction of pathogens,
including cancerous cells, either by digesting
the invading agent or by sending out toxic
compounds to destroy them.
Part 3: Food Sources
How to Stay Healthy in Autumn:
Chinese Medicine Concepts of Food & Energy
By Kelly Linstead,
Change is in the air.
The shift to autumn
is apparent. Chinese
medicine teaches
to live according to
the season which
means eating what
grows in each season and changing
the way we prepare our foods accordingly. The seasons tell us when we should
wake, sleep, and how much activity we need.
Traditionally, autumn is the harvest season.
It is the time for our bodies to harvest energy
to nurture our bodies for the colder months
ahead, internally warming the body against
external extremes to support strength.
Autumn is associated with the metal
element. The metal element governs the
mind, organization, and stability. We tend
to reflect, turning inward to our work, our
families and our homes during this time.
The organs associated with Autumn are
large intestine (yang) and lung (yin). How
exquisitely these two are paired. Lung qi
gathers and disperses energy and maintains
strength. The Large Intestine ‘lets go’ of what
is no longer necessary. A healthy balance
between the Lung and Large Intestine will
allow a person to honor commitments, but
then move forward.
The time of day associated with the
lungs is 3-5 am -perfect for early morning
meditation, with deep breathing practices.
Get into the habit of deep breathing and
paying attention to the beauty in your surroundings. Human emotions and physical
health are seen as deeply intertwined—as
mutual correlations. As the body houses the
mind, nourishing our body allows for proper
functioning of the mind and supports clear,
positive thought. Positive thought and a
healthy mind create a peaceful body that can
function with balance. The lungs are the
organ most affected by sadness and grief.
If grief is repressed, over time causes the
Lungs to contract, which means the Lungs
can’t extract sufficient qi from the air or
distribute that qi around the body and our
ability to defend ourselves is compromised.
Be in touch with your emotions so that you
may process them and release them. Deep
breathing, meditation, counseling,
exercise, and pungent foods may help clear
grief by balancing the Lung qi. Acupuncture
works on releasing emotional issues as well
as physical ones.
The Lungs in TCM are very closely associated with the immune system, our skin and
digestion, defending the body from external
attacks by viruses, colds and germs, often
led by ‘wind’ in TCM causing cough, dry
throat, asthma, acne, psoriasis, eczema,
dry skin, constipation and other gastrointestinal conditions are common at this
time of year.
To treat dryness in autumn you can enjoy
moistening, seasonal foods such as: tofu,
tempeh, soy milk, raw honey, spinach,
celery, broccoli, squash, daikon radishes,
carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, cauliflower, bok
choy, beets, cranberries, pears, peaches,
apples, papayas, persimmons, tangerines, citrus, loquat, seaweed, mushrooms,
almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds,
watercress, lima and navy beans, millet, barley, clam, chicken broth, yams, eggs, crab or
pork, also congee (millet, barley, rice) with
watercress and small amounts of Himalayan
salt. A simple tonic to boost immunity is
leek soup.
Steaming combats dryness. Cook at low
temperatures for longer periods of time.
Heavy foods, such as thick stews and soups
build energy reserves for the colder months.
Hydrate — drink lots of water, and wean
yourself from dehydrating fluids such as
coffee, black tea and alcohol and refrain from
Pungent flavors are important to strengthen and clear the Lungs. Phlegm with heat
use cooling pungents such as peppermint
and chamomile. For hot phlegm (yellow or
green colour) use cooling damp removers
such as watercress, radish, daikon radish
and seaweed. For cold phlegm (white) use
warm damp removers such as fennel, cayenne, garlic, onions, mustard greens, horseradish and ginger. There are foods that
can be used to clear all types of phlegm
in the Lungs, including potato, pumpkin,
linseed, turnip, job’s tears barley, tuna
and mushrooms.
Sour and sweet foods to support digestion
for autumn include adzuki beans, apples,
grapes, olives, sauerkraut, pickles, rose hip
tea, sour plums and sour dough
22 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
bread. Soups are great in autumn for several reasons, including the longer cooking
times that mean the ingredients are
easier to digest, and the watery medium
that nurtures yin fill with vegetables and
grains, such as rice to nurture the digestion.
Avoid damp in the autumn to strengthen
Spleen qi. Dairy and wheat are damp forming. Drain damp with mushrooms, green tea,
black sesame, black soybeans, capers, dry
ginger, job’s tears barley, turnips, mulberries
and pine nuts in your diet.
Avoid excessive intake of cold drinks and
cold food in Autumn that will slow the
digestive process and encourage wind –flatulence. Autumn generally is a good time to
cleanse the intestine.
Keep your nose and sinuses clean and
clear using a netti pot. If you suffer from
a runny nose, cold, or sinus infections,
acupuncture and Chinese herbs are wonderful for alleviating that problem. Now is the
time to strengthen your Qi to prepare
for winter, a perfect time to get a “tuneup” from your registered acupuncturist
to strengthen your immune system. TCM
includes many traditional practices intended
to simultaneously support healthy mind and
body functioning, including: herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, meditation,
Qigong, facial rejuvenation and last but not
least, nutrition.
For more than 10 years Kelly Linstead helped people
transform their health problems into solutions for attaining better health. Kelly is a Registered Traditional
Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Registered Acupuncturist, herbalist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, yoga
instructor, personal trainer and reflexologist. She offers complete health care at Lifestyles Wellness Spa
& Fitness Centre in Newmarket. She is a member of
the college of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario and the Canadian
Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
For more information call 905-953-8088,
open by appointment only or visit
Naturopathic Treatment Options for Schizophrenia
Dr. Michael Morsillo,
B.Sc., N.D.
“In my opinion, our
health care system
has failed when a
doctor fails to treat
an illness that is
–Kevin Alan Lee,
The Split Mind: Schizophrenia from an Insider’s
Point of View
Did you know that schizophrenia is a mental
illness that affects 300,000 Canadians? It is a
mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and typical emotional responses. Schizophrenia symptoms
include hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre
delusions, disorganized speech and thinking,
and is accompanied by significant social or
occupational dysfunction.
At our Naturopathic clinic, we effectively treat
a wide range of mental illnesses, including
schizophrenia. The following are just a few
of the causative factors that we will evaluate before implementing a natural treatment
protocol for patients with schizophrenia.
concentration, and fatigue. It is crucial for
those with schizophrenia to adhere to a diet
that has very little sugar content (i.e. junk
foods, white breads, white rice, white sugar)
and to have protein with every meal. At our
Naturopathic clinic, we use a specific blood
sugar test to assess this hypoglycemic state,
as simple blood sugar tests will not suffice.
Food Intolerances
Even if patients with schizophrenia are
eating an extremely healthy diet, there is still
a chance that several of these foods may be
contributing to their condition. Food intolerances can greatly affect many schizophrenic
patients, causing the digestive tract to trigger
an immune response and chronic inflammation. Some undigested by-products can also
pass through the gut wall, enter the bloodstream, reach the brain, and compromise
brain function. Consumption of intolerant
foods can cause the schizophrenic patient to
experience increased anxiety, depression, delusions, hallucinations, irritability, and insomnia. There have been cases of schizophrenia
that will be nearly 100% reversed with food
intolerance identification and avoidance.
Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
Our brains are full of neurons, which are primarily made up of fat. Essential fatty acids
(EFAs) are very important for brain health
since they play a role in nerve cell structure
and neurotransmitter function. Those with
schizophrenia tend to have a greater amount
of inflammation and oxidative stress, causing
nerve cells to break down much easier. Thus,
it is no surprise that an increased supply of
quality EFAs is crucial for these patients.
Salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, cod, and
trout provide the most omega-3 content for
fish. Other sources of omega-3s include scallops, shrimp, omega-3 eggs, flaxseeds, and
walnuts. In our Naturopathic clinic, we are
able to assess EFA deficiency using a Fatty
Acid Profile Test.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Our brains are so metabolically active, that it
is constantly in high demand for blood sugar
delivery. There is evidence that schizophrenia patients may have a decreased ability
to deliver glucose to the brain, leaving the
brain feeling like it is “low on fuel”. Many
schizophrenics experience hypoglycemic
states, involving sharp declines in their blood
sugar levels. When blood sugar levels suddenly drop, common symptoms arise such
as irritability, poor memory, low mood, poor
24 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
We will typically use Food Allergy Testing
in our Naturopathic clinic for patients with
Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses,
since eliminating these food intolerances
will usually produce immense improvements.
There are several causative factors that
must be addressed for every patient with
schizophrenia, and this will vary for each
individual. One thing is for sure, and that
is Naturopathic Medicine can offer safe and
effective treatment for those affected by this
challenging condition.
Dr. Michael Morsillo is a naturopathic doctor
who maintains a clinical practice in Newmarket
within Nature’s Emporium, where he focuses
mainly on anxiety, depression, cancer, thyroid
& hormonal concerns, detoxification, and
weight loss. He takes a natural approach to
health concerns utilizing nutritional counselling,
acupuncture, intravenous therapies, botanical
& homeopathic medicines. Dr. Morsillo is very
active within the community, writing articles,
holding lectures and television appearances and
is accepting new patients. For more information
or to schedule an appointment with Michael,
please call 905-898-1844 (ext. 135).
What is Iron Deficiency Anemia?
By Bahar Mahmoudi
The term iron deficiency anemia simply means
anemia that is due to iron deficiency. Iron
deficiency anemia is characterized by the
production of small red blood cells. When
examined under a microscope, the red blood
cells also appear pale or light coloured. For
this reason, the anemia that occurs with iron
deficiency is also called hypochronic microcytic anemia.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies in the
world. It causes anemia in men, women, and children.
Causes of Iron Deficiency
In adults, iron deficiency is most commonly caused by loss of blood.
In premenopausal women, monthly menstrual bleeding may cause the
deficiency. In men and postmenopausal women, iron deficiency usually indicates bleeding, most often in the digestive tract—for example,
from a bleeding ulcer or a polyp in the colon. Chronic bleeding due to
colon cancer is a serious cause in middle-aged and older people.
Iron deficiency may result from a vegan or vegetarian diet. Adolescent
girls who do not eat meat are at risk of developing iron deficiency
because they are growing and starting to menstruate. Pregnant women
are also at risk of this deficiency because the growing fetus requires
large amounts of iron. A disease of the intestine (such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease or celiac disease) can cause iron
deficiency as well. Taking some drugs such as long-term use of proton
pump inhibitors (PPIs) may decrease available iron in the diet.
Anemia causes paleness, weakness, and fatigue. People usually do not
notice how pale they are because it happens so gradually. Concentration and learning ability may be impaired. When severe, anemia may
cause shortness of breath, dizziness, and a rapid heart rate. Occasionally, severe anemia causes chest pain and heart failure. And sometimes
menstrual periods may stop too.
In addition to anemia, iron deficiency may cause pica (a craving for
non-foods such as ice, dirt, or pure starch), spoon nails (thin, concave
fingernails), and leg cramps at night. Rarely, iron deficiency causes a
thin membrane to grow across part of the esophagus, making swallowing difficult.
Once doctors diagnose anemia, tests for iron deficiency are often
done. As mentioned earlier, with iron deficiency the red blood cells
tend to be small and pale. Blood levels of iron and transferrin (the
protein that carries iron when it is not inside red blood cells) are measured and compared. The most accurate test for iron deficiency is a
measurement of the blood level of ferritin (a protein that stores iron).
A low level of ferritin indicates iron deficiency. However, sometimes
ferritin levels are misleading because they can be falsely elevated (and
thus appear normal) by liver damage, inflammation, infection, or
cancer. In this case, doctors may measure the level of a protein on the
surface of cells that binds to transferrin (transferrin receptor).
Normal ferritin levels in Canada for men is 18-270 micrograms per
liter (mcg/L), for women is 18-160 mcg/L and Children 6 months to
15 years is 7-140 mcg/L.
26 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
• Iron Supplement Therapy • Ferric Ammonium Citrate
• Ferrous Fumarate
• Ferrous Sulfate
• Ferrous Gluconate
• Ferrous Bisglycinate
• Heme-iron Polypeptide
Studies show ferrous bisglycinate relatively has high bioavailability.
Theoretically, the conjugation of ferrous iron with amino acid prevents
the iron from forming insoluble ferric hydroxide in the small intestine.
Therefore it is less likely to cause gastrointestinal intolerance than ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, or ferrous fumerate.
• Herbal tea therapy
• Yellow Dock Root
• Dandelion Leaf & Flower
• Stinging nettle leaf
The key to prevention of iron deficiency anemia that is not due to
disease or blood loss is proper nutrition. Plenty of iron-rich and easily
absorbed foods such as meats (especially liver), fish, poultry, eggs,
legumes (peas and beans), potatoes, and rice should be eaten.
Do not take Iron supplements with milk, calcium, tea, or coffee, as
this may decrease absorption. Taking them with vitamin C and B complex can help absorption.
Please note it’s best to continue taking iron
supplements for at least six months.
Bahar Mahmoudi is an International Pharmacy Graduate & Natural
Health Practitioner. Contact her at Nature’s Emporium.
is a blend of iron (ferrous glycinate), highly
absorbable B vitamins, and other nutritional
factors that may support the formation and
maintenance of healthy red blood cells.
Vitamin D Prevents Arterial Plaque
in Diabetics to Lower Heart Disease Risk
by John Phillip
(NaturalNews) Diabetics’ risk of developing heart disease or suffering a fatal heart attack are nearly doubled due to the devastating effect of insulin dysfunction and high blood glucose levels.
Experts estimate that as many as one in three Americans will be
affected by diabetes through the year 2050, a strong indicator that
rates of cardiovascular disease and death from heart attack will skyrocket in a linear fashion. Fortunately, diabetes and heart disease
are preventable through proper diet, physical activity, lifestyle
alterations and a host of natural compounds including vitamin D.
A research team from the Washington University School of Medicine
in St. Louis has determined that people with diabetes often develop
clogged arteries that cause heart disease, and suggest that low
vitamin D levels are to blame. Publishing in the Journal of Biological
Chemistry, principal investigator, Dr. Carlos Bernal-Mizrachi commented “About 26 million Americans now have type 2 diabetes... and as obesity rates rise, we expect even more people will
develop diabetes. Those patients are more likely to experience heart
problems due to an increase in vascular inflammation, so we have
been investigating why this occurs.”
Vitamin D is shown to significantly lower
macrophage adhesion to prevent arterial clots
A number of past studies have clearly demonstrated the critical importance of maintaining optimal vitamin D levels to reduce the risk
of heart disease. This research set out to establish the relationship
between white cell macrophages, typically responsible for fighting
pathogenic invaders, and the development of foamy arterial plaque
that restricts blood flow to the heart. Macrophages keep arterial walls
clear when they become activated as a result of inflammation.
To carry out the study, researchers evaluated vitamin D levels in 43
people with type 2 diabetes and in 25 others who were similar in
age, sex and body weight but didn’t have diabetes. They found that
in participants with low vitamin D blood levels (fewer than 30
ng/mL), macrophages were much more likely to adhere to the
inner endothelial lining of the vessels, where they trigger the
collection of oxidized LDL cholesterol particles that form foamy
plaque deposits. The vessels are then much more prone to become
stiff and block normal blood flow.
The scientists examined a relationship between blood pressure,
cholesterol, diabetes control, body weight and race, and found
that vitamin D was the only factor that influenced arterial plaque
formation. Dr. Bernal-Mizrachi concluded “Previous studies have
linked vitamin D deficiency to increases in cardiovascular disease
and in mortality... our work has suggested that vitamin D may
improve insulin release from the pancreas and insulin sensitivity.”
As studies are being conducted to determine if optimizing vitamin D
levels (50 to 70 ng/mL using the standard 25(OH)D blood test) can
actually treat heart disease in diabetics, daily supplementation with
the prohormone is a prudent measure for all at-risk adults.
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 27
The Truth About Cancer
By Brenda M. Leite
PhD (NM)
Cancer is the leading cause of death
in Canadians,
accounting for 30%
of deaths annually.
Cancer Society).
October is breast
cancer awareness month,
reminding women and men to bring their
awareness to their bodies and self care.
Based upon 2013 incidence rates, over
500 men and women will be diagnosed
with cancer daily and over 200, daily, will
die from it. Breast cancer accounts for 26% of
new cancer cases in women. Stats from 2007
indicate that an estimated 1 out of every 4
Canadians are expected to die from cancer.
Extrapolating this information could lead
to a 1 out of 3 ratio of Canadians who are
dealing with cancer. Breast cancer is the most
frequently diagnosed cancer in Canadian
women (excluding non-melanoma skin
cancer). Incidence rates are increasing among
women over 50. Men also experience breast
cancer although it is rare. Annual recent
Canadian statistics indicate that 190 men will
be diagnosed with breast cancer and 55 will
die from it.
There is no single cause for breast cancer but
some contributing factors may be: age, family
history of breast cancer (particularly if mutations of BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are present),
no pregnancies or having a first pregnancy
after age 30, menstruation beginning at
an early age and/or later than average menopause, dense breast tissue, taking hormone
replacement therapy and/or the birth control
pill, alcohol use, diet, smoking, consuming
excess “estrogen replicates” in diet such as
single serve water bottles with a “1” in the
recycling label, or meat or dairy products that
contain growth hormones, poorly managed
stress, lack of physical activity, emotional
blockage within the heart chakra, toxins both ingested and environmental, immune
health, exposure to excessive radiation to the
chest area. (According to the Public Health
Agency of Canada). The Canadian Cancer
Society recently added more definition to
alcohol use as a contributing factor to the
development of breast cancer, as follows;
Just over one drink of alcohol per day can
increase breast cancer risk. Alcohol may cause
higher levels of estrogens and it may decrease
some essential nutrients that protect against
cell damage such as folate, vitamin A and C.
Phyto-estrogens, plant based estrogens, found
in soy and flax, may also contribute to overloading of estrogens in the body. Estrogen is
the main hormone linked to breast cancer,
although progesterone and androgens can
also be involved in some instances. There
are sufficient studies to indicate the harmful nature of body care products, foods and
packaging that contain estrogen-replicators
(xeno-estrogens) and other contaminants,
that can encourage cell mutation.
Some possible signs of breast cancer developing are; a lump or swelling in the armpit, changes in the breast’s size or shape,
dimpling, thickening or puckering of the
skin, redness, swelling and increased
warmth in the affected breast (readily
determined by thermography), inverted
nipple or crusting/scaling of the nipple.
There are changes women and men can make
to their diet, stress levels, and lifestyle to
reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.
It is important to be aware that the United
States are allowed to use growth hormones
in their livestock. Check with your suppliers
of dairy and meat to find out if the product
is a blended American/Canadian product or
if the product is exclusively American. Local
produce, dairy and meat, identified as free of
hormones and antibiotics are the best choice.
Animals should also not be factory farmed as
the high levels of cortisol found in the meat is
passed along to you when you consume it.
Checking your breasts monthly is important,
28 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
as are clinical exams by your health professional. But since there are cancers that
develop even within seemingly healthy,
balanced individuals, diagnostic tools are
necessary to assist with discovering breast
cancer early enough to avoid surgery, chemo, drugs and risk of the cancer spreading
to other areas of the body. While you may
choose thermography, ultrasound, mammography and/or MRIs to assess the breast tissue,
the only way to diagnose cancer is a tissue
biopsy. Be informed. Be part of the process of
decision making. There are excellent integrative approaches that can treat the cause of the
imbalance on all levels of the body, mind and
Assess your risk factors, review your diet and
lifestyle choices and be an advocate for your
health. Prevention is the key to the success in
reducing the staggering cancer statistics. In
most cases, you can reverse or avoid cancer
through awareness and action with a natural
health care provider.
Dr. Leite is a Doctor of Natural Medicine who owns
Sunleite Integrative Health Centre in Port Perry, ON.
905-985-3303 |
Tempeh: A Highly Nutritious & Protein-Rich Fermented Soy Product
by Michael Ravensthorpe
(NaturalNews) Tempeh is a fermented soy product of Indonesian
origin. It is made from cooked and dehulled soybeans and culturing
agents and is characterized by its distinctive texture and solid consistency. Tempeh remains a staple in the diet of many Indonesians,
though it is also becoming popular in the West due to its numerous
health benefits.
Tempeh’s health benefits
Rich in protein - All fermented soy products are rich in protein. 100
grams of tempeh provides us with 18.5 grams of protein, 37 percent
of an adult’s recommended daily intake. This is comparable to the
protein levels found in 100 grams of pork chops or chicken legs and
higher than what you’d find in dairy products. Moreover, since the
fermentation process has already converted some of the protein into
amino acids, the protein is more digestible than that found in animal
products. This makes tempeh a superior source of ‘complete’ protein
for meat eaters as well as vegetarians and vegans.
Gastrointestinal benefits - Tempeh is rich in dietary fiber, which
can bind itself to toxins, thereby detoxifying our colon. This might
explain why incidences of colon cancer (and other cancers, like
breast cancer) tend to be lower in countries where fermented soy
products like tempeh are regularly consumed.
Good source of healthy fats - 100 grams of tempeh contains approximately 11 grams of fat, 2 grams of which are saturated. The
same amount also contains 220 micrograms of omega-3 fatty acids,
which can boost heart health and lower triglycerides, and 3590 milligrams of omega-6 fatty acids, which can stabilize blood pressure and
regulate the metabolism. Since our bodies cannot manufacture these
essential polyunsaturated fats themselves, and can only store limited
quantities of them, it is important that we consume foods rich in
them on a regular basis.
It contain large amounts of the B vitamins; 100 grams provides
us with 0.1 milligrams of thiamin (five percent of our RDI), 0.4
milligrams of riboflavin (21 percent), 2.6 milligrams of niacin (13
percent), 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B6 (11 percent), 24 micrograms
of folate (six percent) and traces of vitamin B12 and pantothenic
acid. While these B vitamins serve different purposes, all of them are
ultimately responsible for cellular growth and development and the
regulation of enzymes and proteins; deficiencies can lead to anemia,
depression, fatigue, respiratory infections and much more.
Trace mineral content - One serving of tempeh will provide us with
varying amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and copper. Additionally, 100 grams of tempeh contains a
whopping 1.3 micrograms of manganese, which is 65 percent of our
RDI. Manganese is a micronutrient that people tend to forget about,
but it serves important functions, such as promoting bone growth
(thus preventing osteoporosis and other bone diseases), helping the
body convert protein and fat into energy and the formation
of cartilage.
The soy question
Much has been written about the possible dangers of soybeans,
largely due to their toxic phytochemical content. These criticisms are
valid, but it’s important to remember that the fermentation process
removes these phytates while improving digestibility and nutrient
absorption. That said, it is always important to purchase organic
fermented soy products when possible, since soy is one of those
plants that’s been heavily subjected to genetic modification,
especially in the United States.
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 29
Prevent Weight Gain (Especially Belly Fat),
Which is More Likely During Perimenopause — Start a Walking Group! Go for 10,000 Steps a Day.
Even though many women don’t enter menopause until
their early fifties, perimenopause often begins in one’s forties. Hormonal fluctuations during this time can make fitness
more important than ever. As your hormone levels drop, your
metabolism slows down and you begin to store fat more efficiently, which means you’re much more likely to put on weight,
especially around the middle. Excess fat around the belly
can increase the risk for heart disease, diabetes and some
forms of cancer. Estrogen, which helps keep bones strong and
is thought to protect the heart, starts to drop at this time, so it’s
even more important to stay physically active to prevent bone
thinning and guard against heart disease. Organize a family or
neighborhood walking group, and meet one another each
morning or evening for a brisk, refreshing jaunt. The camaraderie will make you feel good, and the exercise will help your
body adjust more smoothly to the changes ahead.
Cleveland Clinic Wellness
30 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
What do you need to know?
Submitted by Ryan Foley
Garcinia Cambogia has gotten quite a lot
of media attention with heavy coverage by
Dr. Oz on his popular daytime television
show where he covered this nutrient in great
detail and interviewed expert Dr. Julie Chen.
Dr. Chen was intimately involved in the garcinia research and is considered an expert
on this nutrient.
The active compound of greatest interest in
Garcinia is known as Hydroxycitric Acid
(also known as HCA). HCA has the ability
to inhibit an enzyme that converts excess
carbohydrates to stored body fat. It also
has the added benefit of increasing plasma
serotonin levels so you feel happier and
more stable. Dr. Chen indicated on the Dr.
Oz show that, “garcinia is a dual action fat
buster that decreases emotional eating and
prevents fat from being made in the body!”
This being said, for those who tend to
overindulge in carbohydrates and eat for
emotional reasons, Garcinia Cambogia
certainly seems to be the perfect fit!
Bottom line, if you are not using Super CitriMax® you are not getting authentic calcium
and potassium bound material and you are
essentially wasting your hard earned money.
In fact, no studies have been conducted on
other materials. They are simply unproven
and also could potentially be dangerous!
largest meals lost an average of 11 pounds
and had a significant increase in plasma serotonin levels. This is precisely why Garcinia
decreases emotional eating and decreases
your desire to over eat while also shutting
down your body’s ability to produce and
store body fat.
In a 2-week clinical trial, subjects taking just
500 mg of Super CitriMax® before their 3
largest meals decreased their daily food consumption by 15-30%. In a second 8-week
clinical trial, subjects taking 1500 mg of
Super CitriMax 3 times daily before their 3
When it comes to Garcinia Cambogia the
jury is clear! Demand Super CitriMax® if
you are serious about getting results and
avoiding disappointment when using this
incredible weight loss nutrient!
Now here’s the catch and what you need
protect yourself from being ripped when
purchasing a garcinia product. There is only
ONE brand of Garcinia Cambogia called
Super CitriMax® that has been studied
and proven to be safe and effective in over
20 published clinical studies for appetite
control, weight loss, and blocking the
body’s ability to manufacture and store
body fat.
Super CitriMax® is very unique and is the
only Garcinia Cambogia extract available
that is standardized for HCA that is naturally bound to both calcium and potassium
in the form of hydroxycitrate. This material
is water soluble and far more bioavailable
in the body and for this reason is extremely
effective. No other garcinia material is
bound in this manner and cannot be legally
sold due to the numerous patents protecting
Super CitriMax®.
“It must be clearly understood that ONLY calcium and potassium bound Hydroxycitric Acid
(HCA) has been demonstrated in clinical trials
to be safe and effective in human subjects for
weight loss and appetite suppression!”
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 31
Spice Up Your Love Life With Jasmine
by Willow Tohi
(NaturalNews) Warm summer nights. Romantic, moonlit walks beside a lake or in a
garden with your mate. These are the images
portrayed by the scent of Jasmine. In India,
the Jasmine plant has been a known aphrodisiac for centuries. Jasmine works on men
and women emotionally and mentally, as well
as physically. It is a powerful, inspirational
fragrance that excites sensuality.
Jasmine influences the emotions. It penetrates
and diminishes fear. It brings euphoria,
boosts self-confidence, and defeats pessimism. It is especially useful for resolving
emotional dilemmas, particularly those centered around relationships and sex. Jasmine
helps unblock seemingly unresolvable emotional issues, opening the user up to trusting
self, and others, and offering the opportunity
for experiencing love, trust, and a relaxed
more confident physical awareness. It wraps
couples in mystery and magic. Fischer-Rizzi
says, “To adequately describe its magic would
require poetry.”
How Jasmine is used
relaxed feeling. But Jasmine is not just for
women. Undiluted Jasmine has a dark mahogany color, has a very strong animal scent,
and possesses strong yang energy. The more
it is diluted, the more yin it becomes. The
gentler the fragrance, the more effective the
essential oil will be. It helps with male sexual
disorders as well, such as enlarged prostate. It
is said to strengthen the male sexual organs.
Since many sexual problems arise from tension, anxiety, depression, or fear, Jasmine is
one of the best natural means for helping
with sexual dysfunction.
Other uses for Jasmine oil include:
It is a powerful antidepressant of a
stimulating nature, which is helpful
where depression has turned to lethargy
or listlessness
Massage or add Jasmine to the bath of
a person who lacks confidence and self
Jasmine is a good remedy for coughs,
especially those with catarrh, and chest
Jasmine is spectacular in any skincare
It is said to increase intuitive powers,
like its counterpart among precious
stones, the moonstone. It represents
intuitive wisdom.
It is said that Jasmine increases the attractiveness of the person wearing it.
It has a balancing action on male/female
Jasmine encourages the production of
new cells, improving skin elasticity.
Called “Queen of the Night” in India, the
flowers of Jasmine are the color of moonlight,
and emit a soul-stirring fragrance at night.
Jasmine oil is very close in chemical structure
to human perspiration, giving it a unique
ability to be completely absorbed by the skin.
As such, it has been part of the cosmetics
industry since before the industry began. It
makes wonderful bath oils, shampoos, body
lotions, and individualized perfumes are
especially special when made with Jasmine.
Jasmine is used to treat dermatitis, eczema,
and dry, aggravated skin. Our skin often
reveals unresolved psychological problems,
mirroring our feelings. In this way, Jasmine is
useful for treating psychosomatic disorders.
When Jasmine essential oil is applied to the
body’s surface, the skin, or inhaled, it reaches
the emotional center of the brain, redirecting
negative feelings such as fear, pessimism, and
sadness. It triggers the neurotransmitter enkephalin, which acts as an analgesic, to help
generate positive feelings such as pleasure,
euphoria, and contentment.
Jasmine is an expensive oil for several understandable reasons. Making it is extremely
labor-intensive. It must be handpicked at
night, when the odor is strongest, it evaporates. It takes a lot of blooms to create a small
amount of oil, and they are sensitive - if the
blossoms are squashed, it compromises the
quality of the oil. For one pound of Jasmine
essential oil, you’d need about 1,000 pounds
of handpicked blossoms, or 3.6 million blossoms. Added to that, Jasmine oil is not steam
distilled like most essential oils, as the fragrance won’t release that way. It has to be
extracted through use of solvents. This
means it is an absolute or essence,
but technically not an essential oil.
The idea is that the solvents will
be subsequently evaporated,
but should any residue remain,
they can be very toxic. For this
reason, Jasmine is for external
use only, and why distributors
of oils should investigate the
residues to ensure they are
Jasmine is beneficial when used to treat
women’s health problems. It is an effective
uterine tonic during childbirth, aids in milk
production, and with menstruation, though
there are less expensive oils that also work
for these complaints. Well diluted, say one or
two drops per three or four ounces of carrier
oil, makes a nice massage to the low back
area during pregnancy and labor, and it helps
to expel the placenta and combat post-natal
depression. It reduces muscle cramps and
joint pain, giving the woman a warm and
How Jasmine is made
32 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
a clean oil. The higher quality ones are
more expensive, but virtually pure. And, as
Jasmine needs to be diluted to be used, a
small undiluted bottle lasts a very long time,
offsetting the initial cost.
There are of course, fakes and synthetics
widely available and often sold as real Jasmine oil. It is much cheaper, and the smell is
described as “cheap” and “sickly sweet” making it fairly easy to detect. It is worth checking the reputation of the seller and producer.
The Jasmine plant is kind of high maintenance and will not bloom if it goes without
water too long, nor will it bloom after a frost.
It was imported from Persia to Europe in the
16th century. The South of France was the
main supplier for a long time, but can no longer meet demand. Today, huge plantations are
found in Morocco, Algeria, China, and India.
There is also demand for Jasmine Tea, which
offers many health benefits, though it usually
comes from a different species of plant.
Additional considerations
Standard essential oil warnings apply: do
use internally, do not store near homeopathy
remedies, do not use with homeopathy or
flower essence protocols, check with a qualified practitioner if you have any serious and
acute health challenges. Be careful wearing or
using Jasmine when imbibing alcohol as both
can lower inhibitions.
As Fischer-Rizzi says, “Like the waters of
a sweet river, this fragrance penetrates the
deepest layers of our soul, opening the doors
to our emotions.”
What is more sensual than indulging in
something decadent with your special someone? Especially one with some nice, positive,
healthy side-effects. Enjoy!
Rest Your Way to Blood Sugar Balance
by Michelle Waithe, BaSc., RHN, PTS
When dealing with
diabetes most people
take steps to change
their diet, exercise
routine, and add
certain supplements
to improve blood
sugar levels but
often forget about
the impact a hectic
lifestyle and too
little rest can have on optimal blood
sugar control. Unless you live somewhere
on a deserted island many of you are leading pretty fast paced lives, juggling all the
demands we place on ourselves on a daily
basis. When you throw dealing with diabetes into the mix things can get overwhelming pretty quickly and rest is often sacrificed
in order meet all the other demands of life.
We give priority to our careers, family, social
life, personal habits, and hobbies but how
much importance do we place on resting
our bodies and minds each day? What if I
told you that taking an afternoon nap could
lower your blood sugar almost instantly
or consistently getting a good night’s sleep
could significantly improve blood sugar
control over time? It seems counter intuitive
that slowing down could actually accelerate
results in regulating blood sugar but this
is often the key to balanced health in your
body and mind. Most conventional medical
advice suggests medication, dietary changes
(hopefully), and increased exercise to control
blood sugar but taking time to rest, relax,
and de-stress each day is unfortunately left
out of the prescription. Countless studies
have proven the link between lack of sleep
and less than optimal functioning of the
body, including blood sugar balance, not to
mention the effect this has on our mind and
thought processes. If you want to see the
overwhelming evidence just take a ‘Google’
at the effects of sleep deprivation and you
will be napping in no time!
Here are few suggestions that will help to
make taking time to rest each day a regular
part of your health routine, not just for blood
sugar balance but also for optimal functioning of the body, mind, and spirit. While I
speak from experience on how the lack of
proper rest affects blood sugar control even
those without diabetes can benefit from
these simple recommendations.
1. Try to go to bed at the same time
every night and wake at the same
time every morning, even on
your days off.
Although it is somewhat difficult to avoid
burning the midnight oil in order to accomplish all that we need to do in a day getting
into this routine will have your body craving
rest at the same time every evening and waking at the same time every morning, some-
times even without an alarm. This routine
will establish a steady cycle for metabolism
and optimal rest.
2. Wind down before bed.
Take time to unwind from the day’s events
and prepare yourself for rest. Most of us have
an established morning routine but find that
by the end of the day collapsing into bed is
about as close to routine as it gets. Engaging
in activities that are less stimulating to the
body and mind is a good habit to get into
before bedtime. Try taking a warm bath or
shower, using aromatherapy oils, listening
to relaxing music, reading something light,
or watching a funny episode of your favorite
show at the end of the day to get the body
ready for sleep. Turn down the outside
noise and tune into things that make you
feel relaxed and peaceful. Before bed is not a
good time to watch the news, work on something stressful, or try to get just one more
thing done before the end of the day. Avoid
anything that agitates the mind or makes
you feel negative emotions, you should enter
sleep in a state of joy.
3. Make your sleep environment
an oasis of rest.
Turn your bedroom into a oasis of relaxation, make it the most beautiful and
inviting room in your home. Avoid bringing
any stressful thoughts with you into the bedroom. Your bedroom should be a sanctuary
of rest. Continued...
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 33
Rest Your Way to Blood Sugar Balance Continued...
If you are someone whose mind is always
racing journaling before bed is a great
exercise to leave your thoughts of the day
4. Take a nap when you can.
Napping during the day is a wonderful way
to refresh your body and mind. All you need
is 15-20 minutes to get yourself going again,
anything more than that is not really necessary and could keep you up at night. Start by
doing this regularly on your days off. Instead
of reaching for a coffee schedule a nap when
you start to feel a little sluggish and retreat
for a 15-20 minute rejuvenation.
5. Rest without sleep.
Napping may not fit into everyone’s schedule
and lifestyle but there are other ways to
simulate the beneficial effects of napping.
Whenever you are feeling a little foggy or
tired during your day take a few minutes
clear your mind and tune into your body.
Move away from whatever you are doing and engage in some simple meditative
techniques. Taking a few deep breaths to
ground yourself and then taking time to
observe your thoughts and what’s happening
in your body for a few moments is all you
need to do. You will soon find that doing
this regularly makes a huge difference in the
productivity of your days and your overall
When you take time to rest your body and
mind each day you will feel more balanced,
34 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | fall issue 2013
consequently blood sugar levels and overall
health will improve. I have seen many
clients adopt near perfect diet and exercise
routines but do not achieve optimal blood
sugar control because they simply do not
take the time each day to rest their body and
mind. Rest and rejuvenation is an essential
part of the equation for holistic diabetes
Michelle Waithe holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition
from Ryerson University, is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist
specializing in natural diabetes management, and a Certified
Personal Trainer. Living with type 1 diabetes most of her life
has led Michelle down the path to find the best natural alternatives to manage and reverse the symptoms of diabetes.
You can contact Michelle at
[email protected] and through her
For Eye Troubles
Are Heavy Metals
Nicholas Mazzoli DSHomMed, RCSHom
Dr. Michael Morsillo, B.Sc., N.D.
There are many eye conditions for which
homeopathy can be very effective in treating. Retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts,
chronic dryness, macular degeneration,
injuries, infection and allergic symptoms (to
name a few) can be helped greatly with the
use of the appropriate homeopathic remedy.
Nicholas Mazzoli DSHomMed, RCSHom
For injuries to the eye, there are several
remedies that can be used based upon the
symptoms presenting. Arnica, Ledum, Symphytum, Aconite, Staphysagria are most notable. I have treated several different eye injuries in
both people and pets which have resolved successfully using homeopathy. In dogs I find a tear to the cornea to be a common eye injury
and many times trips to the vet can be avoided with the right remedy.
Some great herbal support during any eye discomfort is the use of
Euphrasia (eyebright) made into a tea or a simple tea bag (black,
orange pekoe). Both can be used as an eye wash to sooth many
eye irritations and promote recovery.
As parents we all dread the coming school year because of communicable disease risks, not so much because the kids are back in school,
most of us are very happy about that. But there are colds and flus, lice,
and pinkeye to contend with. Pinkeye also known as conjunctivitis
can be caused by several means. The bacterial and viral causes
are very infectious and can be spread easily. The most common
remedies I have used in the treatment of pinkeye are Euphrasia,
Pulsatilla, and Sulphur. Many times the condition can be stopped in
its tracts through the use of one of these three remedies. If there is no
resolution within 48 hours then seek out a professional homeopathy
for a more accurate prescription.
The more chronic diseases of the eye should be seen by a professional
homeopath, in conjunction with good ophthalmologic care. Homeopathy has had success treating disease in virtually every tissue of
the eye. Homeopathy is also a form of therapeutics that most people
never consider for their eye trouble although it has a well documented
history of success in treating eye disease. Homeopathic treatment
is non-toxic, is not contraindicated with pharmaceuticals and
has the potential to make significant improvements in your eye
health. I can only imagine how one might feel when faced with
diminished vision and the possibility of losing it entirely. I hope
that this article may inspire people to think outside the box
when it comes to finding solutions to their health issues.
I am available every Thursday at Nature’s Emporium
from 10am-4pm to assist you with your health questions.
Nicholas Mazzoli DSHomMed, RCSHom
Homeopathic Practitioner |
Causing My Health Concerns?
If you have ever ridden a bike, you know what
can happen when you do not clean or lubricate the bike’s chain. Over time, it becomes incredibly difficult to crank the pedals, the gears
don’t shift smoothly, and you likely begin to
hear a rattling noise as the chain makes its
rounds. Recognizing this problem and then
fixing it is relatively easy to do. Much like
the chain, the proper functioning of our cells
can be impeded due to heavy metal toxicity.
However, recognizing this problem is much
more difficult for several reasons. In this article, you will learn how
to tell if your symptoms are a result of heavy metal toxicity and what
you can do to test and treat this common condition.
Heavy metal toxicity will typically create symptoms that are very
general and take a long time to develop. Heavy metal toxicity is not
typically investigated or treated by the conventional medical system
and so patients are rarely tested for this, and they are not educated
about the impact this can have on their health.
According to the Environmental Working Group, humans have been
found to have an average of 250 or more chemicals in sampled tissues
and they estimate that 25% of the population are affected by heavy
metals. I think that the question everyone should now be asking is not
“are we toxic?”, but rather, “how toxic are we?”. Below is just a brief
list of the most common heavy metals that we may be exposed to.
Cadmium Sources – cigarette smoke, drinking water, plastics, asphalt,
paints, shellfish. Symptoms – headache, hypertension, cancers, infertility, suppresses immune system.
Lead Sources – drinking water, electrical devices, plastics, pesticides,
paints, candles, pipes. Symptoms - fatigue, anemia, anxiety, intestinal
distress, liver toxicity, neuropathy.
Mercury Sources – fish, dental amalgams, antiseptic creams, pesticides, fungicides. Symptoms – fatigue, neurotoxicity, autoimmune
disease, menstrual disorders, kidney dysfunction.
Since heavy metals can be implicated in just about any disease, we
always consider this as a potential cause for one’s health problems.
The good news is there are excellent tests that can be performed to
detect the presence of heavy metals in the body. In our Naturopathic
clinic, we often use a Hair Mineral Analysis to detect recent exposure
to heavy metals over the past 2-4 months. For some patients, we may
have to use a Stool/Urine Heavy Metal Test to detect long-standing
toxin exposure. In this case, these tests will prove to be most helpful
because they can detect stored heavy metals that cannot be found
using other methods of testing.
Once we are able to detect which heavy metals are present, we will
then be able to put together a specific heavy metal detoxification treatment plan that uses natural treatments to effectively target these heavy
metals so that we can safely get rid of them once and for all.
Dr. Michael Morsillo is a naturopathic doctor who maintains a clinical practice in Newmarket within Nature’s Emporium, where he focuses
mainly on anxiety, depression, cancer, thyroid & hormonal concerns,
detoxification, and weight loss. He takes a natural approach to health concerns utilizing nutritional counselling, acupuncture, intravenous therapies,
botanical & homeopathic medicines. Dr. Morsillo is very active within the
community, writing articles, holding lectures and television appearances
and is accepting new patients. For more information or to schedule an
appointment with Michael, please call 905-898-1844 (ext. 135).
fall issue 2013 | Living Well Naturally with Nature’s Emporium | 35
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