S.A.M. LOW TEMPERATURE HYDRAULIC FLUID MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SL;FS Lubricants Material Safefv Data Sheet Trade Name: 1- SECTION POLAR ICE H}'BRAIfLIC OIL CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Manufacturer SLiPS Address 146 Erie Industrial Park Port Clinton, OH 43452 tr MSDS ubricants CAS # Number MIXTURE DatePrepared PhoneNumber 419-635-2100 Emergency Number N/A 419-543-1356 Pro<iuctChemicalName PETROLEUM OIL 10/01/2005 Prepared By STANLEY SENSMEIER Intended Use Eydraulic Oil DATA CONTAII{ED HEREIN IS PURSTJANT TO TI{E AI{SI Z4OO.I STANDARD SECTION II. COMPOSITION AND INFOR.MATION ON INGREDIENTS COMPONENENTS CHEMICAL NAME o/oY OSTLA PEL ACGTH TLV LIMITS Naphthenic Petroleum Oil 80-950% N/A N/A N/A Acr-vlic Polymer 3-l0o/o N/A N/A N/A Proprie tar-v Additives 1-3o/o N/A N/A N/A SECTION Boiling Vapor IlI - PHYSICAL / CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Point 500* Specific Gravity Pressure 0.0 mm Hg at Vapor Density Solubility in (air:l) Water 70*F Melting Point N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=l) 0.001 INSOLUBLE Water Reactive N/A Appearance VOC Content NiA DensitY of3 0.88 >10 PH Page 1 (FLO=I) & Odor N/A AMBER or BLLIE, PETR0LEUM oDoR 7'3 lb' SECTION IV.I{AZARDOUS IDENTIFICATION. FIRST AID MEASURES & EXPOSURE CONTROL FIRST AID EFFECT OF EXPOSURE SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASUR.ES EYE Direct Contnct with materiEl or CONTACT exposure to vapors mav tause INILALATION High concentrations ofvapor or mist irritatiou. may irritate thc respiratory trecl F or direct contact, flush eyes with water, holding eyelids apart for tr5 minutes. Get medical attention if irritrtion or pain persists. Wear eye protection. Remove to fresh air, if not breathing, give artificial Use respiration. If breathing ir di{ficult, give oxygen. Seek medieal aftention if breething difliculties pcrsists. INGESTION May cause throfit irritalion, nauser, vomiting and diarrher. Breathing material into the Iutrgs dmring ingestion or vomiting may csuse luing injury. Immediately g€t medical attcntion. DO NOT iuduce vomiting. Ifspontaneous vomiting occurs. keep head below hips to avoid breathing material into lungs. Direct contact with material or Remove contaminated clothing end shoes. Wash skin thoroughl.v with soap nnd water. Get medical sttetrtion ifirrigation or pain persists. SKIN exposure to vapors is not expecied to cause irritstion. A single, prolonged exposure is not likely to result in the material being ebsorbed through the skin io harmful amounts" ABSORPTION NOISII/MSILA approved respimtory protective equipment when concentrafion of vapor or mist exceeds applicable limits. Use good persond hygiene, Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eaiing. drinking, or smoking. SECTION V - STABILITY AND REACTION X Stable Stability: Incompatibility (material to Hazardous Decornposition Hazardous avoid): Products: Unstable Avoid oxidizing agents. None under nonnal temperatures and pressures, Polymerization: X Will not occur_ May occur SECTION IV - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE AND DISPOSAL MEASURES Steps to be taken in case material is releasod or spilled: Contain spill ad r€cover free liquid by absorbing with a suitable material. Rinse spill site with clean n'ater. Waste disposal method: Disposal of absorbent material in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. SECTION Paee VII, 2 of3 HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Store away from strong oxidizers, strong acids and alkalis. Keep container closed when not dispensing, Keep from freeing. Always wear protective squipment. Other Precautions: Good personal hygiene is important. Keep area clean and wash hands before eating. SECTION Flash VIII. FIRE FIGIITING MEASURES Point Method 330*F Flammabilitylimits Used COC Extinguisher in LEL: UEL: Air % by Vol. lVo l0o/" Carbon Dioxide, dry chemical' regular foam or water spray Media HMIS Rating Special fire Fighting Procedures Health 0 Fire 1 Reactivity 0 Specific Hazard 0 Keep storage containers cool with water spray. Positive-pressure self contained breathing aFlparatus (SCBA) and structural firefighters protective clothing may pr,ovide limited protection. SECTION IX - TOXICOLOGICAL INFOR.MATION data: N/A Carcinogens: N/A Clinical test SECTION X - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecological Impact Ecotoxicology data: data: N/A N/A SECTION XI - TRANSPORTATION DOT Labeling N/A Information Proper Shipping Name: N/A Hazard Class: Classification: Hazard ldentification Packing Group: Number: N/A SECTION XII - REGULATION Categories or Components under SARA Title ltr: Components Listed in the TSCA Inventory: RCRA Hazardous Waste Codes: CERCLA Reportable Quantity: Page 3 of3 WHMIS 1\/A
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