Dynamics, management and biodiversity in temperate forests One day symposium, April 17th 2015; 10-17 August Krogh Building, Auditorium 1 , Universitetsparken 13, DK-2100 København Ø Hosted by the Centre for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC), University of Copenhagen. Supported by the 15. Juni foundation. Program 09.30-10.00 Arrival and coffee 10:00-10:20 Carsten Rahbek, Professor, CMEC, University of Copenhagen: Setting the scene: why forests matter for biodiversity conservation in temperate Europe, with a focus on Denmark Theme 1: Forest history, dynamics, and biodiversity 10:20-10:40 Bent Vad Odgaard, Professor, Department of Geoscience, University of Aarhus: Population expansions in cultural landscapes: Palaeoecological insights. 10:40-10:50 Karsten Thomsen, Biologist, Verdens Skove: Tree species diversity and forest structure in rainforest of South America – what can we learn in relation to forest dynamics in Europe? 10:50-11:00 Erik Buchwald, Forest ecologist, Danish Nature Agency/University of Copenhagen: The history of dead wood and veteran trees in Danish forests since 1500. 11:00-11:10 Hans Henrik Bruun, Associate professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen: Loss of vascular plant diversity in Danish forests 1870-2015 and drivers of the change. 11:10-11:20 Peter Friis Møller, Senior advisor, GEUS: Historical forest management systems and their potential for conserving biodiversity. 11:20-11:35 Björn Nordén, Researcher, Norwegian institute for Nature Research: Do pollarded trees support a higher species diversity of lichens, bryophytes and fungi than large unpollarded trees? 11:35-12:00 Jörg Brunet, Professor, SLU Alnarp: Ancient forests – modern threats: challenges for biodiversity management in forest reserves. 12:00-13:00Lunch Theme 2: Forest management and conservation of biodiversity 13:00-13:25 Asko Lõhmus, Senior researcher, Head of Conservation Biology Group, University of Tartu: Seminatural forestry combined with reserves: a success story for biodiversity conservation? 13:25-13:45 Lena Gustafsson, Professor, SLU, Uppsala: The evidence-base for retention approaches in forestry. 13:45-13:55 Hans Peter Ravn, Associate Professor, IGN, University of Copenhagen: Why do we find the best localities for rare and interesting insects on private lands and not in public owned forests? 13:55-14:05 Vivian Kvist Johannsen, Senior researcher, IGN, University of Copenhagen: Dead wood – development as result of choice of management. 14:05-14:15 Rita Buttenschøn, Senior advisor, IGN, University of Copenhagen: Woodland grazing with livestock versus deer - grazing pressure and carrying capacity. 14:15-14:25 Erik Aude, Director, HabitatVision: Can coppice maintain biodiversity in Alnus swamps? 14:25-14:35 Nerea Abrego, PostDoc, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Does forest connectivity and reserve size matter for conservation of wood-inhabiting fungi? 14:35-14:45 Péter Ódor, senior researcher and Bence Kovács, PhD student, MTA Cenre for Ecological Research: Effect of forestry treatments on microclimate, soil, biodiversity and regeneration in temperate oak-hornbeam forests - an experimental approach. 14:45-14:55 Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Associate Professor, CMEC, University of Copenhagen: Restoration of habitat complexity in managed beech forests – an experimental approach. 14:55-15:30Coffee Theme 3: Forest biodiversity, economy, and ecosystem services 15:30-15:55 Adrian Newton, Professor, University of Bournemouth: Planning for forest biodiversity and ecosystem services at the landscape scale - trade-offs and benefits. 15:55-16:05 Rasmus Ejrnæs, Senior researcher, Department of Bioscience University of Aarhus: Low energy forest as promising “novel ecosystems” on abandoned agricultural lands. 16:05-16:15 Eva Roth, Associate professor, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark: Planning for the Nordic assessment of Biodiversity, the IPBES way 16:15-16:25 Dalia Amor Conde, Assistant professor, Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark: Opportunities and cost of preventing species extinctions – what can we learn from the AZE approach? 16:25-16:35 Anders Højgård Petersen, Senior advisor, CMEC, University of Copenhagen: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in Danish forests - a national analysis. 16:35-16:55 Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Professor, CMEC-IFRO, University of Copenhagen: Conserving forest biodiversity on private lands – options and challenges. 16:55-17:00 Closing remarks 17:00-18:30 Beer/softdrinks in the lobby
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